Newspaper Page Text
1 IWHifW
Official Organ of Taliaferro Co.
NOTICE All If, i,| RrivcrtMng must bo.
pur in H'bnw-e or -Httufartriry arrange
meats ma le at beginning for the ptty
nu tit of same.
wor is v.'.A he charged for at the mi * of
<*«'•« •’ l M! > - :<1 forMr, ‘ won1 ' xce, ' dinr
200 wonts.
A correspondent of the Ogl
thorpe Echo reports a snake
killed in ids section that had two j
feet and two legs about two ]
inches long.
Mr Oscar Booker lias issued; i
a new paper “The Washington
Weekly Times." This makes
four weekly papers published in
our neighboring city and they
all seem to be flourishing.
Hr (’. Lucas, of Washington,
has entered suit agauisl Mr. W.
E Sudlow to determine the till*'
to a rich gold mine those 1
gentlemen invested in over in
Madison county some time ago.
The next reunion of the United
C nfederate Veterans will be held
at Louisville. 1900. Be¬
sides there being some nogli
gene*i on the part of the manage¬
ment the Charleston meeting
was a grand suucess.
The Georgia Weekly editors
are preparing to meet at Dublin,
Gd., on July 11th audit is ex¬
pected t hey will take a short ex¬
cursion to some of the near by
& :a coast cities and spend a day
or two. D.tblin is fixing up to
give the boys a hearty welcome
and South Georgia hospitality
during their stay in that city.
is robbed of its terrors by
, the fad that the best med-
1 iral authorities state that it '
, is a curable disease; and ,
| ► one of the happy things \ <
about it is, that its victims
i rarely ever lose hope. t
( You know there arc ail lorts of ,
t secret nostrums advertised to cure
l consumption. Some make absurd i
i claims. We only say that if taken f
' in t me an<f the laws of Isealth are
1 properly observed.
will he.:l the inflammation of the
[ strengthen tluoat and the lun^i body and nourish that and
( so it can
, throw oft the disease,
i We have thousands of tesfl
i monials where people claim they y
< have been permanently cured of (
• this malady. t
toe. En*l $, all dntjri’htv t
SCOTT G IHlWNK, Uhenmu. Vrw York
POSITIONS H SKUITIETY lor fnrfd, UilUttQ or In will M Hiwnk vt Kwpt «l«»iwi!t till iv«t\i.m mooof tn
Chmp bs‘Jint ( »r Iwt^ |mUI. No tKlUoD.
Ku'.u r Kit j UUik Opi’U lor U»Ui «
1 ’u
r ,
*«revsisgscatalogs-, »uar*« Dei'amurut a. t.
m 4 Hair
Dr. Surrey’s
i Keir Promctcr
1 '
y 1 itiYA* riindruff. hlo|»i h.iiT IfkHlJ f *• IJ -
■ < tji n»\t< tfM *rr**vih
* k «|H < tt dft ‘-ii..’. unit u not .* dvr.
, -Ht rli tv'D I I"*- UVf.vte
^ -l ^.t .,t: s er:.. i i . r il i>
) •* p t . \«4 > .n-* ol h .«v r ri'*.ervr>
Pkkt W.00 rti; Laaoc ScttuE
I r >.l. l*r -»f i» l. s ! us
* • i: wo ■. ujw.n
. v.
i »*!*■» r.
’ Muhrav MtO'Ctat Company,
Fo! s...* b\ u • D t M,;t.
w|> «fc
Texarkana, i>*.
\i vt qutper Error*.
To run a newspaper without
occasionlly printing an item that
is untrue or give offense, remark
eda level headed exchange, is like
; running a railroad without
»»* «,• to
do either is a physical nnpos
sibility. No man on earth is to
so great an extent at the mercy
of both friends and enemies as
j the editor of county news
paper. Pushed continually with
work, he must get much of the
information concerning transpir
| «ng events second handed or
j third handed -or not at all.
Frequently statements are
ved from supposedly trustworthy
resources which are subsequently j
to be without foundation, i
If, therefore, you find yourself
aggrieved by some statement in j
your home paper, be charitable. 1
Go to the editor and talk toj
him kindly about i he trouble and
<19 times out of lUOhe will recieve
you kindly and will show you
that he acted in good out h and
did not intend to injure any one.
