Newspaper Page Text
01-00 Per Tear.
Are Arriving Almost
Daily at C. Berg¬
strom’s. Call
and see
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Cambric
n assorted paterns. Bleaching,
good assortment, Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices. Flannels in great
variety. Large slock otPlaids, Sheet
ing and shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and ball thread. Canton
flannel iu different shades aud colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hus tiers, Undershirts, suspenders,
Han Jkerchtefs. Neck- wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Hose. Men's half Hose all
n great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans and Jeans
Pants, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests
Come at “nee and buy ot me.
Glassware and Lamps.
Large Hall and Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, and Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
band lam, *<s, Looking glasses and gl ass
Crockery, Foreign <S Domestic.
China Plates, large sti ck of mus¬
tache Cups and saucers, Porcelain cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Bowls, lorge stock ol Bowls and
Drugs and Medcines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Stoves and Tinware.
Galvanized W ell Buckets for bored
wells, large and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half bushel and peek measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, and stove pipes.
Trunks, Leather Goods. Etc.
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather anc*
Hark Collars.
HoBse-Iurn hiring Goods.
Mattresses, cotton and straw, steel
Springs, folding and straight, Round
Tables, Swings. Hobby-horses, Wag
ODS; Etc. lor children.
Needles & Sewing Machine
Supplies, such as Gobi Eye. Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles
all the different makes of sew ing ma¬
Sugar, Coffee, Bice, Flour, Lard,
Roasted Coffee, Axle-grease,
Of every sort, Turnip seed, Onton sets,
Candles, tL ’ (Trackers, Candies, Soda,
P,Okies, . , tt' Vinegar Segars, c „,. o Snuff, (c
Chewing aud smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cuttlery.
Axe-*, Hoes. Nails. Horse and Mule
Shoes, shoe Hammers, Scissors,
shears and hair Trimmers. Knives and
Forks, spoons. Pocket Kuives aud
Gun T ubes.
What the People ol That Thriv¬
ing Town
The News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. I*. Bagby.
Crops are generally clean.
Rust Jackson has been quite sick.
Mrs. Charles Roth has been quite sick.
Elisha Moore is quite sick at this writing.
Jesse Brown’s crippled .foot is about
R. H. Jackson is better after a spell of
Some of our family have been sick all
this year.
Several horse and cattle trades In town
Dt. Tom Ben Pilcher has returned from
the Asylum.
T. E. Kendrick and children visited
Augusta recently.
P, Ivey, of Mesena, was on a visit to
our town last week.
a’o Care Constipation Forever.
Take CascaretS Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund ta ouey.
Tom Edwards, of Sahdy Cross, was
here a few days ago.
Cotton choppers iu very good demand
at fair wages the past week.
.io-Xo-Uac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men stroug, hiood pure. 50c, 81. All druggists
A. D. Moore was engaged last week
making gigs for the fishermen.
Milcli cows are scarce in our section
and several people want to buy.
XSrincate Tour Bowels With Caaearets
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c If C. C- C. fail, druggists refund money.
M. T. Maher and one of A. D. Moore’s
children were sick last week.
Mr. L. 8. Jackson attended the merry
makers in Augusta last week.
Pimples, Boils and other Humors appear
when the blood gets impure. The best
remedy is Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med
While business is dull in Crawfordville
the people are in good spirits.
Mr. Fred Moore, of Atlanta, has been
on a visit to Ills parents at Itaytown.
Mr. Sam Crouch has treated himself
and wife to a fine horse nd abutrgy.
Bearing-Down Pains indicate Displacee
ment of Womb, Curable quickly by using
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets.
Messrs. J. A. Kendrick and G. L
Moore paid Crawfcrdvilie a visit a few
days ago.
Rev. Holland will preach heie Saturday
and Sunday next. Children’s day will be
observed on Sunday.
Health. Strength and Nerve Force follow
the use of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Med
ciue , which issues good Digestion and
While water mill, are short on water
Mr. J. W. Fhlleu’s steam mill runs most
all the lime these days.
Bro. Geo. Brown said last week was
his time to ride about and go fishing.
Well when a man gets to be 75 years old
he needs a little recreation.
Securing free¬
dom from the grip
of catarrh makes
loyal friends for
tlie liberator.
