Newspaper Page Text
i «Sk
Tfce f# HOP
So the falling of the hair tells
o? the approach of age and
declining power.
No matter bow barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
you confidently expect leaves
again. And why? the
Because there is life at
, roots.
». So you need net worry about
► £ the falling of your hair, youth the
threatened departure of
► and beauty. if And why? spr.rk of 'J
► Because there is a
life remaining in the roots of R
the hair C
if $ : s
will arouse it into healthy activ¬
ity. The hair ceases to come
out: it begins to grow: and the
glory of your youth is restored
to vou.
we have a book on the Hair
and its Diseases. It is free.
Thm Boot Advice From .
If you do not obtain all the benefits
you expected the doctor from the about uae it. of the Probaoiy Vigor,
there i? some difficulty with yo nr jren
eral ftystem which may bo easily
removed. Addr^f*.
DK. J. C. AYEA, Lowell, Mam.
June Sheriff Sale.
("NtiORGIA.. Will lie suld T ALT in front A FERRO of door COUNTY. of court
hou'-e of Taliaferro County. Georgia, to
higher bidder, for cash, within the lawful
hour* of sale, on first Tuesday in Line,
next, all that tract or lot of land lying County, in
tiOSth Dist. G. M , Taliaferro
Georgia, containing 55 1,-2 acres more or
less, bounded on North by lands of Alexan¬
der Slaton; on East by lands of D. E.
Lnnceford; on South by Little River, and
on West by lands of Ga. Loan it Trust
•Said pi open tv levied upon by virture of
two executions in favor of S. M. Whitney.
One iSf 4ai»l executions issued front the ;
County Court of Wilkes County. Geor
cia. against H. T. Slaton. The other!
execution issued from the Justice
of the lG'.Hti DPt. G. Robert M , Wiikes/Uo- ML-(flows.
untv, Georgia, against Security.
principal and II- T. Slaton.
Said property levied upon as tj/« property
of H. T. Slaton.
This, the 8th dav cW^ 1899.
Sheriff of T/uliaferro County, Georgia.
I a m J now prepared to negotiate loans in
any a Ynounts from 8200.00 up on real estate
AT 7 PER CENT, per annum.
Attorney at Law,
Gun & Locksmith,
Genera. Repair Shop, Including Bicycle
Repairs all Kinds. Send in your w<rk.
Shop iu rear of J. H. Powers’ Store,
On Square Near Court House.
uBotb mjr wlb and mricirbave Hxjz beta
saajMKi^ti frantic with headache & for
waek my wife wm yourCASCARETS,
twodava. the tried some of
and they relieved the pain in her head aimoet
Immediately- We t>oth recommend Caseareta.
Cmxs. ST*D*rORD. Pateburg. Pa.
Plttebur* Safe A Oepotlt Co..
twadc mask mwatortmto
Fleetest. Peleteble. Slefcen. Weaken, Potent. or Gripe. Teete lOe. OogC. &c. Kie. Do
... CURE Ml" Twtl ...
•» NdntrpsAe
I' ?!
it., ,, Augusta, . ,, ba.,
9 7th
fight, grinds the proper and V\.\T
Bants them. while
Lenses cut into your frame you
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Our People Are Doing, Saying
and Thinking About Told
in Brief Notes.
—We welcome our Moore’s mill
—The May blizzard struck us
Wednesday morning.
—Miss Minnie Lee Alford is
on a visit to Buckhead.
—Mrs. Caroline Gee visited
Washington Sunday last.
—Mr. J. O. Stewart is becom¬
ing a professional bicyclist.
—Ryland Gorham visited rel¬
atives at Woodville Sunday.
—Get you a ticket ready for
the excursion Monday week.
—Some hail here Monday
I evening but not much damage
—Mr. W. R. Reid has organ
to get ice by the car loads
—Mrs. Jas. K. Sanford
ed Monday from a weeks visit
to Augusta.
—Mrs. M. A. Sanford was
taken quite sick suddenly Tue: -
day morning.
—There is an epidemic of the
usual attacks of spring sickness
in this section.
—Mr. Claud Williams of Union
Point was here Tuesday to play
ball with the boys. :
—Mrs. Martha E. Moore went
over to Sparta Saturday tospetad
a while with relatives.
