Newspaper Page Text
* Walker & Walker,
Cotton Factors,
S27 Reynolds Street, A TGI’ST A, GA.
Liberal Advances on Consignments.
Personal Attention to all Business.
Official Organ of Taliaferro Co.
NOTICE All legal advertising must be
paid in advancc or watfafartory arrange
menis made at beginning for the pay
merit of same.
Tt is said that Walker county
farmers realize $ 200,000 per year
on strawberries.
The reports ot new cotton
factories in Georgia towns are
becoming numerous.
Georgia division of the Con¬
federate Veterans will hold a re¬
union iu Savannah Nov. 22, 23,
and 24. 185)5). The city by the
sea will treat them all right.
Will Lucas, colored, has been
found guilty of the assassination
of Mr. Robert.. F. Davis near
Decatur, and he has been
sentenced to iifoimprisonment.
Prof. Jno. D. Sharp, an
excellent young teacher of
Oglethorpe county was drowned ;
while seeuing near his home on
Long Creek a few days ago.
The Savannah Press wants
gambling suppressed. The Sparta
Ihmaelite will join it, in the
crusade if all forms of gambling
are included. It is simply
iniquitous to confine punishment
for gambling to negroes and
poor whites, while gambling for
great stakes among “leading
.. - M U 'DronjiC." uutfew communities
liable to the disgraceful
reproach of such discriminastion.
People who travel the roads in
this county who have been over
tin* roads in other counties claim
that Taliaferro rosds are in a
worse condition than any they
see. We are not proud to make
this statement. Our roads
should be well worked. Noth¬
ing adds as to much the value of
kind, stock and vehicles as
roads. The commissioners in
Oglethorpe have wisely advised
thut the roads be worked good
il it requires the 15 days allow
»'d bv law to accomplish tho end.
During the civil war, as well
ns in our late war with Spain,
diarrhoea was one of the most
troublesome diseases the army
had to contend with. In many
instances it became chronic and
the old soldiers still suffer from
it. Mr. David Taylor of Wind
Ridge. Greene Co., Pa., is one of
these. He uses Chamberlin’s
Cholic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea
Remedy and says he never found
anything that would give him
such quick relief. It is for sale
bv . Dr .. „ R. J. . Reid, „ . , ^ ( rawfordville. , , ...
L R Brown, Sharon.
1‘hinUjr is (’«».
Wlmit a man risks his cotton
in the hands of a dealer he
pretty sure to want one of the
most reliable. In this lino we
present in our paper this
the e ird of the old, true and all
tunes proven reliable Augusta
cotton factors, rhintzy & Co
During their many years' trails
cation of business for farmers
not a single word of complaint
have we ever hoard against this
firm Give them ;i trial Ship
meet Of your cot toil this season
ami we feel sure you v ill con
tiuite to deal with Phinizy A Co.
Their warehouse is large and
their charges as reasauoble as
Nixty-i our t v 3gl
The Birmingham .uPM
makes the statement that
is selling at 64 cents per pound
in the dry goods stores of the
South, while at the warehouses
it brings only 5 cents per pound.
He figures that the South
got 10 cents of the amount be
! paid the milliner, reckoning 5
cents to the farmer and the
same amount to the merchants,
. . 54
■ remaining cents went
I north in the shape of freights,
! cost of manufacture and profits
to the manufacturer.
Crude cotton, he argues,
turned into standard sheeting
sells for 20 cents per pound.
| The obvious conclusion
from these . figures . tills
South will remain a vast poor
[ house so long as she neglects to j
take every advantage of her
There are some women who
seem to be perennially youthful.
The grown daughters are com¬
panions as well as children, and
the color in the mother’s cheeks,
the brightness in her e.yes, the
roundness of her form, all speak
of abounding health. What is
her secret? She is at the middle
age of life when so many women
are worn, wasted and faded, and
yet time has only ripened her
charms. The secret of this ma
tronly health and beauty may
be told in the brief phrase, Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription.
