Newspaper Page Text
- t 'I
is only a symptom—not a
disease. So are Backache,
Nervousness, Dizziness and the
Blues. They all come from an
unhealthy state of the men¬
strual organs. If you suffer
from any of these symptoms—
if you feel tired and languid in
the morning and wish you could
lie in bed another hour or two
—if there is a bad taste in the
mouth, and no appetite — if
there is pain in the side, back
or abdomen— BRADF1 ELD’S
bring about a sure cure. The
doctor may call your trouble
some high-sounding Latin j
name, but never mind the name.
The trouble is in the menstrual
organs, and Bradfield’s Female
Regulator will restore you to
health and regulate the menses
like clockwork.
Sold by drujfwista for S» a bottle. A free Illustrated
book will be .sent to Snv woman if request be mailed to
==o FUliliY WAR5?ANTED°==
5Ton Scales $ 60 Fre ight Paid
outucrvouadLinrsuii, rtmioreii tiie tiftitij'p for tobacco,
tin purin«e the blood, expoln;iicO|d g L Rl '.&&*\**,
*. i.iantiosie. GjfSag H#Ss*OOf*
storm lost « lioie,
ui3>c3 roe sir on? 19 U ttOMK
’’I box, usually patiftntly, persiatentlj 3 boxes, $*.S# .0^:
a *^ruarantfledtocur*. $1, cures; ws refumi moniJ
SiaW'-rsr JUnjeJyfi*., Cfclif ft, ?To»»tr«al, le» Ymt
Dr. Hurray’s
! Hair
( Cures dandruff, stops the hair from full
i superb inff out, dressing, invigorates aixi the while growth, ie dye, a
I not a
i by nourishing its roots, will positively re
i store gray hair to its original eolor. It is
i the par-excellence of all hair restorer*, i
Price. *1.00 per Large Bottle.
i For sale by druggists-if not, send to us ,
at>d it will t>e sent, prepaid, upon receipt j
of price. I
manufactured only bv twf.
Murray Medicine Company,
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
' > }
mm jgNMgg li
2°o 7th $t., Augusta, Ua.,
GIVES FREE EVE TESTS -or all defects o'
tight, grinds the proper glasses au.l V. Af
RAXTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
4 a * Patents
''Vy’A '
‘’Tpsaaw' trade marks,
Anyone ascertain, sendin* free, a sketch whether and description invention may 1*
quickly probably patentable. Communication! an strictly
eonSdential. Oldest agency for securing patents
tn America. We have a Washington office.
Patent# taken through Muzm A Co. recelT*
•pecial notice in the
oultnllrlu QPICUTICIP AnfitnluAN, HMCDimu
beautifully illustrated, iarjreat circulation of
3S1 Broadway, Xew York.
CA riTiDOH 1 aKKiI ! I
Momhineand whiskey hab.
«ufin“m^nt wit cur-Il n ra^
tcedornopav. b HVEAL,
Two month’s treatment ot
Catarra of the bead and nos?
U 3 ;r. P*vo* Sr., atlaittas G*.
mm i$ rust.
What th9 People of That Thriv
ing Town
Ch. News and Gossip of all that Sec*
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Bag by.
Watermelons pleutiful in our town.
Mr. E. E. Darden is improving in health.
A little worm is doing great damage in
this section.
Mrs. Minnie Allen is still the guest of
Jackson Hotel.
Mr. Jame: JBurke.of Augusta, is visiting
his parents here.
Most of the cotton is blooming ou the
top al the sla’k,
The big barbecue at Crawfordville Tues¬
day is all the talk.
Mr. Tom Reese is still very feeble. So
is Mrs. Betsie Moore.
Mr. L. A. Brake is delivering some nice
lumber to Sharon people.
Uncle George Griffith is selling some
nice fruit here every week.
Mr. H. M. Harrison, of Sandy Cross'
was in to to see us last week.
One half of the patents sold now-days
has never been patented at all.
Mrs. Clemmons, of Sharon vicinity is
visiting relatives in South Georgia.
Mr. T. F. Kendrick had a laid spell of
cramp last week but is better now.
Mr. X. J. Bracy has put in 120 cords of
wood for the now ginnery at this place.
Proprietor Moore had to double his
forceat the Temple during past few weeks.
Mr. Charlie Griftith, of Emanuel county,
was visiting people lu this section last
The Advo-Demoerat will give satisfac¬
tion in all kinds of job printing. Give us
When a man cusses for rein he aint apt
to get it nor does he see any better times
by so doing.
Mr. Chas. Smith, of Cordele has been on
a visit with his sister Mrs. Allen at the
Jackson hotel.
