Newspaper Page Text
see a snow
storm in
We never did; bat we have
seen the clothing »t this time
of the ye*r *o covered with
dandruff that it looked as if it
hid been out in a regular snow¬
No need of this asowatorm.
As the aumrner sun would
melt the falling snow so will
Vi if *■ >
melt tbise Hike* of d*ndruff In
die *c*!p. Il goes further thin
this; it prevents their formitlon.
It Las still other propertiet: hair
it will restore color fo pray
in Jun ten times out o( every
ten cases.
And it does even more: it
feed* and nourishes tbe root*
of the heir. Thin hur becomes
thick hiir; and abort hair be¬
come# long hiir.
We hive • book on the Hair
and Rc»!p. It is yours, lor the
If yon <1<> nM o%t«in nil *h« “fur,
y«*e wm»sw**m 1 fmro ♦» «* u*»* of th**
writ* »Lr Rorltir fcbuul It ProbuMy
in •<>»• 4J»ruI»y with yonr k*h
•Mil git»»r *»li|rh tu*y CMnlly ru*
IDOvrfl DR 4 * '‘xvV.H L«w»ll. Mwa
Salesmen Wanted.
O >od wage* to sell our Nur-ery Stock.
Apply for term-. We will have for Spring
uud Fall, IMt'.i arid IfiOO. all lmitien«n
*tt ok of Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum,
Apricot. Cherry. Grape, etc. ornamental
Also small fruit-, shade and
tree., rose., elr. We make a Specialty of
wholesaling to large plainer# (turn allow
prices. Wrl'e u- t->r wholecale price list.
Winchester, Tenn.
arc- 1 am j^p.Woimred rm (to t.. K) negotiate on real eatate
am „ • up
A r 7 PER cEN I i>ci annum.
Win. N. MALTBlE,
Gun & Locksmith,
Genera. Repair Shop, Including Bicycle
Kf-pnir» all Kind-. Si ml In your work.
Shop In iviir of J. II. Powers’ Store,
On Square Near t’ourl House.
••Vf> wllr liKd |,tDi|>l<-» nuhrrfuff.liht
•ho U.-a l*o,-n i CASv' -Kt.TS *uu 11.*>
feliVO *1! OtMWVfeavcO 1 hsU twoti trov.tiloa
w th c, o *!:) 1 * 1 cn Tor »oui. »liuo, hui allot l*k
Im.- lU, ar-l i *»c»roi l li*»i hurt no Irocblt
with this a: men*. Wo cannot spouk loo hlt;h
c*»c*rv«.- fkvp wastmas.
>7 0#uery iActowp Ave.. Philadelphia. p»
xf canov
% W cathartic nWt ^
I^fli mWWVwtwfW y
***** »«»i
^•rfTUlfiW®^ IK,
P!»»*»ni. !>»l*i»t>)». I', torn. T»tl« Good
Ooort. Snrr Mtifo Wruk.-n or lirli-o t#c Uc. 10c
torio, kM*, • *•« "<
lO-TOBAC Hold and c,iar*nioo,1 h* all dru*
l*u to rvfes Tobsoco tlabtv
Tonr cmn to evt-rv »ut>
£ Ncrtboc. Onljr 9) coots a /oat. J
Mf CALLS 5 S u
A ftMU; vft*I (tAwa! plate* ; i>
_____ ’ ■PMMHI rwn n uti tr« ; f
W ->rv ; k»i>irk>»d fctAU ; het*.«•*, ctv
■trip* im4av, Off, *c»d y »v*r Utr*: c-yj
Ud| i|«nn »*mol K«d tor two*
SttMuK, RaliAMc, Simple. Up-ttv
Perfect-Fvttiof Piper I'tltrrM.
MS o -r*
ACtterns* C Ji ' r.
fH* * mm * Rfe* ■>
Omtf m mU H '-w
Oo* t rL
I38-14S »Mt UJi iL. Sm> vm
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Oor People Are l»oinr, Sajis*
am) Thinking Alwiut Told
In Br ief Note*.
—The new ginnery is nearly
ready for the cotton brop.
—Mrs. M. Z. Andrews spent
Wednesday night in Barnett.
—Eugene Gunn has charge
of the Clarkston depot this week.
Come to town Tuesday—attend
the barbecue and the grand con¬
cert that night.
_Mr. M Z Andrews and son,
Roland, spent Wednesday even
irig in Augusta.
