Newspaper Page Text
rs \ 1
Out in
lives a happy wife. She writes: “
used fdother’s Friand
confinements. The last time I
and was in labor only a few min
utes. Suffered very little.” The
does expectant mothers so
is because it is an external
be applied upon the outside,
of the strain comes. It helps
the pores of the skin readily
and it comes into direct contact
is absorbed by the parts involved.
sickness is quickly
nervousness is kept completely away.
sense of dread and during foreboding labor itself. is
is short and almost
all, Recovery is quick Friend and benefits sure.
Mother’s the
just as much as the
and when the little one comes
be strong, lusty and healthy.
Druggists sell Mother’s Friend for $1 a bottla.
Send for our free book on the subjeet,
finely illustrated.
<31 n
■Vi % *• */
S. XjM
Look In Your Mirror
Do you see sparkling eyes, and a healthy,
tinted skin, a sweet attractions expression the a grace¬ result
ful form) These are -there
of good health. If they are absent,
ia nearly always some disorder of tne dis¬
tinctly feminine organs present. health and Healthy beauty
menstrual organs mean
Wine of CarUui
makes It strikes women the beautiful root and of all healthy. their
trouble. There is no menstrual dis¬
order, ache or pain which it will not
cure. It is for the budding approaching girl, the
busy wife and the matron
the change of life. At every it brin trying
crisis in a woman’s life %
health, strength and happ iness.
costs $i.oo of medicine dealers.
For advice address, in cases giving requiring special
directions, symptoms, •’
“ The Ladies’ Advisory Department,
The Chattanooga M edicine Co., Chat
tanooga, Tenn. •
MBS. BOZEXA sarai—“t LEWIS, troubled of OoaaviUe, monthly
Texas, with terrible was pains in xt ha ad and
intervals entirely relieved m j by Wine
back, but have been
Of CarduL”
sfl Beautiful; Hair ( i
Dr. Murray’s
w**. Nair Promoter
Curos dandruff, stops the hair from fall- , i
ing out, invigorates the growth, i* a i |
superb dressing, and while not a dye, | i
by nourishing its roots, will positively color. It re- is i |
store gray hair to its original i i
the par-excellence of all hair restorer*. i
Pntot. at .00 PfiR LARGE Bottle.
For sale by druggists—if not. send to us
aDd it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt
of price. !
Murray Medicine Company, |
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
209 7th St., Augusta, tia.,
FREE EYE TESTS for all defects
grinds the proper glasses and IV A T
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
1 Morphine and Whiskey
its treated without pain
confinement. Cure
teed or no pay. B. H.
Man gr Litkia X Springs Austell
itarium. Box
Compreliensive Analysis by Commissioner Stevens Showing by Caref/ (S Compiled Fig
ures Condition of Crops by Counties For Month of ? it
condition. ; condition. f. ) condition. ; acreage. condition. "PSr- canditioo. I coocntinn. !iii = {Uo<» - -2 ?
COUNTIES. acreage. «cr(*age. condition. 5 c S acreage. connition. r *! ( Sorghttm acrertEje. CL Si 5 - « c I i iutf of I stock IIK oS\<z AiUana ~k < 0
ton Cotton (lorn Corn -eJ Ol Wheat - I i Sugar s i i (irasses Grasses a so i a. ■r e 8 Sheep Work I | |S 'i i 8S
Cot Oat- Oat '-r: 5 ! i_ < a A | O KX) so 14
Appling...... 90: ssssssss no, ioo....... 105 bo, gS? fu5~ iOUi.. . 90 f i IX) 1(X| SSSSSS
B.ikei-,'...... 801 90 90 ..... loO| fegresg - i so I no 30
Baldwin..... 901 no do 130 ioo 90 ioo no . -r- > -. l(X) 051 1(X* 05
Banks........ Bartow...... :: ti\ 100 ioo ioo 85 issss no 91 0S 87 : 100 901 £3 * sr» 03 lOOj 95 So 100 90 40 5
Berrien....... Si' no 90 90 90 90 lo5 83 90 90 4
S' ........ 85 105 90 95 90 95 90 S " KX) ICO 100 100 8 £5
fjy°u 90 no ioo KX) 100: 100 100 1(X) 10
' g:
Bulloch...... Burke........ 88 85 100 85 ... 95j 851 100 9 100 10 g (8j J'looTool 80 80 98 80 S
Butts........ Calhoun...... 85 90 100 100 105 100 100 95 105 o 102 100 no no ’ ioo! 95 ioo ioo ioo ioo!!! ioo 200 100 110 97 10 6 88! " ’.’.0 i ioo IX) no 1(X) 83' SS
Camden...... — 100 10(1 8! 75 78 90 88
f: 77 110 *ss !00j 85 801 751 100 10O ... 100 II KX) 100 100
ft*™,,....... 100! 100 IK)' 90j 100 50 (X) 30 40 ... . ....... 90 00 100 2 1(X) ft)
! 76; 65 80 ........... 100 :
Charlton Chatham!!!!."...
