Newspaper Page Text
(diartnitg r
A Wif z Says
44 We have four children, With the first
three 1 suffered almost unbearable pascs from
12 to i4 hours, and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform. I used three
bottles of Mother’s Friend before our last
child came, which
is a strong, fit and ty*S
healthy boy, doing
my housework up -5
to within two hours .
v of birth, and suf- ^
fered but a few hard j
mentis pains. the This grand lini- -( j
Friend Mother’s fl \
Will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter. Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering.
Mother’s Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and clear intellect, which in
turn are iivoarted to the child. It relaxes
the muscles and allows them to expand. It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness.
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour,so that the actual
labor is short and practically painless. Dan
■ ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
a voided, and recovery is merely a matter ol
a few days.
Druggists seh Mother's Friend for $1 a bottle.
The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
v Send tor our tree illustrated book.
ipt Beautiful Hair
| Dr. Murray’s
’**»**«£-« Hair Prcmdor
Ouree dandruff, srops the hair from fall¬
superb ing out. dressing, invigoi st«‘> ttif* growth, is a
i by nouyjphing Us and will while positively not a dye,
root, k, v c
lH ^ V h '* [ <J> ** ^ ^ J '•filrtr. * ia
PBIOS. - . -.TOC
wiiiV by drusnists—if not, send to us
of and it sent, prepaid, upon receipt
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
F? v.
m I pfe
209 7th $t., Augusta, Ua.,
€IVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects </
®'gbt, KANTS grinds the proper glasses and WAV
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
■4 Patents ■
: "
quickly Anyone ascertain, fnndlna free, a sketch whether and description invention may is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
eonfldential. Oldest agency for securing patents
to America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
•pecial notice in the
beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of
any scientific journal, weekly, terms $3.00 and a HAND year;
fl.oQ Aook six ox months. JPatkicts Specimen sent free. copies Address
M’JNN & CO., York.
361 Broadway, >cw
■ g ™ 8B |3 11 I #* * *
M *■ *
wWB H 9 vl SAWS, RIBS,
engines, boilers a«n presses
And Repairs fjr same. Shafting, Pul lays.
Belting, Injectors, Plpeg. Valve* -nd Htilngs
HO To PATENT Good Idtas
Suheeriptlona to The Patent Record il.uu per annum,
Morphine and Whifkey hab
lu treated without pain or
confinement. Cure guaran
teed or no pay. b h veal,
CATARRH I-IremTdy evlAtt^erel
rica W AMI 1 Booklet ar.d sample for 2
m2cJpx7o S 'ffo A !KI5KGA.
What the People of That Thriv¬
! ing Town
fh Sens and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
lly C. L. Busby.
Sharou dull the past, week,
lift-. M. J. Maher lias been sick the past
Some of our people attended the meet
mg at .lendings.
Court week next week; look out taidy
jurors and witness.
Felix Taylor 1ms been visiting hisbroth
! er M.Tay^jkr.
Preaching at Raytown Baptist church
next Saturday and Sunday.
Preaching at Sharon Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. W. F. 1 fill has been suffering a
great deal recently with eryesipeias.
Miss McGiuty’school at central academy
will close for present year in three weeks.
Several bales of cotton ginned at the
new Sharon ginnery last Friday and Sat
Miss Willy Graham has been very sie.k
at Sharon? her,grandfathers, K. T. Kendrick, near
Look for Edifor Moore court week
untill you find him. He will be glad to
meet you.
Pea crops are looking very bad but
with rain a pretty fair crop will be
For Headache caused accompanied most likely by a
Disordered Stomach, i.y
Constipation, use Dr. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine.
Mrs. AL P. McKeon’s sister, Mrs. Bess
man, of Augusta, is on a visit to the for
met and family.
They claim that we arc Capt. of the old
men base ball club there but we don’t
acc* pt the honor.
Mr. Thomas F. Moore will superintend
the new ginnery and Joe Stokes will five
and run tire engine.
| paid US a visit lust wttek.
In Disrrhoea Df M A 8iuimons Llver
Medicine is invulualile. It gives Tone to
the Stomach, Aids Digestion and Assists
Nature in carrying off all Impurities.
Mr. Paul Gary is on a visit to his home
folks hove. Paul is looking well but he
says his business in Washington is dull.
