Newspaper Page Text
* wes Yost
end Ache
Are your nerves weak?
1 Can’t you sleep well? Pain
in your back? Lack energy?
Appetite poor? Digestion pimples?
bad? Boils cr
These are sure signs of
poisoning. From what poisons?
From poisons in constipated that are al¬
ways found
If the contents of the
bowels are not removed from
the body each day, as nature
intended, these poisonous
substances are sure to be
absorbed into the suffering blood, al
ways causing and
frequently causing severe
There is a common sense
T ~ _ _ II te UMIMFfi'in
They daily insure an easy of
and natural movement
the bowels.
You will findthattheused
, Apr’s
with the pills will hasten
recovery. It cleanses the
blood from all impurities and
is a great tonic to the nerves.
Writ a the Ooafar.
Our Medical Department tins one
of the most eminent Tell physicians the do in
t.jie United States. ctor
Iti-'t h**w v«»u are «nHaring. \ou
will receive the best medical advice
without cost. Adrlre.e,
DK. i- C. AYEK.
Lowell, Vtaag.
—Mr. R. E. L. Harris went
down to Mayfield to perform the
marriage ceremony Sunday
afternoon last, of Mr. Will
Wheeler and Miss Annie Beck
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions >ince our last issue:
J. A. Clemmons, SI to June i), JfiOO
Arthur Ogletree 60 c. to June lJ 00.
By Allen D. Candler, Governor
of said State.
Whereas, Official information has been
received at this Department that on the
22nd day of August 1S90, in the County
of Taliaferro, one Tames Taylor, colored.
committed the offense of assault with in
tent to murder upon the person of A. W
Mershon, and escaped and is now a fugi¬
tive from justice. thought therefore, to
I have proper,
issue this my Proclamation, hereby offer¬
ing a reward of One Hundred Dollars
for the apprehension and delivery of said
James Tailor with evidence sufficient to
convict, to the Sheriff of said County and
And I do moreover charge and require
all officers in this state, civil and Miliary,
to be vigilent ill endevoring to-apprehend he
the said James Taylor in order t’- *
may be brought to trial for the < IT use
with which lie stands charged.
Given under my hand and Seal of the
State, this the 14th day of June 1899,
A. D. CANDLER Governor.
Bv the Goverlior.
PHILIP COOK Secretary of State.
I am now prepared to negotiate loan* in
anv amount* from SJuO.OQ up on real estate
AT 7 PE it CENT, per annum.
Attorney at Law,
Gun & Locksmith,
Genera. Repnir Shop, Including Bicycle
Repair* all Kind-. Send in your work.
Shop in rear of J. H. Power*’ Store,
On Square Near Court Hou*e.
Lazy M I have beau troubled a great deal
witla a torpid liver, which produces cocstipe- claim
Won. I round CASCAEETS to be all you
for them, and secured such relief the first trial.
that I purchased another supply and was com
Die tel v cured I shall only he too glad to rec
ommend Cascarete whenever the opportunity
** p Ave..' Philadelphia. p«.
aao Susquehanna
r m. - ^ CATHARTIC
Keaf-mt. r»lstab!e. t’- Txir Cwt
Gotxi. Sever Sicien. W eakni.. or lime V3e. 2Sc.
■tertian «rc,h c«»n. .r. Tav ^ '»
MO-TO-B&C 5’-a£2f*
Sill SKI lift
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Our People Are Doin?, Saying
and Thinking \ bout Told
in Hi ief Notes.
—Mr. M. F. Griffith spent Sun¬
day at Union Point.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hubert
spent Sunday at Harlem,
- Jack Beazle.y is at home from
Mercer to spend his holiday.
—Mr. J. A. Kendrick was here
Monday witnessing the ball
—Mis. Lee Evans returned
Saturday from a visit to relatives
in Athens.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Maltbie
have returned from their visit to
Wilkes county.
—Wade Gunn came down from
Atlanta and spent Sunday with
home folks here.
—Mr. Titus Richards has
treated his daughter, Miss Bessie
to a nice bicycle.
—Commencement exercises at
Stephens High School began to
day. See program.