‘‘Cleanliness is next to godli
! ness. Hil t and depravity go
j hand in hand This is just as
■ true of tiie, inside of the body as
1 the outside. Constipation clogs
the body and clouds the
Constipation means that corrup
tion is breeding in the body,
: poisoning the blood with its foul
emanations, befogging the brain
with its tainted exbaltions. Con
stipation is the beginning of
more diseases than, perhaps,
any oilier single disorder. The
consequences of constipation are
legion. Headache, pain in the
side, shortness of breath, undue
fullness after eating, coldness of
the extremities, nervousness,
indecision, lassitude, dizziness,
sallowness, flatulence, and a
score of other ailments are dire¬
ctly caused by constipation. Cure
constipation and you cure its
consequences, Thu quickest
cure of this evil is obtained by
t he use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Pellets. They are small in size
but wonderful in result. They
cure permanently. They con¬
tain no injurious ingredients.
The use of them does not beget
the “pill habit.” Ask your
druggist for them.
Send 21 one cent stamps, the
expense of ( mailing only, and
receive Dr. Pierce’s Common
Sense Medical Adviser, iu paper
covers. This work contains 1008
pages and 700 illustrations. For
fll stamps it can be had in sub¬
stantial cloth binding. Address
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
Tile Stiul’s Spring Cleaning.
Yus, t'lt'Bn yer house, ini’ (Ti hd yrr shed.
An’eh*«n terlutrn in ev’iy pari;
But hresli tile cobwebs from yer head.
An’ sweep I he mu tv bunks fr in yer heart.
Y< s, w’en spring cTauinir’ c» men uroun’
Bring raise forth the duster an’ the broom,
But yer fogy notions down,
An’ sweep yer dusty soul ol gloom.
Sweep ol’liters out with the dust,
An dress yer soul iu newer style;
Scrape fioiu yer min' its wouruout crust,
Au’ dump it in the rubbish pile*.
Sweep out Ihc hates that burn and smart.
Ibing In new loves serene an’ pure;
A roan’ the hearthstone cf the heart
Place modern style of furniture.
Clean out yer moriii cuddy-holes,
Sweep cut the dirt, scrape otf the scum;
’Tis cleanin’ time in aliby souls—
Gil up an’ dust! The spring heZ come!
Clean out the corners of the brain,
Bear down with scrubbin-brush an’soap,
Alt’dump ol’ Fear into the rain,
An’ dust a cosy chair for Hope.
Cleanout the brain’s deep ru 1 bish hole.
Soak ev’ry cranny, g:ent an’ small,
An’ id ih" front room of the soul
Hang pootiei pictures on the wall;
Scrub up the windows of the mind.
Clean up, an’ let 'he spring begin;
Swing open wide the dusty blind,
An’ let the April sunshine in.
plant flowers in soul’s front yard,
Set out new shade an’ blossom trees,
clean . house, . and . "Iran shed, . .
t C', yer ver
An’chan ter ham in r\ iy p«it:
_ h v 55 \y p 0 s
• * *
• • •
Bean th« Tha Kffid Yea H:u> Always Botighl
%'^T. StttJV
By "Mission work" is meaut
the {glorious enduuver to brinjr
Christ to the world, aud the
•voi Id to Cln ist.—Ellen Pitts
I'his; is, in our opinion, out? of
the Dost definitions of “Mission
\\v»lk \\ hu\ e i'\svon, Ol
n-ard Some think they
in do no “Mission work," unless
,ie.v no as a Missionary, pay
one money or contribute at
towards a missinarv
riiisis a mistaken idea. Out
:fst “MLsion Work " should be rtt
lOtllC IKM wittl OUT Uusbuilds
-ehildnui. out with ourselves.
.eel'down in the most secret
recesses of our rn hearts.
Then we shall be > er prepared
to go out, and Cideavor to
bring Christ to I world, and
the world to Chi -*%•’ “Let u.
search and try our Itys”—Lam.
40. It is an unp^asant work
^ ,;; >
;1I)(Jthere hold covetous
nfcsS) setishness, i } rebellion,
stubbornness, sinl - thoughit,
wicked desires, ep v, hatred,
lukewarmness and, fcany V other
evils; some of whim can hide
from the eye of r fellow
ttiau . ; >ut not Godt fro, - h ,he : “All
seeing eye of io cannot
look upon sin the least
^ ^ How
f can Bsidm), ado The lan
r “Search
0 God and | fnu Sty heart,
try 1 me, will anu know my ^omrlits."
f we in siliconu- prostrate
ourselves at the f&ot of the
cross, and there behold the
bleeding sacrifice, an f the*purity
of the life of that sa; ;ifice, then
cas t a glance hoinousm%, v\ .bin and
see all our we will
f >om the slidingG'.’mJ debths ■ < 4 pur souls.
nothingr^is, wm'and
j )ur jt.y, our and sin
fulness, our he i ts hall be en¬
and we will df sire to
i u the way of hi: cornu
arid to adopt the lunguage
§> au ] “Lordwhai will thou
me to do!” Here is tie answer:
“Endeavor to bring Christ to the
wor ld and the world to Christ.”
vVe think the shortest method,
by which this can bn accomplish¬
ed, is by the annihibyion of the
liquor traffic. We know of no
greater “Home Mission Work"
iu which Christians cat engage,
than in that of TEMPERANCE.
