Newspaper Page Text
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fViu,isajm bVakv fkidai, mo*u»a*v»
Official Organ of Taliaferro Co.
CRAWFORDVILLB, a Pit. 2-5, !«•.«(.
NOTICE All advertising must lx
jmid in «< 1 vam-e or arrange
...........**" " ,e
AO V < *C A T E- D E M OCR A T.
words wiil hi* charged for at the rate of
oiu* i-i-ut per word for each word exceeding
200 words.
The Woman's Homo Corn
1> 1 »iion is one of the brightest
andbesi printed household inag
arsines that come to our office.
Mrs. Simon Chapman was
carried up to (1 roenesboro
Saturday whr*reshe will remain
some weeks under medical
treatment, Her friends here
wish her an early recovery.
Thomson has put on its usual
swiftness and is going right,
ahead to build a cotton factory
and oil mill. Those people put
their heads and money together
n» and u 11 nitii/i tiiitiK 1
accomplishes 1 much. ,
r I he war with Spain boin^ now
at an end. there cannot be even
a pretext of authority for the
war which is being waged in the
Philippines. The President has
no right to wage a war without
the authorization of Congress.
— Ishmuelite.
‘•A A word umr,! to Ov the tb wise • is • sufh- ^
cient and a word from the wise
s totiid be sufficient, but you ask.
k.oV^Tie W Th °‘ Se Wl,< !
ott ' 7* ,,OH ¥ d
exnei-ienru. expei it nee of n t trustworthy
pe sons may be taken for know
ledge. Mr. W. M Terry says
Chamberlain s Cough Remedy
gives t>et, ter satisfaction than any
other in the market. He has
been in the drug business at
Klkton, Ky., for twelve years;
has sold hundreds of bottles of
this remedy arly all other
cough intyH
(>neimrne4 One Uangpd.
The outrage committed by
Sam Hose on the family of Alfred
Cranford was avenged, when
the negro was burned near New
mm Sunday evening last. Jie
was captured by two Jones
brothers near Marshalvilie, in
Macon county, Saturday night
and carried to New nan and de
,ivft red fo the sheriff. Soon the
crowd who gathered demanded
M![ ,
sal hv t. .he officers made the crowd
the wilder. Sato confessed that
ly killed Cranford but denied
having assaulted Mrs. Cranford.
Mrs. McBlroy the latter's mother
identified Hose and she cried
and asked Sam “what did you
kill Alfred for.” Sam claimed
(fiat Ligo Strickland, a colored
promised to pay him
*20 to do the terrible deed.
After Hose was burned Sunday,
Monday morning’s sun arose on
tiie lifeless body of Lige Strick¬
land swinging t.i a tree near Pal¬
metto. It. is said Hose implicated
two more who are being looked
out for.
$25,000.00 Given Away.
In the past year Dr, R. V.
Pierce has given away copies of
I his great work, The People’s
^ ommon Sensf* Medical Adviser,
at an expense to him of 25,000.00
dard exclusiveof book |K,stane. Thisston
on medicine and hy¬
giene,contains 1008 pages and
more than 700 illustrations. It
greatest and gra¬
vest problems of human life iu
simple English, from u common
sense those point of view. It auswers
linger questions of sox which
youth unspoken upon the lips of
maiden. It is essentially
a family book, and its advice iu
a moment of sudden illness or
accident maybe the means of
saving a valuble life. This great
work is sent absolutely free on
receipt, of stamps to defray the
costof 'nailing only. Send 2l
one c eut stamps for the book in
doth paper binding, or 31 stamps for
Pierce, covers. Address Dr R-V
Buffalo, N. Y
BY I. N. C.
Farmers are planting cotton
Miss Woodie Norman visited
i A
too much of our u 0 Ts H fj
it desecrated' in any ucl f.
Two little* strangjers L
f >ur community last wee h.
fl ^v- A v ^ 1 1 sto UM [ e
, he
other. a little girl at the of
Prank Akin, ;
Lillie Beasley am, ear 3.