Chattahoochee.. 100. 110 100] 350 SSSS ggggas : sssgagis! 5; O 100 100 ... KX) 100 Si :
85 ■ 85 100 KX) 100 8
Chattooga...... 92 85 100 80 75 100 .88 KX) ... . 100 100 3 g:
; 86
Cherokee........ 84 90 no 95 11(1 ’ 100 100 . 100 . . . 80! no
p| Rrit 85 SO 115 85 90 |M no 100 ... IOO! 120 -we :
........... ......... 75 9U 125 100 . . §: no so • ^x>0 ioo no 8:
120 ...
......... 90 90 110 90 g ;
Cobb........!."!. Clinch Si: g: 00 SOI ♦, is., no ioo
Coffee..!!!...!.. 95 no 100 80 S ■88 75 5s 75 90 SSS-J ggSSl
90 100 100 90 Sis' 85 50 ioo.... .... ioo no
Colquitt......... 95 100 100 HO 100 IOO 90 ioo
Columbia....... .. 90 90 102 80 100 So ' 77 100 88 100
Coweta. ........ 87 90 no 80 112 H 8 100 I
* * \ ; :
Crawford....... : : :
Baweon...!!!! 75 75 100 80 100 g: Igj : 100 O <*i ’ h | ioo ixi ioo too sigg S':
100 25 100 10* 80
Decatur......... 89 100 90 90 ... . KX) : SO 1 IX) 100 SJ
DeKalb......... 90 ioo no 8 100 i ...
90 100 i
Dodqe.......... :
Dougherty!!!!!! Douglas......... 00 75 100 90 90 888 110 ...... 70 8o 65 100 00 . i—• g: 8- S' SS §2 -^Si SJSil
.. 110 , 3
Early............ . . 90 100 119 ....... 75 100 100 '
Echols.......... : :
; X
Eitinghiiiu...... 8: m 8 S S' S'
Elbert........... 88 73 105 loo 123 113 75 100 8
Fayette......... |$lfLLllLlIS 00 f.. .. 85 75 100 75 50
Floyd ............ sss no 883 75 85 75 888 100 8' 1 lo 90 loo loo 10)' 91 75
Forsyth......... 1(X) 10)i 85 U.) 100 9 90 . /...... UXI 95 109 75 5(»
Franklin........ 10(> 120 100 90 MX) 20 100
Fulton.......... - "T 8 125 100 100 106 tm 80
Gilmer.......... ss 103 90 106 90 90 l\S §! too 100 KX) 50 1. ... 100 100 WO
Glascock........ 105 100 200 95 110 I 150....... 5 ... .
Glynn Gordon.......... .......... ' r .
Green.......... smj i ‘ 107 95 m 110 m 100 1(K) 85 .... ioo ioo too 5 ► r H 75 80 89 85 M 86 00 00
Gwinnett........ 115 90 so 75 85 S5 WO ..... ’<v> r - • KX) 76 79 5 1
Habersham ... " K no| 1 90 108, 11(9 90 70 75 125 \jO 80 10 20
ihsK *10. , 90 HO) 75 100,.. • / •••*•■ • IOO ... W
Hancock........ f T.~ • : ; :
. ,£ 100 80
. 'll ioo ,
B*ralson asse agSSE xuo 58 90 100 90 no........ no ...k ?r> 838:
Harris... IOO 1 no, too no 80 ioo ioo .... itxi • ioo 100
Bai t.... 105 85 110 100 95 80........... KX) W 10o 75 76
Heard... 120 90 120 90 180 100 100 100 ..... 100
g enry... o uston sag . . SS'- : HKH S8S 885 to S88 8 100 100 ........ 100 75 loo 10 1 90 ioo 25 00 100 75 100 90 too 86§:
Irwiu.... 103 110 10 IOO 76 76 90
Jackson. h-a 8 88............ 103.....
