Newspaper Page Text
* Gf*
P* How is this?
If f£ Perhaps sleepless nights
caused it, or grief, or sick
'£ ness, or perhaps it was care.
S No matter vhat the cause,
Jr you cannot wish to look old
ll at Gray thirty.
tfj hair is starved hair,
fa The hair bulbs have been
deprived of proper food or
proper nerve force.
T. ;
_* ft L the increases scalp, the gives circulation more power In I
B to the nerves, supplies miss
ing elements to the hair
■S \ bulbs.
II Used according to direc
L] tions, gray hair begins to
fl show color in a few days.
£ Soon it has all the softness
<8 and richness of youth and
the color of early life returns,
w Would you like our book
1 on the Hair? We v/ill gladly
send it to you.
Writ* urn I
If you do not obtain all the
benefits you expected from
the about Vigor, it. He write the be able doctor to I
suggest something may of value j i
Ayer to you. Co., Address, Lowell, Mass. Dr. J. C. |j U
—If you want some nice fruit
trees at whole sale price see
Editor Moore.
—Rev R. E. L. Harris was
selected by the Hephzibah church
as an evangelist. The : r section
is good.
—Mesdames W. O. and H. M.
Holden and Miss Maud Stephens
went up to the Flower Show at
Greenesboro yesterday.
—Air. J. N."Chapman will add
to his home and his son, Oscar
will move his family to his
father's where he will make his
- Collector W. O. Wright
gives a full report on our last
page and on this page urges the
importance of paying your taxes
— Delos Chapman caught 42
rats in two traps Friday night
last and brought them up town
where the boys had some fun
killing them.
—I am offering a new high
grade bicycle in each county for
a little pleasant work Work
can be done easily by any one.
addresss, J. E. Smith Monticello.
— County Commissioners heid
their regular session Tuesday,
and 'transacted the usual monthly
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable,
— —
Ahnost cverybomr who reads the news
capers P is sure to kaow of the wonderful
• made by Dr.
i cures
I Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
, an cal f t triumph u^peS^’di- of the
w Iijfl teenth century; nine- dis
, ii Uji*] ; i|l covered after years of
~ research
, scientific by
(> u Dr. Kilmer, the emi
flJ ' der nent specialist, kidney and and blad- is
wenderfully successful in promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
b’.es and Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble. Swamp-Root
Dr. Kilmer's Is not rec
emmendedfor everything but if you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
just the remedy you need, it has beer, tested
in sc many ways, in hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement h*s
teen made by which all readers of this paper
whe have not already tried it, may have a
sample fcottlc sent free by mail, also a book mere shout Swamp-Root and hew to
f.r.c cut if you have kidney or bladde-t'cub'f.
V 'hen writing mention reading this generous
o'.? r in this pacer and
Eir.i your address to
Dr. Kilmer L Cc-.,3inf
ha—.ton. N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Same of »«wrvRnc*.
COiiar sues are acid by «ii good druggists.
f .7 I, I
I L •
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Onr People Are Doing:, Saying
and Thinking About Told
in Brief Notes.
Nice fresh grits at veazey
& Ogletree’s.
—Representative Reid spent
Sunday last at home.
— Sheriff Callaway, of Wilkes,
was here Monday evening.
—Mrs. Martha E. Moore is
visiting relatives in Sparta.
—Col. W. N. Maltbie attended
Wilkes Superior court this week.
—Arthur Hubert is assisting
his brother, W. P., at the depot
—Thei’e was not much busi
ness in the Ordinary's court
—The cotton and cotton seed
business has beeu quiet here
this week.
We sell Old Orchard pick¬
ling vinegar at lowest price. Veu
zey & Ogietree.
—Mrs. E. E. Boline returned
to Washington Monday after a
visit to friends here.
Best South Georgia syrup
to arrive at Veazey & Ogletree’s
in a day or two.
—There were more watermel¬
on hand 1st of November
this year than for many years.
—The report that robins have
arrived seemsquite an indication
tnat a cold winter is ahead of us.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Norton
have been in Augusta this week
attending Miss Ella during her
—The white frosts first of the
week put an end to the cotton's
growing and the speculator's tale
of woe.