—Mrs. L. L. Oslin returned
to Barnett Tuesday after ai
visit to relatives here.
—Miss Mary Lamar Moore, of
Greene county, is on a visit to
Judge Geo. Mitchel’s at thus
—The rain this week catr.e in
good time and the farms, gar¬
dens anb flower 'yards w, ere re¬
deemed. /
—Dr. and 1 Mrs. W. F. Ham
mack returned to Atlanta this
week after a pleasant visit to the
, , / f nrmpr
i-TKfie ' “old iron craze” has
, our town town ana und tne the pnrth eaitn is is
being scraped shipped ot all the scrap foun
iron to be to the
q 1 .y_
—Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen and
Louis Berman came down from
Madison Sunday and spent the
day with the latter’s father at
this place.
—Dr. H. F. White was well
acquainted with A. F. Tudor
who wtis accidentally killed by
an electric wire iu Macon first
of this week.
—Sheriff Taylor was down
about Raytown this week and he
says Mr. O. D. Moore has the
finest field of corn he has seen in
the county this season.
The entertainment ..J the Acad¬
emy by the music Department
has been post]toned from Friday
night the 20th, iust.,to June 2nd,
to-night week.
—There was a mustered out
soldier left here Wednesday
night by the soldier train that
stopped at the depot. It ts said
he was on the train without a
—Will Asbur.y came home from
Comer Sunday. Mr. W. C. Finch
who was running Mr. Asbury’s
farm near Bethesda died last
week and Will will take charge
of the farm.
—A joke is told
young man. On leaving the
JSVnderTclSthef ^inT^ the
dark and was hung up on the
3 ahUdothes line
One of , trie , , heat . lest , ,
storms ever witnessed in this
part of the country vusited a
section about Buckhead Monday,
It WclS said that large flail stones
were raked up by the bushels.
—His friends here will be glad
to hear that Hansel Jackson
igraduated in the plumbing
| ness with second honor.
i is one of the most successful
| callings a young man can learn
these day®
It would be of value to all
who suffer with kidney trouble
(investigate of few the bottles matter left and at get the
lone h
Q v>d P) ra g ° store of a special
jrder o{ t b a t Texas wonder,
Hall’s Discovery. Many testify
that onlv a few drops of the
medicine cure: .
* * * AGENCY / FOR
“The Big Store,”
150 Wagons. ZZZZ 75 Buggies.
W ashington, Georgia.
Broke Her Hoad.
Two negro women had a tig , t
near Raytown first of the wee ,j c
and one of them struck the other
on the head wth a hoe. con
Dr. siderably Ray breaking her head up.
attended the wounded
woman and took out a handful
of pieces of bone from her head.
To the Afflicted.
I have made a considerable
increase iu my stock of drugs,
and am hand ling patent medic i
nes,medicinal soaps, etc., and am
specially prepared to till physi
ciaus'presoriptions. The pub’li
are invited to visit me when in
need of such, H. F. White.
Complete Water works.
Col. Horace Holden has
most complete and conveniently
arranged system of waterworks
in hi$ home here that can be
found in any town of the size of
Ctawfordville. He expects to
put in a hydraulic ram in the
spring back of his house and use
water from the spring in his pas
ture lot and erect a nice fountain
in his front yard. That will be
still nicer than liis present ar¬
Another Case of Klieiiiiiutisin Cured by
Ciuunberluin’H Pain Balm.
My son was afflicted with
rheumatism which contracted his
right limb until he was unable
to walk. After using one and a
half bottles of Chamberlain’s
Pain Balm he was able to be
about, again. I can heartily
recommend it to persons suffer¬
ing from rheumatism.—John
Snider, Freed, Calhoun Co., W
Va. P’or sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
The Ball Game Failed.
The match game of ball to ha
been played here last week was
postponed until Tuesday of this
week. The young men belong¬
ing to the Crawfordville team
had made all arrangements to
entertain and play the Washing
ton team, but the latter did not
put in its appearance and the
Crawfordville boys had tip send
out into the highways dndjiuvUe
others to the feast. And still
they had to goto the ball ground
and play all among themselves.
Whooping (lough.
I had a little boy who was
nearly dead from an attack of
whooping cough. My neighbors
recommended Chamberlain’s
Cougli Remedy. I did not think
that any medicine would help
him. but after giving him a few
doses of that remedy I noticed
an improvement, and one bottle
cured him entirely. It is the
best cough medicine I ever had
in the house.—J L. Moore.