Jasper... >< 10 100 68 too 90 75 8
Johnson. Lowndes....... Jefferson Jones.... Laurens Lee...... Liberty.. Lincoln........ Lumpkin...... Jlacou.......... ssaessssss si. s 8Sa888§5!: §: 1 N-* «—* *--•—*•—**— e- ■ SSSSc^sssSSocS- SSggaggSSa! SSBS- 85SS8c: : Si§S}! SSSSS8 : ISglggglsS' ioo 105 100 95 90........... 80 76 eo 75 102 100 ioo 100 100 94 ioo itxi.!!. 100 94.... 75 50 .... ... . 100 .. . 100 100 105 05 ..... *# GO 50 7 l 1 ■ io T V ;: 15 11 5 r 1 . ICO! 100 106 ioo ........ 80 . . 100 100 S3 75 . 100 tOO IOO UlO 100 100 WO too 80 113 100 106 no 100 IOO 100 8t 68 DO 80 60 80 60 76. 85 90 U . . -! 8 as
Madison........ .!!! 120 ..... 3 m 4i) wo!’... 66 110 401 . :
Marion ........ §: 8 •-W 85 100 100 150..... v :
McDuffie ......
McIntosh...... :
Meriwether : ; : ; :
Miller......... 90..... : 3 8 8 a 9 r! f
Milton......... 95 90 05 76 75 80 85 25 ...... ....
Mitchell........ 75 100 100 80 : 8S g g-ag§§38§igs3§a gffggaBS&aggAgg IsBBSSBUBSlSfSSMB
Morgan........ Murray........ Newton........ Oconee......... Pierce.......... Monroe......... Montgomery... Muscogee...... Oglethorpe Pickens........ Pike........... PoWt........... Paulding....... Pulaski. ....... .... ZZS &8SSSSSSS8 ~ 8S!8l : ggg S5i8S88 5§5S8868888§Sg 88§8888ggSS8a 8 58§8gl§S' lsi8 8 Sg^888SS! 3 8S3 83Sl8g88S8§agig 8gS8Sa8SSS1S88l 100 100 100 100 116 100 100 120 100 too 100 100 100 100 135 lift 100 ... ... ... .. 101 100 m 100 100 100 150... 75 80 ....... ....... 100 100 IOO ....... 60 100 100 10O 00 • . 30 10 2 5 a ggggjg^! |gtf' ' ' ' ' ' SSSSS $ jgggg§ : ! 88 - §§§! §: 3§ ! 8
Putnam........ : j. sag' aysi
8 8 S8S 885 8 8 S8§ SS% 100 100 25 8855 ' j: m 8
uitman....... 75..... 8
Randolph abun ........ S l : 5 § 100 «o .. 125..... 8 1 : 8
Richmond...... : : : S
Hockdale....... 5 : sl g S j: : S % 8’ 90 95 !!! ioo!!! ! 5' 8 oi ; g * a
toehley......... ggSS- 8S8S 8i88 : ggg§ 88§ffi: 88l8 : 105 100 Iff 8885 8 :!■!:§§ gat§§ •#** BSS8
Be riven. ....... SS8S83 100 100 III § 100
Stewart........ Spalding....... 110 97 . 4 :
Sumter......... 100 100 U S 8
Talbot • a! : : g- 8 § S S g : a i 10 «■ : a s ;
Tatnali......... i
: • S3.
i Taylor......... Teifair......... Terrell.......... Thomas........ 7 3S38 t 2SSS jgggg 8§8SS sli fe sis ' s S388 gg|f §85’ 88^ 8 II ?' : § •! ;S : 100 s 1« 10 ! 8 S S’ • fs s§ 8S ISiSS B^S*
owns. ........ : ! : :
: ■■ i :
*?.'*•».......... :
: : .
; : : : : :
• :
Union. WlggS ........ j : : IS§ggga§5S §• 8 S j§§SSK g! ■ 100 . 80 SO 83518 3 Si § 8
Walker-....... Walien L psoa.......... ga 8 85i §S1 Sa§ §8 8S 100 100 50 tOO 100 100 100 10 I§ gig: asS. 8«!
