Newspaper Page Text
S. S. $. GOES
n» I
j * _
From?!!;' Reacts ?!is Saat In every test miidr- S. 8 . 8 . ea a ily
demonstrates its superiority over other
blood remedies it matters not how
c! ail Blond Bimsas anil stiimte ment ..enrol or the r. r.-medies .means case, nor have nave what failed iai.< other a, 8 o. treat- a. .8 «. s
always promptly reaches and cures ar.y
Cores id Ward Cases. d:s"nse Everyone where who the iihsal has hud is in any experience way involved. with
blood diseases knows rhut there are no ail
mentsor-nmh so, ...stmsie and difcmult to cure Very few remedies claim
t i o; i r so.,'!, ret, ;*»!'() Mcatci hlood at) .4. r>. b. cu find none oan
offer * 11 ’ i ;r. "ir.ii • •< vid> ticeof merit. 3 S. 8 . is not merely a tonic—it
i» a cure : It ; down to the very sent of all L1 o<kJ diseases, and vets at tire
found ition of tin* ry worst eases,nod routsthe poison from the system. It does
not, like other r -medies, dry up the poison and hide, it from view temporarily,
only to hr a k forth ;ign;:i inure violently than over; 8 . 8 . 8 forces out every
trace of taint, and rids the system of it forever.
Mrs. T W M , i ry. Ala., writes: “Some years
ago I ,va« inn 7 ii cd wiiij poison by a nurse who infected
niyb#l>ewltli ’.>!■> >d Hint. i was covered with sores and
ulcers Ir. in h.*ml !.<• tf in i:i| groat treated extremity 1 prayed
to vi*rw i prominor.' physicians me. bill all v
to no per ...jiied »'•-"* The add moo-ury fuel to ♦!.(» and awhil potash ilame which which they t4*»A. Vig
gave me > to was -s
devouring tin-. I was udv’s'sl by friends who bad seen
!■ 'fnl ..! by it. I” try Swift's Specific. 1 im- pi ■;
wor cur. T i • direct
P : ' . from i.;. ' start, is tl. • medicine seemed to go >iraK 5TS
to In >Al A** of thi’i ro ;b'.e ii'ul force the poison out. Twenty ' \ a Mo
in tiles i ued me omnletely “ Swift’s ope ullc—
—is this only r r.ieriy tiuit i ■. Kiiariinteed ourely vegetable, and contains no
jm reur. p,.in-' . ns'seuie, Si-ofiilft, or any other mineral or chemical. It never Poison, fails to
001 -c ( aiicer, . :,,,i Lheumatism, Contagious Blood
Tetter, Bolls, (3arbii)>c*e.“, d 8 orr-», 'iv etc. Speeiiic Company. Atlanta, Ga.
Val',:itil” «.< 1 * :i• ! free vvift
The Monarch of Strength is
11 |m
V, 92 i iJBfemis mtm <P COFFEE.
* is -
[oj i'
WK nkBtJ <***«< i
Its strength comes from sold its purity. It is all pure coffee,
freshly roasted, and Is only in one-pound sealed
packages. Each packago will make 40 cups. The pack¬
age is sealed at the Mills so that the aroma is never
weakened. It has a delicious flavor, of incomparable all.
strength. It ia a luxury within the reach
Insist on ••Lion” Coffee
Never ground nor sold In bulk.
None Genuine without Lion's head.
If Grocer tl<>.‘A not bnvi‘ Lion Coffee in hie store,
your feud tse ti is name nnd Nildross that w»»
in ry it on sale there. l.)o not accept
at.v ■\Y(X*]/hi>N fit list (tubs
»PIOK CO., Tnli-ilo, Ohio
You’ve Got It!
You Know It!
jhW Not Be Cured Easy?
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble,
Liver Trouble or Kidney Trouble.
Tate Spring Water ?ro VJXT n * 3 -W\\\ Cure
H. L. Tnvfor, Gov,of Teim., Nashville, j. S. Carr, Durham, N. C. ••I think
‘1 regard Tute Springs as the best on the the finest water to be found anywhere,"
continent.” J. M. Studeliaker, South Bend, Ind.:
David Kirk, l’rc«. McCalinont Oil Co., believe there is no q ring in America
1* tt'burg, Pa.: -- 1 believe Pale Spring contains the healing qualities that
water is an infallible cure for dyspepsia.” Spring does.”
J. B. Uevert. S02,Perdido St., New Or. Thus. A. Mellon. Pittsbnrk, Pa.: “I
leans, Feb, 2 , ’97: "I consider Tate Spring lleve there is no water in this
a most delightful summer resort and the equal to Tat Vs for the cure of
water superior to any I ever used.” as well as dyspepsia and liver troubles."
fiF^.0,11 on the Kdiroro! The Advocate-Democrat for a 40 page book, free con
talning 550 ot our 5.00!* •e>tt^ oniaK.