The general health of woman is
so intimately related to the local
health of the delicate womanly
organs, that where these are
diseased, the whole body must
suffer. “Favorite Prescription I i
dries the debillitating drains,
heals uaceration and infiammaton,
cures female weakness and
to the delicate female
organs natural vigor and vitality,
Women who have lost their
health and their beauty have
been made “robust and rosy
cheeked’’ by the use of this
marvelous medicine.
Value of Hie Local Paper.
The following is worth read
ing and digesting: Senator Da
vis, of Illinois, is quoted as say
ing: “Each year every local
newspaper gives from $500 to
*5,000 in -’ jee lines for the bene
fit of tne commu nityJ n which
can nor will do this. The editor,
in proportion to his means, does
more for his town than any oth
er man, and in all fairness lie
ought to be supported, not be
cause you like or admire his writ
iugs, but because a local news
paper is decidedly the best ad¬
vertisement a community can
have. It may not be crowded
with great thought, but financial¬
ly it is more of a denefit than
teacher or preacher.
A Mother Tells How Mie Saved Her
Little Dautrhter’s Life.
I am the mother of eight chil
dren and have had a great deal
of experience with medicines.
111 ? hule daughter
had the dysentery in its worst
form. We thought she would
! die. I tried everything I could
think of. but nothing seemed to
do her any good. I saw by an
advertisement, in our paper that !
Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy was high
l.V recommended and sent and I ■
got a bottle tit once. It proved
to be one of the very best medi j
i iues \\ t* e\ t*i had in t lie house, :
It sax ed little daughter s life j
I am anxious for every mother
to know what an excellent
medicine it is. Had I known it at I 1
’’ would have saved me II j
( h‘ul of anxiety and my
little daughter ? much suffering.—
Yours t uly> Mrs. Geo. F.
Burdick. Liberty. R. I. For sale !
by Dr. R. J. Reid. Crawfordville.
L. R. Brown Sharon. j
In the District Court of
the United States for the
Southern District of
I Georgia, Northeast¬
ern Division.
j in the matter of 1
Geo. \V. Brown, In Bankruptcy.
; Bankrupt. I
To the creditors of George \V. Brown.
I near Sharon in the county of Talia
terro, and district aforesaid. bankrupt,
Notice is hereby given that on the 24th
01 August. 1S99. tire said George W.
Biown was duly adjudged bankrupt, and
that the first meeting of his creditors
at mv office in Washington
Ga on the 1 1 th day of September, 1S99. at
1 o’clock P.M. at which time the
itors may attend, prove ’heir claims, a;v- j
point h trustee, and ir nsa-t such other
onstness as may properly come before ,
s..ui meeting. John D. Cou-EY. I
Referee in Bank- ;ptcy.
Augu*’ ?4. t?59-
jpMyChaiict* of Life Tii;
We have secured loww :s on
ne crayon portraits at kmes j
j by which we can let the (crib- i
i ers to the Advocate OCrat j
: have the portraits comjfte with
frames at wholesale jices as
premiuns with this pape Noth
J ing like it has ever bedptfered
here before. We will aye a
portrait made of any bpf vou
may want it of and sencou the
|tS5SSSS S ft
Vl mhMi
county paper one yd f or
only $3.50. The picL De 1
framed with nice glaS?* for *
adorning the walls of^ lariSLThis and- |
sorriest rooms in our
is cheaper than agents Warge
you for such fine all-gilt jAimes.
The frame we offer is SBrhes
wide and will cost rarjlfany
where what we ask foB§|per,
fiatne, complete picture all.
A sample can be sew/ any¬
time at the Advocate-Dsbcrat
office. Call and see it. ■
Push! Push? Push!—Hurrah fj refac¬
tor y.
The man who contr tho
spindles has been her^ on
the lookout ; business roesfc-ej on
tip toe with expectation^ \d a in¬
terest. Let it come, '•4- be
ready for ready, it. Get yourjjruck Aired
farms for the
families who are to come I our
town must be fed. Gel f % lour
cows in good order, they ' lust ike
have milk and butter.
your laundry arrangemd^ peopll - y |for
they must be nice machi/|||fftor . Fix
up your sewing
they will have to give ~ r
se wing. Merchants a t]
gist, lay in edtra sup r ' 1
t plenty of work, more .or
every body with good a.M ,.j»er
prices. Postofflee and soool
is in for part of the bet.'fit,
Let it come. Citizens him up
all your savings get it teg hor,
take stock in the factory and
see your money turning ov»
increasing as to the music f the
spindles’as it draws out the j
thread from your own grojs c Aon, |
the best staple tdat in I
Georgia. Make your own' own
one of the thriving tow! ; of!
