Newspaper Page Text
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MJss Susan Wymar.
Mias Susan Wymar, teacher In the
Richmond school, Chicago, Ill., writes
the following letter to Dr. Hartman re¬
garding Pe-ru-na. She says: “ Only
those who have suffered as 1 have, can
know what a blessing it is to be able to
find relief in Pe-ru-na. This has been
my experience. A friend in need is a
friend indeed, and every bottle of Pe-ru
na I ever bough t proved a good friend
to mo.”—Susan Wymar.
Mrs. Marg'aretha Dauben, 1214 North
Superior St., Racine City, Wis., writes:
u I feel so well and good and happy now
that pen cannot describe it. Pe-ru-na is
everything to me. I have taken several
bottles of Pe-ru-na for female complaint.
I am in the change of life and it does me
good.” Pe-ru-na has no equal in all of
the irregularities and emergencies pe¬
culiar to women caused by pelvic
catarrh. »
Address Dx. Hartman, Columbus, O.,
for a free book for women only.
MMIMM B i ll WMM t tMM i
Dr. Murray’s
Hair Promoter
Care, dandruff, stop, the hair from fall¬
ing out, invigorate* the growth, is a
l superb dressing, and while not a dye,
l by nourishing bair its roots, its will positively re
i store gray to original all color. It is
i the par-excellence of hair restorers.
Pwce, *1.00 pen large Bottle.
for nl* or firm ■ :***— If >><y ‘c-Ua
I .its! of oe seat.prepaid, upon receipt i
Murray Medicine Company,
I MM —
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
The following named Agents are pre¬
pared 1o furnish full and reliable in¬
formation regarding all schedule#
and rates to all points North, South,
East and West.
Information given regarding A11
Routes both as to Passenger and
Connnun icate with either of the
Agents named and you will receiv e
prompt reply.
T. F. A. G. F. A.
Frank W. COFFIN, S. F * F. A.,
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. & F. A. S. F. A F. A.
Atlanta. Ga.
C. *4»» 8. A.
Macon, Ga.
C. D. COX. G. A., Athens, Ga.
Also agent* at Washington, Madison, Mll
lodgeville, Union Point and Covington.
R K Morgan,C A,Chattaneega, Tenn.
Tim H Moore, C A, Nashville, Tenn.
W W Uumpkln.T F A, Columbia, • C.
W I Cormier, C A. Charleition, 8. C.
209 ?tb St., Augusta, Ba.,
CIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects </
Sight, grinds the proper and WAR
BANTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
STflN — -= o Scales pUhUY WARRANT $ 60 Freight ED C = Raid J 1
^loNES* BlH6HAMT0H.Ny :
What the People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
ID News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Rugby.
Sharon has two little eating houses now.
Mrs. Anrda Taylor is still,in bad health.
C. L. Bagby will be glad to serve you
In your tin work.
Mr. J. A. Battle, of Warren, was in
burg last week.
Mr. Charly Smith left for his home,
Corde’e, last Sumlay.
Sweet Potatoes were selling pretty free
la our town last week.
Capt. J. W. i‘lynt.Sr, will move down
the country another yeat.
Mr. Buck Ivory was in our town last
week. He dou’l visit Sharon often.
Mr. George Smith, of Reynoldsville is
preparing to move to South cast Ga.
Mr. Jim Flynt, Jr., has his saw mill
loentiou in Greene county at present.
Mrs. Maud Smith will return to hor
home in Cordele about the 18th instant.
Bring your items of news to me by
Monday morning each week C. L. Bagby.
We had a big frost Sunday morning
last. We guess all the cotton will open
Mr. Henry Avery and mother visited
Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes of Sparta
The Flashing Eve, Buoyant Footstep
aitfl Rosy Complexion resuit Liver from Medicine. the use
of Dr. M. A. Simmons
Somebody ought to open a big business
now in the big store room under the M:>
sonic Hall.
We will not allow trespassing of stock
on the lands we liye on near Barnett. C.
L. Bagby.
To Purify and Enrich the Blood, Stren¬
gthen the Nerves and Invigorate the
System, use Dr. M. A. ■ Simmons Liver
Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackscn returned
frem’their visit to latter’s parents at Alco
yy last week.
We need more dewellin? h mse* at
oilmen Morels not one you can reut
In the place.
Weary women need an occasional does
of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine to
Strengthen their Nerves and Invigorate
their Systems.
Mr. A. D. Kendrick always makes
himself useful when his services are
needed in our town.
Preaching at Raytown Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday also at Williams
Creek Baptist church.
Mr.,Bi!ly M. Kendrick attended to Dr.
