Newspaper Page Text
p vtapfeg Slop
Every cough makes
your throat more raw
and irritable. Every
cough congests the lining
membrane of your lungs.
Ceasetearing lungs your throat
and in this way.
Put the parts at rest and
give them a chance to
heal. You will need some
help to do this, and you
will find it in
From the first dose the
quiet and rest begin: the
tickling in the throat
ceases; the spasm weak¬
ens; the cough disap¬
pears. Do not wait for
pneumonia and con¬
sumption but cut short
your coid without delay.
Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec¬
toral Plaster should be
over the lungs of every per¬
son troubled with a cough.
Write to the Doctor.
perience Unusual en.lnentlt opportunities qualify and long ex¬ for
flying you medical aavice. Write
freely Tell all what the particulars rxperfence iu your case. has
been us your Feciorul. You
will with our Cherry repiy, without
receive a prompt
Address, DR. J. C. AYER,
Lowell, Blass.
Dr. Avary is in Crawfordville
and will remain till Nov. 18th.
Parties wishing to have work
done will please call at once, or
make appointment by mail.
Mr. Dock Paul, of Sandy
Cross, sent The Echo a few days
since a turnip which tipped the
beam at eight pounds.
Wednesday Nov. 1st, at the
home of the bride’s father, Mr.
W. F. Smith, occurred the happy
marriage of his daughter, Susie,
to Mr James L. Crossley, of
Never beforo was there as
much complaint of bird and opos
sum hunters doing damage, the
first named by leaving fen es
down and gates open, the latter
by setting woods and fences on
The Eminent Kidney
and Bladder Specialist.
ft h m r
:: ISU
r is
The Discoverer of Swamp-Root *t Work in
Hie Laboratory.
There is a disease prevailing in
disease, if kidney trouble is allowed to ad
break down and waste away cell by cell.
cove ry is the true specific for kidney, bladder
and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands
and dollar sizes. A sample bottle sent free
by mail, also a bock telling about Swamp
r>°Kri n<i l S r W ° B R Crf h T S n rS
(4 AUA-IIYO A TWTWQ -v- - nilUOL, HOTT^F ”
So Auburn Ave., A.TLANTA, Hn.
Near tqitable U’ld*
Three mihutes’ walk from Union Depot,
We have a nice, complete house aud
horae-like accommodations
- F.
CJ L ( v“^h «r“L''Ti*S Good. Vae
irt time. 2 g :<1 by drug?i«-*-___
t -uy w
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers.
What Our People Are Dolor, Saying
and Thinking About Told
iu Brief Notes.
. —Another car of cows shipped
from here this week.
—Mrs. R. J. Reid has our
thanks for a busket of tine
—Mr. R. L. Veazey and son
spent Sunday last with relatives
at Camak.
—Watch the columns of our pa¬
per for the places to buy your
Christmas goods.
—Dr. R. J. Reid has a new
anonuncement iu this paper, read
it and profit by it.
The best—Old Orcheard
pickling vinegar at Veazey &
—Mr. W. R. Reid spent Sun¬
day at home. The legislature is
moving along slowly.
—Miss Cattie Parmer is visit¬
ing relatives in Oglethorpe
county near Crawford.
That tine South Georgia
syrup will arrive at Veazey &
Ogletree’s in a day or two.
—U-wanter-no what the Owl
Drug store is doing look at the
notice of same on this page.
—Mr. W. J. Norton has re¬
turned from Augusta and reports
Miss Ella improving considera¬
—Tuesday night’s shower
brought relief from the dust that
had began to be quite disagree¬
—Our town -has been full of
‘ stargazers” during this week,
watching for the Leonids to
—Our welcomed Combs corres¬
pondent reports the death of Mr.
L. R. Dorsey which occurred
—Don’t rent your land until
you secure some of those short
but secure rent notes at the
Advocate Democrat office.
Have just receiyed complete
line R. & G. Corsets in latest
style, long and short waist.
Gunn & Hadaway.
—It was Mr. W. O. Holden’s
mare that got fatally crippled
at White Plains. He also had a
mule to get its leg broke recently.
Gunn & Hadaway have just
received 400 Prs, more of Men’s,
Ladies’ and children’s sample
shoes, your intrest to see them
at once.
—Up to last night many have
been watching for the fall of the
meteors, and lost a groat deal
sleep but have seen no
A fine, young, bird
(pointer) for sale cheap, For
further information apply to
Henry, Crawfordville,
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens, Miss
Stephens, and Mr. and
Mrs C H Golucke rn»rri.?rrit attended
the Darneu-Aioore mairugedi
Raytown Wednesday night.
Anv one wishing some of the
can get it b,-apply..* at
^ b j s office. It is excellent and
STOWS from one to four ears on
a stalk.
-Mr. A. J. Akins, the
'“'own hotel proprietor, writes
that he is nicely located at 3 .)
Auburn Ave, near Equitable
Building. Atlanta, where
j nvites " b is ‘ Taiiaferro friends.
—We ar.e told that in the fire at
Thursday night of last
week, Mr. Dozier lost about
*2,200 worth of goods with
SioOO insurance. It is well to be
insured when a party gets burn
ed out.
