The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 11, 1899, Image 4
I y i i V j | ■ VIOLENT GASES HAVE The greatest care should be given which to MOST Mu,..,; „ rv rule nvglisp-iUou sore iiunple to healunder or scratch ’ ordin- , APPEARED AT FIRST AS ary treatment No one can tt 11 how Boot ese vMH develop into Cancel (0 the worst type ,So raany uic from Cancer fimpl} i MERE PIMPLES. cause t'-.ev do nut know just what the disease is; | and' ttie's naturally fur.i tliemselves over iuel to and the dnngerous doctors. are iorued to submit trt a < disease th« ly lr( . a; a ,MTii which 1 he doctors know for Cancer. The operation ( and dent, and oeatrucine t -jr. promptly relUinr. however, W even more v: CancHi 2?* it :.-,idlv poison in the blood. :in<l an "I 1 •' 1 ’ ■ n*u ,r* treatment Have no effect whatever ujwm it. The cuifc n.u„t otli. r extermtl m !«• eradicated. fi-oni within—th* LiM t “N tige of poison must CUUK’ Walslitown S D Bays: “A Ml Wm Walivde. of under , left ■,ule hloteh about the size of a p**a came my pvu L-i -.Hiiiall v Xtrowfug linger. Iron) w hich shooting pains i .ut.., uk ran in nil direction* I liccaffi- greatly affirmed , pronounced Cancer *■1 dd<’ oriMil'. d a g..o,I doctor, who it j - i j., ,I :,dvifi d th it it he cut out. lilt this l could not con c*L M* . rent to. I read in mv local paper of a cure effected by 'I J^*1w S .JnFt c < S and decided t' trvit. It acted like a discharging charm the C„~' c iee.jium.. i t fir ’• irritated, ai d then H/fc” er rntdiially less and then di-ron A , „ f <y T’ i, grew r ’V V f), d together. !• iv.n- m small e-v,h which -oon crop . /A* ^ * 4 Wfc ’Ter, , „ i ... i'td 1 .1- ,• Iv n healthy little near remains where ' life once held full *w»v.” Li-m W fodesm vn v Cancer is Swift a r* pecihc \ Potiit;v«*ly the only cure for . 8. S. 3. FOR THE BLOOD S’.rrr.-S If sr W".c! » - .. ...... ’ “»■” • ■ SQ U Contagions r* ,, s ^ir«W^'rSrn, ’■ i *c r ' 1 l * -i r*wiHbe unv < m. form if M-l address by r mailed free to any Kwift i ;eor,;ii You’ve Got It! You Know It! Why Not Be Cured Easy? --THAT IS YOU HAVE Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble, Liver Trouble or Kidney Trouble. Tate Spring Water From Ea T s ?t,r nK " Will Cure You TESTIMONIALS. R. L. Titvfor, Qnv.rtf Tenn., Nashville, “1 return Tate Spring* as the best on the continent.” David Kirk, Pres, Mcf'alniont Oil Co., PUsblirg, IV: “I believe Tate Sprint; water is no Infallible cure eVnel'Hsn for <ly stteDsla.” , X. W. urlrfi, soSH leans, Feb. a,’ 07 : “1 consider Tate Spring a most delightful aummer resort and the water superior Jo any I ever used.” fiF»y,C dl on pie Kfirorof Tlie AilvocaU-Demoerat for a 40 page book, free con mining fvO of our 5 .O 00 testimonials. Cordial Invitation To Our Friends and to the Visitors to Our City During Merry Makers Week: YVi> specially invite you to make our store vom headquarters. You will find wei’V emivenienee you want and should you desire to make a purchase of; .suit. but or furnisliinos. you will find a force of polite salesmen to wait on yon imp who will lake pleasure to show vouone of tiiu handsomest lines of elolhitu ever shown in onr eity. Special Department for Ladies and Ladies to Serve You. I. C. LEVY’S SON & CO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers, S.pS Broad Street. Augusta, Ga. M. M. S. POULTRY FENCE A/\ ATTA/wT /\/\ / \ / \ \/\7 sxs^sxsxs A MjxTy Y/ \ A A - . A- -m M.M.S. i> r ^■’A / V^Y_ 7 T A vTY 7 T E533?, Y J d J ^vyr/^TT vrYAA A u '..... A -y —A—v—A— A ■ - * i Ob a; \ \_ \ . , :qc nxr; V v,_' g \ ~ LJ*.