Newspaper Page Text
a inipies
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AN li!iFA!L!K8 SIGN THAT When Nb'-ir • in overtax' d, she ha*
her o vii wav ot giving iiotii'*- ..hat a*mste
aie 1 " t* no.'o *ii She doe* not auk for
KATURE i tjD help im nox&ibi** lo get along without
it Jl: .,)>•«• r<: m indication that
c . inp’.jritb-K which
till! is a *ci.nolle I i: g
F3R licLP. ri»i r ! a|-peal for asul.stah'X!
J.U (Mf
To tin >uri:v blood
time ii)i‘»nii more rli..• 'V l »f infill b uli awl mm
unsightly pu ■ :.pui !l ;iro ,vllc»’‘**fl to
r»»:i>.iin. th * /,'•?■>! *» -o *. 1 ■ itiv ’’'■U,: %iy 2 11 /1 * - . and is
UDuhii* to -.V.l b.-ta',(l .j i.!s woi -ii an* &> i A *9
pr tent i!iimi. «! I ti imnier m j
\.i L. Hmltde. A ?«nn S.-a’t!". Wash . > *A '4 . /l ■ -
1 ’’ ‘to 1 i, - ti »>; ipi wbioli t - -. «••/
*a v -: •' was i . • >r '•'ijrftUlv.
Will •• •• er ten tvir.o in V ,'l tnv fn "
Af‘ or u-ity; i mite otucr r n In mi i i M h or i n ' ■
and thuro ighlv <• U*-»f . i* fi'5 ,uiv 1 r.-i doe in •
a g<>od oi I xion whi* h f *v. r />:> i hi on? O S y, A *
H i it 1 1 i >uiihip. of the A
H 1 111 >r it. T<*nn . wrluw;
f'M iin i , :: b n I i • • ' i* iifion mf\ cant ^
r : ^ U< P. My id'r filmed fo bf 2
:jf>n nr;.i notiiing I took pi r if j d to £
B -7 t v ,d hii '• p ~i t S S S. cured n - fomule
Hid •i i>*rf«x. , pure ever since.’
<rf Cl C. •T« <.t*« f OR TH71 BLOOD
L I,.*’
>' ■ ■■V. > blood ,edv, Siecnuse it is purely vegetable
w" ii th» b ■ y
fttui ^t.'i , . [j , mol u>.e) r t r--<* fjoiu |sitosh lie and mercurv. build* It
promt*ly pun ’ (i. tb'* ,, i hi ; ' id. ■ 1 U. <•- I «> stem, up
-I, It ': Vca .-crofiil.'. K:v,eiua. Cuticcr, itbcunia
ti *v Loil f.' b', I ' dif'*"t to tin .•.'in .''of th' trouble and
for r Sr -iti" (AblautUft.
The Monarch cf Strength is
■;v ,m h««'ispv A ;,afc-yBasC4 ^ 3 l
i c
i '■a.
M ! my m. \ rr ffffi-.t3B!r 1
4 TJ**^ Tj ^
w a
4 Line. wl; 1 1WWI-IBH—*BS "Trcij- : - r - J
( I tUJOl.l'TVI'* »’l KK.)
"D rength ccmos from Ht purit - /. It i t all pure coffoo,
..oshly roaStep, and la sold only In one-pound 'I ho sealed pack
n ckag«s. Each package will make 40 cupa.
. X fy 1 4 ••.■•■.lied the fvJilla to thrllhe aroma Is never
Weakened. It h'.s a *ae icious flavor. Incomparable all.
otrcnjbi. It ta a luxury within tito reach of
Premium List. In overy pnekago.
Cut out vour Lion’s H - cl and get
valuable premiums fro u
Grocer ll si rust bar* t.Inn O-.fTec In Ms s'oro,
If ’• tn«| u< hiit nui in* nmi BildruiM flint w«
your n'.yy 1; IW '•’llv’f *»l tc * * I* 4 ''N tt lit on . sric;,: till.* tli.*r»*. co.. i\»i«Uu,tO)*io. l>o not jit
You’ve Got It!