—Clarence Bonner is studying
telegraphy under W. P. Hubert
at the Georgia depot.
—Mrs. J. C. Jordan and chil¬
dren, of Wrerns, are visiting
relatives in this’ county.
—Rev. Jack Gunn will preach
at the Baptist church here Satur¬
day and Sunday July 9 and 10.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McGibony and Mrs. Hal. Flynt
spent Sunday in Greene county.
—Mrs. Mabel Chapman acted
as postmistress last week while
Miss Clara Bonner took a vaca
—There will be very little
fruit left on the trees in this
section and what is left is very
—Marshal Tucker and his as¬
sistants have been doing some
good detective work about here
this week.
—James K. Sanford came up
from Augusta Sunday and staid
over Monday with his family at
Liberty Hall,
—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chapman
11 Prof. S. N. Chapman
returned Tuesday from their trip
to Louisiana.
—A notice on our local page,
last column, of Com. W. T. Flynt,
will interest ail school teachers
. l’ COUUty.
111 le
—Miss Stella Holden has re
turned from a visit . .. to . Fenfield. 1,1
yho returned quite but is
about Weil again,
Messrs. LotOslin, B. L. Battle
and Clanton Garrett came up
Monday evening from Barnett
to see the game of ball.
—That corn stalk borer is in
the corn in this section and from
three to six of the pests can be
found in many of the stalks,
-Gov. Candler offers $100
reward for Jim Taylor for as
Mr. A. W. Mershon
here in!890. See proclamation
in this paper.
—Wesley Williams, Henry
Peek and J. T, Smith will run
another day light excursion from
Greensboro to Macon on July 10,
th and return next day. Fare
—Sheriff Lum Oliver,
Greene was here Tuesday
depot a,
firpenshoro ’
A . white , . tramp
here „ Tuesday . . .
OU suspicion
ceing connected with the
coro safe-breaking but he satis¬
fied the authorities that he was
only a printer.
—Messrs. Tuggle and Hoi
| lingsworth speak of
: anothes excursion to Atlanta
July 1 st. They will
not spend more than one day
+p e fjty. T h ey (L 'O expect
oue to Charleston on J aiy 8 th.
“The Big Store."
150 Wagons. 75 Buggies.
Washington, Georgia.
Mr. Harris Resigned.
Rev R. E. L. Harris resigned
the pastorship of the Baptist
church here, at the regular
Conference Saturday last. He
wished the church to accept
same now or during the next six
months. The church took no
action on the matter.
Mr. Asbury’s Death.
Mr. Redmon Asbury, father
of Mr. Augustus N. Asbury, -
of this county, died at his home
in Woodville on-Tuesday of last
week. He was quite old and was
one of the first members of the
old Masons lodge at Maxeys.
The bereaved have our sympa¬
Robbed of #1500.
Last week there was a man
here who said he was an English¬
man of wealth but that he had
been sand-bagged somewhere
west of this place and robbed of
$1500. He showed papers that
he was tolling the straight thing.
He was a well posted Mason and
the lodge here gave him some¬
thing to eat and furnished him a
ticket to Augusta.
Mr. Flynt at the Tech.
We have received a catalogue
of the Georgia School of Tech
nology. It shows up the school
in a splendid way. Mr. F. C.
Flynt, of this place as one of
the inspectors of the school, is
shown up in the catalogue in a
nice half -tone picture. Fitzhugh
has made a good record since
he entered the school, and his
friends here are glad to note
his success.
Grasshopper* Eating Crops.
News from various sections of
the state bring startling intelli¬
gence that grasshoppers are eat¬
ing up the crops. It is said that
they congregate in thousands
and eat the corn and cotton,
blades, leaves and stalks. In
Texas and the Southwest these
pests are common but in Georgia
they are quite new. There has
been very few plans and
devices made to get rid of tbe
grasshopper, but it is hoped our
people will not be so tormented
with them as some people are in
some sections.
Marriage Sunday Last.
Mr. Cephas Ogletree and Miss
Anna Hammack were married
at the Baptist church in this
place Sunday morning last. It
was an unexpected marriage to
'nany of the congregation. The
bride is a grand daughter of Mr.
