Newspaper Page Text
u i •
--- B y-
Official OTgan of Taliaferro Co.
crawfokdville.junk 23, ism.
NOTICE- AH U'.gKla<iv«-rtiKingmu«t b<
ii i ad^anc’p or Mttisfac'iory arrange
ifu ntM »•.1 i< at beginning foi t»h®
tricnt of Kiirip.
——-— -—
Arc Arriving
Dnily * ' atC. I5(‘r j <r 5 -
St } (all
1*0 111 S.
aild ,
t 1 lt(. 11 m 111
A i f lili i Ivl v.l’iu li* I / \\\r *
* ’’ •
Drj Goods Department.
Drcsis Go<k 1« ill assorted colors,
Calicoes in Hssorti i] patterns, (Iambi ic
ii snorted interim. III <• a c h i n g,
jioud assortment. I ’id-Hin'cids nt
a 1 lowest juice -. Hame ls in great
vaiiely. Large stock olTlaids, SSli 'Of
i„g and shirting. Large slock
Spool cotton ami Imll thread. Canton
sinied in different shades stud color*.
Notions and Fancy Goods.
l.urgc assortment of dress Shirts,
Jliiiulern, Undershirts, suspenders,
II hi: J kerchiefs, Neek- wear m.d (! loves.
A good assortment Ladi - Hose and
Children's Huso. Men s half Hose all
ti great variety.
Great assortment of .leans and
l‘e *, Boy’s ('oats, Pants and Vests.
Gome a*. 'Mice and buy ol me.
Glassware and Lamps.
I .o' Hall and Parlor Lamps,
a , * and
Lanterns and lanitTii globes,
shades, burners and wicks, common
hand lamps, Looking glasses ami
Crockery, Foreign & Domestic.
Chinn I’ .'ites, largo stock of inns
taebo Cups mid saucers, Porcelain cups
S' d saucer, English, steak Dishes and
Howls, huge stock ot Bowls and
Drugs and IKedcines. British and sweet
Castor and Kerosene Oils, Glass glue
and Putt \.
Stoves and Tinware.
rv.i, ' * ■ t Well '■ Rn.Let*. till' bored
we’b. laig- and sm.ill Libs, ^ >
Pl ays, lnilt bushel ami peck measures,
G, ,, J loll HU | l hait-g.i.ton i. | o' . u»i 0.1 uiw, . ms l Pou ou
•nd Ivcttlcs, alld st"Ve pipes.
Trunks, LeRlier Goods, Etc.
hole and Icathei, Harness, Bridles
Saddles, Etc., V.discs, Leather am'
Bn k t 'oll.ii 8.
Houst-fnrnishing Goods.
Mattv»s-es, -o' t,.n and straw, steel
Ipni.K, ;i ding and straight. Hound
Tables. *> wings. I lobby-bona*, Wag
Otis Kte. tor ebildieti.
Keelles & Sewing Hacltine
Suiq> it -. such as Gold Kvo, Silver
K'> and -oaw g machine Neislles tbi
®li tin* ditlVivnt makes ot sewing ma¬
(trot crios.
S'loar. (’ otTia', : ‘ice. Flour. Laid,
Po.,sted t ft, e. > grouse. Soap',
01 evvi' s at. Tmnip s.-ed, Ouion sets,
Can ’ -'s. t‘,:H-kt'rs, tbudies. Soda,
8 o|!s. >i, jL
r. o and smokinii IVb.uvo.
H irsware and Cattlery.
A.v n ,s. n ,.is. in and Mule
M <K‘ H tiinuer-, N'is'i/i - '.
r i ir T> i nine s- K lives ami
t k* Oils Locket Kmves and
c tin I '.beK.
Every time u iegi.-Jlure meets
these days to elect a senator, it
has to ballot for days and some
times weeks before a choice is
reached. It seems to an outsider
that there is a sight of wire-pull¬
ing and behind-the door trading
in ail of these legislative elec¬
tions. Besides this, the states
money is squandered in holding
legislatures locked for days and
weeks when if elected by the
people the job would be finished
in one day,
A hearty appetite does not
indicate a healthy con¬
dition. It is not the quantity
food which is eaten but the
i quantity which is assimilated
stomach and organs of
and nutrition cannot convert the
food into nourishment, and into
blood, then the food is an injury
instead of a benefit. For all
disorders of the stomach and its
allied organs of digestion and
nutrition, there is a certain
ndy in Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med
icai Discovery. It removes clog
nerves, enriches the blood and
■ builds up the body, It is a flesh
forming, muscle making prep
i aration,’makingfirm flesh instead
of flabby fat. “Golden Medical
1 Discovery" contains no alcohol.
I whisky or intoxicant, of any kind,
and is equally free from opium,
cocaine and all narcotics.
