Newspaper Page Text
Watte 1IT „ 11 , « Pr walker, *
UOllOn o 4'4.*» raciorb,
S27 Kcj Holds Street, Al Gl Sl'A, lit.
Liberal Advances on Consignments.
Personal Attend >n to all Business.
Official Organ of Taliaferro Co,
NOTICE— All legal adveriisiii" m .,hi , b<
paid In advance or satisfy ’ory arrange ;
incut* made at beginning f 1 tiie pay¬
ment of same.
One’s Life Saved.
The trial of the negroes, Perry
and Taylor, consumed consider
able time during the last week’s
sesstou of „ Wilkes court. C)nr
people are already familiar
with tin negroes, being tried
and once sent need to hang for
the. murder of Guard Dennard.
The sentiment was so strong
against them that Judge. , . Seaborn .
Reese could not get counsel for
them in Washington. Col. Horace
Holden of this place happened
to be over thereat the time and
Judge Reese apponted him to
defend the negroes. On this
short notice, after reluctantly
agreeing to take the case, Mr.
Holden made one of the best
speeches that had been heard in
Wilkes county in many years.
The negroes were sentneed to
hang, and a new trial was
refused them. Mr. Holden took
the case before the Supreme
court and secured a new trial
which came all last week.
After some tine argument on
both sides, a verdict of guilty
with recommendation to the
mercy of the court brought
Taylor a sentence of life in¬
prison ment, while Perry’s
sentence was to hang on Doe 8 .
Of the argument in this case
the Augusta Chronicle says;
‘When court met at the ap
jointed hour Mr. Van
opened for the prosecution. He
spoke for t wo hours and made
a fine eflort.
“Colonel Holden followed in
one of the finest arguments that
has ever been heard iu the tain
ous court room, made famousby
illonstrous attorneys,
“Thread by thread he took up
the evidence and riddled the
states’ position as by canister
and shell. Kloguently he
ured the confession of
“it might be possible in the
ranks of the Anglo-Saxon race to
find a man who would to stive
a dear old mother or father, con
fess to the killing of a "uman
being to savu their lives and take
his.” said Cololuel Holden in a
burst of eloquence, “but never
A Word
to Doctors
w................ ,. E „„...
medic»l profession. Our preparations
arc not sold tor the purpose of umagciu
inng them, but rat hci »- an aid. We
lay it down as an established truth that
internal remedies are positively in^uri
ous to expectant mothers. The distress
and discomforts experienced during the
months preceding childbirth can be at
leviated only by external treatment— by
applying a iir.iment that softens and re¬
laxes the over-strained muscles, e
make and sell Such a liniment,
bining the ingredients in a manner
hitherto unknown, and call it
Mother s Friend
We know that in thousands of cases
)t has proved more than a blessing to
*x[>ectant mothers. It overcomes morn¬
ing stcVaexs. t; relieves the sense of
tigthtsess. Headaches ctuse, acd dan
ger from Swollen, Hard and Rising
Kffe’axts is avoided Labor itself is
shortctied hnd shorn of most of the pain
We krtow that mattv doctors recoin
mecd it. acd we know that multitudes
of women go to the drug stores and boy
it because they are *ure their physicians
to*v« no objection*. We ask a trial
jest a f.itt- test. There is no possible
cffwc^ of tnjan- beinu; the result, be
c*< se Mother’s Friend i» scientific
»th’ corf! pound *d. It is $1 a bot
$!»' aud should be used during a’thcngh most of
the pertv^d of gestation, great
letirf r- rtijierienced if used only a
time before childbirth. Stucfox oor il¬
lustrated bock aoo-.-.t Motrev's Friind.
in the miiKsof t)i« African
save the neck of a stranger.
“Those who heard Mr. Hoi
den’.s speech likened it into one
of Tom' Watson's appeals to a
j inrv u 1 y •
“Solicitor Lewis closed for the
state in about the best effort he
has eyer put forth here. The
judge charged the jury and it
was :{ o’clock that morning when
retired to their room.”
Messrs. Ira C. Van Dozer and
W F. Gilbert assisted Solicitor
Lewis, and Messrs Alex.
