Newspaper Page Text
01-00 Per Year.
Are Arriving Almost
Daily at C. Ber & (»■
strom’s. Call
and see
Dry Goods Department.
Dress. Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Canibiic
n assorted patents, Bleach i n g,
good assortment, Pod-spreads at
at lowest prices, Flannels in great
variety. Large stock of Plaids, Sheet
t ng a:. d shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton.and ball thread. Canton
flannel in different shades arid colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, s us pe nd e rs.
Han dkerchiefs,Neck-wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men’s half Hose all
n great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans
Pants. Boy’s Coats, Pants aud Vests
Come at *nce and buy oi me.
Glassware and lamps,
Large Hall and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns aud lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wieks, common
Band lamps, Looking glasses and glaSs
Dippers. I
Crockers, Foreign & Domestic.
China Piates, large stock of tnus
taclte Cups and saucers, Porcelain cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes anil
jBowls, lorge stock ot Bow'-s and
Drugs and Medcines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized W ell Buckets for bored
wells, laige and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half bushel and p6ck measures,
Gallon and halt-gallon Oil cans, 1 ote
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Trunks, Leather Goods. Etc.
Sole nnd leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Bark Collars.
House-furnishing Goods.
Mattresses, *01 ton and straw, steel
’Up rings, folding and straight, Bound
Tables, Swings. Hobby-horses, Wag
ons. Etc. for children.
Needles & Sewing Bachin
Supplies such as Gold Eye, for
v l m-ii-hine Needles
*n the d.ffmeut ,o,fces « Mwmg
Cb, ”“ S -
Snf , ar j’ Coffee ,' ' Bice Flour, Laid,
T? r ^Turnip Axle urease Onion Soap*
ofevery seed. sets,
Candler, Crackers, Candies, Soda,
Pickles, Vinegar, Segars, Snuff,
Chewing and smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cuttlery.
Axe, Hoe, K«K Ho,,e and ftnle
Shots, shoe Hammer-, Scissors.
■hears and hair Trimmers-Knives and
Forks, spoons, rocket Ktnves and
Gun T libts.
What the People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
The News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Bagby.
R. M. Gilbert was quite sick last week.
Walter Pitman has built his big ice
RerrmmberC. L. Bagby will do your tin
work cheap
Prof. Woodall is progressing finely
with his school.
Good many attended Merry Makers fun
in Augusta this week.
Business was quite dull last week and
the streets looked deserted.
Mrs* Frances Taylor is quite sick. Her
face and haiifls are terribly swollen.
We left Josh Moore and Wilson Ken¬
drick went fishing while in Charleston.
a*o Cnre Constipation Forever.
Take Caseapets Canny Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
Crops all planted except peas. They
will be late but a good crop should be put
Miss Annie Gilbert, one of Sharon’s
nicest yong ladies, visited Charleston last
Xo-l'o-Bac ior Fifty Cents.
CfUaranteeil tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c, $1. All druggists.
Mr. Thornton Moore, of near Union
Point, was on a visit in our section last
Pastor Guillebeau will preach at Jen¬
nings Sat urday eyeniug agd Sunday morn
ing next.
Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, eure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
If you want milk coolers or watering
pots call on C. L. Bagby. He will make
them for you,
Mrs. J. M. Wood and children of
Washington, were stopping at Hotel
Jackson last week.
Pimples, Bolls atd other Humors appear
when i«e blouu gets impure. Th*> best
remedy is Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med
Soldiers who talk the most about wliat
they did in the civil war are usually the
ones who did the least.
We wager that Mr. fV. P. McKeon lias
the largest potatoes and onions and Irish
potatoes in this section.
Bearing-Down Pains indicate Dispiacee
ment of Womb, Curable quickly Tablets. by using
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or
Messrs. J. W. Fallen, Sam Croucli and
others went out on the riyer fishing last
week but had bad luck.
Farmers are working better and pay
more attention to their business than they
have in the past as a rule
Health, Strength and Nerve Force follow
the use of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med
cine , which issues good Digestion aud
Mrs. Judge Triplette’s health is repor¬
ted somewhat improved, but it is not
probable that she will get entirely we)'.
We truly sympathize with this good
lady in her sad afflictions.
Many diseases considered in
curable are catarrh
Mfex under other names .
