Newspaper Page Text
I wzmm
What does it do?
It causes the oil glands
in the skin to become more
active, making the hair soft
and glossy, precisely as
nature intended.
It cleanses the scalp from
dandruff and thus removes
one of the great causes of
It makes a better circu¬
lation in the scalp and stops
the hair from coming out.
R Prevents and It
Cures Baldness
Ayer’s Hair Vigor will
surely make hair grow on
bald heads, provided only
there is any life remain¬
ing in the hair bulbs.
It restores coior to gray
or white hair. It does not
do this in a moment, as
will a hair dye; but in a
short time the gray color
of age gradually disap¬
pears and the darker color
of youth takes its place.
Would you like a copy
of our book on the Hair
and Scalp ? It is free.
It jon do nof obtain all the benefits
jrou tiroeted Doctor from tbe use ot the Vigor
write toe about it.
▲cUtfiSM, DR. J. c. AYER.
Lowell, Mass.
A New Shop.
I have moved into my new shop on
Broad street where I welcome all my
white friends to my handsome quarters.
-I will yisit your homes ana do hair cutting
and shompooing for the ladies and child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoe-shining deparment. Give me a call.
Crawfordville, Ga.
Salesmen Wanted.
Good wages to sell our Nursery Stock.
Apply for term*. Wc will have for Sprina
and Fall, 188!) and 190), an immense
-ri 1 '’ A'fi ' ifr, 1 fe r r ; .....fenr -ft u W t
Ap .Iso cot, Cherry, Grape, etc.
. small fruits, shade and ornamental
t. eetj, roses, etc. We make a specialty of
Wholesaling to large planters direct, at low
prices. Write u« for wholesale price list.
Winchester, Tenn.
1600 lbs. Coffee.
This large amount of Good
Coffee is to be sold at
Crawfordville Alliance Store.
GOING TO . . .
- ~
Your House, Barn, Roof,
Floor, Fence, Gate, Stairs,
Piazza, something, anything,
Min’s Paints.
Ask your Dealer or
Geo. W. Pitkin Co.
Don’t Tobaero *pit and Smoko Tear l.lfe Away.
To quit tobacco eueily and forever, be mas
netic, full of Jife, nerve and vigor, take No-To
,Bac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, SOc or «t. Cure guarati¬
ke [Sterling d Booklet and sample free. Address
Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.
D-. in*; *•:*'eroru:*.Fsx. cbir.imor if.T.
ie alj. siwaim twmco yco .
anuoAse iuor t oMf.w
Car.djr iMmirtu. c.-r. -.onstation '<,-<■ it
tc. 26c IIC C C f»il,dr,gx.*t*rt:foLa irouej.
IU- '
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Onr People Are Doing, Saying
and Tbiukiuir About Told
in Brief Notes.
—.Toe Rhodes is reported
-The big engine for the new
ginnery has arrived.
—Meeting begins at the Bap¬
tist church to-day, (Friday),
—Mr. Jim Ogletree brought us
some twin peaches yesterday.
—Open cotton is reported in
many quarters. Soon the bales
will come in.
—Miss Blanch Wheeler, of
Warrenton, visited Miss Ger¬
trude Holden this week.
—Mr. J. F. Rhodes shipped a
large car of mce beef cattle from
here to north Tuesday.
—Mr. Robert Stephens, of
Atlanta, has been on a visit to
relatives here this week.
—If you do not patronize home
industries they will not thrive
so as to build up your town.
—Mrs. Martha E. Moore is
with relatives here after a few
weeks, stay in Morgan county.
—Mr. T. C. Holden and daugh£
ter, Blanch, came over from the
Plains Sunday to visit relatiyes.
—i-Mr. H. B. King, who was
here buying cotton seed last fall,
was here this week selling bu,
Messrs. Parks and Cowan, of
Conyers, were on a visit to Mr.
C. V. Almond at this place a few
days ago.
—An exhibit at the fair and a
cotton factory are two necessities
for Crawfordville and Taliafer¬
ro county.
