Newspaper Page Text
Official Organ of Taliaferro Co.
NOTICE All legs! advertising must be
I>r id In advance oi satisfactory arrange
nit-ms made nt loginning tor the W
incut of itmr.
words wii! lie charged foi at tin- nite of
one cent per word for each worn exceeding
200 words.
The £800000, fire in Augusta
last week was almost destroyed
the same block it did some years
that portion of the city
below the con federate
monument from the Arlington.
Grunt Bell the negro who was
last week charged with
tri-d for the crime of
an old lady, Mrs. J. C. j
near Cedar town, was
on account of the eve j
not being sufficient to
him Grant had rather
bad reputation in his section
it came very near causing
Hal Baker, president of the
County Fair Association >
will be held some weeks
precious to the State Fair, has
made arrangements to select an
from his county fair and
bring if to Atlanta intact,
Many other counties will hold
fairs about the same time, and it
probable (hat thio plan will
be pursued by other fairs. Tal
iaferro county should get up an
agricultural exhibit and send to
Atlanta fair.
never itopi because the weather
is warm.
Then why stop taking
it. U wlU heal your
8 J—- — M
•<* ^
m £ I V 8 / >
Look ha Your Mirror
t>o von «f» rparlilln-T rv»«, nnc! a
tint- C,* *wi<t«nation ..''tii n
tut (». n • Xv-c at« no ate «; e
ot o • J l.iaith. If t'if? dlflofdfr nf »b<r.t, **f
\§ r.r^rlv *lvr:iV» jvt'tce tit
titut'v u- -Untne orgmtta rreernt. health and
mteUrn. , igan,
a»*ty where.
Wine of
tnnkro women twantiful and
It strikes ,:t the root of all
trout lc. T here is no menstrual
order, ache or pain which it «.11
cure. It is i«u the budding girl,
busy wife and the matron
the char ge of life. At every
crisis in a woman’s life it
herdth. strength and hapDineas. dealers.
costs f loo ol medicine
For advice in c..s« s requiring
directii ns, uddrtsa. gi'jr.g
"The Ladies’ Advisory Medicine
The Chattanooga Co.,
tanooga, Term. * —
MRS. UOUCNA irwis. iWtj of
Tests-. *'I »a» to -i r
islt’Tv—Mrtlh tpTtii'ie i .1 .s in my I'
hitK. hut h»v« been entirety t>,
ut Cars' 1 1.**
M«» « \ t*» p'lteul l: * *» i»U » Vh
Mturnl ti\ our uU1. 1!:* liecorc,
l>ninuf< h . Mu.
ri-i |
r “i it.. Augusta b’a.,
FIVES F^.EE EYE T.- TS r!c*t i**
i j?r-. j<r. f* » K !*'*»**• a -.,. U tf
ti -aNT* fKru..
Ltlc U * J T. ' V
FREE OF CfiAROt. > *' lt-» kl a«k> r
A Very *»iivpfri«ii« (hari»cter.
Marshal J. W. Tucker
ed a “black crook" on
street Tuesday morning.
Marshal had just received a let
ter from authorities at
boro asking that they look
for any suspicions
that might be in this section.
Upon findingsuch a colored rnan,
Mr. Tucker questioned him suffi
| cient . to arrest him, but when
told to consider himself arrested,
| the negro said he guessed he
(wouldn't be arrested;
after a considerable
the black Jesse was under
He gave Mr. Tucker and
who assisted a pretty stiff
before he gave up.
The negro gave his name
Wil) Edwards, alias Will Taylor,
He had „ iven his name as Will
Hagney in Greensboro. He had
^yn his person thirty five
keys of all shapes and sizes
with which he could have opened
almost any door he wished. He
ad a k c y that would match one
most anybodys bunch of
] { 0 y S . Two or more of them were
depot or express drawer keys,
He had two revolvers in his
pockets, one of which was loaded
and he attempted to use it on
Tucker. He had a
handful of money, nearly all in
coppers and nickels. When
asked where he got so much
small money he said he gambled
for it, and that he won on of
pistols in a skin game.
He claimed lie was raised
Augusta and was on his way
back * there—that his home was
at High Springs, Fla.
The negro is medium size,
black and wore a blue
and vest and a pair of brown
pants. Ho is undoubted*
ly a bad negro and has been
many houses as his supply of
keys show. When asked why he
carried so many keys, he said he
got them from the shop and had
never used them for anything.
Tiie depot at Greensboro was
entered Sunday night and the
sate broken open. There
no money in the safe but a
^Smuy the pistol ta
thought two of the depot
he j,ad were taken from
I boro.
A commituiBiit trial was
the prisoner Wednesday and
was bound over to August
j °C Taliaferro Superior
charged with carrying
ed pistil and resisting officers.
