Newspaper Page Text
tT'ny it? let your neighbors
And why give then, a
chance to guess you are even
five or ten years more?
Belter give them good
reasons for guessing the
other way. it is very easy;
for nothing tells of age so
quickly as gray hair.
'4?S /
is a youth-renewer
It hides the age under a
luxuriant growth of hair the
color It of youth, fails
never to restore
color to gray hair. It will
stop the hair from coming
cut also.
It feeds the hair buibs.
Thin hair becomes thick hair,
and short hair becomes long
It cleanses the scalp; re
moves ah dandruff, and
prevents its formation.
* the
We have a book on
Hair which we will gladly
se*d you.
If you do not obtain all the bene
fits yon ex See ted from tho use of the
Vigor. write the doctor about it.
i robably there ii some difficulty which
v.’ tii your general removed. svKtem .Address,
may be easily
Dr. J. C. Ayer. Lowell, Mass.
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue:
G S‘.‘ RH >d •>. to Feb. 35, 1000
—E. C. Gunn has charge -of
the Sparta depot this week.
- Phe big exgprgion to Atlanta
runs Saturday. ^r%ryaud trip.
I am n.iw prepared t-o negotiate loans in
any amounts from $300.00 up on real estate
AT 7 PER CENT, per annum.
Attorney at Law,
Gan & Locksmith,
Genera. Repair Shop, Including
Repairs all Kinas. Send in your work.
Shop in rear of J. If. Powers’ Store,
On Square Near Court House.
move Lunin except By uDiig hot water tu 3 ectlou 6 .
Chronic constipation for seven years placed me In
this tom Pie condition; during that time I dirt ev
erythingl heard of but never found any relief; such
H«^r nti
1CSI Hut; oil tt.. L'evroit, Mich.
r ^ mr cathartic
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. ToFte Good.
Good. Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 20c, iOc.
fttorUsf Reacdy CwBpuj* CLlexffO. loatreoj. k'tw York.
^»VrVmW*7tVr»V»Vt £ FrtEE PATlEkN 7 . r* c » '»rw 2 I „
vonr ovn srlertiim, to every sab- % -
briber. Only 50 cents a year.
A gem; beautiful color-d plate*; I'test
asri ion*; dressmaking economic- ; i
- rn ; household h :-:s ; Jictior., etc. V.ib- £
^r'-if>e to-day, or, send tr for latest copy
i-ady agents wanted. !>end for terms 2* ^
Stylish, Economical Reliabla, and Simple, Absolutely Up-to 3^ t
E'rrfcct-Fitting^ Paper Patterns. g
MS CALL. % 5]
i BAZAR- 1 Jo
No-Scam-Aliowaoce Patterns.
. >n|y io and K ct* each—rone hifi 'uer
\ k for them ScH ir* n.ari,-every city
and town, or by ma»i ft- m
THc McCALL CO., 5 ,
138-1*6 West 1*t*< St.. Sew Verk. S
SHU sip m
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Our People Are Doing, Saying
and Thinking About Told
in Biief Notes.
—Roasting ears are beginning
to get ripe.
—Prof. Jordan Sanford went
down to Waynesboro Saturday.
—Prof. Frank Burney is at his
home in Madison for a vacation.
—The rains have been partial
and the crops are good in spots.
—Excursions over the Georgia
railroad have been many this
—There will not be many 4th
of July watermelons ripe in this
—Miss Cori” 0 Carter is spend
ing her vacation at her home in
—There is only one lot of prop¬
erty advertised for sale next
—Com. W. T. Flynt held his
annual examination of teachers
last week.
—Clerk Cbas. H. Golucke
went up to Atlanta on excersion
yesterday. r
—The new railroad to the gin¬
nery here is termed the “Great
Northeastern. 1 1
—Miss Dell Pearre. of Colum¬
bia county, is on a visit to friends
in this county.
—The-market has been flooded
with' eggs and a good many
chickens recently.
—Mr. Quince Johnson, of
Washington, spent Sunday last
•with friends here.
—Tax receiver R. L. Veazey
says he will close liis tax books
Saturday for this year.
