Newspaper Page Text
imam r«< m
You feel the blood rushing
along. But
what kind of blood?
That is the question.
Is it pure blood or impure
If the blood is impure then
you are weak and languid;
your appetite is poor and vour
digestion is weak. You can¬
ing not sleep finds well and the morn¬
the work you of the unprepared Your for
cheeks pale and day.
are your com¬
plexion is sallow. You are
troubled with pimples, boils,
or Why some eruption of the skin.
not purify your blood ?
4 will do it. Take it a few days
and then put your finger on
your pulse again. You can
feel the difference. It is
: stronger and your circulation
1 1 better. Send for our book on
Impure Blood.
j If you are bilious, take
Ayer's Pills. They greatly
aid the Sarsaparilla, They
cure constipation also.
Writs to our Doctors.
Write them freely all the particulars ,
HI US In your cate. Von v 'll receive a J *
H prompt Andress, reply, without UR. J. oost. J
Lowell, Mass.
1600 lk Coffee.
This large amount of Good
Coffee is to be sold*at
Crawfordville Alliance Store.
Gur & Locksmith
Genera, Repair Shop, Including Bicycle
Repairs all Kinds. Send in your work.
Shop in rear of J. H. Powers’ Store,
On Square Near Court House.
GOING TO . . .
Your House, Barn, Roof,
Floor, Fence, Gate, Stairs,
Piazza, something, anything,
Pitkin’s Paints.
Ask your Dealer or
Geo. W. Pitkin Co.
COMPLETE Cotton.Saw.Grtst,
OH end Fertilizer
Gin, Press, Cane Mill and Shingle Outfits
Building, Factory, and Bridge. Furnace Railroad Castings.
Railroad. Mill. Machinists' and Factory supplies
Belting, Packing. Injectors, Pipe Fittings,
Saws, Flies. Oilers. Etc.
Cast every day; work 180 hands.
T A S Gentiewomai
snssr&B? Ri—s Watches, i-’-'-rt end sai Silk \\ a:sts, ears? IIar.<?r.crchief% fs et
ir. fa t. about a .hundred useful and ornamental art.cles
id accessi: ; es can be soured- '..anout co '* in S *
cent. Tie .______; n i<n <~.f c«-;rir.2 subscribe
r\ T.
withe Lit tb<
Gentle.’oman now
i ? .id
6EnHEWG^ s ' c»ipi C^HFANY
O+Htietr***** ltn4Miuo 9
Vtw Ivth CiiVf -b. ,
I Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
n hat Our People Are Doing, Saying
and Thinking About Told
in Brief Notes.
—Mrs. John H. Stephens has
been sick this week.
—Get ready for the big excur¬
sion to Atlanta next Monday.
—Dr. C. S. Lucas spent
Wednesday in Crawford ville.
—Mrs. Eliza Reid has been
quite sick this week with fever.
—Fitzhugh Flynt has been on
a visit to relatives in Milledge
—Mr. J. W. Howard, of Steph¬
ens, spent Sunday in Crawford
—Mrs. Tom Wynne is on a
visit to relatives in Morgan
—The sound of running gin
machinery remiuds us that fall is
not far off.
—Paul G. Lucas has been con¬
fined at his home the past week
with fever.
—Manager Rhodes is rapidly
getting his engine in place at the
new ginnery.
—The sample premium picture
at the Advo-Democrat office is
worthi seeing.
—Mrs. Marth E. Moore went
to Sparta Monday to spend a
while with relatives.
—Mr. Hood Strozeir has been
the guest of Col. and Mrs. W.
N. Malibie this week.
—Miss Herman Lee Rives
went over to Milledgeville this
week to visit relatives.
—A force of hands are at work
on the warehouses of Mrs. L. F.
Stephens near the depot.
—Mr. G. C. Alford has been
down to Dublin and he also
thinks Dublin is a live town.