You Know It !
jhff Not Be Cured Easy?
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble,
Liver Trouble or Kidney Trouble.
Tate Spring Watei * From Ea T s a t l ?e s „ p „ ri " K8 ' Will Cure
R, L. Tnvfor, 'Cate Gov.of Tenn., Nashville,
1 regard Springs as the best on the
l)a\1d Kirk, Pres. McCalinont Oil Co.,
P ttsburg. Pa.; “1 believe Tate Spring
water Is an Infalllbl* cure for dyspepsia.”
.1. B. Levert, s03 ( Pordido St., New Or.
leans, Feb. 3, ’*7: ”1 consider Tate Spring
a most delightful summer resort and the
water superior to any l ei er used.”
•tpttH'all on the F.dlror of The Advocate-Democrat fora 40 page laiok, free
t’dning 550 of our 5 00 t> testimonials.
Cordial Invitation
To Our Friends and to the Visitors to Our City
During Merry Makers Week:
We api-ciully imiie you to in ,ke our store your headquarters. Yon
find every convenience von want and should you desire to make a purchase
suit, hat or furnishings' you will find a force of" poli'e salesmen to wait on
Blip who will take pleasure to show yon one ot the handsomest lines oi
ever shown in our city.
Special Department for Ladies and Ladies to Serve You
Tailor-Fit Clothiers, 83 S Broad Street, Augusta,
X r.uzXuzrzzrJ Bulbs aetd huoti *0 'JH Mwn^e nf t'Yr«V»r~r'-w for and a bait <^«uirT. floral aod to guide. Um
: 'vick s garden
^ Whir* M • wort of wA It Imw U fM^* cvK>r«. ■( (H>Arty
K*i( to*v* illu»tr*timn afvtowm, W>*efi«d Hi »bu*
2 T A wsr»**l f»t t Autocar n*%ki»*u . Ait nt» <Ht ail *ul'Wfb vertuuntn* to f»n4e^t wtUi
car lx Um» -nr* a*«1 a t xuuuftK »U lhai m sHralratio it «• mo rxpetkM u> givr nw%jr
* In J twirl ihiAtr 1 * **<»» w wani iMtr rewind in a rA»«^ » bm*r a , vhorcfcrv will
* ariM) Ita 44>M« »i«k HIM tw |C ,i. I> >«*•<• !>«• rrcslli * ■Ivea ter fall aaiaaal
* 43 ,u. wprrt af ml. far mIt •*» vlS- af wart-Wu* la kar •*.* iwfs
S v ^aC i^2l4°£T* 8 11
. 1 . S. Carr, Durham. X. (V "I think
the finest water to be found anywhere,”
J. M. Studebaker, South Beud. IniL:
believe there is no s| ring in America
wntalns the healing qualities that
Spring dis-s.”
Tlios. A. Mellon, Pittsburk, Pa.: "I
llevc there is no wider in this country
equal to Tate's for the cure of neuralgia,
as well ns dyspepsia and liver troubles."
an ms an.
What the People Oi That Thriv
Tb Jfewn and all that Sec.
tion of Much I»t<Tesf imported
By C. I- Bay by.
Mrs. Bet-ie Moore Is -still fetbb .
Business was pretty good Saturday.
Mr. L. 8. Jackson’s brick store will be
covered with tin.
The cut worms doing a good deal of
damage to gardens
We bet Tom Akins has the fattest pug
dog in the county
Mr. J. a. Kendrick made a business
trip to Augusta recently.
The little boys of the town enjoyed
big dog fight, here a few days ago.
Prof. Woodall’s school closed
with recitations, speeches and music.
Messrs. Fly,it nod Taylor have
out several thousand bushels of grain.
lUtlui'Hre Yfinr r.owol# Will* (*»&<*>*retft.