Cordial Invitation
To Our Friends and to the Visitors to Our City
During Merry Makers Week:
We specially invite von to make our store your headquarters. Yon
find every convenience you want and s!>,.u'dyou desire to make a purchase of
suit- hat or furnishings, yon will find a force of poii’e salesmen to wait on
anp who will take pi. sure to show v untie of the handsomest lines of
ever shown in out city.
Special Department tor Ladies and Ladies to Serve You.
Tailor-Fit Clothiers, 88 Broad Street. Augusta,
i FolNs and I’lama h**r ^ tbot.Annd' of Corfo:- • *a f.>r a halt fwtvry. t«' u ’• the
: ' viols garden and floral guide.
^ ahi<*ti w a work of It jj |.k olnrx. | I'A^es :*«r ; anu f :*»» .3 MitrwY ‘»Y»h
^ LaN-MWI* o. •*»♦«**. * •*•!*. MliUtSs. t'l rrt .ijs • ** ' nr** '*» atht
? * and jr«>VdL A tnao** , an k Tl'
f>»* vfc* 4 »-,«»:*' .*«»* i n|«Y7V* v iVag»^*»* • : ai. n n
* juUD- n iui»** t«*i v t «i we » .u vvervuti km* jj» s s s<d fU'J’ ti !b . m»> i> •-«» -.....
, *1 lull amount
w «etKi i,nnie wilii Hue IfiM for 15 cts. It iri:* k»iWV .*rrdl« i*» ku f«r
* -ii rim, wnrti. ®f .m<!« lot ,sh f*i |mT rhuiif lt» N r
* Vick’s Little Com Cdtatogue. v p». (m imi*’ *•«;» of ft prK« lurt. Ii i» ftu*plY :i»«
w irtihndiioenpH . <**»**▼ . at.>4 ir. Ijandy P*. i rtEK.
Mtoifftl. lutprovni, cp *>*i » ' iflAUiuf ’oGiTVii’w Ror*
uflfr-lii* .tn*l Y. a > - J.*f.
Ii. f »ew (Uaa .1 *~S 1 ,!«. toon ter remr cM«f tk*n way s**4 ftocw ift ifttrteft
BY W. M 8 .
Many are still being reported to cur
society for membership, * et the good
work continue.
We are happy to state that one
contribution has iieen sent in for our
mission box. Let the good irork increase
till there is not a member f the Craw
fordfille Baptist Church, wtio has not
contributed. The bal, hu^b.en put in
motion. Let ua keep it , : mg. Who
will Ik; the next to give it ( m
•*Whatsoever thv hand And* . to do, do
lt wjt |, thv might; f for there no work, ,
1 6 ,•
nor device, nor knowledge, , . nor wisdom . ,
In the grave whither tbou goeit.” We
can’t afford to be indifferent towards
thi , , ttbor of love . Hear Is, iah’s words:
“itise up ye women that areease; hear my
voice y.; careless daughtersjAye ear unto
inyjspeech." He also says; remole, ye
wouu n that easy.” ABr reading
what Isaiah says, ask your Wster if she
misslnary has read it, column if not, in tell her herlj Wnty read Paper. the
At our last meeting the siBSeet,—*• H, J he
Halm Tree Christian” was vE; much en
joyed iearu tiiat by all sickness prevent. kept eomHhv.-av. We fere sorrv to
i -mm- -
*.**•*• &■
Are you tithing? We propose to give
you in each of our columns, tk testimonial,
on the subject of ti«hit,g, froiii '‘Christian
Uiviug” |
Testimonial: “One of our members
having decided on giviuga tomit increased
his subscription from $10 to if 0 He sat s
lie never enjoyed prosperity luting the
i !a*t two years.” 1;
* * + #
* * *
A pew sleeper is a money keeper—
Ham’s Horn.
God gives rewards; the d»Wil wages.—
Hum’s Horn.
True religion muy find its pining table
in the church, but its workshop will be in
the world.—Ham* Horn.
Tlie Giving Alphabet.
Let, those who don’t believe, iu missions
rend the f. Mowing alphabetic illy arranged
passages from the Bible: .*
Ail things come of thee, and of thine
own have we given tliee. (lChnni.29.14.)
Bring ye all the tithes into the store¬
house, Hint there may be un at in mine
house, and prove me now herewith, saitli
the Lord of host, if I will not open you
the windows of Heaven, and pour you out
a blessing, that there shall not be room
enough to receive it. (Mai. 3. 10.)
