Newspaper Page Text
Is a Yictim of ■ , n ^Chronic Catarrh,
Producing a Running Ear.
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The Emperor of Germany has a run¬
ning ear. Just think of it; a man at
whose beck one of the strongest armies
and navies of the whole earth could be
set in motion, a man whose rule is abso¬
lute over the country of medical universi¬
ties,* man whose slightest caprice could
press into service the most noted savants
and philosophers on earth, has a running
ear and is unable to find a cure!
Now contrast the experience of the
following citizens of the United States
with the Emperor of Germany. Like the
Emperor, they failed to find a cure. But,
unlike the Emperor, they happened to
be plain citizens of the United States,
rather than the center of the inner court
of the most exclusive and carefully
guarded aristocracy of the world. In
his position nothing
but the remedies
that have mot the
SR- approval of the most
V 1 fastidious medical
Js orthodoxy could
ever reach him. In
the position of these
m however, American they citizens, had
.CT Ecstink, of access to remedies
cWof Rafting’ and and untried, new, tried
Eart by Dr. ap¬
Hartman. proved ami d leap
proved. They were at. perfect liberty to
try anything they chose to. They chose
tb try the remedy that had cured others
like themselves, and thus they found a
Running of the ears, deafness or all
other affections of the middle ear, are
due primarily to chronic catarrh. Run¬
ning of the ear is properly called chronic
■suppurative catarrh. Pe-ru-na will cure
•catarrh of the middle ear, as well as
catarrh located elsewhere. This has
been proven over and over again in
innumerable cases besides the ones just
mentioned. Deafness and running of
the ears are but symptoms of chronic
catarrh of the middle ear. Po-ru-na
cures the catarrh, when the symptoms
disappear, whether it be running ears or
deafness or any other affection of the
middle ear. The remedy is compounded
according to the formula originally de¬
vised by Dr. Hartman of the Snrgical
Hotel, Columbus, O, the noted writer
' JR Beautiful Hair t i
Or. Murray’s i
■ «
j ■*%-5 Sk „. Hair Prcmotsr i
[ Cures dandruff, invigorates stops the the hair growth, from fall- is a % f
Jr ing out, Ires-enxr, and while not a dye, (
„ perS iiournliiui? will positively re- f
. x»y its roots,
More gray hair to Its origin*! color. Hi- t '
I the pur-excellence of ali hair restorers.
I price. ei.OO per large Bottle. *
Kor *al« by druuxfiats—if not, send to ue , j
[ and ii will be sent, prepaid, upon re.-.jipt <
I of ps-ire. i
| Medicine Companv. r
ei<v»/r -
For Sale by Owl Drug Store.
209 7 th St., Augusta, Ua.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects </
tight, grinds the proper glasses and twf
BA>'Ti» them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
CiT VAl k RDH | I Catarrhsf'the for 50e. Best h’rad and and simplest nose
w4ch V A311 rtis | ‘ ATLANTA “ B e d preparation ^ CO.
113 r». Pkyok ST*, Atlanta, Ga.
and lecturer on all catarrhal disease*,
The second ease, Mr. H. Walter Brady,
Cascade, Ark., is a ease of suppuration
of the middle ear of
14 years’ standing.
He says: ” I had run¬
ning ears, and for 14
years I was almost
an invalid. It was
4a aS. so offensive that I
L excluded myself
MW from all society. I
received a pamphlet
from Dr. Hartman
Mr.H. Walter Brady. entiUed *The Ills of
Life.’ He wrote me that the remedy was
simple and that I could cure myself.
After using $17 worth of his remedies I
was entirely cured. The world could
not buy my fortune. I recommend Pe
ru-na to all as the best medicine sold.”
The third case is that of Rev. S. H.
Renfro, Xorbarne, Mo, who had running
ears. He says: “ My
head gathered and
broke and my ears
ran terribly. I tried
several remedies
with no relief. At
last X got a bottle of
Pe-ru-na and it did
me so much good
that I kept on using Rev. S. H. Rsmfro.
it; am on the fourth .
bottle, and must say it has removed all
my bad symptoms. My head does not
pain any more, my ears have stopped
running and I feel a great deal better.
The next is theease of Master Murphy,
of Jatan, Mitchell
county, Texas, who
had been troubled
3? with running ears
ever since he was
sj nine months old.