’Stovas Hammack, the well
known aged violinist who died
near Norwood some years ago.
Cephas is a son of Mr. Arthur
Ogletree of this county. We
wish them a long and useful
life of happiness.
It would be of value to all
who suffer with kidney trouble to
investigate the matter and get
one of a few bottles left at the
that only a Jv drops* of tbj
medicine cures.
~ -
ezrziYrrz: ..........
WllV IIllJ 1 PflV UJ qjTV. tO to
When yOU can buy a new
Hiffh Arm Sineer for less than
half that amount at
Tr TERAlb n..rr,cu LAbY.
comhencemeni exercises,
Of S' 'us High School.—Programme:
Tlwrsday and Friday Public
Exaff Rations.
Fimy night,—Childrens En
tertalpnent, Playftud Gipsy Play, Fairy
Drill, Free.
SucBay morning. Commence¬
ment ■ennon, by Dr. J. T. Plunk¬
ett, ]Ator of First Presbyterian
ehuiJUof Augusta.
Moil hay morning—Speeches
and Mediations by children of
Primjry and Intermediate de
par talents, beginning at 9 a. in.
Mil day night,—Dramatic En
tertiiliment. “Henry Graudtm"
by pil/pils of High School depart¬
ment!' Dumb bell Drills, &c.
Admission. 25c.
Tuesday morning—Declama¬
tions liud Recitations by boys
and gjrls of Academic and High
School Departments, beginning
at 9 A. M.
Tuesday night—Dramatic En¬
tertainment ‘‘Daisy Garland,”
National Flag Drill, &c. Admis¬
sion 25c.
Weuuesday morning,—Annual
Literary Address, by Dr, P. D.
Pollock, president of Mercer
Delivery of Prizes.
All our people and visitors
are given an urgent invitation to
attend all these exercises.
Registered to Practice.
IJhave registered in the Clerk,* office us a
physician by die request )f some friend*.
ba*e <1 Diploma from one of the
best Medical College* in the United State*.
I will give special attention to obstetric*
and will be pleased to attend any one who
may deslTe my services, can lie found at
the Owl Drug Store during the day and at
John II. Stephens, at night.
M. 11. THOMAS, M. I).
Jum 5 th 18 i) 9 .
A Peculiar Worm.
There has been a good deal , ,
written in the papers in this
state during the past few weeks
concerning a new trouble in
wo?m t^res Ito the Ilk
of the corn and eats ruinous
holei, in in thentnlk the staia. il Ttis ls differ aincr
ent from the regular bud worm
and ana is is saiu said bv oy old Ota farmers larmcrs to to be oe
something very unusuai in this
-.eel section. inn We WC have nave.seen seen one one of 01
the worms and it looks more
like an Q „ apple uoim thun than nnv a 3
thing we can compare it to. It
is said to be the lava of the
I Ik n & nf tv,i«
destructive insect will not be as
rumous * to .u the coin — crop as Qt
many people expect it to be in
this section It is said that
every .Utk the worm horek into
is no more good.
$100 Bcward.
The readers of this papier wii
be pleased to learn that there i
at least one dreaded disease tha
-cience has been able to cure ii
all its stages, and that is Catarrh
Hall's Catarrh «Cure i/s the ont
I>ositive cure known to the medi
acting directly upon the bloo.
ttn( j mucous surfaces of the sys
thereby destroying tin
foundation of the disease, an:
giving t he patient strenght b.
up the constitution an :
assisting nature in doing It*
work. The proprietors have sr
much faith in itscurative no wc rs.
that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any ease that it fail*
Addre“, °
F.-T. Cheney <t Co., Toledo, O.
Sold uy i ruggiet, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the
FliiHt Itii: lifMBiS.
brightest Items from Near by
To tlie Credit of the Excellent Count?
Journals from Which We Get
the Creamy New*.
Lexington is making war on
the blind tigers.
P. F. Dillard reports finding a
a gold mine in Wilkes county.
Peas have jumped to $1.35 a
bushel, and are as scarce at the
price. —Sparta Ishmaelite.
Two negro boys were convict¬
ed in Greensboro lkst week for
stealing a ride on the train.