Helle Taylor, two <> f »>q "
P U T>M»- will spend their,
some'tL rjn
i o n , ox m , r
w “' ts i ere
j Our Honor Roll this W o*it1 the
following pupil’s names tw«t i
E'hel Ellington. 993-4 A 8
Mattie Hell Tavlor, 9 S 3 J
Kale Lourence Ellington. Mtirdeii 98 9 S d-| j
In *
Lula EMiujrton 97 ” .%■
Li! 1 ie Beazlev. 97 /
Fannie Hancock, 963 -
Loyd Winter, 96
Dewitt Hancock. 93 ’i-^
Ilat'iv Murden. 90 5-6
tiny Monk. 93 4-3 A I
Cecil Hancock. 94 t 4
Bertha'Murden. 94 so-; |
Dupont Hancock. 93 I
Nina Murden. 90 X- 4
'he We general are glad to note of t ]1 iipils. tent iu
average I
School** in Cuba nu'tfB|j \ /
K ,
Prof. .J. F. Druughoc I ritly vi»
Itert Cuba with a view of 1 ling I the
out look for estalii Did sing v| W / ju l 1a _
vann, Ciib&jnexl fall. Ou h f 1 visited
Savannah, Georvia. whoreh] invert to
optn a well equipped buisn cJ^F iTh-gi- .liiiu
Prof. ()i 4 iigh -n in w li.-cfl ish>ng hus
CollogCN iness c-ollogen hllVfi su;ic-j.ii lo med CUlirsifl ii|^^B m Rio These sin
< -
tlon and special fiic.litic* forB ||ling t-"
>*itl()n. See Prof, DiaueliO-K j d. »-l-e
where in this iwnn-.—Sfwciai r will Is
given all who enter , Itlar of ''' collegi s
soon. l
Negro Bruins Hig Mpotis
X serious attempt at nurder
occurred a few nights ago ne f
Woodvilleon vhe plaiatition of
Mr. Jack Reynolds, negro,
named John Young, dilring the
night, while his wife i appa¬
rently asleep, drove an^ux into
the side of her face just above
the left eye, extending to and
just above the ear, making a deep,
broad, ugly cut, a portion of the
brain exuding. A ste^'-hild, a
small girl, eight,or nine wears old,
slept in the room, blit knew
nothing of the occurrence until
awaking in the raor she
heard a noise, as ll 1 l her
mother was cryirig^jj
1 Ih
il, I
I [»
111 it
[ r
* y
^ *
he :
31 ‘
*• j
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; ea:
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Stephens High School Notes.
We are sorry that some have stopped
school. Th* y are making a mistake,
Mr. Spain, a dwtingnsihed educator,
visited our school during the week. He
was a teacher in the Technological-school
nKli^novr filing ts.oks. We „re always |
glad >1 have *u< 1 %M - 0I> 1 r ,1C
contested, resulting in a victory f t Miss j
Sarah HmmanD sine. I
The entertainment Friday night was a
success -Mrs. Sanford and Mias Carter |
W “ r ‘ : assisted l»y Mr-. James Sanford Mrs. |
II .race Holden, Miss Elia Norton, Mr.
Jno, Stephens Mid Prof. Burney.
Mrs m. A. Sanford wa-absent two days
on account of sickness iu her family. Mr.
W. Sanfoid took charge of her room.
He is ipiite popular with ttie ittie one
but no one can fill M.s Sanford’s place
with tni'in.
The .subject for debate lust Saturday
night was: “lie,solved, that eapitol pun
i liinent should be abolished.” Affirmative,
Hem; tieid and Clarence Bonner; negative
Bert F.ynt and John Griffith, It was
decided in favor of the negative. Tiie
subject for next Friday night is: Resolved,
that the emancipation of the negro ha
been more beneficial ihmi detrimental to
hi< rrtCe - Affirmative, J. II. Sanford and
Alvin Goluckc: negative. H. F. White
and Kodcei-Flynt We would like for
every young man in th community to
j,,iu. Visitors are invited to the meeting:-.
o A. STO IX I A. -
Bears the The Kind Hm Hate Always Boiignt
of Ss
Tiie date for tin* muster out of Hay’s
immune. 1 ms been set fur May 2 , in Mu
Catarrh is an
A-rir.rican disease.