Albert Brigbtwell, colored,
knocked u colored girl in the
I bead and killed her ill Oglethorpe
1 cmiuty last week because she
did not bring him water to the
field as he wished. He is in jail.
Felts Shockley was shot and
killed by Campbell Brinkley, and
Shockley shot Oliver Bnrnly se
riously before he died, on Mr. V.
A. Johnson’s place in Warren
county Sunday, The whole
shooting match were colored
gamblers of which Warren coun¬
ty is infected like many others
adjoining counties.
Mm. Jordan’s Heat It.
On Monday motyiing last Uie
remains of Mrs. Martha Caldwell
Jordan were brought up from
Augusta, and deposited in our
cemetery. She had died the day
\ previous at the home of her son,
after an illness of only a few
i days. Latterly Mrs. Jordan lias
• been a resident of Union Point
j jj, 0 larger portion of her
jj ) t , od seventy years was spent
J jn thjs countyi Hero and else
: where, her kindness, gentleness
j and patience rendered her an ex I
ample for good to all who came I
within the range of her influence.
Many years ago she become tt j
member of the Baptist Church at '
Smy vnu, and the Sincerity oi her
reli" - kills profession was attested j ,
to the end. There .1 survive her i
t\\o sons, e.V-she: ill 0 „ L J T ordan .
this COnnty and J.C. Jordan
0 £ Augusta and a daughter ~ ■
Mrs. ,, Aclaline Jordan Watson of
(R Ullion Point. Those and till
morons friends, while mourning
her departure, feel assured of
her eutvauce upon a better life, j
MEN Kki,!i ' trouble preys
AND 11 "' »‘»d, discourages
WOMEN • unbi, '°D;
vi.or and , lie<Tfulness soon
when the kidneys are out et order
ed. For pleasi eiga- Its use Dr.
Ro d. the great kidney remedy.
At druggists. Sample bottle by mail
also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer A Co., Brlngham
ton. N. V.
We were talking with a friend the
day and lie -aid a genuine
must be a telotskst. Wedis-crec
him: a thorough bred |>rohihi(ioiiist
tie a person who never did drink whiskey
never did have any thir-t for ji or
had a y sech tiling on his n i .
know nieti th it v.e think d« —
whi'k.y aialme good t<
t.,. a- »hi'kcy is cMucim-d hut then
ihe same iiiur tue\ have lha! ta-to for
aivd its on their mind: also a tetotaii-t 1
i ne who m-yer indulgis
am h->w much 1*4- appetite craves it.
W« d *n’t beii. ve there e' er was a
that even had got the ta-tc c>f whisk, y
w . -ver i s, it eutir-!y. Sometime
L:- i i>- may not bo for it hut at olh -r
ti 5 wants ii and would take it t ' i:
h a " not lo do so prevents
f ::
-!,J0A to prw.ytjo ffpsin?:! Saqtw.g
s u- v -WJ) cellars rv l-’hwg p>,
mS r.un.l ■} ) .v 's;s jijup |{y 'Jov;
t..'w.:. r.w.u jwva j. , uv* »tjj • .
•v.l 'X v rav »x.-. ■; ■••• -
st.u 3 • j.v'.'.-oj pu« Jfsw ojj«goi tint ex
•x**t W 1 iltm* pn Jtdg *33*^01 *,“«■«
A pug simililSKgthe m lady bug
injuring coi || 1 Oglethorpe
—Mr. G. S. sjlsful IBaies. one of
the most cotton
in theliHlty has our
for sort: MB me graham
flour. Sam is’gWftg tBj right now;
he is begining se w heat.
—Mrs. W • rm-v returned
Sunday from a , ft to her moth
and f ;lt her, taf r . a nd Mrs.
near u^y-wood. The
old peopl* ■(> the parents
Mr. J. P. . ■kon of this
and have bi right sick.
—Mr. and Mrs! o McGibony
to Atlanta <t ie excursion
—Mrs. Dr. Bert, f went up in
Morgan yesterd ;\M, visit rela
_ We furnish a 1 report of
,ho , or . tn* ... state
crops on our
first page.
— It is said tt - I 1 ..[iss Carter
» w «*«a, ic in jVirgin
ia next year.