—The rains have been in sight
week but have not reached this
•Jec'tioti to do much good.
—Mr. Jack Stewart says he
finds some exfra tine crops in
his travels over the county.
—Messrs. A. and Zaek Broome
spent Sunday with relatives here.
They are traveling for a Macon
—Mrs. J. W, Meiere, of
Rutherford is visiting her daught
ter, Mrs. G. S. Rhodes at Sandy
—Mrs. Tom Wynne has moved
her family to Mr. Sam E. Gunns,
residence where she has rented
—Misses Kate and Freddie!
Beazley, of Union Point, spent j
Sunday with Dr. Beazley’s fami
| ly here.
—Rev. Irl Hick's predictions
j about the weather are Die best of
any modern forecaster of the
TT*».^r*\nr\ I Lin dll QV\r\vfcxv oiiUl Lei, r*rv1 L/UlUi t?u., Irill i\iii
ed another dog Sunday that
was showing symptoms of hav¬
ing hydrophobia.
—la our rush last week Henry
| Reids, name was omitted as
j writer of the comment on the
5th Ode to Horace.
—Prof. Will Sanford left
Monday for, Selma, Ala., where
he went to play a game of ball
with the Rome team.
—Mrs. Julia Ham mack and
daughter, Miss Mamie,
mg a few , weeks at the home ol f
Dr. W. F. Hammack in Atlanta,
—Miss Della Sanford has had
new tomatoes . . from f her garden. ,
Miss Della knows how to engin
eer a garden as well as keep
i house.
—Mr Julius Jordan, of Augus
ta, came up Sunday to arrange
I for the burial of his mother and
to visit his family who are vis¬
iting in this county.
—Judge Benj. F. Moore is
quite sick at his home in this
place. He is quite old and has
;been a remarkable man. He
represented this county in the
legislature several years. His
friends hope for him an early ro
co very.
S t j Ro * Sold * at * Once
10 Dinner Sets from $4.99 to $35.00.
40 Hammocks, 49c. to $3.00.
96 Buggies, $45.00 to $25.(90.
Freexers, Fly Fans and Traps, Matting
A Former Soldier Arrested.
Beu Wright, colored, who join¬
ed the U. S. army last year in
Atlanta, was arrested in Greens¬
boro last week and brought to
jail here on an old warrant
charging him with gambling
some years ago. Beu has been
discharged from the army.
Came Here to Huy.
Mrs. J. H. May, of Lincoln
county, came up here last weelc
and bought a buggy from Mr.
N, Chapman. This speaks
for our townsman and bug¬
dealer and shows that Craw¬
viRe has as many chances to
her trade as she will take
Home Made Biscuit.
Mr. Bu Bird brought us (feme
raised wheat last week and
that he thought of bri luring
a real homemade biscuit on
to exercise our nasal pow
He said he was not going
let us taste it—just use it to
of—kinder as an appetizer
A Child’s Death.
Little Mtiry, the pretty one
old daughter of Mr. and
M. Herman, died at their;
in this place Monday night
a short illness from cholera
She was a bright
and her sad demise brings
sorrow to the bereaved
the , .
who have
entire community. ii ...
Made Mistakes.
Ed. Advo-Democrat:—Pie;J It
me space to say that sot ,4
our-young men who study al¬
manacs for Sunday School books
provide themselves wLh
books next time. In par¬
ticular, I refer to Bose Jackson
and Jeff Jones. Don’t stud^|ai :
manacs. boys, when you r eed
School books.
i \
To Atlanta.—$1.«0 Round Trip
Another splendid opportunity
will be given our people to visit
Atlanta July 1st for only $1.50
round trip. The train will passes
here about 7:25 a. m., airive
in Atlanta at 10 and returning
leaves Atlanta at 7 and pass
here about 10 p. m. The train
will be run from Miliedgeville
and will be managed by Me ■ <
Tuggle & Hollingsworth w
assures a good schedule and a
pleasant trip.
Model Furmers.
