Newspaper Page Text
<■ he advocate-democrat *
8100 Per Year.
Are Arrival g * Almost
Daily at C. Berg¬
strom’s. Call
aiul see
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Oanibnc
n assorted patents, Bleaching,
good assortment, Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices, Flannels in great
variety. Large stock ol Plaids, Sheet
ing aud shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and ball thread. Canton
flannel in different shades and colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hus tiers, Undershirts, s u s pe n d e rs,
Handkerchiefs.Neck-wear ar.dGloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s half Hose al!
n great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and .Jeans
Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests.
■Come at 'tice aud buy oi iue.
Glassware and lamps.
Large Hall and 1’avloi Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
hand lamps, Looking glasses and glass
t/.pycl O.
Grockery, Foreign S Domestic.
China Plates, large stock of mus¬
tache Cups and saucers, Porcelain cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Bowls, iorge stock ol Bowls and
Drugs and ffieficines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized W ell Buckets for bored
wells, laige and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half bushel and peck measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Trunks, Leather Goods, Etc.
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Bark Collars.
Hnnse-fnrnishing Goods.
Mattresses, -otton and straw, steel
Springs, folding and straight, Round
Tables, Swings. Hobby-horses, Wag I
ODS; Etc. for children- j
Needles & Sewing Machine
Supplies, such as Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles for
all the different makes of sewing n a
Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Lard,
Roarted Coffee, Axle-grease, Onion
of every sort, Turnip seed. sets,
Candles, Crackers, Candies, Soda,
Pickles, Vinegar, Segars, Snuff,
Chewing and smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cattiery.
Axe*. Hoes. Nails. Horse and Mule
Shoes, shoe Hammer*. Scissors,
shears and hnir Trimmers- Knives 3nd
Forks, spoons. Pocket Knives and
Gan T ubes.
|T[J fjliivO* 4 Q RF D£*I\VJO R f ^ITT I lWSiU) R O TVT
What the People ol That Thriv
The News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest. Reported
By C. L. Bagby.
Owen Gilbert is clerking for Valter
We enjoyed a mess of English picas last
Seed peas remarkably scarce and bring¬
ing a fancy price.
Itev. A. L. Hillman, of Atlanta, was
with us last week.
Bob Gilbert has his refrigerator ready to
serve ice cold meats.
Mrs. Creak is having some improvemnts
made on her residence.
Mr. B. F. Wynne and son were in our
town last week trading.
Mrs. Marion, from Savannah, is stopping
at ihe Hotel here for a rest.
We enjoyed the hospitality of Mr and
Mrs, It. H. Jackson la-t week.
Bro. Wilson Kendrick is enjoying him¬
self now in his old age, fishing.
Cotton is slow coming up but it is expected
a good stand will come through.
We will repair your tinware at the
very lowest price. C. L. Bagby.
■£o Core Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Prof. Woodall took charge of -Sharon
High School on the first day of May
Messrs. C, W. Caldwell, Will and
Dred Edwards were in towu last week.
ro-i'o-liac tor Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco bal-it cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 5Uc,$l. All druggists.
The Hillman Hold is closed but we
learn that it will likely be opened soon.
Rev. Felix Brown, of Atlanta, is visit¬
ing bis sou, Dr. L. R. Brown and family.
Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets.
10c 1 b5c V ii'c h c r c f Td uggi'tsrciund f money
a*** r*. xi. J V..L lirl some work on
Mr. J. A. Kendrick’s 1 uildiag a few days
Sidney Fouehe is repainting the resi
deuce of Mr. W. P. McKeon near Fair
Bearing-Down Pains indicate Displacec
ment of Womb, Curable quickly Tablets. by using
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or
Mr. A. D. Moore made some improve¬
ments on J. W. Fallen’s building last
Prof. Woodall has forty pupils. He
be believes in thorough training of the
Pimples, Boils and other Humors appear
when the blood gets impure. The best
remedy is Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med
Mrs. G. N. Wright and neice, Miss
Maud iVright, visited Washington last
A telegram received from Frank
Gilbert says that he is on his way to Ma¬
nila. He is happy.
If “Out of sorts ” Cross and Peevish,
take Dr. Al.A. Simmons LtverMedicine.
