Newspaper Page Text
si; g n r rilPSi im,,
if & 1 > ‘ a 1 III H\S s, btjki.
M m
t fin Oil OfDfsO! duiunU I - *
o iff
e H
Remedy Epl f : life
fibsteh iiisssii.
is ecuol t< any blood . trouble, and never firts to cure Scrofula, because »«•
goes down t-o the scat of the disease, thus permanently eliminating every
trace of the taint.
The se* lr,u ; consequence to wliich Scrofula surely leads .
should impress ’.i:n>n those afflicted with it the vital ira
portuner- of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly off* -*t a cure. In many cases where the wrong §
treatment lias Bean relied upon, complicated glandular
swellings haw resulted, for which the. doctors insist that J “1;vfSJJ
a dangerous sumictl oper:;tion is necessary.
Mr. II. E. Ttionmson. of Miiledgevill® (fa., v\ rites: “A ft
which bad case bad of to Si be ro.'uja lanced broke and out caused on the me glands much suffering. of my neck, I /■■'Jtrikt. -tiL - if s
V. d treated for a loiyj while, o.<,nd:tloa but the physicians bed were tin- I j W#] .-te*. --D?
able to cure rue, and my was as as when
began <heir treatment. Many blo-'d wnied.'e:? were used, and a ftIkV .
’ u< without e : feefi. Someone recommended I had token 8. few S. bottles. 8., fr/i' ’, t g tfjss
1 b.*g»n to improve«Mly, as soon I ns 'd a permanently,
Continuing had of was tlw soon disease cur return.” Swift’s Specific—
anil have'never: a sign to
—is the only vemc-uy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated the
blood diseases. By relying upon it, anti not experimenting with various
so-called t-e-nics, "tc., all sutTm era from blood troubles can be promptly cured
inst.-nd of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely tindc-min,’
the constitution. 8. S. 8. is gijaranteed purely vegetable, Blood and never Poison. fails Boil- t*
cur * Scrofula. 1 >. , *>*.i*i. tisnuer. Rhcnmctism, Contagious
Tetter. Pimples. Sor.**-, '"'*■*> • ;. etc. T.n .-.c-t upon S S 8.; nothing can 1 ako its plao
Books on Eou id skin leases will be mailed free to any adfln'ss by t-’*
(T'tWWl mni
L- 3 ittflB t smwirm zszm
You Know It!
Why Not Be Cured Easy? d
Dyspepsia, Trouble Indigestion, Kidney Stomach Trouble. Trouble,
Liver or
Tate Spring Water 1 Fpo ^?e s r ings ’ fiil Core Yon.
R. L. Tayfor, Gov. of Tenn., Nashville.
“I reiraro Tate Springs as Ihe best 011 the
, David Kirk. Pres. McCainfont^Oil Tate* Co.,
P t.tsbiir;’*. Pa.: **I believe Spring
water is an infallible cure for dyspepsia."
’ J. 13 . Levcrt, 302 “Iconsider ,Perdido St.. Tate New Or.
leans, Fob. 2 . ’S 7 : aud Spring
a most delightful summer resort the
water superior to any I ever used.”
on the Editor of The Advocate-Democrat for a 40 page book, free coir
taining 00O ot our 5.009 testimonials.
For ulormaticn as to Routes, Schedules
and Rate.-, both
Passenger and Freight 1
write to either of the undersigned.
You will receive prompt reply and
reliable information^
T. P. A. G. P. A.
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. A’ A. G. A.
Atlanta Athene.
S, 4 . S. K. * P. A.