Georgia. need if You have will push. every ting j
you you
Mr. L. A. Moore vas in Sharoi last
week the guest of Mr. J. W. Fallen
Our Masonic Lodge held two ci ipter
meetings, last week and receive' two
Williams creek protracted meeting losed
on Weduesday night of last week wljj no
addition but had a good meeting.
Dr. A. C. Davidson returned kouil but
Friday from a professional visit to |m *.
Henry L. Guest at Madison, who has been
quite sick. Mri»„ <
Miss Amelia Roth will vssit an.f and u
Mrs. G. W. McAlpiu this week will
^ me guest ot her cousin Miss Mar^ D:.
vis at Barnett. I
Get me to make you a nice tin chi rn.
They are better than jars. Do not t 081
but very little more than jug ware. (J.
L. Bagby, Tinner .Sharon, Ga.
Poor people that make a little debt are
hunted ut>aud requeste<1 tosetUe mor, i 90
than the rich man and they get their goods
cheaper two and take their own time to
pay. In fact merchants a::d business t ten
Hke they feel a delieasy tn pres, nt
ing a bill to a man of money or the) are
thev will rumple ills feelings.
| We heard there were two mercha nts
talking together about the distress ing
j times, short crop and how about gett ing
j ! in their supply bills and so on. «)ue Itue
remarked they wjuld have to insure
! poor fellows lives and some one Leu ■ing lud
lhe conversation remarked, “yes.
then perish the poor devils to death aura
get the insurance money.’’ Well we h ioe
we have no businessmen 01 merchants t 4at
entertain such cruel sentiments in -] lt 'ir
hearts. It must have ben a jest ol :Se.
When you talk about perishing i>-< pie
to death you have an elephant on h ind
behaid , . , to manage, Tbe hr d
Hots and insurrections are iiad things !; T4
there is any thing 0:1 earth that wo
ra;»«* ,v, e b’rttaa ia *e to aa.'.-n it * -.1 u
st-!V» 1 U. d
To Serve During August Term, 1>99.
Grand Jury.
T L Chapman
1 T Lyle
Vt ' A Car y
C 1 Ogletree
w E Wall
u 8 Gunn
8 A Chapman
J 8 c! ‘ K P in '‘;'
Geo. E Gr ftith
Jeaae Asbury
bf Wynne
Wm R Moore
Wm A Legwen
W II Murden
Traverse Jury.
W D Murden
D L Smith
R H Jackson
T H Stewart
T H Edwards
Jas W Flynt, Sr
J R Stewart
W O Lunceford
O M Lunceford
W C Rhodes
J D Moore
R O Taylor
R L Veazey
.1 It Asbury
N M Humphrey
L A Moore, Sr
W Y Edwards
Jas A Rhodes
The Simi-Weekly lournal and Advo
Demoerat both one year $1.50.
Dltten r*y a Severed Head.
John Booker, Jr., of Clark’s Valley,
near Harrisburg, was bitten by a cop¬
perhead snake. He and his father were
cutting corn, when the boy called his
father’s attention to a large snake lying
close by. Booker at once cut its head
off, and upon looking aronnd discovered
another snake. He also cut its head off
and in the excitement stepped on the
severed head and was badly bitten by
it. —Philadelphia Ledger.
f Catarrh of the bowelt , be
mate it u most prevalent in
th< summer months, is called
summer catarrh.
|| I ts’jrprises many that
M bowel trouble is catar
u F rhal. Dr, Hartman’s
IP books make this plaiD.
™ Write to the Pe-ru-na
Medicine Co., Columbia, O., for them.
They tell all about catarrh and how
’.res it wherever located.