South Burgettstown, Pa. Fot
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
To Atlanta and Return for $1A50.
A pleasant trip to Atlanta on
June 5th and return on the 6th
is arranged ” by • Messrs, TuggH
& Hollmgsworth-another (j
their special daylight excursions
for only $1.60 round trip from
Crawfordville. The tram wiL
arrive here at J:l_a. m.. Juue
^11 taU" A? »i
u ;10 p m , June 6th. and arrive
± Crawfordville about
by £ he all 1f who go &re and the 6 fares
J within reach of all. It.tin
stop at all stations between
• gust a and Lithoma. Get
to go and have a good time.
, Money to patent good be
secured hy our aid. Tht. Patent Record,
B * ltlmore - Md -
1 ‘
TI7 Why , n V mjA ui4U. 10 > jinr tfluO
J J “ *¥ •
FOR rAn nnuiur SEWING MACHINES? uimilliprn
When you can buy a new
High Arm Singer for less than
half that amount at
I! Making' Wash Boards.
Mr. Peter Holliday, manager
iof the Washington Manufactur
S Co., originated the idea ol
leaking wash boards in that,
place, and his company is turn
0, d a yery superior wash
'-hoard. It is made ol heart pine
i Df’nd poplar and is far superior
o the old zinc board. We hope
;o see all such industries encour
aged as it means prosperity.
Early Brain all H iglil.
Many of our people complain
that oats are greatly failures in
this seel ion. We suppose they
are mostly spring oats that
have sutfered so much during
the dry weather; all the fall oats
that were sown early enough
have come out all right, made
good heads and in most cases
have good grain in them. There
is no doubt about small grain
doing better when sown plenty
early in the fall. It is seldom a
failure if planted correctly and
sufficiently early.
We understand that Messrs.
Geo. W. Pitkin Co., the oldest
and one of the most reliable man¬
ufacturers of Mixed Paint in Chi¬
cago, are desirous of securing
blight, energetic salesmen in
this county, They have been
fof thirty years manufacturers
of the justly celebrated “Pitkin's
Ready-Mixed Paint,” also Barn
and Roof Paints, Leads, Colors
in Oil, Enamels, Stains. Varnish¬
es Varnish Paints. Fillers, Bug
Paints - 'Floor Prints. Pony
Paints, and a full line of Paint
Specialties. They fully guaran
\ee everything they make.
-'phe.y believe their brands^of
paint are so good that it does
not require an experienced sales¬
man to show them. They will
pay liberal commission and re
quest anyone who wishes to rep¬
resent them in this district to
write them at once. They are
now building a new, perfectly
equipped factory on the corner
of Fulton & Carpenter Sts., Chi¬
cago, as their present plant is in¬
adequate for their increasing
business. Letters addressed
Geo. W. Pitkin Co., Chicago will
reach them.
Everything in Machinery Line.
For everything in the line of
machinery, gin and mill supplies
and repairing there is no than bettor
place to find your wants at
Mallory Bros & Co., Macon. They
have the neatest and most tastily
arranged place of business their we
know of in their line, and
long and upright dealing with
the public shows that they will
treat you right. See thei r not ice
in ^nd to them
&>r low prices on anything you
ma y nee ? ,n machinery and sup
and repairs in machinery.
liaw'a This t
We offer One Hundred Dollars
f^ war( i fyr »ay case ol Catarrh
C * red by
^Vj * * Chkney A Co Proo*. 6.
We the undersigned, have
knowT1 F . J. C h«u«y for the last
jj years, and believe him per
j n a ]j business
transact i onB and financially able
^ ^ rry oot any obligations made
by their firm
West A T'KUAX, Wholesale
ny-jjrrg-iats Toledo. O.
Walding, Ktnnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken
»n*«rnailv, acting directly upon
tlte blo'id and muoo4is surfaces oi
»■■«« system. Price 75e, per bov
*.c Sold by all Druggist*. Tes
Hall’s Family Pills are the
Onr Honor Boll.
The following kind patrons have pale
heir subscriptions since our last issue:
J. A. Aoiley. 81 to May 1, 1900.
M. . ». E. Buike 27c. toNov. 27 99.
Brightest Items from Near by
To tlie Credit of tlie Excellent County
Journals from Which We Wet
the Creamy New*.