'll t’ l/i Mrs.Greger. Hapby,
-s-.jB'Ti Tex.,says: “Pe-ru-n»
K' has done so much good
By ™ for me that I am able
to do my own work.”
Mr. Jacobi! riffin. Elmer,
Mich., writes: “I was very
. nervous and unuble to
work. J have taken several
qjf bot*.les of Ve-ru-na and
’ am entirely well.”
Esther Esther, Frank-
4 linsville, N. C., says: “I
L f j H look your Pe-ru-na for
« deafnt ss can hear now as
W wel« as I ever could.”
letter from Mrs. H. A.
Tyner, of Four Oaks, N. C.. about her
daughter, Mrs. L. Keene. 81ie says:
Pe-rtt-fia Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
Dkar Sirs:— -“My daughter had every
symptom of consamption—suppression
0 f menses, night sweats and great ema¬
ciation. She was so low that none of
our neighbors though^ she could live.
In May Mr. C. R. Adams, of this place,
who had taken Pe-ru-na, told me if
anything would help her Pe-ru-na
would. I got a bottle of it and some
rock candy and began giving it to her
During the first few days she was so
weak she could only take a half tea
spoonful at a time, but 1 gave it to
herns often as she could bear it. Id
less than a week she could walk two
hundred yawls and back without rest
ing; she kept getting stronger, and in
twelve months she seemed to be ns well
as she ever was in her life. I feel, and so
does every one that knew about her
sickness, that Pe-ru-na saved her life,
My daughter's name is Mrs. L. Keene.”
MAY l«, II, 12,‘ 13, 1899.
The Georgia Railroad
Will Sell Rround Trip Ticket# »t
lHstmuee Travelled.
MAYSth,9thand 10th,
Good to Keuirn I'ntll May gist.
Fifteen thou*uuid Oufudeiuie Veterans
in the Grand l’atxtte May 10th.
tirm.-mbei Hie Grand Parade lakes place
M*v loth, the first day of the Reunion.
The Georgia Railroad will provide am¬
ple nounmmodatioits for riser proper hand¬
ling of this immense movement to Ihe his
tone city. Visitors will find numy points
r»f interest, among which we, may mention
For Sumter, Fort Moultrie. Rttlery VVag
uer, Castle Ptoekuey, the modern fmts
ereetrd on Sulii\ aii’s Island and ll>e beau
lifullseof Palms. None should Tail to
visit Charleston on this occasion.
The parade Cf Ihe Uidled Confederate
Veterans vnlJ be the largest ever made by
ihst *>rgaliix tion. Call on . vour nearest
agent* for rates and schedules
JOK W. WHITE, a. g. Jackson,
T. I*. A. g. P. A.
AneUFttt <*»•
J. A. THOMAS. c. n.coXa
c. F. X V. A. g. a.
AHaotn Athen«.
s. A. y. x p. j%,
Maotn, Ga. AtlMiitM, Ga.
| and Whisker Habit?
I cured at home wah
■ out pain. Book of par
I tmlkSKM rBEK
| B.M.WOOI.LFY, Pryor M.P
ba. GtSca 101 X. SI
Dr Miles’ Restorative Nervine promptly heaita
maxes La Grippe's grasp and restore*
KSSliilS ElStijf . In itSiiw This fearful disease often first appears
t gg a m ere scratch, a pimple, or lump in
Cases Gut of Ten—A
uu, a.... ° r«..pri UUi jjf ‘ I gp| Cancer can not the be disease cured by is a surgical virulent
operation, because a
* ; son , n the blood, circulating throughout the system, and although the
he goye or u i ce r—known as the Cancer-may be cut afresh, away, withj
ison rema ins in the blood, and promptly breaks out
renewed violence. obstinate, deep-seated! ‘
The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing incurable, induced few de
blood diseases which were considered a
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of
the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved
equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news
spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last been
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has aecu
mulated which is incontrovertible, of which *is
the following is a specimen :
sister “Cancer and is hereditary aunt having in our died family, from this mv father, dreadful a % $ /3_
an hor¬
disease. My feelings may be imagined when the
rible disease made its appearance on my side. It was
a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way as m •:
to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond good the m §»
skill of the doctors, for their treatment did no
whatever, the Cancer growing worse all the while
Numerous remedies were used for it but the Cancer MKS. S. M. IDOL.
grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed
know hoyv deadly Cancer . especially
to follow the others of the family, for I is.
when inherited I was advised to try Swift’s Specific (S. fc. fe ), winch, from the
first day, forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
bottles," when I was cured sound and well, and have had no symptoms of the
dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed. S. S- S. is the only cure
for Cancer.—M ks S M. Idol. Winston, N. C. o
Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable
information, will be sent free to any address by the bwift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Tax-Reeiev er’s N otiee!