Both horses and cows continue
to die over the county with some¬
thing like blind staggers.—
Oglethorpe Echo.
500 Doz. Mason Jars at
Johnson’s “Big Store.”
Mrs Thomas Franks died early
on Wednesday morning of dropsy
complicated with heart troubles
in Hancock county.
Ml’. John Bevins, editor of til-1
Press, Anthon, Iowa, says: •*I
have used Chamberlin's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
in my family for fifteen years,
have recommended it to hun¬
dreds of others, and have never
known it to fail in a single in¬
stance. For sale by Dr. R. J.
At 2 o’clock p. m. on June 21st.
Col. E. T. Shurley and Miss
Mary Lou Gresham will bo unit¬
ed in marriage at Warrenton
60 Grain Cradles. John
eon’s “Big Store.”
Sam Johnson threshed Albert
Sirdsong’soats yesterday morn¬
ing. The yield was 214 bushels.
That is pretty good on about 5
acres—Sparta Ishmaelite.
Mr. P. Cetcham of Pike City,
Cal., says: “During my brother’s
late sickness from sciatic rheu¬
matism, Chamberlin’s Pain Balm
was the only remedy that gave
him any relief.” Many others relief
have testified to thepr this ornpt af¬
from pain which liniment
fords. For sale by Dr R. J.
Next Sunday will probably be
■r. Rev. R. n „ E, m iolford ,, s , last . preach- ___,
ing dav at Woodstock, as he has
been called to the church , , at ,
Clarkesvillo and has accepted v
the call.—Echo.
Studebaker Bros. Aeen ;
cy at Johnson’s “Big Store, s
Robert Fluker, some time
since construcled a phonograph
f ‘°’ n which
strains of music, and now he
, nas constructed constructed the me water w.iLcr motor motor.
which propels the f an s in Dr.
Wright . drug store.-Washing- , .
ton Importer. 1
Bad management ® keeps more
PI' . - 1 rirrurnstiinres ... . ■
than any other one cause. I o
q e successful one must look
u head and plan ahead so when a
favorable opportunity presents
itself lie is ready to take advau
tage of it. A little forethought
will also save much expense and
v ai . 11 h i le l l. 2 A r I . riu ] f , r)t ,1
careful man will keep a bottle _ of
Chamberlin’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,
ruin horse going for the
doctor and have a big doctor bill
to pay, besides; one pays out 25
cents, the other is out a hundred
drdl-irv dollars ana -md then tnen wonders wonaers ,wn) whv
his neighbor IS getting richer
while he is getting poorer,
For sule by Dr. R. J. Reid.
While wheat is turning
well ,, m . the adjoining .... counties, .
oats are showing up poorly.
3,0 0 0 Sweeps and
Wings. Johnson s “B i g
S tore,” Washington.
Burglars are entering and tak
ing 5 hams at a time from par
ties in Lexington.
Bears the K'M Bought
Signature //V/} . /t
•f SX -jT/ Zoa <t*C*U*X
A man has been beating people
along the Georgia railroad by
having fainting spells in the
towns along to get the sympathy
of the people.
Her Health RegtoreJ
■4MSk mm
Sfo ■
T HE misery of "li cpieMneff can onl;,- be
realized by those who have expert*
enced it. Nervou.tnssa BleeplosasuP"*’.
headaches, neuralgia and that miserame
iL'cling of unrest, can surely be cured by Dr.
Miles’ Restorative Nervine. So certain is
Dr. Miles of this fact that all druggists are
authorized to refund price paid for the first
bottle tried, providing It does not benefit.
Mrs- Henry Ifruns, wife of the well known
tiacksmitk at Orand .function, Iowa, says:
'I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous¬
ness, headache and Irregular menstruation;
suffering untold misery for years. I used
various advertised remedies for female com¬
plaints besides belug under the care of local
physicians, vi.hout help. I noticed in Dr.
Miles' advertisement the testimonial of a
lady enred of ailments similar to mine, and
I shall never cease to thank that lady. Her
testimonial induced me to use Dr. Miles*
Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills, which
restored mo to health. I cannot say enough
for i r.Mllfia'Bomedloa."
are Dr. sold Miles’ by Remedies all drug¬ V Mi!^" Dr. ^
gists under a positive Nervine
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re- Restore* .;
funded. Book on dis¬ V, Health
eases of the hoart and
nerves free. Address, ______
DK. MILKS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lnd.