—Miss. Myrtis Golucke return
ed to Milledgeville Friday after
a visit to Mr. Golucke’s family
at this place.
—W. P. Hubert spent Sunday
in Athens while his brother, Ar
tlmrhBlfldmvn the depot
telegraph office here.
—Misses Heard, Smith, Jarni
gan and Reynolds, who have
been on a visit to Mrs. W. T.
Flynt, have returned to their
—People are speculating as to
what the cotton crop will do.
Somesreport it small but well
fruited. Others say the crop is
a failure.
—Some of our best farmers
say that the hot sun and wind
this week has damaged crops
more iu this section than during
the entire drouth.*
—The excursions from Atlanta
and Athens to Washington this
week were slimly patronized.
There wa« also one from each
Augusta and Macon.
—Dr. A. C. Davidson, of
Sharon, has been up here seve¬
ral days this week assisting Dr.
Beazley in the case of the girl
wounded by the railroad.
—Farmers W. R. Reid, John
F. Holden, Dr. R. J. Reid, W. T.
Flynt and W. W. Bird attended
the meeting of the Agricultural
society at Quitman this week.
—Rev. T. P. Burgess has been
aiding Mr. Whitefield in carry¬
ing on the Presbyterian meeting
here this week. Rev. E. G.
Smith failed to come as was ex
—Mrs. J. W- Asbury says she
was treated recently to some
line tomatoes from the garden of
Mr. H. T^Evans at Greenesboro
and one of them weighed 2 1-4
pounds.- t
—Misses ..Rosa Gorham and
Bessie Richards and Mrs. W. N,
Maltbie have been on a visit to
relatives at Woodville this week.
Col. Maltbie spent Sunday in
that city.
—We are informed that Mrs.
! L. F. Stephens will convert the
old paint s’op aud late Advo
Democrat office iato a double
warehouse and it will be used as
a C ytiOU SCfcd ilOJ.-e fur buyers, J
66 THE 99
I have just completed rriy new room which now gives
an additional4,>00 square tVt; floor space to my already large
$7,500.00 STOCK.
1 am now furniture, filling this Annex with an entirely be" new stock
of up-to-date as large variety as can found in any
city South.
Washington, Georgia.
Ball Game To*ilny.
Crawfordville and Whit.
Plains will play a game of bal
at the ball grounds here thi
(Friday) afternoon. All
invited to come out and see
All Should Enjoy It.
The young men of this
have a most interesting
society which meets at
Academy every Friday nigh#
Besides entertainment it
improve the participants ir
many other respects.
should keep it up and encouraj A
others to join. S
’Cue Conrt Week. ■i
The ladies of the Memorw
Association will give anothff
barbecue to raise money to puty
railing around the monuinenl
The barbecue will be given Tuef
day, Aug. 29th. Prices will hj
25 cts. for dinner, or 35cts. fti
barbecue, coffee, cake and creaiw
Come and get a good dinner an*
have a good time socially.
Reception at Liberty Hall.
To the unmarried members®
the Baptist church at Crawforc
ville, Ga.:—You are respectful^ I
invited to attend a reception, ll
Liberty Hall, given to you by
Ladies of the Woman’s MissiS
ary Society to be on 31st day®
August, from 3 to 6 o’clock P. m
Mrs. M. A. Sanford, Pres.
Mrs. W- C. Chpaman, Secty l
Caught Him On the Fly.
A. jrtfi Iff ^
Holdeu. He is opposed to Lav
mg his photo made, even bj ]
the .. . hands , of .. . beautiful .... yount
lady. Friday last at a fish-fry a}
Jordan’s mill a group picturi
was made by a lady, but John
refused to let her draw her
kodak on him. But later she got
Mr. Jordan to call John otf and
entertain him while she caught
him unaware and on the fly.
Me lias Returned.
