The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 11, 1899, Image 1

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The Approach of Motherhood is the
Occasion of Much Anxiety to All.
through Every woman dreads the ordeal
which she must pass in becom¬
ing a mother. The pain and suffering
which is in store for her is a source of
constant anxiety, fear and dread, to
say coming nothing incident of the danger which the
entails. The joyous
anticipations ward baby’s with which she looks for¬
indescribable to coming of the gives way to an
dread ordeal when
she fully realizes the critical and trying
event which will soon approach ana
have to be endured.
Women should hail with delight a
remedy which insures to them im¬
munity from the pain, suffering and
danger Such incidental to child-bearing. offered, and
a remedy is now hour of
women need not fear longer the
childbirth. “Mother’s Friend”—is a
scientific liniment—and if used before
confinement, gently and surely prepares
the body for the great requirements
and changes it is undergoing, insures
safety to Doth mother and child, and
takes her through the event with com¬
parative ease and comfort. This won¬
derful remedy is praised by every
woman who has used it.
What woman is not interested in
“Mother’s Friend?” This wonderful
remedy has been tested and* its price¬
less value proven by the experience of
thousands of happy mothers who
have used it during the most critical
period of woman’s life—-the approach
and culmination of motherhood.
It has won their everlasting praise,
for it gave them help and hope in
their most trying hour and when
most needed. Every woman may some
day need “Mother’s Friend.” The
little book, “Before Baby is Born,”
telling all about it, and when it should
be used, will prove of great interest and
benefit *o all expectant mothers, and
will be sent free to any address upon
application to the Bradneld Regulator
Company, Atlanta, Ga.
L Hair
i Dr. iarray’s
j Hair Promoter
I Cures dandruff, stops the hair from fall- is
} ing out. in vigor h tea the growth, a
mi per!’ dressing. juui while not a <ty»\
by nourishin.kf it* root*, w ill positively ro
(’>(•>■ grwv b ur to it*original I
x hS*~p2!r-exO? Ai* bftU'iv'Stol'fc’TH.
Pmcfe*. »i.00 per Larg# Bottle,
her ■'nl.* bv drufrjri*™—if prej.ftifi, receipt t
rii«I i» *a ill be sent, upon *
ol v* <«•**.
Me-..* AY MSDiCiNE COMt-At-,*.
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
209 7th St., Augusta, Ua.
8IVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects (/
light, grinds the proper glasses and WAV
BANTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
■N •4 Patents
trade marks
Anyone sending s sketch and description Invention may is
quickly ascertain, free, whether an
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency Washington for securing patents office.
In America. We bare a Co. receive
Patents taken through Munn A
special notice in the
beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of
Book ON Patents sent free. Address
|81 Broadway. New York.
Ana Repairs t»r same Shafting, Pulleys
Belting, Injectors, Pipes. Valves and FHtlugs
mm Tn To piTtiT PATENT Bood M id,,, ltl9«
our ajd-^AdifresA
0PI1 its MorphinesndWhiekeyhab- treated without or
confinement. Cure guaran
teed or no pay. B H VSAL,
mfrium. b^I'aSSl o 5L'
aiwi nnil I Two montil ’ 3 treatment ot
n A SH j iBooklet y^I^aTr^TLAyTA.'GA. and sample for 2 centi.
J i
What the People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
Th. News and Gossip of all that See
ties of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Rugby.
Some are pulliug fodder.
We have seen some cotton open.
Mrs. Betsie Moore is up again but quite
People have commenced making up
their syrup.
Mr. John P. Moore was quite feoble in
health last week.
We had several showers last week which
was of much benefit.
li. H. Jackson has been at work on the
convent the past week.
Some of the Sbarouites attended the
b irbveueat Washington.
Rev J. A- Mershon was with the
Sharon people last week.
Mr. Parham, of Southeast Ga., is visit¬
ing relatives,!!! this section.
Preaching last Sabbath at Sharon Pres¬
byterian church by Rev. Simpson.
Mr. C. C. Caldwell and W. R. Reid o;
Crawfordville were in our town last week.
Nine times out of ten when you ask a
man for the truth you don’t get It.
Rev. John Acree, of Sandy Cross, was
with the Sharon people last week.
The round bale cotton press has been
put up at the Sharon new ginnery.
Corn crops and gardens in Sharon
section are dried up beyond a doubt.