L. R. Brown’s drug business while the
Doctor was in Atlanta!
Temporary Derangement of ’Digestion
through overwork worry or emotional
excitement, are quickly rectified by Dr.
M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine.
Mr. James Gilbert and daughters, of
Wilkes, attended tie Jackson-Gilbert
marriage on the 1st, inst.
We are sorry to cronlclo Mrs. A. E.
Moore’sjill health. She has been a great
sufferer for some years back.
Mrs. W. L. Kendrick has had her a nice
flower pit made. She has a beautifull
garden of flowers, all varities.
Mr. T. Williams, Senoia, Ga., writes:
For many years my family has used Indiges¬ In
case of Biliousness, Constiyeness,
tion, Sick Headache and Sour Stomach
Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine,
which in my opinion is over fifty per cent
Stronger and better than Zeilin’* Regula¬
tor, which I have used.
A widower keeping company with a
young lady is not a sura sign that he
wants to marry a very young woman.
It seems that candidates for county
officer are not making much to do In
Taliaferro. In Wilkes they are just a
Some improvements going on at the
convent in the way of reparing, this is a
good institution and It cost no little sum
to keep up.
Our Sharon people boast of their busi¬
ness but they don’t advertise it. That i*
the way to get it before the people and
Question Answered.
Yes, August Flowor still has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized world.
Your mothers’ and grandmothers’ never Indi¬
thought of using anything else for
gestion or Billiousness. Doctors were
scarce, and they seldom beard of Appen¬
dicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart fail¬
ure, ^tc., T-hey .used August Flower to
clean out the system and stop fermenta
tion of undigested liver, food, regulate the ac
tion of the stimulate the nervous
and organic action of the system, and that
is all they took when feeling dull and bad
with headache* and other aches. You
only need a few doses of Greene’* August
Flower, in liquid form, to make you *at
isfied there is nothing serious the matter
with you. Sample bottles at Owl Drug
make it better.
Mr. Paul Massengale was in our
last week. Paul is a hustleron the
music ami, like ns, he usually travels
the gravel train.
Mr. Thomas F. Mooro lost 815 at the
jinn(MTy here recently and never has Iteen
able to find it yet. It is supposed it was
stolen from him.
LaGrippe, with its after effects, annu¬
ally destroys thousands of people. It
may be quickly cured by One Minute
Cough Cure,'the only remedv that pro¬
duces immediate results in cJUghs, colds,
croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat
and lung troubles It will prevent cons
sumption. Dr. K..J. Reid.
Some people think the railroads should
run a special train for them and they arc
like ourself, they ain’t got money enough
to buy a cross tie.
Remember Veuzc-y and Ogletree is
business young firm of Crawfordville and
they solicit your patronage. Call on
them; they aro up-to-date.
“1 wouldn’t be without Do Wilt’s Witch
Hazel Salve for any consideration, writes
Tho*q’Rhodes, Gerterfield, 0, Infalli¬
ble for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseases.
Beware of counterfeits. Dt R. J. Reid.
Mr. L. A. Moore come in last week
from Hillman with about forty eleven
children. You could not see Mr. Moore
for the children in his buggy.
Mr. Jessie McKiuny is a citizen of our
town now, having accepted a situation
with Mr. Charles Roth on the Ga. R. R..
Washington Branch as 2nd boss.
Dr. W. Wixon, Itally Hill, N- Y.,
says, “I heartily recommend One Minute
Cough Cine. It gave my wife immedi¬
ate relief in suffocating asthma," Pleas
ant to- take, Never tails to quickly cure
all coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles.
Dr. R. J. Reid.
Seals Darden and fohu M, Kendrick
Keu^dcjj have opened up a new store iit the J. A, store house. We
hope they will give us an ad, for this pap
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Darden ylsi’.ed
Atlanta last week taking in the fair; they
also carried their little daughter up to
have a surgical operation performed on
her neck.
Geo. Noiand, Rockland, 0., sav*- “**•’
wife had p'>»*■* forty • cs-jL ^rrr
Witch Hazel Salve cured her. It is me
best salve in America. ’ It heals every
thing and cures all skin diseases. Dr.
R J. Reid.
The boys tell us a good joke on Ed.