Macon, Ga. Atlanta, <;a.
llitatR with you whether you^'^ r -:su s m
ret uuviid tii«*d»tsire for tob*c*-o, withA ^a
‘r.r 0 s^ I
3 T~ ur o'* t: dro»r^i*t. wh*
nch fo *ja. T~k'’ it wife
^^jfa^raiite^dtocur^.r E*taiHyC«., we r. T’lmi f ©t#
SurSsff •
MjVnV«if<iVm t ut ; !.»%•*: iV,u.<c • %
$ A Fktii Pa'ITERN U *
55 f 7oar own election) to pwtv sub- T’
senber. Only So c^nu* a year.
mmmmmmmmmmttmmm T2 wmmmmm rad
\ etm; bcautif^i<i plates; l: ‘jest
eg rashions itouschokl ; drmsmakir.g hint*; *Co#iomie* ; / jtcr
<■£ pH * uet <; jc fieri .n, etc. Sab
■*zr :te t'xiay, or, ** nd for lates^ccpy
f-vfy fe^ents -wait .tti. ad for terms
^ 5 Stylish, Economical Reliable, and Simple, Absolutely Up-to-
5 Pcrfect-Pittiif Paper Patterns.
Patterns A BAZAR.
NtvSeam-AUovaocc PattcnuJ)
Only to and 15 cts each n — hig^Kcr
Vsk for tkefn. Soid im every city
and tewn, or by mat
))#-<«« West Ufa Mrs Tor*.
There are dozens of remedies recommended for
Scrofula, some of them r.o do tbt'bciog able to
afford temporary relief uut s. 3 8: lsdteolutely
i;he only remedy which completely deep-seated cures it.
Scrofula u-oiioo* the most obstinate,
blood CL it '.asecs am; is beyond toe reach of the
many so-e.'..liedpurifierssr.d than mor-tonic tonicsbecRUse^somo- is
J. 8. Carr, Durham, N. C. *‘I think i(
tho finest water to he found anywhere,”
J. M. Studobaker, South Bend. Ind.: “I
believe thine is no s| ring in America tlint
contains the healing qualities that Tate
Spring does.” ,
Tlios, A. Mellon, Pittsburk, Pa.: “T oe
lieve there Is no water in this country
equal to Tate’s for thy cure of neuralgia,
as well as dyspepsia ttnci liver troubles.”
Your House, Barn, Roof,
Floor, Fence, Gate, Stairs,
Piazza, something, anything,
Pitkin’s Paints.
Ask your Dealer or
Geo. W. Pitkin Co.
and wi.h. v «„
Prostatie Ailments Sleep.
1)r - Br *:' ll ’ l ' , ’ s Soluble
■a^-x Medicated1 -, Bougies,cmitai.:*
ZzkJrWt*' i n< -> r rF-vinine,” will du
$ lcige, digest, and
retrieve Urethral Stricture
jn fift<:en days, without
pain, Injury, or inconvenience. The
iJ-jugie ia inserted at night, requiring three
hours to dissolve, remaining in direct con
tact with the Stricture, penetrating, dia
lodging and dissolving the lymph mass
while you sleep
Seminal Weakness. fy-\ f
blc* Seminal ap]il led locally Crayons tofhe are A-'t&l sZMfr ‘d^, *.
are .1
weakened seminal duets ■ • ;
and prostate gland, fur- 1 j - ' j ..
ever stoppingMrams No an-i ■> v V \ vf - /
apfein roung- ;
ocaD emedics
their full strength to the weakened organs,
Crajons are inserted at night, aud cure
while you sleep. Cannot fail. Delightful
results. Valuable illustrated medical
reattes free by mail.
1»I4. hiiamblemkdicai. associat’on,
MS Broadway. Cinciunati, o. I’.o. b«.x 4«T,
Don’t Ti»hei*-ro Spit and ^mok*; lour Life Away*
T, -U, w«
n'.'.*.£. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To
Oae, ttie wonder-worker, that makes weak evb
strong. All druggists, 30 c or 81 . Cure guaran¬
teed r> : .ki t %nJ sample free A iilrees
Sterling atemedj Co., Cbiusgo or New York,
BY W. M. 8.
