The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, May 12, 1899, Image 3

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Vi mi
f ajssk SttBSM t 1 $ ^ 1
Ycur heart heats over eoe hun¬
dred thousand times each day.
I One hundred thousand supplies of
ji S good or bad tlood to your brain.
’K’hich is it?
3 If bad, impure blood, then ycur
1 brain aches. You are troubled
| * with drowsiness yet cannot sleep.
You are as tired in the morning
| 1 as at night. You have no nerve
I power. Your food does you but
! little good.
Stimulants, tonics, headache
| powders, cannot cure you; but 1
£ 5?
i » ff
:: '3
B I will. It makes the liver, kidneys,
E skin and bowels perform their
1 proper work. It removes ail im
pi! T ities from the blood. And it
fnales the blood rich in its life
giving properties.
Rocovary To w )
You will be more rapidly cured
if you will take a laxative dose of
Ayer’s pills each r.ight. and They
arouse the sluggish liver thus
cure biliousness. ' S
We ft 9 to our Doctor*.
We Lave the exclubive services of
some of the most eminent j\hy*iciana in
the United States. Yt’rite freely all the
particulars Address, in vonr L>H. J. C. AYKP.
Lowell, Matt.
June Sheriff Sale.
Will li* 'sold in front of door of court
liou"’ Taliaferro County, Georgiii, to
higU" s ' bidder, for cash, within the lawful
hours of sale, on first Tuesday in lane,
next, all that tract or lot of land lying iri
605th Dist. G. M . Taliaferro County,
Georgia, containing 55 I.-2 acres more or
less, i ounded on Forth by lands of Alexan¬
der SI •.ton; on East b}- lands of D. E.
Lnnc ford; on South by Little River, an
on We-a bv lands of Ga, Louu & Trust
Said pi opr itv levied upon by virture of
t#b"ex cutimc in fsrorof S. M. Whitney.
One of said executions issued from th*
County Court of Wilkes County, Gear
gia, against H. T. Slaton. The nthei
execution issued from the Justice Omul
of the 16Htli Di-t. G. M.. Wilkes Co¬
unty, Georgia, against Hebert Meadows,
principal and II. T. Slaton, xeenrity
Said property levied upon as the property
of H. T. Slaton.
This, the 8 th day of May 1890.
Sh riff of Taliaferro County, Georgia.
I am now prepared to negotiate loans in
anv amounts f">m SkioO.OO up on veal estate
AT 7 PER CENT, per annum.
Attorney at Law,
Gun & Locksmith,
G.-nera. R.-puir Shop, Inctaduig Bicycle
Repairs all Kina-. Send In yout work.
Shop in rear of J- H. Powers’ Store,
On Square Near Court House.
•• I Ur* Xm* Milne CASCAKKTi u* «■
* mil* ud effective laxative l tbey are bothered ritm-ly won¬ with
derful My and rtaustUer breath ana waeverrbad. were After
*irk et'iSDach onr of Caseareu Improved
takjuff a few dosee we have
wouderfullr . Th»r are a treat help In the family "
U37 Ulttenhouae bt.. Cinelnuavl. Ohio.
llJuriJlfin ^
A Xt\
pie«int. Pxawiiiie. potoox. T«te Gw*). »o
(iood.Serrr*!<-«.».w«k«-n or Gr ip » Kic. *».
... CUR* constipation. ...
Meritor r o. . B — fork, tit
10 *T 0 *ft AC Rold and «n» ran teed by ail droff
rlfU to el’ XIF Tobacco Habit.
^*7 ;
2<>9 7th St.. Augusta, Ua.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS 'or all defect* </
Sight, jfriiuls the pi ..per ifla>ses ana VV Af
EAXTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you «et.
FREE OF CHARGE **»««- f vo. n P
t Osr?.i r »nc ui »..*>
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Our People Are Doinsr, Saying
and Thinking About Told
in Hi ief Notes.
—We welcome our Mildrajon
—Spring chickens are scarce
in this market.
—Bad idea to get up picuics
before chickens get ripe.
—Not as many strawberries
marketed here as should be.
—Miss Eila Norton has been
spending a week in Augusta.
—Messrs. J. F. and W. O. Hoi
den went to Augusta Tuesday.
—Several from here attended
the picnic at Miller's Saturday.
—Mr. U. S. Gunn went up to
Greenesboro Wednesday on busi¬
—Mr. and Mrs. Newt. Chap¬
man went to Charleston this
—The usual big Sunday travel
to Barnett by the negroes began
Sunday last.