—We learn that the seed
house burned here rocently will
be rebuilt with brick.
—It is reported that there will
be a game of base-ball here,
probably Tuesday next.
-Ira, Chapman 1 is on a visit ut
his old home. Ira has been in
Emanuel county thin year.
—Mrs M Berman and Miss
Leila Powers have Seen r igh,
sick during the past week.
-Messrs. Lyle, W. D.
Charlie Ogletree have been sell
ing some nice fruit in town.
Mrs. Alice Young and
da„ and two sous ■ •. 1
Mrs. B E. Gorham last week,
-^The excursion to
Monday was a success and all who
went had a most pleasant visit.
—Charlie Hill has returned
home from Norcross where he
has been residing since April
—Mr. J. T. Neeson ha« been
here this week trying to organ¬
ize a conclave of Knights of Da
—We nre sorry to see so little
interest taken in such important
matters as is being taken about
our school.
—The Stephens Debating
Society will meet to night (Fri
re ^ u ^- ar > 8 - s V e
Lost, July 13, ft baby's gold
bracelet. Finder will be
Mrs, R, E. L. Harris.
Some repairs are being made
on the Crawfordville Hotel. Mr.
Reid says they are going to
a new hotel b«r.
—\\ »* neglected to state that
the new ginnery lost most
heavily in the tire that occurred
here on the night of the 10th.
—Mr. and Mrs Ben Morris,
of Greenesboro, returned home
yesterday after a visit to the
former's imranls in this county.
—Mrs. Tom Bryan, of Union
Point. tpul Mrs. Cordelia
Carmichael, of Macon, are guests
of Dr. R. J. Reid's family in
—Second installment of our
continued storv will be found iu
our suppliment this week
first installment started in »s i
of July 7th.
—Glenn Legwen has •returned
[rom Harleul G i enn likes Ha,
iem so well now, we do not kuow
whether we cau claim him as a
citizen any longer or not.
—A Mr. Whitfield, of Texas,
we are told, will take charge as
pastor of the Presbyterian
church at this place about the
first of August.
—Messrs. Titus Richards,
Robt. McGibonv Charlie Hill.
ve Editor .ad his b 9 „er
fourths*went to Atlanta on the
popular Tuggle & Hollingsworth
excursion Monday.
Nothing .. . would , i \___.u- benefit
section more than a cotton
located here, aud we would
glad for all our people to read
the article in thi. paper about
th* cotton mills.
—Mr. and Mrs. T. X. Chap¬
man, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Chap¬
man. Mrs. Janie Henry, Mr. and
-. Mrs. _ W. _ t ... lift and , their ,
A- pm ail
children picnicked at Daneil*
spring Wednesday.
I have just completed my nfw room which now gives
an additional 4.500 square Feet fW>r space to my already large
store. $7,500.00 STOCK.
I am now filling this Annex with an entirely new stock
of up-to-date furniture, as large v'anety as can be found in any
city South.
NA/etShin^torii v! Georgia ‘
The Wage* Family.
t ( Last night, Brown’s Hall
was well filled, to hear the per¬
formances of the Wages family,
delighted and we have audience. never seen Capt. a mor^ and
Mrs. Wages are accomplished
musicians. Master Charley*
aged 13 years is remarkably pro
ficient w ith the violin, and MaS
ter Harry, age 11 years, would
make many other musicians
take a back seat as a cornet
er; but the little girls are, after
all, the greatest attraction.
song, their voices are sweet an
harmonious, and they were er
thusiastically encored. 1 I
The above is from the Green
boro Herald Journal, in whi
^-Capt^ Wage.fe£
They will appear here
night Aug. 1st. Come out a
hear them.
[From second page.]
A cotton mill with ouo
hundK will stlin one thousaf
annually ».ri il
a t present prices $25,U00 in
™ ^hh force w!ucoS
fifteen men, twenty
woman and sixty children. In
the fields this force will not
produce more than 300 bales of
cotton m““ worth vllueof *7,000, while in the
the thuir labor will
amount to *25,000. This is why
New England is rich and
South poor. Will you not think
of this and act?