Cn’idy r.itJt.irti*-. cure* druggistsr{| ro?:stip;;U on forr -.or.
10 c. 'J6c. It C. C. C, fsiil, fund money.
Mrs. 8oIonian and children,,of
have been stopping at. Hotel Jackson.
Messrs. Louis Woodruff and
Kvans, of Wliki.s , were with us last
Frank Slbert left for Atlanta last
to join Ids comimiud in the regular
to-lVB.,1 for Ji'ifty Cools.
outran teed tobacco hiit-.t cure, makes
men strong, blood pure. 6Uc,*l. A^Ulruygists.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gilbert have
ed until a visit to the former's brother’s
Wilks-. l
U c lire glad to state that Mu'. A.
Moore's little child is thought ;o be
k<) Cure (’oustlpntlou Forever.
Take Citscarets Otiiuiv Catbartfc lQ.c or 25c
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refuud money
Some of t he Masons of this place a?
ed tli. burial of Mr. Floyd in
ou Saturday.
The machinery for the
qnite a curiosity at this place and
visitors go to see it.
Mr. J. A. Kendrick has four <>t
two-hi'ise Milhtiru wagons for sale
for cash; call oil him and get a bafguin
Mr. 0. vV. Brown says the wheat
cut off at least a third tills year, but
was a great deal made.
The boarding pupils of the
Heart Seminary left last week for
at their various homes.
Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Mcdlrin?
a lmtinnal lepnlatiou, extending fv
about sixty years, as a most sm
Liver Regulator.
For tho »ake of thv»so wtio art* tfoul
wu will say that we are not able physic
nor tiuaucially to iuii a farm.
Judge Mike Taylor had to try
case last week flee of charge or take
from the plaintiff autl she did not have
Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver
creates a good Appetite, Tones
Strengthens the Stomach, Rud builds
the Health.
l’h« compress building her* will bt
tireproof. The wuatherboarding and ro«
will be of iron. It wilt be a good
Mr. Brown’s mill works broke
last week and the Temple of Industry
had a pretty heavy Job in getting
fixed up.
Mr. A. T. Gilbert Is an expert in
shoeing. They come from all the adjon
fug counties around to get him to.
their work.
The Advo-lVmoerat doe* all kinds
job printing and when you neod
thing done call on us and we will send It
Mr. J. vv F.ynt lost his fine cow last
week with murrlan. This is hard luck.
His horse recently died and his boy got
bis anti broke.
Pure blood is full of Life and Vitality,
and carries Vigor to the organs of tlie
body. I)r. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi¬
cine creates rich, pure blood.
To have first class schools or anything
els* tlie patrons are compelled to spend
some money. The teachers and state
can’t do It all.
The commencement issue of our paper
made a very good display of the Stephens
High School. The Crawfordville people
had a good time, we guess.
A crowd went seining at the Kendrick
mill pond last week aud caught a fine
chance of fish. The water was lower
than everliefore in that pond.
Sam Joi *-savs the place for whiskey i*
Hel'. We e\}ie< t he is right; it Is going
10 tak< ‘ S » B1 »hme to get it ail there
unless he gets more transportation for it.
August Flower.
" It it is Isa a surnri*iu> surprising T lait, fact ” says savs rroT Prof
Houton, “ that in all my travels iu all
parts of the world, for at least ten years,
I have met more people having used
Green’s August Flower than any. other
renndv, tor dv.-pepsia,deranged stomach
and for constipation. I find for tourist
and salesmen, or for persons filling office
positions, where headaches and general
bad feelings from irregular habits exist.
ll > at (;re ' uS Au * Mt Flower is A crsmi
remedy. It does not injure the system
by frequent u«r. and is excellent for sour
and indigestion.” Sample
t ee free at Owl D:uj Store.
Sold by dealers ia ail civil’-ted - u .tde-.