Tuggle Culborbh has returne<*
from Oglethorpe, having beei 1
tried in the city court there last
week on two misdemeanof
charges. One was nol prosset
and in the other he was fined $2{'
and costs. He arranged the
matter and is again among hit;
friends in this county wild
commend him for his recen
acknowledgement and that hi?
would hereafter be a better mat 1
We wish him well.
Vu: Can Get It. I
Mr. M. R. Hudson, of thj
Georgia Railroad, was here
few days ago and was talking uj>
a cotton factory. He aaW
should have the factory and wit 1
get it if we go to work and raise
only a part of the money; tha'
the remainder will be furnished,
This is good news and Mr. Hud
SOQ sa y s when we are read ^ K
say the word and ready to get
up the factory to speak cut anr
the work of getting up the money
will be started.
Drake Its Neck.
Mr. Jno. O. Stewart tells ur
that he lost a favorite famiij'
horse recently. The horse laic 1
down to wallow and had its heelr
up the hill and in its effort td
get up fell back and broke itr
neck and died in a few minutes.
Mr. R. M. Bradford, of thip
county, also lost a nice mule
which got fastened in its stabld
« fow days ago and hurt itself
it di*-d. We sympathize with
both of these gentlemen intnti r
* uso *
Knocked Off by a Train.
Another serious accident oc
curred between here and Barnett
last Friday afternoon. A ten
year old girl of Tim Combs, col¬
ored, was sent on an errand and
while she was walking in a cut
on the track of the Georgia Rail
road, the fast train came thun¬
dering along. The child under¬
took to run to the crossing be
tween her and the swift ap¬
proaching train. She became
frightened and did not see that
the train would meet her before
she could got to the crossing.
This engineer Thomas saw and,
it is said, reversed his engine
aud tried to stop, but did not do
sosoonenough toavoid a collision
between the child and the train.
The child was knocked off and
was picked up and brought on to
Crawfordville and put in charge
of Drs. Beazley and Daniel who
foijnd that her knee was gashed
and a considerable hole in her
head, besides other ugly cuts aud
bruises. She has been returning
to consciousness during the past
ew days, but it will be a wonder
if she recovers.
Beady for Ginning.
Having just had my ginnery
put in thorough repair. I will
be ready to do your ginning
when the season opens, and take
this method of .soliciting part of
your patronage.
Free delivery of cotton and
seed at depot. I will add a belt
conveyor to my ginnery which
sayes trouble of unloading wag
anleed ftiujiamtmf'gua?.
and prices to suit the
t 1 ” 1 ® 8 ’ Th ^ nking ^ ou for * ,as *
favors r I ask a continuance of
sanle I atn very Respt.
c. H. Golucke.
—The editor of this
has two * nice / poplar, 1 iron-hooped 1
barrels that . he will ... sell ,, cheap. ,
They will make nice syrup
—Mr. C. I. Ogletree is build¬
ing a barn oti his lot where Mr.
T. Richards lives and will
prepare to move his family here
in October.
We have for sale and rent
lands situated in different por¬
tions of the county. Any person
wishing to buy or rent lands
should call to see us.
Horace and Carl Holden.
—Prof. Frank Burney was
here Wednesday among his
friends. He will teach school at
Waynesboro next term. His nu¬
merous friends here regreLAhat
he will not be with us again.
—Pryor Chapman come Fla., up
Wednesday from Plymouth
where he has been making his
T JSSia “the SETS
n.) it ’k I III'' .
We offer One Hundred Holla.'
leward for any case of Cat an
lat cannot be cured by Hall
Oa’arrh Cure.
F J. Cheney & Co., Props.
Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
lf>years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all
transactions and financially able
u:, carry out any obligations made
t>v their firm
West & Truax, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
W adding JK inn an & Marvin.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system- Price 75c. per bot
tie Sold by all DruggUt*. TW
firocmiala free.
Hill’s „ ,
Brightest Items from Near by
To tlio Credit of the Eioellpnt County
Journals from Which We Het
the Creamy News.
Mrs. Dr. J. B. Dillard, of Union
Point is dead.
Last week in Hancock Miss
Idonia t-’ri.mbie and Mr. Sam
Beland were married.
