Newspaper Page Text
What does your mirror soy?
Does it tell you of some little
pleased? streaks of Do gray? friends Are you cf
the same age show this loss
of power also?
Just remember that gray
hair never becomes darker
without help, while dark hair
rapidly becomes gray when
once the change begins.
will bring back to your hair
the color of youth. It never
fails. It is just as sure as
that heat melts snow, or that
water quenches fire.
It cleanses the formation scalp also of
and prevents the
dandruff. It feeds and nour¬
ishes the bulbs of the hair
making them produce a luxu¬
riant growtli. It stop* the
hair from #oft falling finish out and the gives hair
a fine to
as well.
W* U»»« » book on tb« Itoif Mid
Srnlp whieh you »»>*y obtuB fro*
1 . 1 * .m
If yon <U> uni obu *JJ th* l*er»**An
you «fp#ct<*d fMin to# °t A
| LoWoJI, ioiui. JR
1600 lbs. Coffee.
This large amount of Good
Coffee ix to be sold at
121 lbs. lor $ 1.00
Crawfordville Alliance Store.
Gun & Locksmith,
Genera. Repair Slurp, Including Bicycle
Repairs all Kinds. Scud in your work.
Shop In rear of I. H. Powers’ Store,
On Square Near Court House.
Anv one can sell
cotton,but it takes
an expert with ex¬
perience and judg¬
ment to £et the
bust results. Our
in a r k e t letter is
mailed free on
COMPLETE iV»t*on .'‘ftw.OrtM,
Oil «nd Fwlllira
Clo. fan* Mill sad Shin*!* Outfit*.
I iuhS Riwllr'WiS Casting's, c!?
■•tlroad. MU1, MachlnWta'acd Factory IHpa s«pj l»«a.
t><-lUii*. IS 'M’ c InjKt.'r*, rminf*
saw*, lilt's, ulicis. i*:c.
ttF’Ctwl etfTi iiay - work 160 han 4 $.
Aims: a, a a.
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Our People Are Doing, SaylnR
and Tblnkimr About Told
in Brief Note*.
—Tuggle Culbreth is clerking
for S. J. Jones, Jr.
—H. C. Barnwell spent Satur¬
day in Crawfordville.
—Oscar Chapman has bought
two new bicycles recently.
—Mrs. Lea Evans is visiting
her relatives in Athens.
—Dr. W. E. Adams, of Greens¬
boro was here a few days ago.
— Miss Emma Belle Stephens,
of Atlanta, is visiting relatives
—Jack R. Akins and lady vis¬
ited Bethany neighborhood Sun¬
day last.
—Don’t forget to bring a quar¬
ter or a few dimes to the editor
next week.
—Messrs Flukerand Richards,
of Washington, spent Sunday in
—There are rumors of several
business changes in our town in
the near future.
-*Rev. R. E. L. Harris’ resig¬
nation us jtasfor of the Baptist
hero has been accepted.
—Dr. W- F. Hamtiptck, of At¬
lanta, spent Friday with his
mother’s family here.
—Mr. R, M. Chapman and
family left this week to make
their home at Union Point:
—Prof. J. R. Evans, of Helena,
visited Col. and Mrs. Maltbie's
family hero a few days ago.
—Mrs. Emma Forsyth, of New
Jersey, is visiting her brother,
Mr. J. T. Evans, at this place.
—Miss Ruby Almond, of
Conyers, is visiting her brother,
Mr, V. C. Almond, near town.
—Mr. Frank Wingfield and
sister, Miss Mamie, are on a vis¬
it to Mr Golucke and family
.—Stephens High School will
open Se tt 4th. Patrons should
start their children at the begin
—Thirteen bales of now cotton
have been received attuis depot
up to Thursday morning of this
—Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Lanneau
11 re here this week after a visit
1 to the letters’ relatives at Willis
j ton, N. C.
—Mr. Robert Bunkley, of Lee
| county, spent a day with his
sister Mrs. Dr. Beazley at this
| place this week.
—Miss Rosa Gorham returned
sick from Wood villa last week
I but is recovering from her severe
attack of fever.
j —At the barbecue Tuesday of
next week, back of post office,
will be a good shady place to get
a good dinner cheap.
i — Tho rains seemed to have
| been general in various sections
around Crawfordville this week
but only showers fell here.
—Miss Nellie Bentley returned
t to her home in Wilkes a few days
ago niter a visit to her sister
Mrs. Sam Gunn, at this place.
Mr. E. I. Anderson has a
nice lot of the O. I. C.
! for sale. They are extra fine.
See hi in or write him at Craw¬
—Calvin Akins, son of Mr.