»•>;» Norin “ n
f X S 1 b V Cl 1 • 1 J O 1 Cl ( v ll a
Nature “makes all things
beautiful in their time” Every
one of life’s seasons, when life
Nature’s lines, has its
own charm and beauty. Many
woman dread that period wTieu
they must experience change of
life. They fear that face and
form may suffer by the change,
and that thev may fail to please
those whom they love. The
value of Doctor Pierce's Favo
rife Prescription in this crisis of
woman s life lies in the tact that
assists Nature . Its use
preserves the balance and
buoyancy of the mind and sustains
the physical powers Many
women have expressd their
gratitude for the help and com
fort given by “Favorite Prescrip
|j(m „ jn tl) - s tryinjf period. Its
honetit.s are not passing
permanent and conduce to mental
happiness as well as physical
st length.
For Kent.
The old Ham mack cotton gin
house, suitable for shops, Apply ma¬
chinery, storage, etc. to
Mrs. J. D. Ham mack, Crawford
ville, Ga.
The Christmas number of , he
Woman’sHome Companion prom¬
ises to be an edition de luxe atn
ong holiday magazines, with its
wealth of illustration by leading
artists, and wide variety of read¬
ing appropriate for the season
f rom many of the foremost writ
tors‘and novelist.
_ . _ —
riiambcrliiTs Pnlii HhIiii (lures Others,
Why Not You
My wife has been using Cham¬
berlin’s i» bn ~JLJwge
results, for a lame shoulder that
bid pained her continually for
nine years. We have tried all
kinds of medicines and doctors
without receiving any benefit
from any ‘ 0 f them. One day we
saw an advertisement of this
medicine and thought of trying
it, which we did with the best of
satisfaction- Site has used only
one bottle and her shoulder is al
most weill-— Adolph L. Mil
lktt, Manchester, N. H. For
sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, Craw
fordvilie, L. R. Brown. Sharon,
Motion for a New Trial.
Mr. Holden has filed amotion
for a new trial in the case of
Fred Perry,
A Correspondent from Wash
ington SHVS:
u ! filing auni, this ia plea 1 ua mr Mr. Hoi- n ‘
' iel1 S | 10W s nu “'dependent and
conscieutous.spirit that should
he commended by till men who
love justice and the fulfillment
of law as designated by the
status. He knows by dropping
this case where It is that it
would help him m his county in
Vm ra T for lhe Jbdgeship.
When ho was successful
l)V over-prejudiced people. 1 L Mr.
r Holdoti s , , viewed the , matter •
in a
different light. Last week,
when the negro Taylor was
rm.mmomS'd ,o the movc-y of
the court. eVerv acknowleug- ,
ed that the brainy and nervy
young attorney from the home of
the illustrious Stephens, has
scored ;t great victory.
... Miss _ Delhi ,, Moore, ot . T Raytown, ,
and Mr Albert Burnett, of Shar
were married Wednesday
night at t ne home of the bride's
father at Raytown. These
two of Taliaferro’s most popular
people , and a lies, „ . of
fj-iemls extend hearty cougratuk.
ttoils Mr. , r B ,, uuett is a stuvesS
merchant at Sharon, being of
the ffnn of Kendrick & Barnett,
;Uld he has won the heart aud
hntlu of nobio , , JOllllif . iadY , wilO
il .
dauff 6 hter of Mr. and Mrs. O. D
Moore, We hope their path in
life tn '.V bestrewn with richest
, | ‘SM
It will not be T&jm a surprise f day te
Cough Remedy, to kn Wf hat
people everywhere take pegface ? tas
«re in relating their ex
in the and use in of telling that splendid) of tn<* ed
they have received from 11 t
bad colds it has cured, of t^ftat
ened attacks of pneumonia has
averted a nd of the chile n it
has 8Hve d from attacks of »up
and w hooping cough. Foljule a
grand, good medicine. CrawforvJ
by D r . ft. J. Reid. RaR jlle
L. R. Brown, Sharon.
Killed a White Partridges
The Augusta Herald sayj hat
Starling Chapman, of Talj >rro ite
county, sent that paper
partridge a few days agf f he
bird was killed Saturdrf ear
Barnett. There were al 15
birds in the cov.y and ne
mentioned above was ly
wliite one.
Capt. I’scd by C. British G. Dennison Soldiers In Afj ij m
known all over Africa as!
rnander of the forces than
ured the famous rebel Gal
Under date of Nov. 4 . 1897 ,
Vryburg, Bechuanaland,
writes: i V Before starting or
last campaign I bought a q ^
tity of Chamberlin’s Colic, Renfcdy,
era and Diarrhoea
which I used myself when tfcub
led with bowel complaint and
had given to my men. ant i ie
every case it proved most bene¬ J
ficial.” For sale by Dr.U
Reid, Crawfordville, L. R. Br y A ■
Preaching Next Week.
