Newspaper Page Text
R Word
to Doetors
We have the highest regard for the
medical profession. Our preparations of
are not sold for the purpose amagon
j zin S them, but rather as an aid We
I lay it down as an established truth that
internal remedies are positively injuri
!| oils to expectant mothers. The distress
and discomforts experienced during the
months preceding childbirth can be al
| leviated onlv by external treatment—by
■ applying a liniment that softens and re
[/ laxes the over-strained muscles. We
/ make and sell such a liniment, com¬
bining the ingredients in a manner
hitherto unknown, and call it
other s Friend
■ I We know that in thousands of cases
B it has proved more than a blessing to
expectant mothers. It overcomes morn
H ing sickness. It relieves the sense of
• tightness. Headaches cease, and dan
■ gcr from Swollen, Hard and Rising
■ Breasts is avoided. Labor itself is
■ shortened and shorn of most of the pain.
B We know that many doctors recom
■ mend it, and we know that multitudes
■ of women go to the drug stores and buy
| it because they are sure their physicians
I have no objections. We ask a trial—
I just a fair test. There is no possible
I chance of injury being the result, be
I I cause Mother’s Friend is scientifle
9 ally compounded. It is sold at $i a bot
tie, and should be used during most of
^^ke ■Relief period is experienced of gestation, if used although only great short
^time before childbirth. Send for our il
i, lustrated book about Mother’s Friend. ,
5Ton Scales $ 60Freight Paid
ltrentevrith you whether yoii^ontinhoto^^Mj^
•removes iheiilesire for tobacco, w
out stored nervou.s tiistre^. expel n i i 9 bo5o
!o«t mauhood, 1
aersl.ti'p'tly. On.
Surilwi 1 -, t:blei *•-. Bs.lniU, lew f
Iif Beautiful
4 Hair
Dr. Hurray’s
Hair Promoter
Cures dandruff,*lopH the hair from fall¬
ing out, invigorate# the growth, if* a
superh dreneiinfr, and while not a dye,
b}* nourish in* it- rootfe. its orifnnul will positively color, it ie- is
store irrav hair to
Uie par-ex silence of all hair rwiorers.
PRioe. ai.OO Large Bottle.
For -ale by dni^Kistf*—if not,semi to ue
ar.d it will U’ -eiH. prepaid, upon receipt
of twice.
Muksay Medicine Company.
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
2 r, fi 7th St., 7 Augusta, 9 7 Ua., 7
TtSTS for ail defects <f
•■gat, guilds the proper glasses aoil WAY
ftANTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while vou wait, j I
4 Patents I j !
£ErSS£3££3Si3 SontMential. Oldest aaeney for securing potent*
Id America. We have * Washington offlee.
Patents taken through Munn A Co- recetva
special notice in the
beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of
*nv scientific Journal, weekly, terms *3.01 and * year;
f jtiii months, specimen copies KAMO
Moos on Patzsts sent free. Addres*
MUNN & CO., York. ■
361 Broadway, New j
C AT 4|?DH I
Morphine and Whiskey hab¬
it* treated without pain <*
confinement. Cure guaran
teed or no pay. b. H. veal,
Man grr Lithia 3. Spring* istell. San¬
itarium, Box A Go.
Catarrh of the he -.d and nse
113 >t. pxyom St^ atlaxta, G a.
mi a BDDGET.
What th8 People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
rh Ne>TS and Wosslp of aH that Sec .
tiou of Much Interest. Reported
By U. L. Rugby.
Mr. S. H. Rhodes was in our town last
Mr. George Griffith’s family is reported
quite sick.
We have had good rains generally ti a
past week.
A plumber was here this week working
at the new ginnery.
“ The Baptist meeting at Baytown last
week repotted good.
Mr. J. W. Flyut, Jr., was visiting in
Greene county last week.
Mr. Tom Moore Is overhafling the O- D.
Moore ginnery at Baytown.
Noschooll started in Sharon yet and we
don’t hear t^iy talk of one.
IIo-w Are Your Kidneys »
Dr. Hobbs’ Sparasus Pills cure all kidney ills. Sam¬
ple free. Add. Sterlinu llomedy Co., Chicago or N. Y.
Mr. Alex. Evans, of Wilkes.was visit¬
ing in our se.ctiou last week.
Don’t stand iu a man’s s ore door. He
don’t like it—get in or out one.
Mi. John O’Keeffe ha* been putting out
some nice cord wood in bliaron.
Miss Moore, of Pearidge, visited her
uncle Mr. A. D. Moore last week.
Mr. James Pittman was a helper in the
temple of industry the past week.
Mr. S. O. Vickers was in our town
last week buy ing up all the old iron.