- ’~\ A • \ 2 \ ~~v~ . ' ■ A ^,, - -- - —- V _ —S. ’ 14 - . ——- . ■'I ~r^r -\~ - AA" A-. \ V-v-v^—x—2-V-^V ' 7 V ) \ ” \ V \ Pitfnlfd July 11, TRADE MARK.] Patented July 6, 1807. 50 PER GENT. SAVINC. Requires *0 tor* or bottom rail and only V as m mv posts as tlie old >tvle netting and makes a better fence. A full line 'f Field and Hog Fencing. Steel Picket Lawn Fence. Gates, Posts, Rail, etc. Write for full particulars. UNION FENCE CO., ReKalb, ill. VICK 5 SEEDS i ? ; ^.rr,T,’-r‘ , i ^.:. h rt. , ^:-*:.y ; . ' » iiMM-nv.i.Mri,. 9wi v- ... . (,..1 s. tv.w w » , u * l«l! , WKlllH i;«R< l>w mil H,r 1C . 1 . Il (HI. lt.» . r«(il S «•».» I * 4 «"»»«' a u ei*. worth »f OMhjH Ml? •-* “ ls . ni nr: k*.o i» Mi «<krr a*ad*. a Yick's Little Cam CatalMU*. * i ;sh. *f ft ,*.* im. Il » «n:ply !b» 1 mi: W . X..K ia KllRK i ck’o u\iTu" Maauin* 5 t.»S 41 v* >«• >« *u .■<>».'» lamaj mo,.m>r- a>. J *• *y-« *pmA««I tfirr-'k* H4.ta.1ii.. »*.. ** ro*w M mMm VWMSM. M*. oor. !W r -* 4 «,-•* Y. J JAMES VICKS SONS, BO*'’ L-TEH, N. “ .1. fs, Carr, Durham. N. <’. -■I 4 hink i the linns! water to be found anywlmre,” ,J. M. Studelmkrtr, South Rend, lml.: ”1 heileve there is no s| ring in America thin eonlalus the. liealmg qualities that T»it. Spring does.” S'ffWfL-v.’jnBion, ritrsuutK, ra.; ’’l oe lieve tligre is no water in this country equal to rate’s for the curd of neumlsria as well as dyspepsia ana liver trouble*,” HELENA DOTS. BY I. S. C. M !{. M. Boatwright will so hi have . . a bull; of eotttjfh ft looks bad to «ce an oJfl *glower attend parties. A-k uncle John ' • il0w he enjoyed the party. i Mr. K. L. Boatwright of He < n * "** H chicken with three leg . Ms*r.«. Ethel and Jim. Stewa * ! from Taliaferro county is visiting tie ir uncle Mr a A Caldwell i ...... Miss Rosa. Boatwright is risn'T? ncr Ml ,. J„e, Coffer at Stony r it*. M*-rs. x Noi ndi. aim d VV* cells u *, Ul Sun , day night Mid Monday with *>' ' i'aldw ' i il. ‘ Mr. Gunter, wife and child.- ,.. Mr - . from Klticrum, spent a part of lust w •' k with r ,. jtttivt . s Dear Centerville. lordville I Mr. ,, I itu* itiei Richard* urd from from Cr-i Td [ was over at County Line church ikunuay. You nil just ought to iiave seen <*“• H, ‘ J 7 *i,,. walking around , and . talkin' ,, . to lnt wag sixteen. young girls as though he was j,, df S'tVfiet Mr. Charlie Thaxton, wife and *on from Talinf county visiting nib tl pareius -no are Hlld other rehitives. TEXAS HOMtEB. i Hulls HiTut IM*c,ivt*ry One •small bottle of Hulk- | Orcut Discovery cures all kidney ami ladder trouble*, removes gravel, cures" filx'te*, seminal cuds-ion, weak and UiH 1 ’iHC'K, rlicumatisni and :■ 11 irreguiaritie of kidneys and bladder in iioth m ■l and women. Regulates bladder tro Mcs if! in llll'g'si, i children. If not, sold by your <1 ■I ¥1. will lie sent by mail on teceip tr| HFiieut. One sinai i bottle is two months H and will cure any casa above men IS. ied. . Ail orders promptly filled. 1 “ * 101 Texas testimonials. e. w, i III. hole manufacturer, St.. Louis, J , for me] j v Wneo Texas Sold at Owl Di Jtore, (.'mw fui'dville, <ia. READ THIS. I OiUhbert, Oa., April and.J 1^8 This is to certify that 1 whs Iaf eted with gravel a d that I took ffO .M'l 1 ' (| t Hall’s Great Discovery and it ooil’'e'“'y "bottle fared me. It is worth Slooo 00 p INS. to any one needing It. J T. Si L —Mi's. Cornelia Smit,! tugh tw0 sons, C. W. autiT. H. an^(| lille, tor, Mattie M., of Gvee Miss., have been on a viffc to her sister, Mrs. T. H. BeuRty i u this county. —My neighbor aerosi 'the street, Dr. Beazley, report uni hers of instances in whic the wire grass roots go clear tlrough the potatoes and show fo' some distance on each side as ii ud by Mr. Bishop. But tliiQ pc tor thinks tie has wire grass (\ at .,;n Kinltlc. tyu^-tliiu^ x” 4 ball. -■ 0 s - jug to a caution YOUR BOY’S 0PP0RTUS Ty To Oct an Education Free at the Fairer s1ty of OcoMfla. The Au:{..