*» Pe-ru-na has
M * been making
’ll friends of this
kind for many
% years. It cures
f'l catarrh wher
ever located.
rf Mrs. R. Eades,
i'- .of 35 Twenty
eighth St., De¬
troit, Mich., is one of the many thou¬
sand of Pe-m-na's friends. This is what
she says to Dr. Hartman:
“ We have used your Pe-ru-na with
the most remarkable results and would
not be without it. We have always
recommended it to our friends. A few
years ago I purchased a bottle of your
Pe-ru-na and after seeing its results,
reoommended it to my grocer who was
troubled with dvspepsta, tne curing of
wh - ch induced ^ sell it in her
gtore she has M , d lar ^ e amounts of
it. My daughter has just been cured
of jaundice with Pe-ru-na. My pen
would groW weary were I to begin to
tell you of the numerous cures Pe-ru-na
has effected in our immediate vicinity
within the last couple of years.”
Dr. Hartman, President of the Surgi¬
cal Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, will counsel
and prescribe for fifty thousand women
this year free of charge. Every suffer¬
ing woman should write for special
question blank for women, and have
Dr. Hartman's book, ‘'Health and
Beauty." All druggists sell Pe-ru-ua.
as a citizen of the county you are not
doin<» vour duty if you do not subscribe
for and advertise in the county paper.
Crops down on the river are reported
good and not suffering for rain only
where the land was not properly prepared.
Suicide by poison is not more censurable
than by refusal to cure yourself of Fe¬
male Troubles with Simmons Squaw
Vine Wine or Tablets.
If you want to make a man lie quick*
just, ask him to lend you money or sell
you goods on time when he does not want
to do so.
Uncle John Caldwell reports the Au¬
gusta Merry Makers show good and says
the trip down there made him feel better
in health.
You cannot accomplish any work or
business unless you feel well. If you feel
“Used Up—Tired Out, ” take Dr. M. A.
Simmons Liver Medicine.
Mesdames W. L . Kendrick and A. D.
Moore had fly screens put to their dining
room windows and doors. Good idea; flies
are bad this season.
Beef cattle are scarce. We are told
that several have bought up lots of them
and are pasturing them for fancy prices
this fall. Beef is high enough now.
Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets
soften relax and expand muscles involved,
Decreasing Labor. Labor Pans and Shortening
When you want job printing done lot
us know. We will carry it in and have
it done as neatly and cheaper than jau
got it by sending off for it. O. L. Bagby.
Whowus.the man who said he got a
nice night’s lodging in Augusta for 25c.
We want to know so when we go to that
city with but 25c. we get cheap rates.
If “Out of sorts ” Cross and Peevish,
take Dr. M. A. Simmons Ltver Medicine.
Cheerfulness will return gnd life acquire
new zest.
A man in our town said Saturday that
it would begin raining this week and rain
until June 18 th. If that be tvue the grass
and the farmers will have a royal battle.
Ewell Jackson, one of Sharon’s finest
looking bachelors got shot all over list
week with syrup. Bro. L. S. got shot too.
a little—financially. The barrel got too
hot. '
Our people are counting largely on ( jth* f
],V tek v
Mrt'rivin ii y ti»i tb pi v>iLe?u6
quite large and as it will be about all the
fruit crop we will have. It will be a
great help.
We have a bantam chicken at our house
that has laid every day since Jan. 1.
This Is pretty big for people to believe
but It is true. The hen will not weigh
more than a pound and a half.
Humilating Exa mlntion by physici¬
ans are avoided by use of Simmons Squaw
Vine Wine or Tablets, which cure 99,out
of every hundred cases of Female Disor
Mr. Marcus Norrb, one of our good
farmers, has had his buggy ull repaired,
repainted aud striped up. We think he
intends to visit the Gioryland and the
big meetings when his crop is laid by.
It is probable that one of Sharon’s best
financiers and business men will be in the
race for legislative honors in the next
election aud we think he will make a
good race. His name will be mentioned
further on.
We will leave “Whippoorwill” on the
roost this week. We have no cap to
wear unless we borrow the old lady’s
night-cap. We have three old hats that
fit pretty well and can lend the sage of
Fair Play one If he needs it.
We heard some old farmers talking,
last week, about, the colored race
managing their own affairs on a farm so
as to make any clear money. They
contended that they could not do it, that
they would buy all they could on credit
and a heap they did not need and realty
they had got so that they did not expect
to clear anything.