Some complain of the tedious
ness of “Mission work, »y Here
is an opportunity for every Chris
tirn brother and sister, by one
act, to accomplish much for both
Homo and Foreign Mission.
Col. W. N. Maltbie reported
having Hash potatoes for dinner
Sunday as large as tu 'key eggs
Mr. S. A. Chapman went up
to Greenesboro and accom
panied his wife back home Tues
day. Mrs. Chapman has been
up , ,, there under , medi/al , .
rneut for some weeks*, but her
improvement was not a-s \
as was expected , and * . 'nod . Jor
bs her fi M.'iids , - > ^ -
' T "
Some one, supposed to be a
discharged negro farm hand,
went to the home of Robt. F. Da£
vis and shot him through an open
WltlUOYV , iit> ...I it ltlto llOUf 1 nursday ,
night of last week, near Decatur.
Mr. Davis heard a noise about
the house and upon arising and
striking a match, the assassin had
a good chance to take aim from
the dark out doors. Mr. Davis
died next morning.
4 Patents
sfHHMBr hWHR' trade desicns, marks.
Qulckilv An.nn. ••ndtng a .ketch whether and deccrlptlon nmy
Ascertain, free, an luventton i.
prutuilily catentahle. Communicatlona strictly
continent lal. Oldest agency for securing patent
in America. We have a Washington oBIce.
Patents taken the through Munn A Co. reewiva
■pecml notice In
bMiatifullT UlustrateHl, lurgest clrcuUtion of
arsr, oient Irtc ionrnal, w»*ik!y, tom* IS .00 a rear ;
six months. eoi>les and Hjlnd
m>oi x. on Patxmts swjt freo. A.d\lr«M
Ed Brss4««v. New York.
Cordial lavitation
To Our Friends and to the Visitors to Our City
During ° Merry Makers Week:
We specially invite von to tn-ike our store vour headquarters. You will
Milt. hat or fiiriii-huigs. you will find a ftwce* of polpe salesmen to wait on yon
anp who will take pleasure to show you one of the handsomest lines ol clothing
met shown iu our city.
Special Department for Ladies and Ladies to Serve You
Xailor-Fit Clothiers, S 38 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
J B«|hi ind P!»ott htYf jow »UtoonadB of mMlid Cortouifri for a cwtorr . ami to the *
* ?
w * 5
W CIS. i\ h«» Ofbrr J*
W rlH. wurili •< l#r tl pnrrhwM* 10 ' :r,i
1 -S2?S!Sf22fL SJffSjTi fit* V i ~" “*• “ Kmp * k
* vi «^ J
* Otr MW ^»i ^ *»UI»I wa* ,im hr »Wi »j ^
The County agricultural
exhibits will be better and larger
and more numerous at
coming State Fair in Atlanta
than at any other show ever
held in this State. The Agricul¬
tural Society is preparing to lend
every effort to accomplish that
end. A number of counties have
already definitely entered the
contest, and many more are
preparing to do so. Besides this,
prominent * member of the
Agricultural Society in each Con¬
gressional district will shortly
start out to canvass his respec¬
tive district in the interest of
this feature, and endeavor to
make it by all odds the biggest
and most interesting tiling of
the kind eyer held in the South.
—Mrs. W. R. Gunn had Irish
potatoes and beets for dinner
_mi J p fl u rv 1 J hot weather ' this
week has set gardens back and
parched up flowers.
•• we have three children. Before the
birth of the last one my wife used lour bot
tl..s of MOTHER’S FRIEND. If you had the
pictures of our children, you couid see at
a £ ance that the last one
is healthiest, prettiest and
finest-looking' of them all.
My wife thinks Mother’s
Friend is the greatest
and grandest . Mr.
remedy in the «* Pcs
world for expect¬
ant mothers.”—
Written by a Ken¬
tucky Attorney-at
-Law. TX
prevents nine-tenths of the
suffering incident to child¬
birth. The coming mother’s
disposition and temper remain unruifled
throughout the ordeal,because this relax
ling, penetrating liniment relieves the
usua j stress. A good-natured mother
! is pretty sure to have a good-natured child.
The F a:ient ls in a strong, healthy
condition, which the child also inherits,
Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the
crivs quickly and almost painlessly. It
j assists in her rapid recovery, and wards
off the dangers that xo often follow de¬
Sold by 4ru?£ists for $ I a bottle.
Atlanta, oa.
Send for our free illustrated book written
expressly for expectant mothers.
