Newspaper Page Text
rcausuKu livi.uv fmua , *iok.j*uuo
Official Organ of Taliaferro Co,
JdtaJdVm-I) NOTIM. MU, o^l.i^ ,u.ivv«W,.gn,..Ht»M., ierv^
' armr.
IHCllt * inndi* at b-gmning for the
nicnt of same
Ml OHI'JT \ HV NO IK Ks over 200
wor.1* be <'hiirjf>jrl h- a. rat* of
one cent per wmi (or <*«ch word exceeding
200 words.
d7y '
Damaging " ; wind Sunday
and Monday last.
.Mr Sin.vtlip. of A« S n». a , has
boon uppointed census (‘tunnel
ator for 1.0th District The ceil
sus for 19'NI will soon be taken.
Just as we expected. 1 he
vest igat ion committee looking
into tin* bad beef and poor man*
agenieiit are about to report fa
vora-bly to the officers in charge.
In sending in ills subscription,
Mr. J. D. Evans of Luthairsays.
“Inclosed find $1. When you
want pay for tlio Advocate
Democrat say so. It is worth
more to me than all the other
papers ."
The crowds to the Charleston
reunion this week showed that
railroads did not put the fan* for
camps of veterans as low as they
might have done. The meeting
of the Veterans was the attrac
tion and therefore the Veterans
being “the show." they should
have been transported at a less
titan asked. So few of ;
rate was
tlit *111 had tin* limans to go on is
why so few of them went from
this section.
"tv ^jTW. a- inC proper nb-dHS
to prevent it, 'iou think
VOU can t take SCOTT'S
t tULSION in hot weather,
take it and di
m j
? j . .1 j . 1*0 ,1
"* Winicr, II IS nOI IIKC me
plain cod-liver oil, which is
difficult to take at any time.
If VOU arf losing flesh,
> 0U arC ' 0,ln S * r0Und and j
VpAtt lit Q l-mil P I Qinn *
»VMH 0 tlllulbiyi!
and ' must mi .,1 have II It ia to k,*n keep nn up
your flesh and strength. If
VOU naNe Dccn taKinj it ll anu ftn .J
prospering on it, don t fail to
continue until you are thor
ou^hly strong and well.
and fi oo, a)) 4ru|kki*U.
.. v ,
POSITIONS i vuiuvuu weurrU. K^inTSkW-SSTi .UMS1II KWH
ciirM,, InwnL Car fare i««td. No vatsilou.
KhirruunM. Open for bomwiP*.
NiuHyIUa, It’uu. $ Sat Hiinah, Oft.
Uklmto^ T«x. Tnarkftuft, Tf»*
InaorW. W anprrhml* »n<t I.aaVerx Thre.
V* A "
* n Beautiful Hair
Dr. Kurr:y’s
Hair Prcmeter
1 uit» 'IftwIrufT wi.ijh- ?f*r lift!- lix»m fj*li
tijf "ui, in *fnr- I. -* lhe crfivlh, h ft
•tty* - r** m- . fttttlr ttoi ft >1\« .
b\ i.iH.i tphi a' 4».4 ' i*!*,! tf>M it
*G»r. . • U* it* t*riM n 1 i|»*
l'if }*!%’ * > • i M v •’ *• lift ' • .-* ,>r« —
tHne*. OO PfR Largc 8orti.f
► or Kill*- riru-j:** *• »f Itol. <k‘IHi 111 lit*
ftiM* «l ft tii l«v *« HI. | re*, »»4. U|w*n f
•■( |ft u*«
«.**•*■• efloarr s> *»•»
Mihksi Co»*pat".
npfOM~ &7ftuusn n 'v.iu- ;
t*t m.c
AUuu, i.h. t-tLce >. i'rjor M
Relieves Hii&ndttl IteprcMiuu.
In an article referring to his
rucellt visit to Oglethorpe cou„
ty, his former home, Col.
Gantt, of Spartanburg, S. C
i wri tvs as follows;
: “Georgia is far behind South
Carolina in manufacturing
terprises. Except in the larger
cities you never see a cotton mill.
Over in ( **. mrgia every man you
! meet co. •—> plains of hard times
and poor collections last fail.