In accordance with our an¬
nouncement of last week, Rev.
Julian S. Rogers of Macon cjime
over and preached at the Raptist
churbh on Saturday moigiing
Sunday morning and Su|day
night. He made a most f, 4 or
able impression both by tl M 1 *[| Rd i x
cellence of these discourse
by the agreeableness of hit' i„ll
tiers. He has promised tit re¬
turn next week beginneng Ties
day night and conduct a selles
of meetings. We trust that! i
weather . will continue favoif > •
and that there will be
d&aeer Ifig -fe 1: it
one result of those meetingPwrli
b c s ca li of Bro. Rogers to take
the p astoral care of the church
for , the ensuing year.
A Sad Death.
Our community is again o’erHhntlowrd
by thedentbof Mr. J. W. Lhwkou which
occured at his home near Sandy Cro^g .,n
l«»t Wednesday evening Nov. 8th. He
hud been sick only a few days but not
geriously, and bis deuth was unexpected
by a.l. He passed sinixide. qnlily He away leaves wlthjmt w'fe a
murmur or
and many friends t<j mourn Ins loss. We
do deeply aympBihize with the giieJ
stricken wife ii. the loss of her husband.
May she ever put her trust Iu Jesu* who
is ever re dy to contort and to bless all
that ask Him amt put theii trust in Him.
lie lias long been a member of Sandy
Cross Baptist church.
VVUv do wo mourn departed friends
Or slmka al death’s alarm,
j tis bul U ie votfte that Jesus sends
To call them to his hom«.
A Friend.
HaI1 , g <; m it Discovery.
0ne . ...... boltlp of Hall’s Great
Disc< . ures ;l „ kidM ail( , bladder
trou bies, removes grave!, cures diabietes,
, minllcmWon , weak and lame back,
-.........- •" ^
kidneys and bladder in both men and
women. Regulates bladder trouble.-, tn
children. If not sold by your druggist,
will be sent by mail on receipt of fit.
One small bottfe is two months treatment;
.tSim’iT'SnTto, * E. 'V. HALL.
Texas testimonials.
Sole manufacturer, Si. Louis, Mo., for
meriv tVaco Texas Sold atOvrt Drugstore,
rvaw fordvilie. Ga
Cutlibert. Ga., April 2nd, 1898.
This is to certify that I was affected
wl - ta jy,-Hvel a"d tliai I rook ft<‘ ir ps .of
Hall’s Great Discovery and it pleialr
cured me. It is worth Slooo.oo p bottle
to auv one needing it. J T. STEVENS.
The Crawfordville Drug Store
is in the New brick building next
door to the Bank, where you will
find everything new and clean.
We are selling very low for Cash.
Come one, eonie all, aiul be con¬
vinced. We will treat you right.
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic On!/ 40c. a Bottle!
Here I am force more as’fag y »u to
excusejme f< r 1 eing absent so lot g.
Mr. S. E. Gunn, f Crawf >rdyi 1.-, visit¬
ed our vicinity last week on business.
Little Bertht Lunceford, of Wilkes
county,visited little Zell bherrerlastwtek.
Mr. Luke Moss and lo> e y wife visited
his brotiier, Mr. Luck Moss lai-t Sui day.
Mrs, Jim Asbury and cliildrcn visited
her mother, Mrs. M. D. Wallace Just
Saturday and Sunday.
Lots of small srrtiu beinj; sowed this
fall. We hope farmers will nil suw more
than they have iu the past.
Mr. W. E. Wall, our well known
merchant of Combs and sou, Henry, visited
Mr. Alex Wall last Sunday.
Mr. Titus Richards. of Crawfordvilb.,
called on some of the fair sex of our vicin¬
ity last week. W ondr-r what next.
Mr. Will Sherrer and Mr. John Armor
ara the champion squirrel hunters of the
day. Just ask them how many they killed.
Mr. Tom Combs U making urrumrements
to move to the lone star stale, ( Texas),
now soon. That is the place to make the
money, so said, now days. We wi-h you
well old boy.
We are sorry to chro> icle the death of
Mr. Linton Dorsey which occured Nov-
12, at 9 o’clock, a. m. and was buried at
the Saggtis burial ground. Th ■ bereaved
have our heart felt sympathy.