There are many farmers in
this section who are model far
mors, among them might he
mentioned Messrs. A. V. and
George Davis who live near Rob¬
inson in this county. A gentle
man said a few days ago that
these farmers had not bought
any corn since the war and had
bought very little meat. They
make what they consume at , home
and their cotton crops are sur
plus. They do not bother much
w ' Vliri : t b me the affairs an airs of oi the me outside ouisiue
world but can be found busily
gagedon theii^^Uarms when many
about town talking
hard times.
Wny Pay $ 40 . to $ 65
When you can buy a new
High Ann Singer for less than
half that amount at
Miss Legwen’s Death.
The friends of Miss Hattie
Log wen are very much surprised
and shocked to learn of tilts
young lady’s death which occur¬
red at Danville, Va., one day
last week after a short illness
from fever. She will be remem¬
bered as the niece of Mr. W. A.
Le g is •on who attended school
here two years ago. She was
the picture of health. She
made many friends while here.
A Monument to Folly.
Years ago a bar-keeper in
Oglethorpe county loaded a small
canon and said lie was going
to^’blow God oil’ his throne.”
When the cannon fired the man’s
eyf} was put out and a part of
hrsjface blown off. Ho repented,
hpid a stone slab hewed out and
placed the remains of the canon
an the stone and it remains there
now as “a monument to folly,”
atjthe*injured man’s request,
A Had Break.
s Mr. J. D. Moore’s mill broko
down Saturday. The shafting
of the main mandrel that connects
the water wheel with the other
machinery broko and the con¬
necting head weighing‘400 pounds
had to be carried to Augusta
and recast. Mr. Moore went
down to Augusta and had the
Lombard Iron works to iix it up
him and the mill will bo
. tQ priud agaiu 5y Monday.
Vi ill Carry Exhibits Free.
The Georgia Railroad propos¬
es to carry any and all county
exhibits to Atlanta free of charge
for the State Fair this fall.
They will not return them, but
parties sending valuable exhibits
can sell them at a good price on
the grounds. Our people should
bestir themselves and get up a
nice county exhibit and show
what Taliaferro can do. All the
best counties in the State will be
‘ esuit - M k
Mr. P. Cetoharri of Pike City,
Cal., says: During my brother’s
late sickness from sciatic rheu¬
matism, Chamberlin’s Pain Balm
was the only remedy that gave
him any relief.” Many others
have testified to thepr oinpt relief
from pain which this liniment .af¬
fords. For sale by Or. R. J.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jim Watson at¬
tended the burial of the latter’s
mother at this place Monday,
returning to their home in An
gusta that afternoon.
, ——7 Hums -7 and bahy
accompanied Key. R. L. U
Harris on his regular trip to
Jewels this week.
8tateof0bio , Citv of To
ledo, LocAfi County.
T-I k rank . J. T Cheney makes oa
that be is the senior pajtner of
firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business in the Oty of To
ledo, pmnty and State aforttsavd.
and that said firm wull pay the
f or at)( j every case
Catarrh that cannot 1>: cured
by the use of Hall’s Catarrh
Cure. Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and sub
scribed in my presence, this CD
day of December, A. D. 1K*C.
A. W. Gleason.
: SEAL I Notary Public
- f tak,*:i
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is
internally and acts directly or
the mood and mucous surfaces
°** he * y *“ m - S< ” ,<J ,or
Address F. J. Cheney A Co.,
Toledo, O
H Ik.
Brightest Items from Near by
I’o the Credit of the Excellent County
Journal* front Which We Hot
the CroniHT New*.
Gillen Bros have fitted up a
fine flouring mill at the old
Poulaiu factory in Gr e 1 county
Mrs. N. C. Edwards is visiting
her father, Mr. John P Moore,
in Taliaferro county. — VVarreu
ton Clipper.
Jesse Mahappy was found
dead in h is bed on Saturday. He
lived in the house of J. 1. Blizzard.
He was an old man—perhaps 80
odd.—Sparta Ishiuaelite.
Mr. John Bevins, editor of the
Press, Authou, Iowa, says: “1
have used Chamberlin’s Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
in uiy family for fifteen years,
have recommended it to hun¬
dreds of ol liors, and have never
known it to fail in a single in¬
stance. For sale by Dr. R. J.