Jgs After a thorough
V: ^i course of treatment
p with Pe-rn-ua he was
v ' entirely cured, and
is now rejoicing in
Master Murphy. the fact that he is
entirely free from this horrible disease.
A free book treating catarrh in all of
its different phases and stages, written
by Dr. Hartman, will be se^t free, by
addressing The Pe-ru-na Drug Manu¬
facturing Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Jr is
look h% Your Mirror
Do you see sparkling eyes, a healthy,
tinted shin, a sweet expression and a grace¬
ful form ? These attracttpiis are the re-urn
of good health. If they a.-e absent, thfere
Is nearly alwava some disorder of the dis¬
tinctly feminine organs present. health and Healthy beaoty
menstrusl organs mean
everywhere. 8
Wine of Oardui
makes women beautiful and healthy.
It strikes at the root of all their
trouble. There is no menstrual dis¬
order, ache or pain which it will not
cure. It Is for the budding approaching girl, the
busy wife and the matron
the change of life. At every trying
crisis in a woman’s life it brings
health, jr.oo strength and happiness, it
costs of medicine dealers.
For advice in cases requiring special
directions, address, Advisory giving Department, symptoms, ’
“ The Ladies’ Medicine Co., Chat¬
The Chattanooga
tanooga, Term. # »
MRS. BOZEN’A LEWIS, 0/ Oenarille,
Intervals Texas, esys:—“I was ifm troubl'd ni at kr»a m-.nthlr
w-tth te-ribte in my V.
back, but have been entirely reueveO oy me
of Card -ju u
What the People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
m Sews and Gossip of all that Sec
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Rugby.
Mr. Rice Gunn and family left for
down the country.
Mr. Will Edwards, the cow buyer, was
with us last week.
Air. and Mrs. A. D. Moore’s little child
is still quite feeble.
Go to C. L. Bagby, Sharort Ga., to get
your tin work done.
Mr. L. S. Jackson made a business trip
to Augusta last week.
Mr. Joe Ellington visited bis old friends
in Sharon last J' riday.
Mr. L. S. Jackson has put up a nice
heater in his uow store.
Mr. Seal Darden is boarding with Messrs
A. D. and J. M. Kendrick.
The writer and family visited Mr. J.
McKinney, Sr., last Sunday.
Mr. and MrsEuell Jackson arc making
their home at the Jackson hotel.
Mr. Walter Davidson, of Augusta, is at
bis father's, Dr. A. C. Davidson.
Mr. R, H. Jackson is putting up the
new fencing around the conyent.
Mr. George Fouohe is down in South
east Georgia prospecting this week.
Mr. T. E. Kendrick is assisting in the
Kendrick A Barnett store now days.
Air. Jessie McKinney and family vis¬
ited his parents at Black Log last Sunday.
The scrap iron man has left us and
this section is clean of old iron and bones.
Wo understand Mr, W. P. Dozier will
open up bis store at Barnett again this
The Masonic brethren had an oyster
supper ou Wednesday night of last
We met with our old friend Tax Col¬
lector Will Swain of Warren county
last week.
Mr. Charles Roth, section boss at Shar¬
on, had to take his gang out ou the maiu
line last week.
......----w--V-- *BT.....
J. M. Flynt and family, and Boose
Stewart and family, left for the lower
country last week.
IVe think Dr. L. R. Brown staid in the
potato patch all last week digging and
roasting potatoes.
Ed C'orry says the boys need not fret
about his barbecued possum. He is ready
to take another hunt.
Rev. A. L. Whitfield preaches at
Sharon Presbyterian church on the first
Sunday in each month,
No hunting or otixer wise tresspassing
on Stiie Lands we live on with out
permission. O. L. Bagby.
Mr. E. E, Darden reports his daughter
doing well In Atlanta and ttiut with no
backset will be alright soon.
Mrs. J. W. MeKeon had her a nice
ilower buit lust week. The ladies
will take care of the flowers.
“1 had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and
never found permanent reliof till I used
Kodol Dyspepsia Care, Novv I am well
and feel line a new man,” writes 8. J
Fleming, Murray, Neb. I*- is the best
dipcstant known. Cures all forms of in¬
digestion. Physicians everywhere pre
scribe it. Dr. R. J. Reid
Pay up what you are due this papeT
and renew your subscription and you will
feel better and so will the proprietor.