Carry; he went a’^possum hunting with the
boys recently and they caught a good siz¬
ed ’possum and Ed. being somewhat pos¬
sum huugry, agreed to eat it by himself It
they would barbecue It. So the boys skin¬
ned the yurmiut, cut off head and tail and
barbecued with pine straw without pep¬
per, salt or vinegar and Ed. took in the
whole possum without help and thinks he
done well as he has had vertigo eyer
“I bad dyspepsia fifty-seven years and
never found- permanent relief till I used
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Now I am well
and feel like a new man,” writes S. .J_
Fleming, Murray, Neb. It is the best
digestant known. Cures all forms of in¬
digestion. Physicians everywhere pre¬
scribe it. Dr. R. J. Reid
On the evening of the 1st, Instant, at
the Methodist church in Sharon at 4
o’clock, Mr. E. W. Jackson and Miss Em¬
mie Gilbert were united In marriage,
Rev, Mr. Holland officiating. A large
Crowd were present to witness the cere¬
mony. The church was beautiful.y dec¬
orated. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson receiyed
the hearty congratulations of their many
friends and left on fast train for Atlanta
and returned on Friday evening fast train
and were, given a reception at the Hotel
Hall's Great Discovery.
One small bottle of Hall’s Great
Discovery cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes,
seminal emission, weak and lame back,
benrtatism and all irregularities of and the
kidneys and bladder in both men
women. Regulates bladder troubles in
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will be sent by mail on receipt of 81.
One-small bottle istwo months treatment,
and will cure any casa above mentioned.
Ail orders promptly filled. Send for
Texas testimonials. E. W, HALL.
-Solemanufacturer, 8*. Louis, Mo., for¬
merly Waco Texas Sold at Owl Drugstore,
Crawfordville. Ga
Cuthbert, Ga., April 2nd, 1898.
This is.'to certify that I was affected
with grayel and that I took 60 drops of
Hall’s Great Discovery and it completely
cured me. It is worth $1000.00 per bottle
to any one needing it. J. T. STEVENS.
The 829,000 shortage in the Atlanta de¬
pot involves two prominent ticket &g enta
B*tn th* The Kind Yen Hate Alwayg Bougf t
What Their Neighbors Aru
ill the News of the County as Told by
Our Wide- wake Pencil
by a
\ Chnngeble weather last week.
Mrs. Burney Turner was quite stek lust
Court day at black log next Monday,
e 13th instant.
The work at the Barnett ginnery is get
lg pretty light.
Mr. Davidson was visiting the sick In
I s section last week.
Ir. George Downing was in our section
week from 53 Ga, R. R.
•Bril hunters kick powerfully if you
roll tbit their hunting on your lands.
young farmer near Barnett, we hear.
j s already rented three farms for anoth
, year.
sffr. J- L- Turner says he has to act
c jfcf cook and bottle washer at his house
. D. Bridges, Editor “Democrat,” Lan
,,, iter. N. H.. says, “One Minute Cough
Q' ■- is the besi remedy for croup 1 ever
jjjCd.” Immediately relievos and cures
Cl uglis, colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia.
bf chitis, grippe and all throat and lung
tr iubles- It prevents consumption. l)r.
RiJ, Ueid.
fed. H. M. Holden will make a good
We see nearly all the news
pijpcra in this circuit are speaking ■■ clteer
j d j words for him. Hope he will succeed.
,j tr people are busy sowing grain,
-pfis Is the best month for wheat and a
plenty should be put in. It is the salva
(i ( ;i for the people to raise their supplies.
Hr. Will Jackson’s brother, of Union
p fnt, was on a visit to tho former last
c of 0,
wt l»k lie Is a member company
Q : ;eue Rifles,8d Gft. Regiment.
A Tkoutqmd Tongues M
d not «• *<*$[)<* rupture ;.v Ae
wh*?* " tiowaW *t, v
ut; a, > a., lie found that Dr. king’s
Discovery for Consuniptson had
completely cured her of had a hacking made life cough a
th;ij Tor many years
buifteOf All other remedies and doctors
CO i,ld give her no help, but nhe says of
this Royal Oure~“it soon removed the
p,^!i in my chest and I can now sleep
S()l; jtdly, something 1 can searnely sounding remein- its
k ( , r doing before. I fetl like
ni a'-os throughout the Universe.” So
vvjji every one who tries Dr. King’s New
Discovery for any trouble of the Throat.
(ji.,.stor Lungs. Price 5()c. and 81.00.
qq.jal bottles free at Dr. It, J. Reid’s
jj t a g Store; every bottle guaranteed.
partners are sowing wheat.
jVi'r*. Susan Jones Is quite sick again.
jpister Johnnie Bishop is improving
. Julius Tay lor will move Into this
community now soon. (j
g 0 veral young men from Tyrone were
In th" 8 community Sunday.
jq, s. Catharine Caley has returned from
a v i t it to friends at Tyrone.
jj r James Humphrey made another
( r jp (ii Morgan county last week.