Do not hesitate because
high, and you have no convenient
waterpower. Georgia pine coal wood
at *1.25 per cord beats at
* 2.00 per ton. With the new im
provemeuts for economizing fuel,;
a steam plant on a railroad is
bettor than water power four Oh
fl,ve miles from a shipping point.! *
’ ‘
JWthen small town of Griffin
merchant of only moderate
m , anK( w ho was badly afflicted
w ith that dreadful disease,
nervous dyspepsia. Forced by
the hand of disease to abandon
his store, he decided to build a
cotton mill. After weeks of
anxious soliciting he could raise
only *84,000. With this small
bank, he made the venture,
From this small beginning his
plant has grown to nearly a
million dollars, the stock being
worth *120 per share of *100.
The city o{ Griffin lias doubled
more than once in wealth and
population, and the cotton mills
J™ l“?^d tl.mniu
their infancy.
All throughout the Piedmont
regions of theCarolinas the hum
°f ^ !ll ? d th ? sm olce °,
the furnace heard and , seen £>0
upon almost every hill top. but
after crossing tho Savannah
river into our own state the
the stiIlness of death prevails. which
The wave of prosperity reach
has caused the Larolinas to
*»r ahead of Georgia has passed
over Georgia, and is now finding
a hearty we i come in the state
0 f Alabama,
Cl will not say that the bankers
of Georgia are to blame for this
sad state of affairs, but I will say
that it is in vour power to change
it _ if you would. Will you not
try Y
Hall's Great Discovery.
One small buttl* of Hall’s Great
seminal mi-ion. "V.ik. ami iiime back,
k|,j ne y$ an d bladder in both men and
women. Regulate# bladder troubles in
children. If uot -old bv your druggist,
w j|i sent b y mail oil receipt of Si.
One small bottle is two months treatment.
and will cure any caso above mentioned.
All orders promptly filled. Send for
Texas testimonials. E. \V.
^^Tex^datOw! DrugSu!”;
Crawfordville. Ga.
Cmhbert, Ga., April t'nd. 1S9S.
This is to certify that 1 was affected
with travel and that I took 60 drops of
Halt’s Great Discovery and it completely
cnt,<i me. T i w»>rtii •'fl’vtN
;oisEv od« neitlitiL*U. J- T. STEVENS.
Tnggle Culbreth Warns Young Men.
I would like very much to relate
few things which I have leaned in ,h.
great school of experience. Webster
W** •• Experience teacliesa dear school,
ye fools will learn m no other. ’ Such
faafr proven true with me.
it the a K e of sixteen I could dnnk a
qmrt of whiskey, beat anything Sam
J°«e* ever did at cursing, owned • 81.50
and thought 1 knew more than
Y^ather did at stxtv. To go to a frolic,
m on 11 ‘ r.,.z «o” as we called them,
Hear and make big and ugly threats in
MitBce of the sweel and precious little
jien was, in my estimation, one of the
>tl heroic deeds done since the com
wucenient of the great revolutionary
ajv; and the saddest of it all is that I
ifiu’t . hare . brain . . T I fool . . un
to see was a
I was locked up in a cell *o dark
it I couldn’t feel a white sheep; there
:ould see plain as A, B, C, that it
>k me twenty-two years to find out
1 hHd 8ense enc,ugh to behave DiyseW *
-Mow, my shrewd 16 -year old friends,
|, ... -Bin
and see if it really look, smart or
the money with which to buy books,
1)' Spay tuition, eto., but was never too poor
fora half gallon of mountain dew,
of 22 cartridges and a deck of cards
ch week. This continued I was
„p Jud g . R«., .nd ,n.d«
hand over seventy bright silver dollar*
what? Only ca, r ing . genuine
faith & Smoker 22 calibre that would of
nd a ball whizzing through a piece
four inches from the end of
|On the first of August I shall walk up
plank down the hard-earned “dough”
i.r another of my .mart, 16-year old per
.im»nces, Then, God being my he!per,
-iminal courts and I are at peace. Never
gain do I expeot for my name to be call
d iutreir/fery from the criminal docket. Nor ring
friends a*a drunkard or
a evader of the law: but the remainder
i* U» my days shall be spent in trying, to
and live in peace with Him who
i mnch for me
au* experience has taught me that
way of the transgressor is hard.”
the only sure and safe way in this
il* ia to love God and keep his com
jJ# well enough to have your fun,
B t the h—I has not begun
U r itil they lock you up in jail
-yyitb not a friend to go your bail.
jr a ch hour leenis aa one long day;
y 0 u'll rip. rear, swear, preach and pray,
or sing, get mad or pout,
lt > all the same you can’t get out.