Miss Rosa Roth returned home last
week after several day’s visit to her
grand pa’s Mr. G. W. McAlpin, at Barnett.
New corn is going into the mill to
griud now every day. Those who have
made it will stop the time price on bread
To keep young—keep well, keep the
Nerves calm, the body ruddy and well fed,
aud with Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi¬
cine regulate the Stomach and Bowsls.
Frank Brown knows a man he can re¬
commend outlying or telling Sunday School
stories. Call ou him and he will tell you
who he is.
Mr. Eob Davidson, of Savannah, visit¬
ed Sharon this week. Bob, no doubt, is
full up and will interest his many friends
very much.
The chicken I market in Sharon has
about dried up. They come in one at a
time. The big meeting's and picnics
cleaned them up.
Dr. Nash, of near Norwood, was in
our town last week, the guest of Mr. L.
S. Jackson. The doctor is qui e a nice ,
man and a jovial fellow.
Several came to Sharon Friday evening I
to see a game of base ball between Craw- j
ford vile and Sharon but the game was
called off early in the morning by Sharon
A man in our town said the other day
i that there were men firing these stationary
I engines who did n ;>t hare sense enough
put out a fire under a wash pot. Well
! there is more truth than poetry in this.
I A great niany incompetent hands are cm
g^manTpi,^ n a .T P^°P e tU ® 11,(1 thereby.
August Flower.
“ It is a surprising fact,” says Prof.
Houton, “ that in all my travels in all
parts of the world, for at least ten years.
11 have met more people having used
! Green’s August Flower than any. other
j remedy, for dyspepsia,deranged stomach
i for constipation. I find for tourist
j and salesmen, or lor persons filling office
, positions, where h'-adaches
and general
, bad , feelings , from . irregular habits exist,
Green’s August Flower Is a grand
remedy. It does n t Injure the systen.
stom#hs and indigestion.” Sample hot
ties free at Owl Dr g St >re.
gold hy dealers in ali civilized countries.
Messrs. Caldwell, Powers, Reid and
Acres were in our Town last Friday on a
SOI i:.l visit.
We hear a great many say that Dr*
Brittain’s sermousat the meeting in Craw
fordville were Hue. Bible doctrine and pure
gospel. No formality or sensations about
The Sharon colored benevolent society
held a convention last week. This seems
a uood thing among the colored people.
All members who die are buried by it and
at the expense of the society.
Mrs. F. F. Livingston, Towns, Ga.,
writes: 1 have used Dt. M. A. Simmons
Liver Medicine 15 years, and know
cures Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Liyer
Complaints and Constipation. ] think it
stronger and better in every way than
Zieiiin’s Regulator.
Mr. W. F. Hid is the Sharon meat mar¬
ket man. He keeps meat now twice a
week, Tuesday and Saturday. He treats
iiis customers right and will pay good
prices for beeves, si oat, sheep ,goats Ac.
Call and see him.
Mr. L. A. Brake was in our town
again last week taking orders for lumber.
Mr. Brake is anold saw mill man and ha
Supplied this secii with good deal of '
m a
lumber several years back and always
t! T s *° 8i' r satisfaction.
The Sharon base ball team and
Clifford’s Grove had a game ih our town
on Thursday of last week, 1 he game
8 tood 22 to 4 in favor of Sharon. I heSha- (
ton boys treated their guests to a barbecue
dinner before they went out to play.
Keep the Stomach and Bowels in good
condition, the vVaste Avenues open and
free by an occasional docs of Dr. M. A.
Simmons .Liver Medicine
Working of the road, now is in order
week and the different overseers of
the road should look after tlieir roads.
'ppev have the time to spare and while
„ gr()luid is hurd for work there are
some places need it badly before , , winter.
We sec that Rev. J. E. Gross will leave
Washington. It looks like Washington
is large enough, rich enough, has high
tone people, good society, healthy and
every thing combined that they should
have retained Mr. Gross. He is u fine
We haveuot had a c - in justice court
O&Jd District, since t. ary superior
court-Si i_ouvy;jg f« w> : -
could uttve made some cases but they
aiu’t anything Incases already made up
and brought to us.
A great many spectators went to the
new ginnery on Thursday of iast week to
see the first round bale of cotton packed
but they missed it. Every body was or
deved out but ihe operatives and all the
doors closed. We aiu’t a going auy more
until it is a free show.
Bather a Good Bake Off.