—Gvoonsboro has raised over
$00,000 for a cotton factory.
—It will take a big crop of
cotton and good prices for it to
pay for the corn farmers are bu,
—Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Morr's
visited his parents at Crtwlord
ville. last Saturday and Sunday.
—Greensboro Herald Journal.
—Mr. Will Tucker, who lives
out near Tyrone, lost his son.
Marshal, who died of fever on
Monday.—Washington Times.
—The. plague of hugs that has
infested the gardens in this and
adjoining counties has nearly
ruined the vegetable prospects.
A dog and a shotgun consti -
lute the stocklaw of some of the
Hancock farmers. It is a prim¬
but effective one.—Ishmael
—Mr. Alex Mathis had his
house robbed the other |
night. Suspicion rests upon
negros who lived near by.
Woodstock Cor. Echo.
—One of our handsome and
gallant young men fell in love at
the picnic with a most lovely
and bewitching young lady from
the county of Taliaferro —Union
Point, Cor. Herald-Journal.
500 Doz. Mason Jars at
Johnson’s “BigStore.”
—The home ol Alderman Jop¬
lin was burned in Greensboro
Tuesday of last week. It is a
good idea to insure your house.
Clem Moore will write you a pol¬
icy cheap iu the old reliable Wes
60 Grain Cradles. John
eon’s “Big Store.”
—There are undoubtedly,
more well dressed loafers in
Sparta, to the square inch, than
in any town on earth. How those
air plants manage to exist, is
one of t he mysteries of the age
that Ishmaelite. will never be solved.—Spur
“7 have been a sufferer from
chronic diarrhoea ever since the
war and have used all kinds of
medicines for it. At last I found
one remedy that hits been a
success as a cure, and that is
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remeby.—P. E.
Grisham Gaars Mills, La. For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Studebaker Bros. Agen¬
cy at Johnson’s “Big Store.”
—“Mr.Richards merchandised
in our town for a number of
years, though noton alarge scale,
was very attentive to his busi¬
ness. and w as a man of the st rict¬
est integrity. He was one of the
landmarks of the town, and we
regret to know that we will never
again see him in his accustomed
place,” says the Washington Ga¬
zette in regard to the death of
the late Mr. Taswell Richards.
Many old soldiers now feel the
effects of the hard service they
endured during the war. Mr.
Geo. S. Anderson, of Rossville,
York county. 1 enn., who saw
the hardest kind of service at
the front, is now frequently
troubled with rheumatism. “I
had a severe attack lately,” he
says, “and procured a Balm. bottle of It
Chamberlain’s Pain
did SO much good that I would
like to know what you would
charge me for one dozen bottles,
Mr. Anderson wanted it both for
his own use and to supply it to
his friends and. neighbors, as
every family should have a
bottle of it in their homes,
on ] y for rheumatism, but lame
back, sprains, swellings, cuts,
bruises and burns, for which it
j s unequalled. For sale by Dr.
R . j. Ro id .
QOnO sJ Cu/aans oweeps and a. n u
Wings. Johnsons “Big
Store,” Washington.
—W. M. Maltbie, Esq., of
Crawfordville, was here this week
on legal business.—Washington
Been t he Tht Kind Yuti Hava Always Bought
* f
—Above John Moore’s mill
las? Saturday. Mr. Bob
caught a verv large turtle.
j saj( j jt was a ] >out two feet across,
i and was one of the sott shell kind.
J Washington Times.
“Saved Her Life.”
g* y
M ✓J
T-f r ^ y V
!* ■
j 'A
I;. I ''WMmmkW k
fl' y(Y
Jg X RS. JOIIN WALLET, of Jefferson,
|y| esteemed Wls., than whom widely none known, Is more highly
or writes.
"Tn 1890 I had a severe attack of LaGrippe
and at the end of four months, in spite of alt
physicians, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungs heart and nervous system were
so completely wrecked, my life was de¬
spaired of, my friends giving me up. 1 could
oil iy sleep by the uso of opiates. My lungs
and heart pained rue terribly and my cough
was most aggravating. I could not lie in
one position but, a short time and not, on my
left side at all. My husband brought me
Pr. Miles’ Nervine and Heart Cure and I be¬
gan taking them. When I had taken a half
bottle of each l was much better and contin¬
uing persistently I took about a dozen bot
tics and was completely restored to health to
the surprise of all.”
