Newspaper Page Text
01OO Tear.
Are Arriving Almost
Daily at C. Berg¬
strom's, Call
and see
Dry Goods Department.
Dress Goods in assorted colors.
Calicoes in assorted patterns, Cambiic
n assorted patents, Bleaching,
good assortment, Bed-spreads at
at lowest prices, Flannels in great
variety. Large slock of Plaids, Sheet
ing and shirting. Large stock of
Spool cotton and ball thread. Canton
amrel in different shades and colors.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
Large assortment of dress Shirts,
Hustlers, Undershirts, suspenders,
Handkerchiefs, Neck-wear and Gloves.
A good assortment Ladies’ Hose and
Children’s Ilose. Men’s halt Ilose all
n great variety.
Great assortment of Jeans nnd Jeans
Punts, Boy’s Coats, Pants and Vests.
Come at ^nce and buy ol me.
Classwave and lamps,
Large Hall aud Parlor Lamps,
Chandelier globes, aud Lamp globes,
Lanterns and lantern globes, extra
shades, burners and wicks, common
hand lamps, Looking glasses and glass
Crockery, Foreign & Domestil
China Plates, large stock of mus¬
tache Cups and saucers, Porcelain cups
and saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Bowls, lorge slock ot Bowls aud
Drugs and Medcines.
Wizzard, British and sweet Oils.
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putty.
Sio?es and Tinware.
Galvanized Well Buckets for 001 ed
wells, laige and small Tubs, Bread
Trays, half bushel and peck measures,
Gallon and half-gallon Oil cans, Pots
and Kettles, aud stove pipes.
Trunks, Leather Goods, Etc.
Sole and leather, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., Valises, Leather and
Bark Collars.
Botise-furni sling Goods.
Mattresses, -otton and straw, steel
Lprings, folding and straight, Round
Tables, Swings, Hobby-horses, Wag¬
ons. Etc. for children.
Needles & Sewing Machine
Supplies, such as Gold Eye, Silver
Eye and sewing machine Needles for
all the different makes ot sewing ma
Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Flour, Lard,
Roasted Coffee, Axle-grease, Soaps,
of every sort, Turnip seed, Onion sets,
Candles, Crackers, Candies, Soda,
Pickles, Vinegar, Segars, Snuff,
Chewing and smoking Tobacco.
Hardware and Cnttlery.
Axes. Hoes, Nails. Horse and Mule
Shoes, shoe Hammers, Scissors,
shear- and hair Trimmers, Knives and
Forks, spoons. Pocket Knives and
Gun T ubies.
T IDA Y, JUNE 16.1899.
| m K §
What the People of Th;
ing Town
rh. News and Gossip of all
tion of Much Interest, lie)
By C. L. Rugby.
Mrs. McKeon’s fine cow is di
People have their crops in g<
The writer and family weri
The compress work is u
Frank Gilbert is rapidly im]
Mr. J. A Kendrick’s brag cor
surely flue.
Bicycle repairers do not I
work to do now. |
i’o Cure Constipation For
Take Cascarets Can lv Cathartic.
It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists ret'
B:o. Jesse Taylor gets $15 I
for his scrap iron.
We are informed that Hllln
will soon change hand 1
Wo-To-Hac for C«D
Guaranteed tobacco bal are,
men strong, blood pure. 5Ue, $1. All druggists.
The best thing people can do is to
tend to their own business.
We saw some poor people last week
were too proud to sell old iron.
Educ ate Voul' llowels Wit h Cascaretn.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. 25c. It C. C. C. tali, druggists rotund money.
We have a beardless marshal but
body likes him and he is a good officer.
Mrs. J. It Scruggs and Miss Dell Brown
have been on a visit to this section receut
Mr. J. A. Kendrick has four or five
two-horse Milburn wagons for sale cheap
for cash; call on him and get a bargain at
Some people try to live a high life and
‘•cuss” the dull times—that’s business on
a rack.
The potato bug or Colorado beetle is
very bad in this section and is destiuction
it goes.
Itf. A. Simmons Liver Medicine
a good Appetite, Tones and
Strengthens the Stomach, uDd builds up
the Health.