-M. E. ’Bibbke returned
Sunday to Sandy Cross where
she will spend a few weeks.
—Mr. Tom Wingfield returned
to Augusta Sunday after a visit
to Mr. Goluckes at thiS'-place.
—Miss Nannie Hall returned
to Wilkes county this week
where she has charge of a school.
—Mr. Denham, of White
Plains, shipped a car of cattle
from here to Augusta this week.
—The ladies barbecue will be
served in the shady back yard
at the post office, Tuesday Aug.
—Mr. Jas. Cowart and sister,
Miss Cliff, of Wilkes county, vis¬
ited Mrs. Maltbie’s family this
—Rev. R. E. L. Harris has
been assisting iu a meeting at
Gum Hill in Hancock county this
—Mr. C. Bergstrom has put
pitched paper roof on the
millinery store of Mrs. Berg
—Mi's. W. P. Hubert went
to Madison Wednesday to
Mrs. H. T. Guest who is
ingly ill.
—Jno. H. Stephens has had
his yard fence repaired that
torn down during the fire
some time back.
—Misses Claud Wynne,
Sandersville, and
Rhodes, of Augusta are
relatives here.
—Miss Pearl Bentley has ac¬
cepted a position as assistant at
the post-office here. Miss Clara
Nelson has returned to her home.
—It is strange how these peo¬
ple who report conditions of the
crops vary so much about the
real condition of cotton and corn.
—Mrs. Cornelia Smith and
family, who have been on a
to Mr. T. L. Bentley’s, in
county, returned to their home
in Greenville, Miss, this week.
j I
—Col. Chas. Howell Beazley,
! of the ccutjtv of Lee, is on a
vi^it te his old home here. How
el! looks well and seems to
thriving in wiregrass Georgia.
\ have just completed my new room which now gives
an additional 4, SOO square feet floor ipace to my already large
l $7,500.00 STOCK.
I am now tilling this Annex with an entirely new stock
of up-to-date furniture, as large variety as can be found in any
(■•ity South.
Washington Georgia.
Cut It Nearly Off.
Jake Edwards, colored, who
works with Mr. C. W. Caldwell,
in this county, cut his foot very
badly not many days ago. He
was chopping with an ax and
missed the mark, cutting nearly
all the end of his foot off leaving
onfy a portion of the foot hang¬
ing near his little toe.
At the home of the bride on
White Oak street in Thompson,
Ga., on Wednesday afternoon’
Aug. 9th, Rev. ,T. M. Tumlin
officiating. Mrs. Fannie C. Rob¬
erts and Mr. S. R. Weathers,
both of this place. The groom
is 76 years old and the bride 70.
—Thompson Enterprise.
’Cue in Rear of Post Office.
The ladies of the Memorial
Association will give another
barbecue to raise money to put a
railing around the monument.
The barbecue Wi 11 be given Tues¬
day, Aug. 29th. Prices will be
25 cts. for dinner, or 35cts. for
barbecue, coffee, cake and cream.
Come and get a good dinner and
have a good time socially.
At tile Baptist Church.
The meeting at the Baptist
church has behn well attended
this week. Dr. J. M. Brittain
has preached some of his most
excellent sermons and much
good has been done thereby.
The doctor n ,t've of 2JT
I *
Thorite __________-....., county lut
is now a res¬
ident of Barnesville.
The meeting closed Wednes
day night with two additions:
Mrs. Cephas Ogletree and Vennie
Harrison, who were baptised
yesterday morning.
The Came Friday Last.
The young people enjoyed a
game of ball here Friday after¬
noon between Crawfordville and
White Plains. The Plains has
good team but the Crawfordville
boys ran off with them too easy.
At the end of the sixth the inning
the score stood'37 to 4 in favor of
Crawfordville. It was a quiet
game as the W. P’s did not feel
like yelling and the C’s were too
far ahead to make the game inter¬
To Atlanta Again.