J>r. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug¬
gists under a positive
guarantee, first, bottle
benefits or money re¬
funded. Book on dis
eases of the heart and
i., Elkharr Juu.
June Sheriff Sales.
* Will be sold, on the first Tuesday In
June, next, at public outcry ut Out Court,
house In said County, within the legal hours
of sale, to the highest bidder for ra-h, < er
tain property, of which the following Is
a full and eornpl ic description,—-The
following Six lots or parcels of land, siiuaiml
In the hundred and First (ifolst)
District, G. M,, said Primus County, Law.-on, which was
formerly lands of Dec’d,
and beintr divided and allotted to the heirs
at law of said Primus Lawson by’ Pa'ti
tlouers appointed by Superior said County Court at
August bum, 1898, of to
divide said land:
Lot No. 1, assigned to Nancy Lawson,
containing the 7 property acres and of Nancy 27 rods, Lawson. levied
upon as
Lot No. 4, Hs'li-ned to Tress Law-on,
containing 7 hciss and 24 rods, levied
upon us the properly ol Tress Lawson.
Lot No. 15, assigned to Eliza Lawton,
containing 7 acres and 80 rods, levied
upon as the property of Eliza Lawson.
Lot No. 0, assigned to Elizabeth Lawson,
containing one acre and 4o rods, levied
upon as the property of Eliza belli Lawson.
Also Lot of 17 acres of Plantation trai t;
and Lot of one foui tli of one acre of the
Home place, whereon is situated tha
dwelling house of said Primus Lawson,
Dec’d.; levied upon «* the property of *
Km tun Lawson -and her minor children,
Tress and Elizabeth Lawson, to satisfy
an Execution Issued from the Superior
Court of said County in favor of officers
of Court.
For a more particular description of
said lots, see Flats of saute recorded in
office of Clerk of Superior Court of said
County iu Book “L," pag s 501. 502 508,
and 504 for writs. Written notice given
us required by iaw.
This, 9th day May, 1899.
Hherill Taliaferro County.
* 1
Wliereii*, Uolx’rt R. L. Httduway.'repre¬ Hwlaway, b(
m I it r it lor of Luther
sents to the court In adrninmemd his petition, Luther (Inly
filed,Unit lie lots fully
R. Htidaway’s esti'te. Tld« Is therefore to
cite nil persons concerned, kindled mul
creditors, to show cause. If any they can,
why said Rdrninitrator should not he dis¬
charged from tils udndsnlstrallon. and re¬
ceive letters of dlsrnlsson on the tiist
Monday In July, 1899.
This, Uth day of April. 1899.
GEO. H. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
totp*iwn om vwrtoron« d<>Hu.
xhi» popular edition of the Savannah
Morning New* contains all the latest
news i.ud market reports, and la sent cut
with the dully paper, while the news is
It K the old and popular Savan
ntt |, Weekly News In a new form. It was
changed three years ago from once ft week
to twice n week without chang* In pKce.
it contains full accounts of win»t isgoiDg
on in Cubmiud the Pbiilipinesand all »he
neW8 0 f t ,he World. This year like the
will be full of ttartliug news, not
onlvtb , war but „r the political situation
wJj Kh pnm :«w to be excftng. As in the
pa8t , T u. savannah Weekly New will
snppo, t thenemocra ic party belts piat
form wh»t It m»y. Send *1.00 and g*-t
you the New, for .-year il.a. can be ha<l
We club th.-Savannah Weekly New*.
with the AdvcHmt^-Uenux rat
for 8175. The regular Subscription price
1 of ,bf lw “ pa,Mir * ,ir ‘' 82,
| Exchange —RATES:—
Per Day, 81.00.
Hotel. Pet Week, 84.00, 54.50
* and 55.00.
A. Proprietor, J. ADKINS, 163 Marietta St.
Opposite Miller Ot Brady’s Celbrated
Stables, the Largest in the South,
M Mil
But Coogh Syrapb. Tmstea Good. Use
In time. Sold by druggist*.
^ g Miles’ Dr. 7?
dHsadOuasu 3!
i ,Reetore»
V — I