Some of the sisters of St. Joseph’s"
convent school and several others of
Sharon enjoyed a nice picnic at the old
mines near Fountain camp ground on
Wednesday of last week. The whole
turnout left Sharon in great glee with the
anticipation cf having a big day,
especially the children,
Sharon Compress Company have not
started their work yet. We understand
there is some misunderstanding about the
land where it is to be put up on. We hear
that a good many think this compress bus¬
iness will not lie any benefit to the farmers
as to getting abetter price for the crop
and we expect thry are right. There has
never been much done for the laboring
cla-s in these large improvements. We
believe cotton factories are a help for
they give more people work, especially
the poor class and where there is more
wuik there is more money.
Red Hot From the Gun
W.. ,h« fell U,.t M. «. B.
of Newark. Mich., in the Civil War. Jt
caused horrib e Ulcers that no treatment
helped for 2o tears Then Bucklen’s
Amita Salve cured him. Cures Cuts,
Bruises. Burn?, Boil*, Felons, Corns, Skin
Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25c.
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr. R.
J. Reid Diureist
An hat Their Neighbors Are
Doing 1 .
Alt Jiews of the (,'onnty as Told by
Our Wide-Awake Pencil
jTl^dll was visiting this week.
—out cool Wednsday foi
oil chopping is in order now, and
L good time to kill Gen. Green.
A W. A. Caryls having the graves of
his ves paled in at the old burying
grou %
T! grain crop which was so promis¬
ing i <hort time ago was badly set back
by t' recent dry weather.
T se who move from the comity
shou take the Advocate-Democrat and
keep ,np with home news.
Mi L R. Wooten, Qvitman. Ga.,
wr“* *: Have used Dr. M. A. Simmons
Live) ii Medicine 10 years, It cured me
of D Jud ppopsfa and my husband of Indfges
tiou Heartburn. Have used Zeilin’s
medicine and believe Dr. M. A. 8. L. M.
much stronger and that it produces better
Irish potatoes a failure in this section.
Gardens and crops in a good condition.
Mr. Jesse Taylor has u tine field of
Mrs- A. M. Bagby has the finest corn
pa idi iu this section.
I b'ldren’s day at Barnett Methodist
eh’ ri h 1st Sunday in July.
l.e terrible pest o£ flies are worrying
mu!) a::d beast in our section,
i s. Ben Beck worth is In qt.lte feeble
hi h at her son’s home near here.
T J. Cummings will fill the pul¬
i' Saturd w and 8unday next —
ri p Mrtu-bM W
A ii Emma Bagby who has been burs-
3 gfltrs. James Triplett In her long sick
K ha- been visit in this section,
5 on a
4»tt. and Mrs. B. P. Atchison, of
} were visiting the families of Messrs.
J.« Turner acd II. T. Beckwortli the
past, week.
Hall’s Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures ull kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes,
seminal emission, weak and lame back,
rheumatism and all irregularities of the
kidneys and bladder in both men anil
women. Regulates bladder troubles in
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will be sent by mail on receipt of 31.
One small bottle istwo months treatment,
and will cure any casa above mentioned.
All orders promptly tilled. Send for
Texas testimonials. K. VV, HALL.
Sole manufacturer, I\ O. Box 218,
Waco Texas Sold at Owl Drug Store,
Crawfordville, Ga.
Cuthbert, Ga., April 2nd, 1898.
This is to certify that I was affected
with grayel a"d that I took 00 drops of
Hall’s Great Discovery and it completely
cured me. It is worth 81000 00 per bottle
to any one needing it. J. T. STEVENS.
About through chopping cotton,
A good many visitors at Sunday School
It looks like the snakes will take pos¬
session of this section.
Robert Moore killed a rattle snake
with seven rattles and one button.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mann visited Mr. A.
S. Lunceford’s family Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pitman, of Fair Play,
are visiting our neighborhood this week
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lunceford visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse McKinney last Sunday.
Misses Leila and Pearl Lunceford were
the visitors of Miss Mary Ogletree last
Saturday night.
We were glad to have Misses Lillian
and Rachel Chapman and little brother
visit our neighborhood Saturday night
and Sunday.
—E. C. Gunn has acted as re¬
lief operator at Decatur and
Clarkston two days the past
n,r -
The busiest and mightiest little , ,
thing that ever was mad* sugar-co^td >r King *
Aw Lite Pills. Every p.U -
globule of health, that ebanga* weakna.i
in*o *tren t ih M-ttie.-sness into energy,
brain-fag into irrnui power TbeyV
wonderful in bui-ding up the health. Cn
W ^ ho*-
Royal AbSOLUTECY touRE Powder Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
aovAi BAxtNQ powotn eo., new vowk.
