Newspaper Page Text
TH Vi »
There are few women as beau
tifui as they might be. Powder
and paint and cosmetics don’t
make good looks. Beauty is
simply an impossibility without
health. Beautiful women are
few because healthy women are
few. The way to have a fair
face and a well-rounded figure
is to take
resale Regulator
This is that old and time-tried
medicine that cures all female
troubles and weaknesses and
drains. It makes no difference
what the doctors call the trou
ble, if there is anything the
matter in the distinctly feminine
organs, Sradfield’s Fe*
male Regulator will help
and cure it. It is good for ir
regular or painful menstruation;
for leucorrhoea, for falling of the
womb, for nervousness, head
ache, backache and dizziness.
Take it and get well. Then
your old-time girlish features
and figure will be restored.
Sold by druggists for St a bottle.
m Beautiful Hair
Dr. Murray’s
^ Kair Promoter
«:vires dandruff, stop* tb»- hujr fran
i mp£rt> ■ 'Oat.'TTrvrftof droMHittf. &W* and “Tl*** while *. cos* s-ft.
not a dye,
by nourishing-it* hair root*, It* original will positively color, it re- In
store ifruy to
the par-excellence of all hair restorer*.
pricf. $1.00 per Large Bottle.
For <ale by dniggHt*—if not, semi to us
and if will'bo Mint,prepaid, upon receipt
’»f '>*■' «.
NIoshay Medicine Company.
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
209 7th 8t., Augusta, Ua.,
IjlVES tight, grinds FREE the EYE TESTS for all defects WAY </
proper glasses aud
RANTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
<a4 4 * Patents
Anyone sending a sketch and description invention may is
quickly ascertain, tree, whether an strictly
probably patentable. Communications patents
confidential. Oldest naency Washington forsecuring o»ce.
in America We have a Co. receive
Patents taken through Munn a
Special notice in tbe
Sh.Se g lx months. Specimen §eat free. copies Agldresa and nA.N D
Muok OK Patists
MUNN & CO., Yorla;
361 Broadway, New
And Repairs »*r same. Shafting, Pnllays,
'Belting, Injectora, Pipe*. Valve* and Fit ting*
M To PATENT Good toll
may be secured by
_ Z™ 6 M E Balw^.V
Subscription = to The Patent Record annum.
OPIUM Morphine and whiskey h*b
iu treated without pain or
confinement, cure guaran
]E&^it3& i. fprin^a- AuateU. Ga
itariam. Box
CAIAKKP Tina I I Two month's treatment ot
1 ‘antf simplest
U7 WASH 1 CH I— | *“5^^ temeif ever 2 «r“
U3X.P*YO« ?t., Atlanta, Ga.
What th% People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
n>. News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Rugby.
Remember tbe editor of'tbia paper oourt
Tom Brake, of Hancock, was here last
Plenty of idle hands oujour streets last
Mr. Tom Reese has recovered from his
late spell of fever.
Work on Willie Moore’s residence is
progressing finely.
Annual meeting will commence at Jen.
nings Friday, so^we learn.
Our doctors have been kept busy re¬
cently at home and elsewhere.
Regular annual meeting at Williams
creek Baptist church this week.
Mr. Walter Dayidson and family have
returned to their home in Augusta.
Lon Gilbert ran away the other day and
visited relatives near Central Academy.
L. S. Jackson is happily installed in
his fine new brick stove. Sucess to him.
Mr. F. P. Johnson, a good railroad man,
spent a few hours in our town last Friday.
A person is in a bad shape these days
unless he has money or some Igood true
bharon had two rains the latter part of
last week, they come ( too lf.te to benitlt the
old crops.
Mrs. Funk has returned to her home in
Augusta after several weeks stay in
Sharon section.
When a man tells you he is your friend,
wait until you need a favor and then you
will test Ills worth.
Fodder pulling on early ctops isjall over
with. There will be a heap to ceme on
ye' with the late corn.
-i i fiueo bam; njerchants have not ah tit*
down on a.l the farmers. Some are still
hauling out their grub.
Sharon people arej getting in their
winter supply of wood and coal. That is
those who are able to do so.
Sugar cane is getting ripe Have your
pans repaired and your skimmers made
by C. L. Bag.y, the tinner, Sharon. Ga.
Mr. J. W. Flynt Jr., has been deliver¬
ing a good deal of lumber in our town
recently for J. A. Kendiick.