Mr. Thornton Moore, of Union Point,
was visiting in our section last week.
Mil ucate Four Bo wets With Casnarets.
Cur.dy Cathartic, cure constipation forever,
ide. 25c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money,
Protracted meeting started . at „ bbaton
Methodist church cu the 28th instunt.
Mrs. Kate Dozier was visiting her
brothers last week at Central Academy.
Mrs. Botsie Moore’s sister, Mrs. BA
Sturdivant, was on a visit to her last week.
Howell I- ■ . viX Wilkiia, -v.., in lh.,
city lust week. He reports crops good in
his section.
Mr. J. I. Harris and son, Lee, say that
the crops around Williams creek need
ruin badly.
ao Cure Constipation forever,
Take Cuscurets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. C. C. fail to cure, drut^ists refund money.
Master Owen Gilbert had a horse to step
on his foot last week, which caused him
much pain.
Little Grady Moore has started him up
a little store on convent street. We wish
him much success.
Prof. Claud Gilbert, of Wilkes county,
was visiting his U'-cle Mr. A. T. Gilbert
last week, in Sharon.
We heard some of the Methodist people
say that, their church building and school
house was a disgrace to Sharon.
Mr. Marion Brown was with us last
week. He says the old ginnery will run
in Sandy Cross section this season.
Sharon had a good many visitors during
tho meeting at the Methodist church,
which commenced here on July 28th.
Fox hunting is in order now and it takes
enough bread and meat to feed a fox dog
as it would to feed a many poor child.
Sugar cane is getting ripe Have your
pans re; aired and your skimmers made
by C. L. Bagy. the tinner, Sharon. Ga.
Ti “ 5 l * st " ay lbc
generation is to put them to work at
j UJlne i£ eB p them out of the chain
We hear that no young men are
allowed to wear long hair in Sharon. We
think some of them wear it too short to
look well.
Some say that lynching is not justice.
Well, we-cant see how justice could be
adminstered for the diabolical crimes that
have bi en committed in this land and
country the pi esent year. Lynching nor
anything would do full justice for the
August Flower.
“ It is a surprising fact,” says Prof,
ilouton, “ that in all my travels in all
parts of the world, for at least ten years.
1 have met more people having used
Green’s Auau-t Flower than 'any. other
remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged stomach
and for constipation. I And for tourist
and salesmen, or lor persons filling office
,* .„jiions, 1 where headaches ar,d general
from irregular habits , exist.
wd feelings
that Green’s August Flower is a grand
remedy. It dues not injure the system
bv frequent use, a:id i* excellent for soul
i««ion.» wie b«
at 0v " Dru * 8to "'^
Sold by dealers in all civilized countries ,.
Kfforts to Organize a trust to Fight Ini
Iu view of the attacks upon the Bound
ia.p bale of the American Colton Company,
and the cry of of ‘•trust” against, the
manufacturers o( the machines for mak¬
ing those hales raised by the owners of
compresses and others the following letter,
indicating a ‘■combine" of a different sort,
is of peculiar interest. The letter was
forwarded to tlie Atlanta Constitution by
Ltichapd Cheatham, editor of the Cotton
Planter’s Journal, of Memphis, Tenu. It
is as follows:
‘ New York, May 3, 1899. Executive
Committee of the American Cotton Com¬
press Company, 71 Broadway,—Dear Sir:
It is proposed to consolidate by purchase
or otherwise some of the most desirable
comp:esses in the Sauthern States, provid¬
ed such consolidation can be arranged
on a conservative basis.
“We are in consultation with the repre
sentatives of all the capital required for
tire business who are willing to take it up
if it eau he put upon an attractive basis.
“We desire to call your attention to the
fact that in order to meet the competition
that has arisen from the round bale system,
11 wiH !’ e necessary for the compresses.
referred , „ to toconsolidate under one geueral
management, fully able and capable to
reduce expenses by improved methods,
more uniform systems of compressing
(aided by. the adoption of the standard
box), to obtain lower rates of insurance
and seeni e lower rati sof freight to foreign
and domestic points.
“ We recognize tlm advantages both to
you and us of utilizing your personal well
influence in the new business, as as
your plant, but at the >ani" time we feel
confident that unless a consolidation can
be arranged on an obviously economical
basts, we may not be able in the long run
to successfully compete with the round
bale systems or with other new compresses
which may come into tire field.
“If it is your desire to sell your press
property ate. reasonable price, please be
kind enough to answer the list of ques
tions enclosed and also sign the
enclosed. be
‘ The information received will
strictly confidential and not disclosed to
any one else in the business of compress
ing cotton, except with your consent.