Tuggle culbrkth.
d^ware of Ointments for Catarrh Thai
i Contain Mereary
ftS roeremry will surely dostroy
the S e«*e of and complete
ly derange the whole system
w heo entering it through the
g^ouM njWras surfaces. be used Such except articlos
never on
vjpescriptions from reputable
Jill \syaicians. as the damage they
do is ten fold to the good
„ 0 a can possibly derive from
Hall’s Catarrh
ma'^cturedby F. J, Cheney A
Coi. j:y, Toledo. and ie O.. taken contains internally, nomer
cu ^ting directly the blood
upon the
f-A mTKXvas surfaces of sys
buying H.H-S Catarrh
Sip* ^. b® aure you get tbe gen- aud
uiQ It i* taken internally
m Jb* in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J.
Cht ,n «y & Co. Testimonials
‘ 9^y ^nggists, price 75c
oex bottle.
gall's family Pills are tb>
five .
_,There are prisoners in
1600 lbs. Coffee.
jjiis large amount of Good
Q,ffee is to be sold at
1 -AT
Crawfordville Alliance Store.
Brightest Items from Near by
To tho Credit of the Excellent Const?
Journals from Which We tiet
j the Creamy Newa.
—Augusta court about 4 weeks
Mrs. Alex Gheesling died in
Warrenton last week.
Sparta Ishmaelite has chang
ed to a 5 column paper and looks
_ The Augusta Cbronicle says
' charming and that his children
are musical prodigies.
_ Mr Henry J Martin, formerly
placfc* has . ,
of this mvente an
ice cream freezer that is said to
eclipse any thing now on the
—The Supreme Court has
ruled that Taylor and Perry, the
convicted murderers of Dennard
in Wilkes county, shall have a
new trial.
—We constantly meet up with
people away from here wi 0
want to come here to .go into
business. We have a good
chance to matte a good town oi
Crawfordv ille. Do not let the
c hance slip.
( d Chamberlin's
r Go ouL £ ,h Remed v in my > family . loi
, wjs Mr. YV. hUjopeiji
dren we find it especially effect
ije. For sale by Dr. K, J.
K eia.
Mr. C. C. Vincent of Greene
' will 100 of his
t / sow acres
^ ,u wheat, th.e fall. ,
Our baby has been continually
troubled With colic and cholera
infantum since his birth, and all
that we could do for him did not
see in to give more than tempova
ry relief, until we tried Cham
berlin’s Colic. Cholera and Diar
r hoea Remedy. Since giving
that remedy he has not been
troubled. We want to give you
this testimonial as an evidence
of our gratitude, not that you
ueed it to advertise your
ious remedy.— G. M. Law,
kuk. Iowa. For sale by Dr. K.
Mrs. w Mary Edwards, Mother of
c L N c Edwards, is reported r
dangerously ill _ in South Georgia. .
‘‘During the hot weather i last *
Slimmer I had a. severe attack of
cholera murbus, necessitating
leaving , . , business, • , . . >> ay..
my my .
Mr. C. A. Hare, of Hare Bros..
Fincastle Ohio. “After taking
two or three doses of Chamber
lin’sColic. Choi,;ia ami Diarrhoea
Remedy I was completely reliev
ed and in a few hours was able
to resume .my work in the store.
I sincerely recommend it to any
one afflicted with stomach or
bowel trouble. ) > For sale by
Dr. R. J. Reid.
Amos, of Hancock
county, says he has had no rain
since April 4th. That he has
oq acres of cotton planted that
has never come up.
Persons troubled with diar
rheoa will be interested in the
experience of Mr. W. M. Bush,
clerk of Hotel Dorrance Provi
deuce, K. I. He sa\s. hoi
several years I have been almost
a constant sufferer from diar-1
rheoa, the frequent attacks com
pletely prostm.m* me a„d ren.
dering me unfit for my duties at
this hotel. About two years ago
a traveling salesman kindly gave
me a small bottle af Chamberlin's
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy Much to my surprise
aud delight its effects were im
mediate. Whenever I felt
symptoms of the disease I would
fortify myself against the attack
wit!l a few doses of this valuable
”“ 8 e ^orf»bd”im«t tmvSe For
relief the affliction. ”
sale bv Dr. R. J. Reid.
W. A. Grimes, of Hancock
county, claims he has discover
e< * perpetual motion.