—Mrs. Eliza Reid has returned
from a visit to Atlanta to her
daughter’s family.
—There were several train
loads of Veterans passed here
Tuesday for Charleston.
—Mrs. Norman has returned
to her home near Helena after
a visit to Crawfordville.
—Mr. J. C. Jordan, formerly
of this county, is now located in
Augusta selling furniture.
—Mr. Ben Binns, of Buck
head visited his brother, Dr. R.
C. Binns at this place vSunday.
— We are told that Mr. Jim
Griffith of this county uses a
dish pan on his horse’s mouth as
a muzzle.
—It is remarkable how abun¬
dant the flies are this early in
the season and following sucb a
severe winter.
—Charlie Asbury and sister,
Miss Eva went down to Augusta
Monday to attend Georgia Rail¬
road convention.
—Jack Beazley has been ap¬
pointed one of the speakers of
the Sophomore class iu the coin¬
ing commencement,
—Miss Nannie Hall, who has
been teaching school in Wilkes
county, has returned home to
spend her vacation.
—Mr. Frank P. Slaton, died
suddenly at his home in
ington and was buried Tuesday
near Tyrone at his old home.
—Crawfordville Council has
received , a large . «h.pmont , . . of ,
sewer pipe and the ml verts and
sidewalk drains will be well fixed
—Mr. and Mrs. Will Hubert
went up to Athens Sunday to
visit the former’s family. The
; latter spent several days up
I there.
—Prof. Jordan H Sanford, of
the Stephens.High school at
place, will deliver the literary
address at the closing exercises
of Warreuton Academy on May
-The regular nine base ball
team and older men of the town
had a match games of ball two
evening, this week. The first
game was a tie—the score stand
i ing 10 to 10.
R. B. Sisson has been
idoiugsome woodwork od C. H.
Golucke vjuiuoKe a, & Go's, s. mill uiiu. Mr xvxr. Sis- ois
i son is a thorough mill repairer,
having had a lifetime training at
that business.
—Mr. Bu. Bird says he has
heard of cows licking their
calves over but they never licked
the calves nearly as bad as his
sou John was licked in a horse
trade recently.
—Messrs. T. J. Evans, J. T.
Harrison. B. F. Wynne. Minor
Hobbs, Wm. Garrard and C. B.
Mitchell made up the list of old
Veterans from this , . place , tO . the
reunion in Charleston this week.
if M!
“The Big Store.”
159 Wagons. 75 Buggies.
Washington, Georgia.
Mrs. Barne’s Death.
Mr. Josh Barnes, of this place,
was called to Buckhead Satur¬
day night by a telegram announc¬
ing the death of his mother at
that place. She was quite an
old lady T . The friends of the be¬
reaved sympathize with them in
their sad loss.
To the Atllicteil.
I have made a considerable
increase in my stock of drugs,
and am handling patent mediei
nes, medicinal soaps, and am spec
lolly prepared to fill physicians’
prescriptions. The public are
invited to visit me when in need
of such. H. F. White.
Bah* Ball Wednesday.
Crawfordville boys have or¬
ganized a bail team and have
challenged those of Helena and
there is a game set for Wednes¬
day between these two teams
on the grounds of the Cravv
fordville team near Col. Jim.
Reid’s. While our boys have not
practiced a great deal we expect
they will give the Helena club a
good play.
Another Case of KheiinifttiKin Cured by
Chaniberlain’a I’ain Balm.
My son was afflicted with
rheumatism which contracted his
right limb until he was unable
to walk. After using one and a
half bottles of Chamberlain’s
Pain Balm he was able to be
about, again. I can heartily
recommend it to persops suffer¬
ing from rheumatism.-—John
Snider, Freed, Calhoun Co.. W
Va. For sale by Dr. R. T. Reid.
Formerly of Crawfordrille.
Rev. William H. Cooper died
at Quitman one day last week.
A few of our older people will
remember that he was a pupil of
Crawfordville Academy in 1859.
He was at different times pastor
of the Baptist churches in Cuth
bert Cartersville and Quitman.
He everywhere impressed upon
all who came in contact with
1 him the conviction that he was a
man °* d eo P> earnest piety,
Whooping Cough.