Mr. P. J. Morgan, in an article in the
Atlanta Constitution, says: “As an illus¬
tration of the manner in which the fann¬
ers of the country have lost heretofore, it
is only necessary to repeat a statement re¬
cently made by Mr. Hester, cf New Or¬
leans, that out of an annual cotton receipt
of one million three hundred bales in that
city over thirtg- seven thousand hales
were made up out of samples which hud
beenruthlessly the plucked from the bales by
men who handled them, which should
have gone iuto the parishes of Louisiana.”
Not the least merit of the American Cot¬
ton Company’s its Roundlap bale is that be.
sides other economies it prevents this
unjust tribute from being levied ou the
Mr. Brody, the machinist who put up
the round bale press hero two or three
weeks ago, died very suddenly at Zebulon,
Ga., last week. When here he did not
look like he would depart this life so soon
He was the picture of health aud a very
stout, able bodied man and also seemed to
be a cleaver fellow but was verv wicked,
It was a surprise to the Sharon people
that knew him to hear of his death.
Prof. A. B. Jarrell has been elected
principal of Sharon High school for the
next twelve months, aud we think aud
hope they have made a good selection.
^ r0 'J arr ’ ; H has taught this school before
aut ^ f f °m what we learn he gave satisfac
l ’ on ' ^ c iire llie Frof. lias the prin
cipalship. He is a nice man and a good
sc l*°H ar iD( l competent to fill the position.
j t st . ems tHat tiie committee to examine
, People that are worth the thousands have
! given in their property about one fourth
' it’s market value aud still people
( brag on what they are worth and how
; honest they transact business and how
circumspect they are and cuss the poor
devl1 becau8e b - able to pay his fifty
1 Volcanic Emotion
Are grand, but skin Eruptions rob life
of loy._ Buckler’s Arnlc Ssivs, cure*
I ’. h enl,; Uunntug *nd Fever bore*,
j ; ChllUaim klXZTri!l£&?SgS*i££: , Best Pile
cute on earth.
Ifrtves out Pirn* rtad Aches. Onlv 25 ct*.
‘ j^*; d 6oU by Dr K.
! And Their Neighbors Arii
* it
ill lb ?ws of the County as Told by
ir Wide- wake Pencil
T Ss, seemingly are a total failure
arom ve.
uncock, one of Robinson’s
ifairc idies, yislted Miss Eya Jor:
dan tl
Mis _ Ring, a very handsome
young', f White Plains, is visiting
relative nis place,
Mis E&tla and Addle Jordan, two
most i tetive young ladies of Wrens,
v d the family of Mr. C-U. Jor
‘ lrtn ^ ek.
The •-ball team of White Plains,
nd F r “crossed swords” last Friday
veur tliany claiming the victory on
techu. „s. The score was 28 and 34,
in fuve White Plains.
Rev. B. CartJedge, of Waynesboro,
Ga.,is rying on protracted meeting at
He that uis week. Services at 11 o’clock
the miug and Sat night. Every
bbdy 1 diftlly invited to attend.
Free of Charge.
A:iij It suffering from a cold settled
on tjhe tst, bronchitis, throat or lung
trout any nature, who will call at
Owl 5 Store, will lie presented with
! bottle of Boschec’s German
tsyrut ee of charge. Ouiy one bottle
given me person, and none to children
witht wrier from remedy parents. had such
No oat or lung ever all
a sab Boschea’s German Syrup in
juirt' the civilized world. Twenty
.1 p» > millions of bottles were given
awt, d your druggists will tell you its
suec vus marvelous. It is really the
omy m l ami Lung Remedy generally 75
end' by physicians. One cent
her cure or prove its value. Sold
in all civilized countries.
d, x h kin Iras been slightly
•».st week.
,e son of in,. —.
Aki a as been quite sick.
’ Soldier Hancock continues feetiie.
We toe witii Hie coining of cold weather
she wii improve.
show* Th ectlon was visited by a gracious
Tuesday. We surely know how
to t’tj.reciate It after the excessive
drou E'
M'A leed FUker, accompanied by her
daug) r Mrs. Edna Culver, is spending
so in me at the former’s father’s, Mr.
Heo^ig Murdens.
A ge crowd was in attendance at
Bet W last Sunday. From the appear
ana. t the dinner table no one would
havi lf mglued that hard times were at our
Ti excursion to Atlanta did not seem
to b > well patronized at this plat*.