Mr. Alex Evans of Wilkes says sections
of his county have not suffered a day for
rain aud the crops were good.
Keep the Stomach and Bowels in good
ebudition, the Waste Avenues open and
free by an occasional does of Dr. M. A.
Simmons Liver Medicine
Several of our farmers have commenced
to pick cotton. Thirty cents per hundred
is the price they are paying pickers.
Mr. Thomas Moore, the expert gin
repairer, overhauled the O’Brien ginnery
last week and put it in apple-pie order.
To keep young—keep well,, keep the
Nerves calm, the body ruddy and well fed,
and with Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi¬
cine regulate tho Stomach aud Bowels.
Bed bugs have been ;worse this year in
all sections than ever before and they are
devilish mean companions too. We,know
where of we speak.
We see cotton open in some fields enough
to pick and if the dry weather continues
through August it will all be open by the
middle of September.
Mrs. F F. Livingston, Towns, Ga.,
writes: 1 have UsedDi.M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine 15 years, and know it
cures Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints and Constipation. I think it
stronger and better in every way than
Zeilin's Regulator.
We were told last week by Mr Milton
Gilbert that they sold about 48,000 pounds
of ice per month in Crawfordvilie; they
must keed cool there.)
Miss Carrie Carter, a charming young
lady of Augusta, is stopping at Hotel
Jackson. Her many friends are delighted
have her in our midst.
August Flower.
“ It is a a surprising surprising fact,” lact, 3aya say» Prof. A ‘' J ‘
Houton, “ that in all my travels in ail
parts of the world, for at least ten years.
J, bav ? “ lel 7ote
Green s August Flower than , any. otner
remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged stomach
and for constipation. I find for tourist
an( j salesmen, or lor person3<iilling office
nositiODH. ‘ where headaches and general
bad feelings from irregular . . habits ... exist, . .
that Green’s August Flower is a grand
remef }y. It does not injure the system
by frequent use, and is excellent for sour
stomachs and indigestion.” Sample bot
ties free at Owl Drug Store.
Sold by dealers in all civilized countries,
Names of some of tUe Principal Brandi
in this Vicinity,,
The recent discussion in the papers of
the effect upon the human system of food
made with alum baking powders has
caused numerous inquiries for the name*
of the various alum powders.
The chemists of the North Carolina
Agricultural Experiment Station, Profs.
W. A. Withers and J. A. jjBizzoil, have
recently collected and analyzed the bak¬
ing powders sold in North Carolina, and
from their report and from other reliable
authority, the following list of baking
powders containing alum sold in this state
is given.
Baking Powders Containing: Alum.
GOODLUCK Contains Alum
Southern Mfg. Co., Richmond.
SUCCESS. .Contains Alum.
Morehouse Mfg. Co., Savannah.
RAILROAD Contains Alum,
Morehouse Mfg. Oo„ Savannah.
BON BON_____ _______Contains Alum.
Grant Chemical Co. , Chicago.
OLD DOMINION Contaihs Alum '
Old Dominion Mfg. Co., Richmond.
In addition to these, it^Js learned that
many grocers are selling what they call
their own private or sneeial * brands ’
These powders are put up for the grocer.
and his name put upon the labels by
manufacturers of alum powders in New
Orleans, Richmond, Chicago, Cincinnati
and elsewhere. The mnmifaeturors, it is
said, find their efforts to market their
goods in this way greatly aided by
ambition of the grocer to sella powder i
with his own name upon the label, espeef
ally as lie can make an abnormal P roflt
upon it.
It is quitei inpossible to give the names
of all the alum baking powders in the
market. They are constantly appearing
in all sorts of disguises, under all kind®
of cognomens, and at all kinds of prices,
even as low as five and ten cants a pound.
They can be recognized howover, by the
housekeeper who wiil bear in mind that
all baking powders sold at twenty-five
cents or less per pound are llabel to con¬
tain alum, as pure cream of tartar pow
«“»* ■» ■»»***> a, anythl -e IU.
this price. _
It seems th ' ie 4- soi >are cot!
»e* .
tiaie. V .
let them flghi It out. It ain’t going to
be much benefit to the producers.
At the barbecue the other day, Henry
Flynt says, Dr. E. E. Darden would no
eut any watermelon and Darden says
Flynt would not give-away any of his
Lon Gilbert has armed him self with a
big Colt’s repeater. Dogs and rogues had
better not prowl around his house.