Mr David Taylor has a pug dog that he
says will hunt, is lazy and loves to eat,
MessrB William Cary ami Sam Chapman
were in our town lust week on business.
Joe O’Brien, Lot Osliu and Max John
sou attended a game of base ball here last
The meeting at Raytown Baptist church
closed without ahy addition to the church
as vet.
•- AYiSS ifca a&f drlVdwrertnf -"Mnla. -WA,
has been bn a visit to her uncle, Mr. H. L.
Gilbert. *
We think the Sharon boys played vdry
well in Crawfordville for the practice
they had. (
Uncle Jesse Darden left for Crawford
ville last week, He was quite feeble
while here.
Mrs. Thomas Flynt and children from
Washington were visiting relatives in this
section this week.
We saw a sight in Crawfordville last
week we neyer saw before: women work¬
ing on the streels
Mr. GeoTge Fouche speaks of raising a
club of old men to beat the young base
ball team of Sharon
Dr. Robins preached some good sermons
at the Sharon Methodist meeting. The
Doctor is a fine speaker.
Keep the Stomach and Bowels in good
condition, the Waste Avenues open and
free by an occasional does of Dr. M. A.
Simmons Liver Medicine.
Sugar cane is getting ripe Have your
pans repaired and your skimmers made
by C. L. Bagy, the tinner, Sharon. Ga.
Protracted meeting at Sharon Method¬
ic church closed on Thursday night of
last week. No additions.
Mr. George Fouche and sons have put
the finishing touch with the paintbrush
on the Jackson laick store.
Mr. Jim Johnson, of Greene county,
spent some time in Sharon last week the
guest of Mr. A. T. Gilbert,
To keep young—keep well, keep the
Nerves culm, the body ruddy and well fed,
and with Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi¬
cine regulate the Stomach and Bowels.
Our Sh ron boys appreciate Mr. Milton
Gilbert's hospitality ° S while in Crawford ville
last week Melton is a wholesoul fellow,
When this fleeting life is o’er we fear
there will be very few that will land on
the other shore that expect to get there.
Methodist meeting at Raytown next
Saturday and Sunday and will be protract
ed. we guess,during the week following.
August Flower.
“It is a surprising fact,” says Prof.
Houton, “ that in all my travels in all
! Lave 01 ,hc met ”" more rld '"" people T T ha-ing ’“T used
Green’s August Flower than ^any, other
remedy, tor dvspepsia, deranged stomach
*t im
and salesmen, or ior persons filling offic<
P Mtjon8 w here headaches and general
bad feelings from irregular habits exist.
that Green’s August Flower is a grand
remedy. It does not injure the system
fnT u ,„, r
,j e . f rr . ( . 6 ( Q-.vl Drug Store.
gold by dealers in all civilized countries.
Opinions of Cotton Fanners and (3i V*
after a Season's Experience*
The attitude of cotton ginners m
fanners the towards the Coitou Houndlapcottoifflfe
of American Company, afMp
season’s test of the machine, is lilust|#M (mm
by a letter received recently by the
of the Manufacturers’ Hecord, Balt if*
as follows: Editor Manufacturers’ requestsl|f Rj Is
Some time ago you AmcricVln*
you our opinion of the thei®* WwB
Co’s cylindrical press At that MB;-; 1 -
were unable to give our views co fBj
owing to the short time we had o
the press. closed, Now that uuquestion.^, the ginning I j
has wo can wH
that the press is a success in eve:
ular, not only from a giuner’s staiM
but as practical fanners. The®® 1 1
troin sale of our cotton have bed
inently satisfactory and much :,®1! j
what we Lad anticipated. The
tages to planter take ami operator niuch-iJH nirO .
that it would up too sufiiciomY®H >
enumerate them. It is '
that, no one who hits baled their co\H !
this press would now or hereafter fHH
ize any other. And why should H »
Their ginning charges are less th
square-press people charge, and th|H |l
ceive from one-quarter to one-half \
per pound more than could get it
square the round bale. bale There being is here no question to stay, nuo apaj
would who advise the ginmen, railroad, especially to get ItjH t|||
are near a
swim at once and exemplify the old' s
age of the early bird getting the worm
They wid not only benefit themselves,
their friends, the farmers, will get
cfeam that the middlemen, the
tnercha .ts, have been enjoying a id
ting rich upon. In conclusion, to con
dense the advantages, will say that
hale is fireproof, waterproof, is i
and proof that it a labor-saving at
money-making bale to the farmer. A
Keo, Ark., June 7th.