The Tux Books will e open April 8 th for the purpose of reciiving the tax returns
of Taliaferro County for the tear 1899. furnish,
Eueh tax paver is required bv lew to make out on ! l.-inks which I will &
list of his propertv subject to taxation on the 1 st day of February of each .1 ear. 1 lie
law reqmres each tax payer to make bis returns in person, unless providentially hin¬
dered and failure to make returns subjects him to double tax.
I will visit the various Court Grounds at the times specified below:
PiM. | PL A CE: | Fiist. Hound. || Seeonu Round 1| Third Hound .
_ 12 Miiv 1 8 12 .looe 5 8 to 12 ra
tlo2 > onn Ground. April 17 8 to p m to a to ml a
608 Court Ground, “ 17 1 to 4 m At ay 1 to 4 p “ 5 1 to 4 p m
rto4 Sandy Cross, t » !*am t 3pm “ (j flam to 3pm.
60*7 (Combs, 44 19 9 • lo 44 ca 9 “ to 3 “ “ 7 9“ to 8 -‘
OOti |Court. Ground, 4 • 20 9 “ to cc 44 tu 9 : to 3 “ “ 8 9 “ to 3 “
U07 jCourt Ground. 4 4 21 9 “ to cc • 4 4 t ZJ 1 9 to 3 “ -‘ 9 9 “ to 3 “
0<)8 Court Ground, 44 24 9 “ to w i 1 4 4 or; 9 “ to 3 “ “ 12 9 “ to 3 “
172 Sbaron, 2b 9 " to CC •* i (4 9 •* to 3 “ “ 1 9 “ to 3
172 | Raytown, 4 « 26 9 “ to CC 44 ! “ 10 9 “ to 3 “ “ 2 9 “ to 8 “•
601st Dist Every Saturday until and including June 24ih, 1899. My books will
positively close ou June 24th, 1899. VEAZEY, T. C. T. C.
R. L. f
«• FREE ♦
Send to-day for FREE Package of
Sanford’s Golden Tablets,
8 trengthen the Nerve.- and make you fee 1 like a new peison. Only one package to
e 1 ,cli person. Order them to-day.
G. P. Ointment Cures Piles
If three applications do not it’ieve you, your money bsck.
Large Box. 25 cents, 01 send 10 cents for enough to prove
it, cures. Adores*:
Sanford Remedy Co., 411 £412 Fitten B’id’g. Atlanta, Ca.
A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand¬
somely Printed and Beautifully illustrated.
All about Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over
74 illustrations ; a standard w*rk. Price, 50 Cent*.
All about growing Small Fruits—read snd lorn bow;
contains 41 colored liie-likc reproductions of all leading
varieties and too other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ;
tells of all everything the principal -, with*J breeds; colored with 103 Kfe-Uke other reproductions illustration*.
Price, 50 Cents.
All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great
sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions of tsch
breed, with 13a other Illustrations. Price, 30 Cents.
Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding. Biitch- 1
ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over So beautiful haif
tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents.
The BIOOLB BOOKS are unique,original .usefut—you never
6 * W having anything like them—so practical, so sensible They
are an enormous sale—East West, North snd
South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
i • Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right
•way for the BlOOLE BOOKS. The
Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is « years
old; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head —
| quit-* the world—the her-you-have-said-it, biggest Farm and Household paper in
paper of its size in the United States
of America—having over a million and a-hal f regular readers.
5 YEARS (remainder of 1S99 isoo, 1901, lgcs and 1903) will be sent by mail
to ary address lor A DOLLAR BILL.
Sc.mpieof FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free.
CHAS. r. JENKINS. Phii.adei.pbia