Nioe shower Sunday night.
Mr. H. C. Jones has a very sick baby.
Wednesday morning was like winter.
The little babe of Mr. Buck Stewart is
quite sick.
We hope the showers will bring out
spring oats.
Mr.Frank Cooper visited in Greene
County Saturday.
Messrs. Jack and Henry Wynne took in
Augusta last week.
Mr. Delos Chapman attended our
Sabbath School Sunday.
Mr. Felix Chapman, of Mildrajon, was
was in our neighborhood Sunday.
Miss Bird Vcagey is visiting her sister
Mrs. Annie Chapman, of Camak.
Misses Emma Howell and Ethel Stewart
were visiting in Mildrajon Saturday and
Several of Mr. W. T. Nelson’s family,
were on the sick list last week, blit all
are much bettor atthis writing.
Mr. Thos.J. Veuzey and family, of
Hancock, spent Satmday night ind Sun¬
day, with his parents Mr. aud Mrs. P. G.
Uncle Barrel Chapin m one of the old
land mark darkies, died Saturday after
several month’s sickness. JJiiole Barrel was
liked by ail who knew him. The old
bends of white and colored are fast
dropping out.
Millions Given Away.
It Is cersainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the needy
and suffering The proprietors of Dr.
V,,.- •oovory , for Consumption,
Coughs am, .. aw*.y «-* . j
Uu million trial bottles of thl* great roeu
iciue; und have tho satisfaction of know ing
It Ijbs absolutely cured thousands of lion^
less cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, lloarae
ne?B iirid all diseases of the Throat, Chest
and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call
Oil Dr. R. J. Held, druggist, and get >
.rt«l botiie free. Regular size 60c aii‘1 Cl
E > «iy bottle iMiuiBiiteed.or price refunded
by i. N. c.
Mrs. Billie Boatwright and mother vis¬
ited Mrs. Carrie Caldwell Sunday.
Good deal of sickness in this section.
Mr. Rhode*, of Crawford, was in our
tewn Friday last.
Mr. Clinton Griffith has been quite
sick but is Letter.
John Boatwright, of Tyrone, is the
father of a fine girl baby.
M. M. Boatwright anil family were
here Sunday.
We are needing rain.
Wiss Woodie Norman and Mr. Bishop
of Oglethorpe county were married on
May loth. We wish them a long and
happy life.
Messrs. G. L. Glaze and family and S.
A. Caldwell and wife spent Sunday at
Mr. Hill Silvey’s.
Miss Mattie Stewart has been quite
sick witii chills and fever.
Miss Rosa Boatwright is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Joe Cofer.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney
trouble as well as women and ail feel the
results in loss of appetite, poisons in the
blood, backache, nervousness, headache
aud tired, listless, run-down feeling. But
there’s no need to feel like that. Listen
io J W. Gardner, ldaville, Jnd. He says:
“Electric Billers are just the thing for a
muu when he Is all run down, and don’t
care whether he lives or dies. It did more
to give me new strength and good appetite
than a ythiug I could take I cau now
eat anything and have a uew lease on life.’’
Only 60 cents at Dr. K. J. Reid's Drug
Store. Every bottle gurrenteed.
Quite a large crowd attended preaching
at Bethany last Sunday.
Mr. T. B. McCauley, of Robinson, vis¬
ited this place last week.
Mr. H. M. King has the best field of
oafs in this neighborhood.
The emall-pox-scare at Siloam is some
what quite at present.
Mr. John Davis, who C'lme home sick
from Atlanta last week, is up again.
Mrs. E. H. Rhodes visited her sons,
Messrs. J. E. and J. F. Rhodes last week.
Mr. J. V. Andrews and son Grover
visited White Plains Saturday, to see Dr.
I. D. Moore.
In Advano
NO- ] 3 .
M. Andrews at this place hist week.
Mr. J. H, Copeland has the finest field
of cotton in tihs section. He Is one of
the best farmers in our community.
Mr. Fiank Mitchell, the well known
horse-trader of this section, says he has
the fastest trotlng horse on recrod.