Col. T. E. Mas.sengale of Nor¬
wood says he will have two bales
of cotton ready for market this
Oglethorpe’s city court clear¬
ed the jail last week of prisoners,
and is saving the county much
Boilev of Lorenzo Jackson’s
saw mill exploded No in Hancock hurt
county last week. one
except scalding the engineer.
Mr. J. W. Portwood and Miss
Lizzie Metlock. were happily
married on Sunday, July 30th,
in Wilkes county.
Mr, W. T. Asbury, one of our
business young men, is spending
this week with home folks in
Craw ford ville.—Bethesda Cor.
Supreme Court has adjourned,
and Judge H. T. Lewis returned
home Wednesday afternoon,
vacation until October term.—
Greenesboro Herald-Journal.
In noting Warrenton’s pros
parity, the Clipper says that
there is a great demand for rent¬
able houses in that place and
that people are being turned
away for want of a place to re¬
side. Good way to kill a tovvu’s
Frank Taylor, the wide awake
and popular sheriff of Taliaferro
county.- was hero f, r a short
time Wednesday, 1 **A number of
our young folks attended the
barbecue and base ball game at
Crawfordville .Tuesday. They
report lots to eat. and a fine game
of ball.—Uuion Point Cor.
“Annex Don,t fail ’ in Washington. to see Johnson’s
The soothing and healing prop¬
erties of Chamberlin,s Cough
Remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt have and permanent cures,
matte w ... ...... U
with the people elsewhere. For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid. Craw¬
fordville, L. R. Brown, Sharon.
Don’t miss a treat. Goto
Johnson’s “Annex”
A young lady ordered a dose
oil at ' Haramack, Lucas & Co s
drugstore in Washington and
wantQ(1 it fj xe( ) up tasteless,
The clerk mixed it in . a .. glass ,.i , ,.r if
soda water and asked her to have
a glass of soda. She accept, d
with thanks and after drinking
the soda i and i oil, ;i ashed „,hni.n where
was the oil. Upon being told
she had drank it said. ‘.Oil! I
wanted urn n ted the trie oil OU loi for my mv muc little
Rev. J M. Yingline. pastor o.
the Bedford Street Methodist
church at Cumberland, Md ,
stfys: “It affords me much pleas
ure ir, to vuaommmwl recommend f'VmmhotTin’c ChambeiJin s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I have used it and
known others wljo have done so.
I have never known it to fail.
It is a sure cure when taken in
time. ” For sale by R. J. Reid,
Crawfordville, L. R. Brown, Sha
_ ( , n
When yOU goto Wa8hinff
tnn ton Visit v/ioit jonnson mhncnn'<t S “Annex’" Annex •
Miss Taylor, one of Craw
fordville’s charming
ladies, is on a visit to Miss
Matilda Glenn, this
White Plains Cor. Herald-Jour
—Those who enjoyed the
'cue will be glad to know the
ladies will get up ‘another for
court week. «
-Mr. and Mrs. T. P.
and children, of Madison, have
been the guests of Col. and Mrs.
H. M. Holden this week.
-Mr. D. P. Henry came
Tuesday#fter a business South trip oi
several months in Geor
gia. He brought a nice lot
sea shells which he got on
sea coast.
—We are making
which we expect to soon
Offer. Sne. large portrait hand
| «> low m ely price—as framed at a premium
; subscribers to the Advocate
Democrat. We have a
! | of work on the rod. Don’t
to see it.
Her Boy.
/■ N, 3Sj
fHfrs* i
^ ?
m am mMt'
-Wm K % ...
\ /
« When my son George was
J 4, he was stricken with a ter¬
rible nervous affliction. Phy¬
sicians nor medicines helped
him. He lost his speech, use of
limbs and coukl hardly swal¬
low food. Before he had fin¬
ished a bottle of Dr. Miles'
Nervine he could talk and eat
well, and 5 bottles cured him.
Mr*. Julia O’Connor, Willis, Tex. 99
is sold by all druggists on guarantee,
first bottle benefits or money back.