Is He Finny!
Some parties from
who were here Monday said
j believed the negro. Will
arrested by Mr. Tucker
was Taylor Finny, the
negro whose brother Linton
hanged at Lexington May - 1 st.
1807. The two Finny
it will be remembered,
voting vnutur Julius JUHUS Hardv tiartiv at at °ou
stock in December 1890.
V M\i
/ / rJSs^
Tho abt vu is not an
|>iciure of Linttm Finny, tho
haiitri-tl. an l brotb**r to ihe mi-is
iug T 10 lor Finny, but
ivsemblanco bef noon
Finny ami tht* Wil’ Taylor no
iii «i ;r jail i< Diion^h for otic ft
thii k liu\v alt* lirtMlli* ! v Ts lb
c id* :re i m til T*ivn>r Finny?
c fS O XT T JS. •
B-orttl* f t
Ghosts would frighten
people who are not afraid
S erms - Ye * the germ is a
animalism couldbe
a t,ize in proportion toils
ness it would show like a
python, or fire breathing
The one fact to remember isth
the the germ body when is powerless the blood^HM| to^fct
It is than far easier drive to keep^^H^n it
to s^HRHj
a hold in the
Pierce’s Golden
is the most
cines. perfect It of increases blood purif^H th^H
as blood, well and as enables the quali^H th^B
resist if disease disease, has obtained or to thHj
in some weak organ. impaiB
the digestions is
of the body is tfl
for the blood is mac*
e th^bloocUn°quanl w hich ,s ■
o7i‘y 'wi itsl
adequate to I
this condition there J
equal to “Golden
"whiigi of ^ever^^hj ve^t'
a fair'
there is con.itipatio
Pleasant Pellet
relieve and j
^ cure,
A Queer Character.
A queer character apf
Monday and n-prcs^H ViclciBH
himsell as Harry
reporter of thoNew^^B intell^H
H<- was an
healthy fellow wl - ivoi.'ill;"
a most handsoi uppe^^B
if he had on goo
The above was ouly
his newspaper name. He said j
his name was really John Dozier.
Broome and was Doziers relrted in to this all j
the Broomes and
part of the country, He knew
people all over this country and
had traveled nearly all over the
States. Said he was
raised in Florida and was a law¬
by profession, but had given
up that work for that of report¬
ing for the New York Journal.
articles; that he
. . ,
j n Egypt the custom is for Princesses
onr WOIXien is hidden because of the
weakness and
_ sickness pecu
a liar to the sex.
MB lEEal If the ERypt *
ian custom pre
vailed in this
M country, many
WE- sufferers would
t 0
fflrv ejy^premature A wrinkles, their
/i \
V sunkencheeks.
their unnealthy
complexion, from the eyes of the
world with the veil of the Orient.
Female Regulator
brings out ft woman's true beauty.
It makes her strong and well in those
organs upon which her whole general
health depends. It corrects all men
stnial disorders. It stops the drains
of Leucorrhoea. It restores the
to its proper place. It remove#
causes of headache, backache
nervousness. It takes the poor,
bilitated. weak, haggard, her
! eoman and puts her on
(gain, making her face beautiful
Making her body well.
Draeitlst* sell It for ft a bottte.
tend for oar free illustrated book for
The Bradfleld Regulator Co.. Atlanta,
Cotton Gins
i Elevators,
Gr*st M i Us,
i we machine Shops and foundry.
on a tramp from New Or
to New York under direc
ionof the j our nul. That his pa-
3er & ave ao credentials and
va - not allowed but . 1 at a ure¬
e He is either a colossal liar or is
a queer trip for agreatnews
Bear* the The Kind Yau Haw Always Bought
# Beautiful
4 % Hair
Dr. Murray’s
Hair Promoter
Cure dandruff. atop** the hair from fall
inp out, invitfontU** Du* pn wtn. is a
ftuperh ilivsMtiiK. »t»d whiU* not ft dy<\
by nonrinliitip itn roots. v> ill tricolor, poniii^ely ltia re
aloft* pray hair to its Grip*
the j»ai'-ox< eiU*i»« e of Jill h»ir reaiorera.
Price. *1.00 per Large BotteE.
Kor 8alr bv druKK^f*-'*^ not. send to in*
»ikI li will'bo vvnt. ]»ropuid, upou receipt
, of price.
For by Owl Drug Stort.
imik RAItftOAD.
For nfomiation as to Routes, Schedules
and Rates, both
Passenger and Freight,
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information.
T. P. A. G. P. A.
Augunta, Ga.
’ C. D. COX,
^ A . G. A.
Atlanta Athens.
vv . w hakdwk k, M. K. Hl IWIN,
-• S. F. & P. A.