I had a littla boy who was
nparlv dead from an attack of
whooping cough. My neighbors
recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. I did not think
that any medicine would help
him, but after giving him a few
doses of that remedy I noticed
an improvement, and one bottle
cured him entirely. It is the
best cough medicine I ever had
in the house.—J L Moore,
,s,- )tl tb Burgettstown, Pa. For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid,
Called to Harris Spring*.
| Dr j A Rhodes, of this coun
jty, was called C., to Saturday Harris last Lithia to
Springs, S.
attend Miss Li via Hunter who
was reported dangerously ill.
Miss Hunter lived at Hillman
several years with her father.
;Capt. Hunter, and when she
became so seriously sick last
week. Dr. Rhodeg was telegrah
ed for to corne and treat her.
j This is quite a compliment to
the Doctor.
WhV wny Dov ray tJn i>w. tn 10
i-An FOR nniuiuc SuWING MACHINES. i* i rtuiiTPcn
When you can buy a new
j-jjgh y\ rm Singer for less than
ha lf that amount at
What Mr. Wright Sold.
That excellent clothing house
of I. C. Levey’s Son & Co.,
extend our people a cardial invi¬
tation (in our columns this week)
to make their beautiful store your
headquarters while in Augusta.
To prove what they are doing,
we are told that Mr. Wesley A.
Wright, one of their salesmen
and a former citizen of Tali a
ferro, sold in that mammoth store
a few days ago #1,000.00 worth
of clothing in one day for cash.
That breaks all records of single
day sales by any Augusta sales¬
man. They sell anything iu the
clothing and furnishing line at
lowest prices.
We understand that Messrs.
Geo. W. Pitkin Co., the oldest
and one of the most reliable man¬
ufacturers of Mixed Paint in Chi¬
cago^ are desirous of secuiing
bright, energetic salesmen in
this county, They have been
for thirty years manufacturers
of the justly celebrated “Pitkin’s
Ready-Mixed Paint,” also Barn
and Roof Paints, Leads, Colors
in Oil, Enamels, Stains, Varnish
es Varnish Paints, Fillers, Bug¬
gy Paints Floor Prints, Pony
Paints, and a full Hue of Paint
Specialties. They fully guaran¬
tee everything they make.
They believe their brands of
paint are so good that it does
not "require an experienced sales¬
man to show them. They will
pay liberal commission and re
ques f tuyone who wishes to rep¬
resent them iu this district to
write i hem a* once. They are
now building a new, perfectly
equipped factory on the corner
of Fulton & Carpenter Sts., Chi¬
cago, as their present plant is in¬
adequate for their increasing
business. Letters addressed
Geo. W. Pitkin Co., Chicago will
reach them.
500 Doz. Mason Jars at
Johnson’s “Big Store.”
Misti Carrie Toddy’s Death.
Miss Carrie Toddy died at her
home in this place Sunday eve¬
ning after a long illness. She
was eighty years pld on Friday
last. She had been a resident of
Crawfordville for a number of
years, but her membership wits
still with the Bairdstown Bap
tist church in which section she
lived a long time and where she
had many friends. She was an
object of charity for a long time
in her latter years and seemed to
be very grateful for every kind
ness that was shown her. Her
remains were laid to rest in the
cemetery here Monday evening.
She leaves a sister, Mrs. Foster,
at this place, who is eighty-two
oid .
We offer One Hundred Dollar
lie ward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hail’»
* ToJ^Ta p
We ^ the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the .. las
I al 1
I transaction* and financially able
to carry oat any obligations mad«
WhoIosa , e
Druggists,Toledo. O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly ufton
the bleed and mucous surfaces of
t ie system, Price 75c. per bat
tie. Sr>W by all Druggist*. Tv*
♦imonials free.
Kail’s Family Pills are the
Brightest Items from Near by
To the Credit of the Excellent Couiitq
Journals from Which We Get
tlio Cron my News.
—The grainerops in the adjoin¬
ing counties are reported looking
—Lexington will entertain the
teachers of the county during
their examination in June.
—Lonnie Hilliard, a bright
young man, died at Union Point
last week from appendicitis.
—Rev. Forest Tuttle and Miss
Bessie McMokin were married
iti Wilkes county last Sunday.
—Mr. E. H. Cary, of Fountain
vicinity, was adjudged insane
here Tuesday and sent to the
state asylum. — Warrenkm Clip
60 Grain Cradles. John
eon’s “Big Store.”
—Two casus of smallpox were
reported on the plantation of
Judge C. Heard near Siloam.