Charge them that are rich in this world,
that they do good, that they be rich in
good works, ready to distribute, willing to
communicate. (Tim. 0. 17,IS )
Do good unto all men, especially
them who are of the househo 1 of
(Gal. 0 . 10 .)
Every man according as he
in his heart, so let him give; not
ly, or of necessity. (2 Cor. 0. 7.)
Freely ye have received, freely give.
(Matt. lt). S.)
God loveth a cheerful giver. (80or.9.7
Honor the Lotd with thy
and witli the first fruits of all thine increase.
(I’rov. 3. 9.)
If there be first a willing mind, it is ac¬
cording to that lie lint it not. (Cor. N. 12.)
Jesus said, it is more blessed to
than to receive. (Acts 20 . 85.)
Knowing that whatsoever good thing
any man doetli, the same shall he receive
of tile Lord, whether he be bond or free
(Eph. 0. 8 .)
Lev not up for yourselves treasures
upon earth, where moth and dust doth eor
< upt, aud where thieves break through
and steal: but lay up for yourselves treas
uies in heaven, where neither moth nor
rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do
not bieak through and steal.(Mat. ti. 19.20 )
My little children, let us not love in
word, neither In tongue; but in deed and
In truth. (1 John 3. 18.) Now concerning
the collection for the saints, upon tha
first day of the week let every one of
you lay by him in store, as God hath pros
pored him. (1 Cor. 16 1 , 2 .)
Of all that thou shalt give me I will
surely J ■ give the tenth unto thee. (Ge .
2 -. 22 .)
Provide vourselyes bag which wax not
old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth
not, where no thief approaclieth, neither
moth corrupteth. Luke 12. 83.)
Ouench not tlie Spirit. (1 Thess. 5.19.)
Hendet unto God the things that are
God’s. Matt. 22. 31.)
S >e that ye abound in this grace ako.
(3 Cor. 8 . 7.)
i The silver is mine, and the gold
J Is mine, saith the Lord of h Sts.
V Hag. %. S.)
Unto whomsoever much is ^iven, cf
him shall be much required. (Luke 12.
Vow, and pav unto the Lord your G- d.
Whoso hath this worlds . goods and
seeth his brother have need, ami shutteth
I up his bowels of compassion from him,
i I how dwelleth the love of Gni in him.
(1 John 8 . 17.)
Xcept your righteousness shall exceed
i the righteousness of the scribes and
) Pharisees, ve shall in no case enter into
the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 5. 20.:
Ye know the grace of our I. *rd Jesus
Christ, that, though he was ri >< : r
t our sakos he became poor, that ye
: tiirough h.- poverty might be rich. ,2 Cor.
8. S>.)
Zealous of good works. (Titus J.
ZiouV Herald.
Eight years ago, jMr. W. M. >
Hill, of Washington, t>ought a i
yearling calf that has since 1
raised him ?100 worth of calves,
bought for him a fine piano,
good bicycle, baby carriage, j
spring beds, pillows and other
valuables, all from the proceeds
sa j e 0 f m i]|j and butter from
this cow and her off spring.
Cattle raising is the comiDg
industry in this section and the
sooner our farmers turn their.
attention to that line of business ,
the , sooner they will begin to find
rirofitaole I___ ,
KIDNEY Is a deceptive disease—
toqiiri * 7 p thousands have it and
don’t , know it, ., If ,, you want , quick . „ results , ,, !
(an mak „ no mfatake by using Dr .
Kilmtr - S Swanip . Uoot , the great kidney
rumedy At d iste ia ttfty cent and
^ lg bo{Ufi , )y mai , free>
al8o paniphlettellingvouhow J Vj ; rilK i out if
have kidney iro hle .
A(J(jress Dr Kjlmer & Co ;, Bingham
t0n . N. Y.
How can a man for the sake of
littIe mon ey have the dispos
ltion ... to . cruelly ,, „ maltreat ,, . the ,,
dumb beasts. It seems as if
some people don’t consider that
an animal has any feelings at all.
They overload the poor horses
and mules and then beat them
unmercifully, if they don’t jog
along in a fast gait. And to rein
up a horse’s head far above his
natural way of holding it, is cru
-1. The horse is too good and
noble an animal, too useful to
man to be ill used, and there
are men who treat their dogs
better than they do their horses.