Your town and your community should
first in every true citizen's heart.
__Miss Sarah Berman and her
and siste r spe t
Sunday in Madison.
Ask your physician this ques¬
tion, “What is the one great
: remedy for consumption?”
He will answer, “Cod-liver
oil.” Nine out of ten will
answer the same way.
Yet when persons have
consumption they loathe all
fatty foods, yet fat is neces¬
sary for their recovery and
they cannot take plain cod
liver oil. The plain oil dis¬
turbs the stomach and takes
away t*se appetite.** The
agreeable fishy odor and
faste make it almost unen
: durable. What is to be done? ;
This question first was made ans
i wered when we ;
of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo
phosphites. Although that
was nearly twenty-five years
ago, yet it stands alone to¬
day the one great remedy ‘
for all affections of the throat
and lungs.
The bad taste and odor have been
taken away, the oil itself has been :
partly digested, and the most sen
: sitive stomach objects to it rarely, i
Not one in ten can take and digest
: the plain oil. Nine out of ten can ;
take SCOTT’S EMULSION and di
:; gest it That’s why it cures so
many cases of early consumption.
Even in advanced cases it brings
comfort and greatly prolongs life
<**. and Si.00. all druegwts.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
M l i n
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartlficially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
strutting the exhausted digestive or
gans It is t he latest discovered digest*
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in¬
stantly relieves and permanently Heartburn, cures
Dvspepeia, Indigestion. Nausea,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach.
SickHeadache.Gastralgia.Cramps.and imperfeetdigestion.
all other resultsof
Prepared by E. C DeWItt A Co.. Chicago.
Mr. H. N. Warner, of Kearney,
Neb., says:
“In 1S94 I was attacked with
A paralysis in my left side. You
might stick pin to the head t
into my left hip and I would not
feel it. I was unable to do any
S' } kind of work, and had to be turned
in bed. I fully made up my mind
Remedy that I could not be cured, as I had
used all kinds of medicine and had
tried many doctors, At last I (
was advised to try Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills for Pale People, and I
very reluctantly commenced their
s use last September. Before I had
\ That finished my first box I began to
feel much better, and by the time
I had used six boxes the paralysis
disappeared; and although two
months have passed since I finished
my last box, there has been no re¬
Cures currence of the disease.”
From the Advertiser. AxteU, If*b.
‘V {
% Pr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People
contain, in a condensed form, al! the ele¬
ments necessary to give new life and richness
f to the blood and restore shattered nerves.
They arc an unfailing specific for such dis¬
Paralysis eases as locomotor a taxi'., partial paralysis, rheu¬
St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia
v matism, nervous headache, the after-effects or
la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and
sallow complexions, all forms of weakness
either in male or female.
Or. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale People »re ^iCjk- never
sold bjthe doren or hundred. but slways^'n
llams Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. T., #0
cents per box, 6 boxes $2.60.
Buying Clothing into Investment!
Is the Same as Putting Money an
Often tines you are disappointed by putting money
into schemes which fail and leave you without any
means of regaining your lost money; but—
A SAFE 1N VESTM ENT is to buy your C tothing
from I. C. LEVY'S SON & CO.
*fV~s Because you buy on the honor of a firm of long
Oo - F/^s Because shnld any garment fail to come up to
w tlieii* Guarantee, you can have your money back.
While in Augusta, it will pay you to call on
oid No. 838 Broad street, Tailor-Fit Clothiers, Augusta, Ga,
<w ‘
1 1 ; Fall ' 1TYLES AND
Clothing PRICES
: The weather will soon demand them. We have
{ thousands of CHOICE Suits for selection, rang¬
( ing in prices from
| $5.oo to $25.oo
Every Suit we show you is from
the best manufacturers- Fab¬
| ric and style the Latest Only
Prices, however, are the most
eloquent argument, and a visit
will convince.
f Our New Parlors] J. Willie T EVY.
for Ladies and
1 Are Now 844 Broad St., Augusta, Ga.
Warehouse Campbell on and Reynolds, Jones Sts. * Augusta, Ga.
Cotton stored and insured at moderate rates. Advances made on same in
proportion o vlue,
JXO. F. HOLDKX, Pres. J. A. KEXDKICK,T lee-Pres. M. F. GRIFFITH, Cashier.
Office Hours 1 CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. { Established'
8 to 4 O’clock, i 189 S.
CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 .
a* General - Banking»Business«Transacted.