,la>. N. Aldus, has been suffer¬
ing considerably with erysipelas
on his feet uiul legs for a few
Bring in all your old iron to
C. H. Go’ucke. He is paying 15
cts. per 100 for irou ami heavy j
castings and Wet*, par 100 lor
ol i « sieves.
_Milton Gilbert has]
resigned the clerkship at Mr.
... \\ I\ ,. ftOHl bar Will i try
. S &11U
ruituii seed mar
kef ihi- reason, buying seen for
t:* zaire' firm that Mr. King
represented here last year.
! have just completed my new room which now gives
an additional 4500 square feet floor ' space to my already targe
store. $7,500.00 STOCK.
1 am now filling this Annex with an entirely new stock
of up-to-date furniture, as large variety as can be found in any
city South.
Washington, Georgia.
Mooting Closed.
The meeting at Jenings this
week has been quite interesting.
It closed .yesterday by the
baptism of three converts, much
good has been done by the many
good services preached by the
pastor and his assistants.
At Liberty Hall.
Don’t forget the young peo¬
ple’s reception given by the La
dies of Missionary Society of
Baptist Church, on last day of
August, at Liberty Hall. We
hope to have all young unmarri¬
ed members present and will en¬
deavor to giye them a pleasant
evening from 3 o’clock to 6 , P.
Machinery Started Up.
Steam was turned on the now
ginnery Tuesday last and cotton
put into the celebrated system
for handling the staple. After
a little trouble the machinery
will be in good order and they
can turn out bales of cotton very
rapidly. They have a magnitfi
cieut outfit, which is a credit to
the town.
Located Here.
Dr. A. N. Talley, of Atlanta,
has located in Crawfordville for
the practice of his profession.
The genial Doctor comes well
recommended and he has a hear
ty welcome among our citizens
and we hope he will do well
here. He rooms at Mrs. L. F
Stephens residence and bis head¬
quarters are at the Owl Drug
Walker A W alker.
One of the most complete, new
fireproof cotton warehouses in
the south is operated by those
experienced and reliable cottou
factors, Messrs. Walker
Walker, Augusta. It would do
our farmer readers good to see
this most secure building and it
would do them good also to get
acquainted with the genial
managers. If you will send them
atrial shipment of your cotton
this season you will be con¬
vinced that their dealings are
faultless. See their card in this
Chapman Bros.
Messrs. A. J. S. A. and R. M.
Chapman of this county have
bought out the general merchan¬
dise business of Robt. F. Bryan
at Union Point and have taken
charge of the store and stock
this week. Tho firm name is
Chapman Bros. These gentle¬
men are all careful business men
and we predict for them much
success. We regret, however,
they did not put up in Craw¬
fordville instead of Union Point.
Hovr’s t bin l
Wo offer One Hundred Dollar
Reward for any case of Catari
that cannot be cured by Hall'
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props.,
Toledo. O.
We the undersigned. h»vt
known F. J. Cheney for the la»-u
15 years, and believe him per
foetly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able
to carrv pnt any obligations made
by their firm
West The ax. iMiclesale
Wholesale Drugsrists, Toledo, O
Hall’* Catarrh Cure is taken
ntemallv, acting directly upon
the bh-od and raucous surfaces of
“ie system. Price 76c. per bot
A-dti fiv all Druggist*. Tes
\ iaU free.
efiftl’s Family Phis are tho
The Biggest offer yet.
We are making a big clubbing
offer for next week. For §1.50,
ve will send Advo-Democrat and
si-mi weekly Atlanta Journal
bpth one year and give you the
Farm, Journal 5 years, The
firs', ten persons accepting this
dfier we will give them one; year s
subscription to Gentlewoman, a
most excellent ladies Journal.
> Davison A: Fargo.
For ten years, Messrs. Davi¬
son & Fargo have held the con¬
fidence of the people of this
country by their most fair deal
i igs and skilled handling of the
farmers cotton, They are truly
experts in their line and not one
oif the thousands who ship them
c »tton every season can find fault
if. the results obtaned by their
experience and judgement.
Then, advertisement in this
i ipe is like their dealings—up
word tj) date and in every should sense read of it and the
s md them a portion of your crop
ils season. A trial shipment
ill convince you of their abitily
e id willingness to treat you
■ ight.
The Cue at Bermuda.
We would like to say a few
Y ords in regard to a neighbor
flood dinner down at Bermuda
fthieh we had the pleasure of
attending last Saturday. We
'ere not a little surprised at the
— -d which gathered there as
, the ample preparations which
pad been made for their enter¬
tainment. The meats were well
cooked and the hospitality
displayed rendered the occasion
njost enjoyable. We ourselves
parked the day with a white
stpne, and we are sure that
c pry one there had reason to do
t.,-i same. We return these good
ne |ghbors who furnished the
fepst our warmest thanks and
invoke for them the richest
blessings. Guest
Ready for Ginning.