Cheerfulness will return and life acquire
new zest.
Mrs. Minnie Allen has gone to Augusta
to the railroad convention after a shert
stay at Hotel Jackson.
Reports say that several hogs and
chickens have been stolen over the county
recently. Balions scarce.
Health, Strength and Nerve Force follow
the use of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med
ciue , which issues good Digestion and
when you know a good, fresh Dew*
item, please let us know it in time to
in before it gets stale.
Messrs. Frank and Clifford Brown, of
Humilating Exa mintion by phyaici
u« are avoided by use of Simmons Squaw
Vine Wine or Tablets, which cure 99 out
^ fcVt . r y hundred cases of Female Disor
Air. Walter Davidson and family of
Augusta are up to spend some time with
Dr. and Airs A. C. Davidson.
Love Aler^hon has returned frein the
armv. While he is not looking well he
has no* been sick while away.
breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us
suggest One Alinute Cough Cure. Al
ways reliable and »afe. Dr. L. A. Biown,
Sharon. Ga,
Some of our merchants won’t adver
t,{se and then they grumble about dull
times. Printer's ink will help you.
To the family of Eddie Bufford:
Let your minds never persa -de that we
will ever let the flowers fade on your an
S’- brother’s grave: and while in your
1J<>n i we hope it will -(.on Ise entombed,
Mamie Jackson.
The show that was here last week con
chided it would not pay them to put up
here and they went on to Washington.
, r,;°:
clothes line business. We are not married
to that business.
Suicide by roisou is not more censurable
than by refusal to cure yourself of Fe¬
male Troubles with Simmons Squaw
Vine Wine or Tablets.
Several from here went to Miller’s to
the picnic. Jessie. Brown and Welburu
Stone had such a good time they speak of
going over in that section to get them
bettc haves.
Bro. Dock Turner was with us la-t
week. Mr. Turner is a useful citizen.
He is const able of his District; superin
tendent, deacon, treasurer, clerk and
chorister of his church.
You cannot accomplish any work or
business unless you feel well. If you feel
“Used Up—Tired Out, ” take Dr. M. A.
Simmons Liver Medicine.
Mr. Tillman Moore says there ’’s an old
mammy cat at tiis home that had a litter
of nine kittens. This looks like rough
on rats sure enough in Mr. Moore’s sec
tiou. That old cat has nine lives.
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets
soften relax and expand muscles involved,
Labor. Decreasing Labor Pans and Shortening
Fishing party from here to Broad river
last week.
Mrs. L R. Wooten, Qvitinun. Ga.,
writes: Have used Dr. M. A. Simmon*
Liver Medicine 10 years, It cured me
of Dyspepsia Heartburn. and my husband of Indiges¬
tion and Have used Zeiliu’s
medicine and believe Dr. M. A. S. L. M.
much stronger and that it produces better
In loving rememberance of Eddie L.
Bufford, bom March 7, h 1868; died April
11, 181)9. Gone but not forgotten.
’Tis hard to break the tender cord
When love hat bound the heart:
‘Tis hard, so hard, to speak the words:
We must ever part.
Dearest loved one we must lay thee,
In the peaceful grave’sembrace.
But thy memory will be cherished
‘Till we see thy heavenly face.
Buslnes is dull.
For frost bites, burns, indolent sores,Jje
' zemu, -kin diseases, and especially Piles,
j DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve stands first
! sbfj be.-it Lo k out for dishonest
Worthless nods *' of' not a" "gpod^nrticlV imitated, Get
DeWitt’s V\ itch Hazel Salve. Dr. L. A.
Brown, Sharon. Ga.
Walter Pitman went to Augusta last
week on business.
Not one child dies where ten formerly
died front croup. People have learned
the value of One Minute Cough Cure and
use it for severe lung and throat troubles.
It immediately stops coughing. It never
fails. Dr. L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga.
Messrs. Alex Evans and James Findley
of Wilkes, wens in our town a few days,
Before the discovery of One Minute
Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis¬ No
turbed by coughing Dr. congregations. L. Brown,
excuse for it now. A.
Sharon, Ga.