*ta Chroiiiclo Wtl com* memlable enterprise, as wi.J he seen in another column, offers, an oppo unity to some young man in Georgia > r South Carolina to secure without ai i (( ^ hiiuse.lf an education at the LYiivf ty of Georgia for a full term of yeats. About September first The hroniele will publish a University of Georgia Edition. The young man securing the .greatest amount of ca-li business for thi ■‘dition, including advertising ami stibscr p, t j t() The Augusta Chronicle Daily hi 1 'pvyii e a-Weck edltl m, will be given a -li ,| rtr «|,ij> at the University of Georgia (Fret Board and Tuition). And The Chronicle f urt j u , r guarantees employment during '"4cat i Oils to the winner of the scholai -hip at sufficient renumeration to eu.ibl him to continue his education at thu f u VH1 . s j t v until it is completed. The wiune,. ' t secure at least S 100 worth ofbusit ess. The contest doses Septomber i si w T ito to TheCtironicle if you wish to try this scholarship. i Ex-Gov. W. Y. Atkinsor, ;lt his homo in Newnan, Tu 1 » St [ a y. at nine o’bloclf. He was - “ made man and had clime l hifrli OU tti<9 ladder of fame, bt,* u ljko ‘ l,v ^ others . . he had his fan . 1 auJ made mistakes. \— Our Honor Roll. f The following kind patrons hu^, e paid heir subscriptions since our last ^,, e . A. Chapman. 40 c to July 19 t^, Millard Henry ‘J» Nov. 4 , 99 Jos. P. Perkins. S 2 to Aug. 20 , t Employee*’ Testimony. Measures are being taken in jjonaon by the industrial law committee j n al( j| of working women in factories, Wa t0 raise funds for the protection of women requireii bj law. I'ren ftp BlpiAhcrt H»ti t Embassador Camboo will be ^ the exalted tew. who can give “> ^ ««!«.-». low. Giato . Democrat. ------ A Ladr’l Man. J hfp * Ss * 0 05e talk ’^’ in a lady , s man. He „ kissed t Mina An, j„ Sl Lsxma and floated Maria Te rjj> Guantanamo bay.—Sait Lake 11^ I CYRANO DE BERGERAC. The Balcony Scene Wherein Cyr»M Pour* Out Hi* I-ove (a Roxane. The presentation by lii bard Mans field of Edmond Ro*taLd’s drama, “Cyrano de Bergerac,” has created a sensation in New York. The baicony scene is beautiful in the original. The following ia a translation by Charles Renauld: ACT III, SCENE VI. Cyrano " _ ta A? now Let, us enjoy the bliss there In seeking to distinguish one the other. For yon, I’m but the darkness of a cloak; For me, you are the whiteness of a re ae. g c,'.„n disdain! my mind to shield it from I start to -mil a sta., and then limit, For fear of ridicule, to pick a floret, Hexane—A floret has ita charius. Cyrano-Diadain them now! Boxu „,_ You never spoke to me aa now you speak, Oh,*let" us set aside the pygmy things, The superannuated niceties of love as it is understood todayl s j p by drops the water of a spring wh,:11 **** rlVtr »• L T ***** 4Uaff? Roxane—But mind and wit 1 Cyrano— Thoy’ve served to make you stay. But now ’twould be an insult to the night, To fragrance and to fate, and nature, too, If we -should hold unto affected style. One look above, and artifice disarms! l f(?ar that with this su btle alchemy The truth of sentiment might vaporise, Th a soul exhaust lt&elf in futile play. And niceties be carried to a point So pointed that it end in nothingness! Roxane—But mind and wit? Cyrano—I hate them now. It is A crime to force sweet love to bandy wordsl There comes a time, moreover, be assured— Oh, how I pity those who feel it not !