W’ learn that the Edgewood school
wi p pen Monday, Nov. 13th, 99.
p r ,-»st! Frost! yeB it haa come at last,
This will decide the “2nd cotton-crop”
que«- i -' on -
\yv are aorry to learn of the death of
jjr,. Thomas Rhodes, of Sandy Cros*,
\y e , r tend our sympathy to the bereaved
think that J on College Education,
in ias t week’s parper, hit the keynote,
We aSG c,? with him and are ready to cast
j n f(!J ! unit wherever an occasion presents
It self
Mr* 1 Nannie Bishop, the faithful and
ene r „' lc, teacher of the Edgewood school,
' her this week.
( llkg -n visiting patrons
A ,,d idea! In this way the teacher be
g<Kj better acquainted with the needs of
om-T perhaps, receives parental
each Uild, and
•Id. ,
Does It Pay t« Buy Cheap.
» sap remedy for coughs and colds is
' , something that
t, but you want
will G-i eve and cure the mpxe severe and
ZJL .rJrons ^ results shall of throat do? Go and to lung troub
les. ty hat you a warm
er ar:q more regular climate? Yes, lfpos
hie. nol possible for you, then in either
si ike the ONLY remedy that has been
case tf it-ed in all civilized countries with
Introd throat and lung troubles,
succeiJ n m vere
“Bo- iee’s German Syrup.” It not only
heals nd stimulates the tissues to destroy
the gej ■ tn disease, but allays Inflamatfon •
easy jxpectoration, gives a good
caus<- • rest, and cures the patient.
nigh'' Recommended many
OKK I snz
by all
boltit r
Mr. Robert Meadows, of Comb’s visited
Mr. J. Murden last Sunday.
Mesdunies Wolfe and Ward, Miss Katie
Wolfe, and the Misses King have returned
to Augusta aftt r yisft to relatives here.
Miss Eva Gunn and Mr. Tom McCauley
attended Sunday School at Bethany last
You never know what term of blood
poison will follow constipation Keep
ihe liver clean by using DeWitt’s Little
Earlv Risers and you will avoid trouble.
They are fnmeus little pills for constipation
and liver and bowel troubles. Dr. U. J.
School opened Monday with a small
attendance, but more pupils nic expected
to enter very soon. We hope all the pu¬
pils will begin the new year with firm
resolutions to Improve each precious mo¬
ment,, for time, once lost, can never be
regained. Some one, speaking of neglect¬
ed opportunities, has beautifully said:
“Lost yesterday, somewhere between
sunrise and sunset, two golden hours,
each studded with sixty diamond minute:!
no reward offered,’for they are lost forever.’
Therefore let all apply themselves dlllige
nt ere the opportunity passes away.
Editor’s Awrul Flight.
F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca, til's,,)
News, was afflicted for years with Piles
that no doctor or remedy helped until he
tried Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, He writes
two boxes wholly cured him. It’s the
surest pile cure on earth and the best
salve in tho world. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25 cents. Sold by Dr. K. J. Reid,
BY l. N. c.
The sick of our community are improv
The farmers are about through picking
Mr. Bur’lHlU, of Newton was here Fri¬
day lust.
Mr. Jim Johnson, of Warren county, is
visiting Mr. Web Farming’s family.
Mr. William Bryant of Oglethorpe
county was in l lelona Saturday last.
Professor Fergorson openad his school
”___..I* , aouut runty-StltCflOi*
Dr. H. H. linden, Summit, Ala., says,
“I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splen¬
did medicine. I prescribe .it, and my
confidence in it grows with continued use.’’
It digests what you oat and puickly cure*
dyspepsia and indigestion. Dr. R.J. Reid.
Mr. Jeff. Gunn and faintly spent Sun¬
day with tils brotherinlaw, Mr. Mack
Mr. Ran. Strozier will complete his job,
next week, In Lexington, of-putting up a
tine grist mill.
Mrs. Mary Boatwright, also her son
and family spent Sunday with her daugh¬
ter, Mrs. 8. A. Caldwell.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved Utah matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headache*,
They make pur* blood aad strong nerves
*ud build up your health. Caav to take.
if Try not them. cured. Only Bold 23 ceatt. by Dr. Money U. /. back Raid
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain in the post
office at Crawfqrdvilie, first of this mouth
nn-called forj
Comes, R.
Evrns, Frank
Favors, Elbert
Goudfork W. D.
Harley, Ida
Hackney, Miles
Hall, Hattie A.M
Harden, Adella
Johnson, Joseph
Jones, Elbert
Merritt, J. M.
Means, Dr.
Mabrld, J. M.