Simple catarrh in
the head is called
f ,r-\ incurable. Con
sumption is ca
As '\ggL A |j§: ' | tarrh 1 of d the ,ts
V n ? s ’ a ?
IIP doubt,past help
in the more ad
vanced stages;
' but great
' ' ' num
bers of people die of consumption
-OK**- 11 *«* «“*•"*
pha „ oI c.frrh, i»dud»g:m»y =**•
great prescription, attacks catarrhal
diseases scientifically and cures them,
Dr. Hartman explains it fully in his
books which are mailed on application.
Here is a letter from Mrs. Harmening,
Mazo Manie, Wis., who is one of many
cured of consumption by Pe-ru-na.
She says:
Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
Deah Sirs-—“I cannot praise vour
Then i thought I would ask Dr. Hart
man for advice, which I did. He pre
”S d “i Pc-nt-naf«-d tGS oSryWy !£*« ^r”
troubled with lung disease to take Dr.
wil* not regret It If AV'rI they do. larnnow S am uZ
Pe-ru-na forK”
Th ■ reunion was a good place to catch
and spread all kinds ot contagious
diseases all over the country
Miss Minnie Allen will return to Sharon
about the last of this month or the first
of June to speud the Summer.
Suicide by poison is not more censurable
than by refusal to cure yourself of Fe¬
male Troubles with Simmons Squaw
Vine Wine or Tablets.
Judge Taylor had six cases in his Hay
town court last week. It is Bro. Mike’s
treat if he got paid for his cost.
The Mormon Elders are not doing any¬
thing in our section and we don't see w hy
they can’t see they are not wanted here.
You cannot accomplish any work or
business unless you feel well. If you feel
“Used Up—Tired Out, ” take Dr. M. A.
Simmons Liver Medicine.
There will be preaching at Raytown
Bsptist church next Saturday morning
and Sunday evening by Pastor Guillebeau
Mr. Jim Burke, of Augusta, is spending
some time in this section with his parents
and many frieuds working up his insur¬
ance business.
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets
soften relax and expand muscles involved.
Decreasing Labor Pans and Shortening
We have had no business in our (102
District court during the past two months.
Hope it will continue to be thus unless
we get Letter paid for what we do.
If ‘‘Out of sorts ” Cross and Peevish,
take I)r. M. A. Simmons LtverMedicine.
Cheerfulness will return and life acquire
new zest.
' Our farmers should get ready to plant
largely of turnips this year and save plen¬
ty of hay. One of our enterprising far¬
mers saved several tons of bay last year
and found ready sale for it.
If you have ft cough, throat irritation,
weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult
breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us
suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al¬
ways reliable and safe. Dr. L. A. Btown,
Sharon. Ga,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kendrick, and Mess.
A- I). Kendrick, W. B. Kendrick, O.
D. Moore and others attended the reunion
at Charleston last week. They have all
returned and report a very pleasant trip.
Mrs, L R. Wooten, Qvitman. Ga,,
writes: Have used Dr. M. A- Simmons
Liver Medicine 10 years, It cured me
Of Dyspejusia mid my husband of Indigo- JWJjp’s
fion and Heartburn. Have used
medicine and believe Dr. M. A. S. L.’M.
much stronger and that it produces better
Mr. John Brooks, of Washington, who
is 75 years old was on a yisit to his old
home at Raytown recently. He is a good
man and has been a powerful man in his
day. We wish hint many years among us
Humiiating avoided Exa mintion by pliysici- Squaw
ans lire by use of Simmons
Vine Wine or Tablets, which cure 99 out
of every hundred cases of Female Disor
Having received a letter from Emanuel
and Bullock counties recently we learn
that some of our people are better satisfi¬
ed with that section than they wire and
say tlie longer they stay the more they be¬
come reconciled to their lot.
Mr. James Burke died in Augusta on
the 11th and was brought to Sharon on
the 12 and buried in the Catholic Cemeta
ry. Rev. Father David officiating. Mi.
Burke is a brother to our fellow citizen
Mr. John Burke. Several from Augusta
attended the burial.
Mr. Charlie Bergstrom goes the whole
hog in advi rtisiug his goods. He takes
u whole column to tell the people what he
has in his store to sell and everybody
knows Mr. Bergstrom never spends money
foolishly. He is a good example for all
of our merchants to patern after.