The old reliable English liniment put
up and sold by C. L. Bagby is good for
pains and aches.
Bob Jackson has been Shooting dogs.
Hope lie will keep it up until all the
trifling' curs are killed.
Dr; national M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine has
a reputation, extending over
about sixty years, as a most successful
Liver Regulator.
It idcruel and a shamo that people with
means will let their stock lay down and
die for want of attention.
A gbod many have been looking over
the fitfd to see who would make good
officer^ for the cursing club.
Purr blood is full of Life and Vitality,
and carries Vigor to the organs of the
body. tieates Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi¬
cine rich, pure blood.
Mr. W. P. Mckeon lias all the cotton
he has raised for the past three years yet
on haud waiting fora betterprice. Don’t
think It will ever come.
Preaching t Raytown Saturday a. m.
and Sunday p, m. by Pastor Guillebeau.
He preaches same days at Jennings Satur¬
day P. M. and Sunday A. M.
During Summer we are liable to Stom¬
ach and Bowel troubles, such as Diarr¬
hoea, Colic, Cramps, etc., for which Dr
M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine ia highly
The questioujof whether it is lawful to
catch turtles was debated here the other
day. Some one opposed to catching them
Don’t think the law prohibits such fishing.
The man who goes and buys provisions
on time to run his crop with and then
barters off their supplies for whiskey, is
robbing himself and family to pay the
Mis»M. T. Ilolsenbake, Harlem, Ga.,
writes: Dr. A. Simmons Liver Medi¬
cine did me more good than anything I
ever used for Torpid Liver I think it
excels Zeilin’s and Black Draught in
strength and mildness of action.
Mr. J. W. Fallen has bought out
bar business of Croach & Co. It
that it Is hard for tke outsider to get
starthere in opposition to Mr.
It is said that we nave a merchant
this section who is too lazy to take
cise enough to make his blood
and yet he is making some money.
Bismarck’s Iron Iverve
Was the result of his splendid h*sith.
Indomitable will and treia hkIous energy
are n<rt found where Stomach,
Kidney* and Bowels are out of order. I
you want these qualities and tlie succea*
^ °
iemocl m
you get. You would think strange*
editor’s asking you for your goods in
stock or your for labor nothing.
Ad Arkansas Firm lined It I.nst ge-ssoii
With Great Satisfaction.
From the Commercial Appeal, Memphis,'J *mi.
A. J. Clements, of the firm of Clem ants
& Daniel, cotton ginners of Lonoke, Ark.,
was in the city yesterday. Mr. Clem uts
was seen by a Commercial Appeal r<; ■ >'■
sentative in the office of the American
Cotton Company, in the Continental build¬
ing, and lie talk« 1 very enthusiastically of
that company’s Roundlap bale press,
which he has been operating at bis gin the
past season. He compressed about 4,<)fio
bales on bis Roundlap bale press, and tin,
cotton was all sold at the press at Memphis
Mr, Clements says that a Roundlap bale
net from from the fLOT American .$3.1)0 Company’s mor&jjp^'-ft prewjfljl
the >’ . W ■■ p »i;3. lit foci, a f. ewfmrf
months ago, made a test of the
bringing the exact number of pounds of
the same quality to Mr. Clements that he
did to a square bale press, without lett'ng
either gin know he was making the lest,
and the Roundlap bale nettted just 0-5 75
more than the square hale.
Mr. Clements says that one season has
satisfied him of the American Company’s
Roundlap bale press. It is a good tiling
he says, both for the ginner and the far¬
mer ami his firm will continue its use and
abandon its other press entirely.
Has Passed Away.
Mrs. J.R. Evans passed peacefully
away, Sunday June 4, after being sick
two weeks. She was one of the most
beautiful characters we ever knew.
She was a Christian woman, and t lie
devotion to her husband and child was
very beautiful. She was a woman whose
life was spent in making the lives of
those around her brighter and happier,
and will be very much missed by a large,
circle of relatives and friends whose grief
can oenly be known by those who have
passed through such sorrow.
It was a pleasuae to both young and
old to visit there, she entertained her
company in such a pleasant common sense
way that all looked forward to any thing
she was to give.