Every family should have some good
shooting arms at hand.
MedidimisTv^aWe T r>i _ Cj
the Stomach, Aids Digestion and Assists' 1
Nature in carrying off all Impurities.
Mr. Jessie Taylor showed us a sample of
his forward corn. It is nearly dry enough
to send to mill good size ears and large
grain and very white,,Mr. L. S. Jackson
sold the seed here last spring.
>Ve hear some of our farmers say they
expect to get six cents for their cotton
crop. We hope they may get eight cents
but they need not think that the short
crops here will have.any thing to do with
controling the prices.
For Headache caused most likely by a
Disordered Stomach, accompanied by
Constipation, use Dr. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine.
Mr. A. D. Moore and| Emmett Darden
were trading wheel barrow9 nearly all
day last week and when they closed up
both had the same wheel barrow but
Emmett was out 60c. for having his
Our people should save the seed on
every stalk of sugar cane they cut. It Is
good feed and they sell well too in the
spring. The merchants had to order seed
and sell the farmers to plant this year all
on aocount of .not saying their own seed.
People that have to buy on time to
make a crop have to have something on
time to gather It with and If those who
run them don’t let them haye , It .... they will
quit it and those who haye supplied up to
gathering will have to hire it gathered.
This was done last year.
Uncle Bfiiy Mcore says the post office
department requires things to be kept
neat and in order about the office. Some
censure him for doing his duty. He is
only required to open the post: office at
certa j n hours on Sunday or he would not
gQ ^ 0 gj ce a u Sundays. No one
has any business in the office except hi*
bondsman or the post-office inspectors.
The !aw does not allow any disorder
ftbout t j, e or waiting room
A Frigtatfkl Blunder
Will oftsn cause a horrible Burn, 8cald,
Cut ot Bruise Bucklen’s Arnlea Halve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boll*, Felons, Corns,
all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile ear* on
earth Only 25 ct*. a box. Cure guaran
teed. Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid DrugfiH
Mr. Joseph Baker. one of
tbe best and has been? one of most
successful farmers In the county, says
has not been rain to wet the ground
breo inches deep ou bis plantation siuce
April and that he wou’t make more than
a bag of cotton to every eight acres and
is corn crop is in the same proportion.
Mr. Baker generally makes big crops, to
ftheplow, especialy corn. We expect he has
enough old corn and fodder to do him
two years now.
City Cotton Crop—6,000 Balei,
Hon. J. M. Kirk writes from Moravia,
Texas, to the Schulenberg Sticker under
date of April 19th last: “My farmer
friends, look at every cotton platform as
you pass by and you will see the present
\square) bale standing on its head with
from two to four great gaping wounds at
.the megey of those who want to pilfer.
Tht number of bales in Texas taken from
the original runs up into the thousands. 1
remember during the session of the last
Legislature. when the bill known as the
Compress Bill was being discussed in the
room, a geutleman the from Gal- in
who was opposing asked by measure, (one of
answer to a question bales me of cotton
the Committee) how many Galveston
were made by the compresses In
that were taken lrom the original bales
compressed there. He answored “About
six thousaud bales.” And yet there are
l0Se ( | L ,,, r y the American Cotton
Company’s Roumllap bale, from which
mere is not one ounce of waste and
^^ Hches the iul " exaclly 118 111,,aVeS
We can’t see why more people do not
locHte ln Sharon. It Is a beautiful,
healthv p | aco and i t has a large >opc of
coliritry t0 back up her trade. We need
About four more big stores here and good
men to occupy them. Sharon
It seems, don’t take any interest in
advertising their business and let tbe
people know whore Sharon Is and what a
business place It could he made. We are
afraid our business men don’t want any
body else here. They want all the trade
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E Springer, of 1125 Howard st„ Dhlladel
?„? “&*
completely cure I her of a hacking cough
that for many years had made life a
urden, AH other remedies and doctors
Thanking .l>«r no heb>. for hut she nv« J f
I you past, D
; ask a oontimiaace #£ th~e
1 1 am very Respt.
if jw
i§ ¥ A Goose-Eater. rOflt.
. annnal | . ,, tlj. .'91.90.
kre is a queer in
borhood of Mr.