Mrs. W. P. McKeon is still stuck on
the poultry business. She lias turkey
raising in hand now. Mr. A. D. Moore
built her a coop last week for young tur
keys and it looks more like a Laplander’s
t en t than anything else but it was a good
coop and would make a good soldier’s
witl > * «" od ()il clo,h ^ ° VCr *'
We will say to “Whipporwill” that we
do not know that we have exagerated
about the Gioryland or the clothes line
business either. \V e only wrote facts in
«*«.. If our brother wants to KOto
or c|0 „, 0 , „ m tllm do
so and let our articles alone. TW
has more use for his space. Our people
were all 21 years old and went of their
own free will. I was not their gumdian.
If ,ou can write nothing but comments
ou wha t we write for this paper you had
better quit,
No Right to Ugliness.
The women who is lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friands. but
| trouble, K bar Impare blood Will cueaptm £%
plea, W«n«:b« *kin *
w=> iSSi’iSSS S
tbt *kK.d-. H gives strong S w.;-»B trr ^ r
Sn ’ *
^ >f Oftly
#9 «nla at Dr. H- J- K*W. Dm. bU»a.
And V* it Their Neighbors Are
All the tews of the County as Told by
lr Wide-Awake Pencil
The I :y town dots got in too late for
publication last week.
(jnatc >■ meeting was held at the M. E.
church fere Saturday and Sunday last.
Mi- Annie Brooke left last week for a
visit her brother, R. T. Brooke in
Atlanta j
Tin lethodlst Sunday school is prepar¬
ing ohil Iren’s day lime on tho forth Sun¬
day in t ris month.
Mesaiji. G. N. Wright O. D. Moore, S.
I. Flyii aud J. I. Moore took in the
reunion at Charleston last weak.
Bismarck’s Iron At-rve
Whs In* result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will aud tri*m*ndoua energy
are nui found where Stomach, Liver,
KidneyjgaiKl Bowels qualities are out and of order. I
you » ■ H these the succeu
they bung, use Dr. King’* New Life Pills.
They develop every power of I ruin am)
body. Only 25c at Dr, R. J. Reid’s drug
Mts. Bnrnie Turner is in better health.
Grain will soon be ready to harvest in
this seitlon.
Mrs, , Carry Gregory _ visited Mrs. Jesse ,
Taylor last week.
Littli Clara Belle Gregory is bettor after
a speiliif sickness.
Mess s. Will Jackson and Jesse Taylor
have <>. v crops r,f wheat.
Quajitfc'iy meeting was he'd with M. E.
church |ere Sunday last.
Gi-'S, many went to Augusta’s merry
Maker .oirnival this week.
Tho ■ who have vegetables* these hard
times 4ml them a great help.
Mr " Kendrick was in our section
‘r.s up :,unip notes *
Mr. R. M. Gilbert was in our" 1 section
last week huutiug beef cattle.
Dan’t target that children’s day will be
ob-erVed here on first Sunday In June.
A man was in our section last week
looking for gold. Hope he will find It.
Nq doubt Mayor Garrett talked patent
mop and civil war at the Chaileaton
remfion last wee! .
We enjoyed our visit last week to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thaxton.
Mr.Thiixton is one of our best farmers.
If the railroad fare to Charleston had
been half what it was, the roads would made double what they did, and a
groat many more of the old soldiers would
hare enjoyed the reunion.
Hull's Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes,
seminal emission, weak aud lame back,
rheumatism and all irregularities of tho
kidneys und bladder ip both men and
women. Regulates bladder troubles In
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will be sent by mail on receipt of 81.
One small bottle is two months treatment,
and will cnre any casa above mentioned.
Ail orders promptly filled. Heinl for
Texas testimonials. E. W, HALL.
Sole manufacturer, P, O. Box 218,
Waco Texas Sold at Owl Drug Store,
Crawfordville, Ga.
Cuthbert, Ga., April 2nd, 1898
Tliis is ;to certify that I was affected
with grayei a d that I took 60 drops of
Hall’s Great Discovery and it completely
cured me. It is worth 81000 00 per bottle
to any one needing it. J. T. STEVENS.
We had the pleasure of seeing Bro.