In the gloom and desolation of the hour
a pretty little babe is the only solace of a
grief stricken family. It bas been denied
the greatest of God’s blessings—the refin¬
ing influence of a mother’s care.
We wish to extend our heart felt sym
pathytothe bereaved husband
The deceased was Miss Bertha Maltble,
leaving besides her husband and little one,
a mother, a si star and a brother who are
bowed in grief.
Hall’s Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cure- diabetes,
seminal emission, weak and lame baek,
rheumatism and all irregularities of the
kidneys and bladder in both men and
women. Regulates bladder troubles In
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will lie sent by mail on receipt >f 81.
One small bottle istwo months tr' itmeut,
and will cure any casa above mentioned.
All orders promptly filled. Send
Texas testimonials. E. W, HALL.
Sole manufacturer, F. O. Box 218,
Waco Texas Sold at Owl Drug
Crawfordville, Ga.
r„n.) ’ u .rt i'.n ” Anritoad tsoft
’ * ’
This is to certify that I was _
with gravel a d that I tookfiOdtrps
to any one needing it. J. T. STEVENS.
hat Their Neighbors Am
the News of the County as Told by
Our Wide* wake Pencil
hwrlie Do’/.Ut was on the sick list last
Ilrs. S. A- Portwood was quite sick
It week.
|Wi [is have had considerable sickness In
K ii» who thinks he knows it all
Is the mo: to learn.
Col John Svann, of Helena, was visiting
latlves near here Sunday.
The spread of intelligence consist only
wha* (he rippitite require .
W v. Kd wards Is buying another load
I href ,IV to slim to Augusta. ‘
llte L A. L. Hillman has gone to visit
family who resides in Atlanta.
pilKs iris Burn. family Rhodes near Lynovtlle visited JI,J. last wet
Yv noticed quite a lot of blooms In
cotton lv I of G. S. Rhodes. Bam Is an
to date farmer, anyway.
Some people arc so cbm itable with
good advise that they never have
left for home consumpti Ml.
A man may dodge his financial
tions but one thing certain— he must
the debt of vaturo as he goes.
Wc are glad to know th at Mr.
Portwood is thought to be
after a long and serious spell of sickness.
Several families from near Jennings and
this community enjoyed a nice
at Hillman last-Saturday. Mr. John
well furnished the meats.
We venture the assertion that Briitor
C. G. Moore has the naatest and best
arranged homo and printing office to be
found in middle Georgia; surely life has
more charms for a man who is thusly
tffiuated in this world.
ft*- at Munday tv JMcvA jB^Shinf In each eA 4 Swjfo^'|
every L*
preachers are Rov. H. A. Norman, A.
Hillman, H. M. Harrison and J. T. Acreo.
They are all good men. Should our people
fall to comply with tho Master’s divine
will It will not be for tho want of tho
It seems that the general public are
becoming very much alarmed about the
numerous trusts and combines which are
certainly assuming perilous proportions.
But it is not trust that w* most fear. It
is tire comebined forces of the vast multi¬
tude of loafers and dead beats that this
country is in most danger of.
There are some folks who complain at
both dry and wet weather: In fact they
have become chronic grumblers aud do
little else. To such we commend the
words of the poet when he says:
Be ready when the days are bright,
To labor with a will, till night,
But when it storms from morn
Be wise and patient still; descend,
The winds must blow, the rains
Till brooks their banks overflow;
Contentment is a priceless friend—
We harvest as we sow;
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen at
Hannibal, >lo. lately had a wirnderfol
deliverance from s frightful death. Id
teiling of It he says: “I was taken with
Typhoid Feyer, that ran hrto Pneumonia
my lungs became hardened, I wus **>
weuk I couldn't eveu sit up fa bed. Noth¬
ing helped me. I^expec led to soon die 01
Consumption, when I heard of Dr. Kina’
Now Discovery. On,, I Kittle g *ve grrai
relief. I continued to use it, and now au.
well and strong. 1 can't wry too mneb lu
It* praise." I his marvelous medicine la
the surest aud quickest cure in the world
for all Throat and Lung Trouble, Regular
sizes 50 cents and 81 00. Trial bottles free
St Dr. R. J. Reid’s Drug fitort; evesy bob
tie guaranteed.