T. E Miller, Grand
Prairie, Tex._ "I tried ,.
many medicines aad f
doctors in vain. At last
Pe-ru-na was recom
mended, and it relieved 9
and cured at ” ™
me once.
Mr. John Hartiny, 633
Main St. Cincinnati, O.,
writes: ‘‘My wife and
myself took your Pe
,* ll ru-Da for chronic diar¬
rhoea aDil it cured us.
lj$l No doctor or medicine
we tried before helped
“ Pe-ru-aa for bowel
^ troubles ft Ahia is f unequalled ““ y “; Eg ^ pj
a /
{ ri e
}fe ^ Pe -ru-na, and
shall always recom- d
mend it to those suffer- j
Ing as I was.”
Mr. John Edg-arton, 1020 Third Ave.,
Altoona, Pa., says: “I suffered from
dysentery for three years I took Pe
ru-na and am now wolL”
-o j
[ttifvL V
A Woman
Only Knows
what suffering from falling of the
womb, whites, painful or irregular
menses, or any disease of the distinctly
feminine organs is. A man may sympa¬
thize or pity btit he can not know the
agonies she goes through—the terrible
fobs suffering, her of 60 beauty, patiently hope borne, and happi¬ which
ness. Yet this suffering really is
Wine of CM
will banish it. This medicine
cures all “ female diseases ’’ quick¬
ly and permanently. It does away
with humiliating physical exami¬
nations. The treatment may be
taken at home. There is not con¬
tinual expense and trouble. The
sufferer is cured and stays cured.
Wine of Cardui is becoming the
leading remedy for all troubles of
this class. It costs but from any
druggist. advice requiring
For in cases
special directions, address, the
“Ladies Advisory Department,” Co.,
The Chattanooga Medicine
Chattanooga, Tenn.
BIKS. C. J. WFST. Xr^hrllle. Tcnn.,
r 7T : — This wonderful racciciae c ht
t ' ./ '* : in every house where there are gins
4 ’
J L Moore
S J Johnson
W It Gunn
T L Bentley
J F Ilolden
Win L Kendrick
E H McCauley
W B Tones
C P Lacy
J G H inter
D S Stewart
J H May
W T Nelson
Ross Gunn
W N Gunn
J H Googer
Albert Bernett
Arthur Ogletree
.Jno H Stone
B F Evans
K M Jackson
F P Hall
O D Moore
W D Moore
Wm A Garrard
Jesse Moore, jr
J J Lyle
L Arthur Moore
Z VV Grant
Thos M Richards
J T Harrison
W T Colclough
ES Allen
Coton Factors,
_A_-u.gixsta, * i 1 1 Q-eorgia.
JNO.I'. HOLDEX.Prcs. J. A. KENDRICK, Vice-Pres. M. F. GKIFFITH, Cashier,
.WSK,} CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. t f Established
CAPITAL STOCK, .. $25,000.
A | General * Banking i Business i Transacted,
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime * i
Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
Hair, Sewer Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc., |
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds,
Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks, She f Brackeis or anything else you may
nee I in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with tne.
Washington Manufacturing Co •1
They wi!< give you right prices^very time you call on them 1
Cotton Gins
Grist Mills.
-..m i
— ■ - "
The Augusta Chronicle
Will issue, about the First of September, a
The boy who secures for this Edition the
including advertising and subscription, will
be given a Scholarship in the University (Free
Board and Tuition). The Chronicle further
guarantees the winner of this Scholarship
employment during vacations, from year to
year, at sufficient remuneration to enable him
to complete his education.
Advertising rates for University of Georgia edition, * $2 an inch
Subscription to The Augusta Chronicle, Daily, • $6 per year
Subscription to The Twice-a-WeeX Chronicle, * * * $1 II
Ten per cent of all money received will b
donated to the Students’ Hall fund intendei
to cheapen board for young men of limitei,
means. The winner must secure at leas —
$100 worth of business.
Contest closes September 1 st.
Write to The Augusta Chronicle, j
Augusta, Ga, if you wish to enter this contest
rii II
| i ■
, i
[ i ^ :
y. w
7 ..
mi /
Saw Mills.
And Every-' s
thing '
in the
Machine ry