The 5th daylight excursion,
of Messrs. Tuggle & Hollings¬
worth, to Atlanta, will pass
here next Monday morning, Aug.
21st at 9:12, reaching Atlanta
12:40; returning Tuesday, the
22nd of August, leave Atlanta
at 3: 10 and will arrive here
about 7 o’clock that afternoon.
The round trip fare from
$1.65, Crawfordville $1.60,
Robinson $1.55, Sharon and
Hillman $1.70. This is a low’
price for such a nice trip and all
who want to go to Atlanta on
short trip could not find a
j time to go.
j Robbed the Gravr.
A startling incident of which
Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia,
was the subject, is narrated by
him as follows: “I was in a
most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongue cohted, pain con¬
tinually in back and sides, no ap¬
petite—gradually day growing weak¬
er by day. Three physi¬
cians had given me up. For
tunately, a friend advised trying
‘Electric Bitters, ’ and to my
joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improve¬
ment. I continued their use for
’hree weeks, and am now a well
r *? an ' ^ know they saved my
af ®;, and r obfaed tj» e & ra \e of
-otW victim. No one should
°“'y 5 °
^ toie^ f U *
’ '
Reception at Liberty Hall.
To the unmarried members of
the Baptist church at Crawford
ville, Ga.:—You are respectfully
iuvited to attend a reception, at
Liberty Hall, given to you by the
Ladies of the Woman’s Mission¬
ary Society to be on 31st day of
August, from 3 to 6 o’clock P. M.
Musi Mks. M. A. Sanford, Pres.
W- C. Chpaman, Secty.
” r " " T ' " “ 11 "X
Says Lamp Exploded.
He! iry King, colored, came to
town Wednesday morning with
his fi,ce terribly blistered and
swollen on the left side. He un¬
dertook to blow out a kerosene
lamp Tuesday night and he says
the Ifttnp exploded. He held to
the p to save it while the
blazjig Ibis oil was burning the skin
froi face and lips. It was
a rrible burn but will not
prove fatal. Dr. Thomas dress¬
ed tike burns. King lives on
town! Sheriff Taylor’s plantation near
J Ready for dinning.
Having 3ji just had my ginnery will
put thorough repair. I
be rlftdy to do your ginning
whev The season opens, and take
this thod of soliciting part of
youi Fr |ktronage. delivery of cotton and
seed depot. I will add a belt
oonv Hr Bauble to my ginnery which
saye of unloading wag
ons l 1. Will pack standard
Satisfaction guar
and prices to suit the
time fi i Thanking you for past
fa vo ask a coutinil&Mjee &f
same am very Respt.
C. H. Golucke.
£ ft® A Goose-Eater.
^ STre is a queer animal in the
nei/flborhood of Mr. Asbury
Oglkfree’s in this county. It is
a goose-eating quadruped as the
reports from that section indi¬
cate. One night last week it
eam<e to Mr. Asbury Ogletree’s
and tarried off a fine gander.
Upon examining the tracks of the
aniirjal, it was found to have a
track similar to that of a dog,
only it had sharp toes, long
clav. and set back on its dew
claws like a coon. The track is
larger than that of an ordinary
dog.i. It is said that something
on the same order has eaten a
lot of geese for Mr. J. R. Ogle
tree find others in that neighbor¬
hood- Mr. W. H. Harrison sug¬
gests that all these fox dogs be
put in that section and run down
the beast. *
Found on Both Sides.
Mr' E. T. Nunn, of this county,
say.- I hat 50 years ago he attended
a buribecue in the same grove
at Liberty Hall and that the
meatjs where were the cooked on the same
pit monument barbe'
cae *| a ' s co °k ed here a few weeks
agcj| .yeag old At that and that time Mr. he Stephens was 16
mail a political speech in which
he Hjid an old man .and his son
went down the branch, one on
each side looking for a cow. It
was agreed that the one who
found the cow’s track first would
call the other and that the cow
wo nld be found on that side. Both
fou nd the track about the same
time. They had found the cow
on both sides of the branch at
thej same time. Mr. Stephens
saifi botjh this was politics—to be on
sides of the branch at the
sarjae time.
lanjds ; We have for sale and rent
situated in different por
tiofifc wishing of the county. Any person
should to buy or rent lands
call to see us.