We have plenty of big meeting* uo 1
days but we fear our preachers miss the
usual share of fried chicken, pies, enkt
Our roasting ears or corn has played
and we guess we will have to make
on muscadines and May-pops for a
For Headache caused accompanied most likely by
Disordered Stomach,
Constipation, use Dr. M. A.
Liver Medicine.
A great many of the Sharon people
tended the barbecue in Crawfardvilie’a ?
all with one accord report a good t
Turnips Aka* t. ■ '
have come up nic&, *, (m,;
should be put in. You know the
Crop Is short.
In DiarrhodU Dr. M. A. Simmons
Medicluo is invaluable. It gives Tone to
the Stomach, Aids Digestion and Assists
Nature m carrying off all Impurities.
Mr. A. D. Moore is putting up the bifff
gest wagon you ever saw for Mr. J. Wl
Flynt. It will take a team to pul] it when
loaded to Its full capacity.
Our marshal seems to rather have i he
blues over the Sharon nine’s getting beA
last week. Cheer up Welborn—they wl.
do better may be next time.
We heard that Mr. John O’Keeffe aril
Will Kendrick said they would not have
married if they had known it was going
to cause a dry year to follow.
When the big meeting commences you
see a great many attending church that
never go to church at my other time.
There religon is accommodating. i
Mrs. F F. Livingston, Towns, Ga.,
writes: 1 have used Di. M. A. Himniding
Liver Medicine 15 years, and know' it
cures Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, I Liver it
Complaints and Constipation. think
stronger and better in every way than
Zeilin’s Regulator.
<Ve hope our farmers will come out
better in their crops than they anticipate.
They have the burdens of the country to
bear as well as the abuse oi the rich man’s
tongue. f
Mr Bu. Bird tells a good joke on
uncle Bush Harper. He says Mr. Harper
was eating potatoes once and he got
choked and had to run two hundred yard*
before he got them started down.
Judge Pittman says he has seen corn
dry up on the stalk fodder and all
and then make good corn. The Judge is
right-all corn has to diy before you
send it to the mill.
Home of our merchants say they th <j n’t
fymi.j, m uch rashions dry tin e-t like 'se
go the ialwrinc people have to eat wtter
m , ; ] on saiid roasting ears and go to bed on
light diet. This is very disagreeable if
it is fair.
We visited Mr. Edmond Golucki s
furniture shop last week in Crawford .ill*
and had a pleasant conversation s-ith
»tfJt " , 5S5Sria , SSSS
, jWn rnak(! we ever looked at. Mr
Qolucke is seventy-two years-old and
workg regular every day in his shop He
Fooled the (surgeons.
doctors . told Renick Hamilton, u ...__ Oi
j e /f elM)n , o.. after suffering If
UO nUu from Rectal Fistula, he would die
unless a costly operation was performed
,nt he cured him*elf with five boxee oi
......“ " h
Earth, and th* best Salve ia th«
World. 25 cent* * box. Sold by Dr, K
I. He'd Druggist.
And What Their Neighbors Aro
HI the News of the t’ounty as Told by
Our Wide- wake Pencil
BY I..
Mrs. Kate Meadows is on the sick list.
But don’t we miss the peach crop this
The farmers nre blue over their crop’s
needing rain badly.
Mrs. Lula Bea/dey visited her sister Mrs.
J. W. Rives last Tuesday.
Mrs. Lilia Moss spent last Saturday
night with her sister Mrs. Neva Wallace.
Rev. McBraycr filled his regular ap
pointment at Anthony’s Chapel lust
Mr. Hemy and Wilkes Wall attended
(preaching at County Line church last
u mV e all your kinfolks been to sec you^
'f they have not . they .. v say u , lvt tin.y hevarocom- are com
fug (so pick the chicken.)
j One of our noted Baptist preachers,
liny. Briggs, will help Kev. J.B. t auaway
through August, much to the delight of
, s m ^ nv fri ends.
. Kitty Beazley has thirty eight
She is a sweet lady and all the
| children love her. We think we are bless
e i in getteng such a nice teacher.