I was seriously afflicted with
a cough for several years, and
last fall had a more severe cough
t han ever before. I have used
many remedies without receiv¬
ing much relief, and being re¬
commended to try a bottie of
Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy,
by a friend, who, knowing me
to be a poor widow, gave it to me,
I tried it, and with the most grat¬
ifying results. The first bottle
relieved me very much and the
has absolutely cured me. I have
not had as good health for twen¬
ty years. I give this certificate
without solicitation, simply in
appreciation of the gratitude
felt for the cure effected.—Res¬
pectfully, Mrs. Mary A, Beard,
Claremon. Ark. For sale by Dr.
R. J Reid.
The Sparta base ball team got
so badly beateu at Tennille last
week—19 to 2—that Solicitor
Bob Lewis bought each member
of the club a rubber nipple.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Prostatic AND While You
Ailments Sleep.
Dr. Bramble’s Soluble
Medicated Bougies, con tain'
ing“ Civinine,” will dis¬
lodge, digest, and forma; 1 ;
remove Urethral Stiicture
in fifteen days, without
pain, injury, or inconvenience. Tin
Bougie B inserted at night, requiring three
hours to dissolve, remaining indirect con¬
tact with the Stricture, penetrating, di<
lodging and dissolving the lymph mass
while you sleep.
Seminal Weakness.
Dr. Bramble’s Solu
Seminfti erHYOiisare <r, j
ire applied locally to the M
weakened seminal ducts .(< V
, Vl< j prostate stopping gland. drains for-| and 1 1
ever /
emissions. No round-\i
woik, but “
about guess
ocr .1 remedies applied in
t j ieir strength to the weakened organs.
Cravons are inserted at night, and cure
while you sleep. Cannot fail. Delightful
results. Valuable illustrated medical
reaties free by mail.
.10,1 Bro»tl»"»V, Cincinnati, O. P.O. Box 401.
for any make of qin.
An<1 Repair* f >r gaiwe Shafting, Pnllsrs.
Betting. InJ^tois. Pipes. Valve, and Fitting,
£ , _
QQ^PL£ j oil aalikvrkiigeT
Gin. frees. Cane Mill snd Shingle Outfit,.
■ 5 SS&, Castings.
vm ve.-hioists andFa'-torr-nppiie,
Belting. PaeMne. Injeetors. Pipe Fittings
San-e. Files. Oilers. Etc.
0 sf"Cast every dry; v ork ISO hand*.
i: r i -i H ■ •
oj -i '’''T
XVege teblc Preparation for As -
simulating thclcod and Regula¬ cf
ting the S ioaadis and Bow els
4 ill unto
Promotes Rest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful- neither
ness snd Mineral.
Opium, Morphine nor
>qt Narcotic.
nf/jid TbrSAMIrELfti \sj SSft
oSlx.Senna *
JiodutU Sails -
atnue Setd *
Jhipertmal Carbonate - Soda
Si *
fiirm Ser-d -
rtarifud Sugar- Stemr. ■
Aperfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬
tion, Sour .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
lac Simile Signature of
lxact copy of wrapper.
A, on
A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand¬
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
All about Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over
74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents.
All about growing Small Fruits—read and learn how ;
contains 43 colored liie-like reproductions of all leading
varieties and ioo other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ;
tells of everything principal ; with23 colored life-like reproductions illustrations.
all the breeds; with 103 other
Price, 50 Cents.
AU about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a gr eat
sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions of e; acb
breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents.
Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding, Butch¬
ery, Diseases, and etc. engravings. Contains Price, over 80 beautiful half¬
tones other 50 Cents.
The BIGGLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never
sa^v having anything like them—so practical, so sensible. They
are an enormous sale—East, West, North and
South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
Chicken, for or grows BIGGLE Small Fruits, ought to send right
away the BOOKS. The
Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It Is 22 years
old; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head,—
quit-after-you-have-said-it, the world—the biggest Farm oflts and Household paper in
paper size in the United States
of America—having over a million and a-half regular readers.
5 YEARS (remainder of 1S99 igco, 1901, 1902 and 1903) will be sent by mail
to any address for A DOLLAR BILL,
Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQGLE BOOKS free.
CHAS. F. JENKINS. Philadelphia
5JTOVES ' ST 200,000 rnvenr SATISFACTION, one stviita
They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen,
who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers.
They last longer and make more homes happy than any
other Stove on earth, fire backs guaranteed for 15 years.
If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
4 mSSm
: -
mm m.,. 1 m
fSrSi.: ■ mem -1
•-1 3?
hiff |a
f 1
v J
/ M
f V 1
Phillips & Buttorff Mg. Co.
Mantels and Grates, HoUowware, Tinware, Etc.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
Everything for the neceesiu Kitchen, » and Dining convenient Room, BICYGLcS
Laundry and Dairy. A SPEC!ALT'
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
ia kS I mmmm