^T5 kSBfu that ~RJhnr .—.-pUn x»d
Gillebeau will soon carry on a protracted
meeting at Raytown.
Up-land corn in this and Raytown sec¬
tions has gone by the board, not a fourth
of a crop is expected.
J. T. Taylor and family from Bulloch
county are visiting relatives and friends
in this section tiiis week.
We had two little bits of chickens stole
from u« last week; the tlieif that got them
did not get pay for his trouble.
Dr. Davidson has been attending Mr.
L. A. Moore, Mrs. Clotworthy and Mr.
Boatwright, all sick at Ililiman this week.
C. L. Bag by will make your syrup
skimmers and repair your syrup pan*-.
Send them to him. He also makes tin
R'iv. J. A. Mershon and Dr. A. V.
Davidson attended the district meeting
at Tignal, Wilkes county last Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. John O’Keefe has sold his fine
trotting mare “Bess” to Mr. S. J. Fouehe.
She is a daisy animal but has not seen
much service.
We have seen better crop prospects
than in this section but the crops in this
county are as good if not better than in
general over the state.
It is said that charity always ought to
begin at home and we guess this is true
but a heap of us poor devils aint got noth¬
ing to start on at home even.
i o Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money.
Alien we ’get Bob Jackson’s repair
shop and Henry Ivey’s shoe shop all on
the Moore lot we will have to call it
“Moore’s mechanic’s triangle block.”
Cal C. C. Carrol says be is cutting out
tomb stones ou JJPearidge and if you
expect to die soon send jn your order with
the cash and he wili attend to them at
August Flower.
“ , It T , is , a surprising fact,” says Prof, r
Houton, “ that in all my travels in ail
parts of the world, for at least ten years.
T , . . .
remedy, tor dyspepsia, deranged stomach
and for constipation. I find for tourist
and salesmen, or tor persons filling office
portions, where headache* and genera!
! had bi*lin!/« from irregular habits evi-r
Flower ts . ^
not the system
by frequent use, and. is excellent for sour
stomachs an i indigestion.” Sample bet
SoM t>y d'-»!er« in all civilized countries,
Miss Julia Mourn, of Mfillcdgeville and
Mrs. Bethume and daughter, of South
are on a visit to their sister, Mrs.
J. A. Kendrick and family. We wish
them a pleasant stay.
Willie Moore, one of oitr enterprising
young farmers, is having a nice residence
built near tjharan. lie is going to house¬
keeping as soon as ho gets married—and
that does not scam long off.
Mr. W. 1’. McKeou, wlio lias been in
business here before, has opened up a
slock of goods in the store lately vacated
by Crouch & Co. llppe he will give us
an advertisement for this paper which
will help mat rrially in making his business
a success.
Volcanic Eruption
Am grand, but Bkin Eruption* rob Uf*
sSSSS Bruises, Burns
Scalds. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Best Ml* ouie on earth.
Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 20 cts.
a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by Dr, R,
J. R.-ld DrtwvUt.
^""HP** ^SfSipijp
k i VVV
a’r-'-d b. k''A- •
JH < t
'-rA udiRw- mm
& Mg . i
v _* rKtjl '“3 oj
►4 Mi
r m
y V
Mala Cntrtnct. Womin'i Building.
f''r, am) Pat Stock.
Educational Building.
Grand Stand.
Agricultural Building.
Racing Stable*.
The Georgia State F'alr For 1899 .
The Georgia State Fair for 1890 willli/i held in Atlanta, October 18th to November 4th. The birdseye view shown
above is an actual reproduction of the fair grounds and buildings as they will lie* used this fall. The floor space avail¬
able for exhibits in the several buildings is a) follows: Machinery and Manufactures building 58,000 sq. ft., Agricul¬
tural building 40,000 sq. ft., Cattle, Sheep anR Hogs building 48,600 ?q. ft., Poultry and Pet Stock building 14,600 sq ft.,
Negroes’ Woman’s building building 51,000 sq. ft., Educational building 20,000 sq. ft., Iioad and Draught Stock building 26,000 sq. ft.,
before 21,000 sq. ft. j total, 286 qo sq. ft.—equal to seven acres. This is mor « than three times the space
ever devoted to a State Fair in tl.JfSouth. This means that the State Fair for I— 869 lias been planned on an
extremely the liberal scale. The work of securng exhibits and attractions for the Fair has now progressed sufficiently for
management to feel absolutely confident of suecess. The prospects are that every department of the Fair will be
complete. Applications for space indicate that thoge who withold their applications much longer will be shut out
altogether for lack of space. At least fiftee| counties will compete for the splendid premiums offered for county ag¬
ricultural exhibits. There will be numerous entries for the premiums offered for individual displays in tiiis
department. The building devoted to maqhinery and manufactures will be filled to overflowing—although this will
be the largest building on the grounds. Practically every college In the State will make an exhibit in the Educational
department, and girls throughout and the prizes State. offered for $50.01) oratorical and other contests will be competed for by a large number of boys
the The prizes offered to Georgia boys under twenty years of age for the best ex¬
hibits of wood work and forged work have excited great interest throughout the State. The poultry and pet stock
department will be one of the special features of the Fair. The negroes will make a Bplendid showing. Six counties
have already applied for space in which to make county agricultural exhibits. The numerous prizes offered for negroes’
w r ork have created general interest among the colored people. $5,000.(X) have been appropriated for horse racing.