Below w« publish a letter received
from ;l missionary who resides in Cooper,
Okla.. to whom wo exbect to semi * hi d{
Ur* latter part of Sept. We so much
sire that each church member cont ri'. iv "
towards this avorthv object. doubt If priye f a’I'.
considered by them, we not hut y.
sh.dl liayea valuable box to ship to
sacvitiising soldier and his family. <
tril.ution will be thankfully received fm.u
‘ “The liberal soul shall be mace
lUt » a,K * * ,e t ^ at w-atereth shall u* matured
also himself.’ Dh>\ . % 1 U . 17 . It i onlK
j those who engage in this grand benefit worfc,
r< . nli7e the spiritual pleasure aud
demed thereirom. Lotus , prowke
many good works by our zeal in thin
tor: '
Cooper, ,, Olda., , July , DearS.stef t, 189Q. -
Miss Annie W. Armstrong,
-Yours at hand, and contents noted. I
feel proud to congratulate vvomissiona.V you on the
successful work of the i'.
Union. It Surely is a work of God, donations
none can better appreciate ^ie iiap
made to us by the Union, than our
list preachers and their families.
little churches are too poor to help thefe
much, and tlicir labors ar<$ so much
needed. The preachers iu our Association
are poor men, two of them were epuY
pelled to leave tile ministry and go off j^>
work for wages. Each of them ha l
charge of two churches. The worst of a/j
Brother Warliurst died the 9th of las;
May, aud left two churches without u
pastor. We miss him and his labors sy
much, but our loss is his gain. Tile last
thing he did on earth was to take a tern 1
audpreaeua sermon to those who sto*.
around his bedside. His last words were
“It is not hard to die.” Your liuuihU
servant preached his funeral to a Imp *
audience of sympathizing friends out i 1
the open air, as we have no house <
worship. His wife aud four little childre
have our heartfelt sympathy *,Sisit*
Warliurst is almost heartbroken; she is
good Christian woman, and a gooc
worker for the Master. We have si
ch .rehes without pastors, which I an
trying to supply. At this lime I ail
trying to preach to 7 congregation
including these churches. There is grei|
work to be done in this field; we greatl!
need stronger men iu the Gospel. Out
preachers are all new beginners, exeep
myself. I have had twenty-five year
of experience, and I must say tha the:
are mere isms to contend with on thil
field, than any others oil which I havi her,]
labored. We have the Mormons *
aud I having controversy with them
continually. I am greatly in . ..... >f a
book oniheir doctrine, ns they are mak
iug inroads in almost every communit,
At some places it is d .onerous i- M/
tlieir doctrine >mW* our friends nr
present- I have needed friends several
limes but God was with me and
wordprevails, and there is always
victory for the man of God and the truth
1 , wish , I , could ■ , ■ you a , „ 1*
give u ■
of this field and its needs and want!
First, men to pi each the gospel, secour ,
the means with which to jiay them.
You may rest assured that any humble help
you may see fit to confer 011 your
servant will be thankfully received iu the
Name of ihe Master, especially the bofok
mentioned, If some one could be In¬
fluenced to donate it would -help .tie
greatly in my work. If you cannot Jjet
some one to do that, will you please fell
me where I can obtain it. I will sent? a t
once, if I can possibly raise the tnotxey.
They are always entering into an ail^u.
merit why I with warn me, such so a book. you can undersold
Yours in Christ, W. £. SpbLk* 4
Measurement—Rev. Wiu. K. 8pear ged
59, bust 38, waist 35, length of flack,
neck to waist 21, sleeve, inside sea mi 22)
pants, inside seam 33, bat 7, neck Y y 2i
shoe 8
Mary E. Spear, aged 59, bust 40, [waist
36, length of back, neck to wai 21,
sleeve, inside seam 19, skirt 41, netjij jg,
shoe 7.
A'.ha May Hpear, aged 15, bi%t 34,
waist 26, length of back, neck to waist
18, shoe sleeve, inside seam 19, skirt 37 ^;neck
15, 5. k
Postoffice address: Cooper, Okla. V eight
address. Kingfisher, Okla.
liisutiin-k’s iron »rv* |
i Was th<* it-Mili of ids splendid penitb.