Fee’s ip this GQVTr says he is going
to have us up about his doinsg at tho bar¬
becue on the 1st. I hope ho will wait,
till court week. He will have another
chance then at the ladies ’cue to rehearse
lhing8 ' Fr&nk WttS 9umm0 “ ,n «
1n our t0Wn Iast Fri(la y- We ,10 f’ e Br “
John Holden will be on hand again court
week. We love to see him smile, but we
are surprised at John’s not wanting his
photo taken by the young lady. Ho cor
talnl y ls a fi,,c looking gentleman and
would make a good picture.
That Throbbing Headache
I Would quickly leave if used
King’s N«w Piils. you, Thousands you
f. Life of
-ffsrera have proved their matchless
merit for Nick and Nervous Headaches,
They make pure blood and strong nerves
aud build up yo«r health. Eas? to take.
’l v y them. Only 25 cents. Money /. back
tjf not cured. Bold by Dr. K. Held
We hear some men who have been sum¬
moned on the jury say they don’t know
or can’t see how they can serve, their
msiness Is such at home they can’t leaye.
I ou wait till court convenes and you
* nl how many will try to stay on in
place of gettingoff of the jury. That8l.60
will be a big apple in their eyes. A great
many men go to town court wesk to be
caught on the jury.
SWAMP* I® not recommended for
ROOT, everything: but if you
hbve kidney, liver or bladder trouble it
Will be found just the remedy you need.
A t druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Y ou may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful new discovery by mail free,
ako l)amph i e t telling ail about it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham¬
ton, N. Y.
T a K JL Jtv .
Bears‘.M Th* Hind Yom Haw Always BougM
Bob Ray has found his buggy and
harness, stolen from him some time ago,
and they are about worn out. The thief
is in the chaingang in Greene county
(org> ^ lin( , a horse ^ Whltfe PUUns .
O-a. » O* C> X-A..
Bear, the K*d YW «» Bought
Rashions are pretty short now days, so
svery body !*ays and they are going to play
:he devil raising something to eat next
Miss Ida May Gilbert has returned to
er home In Alabama
Roval v Absolutely 'Puke Powder Raking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
And What Their Neighbors Am
ill the News of the Comity as Told by
Our Wide- wake Peueil
Mias Claud Taylor spoilt lastjweek In
Wo had a nlco rain in Barnett, section
last weok.
Mr. A. T. jGilbert visited at Barnett
Mr. Ben Sharpe and family were
visiting In this section recently.
Mr, George Ages, of Augusta was here
last week looking after his farm, interest.
Mr. James Elliot and son Jessie, of
Williams Creek, were In this section last
Mr. Uriah Reese and family were In onr
section last week the guest of Mr. A. M.
Messrs. John MoKInuoy and William
Sturdivant made a business trip to Shu
ron last weok.
If you want to hear a nice juiev yarn
a yard wide and ot full length, call on
uncle Jim Edge.
Mr. F.jP. Johnson Is oil a visit to his
family at this place. He Is in the R. R.
business at Social Circle.
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Reese visited
t bitters rumjfit*. Mr, a,ivd M rs. Marcus Nor
v MUdrajon'recently.
Mr. 1 J. L. Turner says his crop is cut
off considerably by the windy hot weather.
He had a prospect of a good crop.
Mr. Jessie Taylor suys some one was
kind enouvh to go into his watermelon
patch lust week and take all the best of
There was a picnic and fishing party
on Ogeechee VVednesday of last week.
Some from this and other sections near
Barnett attended.
Rev. H. M. Harrison, of Sandy Cross,
assisted pastor Norman In the meeting
here last week. He is a good preacher
ami a good man.
A colored woman, daughter of George
Jackson, died very suddenly last week on
the Holden place; she got up as ususl and
cooked breakfast and died soon afterwards.
Mr. Henry Flynt, the crop ins »'ctor In
Barnett section for Mr O’Kr He, s : s too
much rain would be damaging to a
good many crops. Mr. Flynt is suld to
be a good judge.
The Methodist meeting closed here last
Friday. We are told by some of the
leading members that it whs tho best
meeting they haye had |at that church
for several years. None joined the church.
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering from a cold settled
on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung
troubles of any nature, who will call at
Owl Drug Htorc, will lx; presented with
a sample bottle of Boschee’s German
Syrup, free of charge. Only one bottle
given to one person, and none to children
without order from parents.