“As there are over two hundred com
amine these properties and books 1111(1
make all proper arrangements, it is there
fore necessary that the option tdiftll hold
good for not less thau six months from
u, e dateef your signing.
“Unless we hear from you withiln
week* of this date we shall consider that
J^d°ton»lwlSlS. " Awaiting your
^P 1 ?’ we ure
For Executive Committee."
The Georgia Reporter, one of the best
weekly news papers In the siute, comes
to us regular every week. It is always
full of the Wests news of Aashingtou
and Wilkes county. |Mr.J. 0. William,
the mauugering Editor is a hustling nows
paper man.
For Headache caused most likely by a
Disordered Stomacn, accompanied by
Constipation, use Dr. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine.
A chapter meeting of the Masonic
lodge of Sharon was held on Thursday of
last week; installments of officers and
other business was transacted. A basket
dinner was served. Dr. Henry White and
lady and Dr. Thomas, of Crawfordville,
were present.
Keep the Stomach and Bowels in good
condition, the Yaste Avenues open and
free by an occasional does of Dr. M. A
Simmons Liver .Medicine.
Our people should chastise the playing
of all games and everything else that does
not point to work. A great many white
and black who are able to work are en¬
gaged in sports of all kinds that could
spend their leisure in bettering themselves
finaniaclly and morally.
In Diarrhoea Dr.M. A. Simmons Liver
Medicine' is invaluable. It gives Tone to
the Stomach, Aids Digestion and Assist*
Nature m carrying off all Impurities.
A man that has made his mon*y easy
aud has donated some of it to church ot
any good cause should not talk about It or
request it for it shows that they did not
give with the proper spirit or motives
it was intended for and might.not proper
the cause it was intended for.
Mrs. F F. Livingston, Towns, Ga.,
writes: I have used Di. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine 15 year* and know it
cures Sick H-adache, Dyspepsia Liver
Complaints and Constipation. I think it
stronger and better in every way than
Zeiiin’s Regulator.
Some contended that there was no theo¬
ry in the practice of medicine, but we
differ with them, There is theory
in every profession and science too.
Some don’t have the success that others
have. Some doctors are too lazy. Some
lawyers ministers and in all professions
are in tha same gully. A ereat many’s
talents don’t suit their professions and of
course that makes It a failure. Science
talent aud theory all go to make a man’*
business a success in life.
Red Hot From the Goa
Waathe bnJJ that hit-G. B. Steadman,
>f Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
auaed horrible Ulcers that no treatment
Helped for 2o years. Then Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve cured him. Cure* Cuts,
Bruises. Burns, Boils, Felon*, Corns, Sklc
Eruptions. Beat Pile cure on earth. 23c
a box. Cure guaranteed, bold by Dr. R
J. Reid Diurtriit '
Mr. ’ formerly of
this CD.; •uf!\
was hej * ati/en of Augusta,
la Natives arul friends
i- wej a
A gre; I people who spend
their n| ] sm pe it)!- arc ignored
by the lenthey about
tOWIJ Hi IB? arc
To keep’ 1 ' | keep well, keep the
Nerves calugV* ruddy and , well ,, fed, . ,
and with Dr !l Boiiy Livor Medi
cine regulate’ 1 - V. Simmons
| it' .Stomach and Bowals.
Dr. llobbii Klder0t
this district,A the P residi,lg
last. Pastoi methodist Snt'urdy‘: Hi M U 5 n ith Sunday tht the people meeting and of assisted Shan at the n
yellow The rcnjt|; i*le cotton question is 11
ja A,* ®ur fanners eyes and it
will take |Jif jacket
out. If if talk to get the
will joi their betterment they
Child aid.
forget, tlf m d these latter days soon
. leave them
s’ 'ft for‘u % i.c-.ifn's and to
but the paW V''er lves forgets iu their them. dot 1 “f he e
Bible says gmbtr thy father and tl.y
mother ’ -
refect Our Food.
The doc that alum is
poison, at 11 infoim us a
should . i J i hat alum baking powders
f j J voided because tHey make the
()0( ' un ||i Prominent hygienists,
wll !,!1 lesofne.
° ’Vjyen study,
regard): jp the matter most ,
should ,, ‘ 8e P owders ns an tV ' .. 1 thut .
