Newspaper Page Text
* f Courage and Strength
in Times of Danger,
cry J\ead j the ,/ warning , between .
the me lines. find Whittle What is that thxtanrtrn warn
trig? It IS of the danger from
accumulation acTiirnii1zt<s\ri nf of badness in
the blood, caused by the
usual heavy living of the
Winter months. Serine r y is
the clearing, cleansing time
of the year; the forerunner of
the brightness and beauty of
glorious Summer.
1 ¥ollow tlie principle that Nature Inys
down, start In at once and purify your
blood with that Rreat specific. Hood's Sar¬
saparilla. It never disappoints.
ble Tumor* "A tumor as l>i„ as a lurirn mar¬
lettina onm<* under my tonaue. and instead of
favorite my physician operate Howl’s on Sarsaparilla. it., 1 used my
The bunch sprlin/ tonic, disappeared.” Mas. M. M.
donm. soon bowel),
.’iTH Mi r k St., Mass.
Rheumatism and conscientiously "1 had rbeumatlsm for
nve years can say tliat
lief. Hood’s Sarsamrilla has alven me entire re¬
children As wonderfully.'’ a blood purifier It lias helped my
to franklin Mas. S. A. Saoak.
Avenue, Passaic, N. J.
v* r
Never Disapfbjnts
Flood’* IM lIg cur« liver Uln, the non irritating and
the only cathartic to take with Hood** Sara*part!la.
Wooden C annon.
Quaker puns, that is the trunks of
trees, blackened to look like cannon,
have often been used to deceive tho
enemy, but in tho Chinese civil wnrs
of three years ago actual cannon made
of wood wero used. They wore made
from the trunks of hardwood trees,
shaped, bored by moans of rod-hot
pipes from the sugar mills, dried in
hot-air draughts and bound with
strong ox hides. They made fairly
serviceable urtiliory, one pioco boing
fired more than a hundred times be¬
fore showing signs of woakness. Tho
projectiles wore scrap iron, stones and
ifire-hardenod clay. At tho taking of
Amoy, wooden cannon used by the
Chinese woro found, and bamboo nr
t il lory has been employed by tho
Jaj nuose.
The Duchess of Cleveland is tho sole
Btirvivor of Queen Victoria’s brides
Unqualified Success qf Lydia E.
A German chemist, Dr. Goldschmidt,
lias discovered the process of reducing
chromium with aluminum so as to pro
cure a very pure metallic chromium at
I a cost of but a few marks per kilogram,
The metal wU , notoxy(lizoin the open
air, and ho is now at work trying to
fini * a method by which this cheap
c ij romiuni lnay t, 0 „tiii Z e,i to plate ar
tides as is now done with nickel. It
ing then nickel, would be cheaper, and
> n every way valuable iu the mechanic
Gntta percha is now at the highest
price in its history, and a question has
arisen as to where the supply would
come from in case it is decided to
to build a cable across the Pacific
ocean to our new possessions iu the
Philippine Islands. Ho short is tho
supply of gutta percha that cable
people say that if this cable is laid it
will be the last one that will be laid
until some now insulating material is
discovered that will take the place of
gutta percha.
Fre«.»To Prove It n Sample Bottle of B.
B. B. Sent Free to Any of Our Headers.
Head Symptoms.
If you have tried doctor*, salves, washes,
external and Internal remedies, and still
have Eczema, Tetter, Scald Head, Salt
liheum, then 11. H. II., (Ilolanlc blood Balm)
will cure you by literally driving body, bones, the
bad poisoned blood out of the
and entire system, and this Is tho only per¬
fect cure. Other remedies fail to cure be¬
cause they fall to drive the bad blood out.
11 . ii. 11 , is au internal powerful blood
remedy that Is meant to, and does, cure sfter
Ull else fulls.
Itching, burning, scaly, crusted or pimply fluid,
skin, blisters obtaining pus or with watery
skin rod, and an itching heat, or with
bvtt sores, on legs, arms hands, neok, or
f'/ceV Then take U. Jt. B., which will euro
you, leaving the flesh free from blemishes,
sores, or Itching of any kind. Children who
are afflicted with Eczema are always cured
With mild doses of B. lJ. B.
If you aro satlslled that IS. B. B. is what
you need you will And large bottles for sale
by all druggists for $ 1.00, or G bottles (full
treatment) #5.00. Forsample bottle address
Blood Balm t o., 9 Mitchell St.. Atlanta, (in.,
and trial bottle and medical book will be sent,
all charges prepaid. Describe your trou¬
ble aud wo will include free medical ftdvloe.
School* in (tuba mid Elsewhere.
Prof. ,T. J«\ Dratighou, who recently
visited Cuba with a view of investigat¬
ing tho outlook for establishing a
school in Havana, Cuba, next fall, on
his return, visited Savannah, Ga.,
where ho nrrangod to open a well
eqnipped Business College, Juno 15.