Mr. A. L. Gilbert took a little recreation
in hunting last week. He is always missed
and some body calls for him when be is
Never undermine or cut prices against
your brother mechanic. You will not
gain anything in the long run and it is a
rascally act.
Mr. Theodore Flynt left last Saturday
for his home in Alabama. He says
crops ofjeotton about half In bis section
but corn crops good.
Geo. Nclantl Rockland, 0., says, “Mv
wife had piles forty years. DeWit-’e
Witch Hazel Salve cured her. It is the
best siive in America. ’ It heals every
thing and cures all skin diseases. Dr.
R. J. lieid.
Mr. L. S. Jackson, Sharon’s popular,
merchant and hotel keeper, has promised
some ads for this paper dow soon which
will be thankfully received. The other
tefy. C. L. Bagby.
Th. only trouble with Georgl. Iu
rermlto, or the W. of a .b,
has got to convert Fulton, Bibb, Richmond
Muscogee, Chatham and all tie counties
where there are big cities. Then you will
have a dry State, but the blind tiger and
I illegal selling of the damnable stuff will
.rill goon as it is uow ia all your dry
Oi fflyour letter heads bill bunds, ship
V'l'T >■■{» and envtlopes ihrough C. L.
Bag '1 You will gat them at lowest prices
at, t . Democrat offic e.
I Ijl j W. heartily Wixon, recommend [tally Hill, One N- Minute Y.,
Coi l ate. It gave n\v wife imruedi
ate If it) suffocating asthma,” Pleas¬
ant , Jtake. Never talk to quickly cure
all 'jibs, colds, throat and lung troubles.
Dr, H, Reid.
m Bgg iry of Raytown, a veteran
wldoi teihe tho war ol 1812, still does
her ■jvork about the bouse. She is
over Htdred years old.
•‘1 Han't be without DeWitt's V' itch
Hazi Lxlvo L for any consideration, writes
riioaj Rhodes, Certerfield, 0. Infalli
bio &M-. outs, burns and skin diseases.
Be' I t oeurterfiits. Ds R. J. Reid.
M Byotir Christinas goods adyertlse
n Ight uow. Ttie Cliristinas holidays
fn 1 be here and the people will want
where you are “at” and whatyou
i. :l >. Rri ,;os, Editor “Democrat.” Lan
. N. II.. says, “One Minute Cough
(tlie best remedy for croup I over
used.Immediately relieves and cures
cough# colds, croup, asthma, pneumonia,
hroncuitis, grippe ami all throat and lung
trouble It prevents consumption. Dr.
If. J. jRoid.
Mrs. Lewis, an old lady, died at the
ol* homolpi her daughters, Mrs. John Stone.
1 iyton n, on the 9th, Inst. We
extend our sympathy to bereaved
relati vns.
Dr, 11. M Haden, Summit, Ala., says,
“I tLii . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splen¬
did !oin«, 1 prescribe it, and my
on!’..* m it grows with continued use.’’
it digests whatyou eat. and puickly cures
dyspepsia and indigestion. Dr. R.J. Reid.
Mow. every man that has done any bus
IneS flm time tills year lias a man on a
horgj every day traveling around to collect
w he has out; but we hear collection*
are if oil.
LSJirippe, with its after effects, annu¬
ally lientroys thousands of people. It
nut quickly cured by Due Minute
de Cog! pgJimmediate Cure, the results only remedy in coughs, that colds, pro
ci t bronchitis, pneumonia and throat
n ■v troubles. It will prevent con
■Jt. w
A nisn traded for a wagon rwiently iri
our sv tfon and be bad to take the wheels
and shafts off of it for fear some one
might come and roll ft off at night. These
are tricky and hard times.
You never know what torrn of blood
poison will follow constipation, Keep
the 1 i < or clean by using Re Witt's Little
Kariv Risers and you will avoid trouble^
They lire famous If ttie pills for constipation
and llpor and bowel troubles. Dr. It. J.
MrJFelix Darden week in hwt the a curiosity ofa sweet on
our streets last way
potato. We suppose it would weigh 1 1-4
pounds ami Ifxoks like n snake In its coil.
Mr. Darden says he made a fine erep of
The Flashing Eye, Buoyant Footstep
and Rosy Complexion result fn>m the use
of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine.
Mr. J. A. Kendrick seem* to like the
big round bale of cotton but dont like the
baby fellows. Bro Jim always reaches
for the big persimmons and he generally
gets them so fur fn tho cotton arid mer¬
chant business.