They have no manufacturies,
and depend solely upon the cot
! ton crop for their cash, and when
the falls below the cost ol
production it means ruination
to business men. Since my visii
to Georgia I am more impressed
thnn nwr with tin* imnnrtftnce
ol encour'i'bti aTu£ < r manufacturies
financial depression-, ”
hparianDurg county nas >, •
, . > . vi......
' / r> ^ j ‘
ol them , were with small
capital and small subscription
by working people.
The same can be done here in
Taliaferro county and it would
be a great help to every citizen
here besides would make money
for the stockholders.
BY W. (J. T. U.
The Yellow Flag.
A few years .igo I was along a
street in tmeof our large cities, when 1
came to a barricade creeled across the
si'le walk. 1 observed a yellow flag sus¬
pended from a house adjoining. I asked a
policimin whitit meant. He said they
'““I u dangerous and infectious disease in
lhe hwse.andthe flag was to give notice
of that fad to lhe public, and tiiat the
barricade was to prevent persons from pass¬
ing llle infected premises. He also staled
that it was done by order ot the city
council; and in my rural simpUcty t
thouligt," llow well the city is governed,
liow careful the city father* are of the
health of tlieir children and of the strang
rr> who sojourn ill theirmidsl 1 relraced
my step* and look another street.
While walking along and thinking of the
excellent sanitary regulations of the
city.l noticed ahead of me a red flag sus¬
pended over a door that opened on the
s,reet. Remembering the yellow flag and
its object. I naturally concluded that here
was another warning, and that an infec
lion most dangerous and deadly was
lurking iu ambush beneath the folds of
Cions for 1 read upon its surface these
woidx, ill gilt letters “Facy Drinks and
Choice Liquors.■’ 1 also observed the
w.rds "Walk in,” on the flag, and seeing
another guardian ut the peace near we,
1 approached him and asked him what
Hie flag meant. I informed him that 1
had just seen a yellow flag, and wonder
ed If this red one was also a warning to
lhe public ot the dangerous proxiuily Ot
disease and death. file city watchdog
looked at me for a moment with the uios.
••»•*...*...........■ c*. v»« r.«d?
Don’t you aer it’s « sign of a drinking
saloon?” I informed the gentlruian ofli
c ,„ ,i„„ ; ... . »u, t
f.Oin ttl exilsinely - flUltict, hud did |
llolalwaN<lullv COI , rctKlul aU Uwor
hturd . Sceil r* niv ije „ighted condition
softened . and inf . i
in Ins manner* jrcieu me i
of the nature of a drinking saloon. He j
Mid it "as licensed by the City Council,
ihat there w ere a number of hundred in
in the city, ulid thul a large reveiiuewas
derited from the sale of the licerses. 1 i
inquired whoptud the n, of prosecuting
the cruimml. who became tmoxicaled ui
theseaakKin*. ami while obtained, under tlu commit— inllu-|
, nct Uir houor * there |
ted the many crimes the history of which , , ,
n .is published iu the-daily p«i>ers. He j
looked surprised, andl continued:
• IIoii’l iou know in\ friend that be
nrath that flag lurks disease mote fatal
and death more certaiu than beneath th>
flat' of yellow ? Don't you know that the
disease here engendered ruins a man s,U
^ l >* brin «» Hn,i P° VCT1 V ,n *
wife and chidreii? Win does lhe city
barricade the street and hang out the
rellow flag to warn jieople of their danger
vender, while here men are invited to
drink and die?”
The man with a staron hi* breaat quiet
D remark,*'Say, stranger ain't you a luna
itc escaped from some a»> turn? Ain’t your
triemi* looking for you. and offering a rc
ward for your recovery?” I pas ed on
seeing that th. seed I hud so- n had fallen
«*'■•”' ......... . T "'
*fier me until 1 h.—tlv lnrnw.1 the
corner uk; 1 have no doubt bu ilia Hi'hi
wiienever he l ear* of an escape from a
a tunauc ,i vlu.u lie firmly believe tha
he might have poC.c,cd thv le,%ar.i by
Pi ot> e "-*>■* -t*\ awa» f ■ nt 4 b
.Il*e lhe ii**S e . wi d n
l\n li—i <1* w f the •*' 1 an i la-t »
f t tb m..i* '•p;* ttn I h a*- it .