Tom Evans and his crowd off to the
reunion last week, Bro. Tom was fixed
up and dyed up so we hardly knew him;
he Looked mere like lie was off on a
bridal trip thau any thing else. He
appeared twenty five years younger than he
does in his workshop. Uncle Charlie
Mitchell and Col. Miner Hobbs and Capt.
F. B. Wynne were up-to-date two, but
they did not look so young. Chaplain
Garrard and Uncle Torn Harrison were
t# kiug things easy and calm but we guess
Can always be olAained by using
h i g hly perfumed and strictly
Murray-- lluir
* ^A.u:r J ' j v „>iihfuUo^r, beauty
drying it has
equal. See advancement elacwhe.e
this paper.
RoVAL t Absolutely pure Powder Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Mr. J. F. Rhodes makes a business trip
to Augusta this week.
Mrs Nora Broome visited relatives in
White Plains Sunday last.
Mr. F. F. Rhodes, who has been in
our midst for the last week, returned to
his work, in Atlanta, Sunday.
The Sunday School at Bethany is grad¬
ually growing every Sunday. All wo
need, is for the older people to take more
interest in it.
Messrs. Asa Rhodes and Odica Andrews
visited Union Point last Sunday. There
must be some attraction, or else they
would not L r o so often.
Zeak Broome,one of our old friends, who
is now traveling for the L. B. Price
Co., of Atlanta, made allying visit home
last Sunday. Wo wish you well Zaek,
and are glad to know that you arc doing
so well.
Mr. J. V. Andrews and son Grcver, ac¬
companied by Mr. A. R. Taylor left for
Augusta to-day. Grover has had a long
spell of illness, and ids father lias taken
him to Augusta, io be examined by expert
physicians. We trust his trip will be of
great benefit to him.
There will be an* Ice-creom-supper at
Bethany, next Tuesday night. May 23rd. fall,
j', t . s |, V ( ( . r y will meet at Bethany next
and the good people of our community
want to have shings in “good shape."
The supper Is gotten up for the benefit ol
the church, and every body is requested
to come. Remember the date, Tuesday
night May 28rd., ami be sure to come.
His Life IVa* Saved.
Mr, J. E. Lilly, a prominent rftt ton ¥
Hannibal, Mo. lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of It he wiys: *'l was taken with
Typhoid Foyer, that ran fnto Pneumonia
My lungs became hardened, I wur t<>
weak I couldn't eveu fit up in bed Molt¬
ing helped uie, 1 expected to soon die M
Corwuiuptfoa, "Then I h*nrd >f Dr. Kin*’
N : A * !(.oo-6ry, Orq bottle gtrve great
relief. 1 eon timed to riff it/atu* nu* «■»
wall und strong, I can't say too mnrh tin
its praise." TiO* marvelous medicine w
the surest aud quickest cure in the world
for all Throat uik! Lung Trimble. Hegulai
sizes 50 cents and 81 00. T rial bottles free¬
st Dr. it. J. field's Drug Store; every bot¬
tle guaranteed.
BY I,.
both Mr. al ^ he Sick ^ ,s *. list. * * 1
on t
Mr. Prank Asbury and lovely
sister, Miss Eva, were in out
Midst recently,
Rev. J. S. Callaway preached
a tine sermon Sunday at Carters
Grove from Matthew 10: 12.
Rev. J- T. Wall is celing tho
M. E. church (Anthonys chapel).
It will be a nice house when
completed. blues.
Gardeners all got the
English peas drying up, bean
blooms look fresh, and no cab
bage yet.
Guess what young man was so
well pleased last Sunday even
ing; and what young lady who
could not hide her blushes.
Voieante Eruption
Arc grand, but 8k!n Eruption* rob life
ot joy, Bnckien's Antic Halva, ourea
then*; aiao Old, Running and Feyer Horea,
Ulcers, Boils, Felon*, Corn*, Warta. Cuts,
Bruises. Burns. Sca'ds, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain*, Best Vile cure on earth.
Diives out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts.
u box. Cure guaranteed. Hold by Dr- It,
J. Held Druuiilst.
Mr. h. A. Moore is reported
Considerable sickness in this
Rev. J. T. Acree preached here
last Sunday.
Mr. Jeff Port wood has been
sick for some time.