— When our breast o’ertiows with noble love, ^ love that pretty words, must desecrate! Roxane— Since now for both of us the time ha3 com*, What words shall I expect from you 1 Cyrano—All, all, A u I know; accept them scattered loose, t'nsyu^ht.unbound. I love you—let me breat.hel I love thee, and I rave. Tis joy too much! Thy name is in my heart as in a bell, . Roxane, and, as my heart forever throbs, The bell is e'er the sounder of thy name. ! Of fhee there's naught I do not hoard and lova. i mind me that last year, the twelfth of May, A twist was changed in w hat’s a crown, thy hair 1 Thy glowing hair to mo is truly light. When we nave gazed too long upon the sun. We see on things around a halo reign. Tis thus when I have lost the light thou shedst. My dazzled eyes are filled with golden sparks! Roxane—Yes, this is love— Cyrano—The passion in my heart Is jealous, fierce, with sadness tainted, but It's really love—love shorn of selfish thought Would I could give my happiness for thine— E'en shouldst thou ne'er suspect whose gift il was— If I could bear, perchance and from afar, The music of thy bliss, my offering! From ev’ry glance of tliiue fresh virtue springe, understood, Fresh valor too. Oh, say I’m And that thou fuelst my soul ascend to thee! All is tonight too beautiful und sweet! And still it’s truo! I speak at last to thee— Yes, I to thee! 'Tis bliss too great! My hopes, My wildest hopes, ne’er leaped to such a height; My dream’s no dream, and I can dio ooutent. Because of me she quivers with the trees! For, loaf divine, you tremble with the leavesl Thou tremblest. for, against thy will or not, I feel, oh, bliss! the tremor of thy hand Descending now along these flowery vines. [Ho imprints a passionate kiss upon one of the bi anchea. ] Boxnne— I tremble, yes; 1 weep, I love, I’m thine! I am enthralled! Cvrano—Slav doath then come along, * ■ ». » : » raiir>w * h tif rr, spsi i atwwppi What more can I expect of lire I Christian (under the balcony)—A klS9l —Now York Sun. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of O CTICTURE Cured AND While You Prostatic Ailments Sleep. A . Dr. Bramble’s Soluble [a EH Medicated Bougies,contain; ^ 5 ing“ Civinino,” will dis • • / lodge, digest, and forever y remove Urethral Stiicture in fifteen days, without pain, injury, or inconvenience. The Bougie i* inserted at night, requiring three ! hours to dissolve, remaining indirect con¬ tact with the Stricture, penetrating, dis¬ lodging and dissolving the lymph mass while you sleep i oGmifiSl W 83 Kn 6 & 6 . Dr. Bramble’s Sotu ble Seminai Crayons arc Wl are applied locally to the i J aid weakened prostate seminal gland, ducts for ? nm 1 ever-.tupping drgins am I j emissions. No round-’ I about guess woik, but ocal remedies applied in their lull .-ticn^th to the weakeneu organs. ; Cr»veils are inserted at night, and cure while you sleep- Caniiotfail. Delightful results. \Mluablc illustrated medical realms free by mail, dr.iikamblkmkdicalassociat’on, 46 Broadway.Cincinnati. O. I’.O. Box t. GEORGIA RAILROAD. --AND CONNECTIONS. For uformatiou n> Routes, Schedules and Rates, both Passenger w and Freight ^ 1 write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable information. Jolsw . white. A. G. JACKSON, T. F. A. «. F. A. Ga. A. THOM c. r. * F. A. Atlanta w, w hakuwick, J». A. M*cjq. 6*. C. D. COX. G. A. Athens. M. R. HUDSON. S. A F. A. Atlanta. Ga. ===g jfcgypj^jf p J 2S