Bismarck’s Iron nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and trem‘minus energy
are riot found where Stomach, Liver,
Kidney* and Bowels are oxxi of order. I
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills.
They develop every .power of brain and
body. Only 2oc at Dr. R. J. Reid's drug
Mr C. W. Caldwell made u business
trip to Washington last week. With her
machine shops, foundrys, brick yards,
lumber yards, etc, Washington sayes our
people some expeniie and trouble, it
being s” near home. Washington is a
busihess place. Her merchants advertise
their business in their county papers and
it carries the trade to them. We can do
nothing lor Washington or Wilkes only
»II them their drams when they send
after them.
Doe* It Fay to Buy Cheap.
jysrens: arssE'Si
w j|irelieve ana cure the mere severe and
dan ierous reeults of throat and lusg troub
i{ not possible for you, then in either
c^Ub^he OKLT remrt, tl.ut uoM,H, bu, ten
German Syrup.” It not only
heals and stimulate- the tieeuee to destroy
the germ disease, brd allays inflamation,
“*’‘^ e r 7st, anf7nres Recommended the’ patient. years Try
qNE bottle. many Sample
i,y all druggist in tin- world.
boifleealOwl Drug Store. —-----
And What Their Neighbors Aru
ill the News of the County as Told by
Our Hide- wake Pencil
Mr-VV. F. Bishop attended church at
Raytown Sunday.
Mr. Ed. Stewart and mother visited
relatives here Sunday.
Thesweet potato crop in this community
is almost a complete failure.
Help the man who is trvlng to help
himself. Ho deserves your help.
Quito a number from here attended
services at Phillips church Sunday.
To Purify and Enrich the Blood, Stren¬
gthen the Nervi's and Invigorate the
System, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver
We have tho best county paper in tliis
section of tho stale. [ Thanks. Ed. A. 1>.
Our farmers must intend to live al
home in the future, All of them are
sowing wheat.
Weary women need an occasional docs
of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine to
Strengthen their Nerves and Invigorate
their Systems.
Edgewood school opened Monday with
good attendance. If the patrons will do
their duty and “stand by” the teacher this
will be one of the best schools in the
connty in a short time.
Some poor country people are so selfish
that they had rather see their poor neigh¬
bor die than see him rise above them.
They are not willing for him to elevate
himself and his community.
Temporary Derangement of • Digestion
through overwork worry or emotional
excitement, are quickly rectified by I)r.
M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine.
“Abhor that which is evil; eleve to that,
which is good.” Let us therefore follow
after the things which make for peace,
and things wherewith we may edify ano¬
“Honor and shame from no condition .rise
well thy jmi't t here all the honor lies.”
A Georgia Farmer got $1.2*1 per Rale
more for Kouiullap than for
Square Cotlou.
Mr. James II. Camp, one of the most
successful farmers of Floyd County, Geor¬
gia, asked recently by a reporter of the
Romo Georgian what he thought of tho
American Cotton Company’s ,Uuumllup
bu.’e, said: “The otixer day 1 putil to the
severest possible test. 1 look cotton to
Arnolds [square bale] gin In North Rome
uud the sumo duy 1 carried, some of tho
same lot of cotton to lluncock’s jltoumilap
gin in Rome. 1 sold both lots of cotton
In Rome the sume day uud alter every
ttamut expense was ctiaigcdagainst each,
I cleared cue dollar and twenty-five cants
a bale more on the Uoundlup cotton.”
Miss Annie Harris attended preaching
at Bethany Sunday.
Mr. ami Mrs. I.U. Murden visited
their son near Union Point last Sunday.
The many friends of Mrs. O. I. Harris
will be glad to learn that she is recovering.
Mrs. Sallie Stovall, of Morgan coanty,
was the guest of Mrs. J. C. Mtnlen last
Mrs. Merritt, of Union Point, is on a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. O'. L. Winter,
at tixis place.
Mr. A)*x Saggus and family, of Mar
garett’s Groye, were the guests of relatives
Miss E*a Gunn has returned to her
home in Washington after a v,s,t to Mrs
E - 11 • McCaley.
Her. J. S. Callaway will preach at the
sehoool house here next Sunday. Mr. Cai
laway is an earnest, consecrated minister,
and his sermons are alwayscdjoyeu by a .