Iwn th* TM bM To* Mare A.wars Bcur-t
We covered nearly every sec
I lion of the State in our trip last
' week and found better
crops no
than here ard in most places less
prorr.’sing.—Oglethorpe Echo.
it c,-; ■pwvt m&M jg/h \ | i
p. «i
IK 5
vvm W \
till It)
t i Wh
*My gratitude for the benefit
received from Dr. Miles' Nerv¬
ine prompts me to write, that
others may learn of the efficacy
of this grand medicine. I suf¬
fered extreme nervous exhaus¬
tion,which rendered me unable
to work. My nerves seemed to
be ‘on edge' and I had much
lassitude. I began taking Dr.
Miles' Nervine and steadily
improved and now am enjoy¬
ing good health. If
Mr*. R«v. F. M. Lacy, Fortville, Infe.
« told by all druggists on guarantee,
Book on heart and nerves sent free.
Dr. Mile* Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Beautiful Hair.
Can alwuys be obtained by using that
ighly perfumed and strictly scientific
ompound—Dr. Murray’s Hair Promoter.
Ft stops thehaiv from fulling out, cures
'andruff and restores gray or faded hair
'i its original youthful color, beauty and
ofiness. As a hair dressing it lias no
quid. See advertisement elsewhere in
'bis paper.
August Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in
August, next, at public outcry at the Court
house in said County .within the legal hours
of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the
fo l.wm S m ««
“ e Uk ^ u and cmtamingT wee Hun
drod mid Nine y Ac«*. hh« or Jess, y
g.'ilsUhauiets, Georgia Mi itia! in Ta'.a
ferr0 County, botlnded as f „i 1( , W8; on the
North and Ellgt b ,. inds ( f Mjss Kebflf . ca
Edwards< on th( . s ,„ lth b , i lin( j s ,. f j oe
EJlin , rton !lud latd8 of R 0 Ta , lor> on
the \y es t by lands nf Fdward H. Ogletree
the XteWK a H that tract of land c«n
d t0 Ule sai(J Xh0Si ’other F< ;i . btow by
We0 tainingOne F B r j stow . The tract w®
hundred aud Sixty Three(163)
Acres, more or less, bounded as follows
l * ie North by Georula Railroad,
of ch;l8 T LncH8) ou thc . East by
lands of Mrs Rosa Ella Taylor, on the
by lands of Frank B. Tavl-.r, on
the West by lands ol Geo. E. Downing,
^ sam e all that tract of land
except four f (4) acres conveyed to the said
Xhos E. Bristow by J. J. Kent and
Sylvester Stewart, Administrators on the
estate of Wm. Cole!ough, deceased, and
situated in the Six Hundred and Seveutli
(607) Dist., Georgia Militia. Levied on
US the property of Thos E. Bristow, to
Slk tj 8 {y an Execution issued from the
Superior Court of ssid county in favor of
Bristol Savings Bank, against said Thos
BHstow. Written notice given tenants
'“S" ‘ ’ J 2 y ’
Sheriff Taliaferro Countv.
J. R. and A. D. Kmidriek. adminis¬
trator# on the estate of C. S. Kendrick,
late of said county, deceased, having filed
their petition for discharge, this is to cite
all persons concerned to show cause
against the grouting of this discharge at
the regular term of the coui t of ordinary for
said county to beheld ou thelir-t Monday
in October,
GEO. H. MITCHELL, Ordinarv.
Fine Plantation For Sale.
i«oaa« of land i 1-2 miles
from Crawfordv i;ie th«i lderire to sell.
it lies weE. has been well ter:need for
ten years. There is n good six room dwel
line, a splendid well of wan-r, orchard and
FoO,«h CT >t,„»
Crawfordville. Ga
COMPLETE • otton.Saw.Grlfel, Fertl!l»af
Oil and
Gtn Pr .„, C . M M111 ...c sa. n «.e o>ta«.
Factory. 'Min^Ma^lndle' p.ndee Castings.
and FncTcrj'vrplla*. hwa^.
b*iuiw. J”a Lrk7so
a y;
• augusta, QA._
Exchange — HATES:—
Per Week.' Day, 81.00,
Hotel. Pei 84.<K>, 84.50
* aud 35.00.
A. Proprietor, J. ADKINS, 163 Marietta St.
Opposite Miller A Brady’s Celt rated
Stable-, the Largest in the South.
rwl tc«5 S'nSe. *£J*E r-s^-St
3'.) ‘— (TS