Indomitable will and trem'tidous rruergy
are not found where Stomach J Liver,
Kidney-ami H-.wels are oul of orfa er . I
you want
they brinjr, li^e J)r. Ki?ig$ New U fe Pills.
They develop every power of orafn and
body. Onij 26 c at Dr. K. J• Keid•* drug
Dry weather; Baggus nothing vl-ited but drjj Miobiiison w < at her.
Mr. I). A.
Sunday i»t.
_J. Saggus h*w l^t 1 ’.t i sUk
list for several days.
Miss Edna Braiitly who haslN ;t;n quite
„-i,.k i S Improving slowly. /
Mr. Canton n Osirett , t a mon -* ^
frie ds Le ^ ,aBt ^ j
! friends Mi " 9 and Gertrude relatives in ureq^e J * Co. .tins
j Y oung <>f Wa v% ‘7 oodviile, Y°“ n * visitei “f. (»™*bi*r Me— Irene Mr.
y,,t;ng Sunday last.
We Welcome among
! H.DTOC. o, M,
* employed , . in .. the S p
Guess who likes Barnett better than
any place on earth now also who wants a
position ut Woodvillc.
Miss France.-; Cary quite h charming
and accomplished young lady of Barnett is
visiting Miss Jauie Cary.
Croquet I* all the rage now with the
schl, '’> chilllren - Mr. Willie Rhodes
considered rhe champion player so far.
, Messrs Jesie Oglctree and Clarence
Harrison visited Ve.r/ey Sunday. We
think there is quite an attraction up
Mr. Percy ,; Phelps got right badly
kst w ,.,. k ui!e wov king in the shop. A
piu. nil , oi fro!1 non fl new ,,. v on oi v un th( . imuhiui huu HBd
e ntert*<i his side. Dr. King w.. caih-d and
j^ot it out without serious trouble,
When any one goes two Sundaysjn
succession (near Robinson, tor instance)
aud talks of going every Sunday then*
nntvt be an attraction. That’s straight.
,Weare bound not to answer auv questions.
W '' are S,,!T V lo k 'f <"* * whiifi Mr *
John A1<!X Hh,,des ’ ,m '' o1 ' ° !,r 11,0,1 ‘ mm) '
■»»* y°™U? men. He lms ac<*cpted a po.
' sitiou at K,,ddl, "> G ’’- We wish for him
i much success in Ids new hofne.
Oi.r Sunday School continues to grow
* n interest aud numbers. Among the.
Visitors Sunday were, bannie
* ( ttr .' r > H tisy\ou g, Messrs. ( , II. Car
[ r«*tt, J. h. Toting, haul Harrison and
Frank Jones.
• Honor-roll of Margarett’s Grove
academy for month ending Aug. 16 , 18 :*:*.
2 nd Grade --Guy Cary.
iiinl Grade—Ellin Johnson, John
1 Johnson, Mabel Saggus. ()■,good Sim non.*-,
| Fannie Oglctrec, Elmer Dann.
j Rhodes, 41 h Grade—Daisy Wylie Rhodes, Baggus, Grovel* Elude Blanch
1 ,
| Arthur Oglntree.
5 th Grade-—ianic Cary, Daisy Oglclrio.
] * O «<!\. St 1 " CtP Kind 3 VttUHavB_AIVVaVji ?l. X .A. . BPIlfflt
Bears the
j Signature
French Steamer Ventured Too Near
IfreytfuaT FrlHon ImIc.