Mr. Buster Kley, formerly of this place,
but now at the Gray lands, visited Holden
Monday. Mr. Eiey has quit horse
trading, and is now in the saw mill
Mr. Andrew King, of White Plains,
who was mustered out of U. S. Volunteers
at Macon some time ago, is now in our
midst, visiting lua b-other.ii -la.v, Mr. R.
L. Andrews,
Rv. J. II. Alexander of the Atlanta
Presbytery, and rep; .-.anting the
Christian Observer, brought lte\ T P.
Burgess to Bethany Sunday, and also
preached a very interesting sermon that
Mr. t). U. Jordan is having his thresh¬
ing machinery repaired and getting iu
good shape to start out threshing when
the grain gets ready, Mr. Jordan has been
In the business for some time. He does
good work, und gives general satisfaction.
Dr. L. M. Andrews lias decided to rp
snme his practice of medicine again. The
Doctor quit practicing entirely some years
ago, and took up farming. Cotton was
then 25 to HO cents a pound, but It grad¬
ually dropped off till it reached the pres¬
ent price, and the doctor, seeing Ids mis¬
take, has decided to fall back on ills for¬
mer vocation. The people of Holden
gladly welcome him back to hi? old occu¬
pation, and hope he will have a flourishing
practice in the future.
We have just received an invitation
from the.graduating class of the M. G.
M. &. A. College at Milledgevii'e, to
atte “ d ‘hell commencement, aud the
reunion banquet of the Alumni and
ex ^ Jldt>l , *| lkh ..o.jyge May 3P-3L The).
Is ?> ,id of u, td*- .y flubs, t nijhlBfS be
ivnom < on, .. .
I’aul H. Rhodes. Raul has made a brillium.
record In college, anil liesides having a
speaker’s place in the graduating exer¬
cises, has the honor of responding to a
“toast" at the banquet, and also of
delivering the valedictory -address to tho
senior class!
Thousands Have Kidney Trou¬
ble and Don t Know It.
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because mi decep¬
tive. it,—heartdiaeese, Many sudden deaths aie caused by
put union ia, heart fail¬
ure kidney or apnlexy disease. ure If often the re-ult of
lowed advance the kidney trouble is ak
to kidney |>oison In the
blood is liable to attack tbe vital organs,
or tbe kidneys themselves break down aud
waste away cell by cell. Then the, rich
ues# of the blood—the albumen—leak*
out and the suffer* r has Bright’* Disease,
the worst form of kidney trouble. Kidney
trouble can be delected although it b*
al w and dsceptlve. First, by analysis of
the urine: second, by the simple lest, of
setting the. urine aside in a gl«-t or bottle
'or twenty-four hours, when a cloudy or
brick dust settling indicates it.
It was for Just such tr ouble*that in His
infinite power and goodness the Great
Physician caused Swamp ifooi to grow
for til* benefit of ail ffriiug him. bid, le,v
ingit for Hlsaervsnt, Dr. Kilmer, the great
kidney and bladder'special i*t to dls<over
it and make ii known to the world. Its
wonderful efficacy in promptly curing the
most dls'ifi-singcases ia iruly marvelous.
You nisy have a sample boitie of l>r.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root tin. gical kidney,
liver and bladder remedy, by mail free.
Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., 1 ugliemtou,
N. Y. Wuen writing menUc his paper.
Druggists, iu till)-cent or d> slits.
A New Shop.
I have moved into rny now shop on
Broad street where I welcome all my
white friends to my handsome quarters.
I will ylsit your homos and do hair cutting
and shompooing for the ladles and child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoe-shlnlng deparment. Give me acall.
Crawfordville, Ga
Presented froe to any one, Inwle or feiiialp) I<P»a
who will lutrnduce lit pints of our New
American Writing Ink, aborted colors, intro
dilution price 10cents, worth HO cents; can be
sold in one day. Don’t send money—we trust
you util ink in Hold— simply send mention post-paid the name
of this p*i>er and we you the hi
packatfps ink. When sold you send us the $1.H0
and wp send you the watch prepaid. It you do
not sell the Ink it can be returned. Write to-day.
Fobhhkb & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
A r FNTS ^ $»>.00 Daily, Kuar&ntA***d most
useful combination kitch**a
W ™ **t" A WTFD' SdLS- invented; nine ar
* tides In one; world’s wonder.
Lightning seller; sample sample free.
W. K. Koesheb Co., Cincinnati,O.
===0 FUUliY WARRANTED 0 * 3
5 Ton Scales S 60 Freight Paid
I ^Sones* B i nghamton,^ ,