The friends at this place of Mrs. Asa
Khodes are pained to learn of her death,
which occurred Tuesday morning at the
home of Mrs. Eila Simpson, near Bethany.
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the
Among .the many so-called cough cures
“JrS, t f ,od the market, there is none that
«««-,. **..
litl( . a ii v manufactured from his long-tested
p „ v „ u Iom „|., Iron, root,, b.rk, «n.l
herb.. It remove. .11 dtanl condiuon.
ami cures, a* if by magic, consumption,
f; ouglis, colds bronchitis and all affections
f)f the throat, chest and lungs. It never
falls to cure to stay cured. Per bottle oOm
Free sample can be obtained ,rorn Murray
Med Co. Atlanta or the Owl Drug Store.
NO- 37 .
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Mrs. EHzabete lllliot was visiting Bar¬
nett last week.
Last week was pointer digging week in
Barnett section.
Mr- \V. F. Sturdivant has a bouncing
baby girl at his home,
Mr, James Garrelt will remain ano'h-.r
year at the O’Brien lot.
White peas are selling for one dollar
per bushel In this section. *
Mr. M. L. Maliare was In Barnett
section last week on business.
Mr. W. J. Ellington Is visiting his
fatheriniaw, Mr. J. W. McKluny.
Preaching at Barnett Methodist church
next Sabbath, by Rev. II. M. Harrison of
Sand ay Cross.
Mrs. Sally Jackson visited her sisters,
Mrs. A. L. Gilbert uud Mrs, J. M.
Flynt, last week.
Home Barnett darkies are trying Augus¬
ta for a sweet Hying, this winter, leaving
their families he hind.
People are sowing wlioat this mason
that never sowed before. That is the
way to got there, Ell.
Mrs. Rebecca Lynn went to Augusta
recently to attend the burial of her daugh¬
ter-in-law Mrs. Walter Lynn.
Mr. and Mrs, Marcus Harris uud Mr.
and Mrs. Willie Harris will visit relatives
in Emanuel county this week. '
Mr. W. L. Jackson, we learn, will not
move down the oounUy. That is right.
Will, you have a good home stay on it
and keep It.
Several hands left Barnett section last
week for Camak to clear up land. They
hud to go to make some money, but they
had plenty of work to do at home.
Some of tho school boys lifted Avey
Taylor’s bucket of dinner last week.
They never even returned the boy’s
bucket. Such as this should not b<J
allowed in school.
We heard a man sav that now in hia
old country they were In winter quarters
people and stock all housed up with food
and raiment for the winter. Some of the
people here ought to he there for I will be
“doggone” if we have the winter supply
Mr. T. Williams, Benoia, Ga., writes-.
For many years my family has used iu
ease of Biliousness,Coustiveues*, Indiges¬
tion, Sick Headache and Sour Stomach
Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine,
which in my opinion is over fifty per cent
Stronger and better tlian Zeittn’s Regula¬
tor, which 1 have used.
We arc sorry to state that Mr. William
Doziers store at llxis place whs burned
Thursday night of last week, Tliis ia
pretty hard on Mr. Dozier us he lost about
two thirds of his stock. He had been iu
business here for the past several years
anil was doing a very good trade we
sympathize with him in his misfortune.
Story of a stave.
To tie buiiti' 1 hand >md foot for years by
the chains of disea-o i- Die worst form of
slavery. George I). Williams, of Man¬
chester Mich., tell* how such a stave was
made free. He.says: ‘ My wife ha- could b«eu
so heiplesa for five years llmt she
not turn over in lied aion* After using’
two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is
wood*, fully improved and abie remedy to do her for
own work.” This supreme
female diseases quickly cures headache, nervuusneve, back
sleeplessness, melancholy, mi
|eht\ fainting and dizzy spell*. Tliis
■keie working mrdloine is a godsend to
Weak, sickly, run down people. Every Sold
bottle guaranteed. J. Rsid Druexist Only jO cents.
bv Dr. II.
Mark Twain says, “When Cecil Rhode*
dies, I want a piece of tha rope.”
Sore Throat
Sore throat and constant coughing in¬
dicate an affection of the bronchial
tubes which may develop into pleurisy Do nob
or inflammation of the lungs.
wait; but use Dr. John W. Bull’a
Cough Syru p at on ce and be cured.
Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat.
Doses are small and pleasant to take. Doctor*
recommend it. trice 25 eta. At ail diojjgista.