Having just had my giunery
put i 11 thorough repair. I will
be ready to do your ginning
whi le the season opens, and take
this'method of soliciting part of
youii’ patronage. and
seed' Uit'ce delivery of cotton
at depot. I will add a belt
conveyor to my ginnery which
sayC ' 1 trouble of unloading wag
ons Ipy hand. W ill pack standard
squ;:i; v bale. Satisfaction guar¬
antor! and prices to suit the
times', Thanking you for past
favors I ask a continuance of
samel I am very Respt.
C. H. Golucke.
_K member we will give all
whop up a year in advance to
our p 1 . r next week a five year
subscription [The to that splendid
paper Farm Journal.
_Th 3 removal of the old paint
shop n the depot takes away
another old land mark of the
town. Mrs. Stephens new iron
clad s<“ e d houses will be a great
improvement instead.
_ See next week about having
that pic e made and framed.
If we ea 11 get up 10 we will make
each, including a years subscrip¬
tion to the paper, at only $2.99;
worth fy
\y e pave for sale and rent
lauds >iu’ ted in different por
tions of ti , county. Any person
wishing tV ;> *. r or rent lands
should Horace! ca to see us.
and Carl Holden.
' Ron Market.
Crawford' e prices coirected every
Mid Wf
L. w Midd^eg. 5 1-8
G.-vd Oidii?*h 4
! Brightest Items from Near by
To th« Credit of the Excellent Conutf
Journals from Which We ttet
the Creamy New*.
—Jno: H. Stephens has built a
new chicken bouse and will go
to raising large improved chick
ens tor market.
—John Wright, colored, was
arrested here a few days ago by
Marshal Tucker. He was want
ed in Greene county for refusing
to work the roads or pay his
road taxes.
—The firm of Holden & Co.
has dissolved and the business
is now run by Messrs. Gee &
Taylor—Chas. W. Gee and R.
Omer Taylor. We wish the new
firm success.
—Several from here enjoyed
the trip to Atlanta Monday on
the popular. Tuggle & Hollings¬
worth excursion and all reurned
praising the management. These
gentlemen always get a good
Mr. Solomon Shurley and Mrs.
W. F. Shurley died in Warren
last week.
Sparta’s first bale of new
cotton was marketed Aug. 11. and
sold for Gc.
Mrs. Mary Pool, of Sharon, is
visiting her many friends of
Warren ton.—Clipper.
Dirt has been broken and the
foundation is being dug for the
factory at Greenesboro.
Messrs. Jas. B. and Jno. G.
Dolvin carried two bales of new
cotton to Siloam on Aug. 12.
The reunion of the 6 th Ga.
regiment of confederates held a
rousing reunion at Sparta last
Judge Heart says that new
machinery is being placed in the
knitting mills at Union Point
and soon they will be turning
out good knit underwear. See
the “Point? ’ *
Mr. Geo. H. Snrth died in
Oglethorpe, county, last week.
John Murry is in jail at
Lexington, being charged with
driving several cows from farms
in Wilkes county and selling
them to dealers at Lexington.
It looks now like Oglethope
and Wilkes counties will soon
have a railroad pass through
that section; a new line from
Chattanooga to Augusta and
Charleston by way of Athens. It
is the work of the Sea ‘Board
Air Line.
Don,t fail to see Johnson’s
“Annex’* in Washington.
Miss Mary L. Moore is in
Lyneville, where she expects to
spend several days.***Miss Bes¬ lady
sie King, a winsome young
of Robinson, was the guest of
the Misses Underwood, the latter
part of last week.—Bethesda
cor. Herald-Journal.
The soothing and healing prop
cities oi t'tmmWIin Chamlx llims e Praup-h LOU-,
Remedy, its pleasant taste ancl
prompt and permanent cures,
have made it a great favorite
with .., the people eLetth iCm.-licvo eie. TPrie 1 c
sale by Dr. K. J. Reid, Craw
fordville, L. R. Brown, Sharon.
Don’t miss a treat. Goto
Johnson’s “Annex”
Th» first round, or Lowery
bale of the season was put on
the market in Warrenton Satur¬
day by Dr. W. W. Pilcher class¬
ed good midling and was bought
by J. C. Evans, representing In¬
man & Co., of Augusta at 10c.
The first square bale sold to Col.
N. C. Edwards for file.
Rev. J. M. Yingling, pastor of
the Bedford Street Methodist
church at Cumberland, Md.,
says: “It affords me much pleas¬
ure to recommend Chamberlin’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I have used it and
known others who have done so.