Also more cases are reported al
Madison, all negroes.
I have been a sufferer from
chronic diarrhoea ever since tin
war and have used all kinds of
medicines for it. At last 1 found
one remedy that has been a
success as a cure, and that is
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Rei-neby—P. E.
Grisham Gaars Mills, La. For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Studebaker Bros. Agen¬
cy at Johnson’s “Big Store.”
Mun baths arc Mild to Do very Liem-l ci
al to one’s health. And they are cheap,
too. Alljyou have to do In to o for
political office and you’ll get plenty ol
them for nothing.
Many old soldiers now feel the
effects of the hard service tl e
endured during tho war. Mr.
Geo. S. Anderson, of Rossville,
York county. Penn., who saw
the hardest, kind of service at
the front, is now frequently
troubled with rheumatism, “I
had a severe attack lately,” lie
says, “and procured a bottle of
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It
did so much good that I would
like to know what you would
charge me for one dozen bottles. ♦ I
Mr. Anderson wanted it both for
his own use and to supply it to
his friends and neighbors, as
every family should have a
bottle of it iu their homes, not
only for rheumatism, but lame
back, sprains, swellings, cuts,
bruises and burns, for which it
is unequalled. For sale by Dr.
R. J. lteid.
I’ntronizr Him.
Our people should appreciate
Wesley William’s enterprise in
tilting up and maintaining a
first class barber shop. Hi*
makes a specialty of that busi¬
ness and has to depend upon the
patronage of the people here for
his living. Ho is a good barber
and waits on only white people.
Give him you .support if yon
wish to continue to have ti e
luxuryofan up to date barber
We’ve been blessed with rain,
No month , s more beautiful
than May.
Mr. Luck Moss has set out his
sweet, potato patch,
Jolly Mr. .John Hherrer called
on -^ r - H. Sherrer Sunday.
^ r ' ^- ^ • Nash has been
1 01 1 vvo vv ‘ ,jl< * ■*"' lK 110
hef “ast mother 7 'Mrs Wallace ^ Saiur
Mr. Harry Meadows lost a nice
horse last week. It was killed
by ‘it lightening.
is claimed that Claud Beaz
ley’s hens lay twice a day and
“ff .' ls s ^
little baby / buried , * , last . Saturday,
r p tH , Goni triveth and the Lord
be the name ol
the Lord. Mai we all be willing
«<* »»bn.,t toh.«w.U_
3,000 sweeps and
Wings. Johnson s “B i g
Store,” Washington. °
Most of us (mv* more influei f-e with
j every body eise than with ourselve#. It is
the iiardest matter in the world to p»-r
I auatie our selves fo do ^oo<i,‘-feai
| ! and love the truth.”
Rear* tke Th* K ro Ym Ha/e Alwans Bough
La Grippe,
Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by
W, TL. I
A l
S-.V ,*'■ !
% i i.
r- a
V ye /At
3mm fckjpicil m
m 1
Wf-j. i 5 ' I
R. C. C. SHtTLTS, of Winterset, Iowa.
A iWffl A Inventor and manufacturer of
' SI; u Its’ Safety Whi Hie tree Coupling,
writes of Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. "Two ye;, rs
afro an attack of LaGrippe left mo with a.
wouk heart. I had run down In flesh to
■were akin and bone. I could not sleep lying
down for smothering spells; frequent. sh;:rp
darting pains end palpitation caused s con¬
tact fear of sudden death, nothing could
iduco me to remain away from home over
:ight. My local physician prescilbod Dr.
tiles’Heart Cure and in a few day., I va»
ble to sleep well and the pains gradually
lessened, and finally ceased. 1 reduced the
he doses, having gained fifteen pounds, aad
am now feeling bettor In every way than I
have for ITI
Dr. Miles’ Remedies
re sold by all drug
;ists under a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re¬
funded. Book on dis¬
eases of tho heart and
uervwefreo. Address,
DII. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, ind.
June Sheriff Sales.