This Charge will guarantee Gettysburg,” high class Vitoscope, entertainment in this line. A railroad collision, a sham battle incorporating “ Pickett’s
at the or moving pictures, and many other features of interest are being arranged
for. The premiums in all the departments aggregate $16,000.00. The prizes have been arranged with a special view
to encouraging agriculture and industry. In the Educational department the purpose has been to arrange contests
that would interest and benefit the boys and girls throughout the State. Premium list or other information regarding
the Fair will be supplied by T. H. Martin, Secretary, Prudential Building, Atlanta, Ga.
It is strange that some people take
more* Interest in feeilit g Hi d caring
pointers, pugs and hounds than they will
In raising arid educating poor children
that would lie au ornament to society and
useful men and women.
Some people are still cursing the poor
crops and every body. These hard times
they had better be praying or getting
somebody to pray for ih :m. If there is
anything disgusting itis a human grumb
ling and cursing the will of God. It is
foolish and sounds like the production of an
unbalanceii mind.
If you want to make some men squirm
ju-t present a bill that his wife has made
with you for the benefit of tiie family and
be will certainly say some good Sunday
School words a.1 because she didu’tlet him
know all about i', and at, the same time he
pays out money for his own bills that
neither ucnefits his wife, family 1 or him
—-— ----
5o Right to Ugliness.
who would L« attractive mint keep
dowt wffl *1^)^
bl*.% If afic dm C-Itl' patltm oa
w-^Ue, her Impute tleod *ril! pto
blotches, irtiln eruption* and a
5 SK, “Sfi
»Jomach, liver and kidneys and to purify
c he hiocd. It gives strong i.erv *, bright
w cent* at Dr. K. J. Ritid’* Drtg Qgit.
iSubi f for the Advo-Dunoerat.
you w dot then have to borrow from
your hi tdoor neighbor he lias to pay for
his ami tm get the nows of the county at
you ghbors expense. And there i
a uoth t" liter about it: Your family
don’t the news and they don’t
do w do—borrow. We have more
call* look at the county paper than
) ! ' u j idea of; don’t got
' any we any
pa pet ’ogive any body. SV e get our paper
as th: ibserther does. It don’t cost us
cash, its equivalent I suppose Is our
week ■Iter. Every family should have
their niy paper and our comity people
sbori 1 give their patronage in the way
of au ist meuls t.o it and job work too.
Bro.. ire will appreciate it.
8,, ron
„ . . . ......
£ fSrsS a »d Bowels are out of order. I
vou r u these qualities and the success
tl.ev ’ K,n ( * Li {* P,H
Thev ' * »*
body. ynly t , 1 ’. Joe s/li'T at Dr. R. J. I* p Raid's T drug i‘ D<)
ladder Blcyrl* Track.
Nacre Building
AbumbcM SactVoo.
Stock Building.
BY I. N. C.
We have had a nice rain.
Tlie-gerieral meeting will commence at
Newtown Friday.
Titje farmers have layed by their crops
and are haying a nice time fishing.
Mjr. Jak. Wilson a d family of Baird
stdw*jvspent a few days m wn sectfon.
Miss. Uumf Caldwell from Bairdstown
i* v tsUlng her sister Mrs. It. M. Boat
wr ‘^ht.
Miss Mary FIuker from Washington Is
keeping house for her Uncle Protestor J.
H. Evans,
Mr. IIcol Strozier and sister Miss
Lizaje from Peermun spent Sunday with
tlieir sister Mrs. W. I). Pittard.
Messrs. R. L. Boatwright f and Brow,
N 0(jwn ^ 6 U) the Dutrlct
meeting Saturday , last. They report
having a nice time.
Jlr v* r and **_. >ln vv vv Caldwell VAtiaweii and ana
- -
brclher’a family here.
1 -
MEN Kidney trouble preys upon
AND the mind, discourages and
VVOMEN lessens ambition; lieauty,
2 .t 1
(;d For pb.-asing results use Dr. Kilmer’s
Sw^mD Root r lie great kidney remedy,
^mplebottle by mail free,
tour N Y
Royal Absolutely 'Pure Powder Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
BY W. M. a.