Mr. J. W. McKinney beasts of
two snakes 8 t«-ep long each.
Barnett bas more ylsitor* on Sunday
than any other day In the week.
If the rag man would come along now
he could get a car load we think.
Mrs. Carrie Gregory and children are
well pleased with their home at Decatur.
Mr. Green LedbetteT, one of our
citizens, has been in bad health for some
Miss Claud Taylor attended the high
school closing exercises at Norwood last
It seems that Barnett ia a dull
for business. Five store houses here
only one occupied.
Don't Tobacco Spit sad Smoke luur I.ife Aw*j.
-po quit tobacco easily and forever, be ma?
netic. lull of life, nerve and vigor, take
Sterling Kerned, Co.. Ch,: W or .New York.
ROYAL Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
*OY*t BAKIN0 eOWOtR 80., NtW YORK.
The scrap iron that was sold to the.
junk man was sold very cheap but it was
some help to a great many. '
We notice a good man loafing darkies
around. They can get tkork If they
want it. There are too many place*
where they cau And employment to have
that for an excuse.
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering from a cold settled
on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung
troubles of any nature, who will call at
Owl Drug Store, will be presented with
a sample bottle of Bosehue’s German
Syrup, free of charge. Omy one bottle
giyen to one person, and none to children
without order from parents,
No throat or lung remedy ever had such
a:iii le as Bose lice’s German Syrup in all
p artg 0 { civilized world. Twenty
years ago millions of bottles were given
S £
()n iy Throat and Lung Remedy generally
endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent
bottle will cure or prove its valhe. Sold
by dealers in all civilized countries.
Dry weather at this writing.
Great deal of sickness in this section .
Mr. Will Tucker’s family Isstlll sick.
Mr. H. A. Gilbert .spent Sunday In
Miss Naunie Mooru -is spending her
vacation at home.
Miss Minnie Thompson is spending this
week lu Washington.
Mr. Tom West has been very sick for
sometime but Is better.
Mias Esel Johnson spent* Saturday night
with friends near Washington.
Wo hear of a man who swears because
others tell him to do so. Quit it.
Rev. J. S. Callaway preached a,’ fine
sermon at Philips Sunday from John 0 $6.
fj r.jid Cary Iflyu‘
r Jill LUfl ;£ar\x\ / T
Sunday last. ^-res¬
Dont cut ut each other, brother t
pondents. It brings you into criticism.
Tlmt won’t do.
Miss Bessie Moore, of Raytown, visited
Miss Nannie Stevens Iasi Sunday. The
later Is visiting at Raytown now.
Remarkable Kesc-ie.
Mrs. Michael Curt*'*, Plainfield. III.,
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she was
treated for a month by her family physi¬
cian, but grew worse. He told her she
was a hopeless victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dt. King’s New
Discovery for Consumption; she bought a
bottle and to bar delight found herself
beuefltted Jrom first dose. She continued
Its use and ufter taking six bottles, found
herself sound and well; now does her own
housework, and ts as well 33 she ever was
—Free trial IiotUes of this Great Discove¬
ry at Dr. It. J. Reid’s drug store. Large
bottle* 5oc aud 01.00.
BY 1. N. C.
Mrs. Geo. Short is quite sick.
Crops are looking well in this section.
Mrs. Dave Walker sp^nt Sunday with
Mrs. Geo. Short.
Miss Rosa Waller,'of Stony Ridge, Is
visiting Mrs. Eola Boatwright.
R. L. Boatwrigtit and family speut
Saturday at Mr. Frank Burteu’s.
Mr. Zack Arnold, of Oglethorpe,
Saturday with S. A. Caldwell.
S. A. Caldwell and wife spent Sunday
jviththe latttrs uncle, Mr. J. II. Gibson.
It. M. Boatwright has the finest
of any around here. He has three
to the stalk.