Preaching at Raytown Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday by Pastor Hol¬
J. Sheer, Sedalia, AIo., conductor on
electric car line, writes that h'i little
daughter was very low with eionp, and
her life saved after all physicians had
failed, only by using One Alinute Cough
Cure. Dr. L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga.
Mr. A. D. Moore of our town waslh
fl rst t 0 have Ehglish peas which was on
t j )t . 2nd day of May.
For a quick remedy and one that is
perfectly safe for children iet us recom¬
mend One Alinute Cough Cure. It is ex¬
cellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling in
tiie throat aud coughs. Dr. L.R. Brown,
Sharon, Ga.
Mr*. Love Meadows has moved back
to her ho ne in this county from Atlanta.
City life did not suit hei.
“Give me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world.” said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt’s
Litlie Early Risers, the famouslittle pills.
L. A. Brown, Sharon, Ga.
Dr. N. M. Darden, of Norwood, was in
our towu last week deliverinw to his sub¬
scribers the history of the late war.
As the seasons of the year when pneu¬
monia, la giippe, bronchitis sore throat, lung cough*,
colds, catarrh, and trou¬
bles are to be guarded will against, nothing “is
a fine substitute,” “answer the pur
po>e,” or is “just as good” as One Minute
Cough Cure. That is the one infallible
remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial
trouble* insist vigorously upon having
it if “something else” is offered you. Dr.
L. K. Brown, Sharon, Ga.
on Tuesday night of last week by J. H.
Hill, of Blue Rige, Ga., and Mrs. Julia
Wil Dm-, of Winston, N. C. They did
DO t have much crowd—only twelve.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
sufferers Dr. KiDga New Life Pills. Thousand* of
have proved their matchless
merit for sick aud Nervou* Headaches,
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your healt{i. Eesv to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not curad. Sold by Dr. U. J. Reid
*-« w*.*™* ■*«»«. Are
.4.11 the 4' us of the County ns Told by
1 ir Wide-Awake l’eneil
y BY C
Health J f the community pretty good,
Irish pptator* aud English peas back
ward. *
John Taylor and wife visited Barnett
Sundav. „
Mrs. Elbe Gilmer has returned to Cruw
There has a show at Barnett one night
last week.
Mr, Ji hu Swain, of Norwood, was here
a few da,s ago.
What iutle fruit was left on the trees
is drop crag off.
Several from this section attended the
picnic at Millers Saturday.
The rain has put new life in the people
as well as in the growing crops.
Mr. Henry Flynt was looking up the
crop prospect in our section a few days
Mrs. J. W. McKinney and Mrs. Cora
Sturdivant visited the writers home last
week. '•
The membership of old Salem churcii
here is f mall—mostly women and chil¬
dren. A. Norman Is very much
admireo by the people generally in this
There will be children’s day services
bald at the Barnett Methodist church the
1st Sunday in June.
x Ann on ..■■cape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ads
1. Hart, of Groton. 8. D. “Was taken
•itH ajlt-d cold which settled oniny lungs,
■oujr’ JrlUon. |iV n and Four finally Doctors terminated in
\ gave m<
> Vr ilive h- Tort i im--..
l V lyM'lf up to iu> Savior,*cictlrmin
ed tt j mid not stay wttb my friends on
•arth, J would meet my shsoi tones above,
fv hu-hand advised to yet, Dr. King's
New Discovery or Consumption, Coughs
.nd Colds. I gave it a trial, took in ail
eight bottles. It iias cured uu-, and thank
God 1 am saved and now a will und
healthy woman. Trial bottles free at I)r.
R. J. Reid's Drug 8 to re. Regular siz<
>0c and 91.00. Guaranteed or price re
Rain Monday.
Ch ^ping cotton. Good stand.
Mr, J.J. Moore was here last week.
Mr. J. J,. Moore was here this week.
Sheriff F. B. Taylor was in our com¬
munity Tuesday.
Mr. Cardie Brantley lias been quite
sick but is improuing.
Mrs. Nannie Bishop is visiting friends
and relatives at Raytown this week.
Dr. James G. AmerBon, of Tyrone, pass¬
ed through thiscommunity Tuesday.
Mr. R. F. Brantley and family visited
his brother Mr,John Brantley, Saturday.