Book on heart and nerves sent tree.
Dr, Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Ilt’Hiitirul Il,ilr.
Onii always be obtained by using that
highly perfumed and strictly scientific
compound—Dr. Murray’* Hair Promoter,
[t, stops the hair from falling out, cures
dandruff, and restores gray ; or faded hair
to its original youthful color, beauty and
softness. As a hair dressing it has no
equal. See advertisement elsewhere ia
this paper.
September Sheriff’s Sales.
Will he sold, on the first Tuesday in
September, next, at public outcry at th#
Oour,. house In said County, wlf bin t he legal
iioursof sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, thefollowing parcel real e»pp,e:
All that tract, or of land being (20)
Twenty Acres, of 1S2 acres situated in the
otic hundred aud seventy second
District G. M., said county and state,bound,
ad as follows: On the West by lands of
O. 1). Moore; on the Month by la ds of
William or Rush Ivey; on the north by
lands of Howell Corry and on the east by
balance ol said tract of land. Said land is
woiked by George Grier. Levied on ns
the property of F. II- Colley by virtue of
a tax execution issued lay G. T. ‘ Edward*,
T. C., for Slate and county ta*es far the
year 18!M. Tenant in possession notined
in terms ol tilt* law. Levy Bailiff, made and
returned to me nay by ot J. August,, S Ray,
i „.n, iim .
Sheriff Taliaferro Countv.
September Sheriff’s Sales.
* Will he sold, on the first Tuesday in
rt e p tmu ber, next, at the Uouit, lion** m
sllU1 County wiihi., the IcrhI hours of
wile, to th« hlgluwi bidder tor cuitb, the
fottewln;? property, to v*lt:
All that tract Of laud, Mtiuited bounty li doom.
y m ., mild State and con
tiiinlnst One and Fotj-TwofliS)
. mre*, mom or Um, adjoining TitaH HicimnlN, lands of LI Mrs.
® lf a o. Samiern,
Andernon hd<!J««m? Oolatt, on whuth land
^ rH I'nicillaEdwards, now reside*. Said
land sold subject to th« life eataie <>f Mr*.
Pruollla Edward* In mid property. Said
property levied ..n a* property of Pruti'-t
E(Jwttn j gi udmjnlutratrix one ate of W C.
j >;<i W urd», doceuntat, and a* property of sod
an<1 Co „ Ilt y, in favor of W. A.
Legweif against Mrs. Pru. ilia Kdwarns,
admlolstratrix on estate of IV. C. Edward ,
deci-a*od. Written notk.eglyen tenants Ui
‘ ^ a8 rt , ui , (M i t, y i U w. This 4th.
o1 Aug> lfjy9
Sheriff TtUlftfcrro County.
J. It. and A. D. Kendrick, admfnis
trators on the estate of C. 8. Kendrfek,
late of said county, deceased, having filed
their petition for discharge, this I* to cite
fll > P^rious concerned *t.o *how cause
(the Kfraiust the granting of this discharge at
regular term of the conrtof ordlnn' for
said county to beheld on thefirst Mommy
in October, 1N99.
GEO. II. .MITCHELL, Ordinary.
Fine Plantation For Sale.
i have about 1 Wanes of land 1 1-2 mile*
from Crawfordville that I desire to sell.
It lies well, has been well termed for
ten year*. There is ajtood six nxmidwel
tl*n apply to A. J. CHAPMAN.
Crawfordville, Ga
COMPLETE _ _ -_ r Cotton. S»w,Grt*t,
Oil and Fertilise*
o«».*’*•••■■«•«*• Mill .ud shingle Outfit*.
Factory. and Furnace Railroad Castings.
Railroad. Mill, Machinist*’ and Factory 'uppUea.
j Belting. Fa- klng. Injectors, Pip* FltUmsa,
Saws, Flies, Ollsra, Bv>.
Catl t-X'—y day; work ISO hands.
gyrso. jkild 1
in time. . b