—We hear that a Miss Gunn
of Washington has *|noved to
Crawfordville to engage iu dress
—Everybody says cotton
should be 8 cents per pound and
many look for it to go to that
mark soon.
-Col. Alex. Stephens, of
Atlanta, went over to Washing¬
ton Monday after a visit to
relatives here.
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens and
Mrs. C. H. Golucke have
returned from a visit to l'elatives
in Montgomery, Ala.
—Baggage Master Charlie
Rhodes, of the Picayune, return¬
ed to his work Wednesday after
a visit to his home here.
—Dr. W. T, Nash was given
letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs. E. T. Carter in
Ordinary’s court Monday.
—Rev. JulianS. Rogers, pastor
second Baptist church at Macon,
will preach at Baptist church
here Saturday and Sunday.
—I C. Levy’s Son &Co ’’
Augusta, are telling our readers
some wholesome facts iu th
advt. in this paper. Read it
A fine, young, bird dog
(pointer) for sale cheap. For
further information apply to
Emmett Henry, Crawfordville,
—part} . who , paid ., 50c . n
1000 more for his job printing by
ending away from home for it.
need not kick anybody but him
, ,
—Col. Harce Holden went over
to Washington court this week
Algae ,, trie of the
"- 0 _ case
condemned negroes Perry and
^ .V AU unatoidable . , ,, accident
we failed to issue the regular
installment . __ of , Swamp ,, Secret, „
the serial story now running in
OUT paper. Two instalments
a p, e this week,
—Mr. Mercer J. Bruce has ac¬
cepted a school near Graves’
MoUOtain in Lincoln
where he wili go next week to
take charge. He is an exempia
ry voung man and his friends
wish him much success.
I have just completed my new room which now gives
an additional 4,SCO square feet floor space to my already large
$7,500.00 STOCK.
1 am now tilling this Annex with an entirely new stock
of up-to-date furniture, as large variety as can be found in any
-*ity South.
Washington, Georgia.
* THE OWL Dr)g STORE. -v-
To Build a Handle Factory.
It seems now that the Crafw
ordville Gin A Mill Co., will soon
have an industry established
here that will add greatly to the
town. They propose to erect a
saw mill and put iu machinery
that will turn out handles of
various kinds, utilizing the ash
timber that grows abundantly in
this section of the country. We
are glad to note this proposed
improvement, and hope they will
soon have their works
Pay Your Taxes.
I will be in Crawfordville ev»
Saturday until my books ch
and on first Tuesday in Decern
for the purpose of colleo'
taxes. It is important thate
body pay their taxes before
close of ini' books on the 2f
Dec. JL have positive ordi
close at that time and issue
for all taxes not paid tv
date. Be prompt as I
comply with the law.
W. O. Wri.
Tax-Collector, T. C.
Tuesday’s Sales.
Tuesday was the most exten¬
sive sale day that we have had
in some time. The Richards
store-house was bid in by C H.
Holden for Mr P. K. Boswell for
$662 00. A two-horse wagon
was bought by Mr. W. O. Lunce
ford for $15.00. The property
of Alfred Beazley, including two
bales of lint cotton, cotton seed,
fodder and corn,'was bid iu by
Drake Bros. The lint cotton
brought 7c and the seed cotton
2ic per pound. Tbe Edwards
land which was advertised for
sale Tuesday was not sold as
some arrangement was made to
postpone the sale.
Used bv British Soldiers in Africa.
Capt. C. G. Dennison is well
known all over Africa as coin
mauder of the forces that capt
, ired t h e famous rebel Gal is he.
Under date of Nov. 4. 1897, from
Vryburg, Bechuaualand, he
writes: “Before starting on the
last campaign I bought a quan
tit.y of Chamberlin’s Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy.
which I used myself whe« troub
, e d with bowel com plaint, 1 and
, had , given . to . my men, and - in
eV ery case it proved most bene
ticial. ” For sale by Dr.R. J.
Reid,Crawfordville, L. R. Brown
B*'^ r Dn.
Read all our advertisements.
An Up-to-Date Store
Is Always Pleasant to Have
About you when you want to purchase Best goods
at reasonable prices.