Rev. H. M. Harrison filled his regular
appointment at Edge-wood Sunday evening.
Dr. H. F. Whitr attended the sick of
Mr. It. F. Brantley’s family Thursday
night ol last week.
The lecture by Prof. J. C. Hill at the
school house last week on Temperance waa
well worth hearing.
Alias Mamie Daniel, an accomplished
young lady of Wilkes county visited
Edge- wood Sunday evening.
We need more inen who are not afraid
to advocate the cause of Temperance.
Alay the (lay soon come when the greatest
of evil*, “the liquor traffic” shall be swept
from “bright fair” American continent:
Beautiful Hair.
Can always lie obtained by using that
highly perfumed and strictly scientific
compound—Dr. Murray’s Hair Promoter.
It stops the hair from falling out, cures
dandruff, and restores gray or faded hair
to its original youthful color, beauty and
softness. As a hair dressing it has no
equal. See advertisement elsewhere in
this paper.
. Fine weather.
Mr. Newt Wallace has a right nick baby
at this writing.
Look out girls; Willie Stevens has bought
anew buggy.
AVeare sorry to learn that Air*. Carter,
«f Combs, is to ill.
Rev. Jim Bell preached a fine sermon at
Philips, 5th Sunday.
Mr*. Burges Adams, of Washington, is
Visiting relatives here.
Zn Advance-
royal t Absolutely ^ure Powder Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Mr. Newt Wallace has a pig which has
one blue and black eye.
Miss Minnie Thompson visited relatives
nea. Washington Sunday.
Griffin Bros, have a field of the finest
oats we’ve seen this year
The Sunday school at Philips is doing
well which speaks well for the community.
Guess what yonbg man goes into the
stove room and talks to his girl while she
is cooking.
Mr. Thos. Gliann lias a fine location for
a water mill. Some one could makegood
money by building n mill them.
Are t he Taliaferro prohibitionist asleep?
Don’t give up—the light wil brighten bye
and bye. The Crawfordville ladies are
still at work,
Wbenachurch member says that others
will not get to Heaven because they are
not of his belief, lie had better go to pray¬
ing, “Lord remove tin's selfishness from
my heart."
Spain’s Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barceloniu, Spain,
•pends his winters at Aiken, 8. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in the hack
of hi* bead. On using Electric Bitters
America’s greatest Blood und Nerve Rem¬
edy. a l ] am* soon left him. He says this
grand medicine is what his country
nead*. All America knows that it cures
iiyfr and kiduey trouble, pu dies the
blood, tone* up the stomach, strengthen*
the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life
Into every muscle, nerve and organ of the
body. If weak, tired or ailing you need
It. Kyery bottle guaranteed, only 50
cents. bold Uy Dr. K. J. Held Druggist.
Mrs. Golden Stewart is still on the sick
•Miss Della Hill Is "quite feeble, hiving
her uncle, Mr. G. 8. Stewart.
We should al! feel thankful for lovely
showersof rain like we had on the 4th.
♦Ve hud quite an enjoyable singing at
Mr. W. A. Hill’s—a certain youmr man
can tell you all about it.
Mr. Smith Allen is given up to be the
fisherman of our section. He caught
eight eels und u fine string of fish one day
last week.
Mr. F. C. Chapman is spending vaca¬
tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8.
Chapman, lie has been attending school
al Piide.
The Mormon preachers have been
through our section, but they don’t seem
to be doing much work. We think they
are--- -.
The wife of “Uncle” Henry Harley, col¬
ored, died very suddenly on Saturday
night the 6th, with heart trouble She
was liked by both white and black.
Air, John Akins took In the picnic at
Millers Saturday in his newly repaired bug
try- Guess John will use Ills buggy to
ride in after this instead of using It for a
Messrs. A. T. Chapman, Golden Stew¬
art and Miss Burmah Chapman attended
the closing exercises of Prof. A. 8. Whee¬
ler’* school at Pride last Friday i igbt.
They enjo.ycd the occasion very much,
We think it is time for the good people
o{ Milldrajun to think, and to think seri
ou *]y about sinkiaga well at that place.
It is too bad to see the ladies, attend Sun
day school and have to suffer for water.