Ware........... ....... gg8»8g 8888§8 8833S 888888 110 110 3.9 ' : :
Warren Si 50 0 : §.J I gawg. :
Washington ...... 1 50 . iiiUii- 0 [SI* :
V7« Wayne......... inter........ . l s :.a3 100 75 90 50 t •0 as »» gg W8
Whrta......... § i 8
Whitftald...... ; • ! I
: : :
: ’
WUkea......... WOoox........ 8 : S 8' 8 3 B' 8 5i 75 «0 : 8 .at s a & r «
Worth......... Wilkinson .... 61 . a 8 S § § i..S ala >» 60 % I : : ■ 8^ iN: a €8
ii j * L t 3 £ i *r~m 109 119> 93 08 S. ■»J. ®! g #. b «
Nursing Mothers
dread hot weather. They
know how it weakens and
how this affects the baby.
All such mothers need
Scott’s Emulsion. It gives
them strength and makes
the baby’s food richer and
more abundant.
50c. Sud tl. All druggists.
Glorious News.
crofuie, which ha-1 caused her great
ferine tree* for vears. Terrible sore,
out on her heed and face, and
(test doctors could give no help: but
,-ure is complete and her health is
ent." Tbi* shows what thousands
proved,—that Electric Bitters is the
1 blood puririer known. It’s the
j i remedy nicer*, boil* for and eczema, running tetter, salt It
lates liver, kidneys and bowels,
.xAsous, helps digestion builds up
i -trength. Onlv 50 cents, .'old by Dr
H. J. Held Guarau'.eed.
The Appetite of > Goat
Life Pill., the wonderful * “” d
Liter ^roedy. gi*w aaplend.d buddy apiwtlw,
jound diction ondla ireguU habi
1niure O nly * 2. JT cents nU at anyj ' Drue jrug Store bK^e.
One thousand fresh soldiers per
{ the Philippines Is what
I ;' qu-‘M m The KM m Amy:
, m
ROYAL V Absolutely 'Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
And What Their Neighbors An 3
Ill tlio News of the County as Told by
Our Wide- wake Pencil
Crops small, though looking well.
Mrs. Abb Sturdivant is quite sick.
Dr. J. A. Rhodes was in this commun
ily last week.
Mr. Lorenza Alford, of Orawfordville,
was among us Sunday.
Miss Dallie Sturdivant has been visiting
her brother here recently.
Rev. II. M. Harrison will preach at
Edgewood Sunday evening.
Mr. J. P. Humphrey visited near
Sharon Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. J. B. Evans, after an extended vis¬
it on Pearidge, has returned to Mr. R. T.
Miss Annie Oglctree spent several days
of last week with her mother, Mrs. 8. S.
Mr. S. S. Ellington says that his wheat
crop was better than it h s been in 10 years.
But, says lie “1 have aot sowed any In 10
We learn that the average attendance
of Edgewood Sunday school, for the 2nd.
Quarter 1809, is 33. Let all take courage,
an d. especlajly the young people; for had
the ey not come more regular than the older
people the average would he less than 20.
The “Roundlap Bale!’’ What next?
Wedonot know; but something to bur¬
den the farmer! We do not see how the
farmer will be benefited by having his
cotton baled in this “new way.” On
the other hand we believe It is directly
against his interest.
For once the cotton planter ha* an idly
among the great corporations. For years
the cotton tie ring, the bagging combine
und the compress people have all lived off
the cotton grower. There was no way to
fight them and so they grew rich on their
enormous profits, which the farmers had
to pay. Now the American Cottou Com¬
pany with Its Roundlap hale Is in the field
and it is so revolutionizing the old cotton
handling business ihutmnny of the ex¬
penses are necessarily wiped out. The
farmers must Inevitably gel a large share
of its savings, out the old compress peo¬
ple and the bugging and tie trusts aro rais¬
ing a great commotion against the Amer¬
ican Cotton Company as though they had
always been the friends of the farmer.
Unfortunately for them they never played
the friendly act before and now the far
mere doubt the sincerity of their re
pentence. The Roundlap bale Is the trade mark
name given by the American Cottou Com¬
pany to Its round bale to distinguish it
from all other bales. The cotton mills
of New England and of Europe are eager
buyers of this hale because as compared
with all other bales it has many advan¬
tages covered by broad patents, which
greatly lessen the cost of manufacture to
the mill. This Roundlap bale eliminates
two or three processes in manufacturing
and as the cotton mills of the world are
willing to pay more fortbis cotton than
any other, it naturally follows that to
secure the highest prlcM all southern
cotton must iu tima be put up in this
Roundlap form. Mr. Wm. C. Covering
one of the most distinguished cottou mill
men of New England says: — that the time
“I do not hesitate to say
Is coming when the cotton manufacturers
all over the world will insist that their
cotton shall he delivered to them In the
form of a Roundlap bale."