? ; esse( ^ action, In
jviin11 eso ;*jand u PP 1 ’
\ Wisconsin alum powders
ar< are braml Aibtted to be sold unless they
bhrt id to warn consumers of their
true h>le in the District of
Q 0 | ull) )jjw ttt; * l ' r ’ w
‘ have under the
d,r9Ct,m .th. *^ authorities
to prohib >i Congress, adopted regulations
gethur. the use of alum iu bread alto
jr #
n I the people of other states, j
t ns
welJ as rl of Minnesota and Wisconsin,
i™**-- Jr menacing •< them - *•**" lit dose, -«*» hand,
ftu( j j K n .'the whole entitled ab¬
solute country
District rQ , ( , ctlon aH the people of the
legislatil 't Columbia are protected, by
) which Is entirely prohibitive?
r wec*n have protection in the
of h.akl statute, how can our state boards
8,om b 1 state analysts or food comrnis
° the public than by puli
lishing er serve
time te nc newspapers from time to
w * lic - As yif the baking powders
— Me J -.ifleflt X* will aid ..... the “ liboww,.^ *)
designating the alum powders to
member that all powders sold at
a*u or 1 «h. par pound -re of
dangi rous class. I lire uearn of tartar
powders are usually sold at from forty
to tlf 14 cents a pound.
So me sections near us we learn are still
needing rain badly.
Nn full term of School at Barnett.
There should be one.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliot is visiting rela¬
tives at Union Point at present.
Sir. Hall, of Norwood, wan visiting Mr
■! esis ' r i arlor s family last week. .
If the round hale cotton will help the
farmers any they ought to have it.
Mr. Kay and family, of Mildrajon, were
visiting Mr. J. W. McKenuey reentty.
Jlr. Lawrence Buttle was In Barnett
secslon lust weea looking after his farms.
I’eople are now resting for the fodder
pulling time which will soon be on hand.
Mrs. Cosby, of Washington, was visit¬
ing her father, Mr. G. M. McKalpine last
Mr. and Mrs. Milley Stuart were
visiting the former’s parents last fourth
Preaching at Barnett Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday by Pastor
Miss Massengale and brother of Nor¬
wood, were visiting Mrs. M. C. Taylor
aud family last week.
Fine rain* in our section the past week
arid every tbing l0( , ks much better ln the
J f
Mr. and Mrs. Lint Williams visited the
latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Strom of
Crawfordville last week.
Bear* the The Kind You Han Always Bought
We are under many thanks to Mr. Jes¬
sie Taylor for a nic# water and muskmel
on last week.
Mr. Marcus Nortis has as fine a crop
of corn and cotton as you wish to look at
and his neighbors around have the same
\fj Q |g Women as well as men are
^■Q made miserable by kidney
BLAME. and bladder trouble, Dr.
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great druggist kidney
remedy promptly cures. At :n
fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may
have a sample : bottle by mail free, also
pamp^et n.i ,. nhout . ... It
A 'J r v*‘ k ‘UKff&Co,, L:aa 5 ham.
too, N- l
royal Daking
Absolutely ^re Powder
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
And What Their Neighbors Aru
Ul flic News <>f the County as Told by
Our Wide- wake Pencil
Meesrs. A If and Zack Broome have
been in our midst for the last week.
A fter an absence of several weeks, we
again appear to the readers of this paper.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rhodes, of Mobile,
Ala., are visiting the family of Mr. B. II.
Rhodes at this place.
Quite a number of our young people at
tend the ice-cream supper at Margarctts
Grove lust Friday evening.
The well known fox hunters
Messrs. W. B. Reid and Hebe Jones, of
Crawfordville, passed through here In
route to Flat Bock and Veuzey, Ga., n
few days ago.
Mr. W. A. Humphrey lias the finest
crop of cotton in Hns section. He ehop
p e q n ()U t, some distance apart, and has
convinced others that giving cotton its
dislanco, is the way to produce it
It seems that Holden has become a very
pleasant rendezvous. The farmers around
here have finished their work, and all
young and old meet here, play Rknucks"
•‘base.ball’’ and other games; ami thus
pass their leisure in recreation.
Milllous Given Away.
It is cersainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern In the land who
av« mt afraid to be generou* to the needy
and suffr ting. The proprietors of Dr.
Coughs million trial bowSfe ^vei -h"*
ten knhdlng qk
lcine; and have tin- satisfaction of
It has absolutely cured thousands of bone¬
less cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse
ness mid all diseases of the Throst, Chest
and Lungs are surely cured by it. Cal
on Dr. It. J. Held, druggist, and get )
trial bottle free. Regular size 60c and fl
Every bottle guaranteed .or price relundae
Cot on very good.
Corn looking bettor.
Edgewi.od school opened the 24th of
There ts much sickness iu this co m
We are sorry to report Mr. J. B. Evans
no better
We. are glad to learn that Mrs. Susan
Jones L improving.
Uev. J. -A. Acres attended Sunday
school here Sunday.