Just this one'reason may keep manya way
from our Sunday school.
A party consisting of both young and
old from Pearidge met with the Mlldra
jon people one day last week and had
what they called a “Gish fry." But when
dinner was announced and we viewed
the situation, we then named it a “pork
fry." Mr. Bill Allen, being the cook,
fried the pork nicely, sopped the gravy
for dinner and saved the pork for supper.
A Frightful Blunder
Will oftun cause a horrible Burn, Scald,
Cut or Bruise Buekleu’s Aruiea Salve,
the be»t in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Bores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boll*, Felons, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions. Best Fils cure on
earth Sold Only tin cts. a box. Cure guaran¬
teed- by Dr. Ii. J. Raid Druggist
BY I. N. C.
Good stands of cotton, but oats ate
locking sorry.
Thieve* and buglars are getting nume¬
rous in Wilkes county.
ILL. Boatwright and .family ?pent
unday with his mother.
NO- 12
Prof. W. D. Pittard and family spent
Sunday with Billie Boatwright.
Mr. B.-II. Akins and family spent Sun¬
day with Mr. James Armor’s family.
Mrs. K. H. Norman has returned homo
after a pleasant visit to CrawfordviUe,
Miss Berta Glaze spent Wednesday
night with her.aunt Mrs. J. II. Gibson.
Messrs. 8. A. C., W. D. P., J. It. E,
and VV. F. arc all going to work. Dont
you know we will have a good rain if they
Nice rain Thursday night last.
Frank Pitman killed a snake six feet
long this week.
Miss Rosella Louche is sick with Ger¬
man measles.
Mrs. J. R. Pitman was quite sick a few
days ago but is up again,
Politics seems dead. We never hear
a reminder of who the bos,es are.
May is the time to easily kill any trees
that may need killing about your farm.
•Little George, son of G. L. Moore has
been sick with pneumonia but is better.
Ask Ned Cary who was it that rode a
horse-down leaving the home of a certain
young lady.
Wild strawberries will soon be ripe and
then vve will go limiting on Sunday with¬
out gun cr dog.
t Miss Bert Ellington is still right sick.
She has been sick quite a while. Hope
she will soon lie well.
Cephas Ogletree and Miss Mary, his
sister, visited the family of Mr. W. D.
Pitman last Friday and Saturday.
Our village got its name “Fair Play >
t,mt ' ,crurr<d in wh cU
the bottom fallow ortfcdbut, “r ntt i >
If any body asks you if von ever iw a
plow running without horse or man, tell
them yes, for a woman some tunes plows
a an ox.
Mrs. Tip Clemmons receiver! a telegram
Friday evening announcing the dealh of
her mother, Mrs. Bourne, in Effingham
county, Ga. The news came too late for
her to attend the burial. Mrs. Bourne
was a Virginian and was about 8o years
old. She leaves seven children.
Our Sharon brother gives a terrible
description of the “Gloryland" as lie calls
it. Be careful you do not make another
“clothesline" mistake—you might be
found on your way there yourself soon.
Why did he not advise his on people to
stay away from F.nianuel poverty landp
There is no doubt that the land in tha^
county Is easier worked than this up here
and there are other advantages that sec¬
tion has over ours. Don’t exagerate too
much about the “Gloryland."
Meekison of Ohio
Has Been Greatly Benefited by
C»D(r*MDi*3 I), Meekison of Ohio, write#
the following letter to I)r. Hartman.
Dr. S. If. Hartman, Columbus, O.
Dkab Sib: —1 have used several bot¬
tles of Pe-ru-na and feel greatly bene¬
fited thereby. 1 have been afflicted
Mk I B *
gr ■-Tr
■0 -*4 *
'L §
Ron. D Mkf.kisom.
with catarrh of the head and feel an
cou raged to believe that continued
use of Pe-m-na will fully eradicate a
disease of thirty years' standing.
Yours sincerely.
The continued receipt of endorae
ments like this for Dr. Ilartman’a
great catarrh remedy, prove ita value
beyond question. Men of prominence
everywhere are recognizing the merit oi
Pe-ru-na and are willing to giveexpres
sion to their judgment because a certain,
absolute cure for catarrh is a public
good. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na.