AVege table Preparation and Reg for u!a- As - similflting Hie Food ting the Stomachs and Bowels of INFAX f S t HlLjD^M Promotes and Digestion,Cheerful¬ tains neither ness Rest.Con Mineral. Opium,Morphine Narcotic. nor Not ^gopc of Old UrSAMUELBITCHEIl Pumpkin Se*J~ JLx.Scnna * fioJufU Sails - Artist Seed * JXppfrmjiU in, CcvtonaH: - Soda * ititnn Seed - Clarified \& ttuyr&n Sugar rUzrar . . A perfect Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬ tion. Sour .Feverish¬ Worms .Convulsions ness and LOSS OF SLtEP• lac Sinule Signature o? NEW YORK. iAt^i rno jjOosiH-Xjferxf* EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. HIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand¬ somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIQGLE No. 1 -BIQGLE HORSE BOOK All illustrations about Horses—a standard Common-Sense work. Treatise, with over 74 ; a Price, 50 Cents. No. 2—BIQGLE BERRY BOOK All about growing Small Fruits—read and learn how ; contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of all leading varieties and loo other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. Ns No. 3— BIQGLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; tells everything ; with?3 breeds; colored life-like other reproductions illustrations. of all the principal with 103 Price, 50 Cents. No. 4—BIQQLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business reproductions ; having a great each sale; contains 8 colored life-like of breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 5—BIQQLB SWINE BOOK Justout. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding, beatitifu Buich- half ery, Diseases, etc. Contains Price, over 80 1 tones and other engravings. 50 Cents. TheBiOOLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never saw having anything like them—sopractical.sosensiMe. sale—East, West, North They and IS2 are an enormous South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hoff or Chicken, for or grows BIQQLE Small BOOKS. Fruits, ought to send right away the The FARM JOURNAL " Is made for and misfit. It is your paper, you not a 21 years o'.a; it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head,— 1 the quit-after-you-have-said-it, world—the biggest Farm ofits and Household United paper States in paper size in the of America—having over a million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL g YEARS (remaiuder of 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903) will be sent by mail to auy address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOLE BOOKS free. P'lLMER ATKINSON. Address, FARM journal CHAS. F . JENKINS. Philadelphia NEW ENTERPRISE 5TOVES "■» 200,000 ev«*r BATIBPAOTIOH. one eivina They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen, who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers. ' They last longer and make more homes happy than any other Stove on earth. Eire backs guaranteed for 15 years. If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. KV J F, < j A i y J M Phillips & Buttorff •Z Mfg. A f NASHVILLE, TENN. MANUFACTURKAi OF COOKING AND HEATING STOVE. Mantel, and Gratea, HaUowwara. Tinware, Etc. QtALWS m China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutl WOODEN AND WILLOWWARE. Everything necessary and convenient for the Kitchen, Dining Room, Laundry and Dairy. i 1 For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have r.J Always Bough! Bears the » Signature of I I \A You Have - Always Bought. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. O / f’^'VL*} 9 KmStmmi / j m A SPECIALTY