I have never known it to fail.
It is a sure cure when taken in
time.” For sale by R J. Reid,
Crawfordville, I*. R. Brown .Sha
When you Johnson’s goto Washing “Annex’.
ton visit
A negro boy in Greene toe r a
watermelon from Mr. Armor
and the boys father had to pay
£5 f or the act.
—Mr. Cliff McLean and Miss
Abi Taylor were married at Judge
J. T. Harrison’s last week.
Ex - Treasurer
State of Maine.
% fy
v /a
■ *
mmtM 1
| v|i wMsusm 1 mm Sr*
j wMJMM ;
* IIP y. 4 n i
Three years ago I was all run
down, weak, exhausted; had
indigestion, constipation, and
my system was debilitated in
general. Physicians did not help
me and I began taking Dr.
Miles' Nervine. Now, I am
as well as ever. coas. a. white,
Ex-Treas. Staia of Maine, Gardiner, Me. ??
first is sold bottle by all benefits druggists on guarantee, back.
or money
Book on heart and nerves sent free.
Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Beautiful Hair.
Can always be obtained by using that
highly perfumed and strictly scientific
Cl impound—Dr. Murray’s Hair Promoter.
It stops the hair from falling out, cures hair
dandruff, and restores gray or faded
to its original youthful color, beauty and
-oftness. As a hair dressing it has no
quaL See advertisement elsewhere iu
' his paper.
A New Shop.
I have moved into my new shop on
Broad street where I welcome all my
white friends to my handsome quarters.
1 will visit your homes autt do hair cutting
md shompooing for the ladies and child¬
ren; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoe-sliining deparment. Give me a call.
Crawfordville, Ga.
September Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in
Septembar, next, at public outcry at the
Court house iu said County, within the legal
howrsof sate, to the highest bidder fo<>
cash, thefollowing real estate: land being (20).
All that tract or parcel of situated in the
Twenty Acres, of 182 acres
one hundred and seventy-second state,bound¬
District G. M„ said county and
ed as follows: On the West by lands? of
O. D. Moore; on the soisth by la ds of
William or Bush Ivey; on the north by
lands of Howell Cony and on the east by
balance of said tract, of land. Said laud is
woiked by George Grier, Levied on as
the property of F. H- Colley by virtue of
a tax execution issued by G. T. Edwards,
T. C., for State and county taxes for the
year 1SS8. Tenant in possession notified
in terms of the law. Levy made and
returned to me by J. S. Ray. Bailiff.
This, 2nd day of August, 1899.
Sheriff Taliaferro Countv.
September Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold, on the first Tuesday iu
September, next, at the Court House m
said County within the legal hour- !h: o
sale, to the highest bidder for cash,
following property, to wit:—
Ail that tract of land, situated in 606th.
Dist. G. M., said State and County, con¬
taining One Hundied and Forty-Two (142)
acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Mrs.
Ella O. Sanders, Titus Richards, E..1.
Anderson and Jesse Golatt, on which land
>[rs. PracillaEdwards, now resides* Said
ian ,j so i<j subject to the dfe estate of Mrs.
Prueilla Edwards in .‘aid propirty. Said
property levied on as property of Frmnlla
Edwards, administratrix on estate of W C.
Kdwards. deceased, and as property of said
estate to satisfy ail execution issued from
Justice Court of 901st. Dist. G. M., said
State and Upunty, in favor of W. A.
Legwen against Mrs. Prueilla Edwaids,
administratrix on estate of VY.C. Edwards,
deceased. Written notice given tenants in
possession as required by law. This 4th.
of Aug. 1899.
Sheriff Taliaferro County.
O j p and x. D. Kendrick, adminis¬
trators on the estate of C. S. Kendrick,
late of said county, deceased, having filed
iu-ir petitien for discharge, this is tc Cite
all persons concerned to show cause
asainst the granting of this discharge, at
the regular term of the coui t of ordinary for
said county to be held on the first Monday
iu October, 1899.
GEO- H. 3IITCHELL, Ordinary.
Salesmen Wanted.
Gooff wages to sell our Nursery Stock.
Apply for terms. We will have for Sprinc
and Fall, 1899 and 1900. an immense
stock of Apple, Pear, Peach, Pluin,
Apricot, Cherry. Grape, etc. ornamental
Abo - mali fruits, shade and
tree-, roses, etc. We mak'c a specialty of
wholesaling to large planters direct at lew
prices. Write u= Ur wholesale price fist.
Winchester, Term.
_‘ 5 117‘s;
fcotl. v«
ta taa*. Sh 44 by aroT 1 ***.
l ' — I
. 23‘» C] S