Will lie sold, on Hie first Tuesday In
Inne, next, at public outcry at ilm ( ’ourt
house in said .County, wii Din the fi pi I hours
of sail*, to tho highest bidder for cn-h, «.-er*
min properly, of which the foil., ing (3
a full and compl -le description The. fo|
DiwUtg trnet .4 01 naroels of land: One
tract being in the Six hntnlii'd mid (bird
(003) Pint. <). At., known us tin ,Home
|ilnee, bounded ip follow-: On tin North
by lands of the Estate of Jno. A. St. plicns
mill Win. (1. Stephens, Dcc’d on the
East by hinds ol .Vir.s. Mary Mi-.- Nelly
and lands of S. N. Aereo; on I lie South
m binds of Mrs, M. E. Stewart. Inndg of
1 . 1 ). 1 bun mack and lands of Mr-. Nancy
.vlooie; 011 the West by lands of J, I),
ilauimacli and lands of Eugenia Stiplieus
and Quillen Stephens, coiilaintep Four
iiumlivd (400) acres, more or less. . xcept
one acre mound the tuuilly unor jard,
which is reserved, and one trm t being
pnrily in the Six Hundred and lir-t (601)
■ lid pmUy in tlie Six Hundred and third
(lM) 8 ) Districts G M , known as lb. Nuua
place and hounded as follow-: Maiii-*i (Ji 11 the
North b.V lands of J. T. and
land-of L. A. E-lute Sie|>heiw; lolin on the A. H|i-t by
binds ol ibe. ot Sic,’hens
and Wm. G. Stephen*. Dcc’d,, and lands
of L. A. Stephens; bn the. South ov lands
of Daniel Ogletree and lands of Eugenia
and Quluea >Sti |ihens; on the VVc-t by
lands of J. T. Ilairlson and land*of(). p.
Ihiuner, containing Three iiui.dr>d and
Twenty Five (825) acres, more or lei*.
Said two traces of land being all the land
conveyed by W. with M. Sims, will administrator xed of'
tie bonis non, the mini
A. tl. Stephens to Tims, K. Bristow, by
deed dated March 2liili IS 8 I 1 , and sllnated
iu the county of Talinferro, state 1 1 <rem¬
ain. Levied on ns the property of Fannie
L Dole, Executrix of the estate of Jno.
VV. Dodge. Written notice given tenants
111 possession, as required by law.
Alsu lit tlie sunn; lime nud plsce tha
(olbiwlug lots or imrcels <it im.d, situated
in tlie Six hundred «nd First (Dotat)
District, G, M., said County, wb e 1 was
formerly lauds of 1 'rlinun Law son. D e’d,
and being divided and allotted to t In, heirs
ut Jaw of said Primus Lawson by l'arti
tioners iqipoiiited by Superior Court at
August *crm, 1833, ol said Co 1 ty to
dlv idc said land;
Lot No. t, assigned to Nancy Lawson,
containing 7 acres and 2? rod-, levied
upon as the property of Nancy Lumsoii.
Lot No. 4, assigned to Tress Lnw-on,
containing 7 acres and 24 rods, levied
upon as the property of Tress Lawson.
Lot No. 5, assigned to Eli/.a Lawson,
containing 7 acres and 30 rods, levied
upon as the property of Eliza Lawson.
Lot No. 9 , assigned to Elizabeth Lawson,
containing one acre and 4o rods, levied
upon as the property of Elizabeth Lawson.
Also Lot of 17 acres of Plantation tract;
and Lot of one font tlx of one acre of the
Home place, whereon is the
dwelling house of said Primus Lawson,
Dt-e’d., levied upon as the property of
Kmnta. Lawson and iter minor children,
tress and Elizabeth Lawson, to -a,isly
an Execution Issued from the Superior
Court of -aid County iu favor of officers
of Court.
For a more particular description of
-aid lots, see Plats of same recorded in
office of Clerk of .Superior Couit of said
County in Book “L," p»g *561. 502 503,
and 504 for writ*. Written notice given
as required bv ,aw.
'I his, Dthdiy Miy. ls99.
Slierifi Taliaferro i.'onrity.
r- EOllfiM. tauafeukowustv.
Wimrea*. :tota'rt L. H»di*wav-,ad
ministrator of Luther R. Had«w:iv. rvpre
*«;nt» u> the court in hi- petiti -i . duly
jV'"',’, uIiuwhv^s".I t»lo."TV-‘inVi:,-!.V.'/rJ^To
( . it( . ai, person* concerned, kim:i«.d »nd
jn July* i«*»
'ge( 1 ) < V< 5 ! mit/'’hell, ordfimry.
J 0 NM’«aies
5 Ton Scales $ 60 Freight Paid
j *’^< 3 Binghamton, N.Y.
’-v. Bt.
- Reetotva
a. MeeiKh .k