5Ton Scales $ 60 Freight Paid
^SoNES-f Biwgkamtok.F^
Saw Mills,
,,snd • •
everything the
1 I n p
Get our
, Before
Bloodless - J
Girls / r
Doctors have given the Greek
narr.e An*mia, meaning “bloodless-,
ness ” to a disease which is n^ch a
more prevalent among believed. young
women than is generally disease not
|n its early stages the is
[marked Und often bv makes any decided consideraole symptoms ad¬ fnrni fa
vance piiligfiigisH before its presence is noticed. y
Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills for Pale People
remedy has cured more casts of anemia than all others combined.
utterly impossible for me go up statra. plnfe pm, for Tale People,
••1 met a friend who spoke of Ur. V. Uimms i ln^t oils ^ to
and advised me to tr > teneraliv H six boxes
regain m.v appetite and felt better generaibv.^ 1 bought i, flesb more 1 became
took them. I P , n . consider
and s-«fS be ter ‘in mv life than bow.anrt
sssasr Pole People .”—From the Gazette, Malone , , yf" A. Y. «“ ™*
for proved such blessing to mankind
No discovery of modern times has a directly tne blood
as as Dr Dr. Williams Williams’' Pink nnsr Pills for Pale People. Acting on they restore
and nerves, ^ regulating the functions, the
strength and health • ' ■ ' u* the exhausted patient when every effort of
the ‘‘‘
physician proves u " aVa n j’* *2.50. and
direct*by tBOpents a box or six boxes for may
be had S of P t!n druggists" Y. or mall irom Ur. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady, N.
5. F. HOLDEN, Pres. J. A. KKND15ICK, Vice-Pres. M. t. GRIFFITH,Cashier.
| .WJSK,} CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. { Established
CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 .
i! A i General % Banking i Business i Transacted.
{ JNO. F. W. W. BIRD,
When You Need
i ***” ^4 LAAa w A ^ Laths MmA J Lime, 7
Shingles Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
■ -ilair Sewer p*-e-fc>r - - J m~' 5 - 1 — mr your Lartrmrg's tor- your
Syrup, etc.,
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds,
Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks, She f Brackets or anything else you may
uwi in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tne.
Washington Manufacturing Co.,
They wih give you right prices every time you call on them
1 FREE!-*
Send to-day for FREE Package of
Sanford’s Golden Tablets,
Strengthen the Nerve- and make you fee' like a new peison. Only os*e package to
each person. Order them to-day.
G. P. Ointment Cures Piles
IT three applications do not relieve you, your money back,
l.arire Box. *25 cents, 0 i send 10 cei ts for enough lo prove
it cures. Address:
Sanford Remedy Co., aii &412 Fitten B-ia-g. Atlanta, Ca.
Tht . T:sX Books will 1 e open April Sth for the purpose of receiving the tax returns
■-if Taliaferro County for the tear 1S99. I will furnish,
hUpi^'rtv'sJbj^rmSx«R» on 1 'tanks which a
H.ttlf his on the 1 st in day perst.n. Of Fchnwry unless providentially of each vear. The hm
: law no.. 1 res each tax payer to make returns
ilerinl and failure to make returns subjects him todouhle tax.
! I w ill visit the various Court Grounds at the times specified below:
I)i-t. PLACE: First Round. I; Second Round. !| Third Round.
iSIg >iii! Ground. Anri. ;T » n g a u May 1 8 to 12 am tune 5 8 to 12 a m
• 4
1)03 Court Ground, “ 1? 1 to 4 p in .May 1 1 to 4 p n " 5 1 to pm
j ! •inh Cross, ISPtm to3pn. ** 2 i'amt 3pm ** IjbamtoSpm
*>> 4 '- 9 8 “ 7 9“ t<» 3 “
; W> Combs, 19 9 1 to 8 “ •• 5 • to *•
i non Court Ground, 20 9 “ to 3 “ j “ 4 9 *• to 3 ** " 89 “ to 5 “
Ground, 21 9 “ 3 •* ** 5 9 “ t<- 3 “ “ 9 9" to 3 “
t«>7 Court it to
. - nos •‘"■qurt Ground, it 24 9 “ to 3 “ “ fi 9 •• to 3 “ “ 12 9 “ to 3 *‘
25 9 3 “ 9 9 •- to 3 ** 1 9 ** to 3 "
:72 Sharon. •• to ■*
2G» “ to 3 “ *• 10 9 " to 3 “ >» 2 9 “ to 3 “
; !72 K iVtown,
e'Ol Di«t Everv Saturdav in Ml and incli ding June 24'h, 181-9. My books will
positively ciose on June 24.ii. 1899. VEAZEY, C., T. C.
1 R. L. T.