We link such tilings are a curse to the
cour/iy; they take the money out of the
couul.y ami leave no material benefit.
M 1 ' Dora O’Neal with her charming
litle Riughter, Gussis, spent several days
witi er sister, Mrs. George Harris, tills
wee c Mrs. Mamie Mullens and Mrs.
JuliiLl'luker came down fur the day also.
Ke DNEY Is a deceptive disease—
DUBLE thousands have it and
don’i know it. If you want quick results
you i an make no mistake by using Dr.
Kill r’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney
n-jiufiy. At druggists In fifty cent and
doil#) giZ( .. s . Sample bottle by mall free,
also pamphlet telling you how tojftnd out if
you nave kidney trouble.
A .dress, Dr. Kilmer & Go., Bingham¬
ton I, N. Y.
Nice rain.
Ned Cary says professional loafing beats
independent dying.
Ajlr. and Mrs. E. H. Ogietree visited In
thif-, section last Sunday .
Mr. W. A. Gary aud family visited our
secition ins! Saturday and Sunday.
Bet m the The Kind feu Have Always
Sig nature
of ---
his^wife i - **•.»'—«•>'»* fit the broom . .....* stick. .**“
see- to use
Miss Oiia Pittman who has been suffer
ing .-with nervous prostration, is some bet
te Mj
Bea ■« tfca The K'tid You Haw Always
... ^
ihe ball game to be played at Sharon
*' ' Tuesday was put off us some of the
b got bunged up at the gimea few
da. before
XT'. '.k id n iVAl Making
Absolutely F Powder
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Mr. Paul Gary has closed business In
Washingt6n and is now at home with his
Money is so plentiful these days that the
merchants won’t take it if it is the least
We all hope Craw ford ville will get a
cotton factory. It would be, a big help in
this county.
Mrs. Alex Lunceford and daughter,
Miss Lein, visited J. R. Pittman’s family
last Monday.
There was an entertainment at Mrs.
Mary Aun Gary’s last Thursday night,
enjoyed by all.
Mr. G. L. Moore says some one has
been stealing his corn from his field. He
lias a hard time vvitli his “hogs and corn.”
The writer can say something that very
few can say; he has a pair of pauts that
have been married twice.and ahoy that
was born on his birthday.
Mrs. Nannie Cox. widow of Mr. Jim
Cox, died of fever last Saturday night.
She leaves only one child, Mr, Wm. Cox,
who has our heart felt sympathy. She
was buried Monday morning.
Remarkable Kcsr-e,
Mrs. Michael CurtaA, Plainfield 111,,
makes th- statement, ,hat she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she Wttl
treated for a month by her family physi¬
cian. but grew worse. Ho told her sin
was a hopeless victim of consumptloi
end that no medicine could cure her
Her druggist suggested Di. King’s Nev.
Discovery for Consumption; she bought a
bottle and to her delight found herself
benefitted from first, dose. She continued
Its use aud after taking six bottles, found
herself sound and well; now does her own
and is as well tu •-fie ever was
trial bottle* of tills <r" t Di iopv<>
at Dr. It. j. iieiu’a dru,^ •’ 8tu *'r I<urge
BY x.
We are still very diy aud hot.
Mr. B. F. Wynne spent the day with
ns Tuesday.
Many of our farmers are through sav¬
ing their fodder.
Mr. Parks, of Conyers, will move to
our section another year.
Mr. D. S. Stewart had his pasture fence
all blown down by Sunday’s storm.
Miss Blanch Mapp has given perfect
satisfaction as teacher of our school.
Mr. McKinney and family visited Ids
father and mother of near Burnett Satur
day and Sunday.
Our school will close on Friday of next
week. We expect a speech on that day
by Prof. Sanford of Crawforkyllle.
Mrs. Hollingsworth, of Conyers, after u
•week’s visit to her daughter, Mrs. C- I.
Ogletreo, returned to her home Tuesday.
The hay crop a failure this year.
Mr. J. R. Stewuut had a good horse
killed by lightening Sunday, which is a
heavy loss to Jessie.
Mr. J. F. Bailey and family of Avera
in Jefferson county, who is visiting rela
tiyes and friends in and atound Powelton,
spent Tuesday with the family of J-T.