thft -Rj fed V;j Rr.t l*~-
The girL is the mother o'
woman just as the hoy is --he
j ° he'™“inly T
t fano,«K
is one to ^ carefully
watched and considered. Imgu
. j time'may laritv or derangement at this
be promptly met and
j cured by the use of Dr Pic ice’s
| Favorite Prescription. Hut
1 neglected at this critical
; may entail years of f. ire
suffering. “Favorite Prestrip
tion 1 acts directly upon the
womanly organs giving abundant tern
l>erfect vigor and
vitality. It removes the obst’uC
tions to health and happiness.
;in ^ delivers womanhood fiom
«he cruel bondage of “female
You pay the postage. Jr
Pierce gives you the book. The
Pole's Common Sense Med Pal
Adviser, 1008 pages, 700 ll*US
i rations is sent free on receipt
()f stam Ly. s t defray ona-.L cosh of
„ai.i» K S-ml 21
damps lor the paper bolnd
book, or 81 stamps for clpth
^ Address Dr. R. .V. i
Piurce. Bulfalo. N. Y.
Death of Mrs. Harris,
The death of Mrs. Mary T
Harris, which occurred at her
home at Apalachee at one
Wednesday afternoon, removes
one of the most estimable and
popular matrons of our
Death was due mainly break- toiler
advanced age and general
ing down of the system.
Mrs. Harris was born in Talia
ferro county, nearCrawfordville,
on August 10,1812; died on May 2,
1899. being iu her 87th year at
the time of her death. In early
life she united with the
church, and for seventy years
lived in strict conformity to hpr
professed faith. Her daily ],) t .
was an upright and exemplary
one, abounding in goud work
and noble charities. In 1884 she
married the lamented Hoben
Harris, one of the most influen¬
tial and prominent citizens of the
county. They moved to Morgan
county in 1889, and settled at
her late home, where she resided
until her death. Her husband
died in 1880. She had no
children. She was one of seven
children, only two of wl^tl
survive her. These are Mr. *
D. Murden, of IiobinF<» >, "TtgV
84; and Mrs. P. W. Prior, {
Apalachee, aged t ti years. —Mad -
inousanas Have Kidney iron*
bl6 and Don t Know It,
T h>r , u R ulsease prevatltug in thn
country nio«t dmitreroii* Ivrcsu-r mi c'***p
Jiva. r *fuliy upolex7" sm.dri, e U death* Oit"'.’ 1 'lhe'‘reMil^of ate caused in
u,’ e ., r a*e
kidney disease. If kidney trouhisis at
lowatl to advance the kidney poison in the
sr “”^ i ^.:»TSr * *>■« issfteas "" *»«*”*
ue*s of Ilia blood—the albumen -leaks ,,,
out and the suffer* r has Bright’* DiMMf,'®;
|)-w ,hArlSr*e««a, an«lI dxepllye. First, bj sgili tki »i$ of i
by the Simple of 1
1 n » !”• ■■«rhwo« •
of 6ut¥-? ug» whta a c'omlv c* t
^ ii«
It wa.- tor Jltfl s’, h rr->;hrtfl‘ rkitlllisi tu Ills
hitbute t*hy»i‘''»n pr-w.i cHU-ed and^goOdnis^ Swstn*’ Ur the i to Great grow
for th* benefit of sufTei ing uu> "i«l. !e»v.
ing It for Hl«»en *m. Hi. ktlm.r. i tw-{ieat
kldaey ifnl ! blWM*r kp*cfatln t<%itkoter
mon dUuecriug m*rt B truly t-lte |
You »>> h»»« » MW|d« of l>r.
Ktline* » Swauit*-R„ut irinwl,. kidnsy,
|jitt aod U»dd*r bi nisi. Ires.
Addt*»*l>i. Ktinier Jl’C«.*l ugUsudou,
jj y W nan « i intig tiienti* *n» [>ap*r.
UotgaisU, iu titi.i-ccut or d< aiSM.