Messrs. W. F. Bishop, and P. F. Brant¬
ley went to Raytown last week.
Mr. Claud, and Miss Beazley visited
Mr. W. F. Bishop’s family Sunday.
Mr. C. V. Ashury and sister Miss Eva
attended Sunday school at Edgewood Sun¬
Mr. W. F. Norris, of Warten cou:.ty,
visited relatives here the latter part of
last week.
“ What soever a man soweth, that shall
he also reap” Therefore sow the seed of
kindness and real) peace.
Messrs. J. B. Jones and James Hum¬
phrey are on a trip to Morgan county
tids week. They are speakfug of moving
there another year.
We hope every young tnan will read the
letter of Mr. Culbreth, published in last
week’s paper. It was good. May every
young man resoivo as lie has.
Lrav* Men Fall
Victims to stomach, livor and kidney
trouble as well a* women and ail feel the
results in lost of appetite, poison* iu the
blood, backache, nervousness, headache
and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But
there’* no need to feel like that. Listen
to J W. Gardner, Idaville, lod. Hesays;
“Electric Bitters »re just the thing for e
man when he f* *11 run down, and don’t
care whether he lives or die*. It did more
to give me new strength end good appetite
than a ytbing I could take I can now
eat anythmg and have a uew lease on life.”
Only 60cents at Dr. It. f. Reid’* Drug
Store. Every bottle eurranteed.
When visit you Johnson’s goto Washing "Annex”.
NO 20.
Watermelons ure plentiful in this sec¬
Crops are looking much better since i ll •
Our 8. S. is increasing in numbers and
Barbecues ate quite numerous now all
within a week.
Farmers are very near laying bv and
now all hands are enjoying a nun h needed
We ate the recipient of peaches, applcg,
plums ami grapes almost daily. Many
thanks to the thoughtful donors.
The ui w gin and grist mill are in i ro
cessof construction. Nothing preventing
it will be ready for this \ ears crop. Success
to your gentlemen.
The young people are enjoying croquet
every Saturday evening. We meet next
Saturday at the residence of Mr. Henning
Miirden. All invited to join us. We
have other amusments for those who do
not play croquet.
The ice cream supper at the residence
of Mr, Bed Murden last Thursday was a
complete success. A large crowd out and
every one seemed to have enjoyed them¬
selves. To the originators we return thanks
for their indefatigable efforts to promote
the pleasure of their guests. For them
we return thanks to all who contributed
to make it a success.
Working Night anil Day.
The busiest mid mightiest little
thing that ever was made Is Dr. King’*
N* v Life I’ills. Every pill is sugar-coated
globule of health, that, ehauvss weakness
in*o strength, listie-jsness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up tha health. Cur
iv 25c ner box.
Forsaieby R- J. Reid.
Card of Thanks.
AdvocativDemocial:— i
Please allow me space In your valuable I
njay ^issisted sincere thanks to Free the ''j j
a.(me s who us lu the
IceCfOkm sopifer%rvea-Jsw home on
Thursday Night the 2ii.h, ult., also the
kind people of your town for the use of
tholr freezer. The -upper was largely
attended and we trust it was u pfeasmii
occasion for all. Respectfully,
W. 11. MUKDEN.
Robinson, Ga., Aug. 2nd, 1809.
Hall’s Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes,
seminal emission, weak and lame back,
rheumatism and all irregularities of the
kidneys and bladder in both men and
women. Regulates bladder troubles in
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will be sent by mail on receipt of 81.
One small bottle istwo months treatment,
and will cure any casa above mentioned.
Ail orders promptly filled. Send for
Texas testimonials. E. W, HALL.
Sole manufacturer, St,. Louis, Mo., for¬
merly Waco Texas Sold at Owl Drugstore,
Crawfordville, Ga.
Cuthbert, (Ja., April 2nd, JK98
This is to certify that I was affected
with grayel a d that I took 00 drops of
Hull’s Great Discovery and it completely
cured me. It Is worth 81000 00 tier bottle
to any one needing it. .1 T. STEVENS.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain in the post
oftiice at Crawfordville, first of this mouth
un-called for
Aiding,Daisy Miss
Alton, ,J. D. Mr.
Bristow, J. A. Mr.
Bird, Aron Mr.
Chambers, W. II. Mr.
Evans, Macon Mr.
Barrel, J. J. Mr.
Moore, B. A. Mr.
Michael, J. H, Mr.
McLeod, B. Lon Mr.
Moore, W. D. Mr.
Mauager Opera House
Is Baby Thin
this summer? Then add a
to his milk three times a day.
It is astonishing how fast
he will improve. If he nurses,
let the mother take the
Emulsion. V9C. and |i*o; all