Mr. John Meadows and family antici¬
pate leaving the fifteenth for Texas. We
liHte to give them up but hope they will
soon shake the money tree and gather up
enough to make them rich and come back
Glorious News.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Wash
iti», I. T. He write*: “Four bottles ol
El»ctrie Bilteis has cured Mrs. Br*wer ol
sorofuia, which had caused her great *uf
faring tor years, ’terrible sore* would
weak out on h#r bead and face, and tht
ived.—that Electric Bitters
i*od purifier known. It’* the supreme
|4iedv fers, boiis for and eczema, running tetter, salt It rheutn stimu¬
, sores.
lates liver, kidneys and bowels, exjiels
poisons, helps digestion build* up th*
strength- Onlv 50 cents. (Sold by Dr.
It. J. Reid Druggist Guaranteed.
Mr. L. S. Jackson will move Into Ids
new store this week.
The Sharon clored baseball team had
a game here on Saturday of last week
with the Thomson eulb.
Mr. Partridge of Washington was
complimented his job on the J. A.
Kendrick building and returned to his
We had to butt against Frank Taylor
and John Holden at the barbecue dinner
but we held our own pretty well. Johnny
was at his best and you ought to see the
smiles he took on when the ladies were
waiting on him, especially the widows.
Frank Taylor just took in the whole bus¬
iness, the way hq did destroy corn bread,
shoat meat and tomatoes was a sight to
see but we have no fight to make on him
nor John for we were there all the same.
We are having hot dry weather.
Miss Susie Gilbert Is spending some time
with her brothers.
Mr. McBrayer preached a ttnesermcnat
Anthony* Chapel last Sunday.
Mr. Hinton Dillard is on a visit to Ath¬
ens to see his uncle, Mr. Daniel.
Joe and Nat Sanders are with Mr. Gil¬
bert’* family at this writing. We are sor¬
ry to say Nat is on the sick list.
It is strange how some people will get
out of their place and yet bow nice it 1*
for people to do right. Right never
wrongs any man.
Bears the The Kind You Haw Always Bougrt
The big meetings have started; the peo¬
ple will go a long ways where there i*
dinner, bo many go to get their dinner
and not the benefit of the meeting and
consequently no good is gained except a
good dinner. People never had picnics
on Sunday in olden times but they had
good meetings.
KIDNEY Is a deceptive disease—
TROUBLE thousands have It and
don’t know it. If you want quick result*
you can make no mistake by using Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney
remedy. At druggists , ... in fifty cent , . and ,
dollar sizes. . ainp;e -><>t le by mail free,
also pamphlet b.-iiiugj’ouhow tojflnd out i.
you have kidney trouble.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham¬
ton, N. Y.
ROYAL Absolutely 'Pure Powder Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Crops suffering for rain.
Mr. E. W. Jones is on the sick list,.,
Mr.O. II. Rocker is at home attending
Hancock court.
Mrs. W. T. Nelson visited in
Crnwfordyille Monday.
There was not a good turn out at
Sabbath School Sunday.
Mr. C. I. Ogletree and force are work¬
ing m Craw ford ville this week.
Miss Emma Ilowell is with relatives In
Greene county for several days.
Mr. Jack V. Wynne leaves this week to
take a position with the Ga. R. R.
Mr, Albert Brantley killed a large rattle
snake last week with bis buggy whip.
Miss Rosa L. Veazey is on a week’s
visit to friends over in South Carolina.
Mr. Fred Moore and wife, of Greene,
visited in our neighborhood Saturday and
Mr. W. T. Johnson and wife, of Powel
ton, spent Sunday with the family of Mr
S. ,/. Jones.
Miss Mollie Jones, of Carrs station, who
has been on several week’s visit to her
uncles family, Mr. P. G. Veazey, returned
to her home last week.
HI score red by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been made
■and that too, bv a lady In this country,
“Disease fastened its clutches upon liei
and for si yen years she withstood its
severest tests, but her vital organs were
undermined ami death seemed imminent.
Foi three months she coughed incessantly,
could not sleep. She finally discover
( ,j a wilv • t0 reco very, by purchasing of u*
a , wllle of . n Ur ’ irim*. hl ffaw DUto Discover* rery for for
4'^umo Uon^ ; •
absolutely cured. Her name is Mr*.
Luther LurJi Thus write* W. C. Ham
nick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bot¬
tles free at Dr. If. J. Reid's drug store.
Regular size 50c and 81.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.
Mr. David Taylor visited hi* brother,
Jesse, Friday.
Mr. J. W. Taylor has our thanks for
another watermelon.
Mr. Jessie Taylor has the finest sweet
potato patch we have seen,
Mr. Robt. Taylor found ready sale for a
Ion aches in town tills week.