No Goods Are Too Gc od
For our customers. We will at all times keep the
purest, best and freshest Fancv and Family Groce¬
ries. and will SELL THEM A f BOT7 OM PRICES
At S and of The 0*1 Drug Store, Crawfordville, Ca.
PROTECT YOUR EYES W getting a pair of
Kellam & Moore’s Cristal Li \s (Eye Glasses) fit¬
ted <o your eyes, at
Next do<’r* 'The Alliance Store.
Dr. Avary is in Crawfordville
ani will remain till Nov. 18th.
Parties wishing to have work
do) \ will please call at once, or
m I.appointment by mail.
Tuesday’s Election.
I/ji the election Tuesday, Ken¬
tucky went Republican, Nebras¬
ka '.’Fusion-Democratic; Peunsyl
va.iia, Republican; Ohio, Repub¬
lics; Portion of New York Dein
ratic but Republicans gained;
rginia, entirely Democratic;
issachusetts, Republican; Re
blicans show gains in Kansas;
ssissippi Democratic, The
lanta Journal calls it a “dog
11. »» It looks like the Repub¬
lics fell considerably on top
Will Siam Recover.
Miss Ella Norton was thought
< lie worse last week and I)r.
(alone of Augusta was called
) see hex 1 . He pronounced her
rouble appendicitis and request
* 4-hifrL fthe be removed to Au¬
gusta to be operated on at once.
She was carried down Thursday
night to the home of her sister
iix that city but she showed signs
of improvement, soon after arriv¬
ing in the city and the operation
was deferred. Later reports in¬
dicate now that she will soon
recover without an operation.
rou-.cKs Cannot b'- CureJ
by local applications as they
cannot reach the diseased por¬
tion of the ear. There is only
one that way is by to cure deafness, aud
constitutional reme¬
dies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous
Kuing of the Emduchin Tube,
t lien this tube is inflamed you
perfect ave a hearing, rumbling sound or im¬
and wiieu it i.->
ntirely closed, deafness is the
: osult, aud unless the inflarnat ion
■an be talced out and this tube
restored to its norma] condition,
faring will be destroyed for
• ver; nine cases out of ten are
Gsed by Catarrh, which is notli
g but an inflamed condition of
ie mucous surface.
We will gi\e One Hundred
»ollars for any case of Deaf ness
ausell by catarrh) that cannot
A cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure
•<end for circulars: frv*.
|F. Sold J. Cheney Druggisi. Co., Toledo, 0.
oy n>c.
Hail's Family Pills are the
—Mrs. A. G- Beazly and Jack
returned Wednesday from a visit
to relatives in Greene county.
brightest Items from Near by
To tli* Crwlit of the Excellent Count)
Journal!i from Which We He*
the Creamy News.
Some disease is destroying
cattle in Hancock county.
Tax-Collectors in the adjoining
counties report collections slow.
Mr. John W. Treadwell. 00
years old, died in Hancock last
Judge A. S. Morgan has been
reappointed county judge in
Judge Frank Little has been
appointed county Judge for Han¬
cock county.
Ishmaelite news from Jewels
says the sugar cane crop in that
section is a failure.
Miss Fannie Findley and Mr.
Ed. Barnett, were married in
Oglethorpe county last week.
Miss Evelyn Latimer was mar¬
ried to Mr. II. M. Coleman,—
at Shoals Hancock county, on
Nov. 1 st.
In speaking of Col. Horace
Holden’s candidacy for judge
th<‘ Sparta Ishmaelite say he is
an able man.
Dillard Herndon lias confessed
that he killed Lovengood iu
Wilkes county but said lie did it
in self defense.
On Wednesday morning, in
the Methodist church, Miss Julia
Bowen was married to Mr.
Frank L. Reese, of Dahlonegu.
—Sparta Ishmaelite.
On the 130 th, ult., Miss Nell
Williams and Mr. Walter Kim¬
brough, and Miss Qucene Zaehry
and Mr. A. J. S. Jackson were
married in Gieene county.
Miss Marion Hubert left us
Monday. She went to Craw¬
fordville to spend some time with
her brother before returning to
Athens. —Oglethorpe Echo.
It is said that there is still
probability of the whisky
petition being handed to Ordl
nary McWhorter. Unlucky day
for Green county, should this
be the case.