Horace and Carl Holden,
Brightest Items from Near by
To th« Credit of the Excellent Count!
Journals from Which We Wet
the Creamy News.
Warren county Tax returns
show an increase of £21,820.
Miss Lillie Barnett has return
ed to Raytown after a yisit to
Tax returns of Oglethorpe
county show an increase in
valuation $16,099.
Mr. C. C. Norton, one of
oldest citizens,
died a few slory days ago.
Two frame residence of
Mr. Pierce Mathews was burned
Oglethorpe county last week.
Mr. P. D. Harden marketed
the first's bale of cotton, 446
pounds, in Washington Satuday
51 cents.
Sparta beat White Plains in a
hotly-contested game, Wed
evening by a score of 13
to 5.—Ishmaelite.
Rev. J. L. Gross has resigned
pastorship of the Baptist
at Washington and has
called to Griflln.
The 1899 Re-Union of the
Confederates of Warren Co, will
be held at the Fair Grounds at
Warrenton on August 24.
Mrs. Manda Long, wife of
Thos. M. Long, died on last
Saturday night and was buried
at Smyrna.—Sparta Ishmealite.
Miss Minnie Lee Alford, of
Crawfordville, a charming young
lady, is spending a while with
relatives near Lyneville.—Ty¬
rone cor. Ga. Reporter.
Barnett’s mill ground the first
n'ew corn of this season last week.
It was raised by Charles Hillard,
col., and was in dry, milling
condition. —Washington Report
the farmers this year—he has
picked out a bale, and will have
it packed on the round-bale
press.—Warrenton Clipper, Aug.
From five-eights of an acre
planted in amber cane, Mr. T. B.
Hollejlshead has just made up
one hundred and thirty-two gal¬
lons of excellent syrup.—Wash¬
ington Gazette.
Don,t fail to see Johnson’s
“Annex’’ in Washington.
A horse near Winterville eats
every frog he sees. A Winter¬
ville man caught a 140 pound
trout. Another has seen - a
pound turnip sec^jt. Another a
big snow and White frost
Augusta.—Oglethorpe Echo.
The soothing and healing prop
erties of Chamberlins
Remedy, its pleasant taste
prompt and permanent
have made it a great
with the people elsewhere.
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid,
fordville, L. R. Brown, Sharon.
Don’t miss a treat. Go
Johnson’s “Annex”
White Plains cor. says:
J.'qie Reid, one of Crawford -
ville’s charming young ladies,
after a pleasant stay with rel¬
atives here, returned home last
Sunday. * * * Rev. Charlie
Slack preached % very fihe ser
mo „ at the Baptist church last
Sunday night, Dr. Kilpatrick
being absent,
Rev. ,J. M. Yingling. pastor of
the Bedford Street Methodist
church at Cumberland, Md.
says: “It affords me much pleas¬
ure to recommend Chamberlin’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I have used it and
known others who have done so.
I have never known it to fail.
It is a sure cure when taken in
time.” For sale by R. J. Reid,
Crawfordville, L. R. Brown,Sha¬
When visit you Johnson’s goto Washing “Annex
ton .
Rev. G. W. Yarbrough has
beat the band on tomatoes. He
has grown one of the
variety, which balancesa 2-pound
—Sparta Ishmaelite-
Heart Disease
4 Years,
v »
( m
Wi %l\ IP
am positive I would net be
living today but for your
wonderful remedy, Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure. I had heart dis¬
ease four years and doctors
failed to help me. When I be¬
gan taking this remedy I was
unfit for anything, but for six
months I have felt perfectly
WclL Mr*. Martin Waldroff, Fork*, Minn,
E. Grand
Is sold by all druggists on guarantee
first bottle benefits or money back.