That the governor ot Devil’s island
must have hud explicit instructions
from France to keep incessant vigil over
Dreyfus aud to frustrate all attempts ut
his rescue is shown by a letter in Lo
Matin from a passenger named George
* Oroisot on tin steamer which passed
; wi: u *> hot of the islet. Tho writer
. twiates:
“ We were drinking coffee and were
enjoying u quiet chut in tho salon when
thp captain said, ‘We urn iu sight of
Devil’s island.' We all went to our
staterooms, got our telescopes and went
on deck. Evory turn of the screw
brought us nearer to the island aud we
anx j 0U aly begged the captain to draw
tts ( .i 0M) aH possible so that we might be
nablod to take snap shots of the fumous
t and cage of Dreyfus. Wo ap
pn a lied- close enough to obtain an ex
oeih nt negative of the place of confine
ment. It consisted oi a palisade sur
rounded by tarred boards. The prisoner
“ l)t possibly see anything but the
blue sky above. Buck of the palisade
was tho residence of tho keepers and
tt j>, jve a n roa e a sort of minaret
mounted by a Hotchkiss gun.
“We were 200 yards from the shore
of tho island. It was 1:45 p. m., and
you may be sure we made good use of
our photographic instruments. At this
juncture we were observed by two of
the lookouts on the island. A moment;
afterward the deafening roar of two
oimnon shots in rapid succession greeted
us. The captain and the passengers
were at first under the impression that
it was a salute to our flag. But the
thought was Interrupted by a third
shot. This time the cannon ball struck
the wafer at a distance of 20 yards from
the ship aud was followed at once by a
fourth shot still nearer. Tho captain
recognized the danger and quickly gave
orders to turn about.’’
Secret Apnrtmeiiti* Furnished In Mag¬
nificent Luxury.
Now that at lust Khartum has fallen
and Gordon is avenged, it is interesting
to hoar something of tho personality oi
thoMahdi’s inccessor, tire late ruler oi
that vast collection of filthy mud huts
known ns the city of Otnduriuau. Tha
royal palace iu which this tyrant HO
Jong resided is really a vast walled iu
closure, within which are the various
buildings occupied respectively by th«
khalifa, his harem and his guard and
attendants. The reception rooms in the
khalifa’s own house were found to lie
furnished in the very plainest and most
ascetic style—a few palm tree mats, an
au „ arQt or uafive bedstead—nothing
more. And his fanatical subjects ad
muted . ^ to audmuee exclaimed . • . aloud , , at
inch pious simplicity,
But little the.y knew of the splendors
behind in the private apartments of tho
representative of the prophet. Iierewui
luxury—even magnificence. Conches,
pianos and easy chairs, velvet bangings silver' j
alJf] ein broidery, kettledrums of
and tities trumpets of plate—all of beaten the gold, spoils vast of Khar quail- j ;
turn. Thus did the khalifa deceive *he !
of the B u punishments t he was despotic, meted aud j
some out to
those who offended him are too awful ;
for mention here. Starving to death or 1
being buried alive, as happened to one |
o{ hif) em . rfi who offynd , d hlln , Wfcre
nmoug the mildest of Lis ways of
*»<*>*U Lnqutrer. i
For Infants and Children.
Tl,l > Y °“ ««• ««I» Bought
Bears the
Signature of
fit ^ ■
0 mm §
A't'cke* tabic Preparation and Regula¬ for As -
simulating the Food
ting the; Stomariss andBoweio of
Promote s Digestion,Cheerful¬ tains neiliier
ness and Rest.Con Jfioexai,
Opium.Morplrinc nor
Not Narcotic.
jPumfJnn Sul ~
j 4 lx.Scrna *
Hocftel/jC' Solis —
jinist emii.'it Sctti a
/hy /Si fart S&Za- -
fiZ/n Sectl -
fhnfoil liHiGsy/wn Sugar .
A nerfocf Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬
tion, Sour .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness anti LOSS OF SlLECP.
Facsimile Signature of
exact copy of wrapper.
A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand¬
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
< All about Homes—a Common-Sense Treatise, with
illustrations standard over
74 ; a work. I'rice, 50 Cents.
All about Rrowin* Small Fruits—read nnd learn how ;
contains43colored life-like reproductionsofalllending
vai ieties and 100 other illustrations I’rice, 50 Ceuts.
tells All about everything Poultry ; the beat Poultry kook In eriatence ;
of all the principal ; wittily colored life like reproductions
Price, Ceuta. breeds; with toj osher illustrations.