Don’t miss a treat. Go to
Johnson’s “Annex”
There has been a noticeable
decrease in the number of
English sparrows here-abouts. It
is thought ** they killed themselves
eating army worms.—Ogle
thorpe Echo '
A friend in need is a friend
indeed. That is exactly what
Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy is.
It is the mother’s help when she
is suddenly awakened in the
night by the ominous husky
cough, and labored breathing,
of her babe. It is the safe re¬
sort of the youth or adult when
he has “caught cold’’ and there
is coughing and irritation of the
mucous membrane of the throat.
It allays the irritation and cures
the cold. For sale by Dr. K,
J. Reid, Crawfordville, L R.
Brown, Sharon.
All jiarties should eDdorsc Mr.
B. S. Irvin, of Wilkes, in the fol
lowing: t » I am in favor of a
White Primary, and not a Demo¬
cratic Primary enly. If
Populist friends wish to join us.
let them come in on even terms
with ourselves, without question
or without pledge. ”
It will not be a surprise to any
who are at all familar with the
good qualities of Chamberlin’s
Cough Remedy, to know thut
people everywhere take pleas¬
ure in relating their experience
in the use of that splendid ined
icirie and in telling of the benefit
they have received from it, of
bail coiiin it has cured, of threat¬
ened attacks of pneumonia it has
averted and of the children it
has saved from attacks of croup
and whooping cough. It is a
grand, good medicine. For sale
by Dr. R. J. Reid.
L. R. Brown, Sharon.
Don.t fail to see Johnson’s
“Annex” in Washinsrton.
Mr. .Jesse Reese and Mr*,
Mary A. Hobbs were united in
marriage Tues lay morning.—
Warr * Gton clipper.
Heart Disease
4 Years*
% Is
i Wl m
Ii torn
sw m
am positive I would net be
living today but for your
wonderful remedy. Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure. I had heart dis¬
ease four years and doctors
failed to help me- When I be¬
unfit gan taking for this remedy I was
months I anything, have kit but perfectly for six
well. Mr«. Martin Waldrcff,
E. Grand Fcrks, Winn,
Is sold by all drurplsts on (Oiarnntes
firs! bottle benefits or money back.
Book on heart and nerves sent tree.
Dr. Mile* Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Colton Market Letter.
Augusta, On., Nov, 8.1899.
Following are the prices roiling here:—
Augusta classification.
Good Middling 7 8-4
Middling, 7 1-2
Low Middling, 7 1-4
Good Ordinary 6 1-2
Yours faithfully,
The Crawfordville market is about 8-8
all round lower Ilian Hie Augusta mar
riiuntdny, Nov. 80th, lms been
proclaimed Thanksgiving duy for 1899 by
President McKinley,
TO T1IF. DEAF.— A rich lady, curedof
her Deaf ness and Noiees in Hie Head iiy
Dr. Nicholson's Artifehil Kar Drums
gave SIO.OQO totlils lnslitule, so that deuf
people unable to procure the Ear Drums
may have them free. Address No. 1898
The Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue. New
Tbe man whi> sells hi* vote should be
disfranchised, us he has no right with the
bid ot.
Ihe KM ..... ..... ‘tougfrt
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patron k have paid
their subscription!! since our Inst Issue
A. N. Anbury SI .26 to Nov. 10, 1900
A Sew Shop.
I have nmvedinto my new shop on
liroau street where* I welcome all my
white friends to my handsome quarters.
* vIhU >V ,ir •*»"*« bair cutting
vnd shoinpooing for the ladlw and child
ren; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoe-shilling rleparme.ut. Give me a call.
Crawfordville. o».
Those who propose to
hold their Cotton should
not let it damage on the
damp ground, but protect
it. from the weather and
insure against fire. In
thb hands of a reliable
factor it will be safe and
he will be in a position
to sc’, at a moment’s
notice. We are advanc¬
ing almost the full value
of Cotton stored with us.
JF|' ill I ~W k’ jS 3 W I Ti MTEIT m»y tie secured fiood by Mass
oar aid. Address,
————————— Baltimore, Md,
RsosenpOoB* to Tbe Psteol Record ,1.00 per