Platts, 8arah
Peak, Palrlie
Rhodes, Gussle
Sleels, Martha
Stewart, Elisabeth
Wheeler, Elbert
Cures Coughs.
Among the many so-called cough cures
that lood the market, there Is nons that
equeals Dr. Murray’s Discovery. Scien¬
tifically manufactured from his long-tested
private formula, from roots, barks and
herbs, It removes ail diseased conditions
and cures, as If by magic, consumption,
coughs, colds bronchitis and all affections
of the throat, chest and' lungs. It never
falls to cure to stay cured. Per bottle 50c.
Free sample can be obtained from Murray
Med Co. Atlanta or the Owl Drug Store.
^^hen VOU g0 tO Washinfij
ton visit Johnson's-Annex".
NO- 34.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum bakin g powders are the greatest
menaced to health of the present day.
The death at Athens of Dr, E. VV.
Speer, the father of fudge Emory Speer,
is sincerely mourned throughout the
whola state.
Health For Ten Cents.
Can anyone afford to be unhealthy when
ten cents will buy health? Nine-tenths of
an dlseasesjare caused by constipation, lazy
liver, sour stomach, poisoned blood. Ten
cents will buy a box of Cascarets, Candy
Cathartic at any drug store, and will make
tho organs of the body do their duty, put¬
ting the whole system in perfect order. It
costs so little to try it and find out for
yourself, that it seems wrong for anyone
tc keep on fluttering without at least test¬
ing the truth of these statements. Go
buy a ten cent box of Cascarets Candy
Cathartic at your druggists, to-day, for
yourself or an allng friend or relative.
Our readers will never icgrot taking this
advice, but will thank us for it.
Prof. N. E. Ware’s Hawklnsville School
exhibit took the first prize oyer other city
schools represented at the .State Fair.
The Companion for the Rest of 1 SOD.
During the remaining weeks ot 1829
maintain its Iresh and varied interest for
young and old by presenting articles from
the pens of eminent men and women and
aturiun by the mo* 1 gifted writer* of fiction.
Among* *»o contributors will be Frauk
D Of .1- ai y
“The Woli and the Wheelbarrow,** James
Bryce, author of “The American Cotnrmm
wealtn." who offers "Hints on Reading;”
W. D. Howell* and Jane Barlow, each of
whom contributes a serial story; Bret
Harto, who recalls an early Caliafonia
expeilence in “How 1 Went to the Mine.-;
May E. Wilkins, who tells of “Sereny
Maria at School;” and Henry M. Stanley,
who under the title, “For Life and Liberty
relates a thrilling adventure of bis
travel* in Darkest Africa.
The November and December numbers
containing these features ara given to
every new subscriber for the 1900 volume
free from the time subscription is received
in addition to the Companion's exquisite
Calendar for 1900—'he last Calendar of
the century and the most beautiful one
ever given to CoMPAieN subscribers.
Illustrated Announcement jNumber
containing a full prospectus of the volume
for 1900, will be sent treo to any address.
203 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Macon wants the Htato Fair next year
and will got it. People of that city have
Applied for a portion of Atlanta’s success
to aid them in a financial shortage on the
State Fair held in Macon in 1896.
One of the most distressing sights {•
to see a child almost choking with tha
dreadful whooping-cough. Give tha
child Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough and Syrup,
relief will bo obtained at once to#
sufferer will soon be cured.
COUCH Cures Whooping-Cough SYRUP, quickly. I
Dose* are small and pleasant to take. DoctotV
recommend lL Price a* eta. At all draggistm
Tie Seitievnu
Wants an agent m >our town It gives pre miums
vt liuiwut, Hi. yclr-., Watches, Sewing Shirt Machines, and Silk liesks. Waists, Sets
of Iiish m, kiiifpi,
Handkerchiefs, etc.; in fact, about two hundred useful
and oroamet it;il articles nnd household necessities
can Hr secured without costing onr cent. A nr* and
attractive plan of securing subfpribers without the
objectionable feature of canvassing.
siooo . 00 in gold Given Away Free
We send our complete outfit and easy plan for
raising clubs FrP«i also our Mammoth Premium Vou will be surprised and delighted with the
high quality and great assortment of our premium*,
and ir. addition we are totfive away 8 1000.00
In Gold ind a S950.0O Piano, Inop us a
< »rd to-day for full particulars , do not delay.
Everything wilt be sent you FfC*>
^NTLEWOMAN publishing company,
fientlrvromnn ft"i/finff,
.Veil* Ynrk Clfu. .V. T.
NEURALGIA rured by Dr Miles’ P&nl
Pill*. "Ono cent a dose. At all druggist^.