Mr. VV. F. II 11 hi, a complete refrhrer
ntor for keepinir ice and fresh meat.-.. He
made it hitruel :.
Mr. Brantley, from Hancock, t'-lls us
that the ciops oaer in that section are bad
ly burned up and that in many places
seed planted early have not come up.
Marshal Welburn Stone thanked us for
the comp!ime*’tarjr notice we raadeof hint
a s hort time ngr>. That’s riyht. don’t fly
Oil of the hinges because your uame is in
the paper.
During Bowel Summer we arc liable to Stom¬
ach and troubles, such as Dior. -
ic M. cm. A. < Vic, Cramps etc., for which Dr
Simmons Liver Medicine is highly
i i commended.
Mr. ,J. A. Kendrick says lie is -till in
th- ring and he hopes his many friends
will know what he meaii c . It they don’t
he well inform them later ou through the
A Ivoc ue-D' moerut.
(’losing exercises of Sacred Heart
Seminary last week were good. A large
number of Jpeople attended. This is
„ 0o j b 01irt |j n ,r school, The teachers
instruct in good manners as well as in
W«* heard a man say the other day that
the merchants would sell goods on time
and t eg the people to buy Thisistrue them and then
curse them for sc doing. too,
with a good money especially If the crops
are cut off.
Miss M. 1'. Holseubake, Harlem,
writes. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver
cine did me more good than anything
ever used for Torpid Liver J think it
excels Zeilin’s and Black Draught
st ength and mildness of action.
We think our oeople need reform in
every thing but there is very little of
«»• A «°« d of ! ‘ dvicB U « lv «
on tliat line but m h 'dy is taking
advice or setting example. I>o the
ytiu can yourself.
Mr. and Mrs. Georg ' T. Moore
their sincere thanks to the people of Sha
roii and community for the kindness
landed to them during their little biby,
Quit’s, >ickue*s and deatli and hope the
Lord may bless them.
Our town council should proyide soms
public comforts that are very much uesded.
It would be espeeeialiv accommodating
to tlie country people who come here and
spend their money for grog ami th 'rely
put cash into the town treasury.
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Moore’s little
babe died last Sunday night and was bur¬
ied at the Methodist grave yard in Sharon
on Monday evening. It had been a great
sufferer for several weeks. Our sympathy
is with the bereaved parents and relatives,
Hull's Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes grave!, cures diabetes,
seminal emission, weak and lame Iweb,
rheumatism and all irregularities of the
kidneys and bladder in both men and
wqmen. Regulates bladder troubles in
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will he sent by mail on receipt of SI.
One small bottle istwo months treatment,
and will cure any casa above mentioned.
All orders promptly filled. Send f r
Texas testimonials. E. W. HALL.
Sole manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo., lo -
nierly Waco Texas Sold at Owl Drugstore,
Crawfordville, Ga.
G nth her t, Ga., April 2nd, 1898.
This is to certify that I was affectid
with grave! a d that I took 00 drops of
Hall’s Great Discovery and it completely
cured me. It is worth 81000 00 per bottle
to any one needing it. J. T. STEVENS,
We notice tlie Advo-Democrat had it
twice that Frank Gilbert was at home
jt was a mistake. It was Frank Slbert.
f the regular army. Gilbert is - ow in
Manilla and lias been some tiiiua —[Have
yen ever noticed how much you "make G>
and Ss alike? Always wiite persoual and
proper mines full and plain and we will
mike fewer errors.—Ed. A.-D ]
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
W and While You
Prostatic Ailments 8,eep
l)r. Bramble’s Soluble
Medicated Bougies,contain
ing“ Civiniue,” will dis¬
lodge, digest, and forever
remove Urethral Stiicture
in fifteen days, without
pain, injury, or inconvenience. The
Bougie is in-erted at night, requiring three
hours to dissolve, remaining indirect con¬
flict with tlie Stricture, penetrating, dis¬
lodging and dissolving the lymph mass
while you sleep.