To Our Friends and to the Visitors to Our City
During Merry Makers Week:
We sneei Hy imi e yon to tn ke-mr store your Wlqmtrtere. You v il;
find <*verv o-invenience you want ami-hon'd you derive to make tpurcl.a-e of a
hat orfuriiishinsjavou will fix! u force ..ffioli’e -stesmeir to wait on ton
. tines clothina
who will take pie .sure to show vu one of lhe handsomest ot
er si town in out city.
Special Department for Ladies and Ladies to Serve You
I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO •f
fallor-Fit Clothiers, fi» B “ a - 1 Mreet Augusta, r Ga.
.....J " — ----
, , ..................
A Jff B Mg Rqg H Tm ^
| f ’^7 MtJB w*.> I?o>hp firvl ir Ptanift hft^ -VICK’S fc«Af?DEW ' >r AMO FL08AL 7 GUSuL* '
mu . e^r *
[.-Aos,................................... •
... ».ir is ctb.*. b.* e.aer«-'*• :
V ^,'i ^ U “ v
Vica's ••toll"! nl’^ »awa.e* oOrr-'V MaMmurit.%- •»< <r.artft.k -!•«»* nk**«»« teOiwal«>>ns .*•- r«>r Par- J
cWUttr*, .
; rfc i-k * vrstT ’ in Afttntft.
uar»t*»et— s .11.^ «* f* *-« ■" 3 »*T ^
Cbildi it from Sharon.
Mr. H. L. t rumley has this to
*%. ab °“‘ 0rph “ n s
^ little last . week
me ones came
pleading by tlieir utter destitu
tion that the Orphans’ Home at
Decatur, Gu, take them in.
Three from Whitesburg. three
from Augusta and three from
Sharon all destitute. The three
from Whitesburg had I Wn
ly bereaved, first in the death of
excellent parents, then their
grandfather was parah z *d. and
t hen -their uncle and supporter
J died. They have no home or
penny, or kin able to care for
them. Jnl> tie absolute desti
tote can push these doors open.
t but their slightest touch springs
. them open wide.
; These institutions deserve the
; liberal support of the public,
! cause they make good, useful
citizens of those who would prob
j ably become beggars If not c-rirr
accond. ,ho.r g ive .k~>
for whom none care, a warm,
loving home and excellent
ing in work, school and morals;
they never ask the reli-ion of
deceased parents, but the dire,
need of the child. They
mote public wealth by making
wealth producing citizens.
A’Wife Says:
** have four children. With the first
I suffered almost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours, and had to be placed pnot.
the influence of chloroform. I used three J
of jjothe/s Friend before our last I
child came, which
i* a strong, fa and
he ’ lth v b °V' do,n 8 =r
ZhZZ'^ ffl\ ^
c f birth, and suf
fered but a few hard r *~
pa-ins- ment is the This grand- Uni- { j >/y , lv y
est remedy ever A
Friend ,\
will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes tire above let
ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering.
Mother's Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and clear intellect, which in
turn are imparted to the child. It relaxes
muscles and allows them to expand. It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness,
puts all the organs concerned in perfect
iur the. iiltdl houi f SO tlULt ll*»
\bor is short and practically painless. Dan¬
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided, and recovery is merely a matter of
a few days.
Druggist* sell Mother's Friend lor $ l a bottle.
The BradflcW Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
bead lor our free illustrated book.
a*—.,............ *JL
and Rates both
Passenger and Freight
write fit either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply sm;
reliable information.
T. P. A. «. F. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. A- I*. A.
s. A.
Macuu, Ga.
C. I>. COX.
G. A.
S. F. * F. A,
Adnata. Ga.
Ksmm&mr* . s
Mg *»« Tnj- (|fg W ta * , {Q . ftjQ ..
Itching ind Burning ot
This Fearful Disease.