Charley Latimer, who lives on
Charley Dickson’s place, brought
in a load of watercnlons on Mon¬
day, the 10th iust.—Sparta
Bful management keeps more
people in poor circumstances
than any other one cause, To
be successful one must look
ahead and plan ahead so when n
favorable opportunity presents
itself he is ready to take advan¬
tage of it. A little forethought
will also save much expense and
valuble time. A keep prudent and
careful man will a bottle of
Chamberlin’s Colic, Cholera 1 nd
Diarrhoea Remedy in the hoi\ ;e,
(lie shiftless fellow will wait len¬
til necessity compels it and t1 1 <> n
ruin his best horse going for the
doctor and have a big doctor bill
to pay, besides; one pays out 25
cents, the other is out a hundred
dollars and then wonders why
his neighbor is getting richer
while ho is getting poorer.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
Mr. J. R. Asbury informs us
that he has sold his residence,
rc geja lly built .on Alexfimbiu’ :il V' I
nab, hear thcpublid^chool bA^ru
ing to Capt. J. J. Crafton,
reserving the corner lot. On
this lot he will at once commence
the erection of a neat new pottage
in which he will reside—Wash¬
ington Gazette.
I was seriously afflicted with
a cough for several years, and
last fail had .a more severe cough
than ever before. I have used
many remedies without receiv¬
ing much relief, and being bottle re¬ of
commended to try a
Chamberlin's Cough Remedy,
by a friend, who, knowing me
to be a poor widow, gave it to me,
I tried it, and with the most grat¬
ifying results. The first bottle
relieved me very much and the
has absolutely cured me. I have
not had as good health for twen¬
ty years. I give this certificate
without solicitation, simply in
appreciation of the gratitude
felt for the cure effected.—Res¬
pectfully, Mrs. Mary A, Beard,
Clarernon. Ark. For sale by Dr.
R. J Reid.
Almost every day we hear of
some new cotton mi m --- *■
August 1, 1W there were in
the Hou th 1,725,m cotton
S[ ,Indies; last August there were
;> ^70,000 spindles, a gam of
1,945,000 spindles in eight years,
or over 100 per cent.
LfUI, r\ * crices on C|„ ny Cone rails,
Crockery, and
Qream Freezers
The people of Warrenton have
arraag ^ ed to have a big barbecue
, Ju 4th at the f a j r
Qn ■’
m that city.
Beara the 1,(8 Kisd YOU Ha»e
Mr. Silas G. Crouch, Ol Char
' W Va.. and Miss Maymie
. . ,
L. Christopher were marl io(l
at White Plains last week.
Qg Buggies, 10 Surreys
3 ici Carria^gSS that must See be
so a t some price.
them - W.T. Johnson.
Mr. English, >f Glascock.
tooQght in 9 bushels of apples to
Warrenton Wednesday and eold
. them for — Clipper. .
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
Effects of Tobacco.
#4 4^3*4 AS iff.' Vy
‘' WM
\ K* f{W />
T T’E excessive use of tobacco, especially
by young men is always injurious and
undoubtedly shortens life materially.
Mr. Ed, C. Ebsen, compositor on the Contra
Costa yews, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I have
>ed Ur. Miles’ Restorative Nervino and re¬
ived much benefit from it. i was troubled
>. ith nervousness, dizzy spells andsleeploss
;ot». ciu.-ed by the use of tobacco and stim
,’ants. I took Dr. Miles’ Nervine with mar
. olou&ly good results, allaying tho dizziness,
uieting tho nerves, and enabling mo to
deep and rest, proving In my case a very
encficial remedy," I)r. Miles' Restorative
dervine is especially adapted to restoring
lie norvoi i system to its normal condition
■ rider such circumstances. It soothes, heals
and strengthens. a; j?
Dr. Miles' Remedios «
are sold 1 y all di ug- jgf B Miles' 3ft
gists tinder a positive Nervine |i
guarantee, first bottle m -
benefits or money re- K jh Restores
funded, Book on ills- R Hoalth
eases of the heart, and u )HP1!
icrvosfree. Address,
me MILKS MEDICAL L*‘- Elkhart, lud.
ltcantIful Hair.