The state annual convention of clerks
of the superior court, sheriffs and chiefs
of police will meet in Macon on July 12th.
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering Irom a cold settled
on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung
_ will call
troubles of any nature, who at
Owl Drug Store, will be presented with
a sample bottle of Boschee’s German
Syrup, free of charge. Omy one bottle
given to one person, and none to children
without order from parents.
No throat or lung remedy ever had such
a sale a* Boschee’s German Syrup In all
parts of the civilized world. Twenty
years ago millions of bottles were given
away, and your druggists will tell you its
success was marvelous. It is really the
only Throat and Lung Remedy generally
endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent
bottle will cure of prove its value. Sold
by dealers in all civilized countries.
NO- 18
Pea and potato crops will be late this
Mr. J. L. Turner has the finest cottou
we have seen.
Dr. Andrew Coopor. of l'owelton visited
liis unele Dr. J- J. Cooper last week.
Mr. James Ledbetter and family, of
Hancock, visited this section last week,
Blacksmithlng seems to agree with
Reuben Dozier since he moved to Barnett.
A party of young ladies and gentlemen
went from here to the Ogeeehee last
week fishing.
Everything putting in their biggest
licks now and every one counts two.
Crops looking well.
Mr. and Mrs. Marable, of Monroe, wero
visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Taylor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Turner and their
son, Allen, attended commencement at
Crttwfordville last week.
Miss Emma Bagby returned to her home
near Burnt tt; she has been nursing Mrs.
Triplett for the past three months.
Pastor Norman preaches here at the
Methodist church Saturday and Sunday.
Children’s day will bo obc-ryed Sunday.
Come out and enjoy the services.
Mrs. Triplett, who 1ms been an invalid
so long, has been removed to the home of
l)r. Nash near Norwood with the hope
that a change will benefit her health.
He Fooled Inc Surgeons.
Ad doctors told Kenick Hamilton, o!
West Jefferson, ().. after suffering 1(
mouths from Rectal Fistula, he would dl«
unless a costly operation was performed;
hut he cured himself with five boxex ol
Buckieu’* Arnica Salve, the aupest Pil«
%ur« /World. on Earthy 25 ut.d box. the be'-- Dr. la tin
cents a Sold by Ki
J. Retd Druggist.
We arc dry In this section.
Crops welljwerkcd und look well.
Mrs. Estella Lavender is quife sick.
Mrs. Mildred Rhodes visited Sai dy
Cross last week.
Mr. J. B. Cloth worthy has a number «I
guasts at Hillman, - .
Mr. C. W. Caldwell has been farming
at Hillman this week.
Mr. Jim Griffith has been on tiie puny
list but keeps his plow moving.
If you want good home made wheat
Hour sun your wheat and carry It to Eliae
Mr. Jef Portwood waa here a few days
ago. He is Improving very much in
Crops are looking well in this section.
Soon be lay- by time with the farmer.
Every body Is getting them a bird dog;
hide out little birdies.
Mr. W. M. Wynne, the wire man , has
left for Putnam county.
Mrs. Tip Clemmons is on & visit to rela¬
tives In Effingham county.
Messrs. Tom and Sid Fouche are paint¬
ing the Convent at Sharon.
Clanton Garrett, of Barnett, visited Mr.
Joseph Clemmons last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm B’.urdivant, of MiL
drajon, visited iu this section last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Grice, of Edgefield,
8. C., is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs Kealy.
Mr. Dock Pittman, of Atheni, Ison a
visit to his brother Mr. II. W. Pittman
of this section.
On account of bad luck we wM nc|
bn able to take an intended trip to Sidney,
Ga., this season.
There is some nice watemerllons patches
aiound here. Glad they will get ripe
during dark nights this year.
Rifttorered by a Woman.
Another great discovery ha* been made,
snd that too, by a lady In this country.
“Diseaae Xastened its clutches upon be»
and lor si fen years she withstood U«
severest tests, but her vital organs were
undermined and death seemed imminent.
For three months she coughed incessantly,
and could not sleep. She finally discover¬
’d a way to recovery, by purchasing of us
s bouse of Dr. King** Now Discovery for
Consumption, and wa« so much relieved
on taxing first dose, that she slept all
night: and with two bottles, has been
absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs.
Luther Luta. Thus writes W. C. Ham
nick A Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot¬
tles free at Dr, R. J. Reid’s drug store.
Regular size 9>c and 01.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.