Seminaf Weakness.
Dr. Bramble’s Solu
ble Seminal applied locally Crayons to the are M
are AS,
weakened seminal ducts
and prostate stoppingdrains gland, for-j? and 1
Xmt'°guess*wotk’ U but f (
ocal remedies applied in
their full strength to the weakened organ*
Crayons are inserted at night, and cure
results " hi'le you Valuable sleep. Cannot illustrated fail. Deiightfuj medical
reatlc8 5ree by mail.
j,k. bramble XKnirAI. associat'OX,
505 Bro:«twav,Ctneinn»ti, O. P-O. Bo* 407 .
^ Cotton.Saw.Grin,
LaC I t OU and FerttUaer
er«««, Cana Mill and Shin*le Outfit*,
Buiutns, Factory.J'uroa,-^ Bridr* Castings '
Sawt. File*. OUeiw. Ktc.
Cast every day: vork 180
Sra Cjj
* 1 *■
A'vcg{ table Prcuara^ioff for As -
slmilating ihelood andReguta
tii;g the Sionachs antlBoweis of
Promotes and Rest.Confai Digestion,Cheerful- neiiher
ness ns
CJpiurn.Morphine aor ^linexoa.
Isot Nahcotic.
Vtctpt of Old Dr
Piwtpkm Seed ' 1
dlx. Sauna *
JRocktVt Sails -
jUrise ftypennitit Seed ♦
Si utrboncitfodfr 4
f farm Seed -
Ctasifud Watoyruns Su^rrr I knur. .
A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Goi\su*i.>
tion. Sour .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and Loss OF SLEEP
Facsimile Sijjnalurc c f
A Farm Library of tmequalled value—Practical,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand¬
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
All about Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over
74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents.
All about growing Small Fruits—read and learn how ;
contains 43 colored liie-like reproductions of all leading
varieties and too other illustrations. Frice, 50 Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ;
tells everything ; with33 colored life-likereproducuous
of Price, all the Cents. principal breeds; r'V with-'<>3 other illustrations. __“
J . 50
\y ') LDm /v» Yb NO. All 4;—BIQGLE kbout Cowl and COW Daii pK ‘Business having great
Vy/ me . ; a
v_y Jw * W sale; contains 8 colored illustrations. life-like reproductions of each
* Jl breed, with 133 other Price, 50 Cents.
No. Just 5—BIGGLB out. All about SWINE Hogs—Breeding, BOfr(£ Feeding, Butch
ery, Diseases, and etc. Contains Price, over 8'; v beautilu 1 half
tones other engravings. 50 Cenis.
TheBIOOLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never
saw having anything like them—so practical, so sensible. They
S3 ere South. an enormous sale—East, West, North and
Chicken, Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
for or grows BIQQLE Small BOOKS. Fruits, ought to send right
away the The
Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is 22 years
old ; it is the n-eat boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head,—
the quit-after-you-nave-said-it, world—the biggest Farm and Household paper in
paper ofits size in the United States
of America—having over a million and a-half regular readers.
* YEARS^(remainder^of^i899 igx\ ^1901, 1901 and 1903) will be sent by mail
Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQQLE BOOKS free.
CHAS. F. JENKINS. Philadelphia
1 ................... .......
STOVES 200,000 mar SAnsaacnoa. ohm oivtua
They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen,
, who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers.
They lust longer and make more homes happy than any
other Stove ou earth. Fire backs guaranteed for xs years.
II your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOQUE.
J ; Iff
as iSiiSPd \
Ml Ss It
Phillips & Buttorff Mfg. Co.
Mantels and Grates, Hollowware, Tinware, Etc.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
Everything necosefc v and convenient O / W 1 O I L- V-? C
for the Kitchen, Waing Room,
Laudry and iMlry. A s.PSC • f
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the *
cf /
L *
i I
f » Kind
You Have
Always Eooght.
Ii 5XS83 iss