Those who art^Pghtingly in
dined will have ther oppor¬
to join the^vny. 70 re¬
offices soon he
—Roger Flynt Ls
telegrapy at the dl, 0 t here.
—Alvin GolncKl went to
Atlanta yesterday J s the excur
sion. i
—Miss Mena Hem v W ent to
Atlanta on the exctu s } 0 n yester
Womans Mysterious Ills.
hxplanation of their ‘tt by Dr. Hartman, who tells how to cure them.
Jfefi 1 '■d f OUNG
J jf women are constantly pu«
rled about their health. In
$£w®3L'\ r ft' deed female troubles puzale all
women. Older women have
'•s.—, **A/*^-. *** , i .>2 experience, knowledge of but the subject. few possess The
•y. wTA
m periodical suffering is painful.
It is accompanied by many
varying sensations that distress.
fphm How much of this is necessary
is a matter of guesswork. The
whofe question is shrouded in
I v' vm. professional mystery.
\ Dr. Hartman's book for women,
\ called “ Health and Beauty,'’ treats
these matters with delicacy, and at
the same time with clearness. Write
to the Pe-ru-na Medicine Company, Columbus, 0., for it: it is mailed free. It
is a practical printed talk to women. Dr. Hartman defines women's diseases as
rutarrh and tells how Pe-ru-na cures them.
Mrs. C. C. Naeve, 3M5 Morrison St., Portland, Ore., writes as follows:
Fe-ru-tta Medicine Co., Columbus. 0.
1 >Rar Sms:--" I began to take Pe-ru-na when I lived in Columbus, O.,in 1887,
ttu,i havo il an(1 the M «i'-a-lin eve- since, whenever I needed medicine. I
have never found nn equal to Pe-ru-na for regulating the menses, and before I
began to take it 1 was never regular and always had more or less pain. 1 had
,r ’ et * many different medicines before I saw Pe-ru-na but without success.”
is nothing mysterious about tho action of Pe-ru-na. It is not a
•‘cure-nil,” bnt it'cnres catarrh wherever located, and there may be catwnrii in
my organ of the body, as all are lined with mucous membrane.
Mrs. M. C. Mehl. .104 Walnut St.. Columbia. Pa . says: “ I have been troubled
With catarrh and a soreness in my bowels for several years. I tried everything
'.hut was recommended. 1 tried Pe-ru-na and am happy to say that I am now
entirely well.”
l )r - Hartman’s advice may be had without charge by any woman who will
V rite for i t. His book on Chronic l atarrh is also mailed free. It explains the
lunger of local treatment. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na.
Itrt-ftts v ltb jou.whcllier liatiit, you ft o ronAinv# ldiiA Xh
Bttrve'killiug tb<? tit toiuavd *ir»*for o loHars wiul
reint>T« s o.
; sir..?
•£;«» »«»* UX box tv
m* 'JVFfPrurtd Buj
m HO TO BJ r Iron
L^jeur cwr» dr'.ryal
Will TOUfh f'TUN. T ftk it viU
• will, : ct tr, r«-'rs,iftfnt;y udm
w be*. SI. us'.'.j rurtf, Sbozfg. 9tJ|
^ to .re. or w< rrfutd u : oufT
frttniaf Re-v»^j4o., ( h c«iro, 9v*lr«tti, S»* I»rt
A New shop.
I have moved into my new shop on
Broad s,reet where I w.-lcomc all mv
white friends to mv li.ind'omequarters.
1 1 will visit your home-and do hair cutting
j uid shornpooing for the ladies and child'
! ren; ai«o sharpen rar .r-. I have added
* shov-shining dppa meat. Give me a call.
Craw lord vide. Or
d'hNF", g'iilEES UNO PRESSES Repair* fir *«•' ». Valve* SHafttnj, Ftulag* FuU*y*.
Be ilnK. lnjeotetw. Mv*. and
At'orsrA. ga.
1 m Ta PATENT Good Ideas
mar be secured by
cur aid. Address,
Baftimore. 4ld.
to The Faieai Record #I.U) per acaurn
. |Tinnu | mouth's treatment ot
I sniani\ai AlAnKfll n
\v ICII I"”” - rotno Jy ever c «vvverej.
fl AjU I I mTisATiok co?"’ 8 *
- 113 N. 1 *yo* it.. Atlanta, Ga.
The Work Protrroslng Weil.
The work on the new ginnery
buildiugs has begun in earnest.