The missionaries of the world receive lass
money In one year to save the world than
the smokers of the United States burn up
in one month viz: $18,000,000 a year for
missionaries, and $85,000,000 a month for
the smokers.—Rani’s Horn.
This spring our .Society decided to ex¬
periment, by reeling and’ culitvatfng an
of land, planted in ground peas—the
5tr**t Car Eatrane*
proceeds to lie used for missions. One
of our missionary brethren kindly tender¬
ed us the use of the land, free of rent.
We are now called upon to return thauks
to the -following named parties: one of
our Society, brother Albert Flynt and
Autlier Ogletree for preparing land, and
planting peas- While the kindness of
these yonng brethren is appreciated, and
we heartily thank them; we feel they are
rewarded by having the approbation of
tlieir Heavenly Father. Would that
more of our youngiburch members would
go and do likewise.
* * #
* * *
The trouble is that, instead of biding
our L'-rd’s money In a napkin, we steal it
it to spend on ourseives,—Ram’s Horn.
* # ♦ *
Tithing Testimonial.
“I have been personally acquainted
with but two men who made it a rule to
give unto tho Lord the tenth of their
increase, and they prospered exceeding
ceived, and ills with much pleasure I
tearl * tUat tbe at Crawford ville
proposes to send another box. I do not
believe we can over estimate tue
lance of aiding these noble, self-sacrificing
o^^so^rdardshlpsandpriva- m order that tne Gospel may be
preacbeo inde.-diuitescctions. I wish you
could have been with us during the meet¬
ing oi the Southern Baptist Convention in
NO- 19.
Louisville, and have attended a parlor
meeting at the Hotel one evening, when
a number of the frontier missionaries
gave accounts of their work, and”express¬
ed the utmost gratitude at the assistance
which they had received from Woman’s
Missions Societies. It was touching to
see how eager these men were to ac¬
knowledge the help given them by the
I appreciate very highly your kind
words of encouragement,. I do feel gen¬
uine! y thankful to have a share in this
Wishing you the large*! success in all
efforts you make to advance th<5 cause of
missions, and asking that you will not,
hesitate to call on me at any time that I
can be of service to you, I am,
Very sincerely,
Annie H. Armstrong.
------------- --
How the Farmer is Benefited by the
Round lap Bale.
The Atlanta Constitution, which re.
cently the Roundlap published bale an of elaborate the Ameilcan report Cot- on
ion Company, iu discussing the value of
tin* new system of cotton handling, says:
it is quile clear that, In order to raise ihs
price which should go to the farmer for
his cotton, the commercial expenses la
handling Under It must be reduced.
the present conditions the
amount of money required to bundle the
crop, from the gin to the factory platform,
has grown out of all proportion, so that
Its commercial handllug consumed the
profit which should have gone to the
grower. Viewed ' from this standpoint,
therefore, every movemant which deliver*
the farmer’s cotton with least expense to
the manufacturer must tie regarded us of
the widest public interest.
The new methods of round baling Jiro
on this line, doing uwav with much of the
clumsiness and extravagance of the old
system and substituting one which can
make of every cotton gin a compress as
well. The claims of the round bale ad¬
vocate* slnrw that we li ve entered upon
an era of Invention which means much to
th-* fio-mct, mid.much therefore, to the
—Miss Bart, Ellington has been
brought back from the hospital
in Augusta. Her condition was
not benefited by her stay there.
never stop* because the weather
is warm.
Then why stop taking
simply because it’s summer?
Keep taking it It will heal your
lungs, and make them strong for
another winter.
goc. and £ 1 . 00 ; all droggiata.
\ Wm
a aH m a *,■ V
Jr ■•'•••
t .
*- ■ #* w*
The Coming of Baby
brings joy or pain. It's for the
mother to decide. womanly With good organism, health
and a strong
motherhood but adds to a woman’s
Wine of Cardui
take* away all terrors by strengthening mother for
the vital organs. It fits a
baby’s coming. By revitalizing the
nerve centres it has brought chubby, of
crowing youngsters to thousands
weak women who feared they were
barren. It purifies, and heals, is good reg for ulates all
and strengthen*, all times. No druggist
worn <; n at
would be without it. $i oo
directions, Foradvice address, in cases giving requiring symptoms, special
The *’ The Chattanooga Ladies’ Advisory Medicine Department,” Co., Chat¬
tanooga, Term. .
M Ka. cons A first H ALE, took of Wine Jefferson, Ga.,
“When I oi Cardai
we had been married three years, but could
not have any children. Nine months later
1 had a fine girl baby.**