The small grain will be almost
a total failure in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bishop
tended preaching at Raytown
last Sunday. N.
Messrs. S. H. Lho'h.s, J,.
Chapman and W. 1. r iynt weie
rio^ se
iHne.s -.van announced in
j ast W eek’s Advocate-Democrat
j s * Vfery ^ much improved.
| Xo Horn this Section
this week. The at
' tention of our people IS wholly
direcle d to their farms at
Xxx Advance-
KO. F-\
Resolutions of Respect and Condolence,
On the death of J. I). Ilaminack: At
a regular communication of Dawson
Lodge No. (17, A. F. «&. A. M., held April
14, 1899. the following preamble and
resolutions were adopted.
Whereas, It lias pleased the Great archi¬
tect of the Uni ver.'e to remove from our
midst our late brother Joseph Davis
Hainmack, and.
Whereas, It Is but just that a fitting
recognition of his many virtues should be
had, therefore bo it
Resoloyed by Dawson Lodge No. 07,
on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Georgia,
of ancient Free and Accepted Masons, that
while wc bow with huiubie suimds-i n
to the will of tho Most High, we do not
tlm less mourn for our brothel who lias
been taken from us.
Resolved, That in the death of Joseph
D. HfitnniHck, this lodge laments
the loss of a brother who was ever
ready to proffer the hand of aid and
the voice of sympathy to the needy and
distressed of the fraternity or their wives
and children, a faithful member of Ids
society, who<e endeavors were ex< rted for
its welfare and prosperity; a friend and
companion was close and dear to us all.
He was a model husband and father; a
citizen whose upright and noble life was
u standard of emulation to Ids fellows.
Resolved, That the heart felt sympathy
of tills lodge lie ex ended to his family in
their affliction.
Resolved that these resolutions be placed
upon the recordsof the lodge, and a copy
thereof be transmitted to the family of
our deceased brother, and to the Advo¬
cate-Democrat. of Crawfordvllle.
M. %. Andrews,
R. L. Hadaway,
A. G. Beazley,
H. F. White, Commute*
A New .Shop.
I i-Uvc lui'v YJ i||H fay
Broad street where I w<'lc“»u*
white friends to my handsome quarters.
I will ylsityour homes unit do hair rutting
awl shampooing for the ladies and child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoe-shining ilepa: merit. Give men call.
Crawford vllle, Ga
Presented free to any one, (male ■ • <>r fi-malci
Who will introduce lit pints of onr New Idea
A.....ill-ail Writing Ink, assorted cole th,
dilution price 10 cents, worth 50 cents; can be
sold In one day. pon't ------------ send money—we trust
................. yiVuii’m inti is'sold—Simply mention tin* name
KouriHRK & Co., Cincinnati, Onto-__
AGENTS ol^!n‘no''wm91Vowrn,.eV
lUKl.tnin r -VLVr'V/.'tinM-Tn oati, O.
hu dpmonptrai«<5 t«n thonsand
Hir e* it ii alxnopt iaULiibte
lrreffnlmriH#** and dcrangptnetitf.
It ha* become the leading remedy
tor this class of trouble* It exerts
a wonderfully hsaling. strengthen¬
ing and soothing influence upon
the menstrual organ*. It cores
“white*** and falling of the womb.
It stops flooding ana relieves sup
f TH£<
m &
pressed for and painful menstruatiofl.
Change of Life it la the best
medicine made, It is beneficial
during pregnancy, and helps to
bring children into homes ba rren
for years, It !n;i gt rates, r stimu
lstee, strengthens the whole sys
Thi.Y __ oBered
tem a. r ' -1 rameiiy 1«
to all afflii-tvil woman why rainuta wUI
any woman Buffer another
with certain relief within reach*
Wine of Cardut only costa tl-00p«
bottle at your drug store.
For adviet, in uutt rv/uirina ipaiaJ Mne
tiun. addrmt riving lympUrrm. tHt "Loop*
A<U.w,ru iMpartmmt: Th* OuUtMWOV* Mtd
icint IJO; Clfcittunoysu, T*nn.
Re«. J. W SMITH, Camden, 8. C., sir*•
“My *Me asad Mine of .jul at home
far faMln* ot th# womb and tt «ntlr*t|
cured hat."