No throat or lung remedy ever had such
a sale as Boschee’s German Syrup In all
parts of the civilized world. Twenty
years ago millions of bottles were given
away, and your druggists will tell you its
success was marvelous. It is really the
only Throat and Lung Remedy generally
endorsed by physicians. One 75 Sold cent
bottle will cure or prove its value.
by dealers in all civilized countries.
Protracted meetings have begun and
chickens are in demand.
It would seem from the weather this
month that we have been near the torld
Mrs. Jack Young has returned home
after a visit of a few days to her sister
Mrs. C. L. Winter
Miss Claud O’Neal, a beautiful young
lady from Atlanta, accompanied Miss
Mattie Davis home last week.
Misses Theo. Gunn a- d Annie Fluker,
two charming Washington young ladies
wh > have been visiting in our midst, have
returned home.
The meeting at BethaDy begins Tl urs
day. We love to ses the spirit of thrift
and enterprise that U evidenced by the
appearance of things around the church.
NO. 22.
Crops of all kind are failing fast. The
man who lias his crib and smoke house at
homo, instead of in some merchant’s store
is the only one feeling at ease now.
The croquet game continues to grow in
Interest. We played last Saturday at the
home of Mr. George Harris. We will
play at the same place next Saturday.
Miss Irene Y oung, the accomplished teach¬
er from Mnrgnretts Grove and Mr. D. A.
Saggus with his little girls came up and
took part with us at our last meeting.
School will close at this place on the
night of the 6th of Sept. The pupils have
ucqulted themselves well so far. The
Honor Roll for this month Is as follows:
Cornelia Ellington 99 23-28.
Ethel Ellington 99 45-66.
Laurence Murden 99 1-4.
Cecil Hancock 99 1-8.
Lula Ellington 98 9-14.
Dewitt Hancock 98 6-7.
Fannie Hancock 98.
Laura Murden 97 5-14.
Sallie Akin 98 8-6.
Annie Akin 97 1-4.
Bertha Murden 90 3-5.
Dupont Hancock 94 g-4
Mattie Belle Taylor 98 23-28.
Hattie Murden 90 7-12.
Lillie Beazley 89 7-8.
Grady Hancock 88 3-4.
Nina Murden 86 15-16.
Guy Monk 92 3-4.
Hall's Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes,
M’mtnal emission, weak and lame back,
rheumatism and all irregularities of the
kidneys and bladder in both men and
women. Regulate* bladder troubles in
CijituioiJ. will bo if not’ by mail soiiy-fiy yOb i druggist', ’
sent on receipt of 91 .
One small bottle is two months treatment,
and will cure any casauhove mentioned.
All orders promptly filled. Send for
Texas testimonials. K. W, HALL.
Hole manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo., for¬
merly Waeo Texas Sold at Owl Drugstore,
Crawfordvllle. Ga
Outhbert, Ga., April 2nd, 1898.
This is to certify that I was affected
with grayel and that I took 00 drops of
Hall’s Great Discovery and it completely
cured me. It is worth 91000 00 per bottle
to any one needing It. J. T. STEVENS.
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patrons huve paid
their subscriptions since our last Issue
J. T. Overton, 50o. to May 1 '99
Daniel Hale 25c to Aug.l ’99
Golden Stewart, 26c to Sept. 12’99
G. W. Billingsley,-25c to June lo ’99
A. I. Strom, 25c to Nov. 15 ’99
C. Howell Beazley, 81 to June 18, I960.
Mr. J. W. McKinney informs us he is
about to go into the business of snake
farming. He can make sixty dollars per
month ttuda gallon of whiskey per week.
Wo would not mind taking the dollars and
whiskey but we don’t want the snakes.
We think this is one of the best Bro John
has ever gotton up yet.
Tho now ginnery was fired up last weak
and they say everything worked allj right
hut the water tank. It leaked but that
dont amount to anything. We amagine
when this machinery all gets to work
ginning and packing, It will be a pretty
sight. It is a sight as it is. The most of
the people that corne to town stay there
all the time and we are like them, we go
down to see too.
Summer coils
are noted for hanging on.
They weaken your throat
and lungs, and lead to
serious trouble.
Don’t trifle with them.
Take Scott’s Emulsion at
once. It soothes, heals,
and cures.
50c. and Si. All druggists.
5Ton Scales $ 60 Freight Bub
* ,; S3oNES* BlNtHAMTOkK J