Eczema—which is more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local appli¬
cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied to the surface. The disease itself,
the real cause of the trouble, is in the blood, although all suffering is produced
JK£ the * kin: the onIy way to reach the disea3e ’ therefore ’ is thr ° u ^
Mr. Phil T. Jones, of Mixersville, Ind., writes:
“I had Ecxema thirty years, and after a great deal Hyj
began spread and SHS£#S?a For the five mm V
to I have suffered grow untold worse. and past or -
six years agony had given up
all hope of ever being free from the disease, as I have
faith left I began BM.ISW take S. 8. S., ftSSTjH and JSK
to it apparently m
made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this was the
way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing m
l '
Eczema is an obstinate disease and can not be cared by a remedy which ifr
only a tonic. Swift’s Specific —
—is superior to othf*r blood remedies because it cures diseases which they can
not reach. It goes to the bottom—to the cause of the disease—and will cure
the worst case of Eczema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
the only blood remedy guaranteed to be free from potash, mercury or any
other mineral, and never fails to cure Eczema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood
Poison, Cancer, Tetter, Rheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, Boils, etc. Insist
upon S. S. S.; nothing can take its place.
Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Spe¬
cific Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
j .></. * . HOI.OKN, Pres. .T. A. KENDRICK, Yice-Pree. M. F. GRIFFITH, Cashier,
HORACE & CA1U. HOLDEN, Attorney*.
Office Honrs 1 CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. { Established
8 to 4 O’clock, f 1898.
CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 .
.41 General * Banking t Bnsiness | Transacted.
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime,
*»*■• r*be»'*sf* -•a SO , t s.snViT/lg
Hhii 1 . Sewer Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc.,
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds,
Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Honks. She f Brackeis or anything else you may
Iks 1 in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with toe.
Washington Manufacturing Co.,
They wi!< ?ive you right prices every time you call on therm
0)(0 end to-day for FREE Package of
anford’s Golden Tablets,
THE GRE\T KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY. They pnrffiy the Jllttiod,
Strengthen the Nerve ami make you fee 1 like a new fieison. Only one package Vo
each person. Order them to-day.
G. P. Ointment Cures Piles
I. three applications do not te'feve you. your money buck,
barge Box. th r ents, or send 10 cents for enough to prove
it cures. Address:
Sanford Remedy Co., 4i i & 412 Fitten B’id- g . Atlanta, Ca.
The Tax Brmks wiil e open April rib for the purpose of reeriving the tax returns
■ >f Taliaferro Countv for the icar 1^99.
Each tax paver is required bv law to make om on Hanks which I will furm-b. a
r „| Vnd failure to make return* subjeda Wm M»doable -pecitieti tax. below:
I "ill vi*it the various Court Grounds nt tin- time
DM. | PLACE: Fir*t Houmt. Second Hound |j Tln'rd Roun d.
i >02 V <hu , Giound* April 17 > ill 2 u i, 1 May 1 8 to 12 a It -Tune 5 £ to 12 it ra
603 Court Ground, 17 1 to 4 j> n* May 1 1 to 4 p n ** 51 In4 pm
Go4 S: ii»It Fro». •* “ig ^ 9am to Spin •* K- t*anit 3pm •' 6Camto3pm
-o-. comb*. “ 19 9 • to 3 " “ '1 S'* ” to 3 ** n •* t.. 3 “
•• 20 9 “ to 3 “ 4* ** t- * • r. “ t« 3 “
G- uimI *• 21 9 ” to 3 “ ^ ZT- “ t<‘ 3 “ u “ to 3 “
C-urt C- 3 ci 3 “
** 24 9 *• to S •* t *• to •• Si <* to
2* 9 3 1 J. 3 “ “ 1 c. “ to 3 “
,:•> “ " to •* Z *• to
172 Raytown. ** 26 9 •' to 3 *‘ •• 10 C. *• to 8 ” 44 c. “ to 3 “
601-t D:-t Erery >.cc*.' V «!Y tii aro inc'ii ding June 24 b. 1M9. 3>!v hoi ks will
velv cl< *<■ m J ile 24;h. D99.
R. L. VEAZEY, T. C.,T. C.
Not much attention is often paid to the
first symptoms of Eczema, but it is not long
before the little redness begins to itch and
burn. This is but the beginning, and will
lead to suffering and torture almost unen¬
durable. It is a common mistake to regard
a roughness local and redness of the skin as
merely a irritation ; it is but an irdica
tion of a humor in the blood—of terrible