Can always be obtained by using that
highly perfumed and strictly scientific
com portnd—Dr. Murray’s Hair Promoter.
U stops the hair from falling out, cures
dandruff, and restores gray or faded hair
to Its original youthful color, beauty and
softness. As a hair dressing it has no
equal, See advertisement elsewhere in
this paper.
Salesmen Wanted.
Good wages t > se 1 our Nursery Stock.
Apply f ir terms. We wtil have for Spring
Fall, 1899 and I tlOd, ail immense
ck of Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum,
Apricot, Cherry, Grape, etc. ornamental
Also small fruits, shade and
trees, roses, etc. We make a specialty of
wholesaling to huge planters direct at low
prices. Write ns for wholesale price list.
Winche ter, Tenn.
July Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold, on the first Tuesday In
next, al public “iitcvy Rt !i m Court
In said (lounitf,wItbln the l<^nl hougq
sale .to the be ■fbft t' uludrrfcr -.e*h, >i-r
property, of Ii the 1 ->wlm J
full and comp pile The f foil
tracts oi dm reels of land; >ne
tract being in the bill hundied arid lord
Dlst, G, M.. Knjjy. n>m the Home
hounded the as follows- < a the North
hinds of Estate of Juo. A. iffephei s
Win, G. Stephens, Dec’d.i on tie
by lands of Airs. Mary lilaft Ketiv
lands of S. N. Acree; on litu Suvrtli
by lands of Mrs. Ai. E. Stewart, lamb i I
L I), llainmnek and lands of Mrs. Nauev
on the West by lands of J. IJ.
bun mack and lands of Eugenia Stephens Foul
tjuinea Stephens, containing
Hundred '4n0; acres, more or less, except
acre around t.lief-family graveyard, being
Is reserved, and one tract
partly in the Six Hundred and first, (601)
partly in the Six Hundied and ifcitd
Districts G M., known as the Nunn
place and bounded as follows: On Kfle
by lands of J. T. Harrison and
of L. A. Stephena; on the East by
lands of the Estate of John Dec’ll., A. Stephen* lands
Wm. G. Stephens, and
lj. A. Stephens; on the South by lands
Daniel Ogletree and lands of Eugenia
Guinea Stephens; on the West by s
lands oi .J. T. Harrison and landsofO. I .
Bonner, containing Three Hundred and
Twenty Five (535) acres, more or less.
Said two tracts of land being all the land
conveyed by W. M. Sims, administrator
(ie bonis noil, with the will annexed of
H. Stephens to Thos. E. Bristow, by
deed dated March 2 tith 1S89, and situated
in the county of Taliaferro, state of Geot
Levied on as the property of Thom¬
as E. Bristow Written notice given ten¬
ants in possession, as required by law.
Tliis, 5thday Juiip, 1899.
Khftrifi Taliaferro County.
U films• H. Golucke, Guardian of
John O. Rives sud Mamie L. Rives, has
died to me for a discharge from his
Gunrdiai ship cf said wards: this is there
, (tn . tt , notify all person, concerned, to
tile their Objections, it any they have,
>n or before the in-t Monday in juiv,
next else Chas. H. Golucke will lie dis
charged from hi« Guar( r ianfihfp as applied
f,)r - This, 5ih d«y of
' 6rdinaTy
Taliaferro Co.
' * VVliereas, Robert L. Ifadaway, ad
niini*tr*tor of fiuU,«r R. Hadaway, repre¬
sents Ui the court in his petition, duly
riled,that h'- has f’Uly adininisicied Luther
R. HadavvHy’a cstap,-. '1 his is therefore to
i itc all persons concerntsi, ktndrwf and
cre ,ntora, to show eau-e, if any they can, dis,
why said adminiirator should not he
( barged from his adiui-ni-tration, and re
{ .^j ve let tern of dismtsson on the Cist
Monday in Julv, 1899.
Tlii«. 61 h day of April. 1W9.
GEO. H, MITCHELL. Ordinary.
9r~ira#4b wee cared t*
nr.MUe»*Nerve pi«w«.
CURES Coog^ ALl Tm»€k>o<l. tlSt WU*
>n in timft P >id bv drufrtif'UL