Mr. Jonah Weathers and family vlait
ed at Central Academy last week,
The confederate barbecue in Crawford¬
ville was a nice affair, so our people say.
Barnett section has not suffered a great
deal for rain and the crops are very good.
Mr. Marcus Norris will take a trip to
Southeast, Georgia soon. We wish him a
pleasant time.
Bean th* Th« Kind You Havs Always
Lot Olin and Max Johnson played with
the Kharon base ball team lu Crawford¬
ville last week.
The cane crop Is go fid In this section
and with a little more rain the potato crop
will come lu all right.
Mr. Lawrence Battle has had his nice
orchard put ia good fix neat here, and has
sowed it down in peas.
The frlcDds of Mrs. Garry Gregory will
be glad to know that she Is well pleased
with her new home near Stone Mountain
Bears tha Hit Kind Von Haw Always BougM
I)r. J. B. Bobbin’s preached at Barnett
Methodist church last Sabbath, The
doctor always has a good attendance. He
ts an abl* divine.
Greenwood colored Baptist church is
having the annual meeting this week and
you can hear them passing until ont
o’clock in the morning; they don’t get
much sleep these short nights, but They
enjoy themselves all the same.
The Appetite of a Goat
I* envied by all poor dyspeptic* whose All
Stomach and Liver are out of order.
such should know that Dr. King’s New
Pills, the wonderful Stomach and
^iver Remedy, give* splendid appetite,
unet digestion ud a regular b*<duy habit
. th*t Insure* perfect health and great
energy. Oaly 25 cents at auy Drug btore.
NO 21-
BY W. M. S.
At our last appointment we had an un¬
usually full attendance, and an unusually
pleasant and piofitable meeting. We felt,!
that Jesus was there in die midst of us.I
when a few assemble together in His name
to work for His cause; and He so graoiou ,
ly and lovingly manifests Himself unto'’
us. They remined us of the meeting
Jesus had with his , disciples (Thomas ex-,
copied) after his resurrection. Jesus res
voided himself unto his disciples. Then
wore the disciples glad. Jesus said untd
them, Peace be unto you. 1 imagine that
those disciples enjoyed the sweet, quie(
intercourse of Jesus on that occasion
even more than they did that great meet!
ing on the day of pentecosf.
* * *
* * *
We are again called upon to retuif
thanks to two of our brethren, for kindly
haying our ground pea patch plowed for
us. While we thank them, the Loid
rewards them. Paul says, “God is not
unrighteous to forget your work and
labour of love, which ye have showed
toward his name, In that ye have minister* d
to the Saints and do minister” ileb. G: 10.
Testimonial on Tithing.
“I commenced giving a tenth years ago,
when I found I was spending all my salary,
and it was laird to give any thing. I have
found it a great comfort and pleasure ever
since. One of my younger elders commu -
eed the practice some years since, and no
one among us has been so prosperous in
business as he, and given so much. I know
a wealthy banker, a Presbyterian elder,
who commenced to do the same when a
a young man, wit), ItUl# iman.i and n»w
„„„ a
never stop* because the weather
is warm.
Then why stop taking
simply because it’s summer?
Keep taking it. It will heal your
lungs, and make them strong for
another winter.
joe. and tioo; ail drurguts.
Mr m
I s
A Woman
Only Knows
what euffering from falling of the
womb, white*, painful or distinctly irregular
mensee, or any disease of the
feminineot^ansia. but he A man may know sympa¬ the
thise or pity con not
agonic* she k°«» through—the terrible
suffering, of so beauty, patiently hope borne, and happi¬ which
robs her
ness Yet this suffering realty is
Wine ol Cardai
will banish It. This medicine
cures all “ female diseases ’’ quick¬
ly and permanently. It does away
with humiliating The physical exami¬
nations. treatment may lie
taken at home. There is not con¬
tinual expense and trouble. The
sufferer is cured and stays cured.
Wine of Cardui Is becoming the
leading remedy for all troubles of
this class. It costs but $i from any
druggist. For advice in requiring
special directions, address, the
“Ladies Advisory Mecficine Department,” Co.,
The Chattanooga
Chattanooga, Tenn.
M RS. C. J. WEST, Nashville, medicineou^ht Tenn..
writes ; —‘‘This wonderful
to b« in every house where thsre axe girls
and women.’*
5 Ton Scales $60 Freicht fVip