Hook on heart anil nerves sent free.
Dr. Mile* Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Beautiful Hair.
Can always be obtained by lining that
highly perfumed and strictly scientific
compound—Dr. Murray’s Hair Promoter.
It stops the hair from falling out, cures
dandruff, and restores gray or faded hair
to Its original youthful color, beauty and
softness. As a hair dressing it bus no
equal, See advertisement elsewhere iu
ibis paper.
A New Shop.
I have moved into my new shop on
Broad street where I welcome all my
white friends to my handsome quarters.
1 will yisit your homos anil do hair cutting
md shompooing for ihe ladles and child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoc-sldning depaiment. (dive me. aetdl.
Crawfordville, (la.
September Sheriff’s Sales.
Will he sold, on the first Tuesday In
September, next, at public outcry at thu
Court bouselln said Counfy.wUhin the legal
All th»t tract or parcel of land hffing(2o)
Twenty Acres, of 182 ucrea situated in the
one hundred and and seventy-second state,bound¬
DistrlctG. M., said county
ed as follows: On the VVcst by lands of
O. D. Moore; on the soKtli by la ds of
William or Bush Ivy; on the north by
lands of Howell Curry and on the east by
balance of said tract of land. Said land is
woiked by George Grier. Levied on as
the property of F. IT Colley bv virtue of
a tax execution issued ify G. T. Edwards,
T. C., for State and county taxes f ur the
year 181)8. Tenant in possession notified
in terms of the law. Isjvy made and
returned to me by J. 8 Hay, Bailiff.
This, 2nd day of August, 1 HIM). *
Sheriff Taliaferro Countv.
September Sheriff’s Sales.
Will he sold, on the first Tuesday In
Septemlicr, next, at the Couit House m
said County, wiihiit the legal hours of
sale, to the hhfhost bidder for cash, the
following property, to wit:—
All that tract of land, situated in 606th.
Dist. G. M., said State and Forty-Two<T42) County, con¬
taining One Ilundied and
acres, more or less, ittHoining lands of Mrs.
Ella 0. Sanders, 'ntas Richards, K..I.
Anderson and Jesse Goiatt, on which land
Mrs. PrucIllaEdwards, now resides. Said
land sold subject to the life estate of Mr*.
Piucllla Edwards In Mild property. Haul
property levied on as property of Prut ilia
Edwards, administratrix on estate of W C.
Edwards, deceased, and a* property of said
estate to satisfy an execution Issued from
Justice Court of (Wist. I)lst. G. M., said
State and County, In favor of W. A.
Legwen against Mrs. Prmilla Edwaids,
administratrix on estate of W.C. Edwards,
deceased. Written notice gfyon tenants in
possession as required by law. This 4th.
of Aug., 1818).
Sheriff Taliaferro County.
J. If. uijiJ A. D. Kendrick, adminis¬
trators on the estate of C. S. Kendrick,
late of saiii county, deceased, having filed
their petition for discharge, this is to cite
all persons concerned to show cause
airainst the granting of this discharge, at
the regular tern, of the couit of ordinary for
said county to beheld on the first Monday
in October, 1899.
GEO. If. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
Suiesmeu Wanted.
Good wageH to sell our Nursery .Stock.
Apply for terms. We wlil have for Spring
ami Fall, 181)2 and 1S>00. an immense
stick of Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum,
Apricot, Cherry, Grape, etc. ornamental
Also small fruits, shade and
trees, roses, etc. We make a specialty of
wholesaling to large planters direct at low
prices. Write us for wholesale price list.
Winchester, Tenn.
lien Cough Syrup. Tastg* Good.
In time, fetid hv druff ’ It*.
25 m;
—r , .zx—u-n
, .
__‘.!:\ I .).