All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great
sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions oi each
hrt-cd, with 13s other Illustrations. Price, jo |'.euts.
cry, Just out. Diseases, All about etc. Contains Hogs—Breeding, over So Feedintt, beautiful 1 Butch- half
\ tones and other engravings. Price, jo Cents.
TheHIQOLB BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never
saw having anything like them—so practical, so sensible. They
are nn enormous sale—Kost, West, North and
South. Chicken, Kvery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
for or the grows UIOULB Small BOOKS. Prults, ought The to send right
V la your paper, made for you and nol a misfit. It is 11 year*
old. It islhe boiled-down, bU-the uall-on-the-head,-^
1 quit-aftei-you-have-said-it. world—the Farm and Household piper in
the biBBest paper of its Hire in the United States
of America—having over a million and a-half regular readers.
S YEARS (remainder of 1899 1900 1901, igoa and 1903) will be scut by mail
to uuy address for A UOLI.AR BILL.
Bamuleuf FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BKJflLE BOOKS free.
txXSXSXSXSXSZt t ta/\/a / \ / \ / \ / yy \ / \ / \ A A Mnn / / A/\'
ATy/ATy/ t
\ / \ ij" M.M.ST Y7T7T7T7T7T
/ y r;> A q/t A /~\
\ir / * tt/t
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xT\Z:c/~i WT , r ' / VA TT 7 \
xr IT- nvr C \ C r > t\H\
/ITT- M; \ T /n TT/T TFTT
K L '/*\ 9 /r r.. r\ - /^_
1 M/ s 'T/ r \ A A
\ / \ y_\TZT\ / \ / V
7 \ / \
. / \ /
/ \ / %‘j
7 V s\ ■ r ~y
Patented .July 21, 1S96. fTWAUE MARK.J Patented July 6, 1897.
50 PER CENT. SAVINO. Requires no top or bottom rail and only % as
meny posts as the old style netting and makes
a Gates, better Posts, fence. Rail, A full etc. line Write of Field for full and particulars. Hog Fencing, Steel Picket Lawn Fence, / j
A PIOTIIPP' o f Your Loved Ones a;
HH*rhave enlarged by the Ady
Democrat s tine artists and framed at usual price ^
fame with the paper thrown in one year. \
J Ba'lM *1)4 ROM to tlmmon*. «f for a >.»M center,, acd tomkhwto UM Z
1 berd-irne halftorw iHuermfeour ofl Ifwem Vwt- M.s. ‘ s .. fe.Giid prtfen. In why W
Z * ainl A n.mrvr I in (•:»»..*.»*- uD*k;»i- an 4h",.f,tv . n »>! fe it y-rttMiorg u*> w to grr*
car-for -* u -^»d ».*«•«.- eatal.r/G- -»f *»• L u; . - i* -r
ind* j. »*it w. w;iii* rverfw in u £■••«. jmrd*-«i U, h»*ve» ‘-opr, « I M
s*r*d-Uje fiuid* wbk »i*e !«!! for ic i**U- I«»w «lven olber l«*r full a«
ii« ‘J 5 rt», wurlli tf weiia for uuly of piir. Dbse Co b«y c«>o«s«
’* Vick’s Littio Cem Catalogue, a i**”* m*-»..«,<*» pm. i«t. it « nap
* GuitJe co4io«m**d. finely fTTumtrifTanu in h*c<l r sfup«. J- If J .
eubfeeti rriihni to _
f'lr’c U*. OM * * 5% n €* en i m prore«1. oCrr-tbr up to idle Mrcarineon-y. on *a*i s.fiueio
Iture idpeolol ’W .-r. uu.. . ic*.
tHC r B«vr pkio y 1 m 411 b« ?«(*UUi imO ptt. more tor you/ momoy Uae err *>•«« la Am
Itfl 1 aawi
For Infants and Children,
jThs Kind You Have
Always Bought
i Bears the
% KMiwalP
I •
» feuwecJ*
You Have
!■ Always Bough!.