Our neighborhood had a little family
’cue Saturday which was well attended by
visitors from other sections. Several from
Crawfordvitie. All enjoyed the day very
much and pronounced the ’cue a success.
Bermuda always succeeds in all it under¬
takes, but just here I wish to sound a note
of warning: united we stand, divided we
fall—a house divided against itself will
most assuredly fail.
Story of a Slave.
To be bourn' hand and foot for years by
the chains of disease i* the worst form of
slavery. George D. Williams, of Man¬
chester Mich., tell* how such a slave was
made fiee. He says: - My wife has been
so helpless for five years that »be could
not rurn over in bed alone. After using
two bottles of Elec,trie Bitters, she Is
icsisi.'tSiS s
f enia |^ diseases melancholy, quickly cures headache, neivousnets, baek
sleeplessness, and dizzy spells. Chi* rni
Itbc, fainting medicine is godsend to
fccie working people. a Every
weak, sickly, run down
bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold
t»v Dr. R. J. Reid Druvxist.
Our Honor Hull.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue
C. W- Caldwell 91.50to Aug. 25 ’OD
G. E. Griffith, 50c Aug. 25 ’9->
NO 23.
by o
Mr. Bud.Kay was visiting his son lust
week in this section.
Prof. Jarrell made a business trip to
Washington last week.
There was some rain began to full in
this section Sunday evening.
The annual meeting of Salem BupC t
church will commence Friday.
Miss Claud Taylor has returned home
from her extended visit to Norwood.
We learn there was a man that said he
thought lie saw a branch afire last week.
W. L. Jackson and A. E. Taylor are
visiting in Emanuel and Bulloch counties.
Mrs. Jannev Harris and Mrs. Coot
Elliott visited Sharon section last Friday.
Mr. H. T. Beck worth and diiugnte' s
visited his brotherln-luw family utElim hi t
Al! kind of job printing done at the
Ad vo-Democrat office at the lowest cash
Mr. JJJack Beasley passed through
Barnott section last week enroute to
Turnip send that were sowed last month
and come up hayts been killed out by the
hot sun,
Mr. Joe O’Brien was visiting Atlanta
last week and Mr. Ed O’Brien, Jr., was
visiting Macon.
Subscribe for this paper court week, in
Ciawfonlvllle. You will llnd the editor
on the court ground.
From what Barnett farmers say their
crop of cotton is cut off’very much by
the recent hot windy weather.
Don’t bother you neighbor by barrow¬
ing the Advocate-Democrat. Go to
itvii next week and subscribe for it.
A grout moitiy have mode up their
syrup fills and last week in tiff Jon.
me baving wfmt they a; h made.
We see the most ol the farmers tm <n
saved their corn tops this year. They
will make excellent forage; hay will be
Hall's Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures all kidney anil bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes,
seminal emission, weak and lame back,
rheumatism and all irregularities of the
kidneys and bladder in both men and
women. Regulates bladder troubles in
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will be sent by muil on receipt of 81,
One small bottle istwo months treatment,
and will cure any easo above mentioned.
Ail orders promptly filled. Send for
Texas testimonials. E. W, HALL.
Sole manufacturer, 8t. Louis, Mo., for¬
mer!} Waco Texas Sold at Owl Drugstore,
CrawfordvIUe. Ga
Cuthbort, Ga., April 2nd, 18f)8.
This is to certify that 1 was affected
witii gtayel and that I took GO drops of
Hall’s Great Discovery and it completely
cured me. It is worth 91000 00 per bottle
to any one needing it. J. T. STEVENS.
Some say half the cotton crop j isopen
in a great many sections. It is coming in
lively to the ginners. Five and a half
cents is the best price paid us yet and that
is as good as they will get.
We learn that Mr. C’larly Cliupmaa
and Mr. Bud Ray will move into Barnett
section another year. The former will
occupy the Joe Ellington place and the
latter will go on one of Mrs. Susie Chap¬
man’s farms.
Nursing Mothers
dread hot weather. They
know how it weakens and
how this affects the baby.
All such mothers need
Scott’s Emulsion. It gives
them strength and makes
the baby’s food richer and
more abundant.
50c. and fl. All druggists.
JDN«- «ME1
| =opUlikY WARRANTED'’^
5 Ton Scales $ 60Freicht Paio
^^ONEStf Binshamtoh.N* ,