Professor Dranghon now has Hour
ishing Business Colleges located in
Nashvillo, Teun., Galveston and Tex
arkans. Xcx. Theko colleges have
courses of 01 instructions in8 uouo 7 utld
^“lea for securing , . .
ggjSgs^Wf +¥<*& W»
ffjyQ? f Jzg C*<«#
N f3 sfe «iii ,5 g'/i r/i
m -t X W 3 4 I M
m m
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Strop of Fios, manufactured by the
Caufoknia Fio Svuup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa¬ be
tive principles of plants known to
medicinally laxative refreshing and presenting to the
them in the form most
taste arid acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa¬
tive, cleansing the system effectually, fevers
dispelling colds, headaches and
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation from per
manentlv. Its perfect freedom
every objectionable quality and sub¬
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening ideal
or irritating them, make it the
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
and to avoid imitations, please
remember tbe full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists.—Price 50c. per bottle.
C.y“s®ss Spalding
f i* the only Kcnulnn
aaSsJIY «ti8F s - mull by President
N. E. Voting.
If » dealer Go«»s not carry Spaldtng’s and address to
gnoda in stock, send your name handsomely
us <and liis, too) foy.a copy of our
Illustrated catalogue.
New York. Denver. Oil tea *n.
~jr A yv ham if you during visit Rirmlng- the May
\^.. vaf make *our 'ltiuse
ff q?p," ir headquarters.
house in the
'V> manufacture, re
pah’and sell wheels of »U lauds Irum *S00
special attention gtvoa to out of tp
f, aland (^Maoris) contains at present
tives and 626,030
•T j
< gregation, of Chicago, has
V4 ,y if la rabbi, Dr. Emil G.
o was recently called to the
jaanuel, in New York, an
ary of 815,000 for fifteen
y# is mingled
b of our life a
4| | das. ud ill if together; faults our whipped virtues
pr our
t. ; cm* crimes would despair
il ere not Cherished by onr vir
t y Well That Ends Well."
" a weight still in use in
tf irtsof China. When the
< t sold tea to the Europeans
tl ,ed it in little lacquer and cases, in
w . weighed a “catty,” and
d /ere called tea catties,
caddies. , •* •
at is the
ok wood, Australia
la ruetery in the world It
,00 acres. Only a plot of
e< been used thus far in
>. has
v 0,000 persons of all nation
we been buried.
■Jpreckels, the sugar magnate,
it many years in scientific
> nd has become an expert
an. He will himself superin
, , erection of the great electric
i.. put in San Francisco.
Pi 3 is to up
said that more steel is now
i the manufacture of pens than
... claimed
: t of Bwords. It is even
. l
e metal annually used in the
, than
. tacture of pens weighs manufacture more
o metal used in the
tr implements.
cording to an order just issued in
tington directing that all naval
ei i in command of fleets or ships
------ tne
the first VlBlt . upon
<,t make United
ernor-general of any of the
colonies, Admiral Dewey, if
ppens to go to Guam, would be
lpolled to pay ' his ‘ official respects
In- officer there iu charge.
' he proposed bauquot of the Hun
<1 Year club of New York, the pur
i f which is to secure to its mem-
3 the greatt st possible longevity,
been given up because of a humili
.1 g failure to agree on a bill of fare
feh shall best further the club’s
et. The only course the members
,ts menu committee would all agree
as water.
i ■ Spring Clean
r to Save luabor la
»ring cleaning Is no longer tbe labor It
in the days of our grandmothers, themselves
nen understand how to sayo
he U 8 J of modern conveniences^ ”) h f n
nuing the work everything should be
■eadiness — tacks, btmmers, brooms,
1 .. n supply of Ivory Hoap (whioh is the
for all cleaning purposes), lime, am
da and carbolio netd. Good weather
ild be saleated, and only one or two
4 cl#aett at a time: air and sunshine
.iJiJureely admitted. Eliza R. Parker.
r, of Washington, has
Jm. ' rmer, once In VUs
__________ lands of north
- — , jun
1 —w
Novel Temperance Scheme.
A manufacturer at Three Oaks, Ind.,
has just inaugurated a temperance re
r e »»«; sStJES.
the license fees derived from the sa
loons if the authorities would abolish
the saloons and make the town dry.
If the offer was refused he threatened
to move his factory to another town.
The proposition was submitted
the matter" council’and 1 the"people it in turn special referred
to at a
tion. The re suit was an
ing victory for temperance. The
loons will ________ be closed, , the village
ury wi n receive the annual
prom ig e d and the factory will not
rem0 ved.—Cleveland Leader.
Mammoth Cave.
Mammoth Cav6 iB located in Ed
mon(]80n county> Kentucky It was
discovered in i 809 by a Mr. Hutchins
whUe in purBuit P 0 f a bear. Its ex
trem0 exte nt isle88 than ten miles, and
the combined length of all the accessi
b , 0 avenue s is possibly 150 miles.
Y. i-tr-,
Hlf mk
v\ I
The courtship period for
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
passed long since, when it won the con¬
fidence and esteem of thoughtful men and
women 5 u ar a H
o r SSfflS? s£p borne?
^'"oist'e^y hS
Goods.Clocto, Crockery,liu-
3“SSSZ8S32 Sa
ctr^et^wed prepaid. and lined free, and freight
fu 0O) cut to your Els r
| u
t and
prepav expressage.
shows* samples ot*^ X
cio t h and many f I
bargains in. Shoes,
Hat,. Mackintosh- Fur Price *3.50.
a£^ ® entt '
g prices wbenjyou can
Why cheaper pay retail AU
t buy Addres8 this way :
Dept. 31 b Ba Md