Mrs. Emily Bolii e has had
roasting ears from her garden.
—Washington Gazette.
To the Teachers of Talia¬
ferro County.
Flie next examination of "applicants
for license to teafch will be held on Thurs¬
day, 22 nd day of June next, at Sijoo’clock.
Let 11 c ne forget to bring the ‘‘evidence,
in writing” required by law.
The colored teaclu-r* of the county will
attend the Peabody Institute for colored
teachers at Greenesboro, Go., which be->
gins nt 9 o’olock. on the 5 th day of June
next. The white teachers wifi attend
Institute at Crawfonlville, at 9 o’clock on
the 17 th day of July next.
The law requires all person* holding
license to teach, unless they have perma¬
nently retired from teaching, to attend
the respective Institutes,
W.M. T. IT.VNT, C.S. €.. T. C.
July Sheriff Sales.
^ Will be sold, on the ft:*' Tuesday in
July, m xt, at puidle outcry »tth* Court
hou*e In said County »W'Ml In the ieptHiflttfl'
of sale, to th« highest bidder tor cash, ctr
tain property, of which the following is
a full and compl 'te description.—The fol
| 0 VV j U jr tracts 01 parcels of land: One
tract *' el »K the Six hundred and third
(808; out G. M., known ns the Home
place, hounded as follows: On the North
by iamlH °f the Estate of jno. A. Stephens
ami Win. G. Stephens, pac'd.; on the
bust by lands of Mrs. Mary ills* Kl-lly
and lands of 8 . N. Aeree; on the South
by lauds of Mrs. M. E. Stewart, iamb of
a? wi'by 1^'f N f “d
H»mrn»ck and lands ol Eugenia Stephen*
KStS-t SS* fihjj
partly In the Six Hundred six Hundred and and first (601) third
“ nd partly District* in the o M., known a*the Nona
(003; and bounded follows: On
place as the
North by £. land* of J.T. Harrison and
)and , of A . Stephens; on .he East by
lands of the Estate of John A. Stephens
and YVra. G. Stephen*, Dec’d,, and lands
of L. A. Stephens; on the South by lands
of Daniel 0 K letrcc and laud* of Eugenia
an( j guinea Stephens; on the Wet by
lllIui , ot j. T . Harrison and hu.dsof o. I*,
Honner, containing Three Hundred and
Twenty Five (8^5) acre*, more or less,
<|(. bonis non, with the will annexed of
A. H. Stephens to Tho*. E. Bristow, by
deed dated March 2 (Hh 1889, find situated
in the county of I aliaferro, state of Geoi
gla. Levied on a* the property of Thom
us E. Hr a tow Written notice given ten
ant* In po**e*»ion, as required by law.
This, 5ih day June, l89fl.
Sheriff Taliaferro ( ounty.
Gluts. H. Goluoke, Guardian of
JollD I{|V ‘‘ H 1,11(1 Mamie L. Rives, ha.
ippWU)me for a discharge from his
Guardianship of said wards; tl is U there
fore to notify all person* concerned, to
file ihcir objections, if any they have,
on or before the tir-t Monday In july,
,lfeXl Ghaa. II. Goluoke will be dis
charged from hi* Guardianship as applied
f( , r . This, r,u, day of June, isfw.
Ordinary Taliaferro Co.
(j I E<) RGIA, TA LI A F E If It( > CO UNT Y.
Whereas, Robert L. Hodaway, ad¬
ministrator of Luther If. Hadaway, repre¬
sent* t<, the court in hi* petition, duly
filed,ih*t he ha* fully admini*tei«l Luther
R. Hadaway’* estate. This I* therefore to
cite a 1 i persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said admmitrator should not be dis
charged from hi* administration, and re
, ehe letter- of diamitsou on the first
Munda} in July, IMffl. 1899.
This, fitli day of April,
GEO. if. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
Beet Cotifh & rup. Teste* Gt*od.
In time. ^ by drogylitt. _