Weare glad to report Mrs. E. A.
man and Mrs. Fannie Boatwright
recovered their usual health,
Mrs. Mamie Lawton and children,
have been on a visit to her parents
have returned to their home in Jackson¬
ville, Fla.
Guess the Helena basefal) team will do
the Crawfordville boys a job if they
watch out. [Theaboye was written be¬
fore the writer heard the result of the
game.—Ed. A. D.j
Volcanic Eruption
Are grand, bat 8kln Eruptions rob life
of Joy. Bucklen’s Arnlc Salve, cures
them; also Old. Running *nd Fever Sores.
Fleer*, Bolls, Felons, Corns, Wart*, Cuts.
Bruises, Burns. Scalds. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth,
Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 35 cts.
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr, R.
J. Held Druggist.
In Advance-
— The Washington Gazette has
Jj ee n shown 13 snake eggs all
oined together.
—The rain Monday marred
pleasure of the , base ball
but was a blessing to crops
Beautiful Hair.
Can always be obtained by using that
highly perfumed and strictly scientific
compound—Dr. Murray’s Hair Promoter.
It stops the hair from failing out, cures
dandruff, and restores gray cr faded hair
to its original youthful color, beauty and
softness. As a hair dressing it has no
equal. See advertisement elsewhere in
this paper.
The citizens of Dublin have
sent us a very cordial invitation
to visit their thrivlngcityduring
the Weekly Press convention
which will be held there July
11th. Those cities and towns
prosper that take hold of move¬
ments calculated to advance the
towns, and Dublin bras prospered
by patronizinghptneenterprises,
advertising her city and foster
ingevery move that will bring
her advantages before the
world. Dublin has three papers,
all well patronized.
/ Catarrh tf th* iou af'. ha*
summer catarra,
Itanrpriaes manytffiat
bowel trouble is catar¬
rhal. Dr. Hartman “a
books make this plain.
Write to the Pa-ru-na
Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for them.
They tell all about catarrh and bow
Be-ru-aa cure# it wherever located.
“I hadchrofcicdlarrhoea writes
for fifteen E. years,” Miller, Grand
Mr. T.
Prairie, Tex. “ I tried »
many medicines and "j || |
doctors In vain. Attest
mended, Pe-ru-na and was it relieved recoin- ■ Jj
and cured me at once.” *
Mr. John Hurting, 63t
Main St... Cincinnati, O.,
writ**: ‘My wife and
myself took your Pe
iu ru-na for chronic dlax
M rhcea and ft cured ua.
j( No doctor tried before or tnedicin* helpnd
a we
r m.”
Mr. Edward Wormaek,
Ledbetter, Ten., writes: U ' ^
“ Pc-ru-na for bowel
troubles is unequalled ** p*
by anythin® In my
perisose. I ow« nr
Ufa to Ps-ru-na, ana 1 £
•haU always recoin
mend It to those suffer¬
ing as I was. ”
Mr. John Edgarton, 1020 Third Ave.,
Altoona, Pa., says: “I suffered from
dysentery for three years I took Pa
ru-na and am now well.”
^ Btmrdr Co t., r-LT, CW«M«. >r iMlrMl. W r.funS mnnaf '«»
A New Shop.
I have moved into my new shop on
Broad street where I welcome all my
white friends to my handsome quarters.
I will yisit your homes and do hair cutting
and shompooing for the ladies and child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoe-shining deparment. Give me a call.
Crawfordville, Ga
Presented tree to auy one, (male or female)
who will iutroduce 18 pints of our New Idea
American Writing Ink, assorted colors, intro¬ be
duction price 10cents, worth 5U cents; can
sold in one day. Don’t send money—we trust
you util ink is sold—simply mention the name
of this paper and we send you post-paid the 18
packages ink. When sold you send us the $1.80
and we send you the watch prepaid. If you do
not sell the ink it can be returned. Write to-day.
Forsiiee £ Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
AVXJ-jIr A P I? XT T lu Q $5-0*> Daily, combination guaranteed kitchen most
YY A WTITTY 1 a/ utensil invented; world’s nine wonder. ar
iv • tic;*'.’* in one ;
Lightning sailer; sample sample Cincinnati,O. free.
W. F. FokfeHtE Co.,