For nfovmation as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either “f the undersigned.
Y*ou will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. F. A. G. P. A.
Anfcuita, Ga.
J. A. THOM \S,
C. F. .t P. A.
S. A.
Mnt’on, Ga.
c. I>. COX,
G. A.
S. F. A P. A.
At lHitta. Ga.
After Six Years of Intense refuse Obstinate to heal sores under and ordinary ulcers which treat¬
Suffering, P “4C.-.3 h i ment soon become chronic and deep
C seated, and are a sure sign that the
By S. S. S. entire circulation is in a depraved condition. They
are a severe drain upon the system, and are con¬
stantly sapping away the vitality. In every case the poison must
be eliminated from the blood, and no amount of external treatment
can have any effect.
There is no uncertainty about the merits of S. S. S. ; every claim
made for it is backed up strongly by convincing
testimony of those who have been cured by it
and know of its virtues by experience.
Mr- L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouse. Va.. writes:
“ For six years I had an obstinate, running ulcer on my w"
ankle, which at times long cause! while me intense suffering. I was ’SLA /
so disabled for a that I was wholly unfit for ■
business. One of the best doctors treated me constantly
but did me no good. I then tried various blood remedies, M
the least benefit. S. S 8 highly ” "
without was so reoom- - ’wsa
nnended that I concluded to try it, and the effect was 5
wonderful. disease cured.” and It force seemed Swift’s the poison to Specific— get out, right and at I the was seat soon of corn- the m L-C dill
—drives out every trace of impurity in the blood, and in this way
cures permanently blood the remedy most guaranteed obstinate, deep-seated sore or ulcer. and It
is the only particle of potash, purely vegetable, mineral. S. S, con¬ S.
tains not a mercury, or other
cures Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula. Cancer, Catarrh, Eczema,
Rheumatism, Sores. Ulcers Boils. or any other blood trouble. Insist
upon S. S. S.; nothing can take its place.
V aluable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Q-a.
JNO. F. BOLOKN, Free. ,T. A. KKNDKICK, Vice-Fres. M. F. GRIFFITH, Ca^Uier.
Office Hours } CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. { Estinilislied
8 to 4 O’clock, i 181)8.
CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 .
k i General % Banking i Business i Transacted.
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime
Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
Hair. Sewer Pipe for your welj ^ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc., '■>
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds,
Nails, Iarcks, Coat or Hat Hooks, She f Brackeis or anything else you may
nofcl in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tne.
Washington Manufacturing Co •y
They wi!. t^ive you right prices every time you call on them
-t-FllEE! ■*
WO) end to-day for FREE Package of
anford’s Golden Tablets,
Strengthen the Nerve- and make you fee 1 like a new petson. Only one package to
each person. Order them to-day.
G. P. Ointment Cures Piles
If three applications do not relieve you, your money back.
Large Box. 25 cents, ot send 10 cents for enough to prove
it cures. Address:
Sanford Remedy Co., 411 &412 Fitten B id g. Atlanta, Ga.
Tax-Reeie vers Notice!
The Tax Books will 1 e open April Sth for the purpose of receiving the tax returns
i ,>f f^Kh*tax J?;^tv , ^iver ll is > rJquired bv taxation law to make the outon Is. day Manks of February which I of will each furnish, * ear. The a
h ‘ subject to make his on in person, unless providentially hin
i HW r .. n ir eK each tax paver to returns
derod.‘and failure to make returns subjects him to double tax
I will visit the various Court Grounds at the titm-s -pecified below:
Did. [ PLACE: Fiist Round. Second Round. Third Round.
ourt Ground- April IT 8 to 12 ^ n May 18 to 12 a n ’ -lune 5 8 to 12 a m
1 May 1 1 4- m’ “ 5 1 to 4 tn
('ourt Ground, “ 17 1 to 4 m to p p
,«. 4 sandy Cross, 3?5:eEt ? 5 3pm
6(Vi Contb«. ii lb b • W i i id yC • to 3 ■■ tC 3 •'
20 9 “ Z/l 4* » r Ui S “ i 4 -0 4 i 4 i
HOK Court Ground, t • r
; 21 9 Oi C : to 3 “ 'O * 4
j ot>7 Court Ground. “ 3 “ ii TO i i 3 “
608 Court Ground, 24 9 “ CO V to •• to
' 172 Sharon. «i 2T9 •* CO ‘O *o “ to 3 1 ‘C it
4l 26 9 “ ©C *• lo “ to 3 : O t i
172 Raytown,
60Dt Dist Every Satur- y until and including June 24;h, 1899. >1 \ books will
positively close on June 24 h. Is99.
1 R. L. VEAZEY, T. C.,T. C.