A good many of the larger tim¬
bers have been put on the
ground, a well has been dug and
the frame work of the buildings
will soon be up. The buildings j
will be covered and sided with
iron and will be rendered as
nearly fire proof as the corru¬
gated iron buildings can be.
The platforms that lead out to
the railroad spur will be arrang¬
ed even with second story of
the ginnery, so that cotton can
be easily delivered to the cars
on the side track.
A tramway truck will be
arranged so that the baled cot
ton can be trucked directly from
the presses to the car door. With
this arrangement and the system
of suction pipes, cotton will be
rapidly and easily handled.
Messrs. S. H. Rhodes and
Jack R. Akins are superintinding
the work. It will not be long
before the Crawfordville ginnery
will be ready for the cotton.
—Mrs. M. A. Sanford went up
to Gainesville Tuesday where she
will visit her daughter, Mrs.
Cochran. The latter has a tine
summer music class in the
Bears the The Kind Von Have Alwavs Bougnt
Signature v
—Don’t make fun of your
neighbor’s trying to do some¬
to benefit himself and his
community, but help him. He
will help you directly or indirect
ly -
For nformation as. to Routes,
and Rate-, both
Passenger and
write to either of the undersigned.
Yon will receive prompt reply
T. P. A. G. P. A.
Augusta, Ga.
.4* THOM AS c. ii.rox,
c. r. *v p. a. G. \.
Atlftntn Athens.
. S. E. A
v \. P. A.
Macon, (ia. Atlanta, G»
. == 0 ^ 014 ^ WARRANTED°=
5 Ton Scales S 6 0 treight ftuo
a ^g!ones c - Binghamton.^
gmrnrr* 98$
’’1 tt
frtxsztm mizmm QQ
‘tasa Affli
7” €£3 WKxr-a a aflfl
JXO. V. HOL1IKN, Pres. J. A. KENDRICK, Vice-Pres. M. F. GKIFFITH, Casfiier.
Office Hours } CRAWFORDVILLE, C-A. { Estaldishcd
8 to 4 O’clock, 1898.
CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 .
A t General * Banking i Business i Transacted.
When You Heed---/
Lum SB
Shingles. Moulding*, Doors, Sash, Blinds, ’Gement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
Hair, Sower Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars ^ for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc., v
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds*
Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Ilooks, She f Brackeis or anything else you may
nee I in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tue.
Washington Manufacturing Co.,
wih £ive you right prices every time you call on them
¥ i!4 1*
Send to-day for FREE Package of
Sanford’s Golden Tablets,
Strengthen the Nerve- and make you fee’ like a uciv peison. Oijly <vie package
each person. Order them to-day.
G. P. Ointment Cures Piles
IT three applications do not relieve you, your money back,
l arge Box, 25 cents, or send 10 ceuts for enough to prove
H cures. Address:
Sanford Remedy Co., 411 *412 Fitteo B-w-g. Atlanta, Ca.
Engines, i.i Saw Mills.
! Boilers, And Every
CottonGins I. thing
j £ ' in the
Cotton Machine ry
j Presses, Line.
Seed Get
! Cotten Our
Elevaiors, Prices
a J Before
Grist Mills. ,
w e operate machine shops and foundry,
full line m.ll supplies.
Sarah E. Bowen, of Peru, Ind.,
“ For eighteen years I suffered
with weakness peculiar to my sex.
I could neither sleep nor eat well,
and was reduced to a mere skele¬
ton. My skin was muddy, my
eyes heavy, and I was dizzy much
of the time. Doctors prescribed
for me without avail; medicine
seemed to do me no good. I was at
the brink of despair when a friend
told me what Dr. Williams’ Pink
Piils for Pale People had accom¬
plished in a case similar to mine.
I bought a box and took them. I
bought more and took them until
I was well and strong. Dr. Wil
Hams' Pink Pills for Pale People
brought me new life and I recom¬
mend them to every suffering
woman. ’ ’—From the Republican,
Peru, Ind.
Dr Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People
contain, in a condensed form, nil the ele
meats necessary to give new life and rich¬
ness to the blood and restore shattered
nerves. They are an unfailing ataxia, specific partial for
such diseases as locomotor neurut
paralysis. St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica,
rheumatism, nervous headache, the
after-effects of the irrip, palpitation of the
heart, pile and sallow complexions, and all
forms of weakness either in male or female.
Dr. Williams Pink Pill* tor Pale People are never
sold bj the doren or hundred, but always in pack¬
ages. At ah druiigists. or direct from the Dr Wil¬
liams Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y., 50
cents per bos. 6 boses $2.50.