Cards , out A the .,
— are announcing
marriage of Miss Nellie Thomp
son, of Washington, to Mr.
Joseph L. McWhorter, of Steph¬
ens. next Thursday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook, in
I have just completed my tlt|r n|v room which already now gives
an additional 4,500 square feet space to my large
$7,500.00 STOCK.
1 am now tilling this Annex »ith an entirely new stock
of up-to-date South. furniture, as large \Tiety as can be found in any
W. T. J04NS0N,
Washington, ! Georgia.
U-WAN bSm- ,v ER-N 0
To Buy Your Drul
THE ( i d’ritg store
is the place.
Sot at Him. *»
News from Sandy Coss
section states that in a R. diffiepty Bio dvi J
Saturday Mr. Marion
shot at Jim Gaines, colored, bin!
missed him. It seems that
was using the name of some of
Mr. Brown’s boys rather too
familiarly and the latter resorted
to a board whereupon Jim
gathered a rock. Mr. Brown, it
is said, called for a pistol and
shot at Jim as he retreated. (
Put Cotton in Round Bales Next Tues¬
The Crawfordville Gin will
pack Round Bales on next Tues¬
day, the 21st instant, for all who
desire the advantageous prices
offered for Round Bale cotton on
that date. There will be fifty
or more bales, in this shape, put
on the market here, and the Gin
Company is arranging to get the
Round Bale buyers on hand, hop
pig for fancy prices.
Almost Killed.
While playing ‘Sunday after
noon. Mr. W. O. Chapman’s bug.
gy horse jumped a fence in res
of nis homo and stuck a sharp,
fiat „ . pailing ... . into . its body . j. about u
8 o inches . , deep, a just . . behind , ... the
fore-legs add almost in the cent
er of the body. The palling was
pulled out leaving _ painful am:
ugly hole in the animals body
Drs. Beazley and Evans were
called in and dressed the wound
and thd horse is impiovi ng.
—Mr. C. H. Golucke is build
ing a new cotton seed warehouse
on the Northeastern extension
near the Georgia depot.
Freshest of everything,
including nice gi its, at Veazey
& Ogletree’s.
RUllug 20,000 Miles.
A bicyclist who called himself
Leo, was here i Sunday. He tt said ■ i
he was riding 2 ),J)u miles in in
months, and was to make $500
and get married on his trip and
if he made the round trip in the
required time and conformed to all
the , agreements . he . is . to , get 4*0-,.,. SJJ.oOO
Qn his return to Washington,
D. C. One of the conditions was
that he was not to be" his wav
n,oney. He dainaa that he m ar
ried the giri in Savannah at the
opera house and charged an ad
mission and has thereby made
and got him a wile and now
has smooth sailing.
-------- -------------- . —
A 4 TY II n*L0-yRl6 i Y*'\ J Ey OLOF ± 6 ___
A * AA W ^ v
1 _ j . i , r - |l_. j— _n.r_^ -i_
Is AlwUyS J > lC‘clSclllt j ITtiyO
About you when you waklt to purchase Best goods
at reasonable K prices. ,
No Goods Are Too Good
For our customers. W: will at all times keep the
purest, best and freshest Fancy and Family Groce¬
At Former Stand of The Owl Dru^ Store, C TclW « OTCl Vi ll6,
Elected Marshals.
The town council met in rogu
s ission Tuesday night and elect
e d two marshals for the ensuing
j ear. Mr. J. W. Tucker was re¬
to serve during the day
lid to 10 o’clock at night, while
Angus Richards will look after
the affairs of the town between 10
in. and sun-up. This is a
pood force and the evil doers of
he town can look out.
Puy Your Tuxes.
X v. ,,- v 'e in Crawfordville every
Saturday until my books close,
aid o»j first Tuesday in December
tl‘" purpose of collecting
faxes- It is important that every
body pay their taxes before the
slost- of my books on the 20th of
Dec. I have positive orders to
dost at that time and issue fi. fas.
for fill taxes not paid by that
date Be prompt as I must
com dy with the law.
W. O. Whig at.
Tax-Collector, T. C.
Mr. Moore Hhot.
* r 6o "'° n °»f «»*•
Culverton. G».
™ * h ° n, * ht
by * “Bully J Burton, a negro boy
about 18 / years old. l he bullet .
struck Mr. Moore in the abdo
makin aMrlou8 woun ,l,
an) oonfllcting but
the tronblft arose from Mr.
Moore attempting to wh ip the
Qegro for gteali ng cotton seed
from Mool . e - g gin house . B ur
ton who is regarded as a desper
ate negro, has been arrest’d and
is now in jail at Sparta,
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications as they
cannot reach the diseased por¬
tion of the ear. There is only
that one way is to cure deafness, ano
by constitutional reme¬
dies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of Ihe mucoi s
bfmfs of the Eustachin Tube.
W hen this tube is inflamed you
„ ., nm , bli , 1( ,
perfect hearing, and when it i>
entirely closed, deafness is the
result, and unless the inflamation
can be taked out and this tube
muring will be destroyed for
.; V e r ; nine cases out often are
used by Catarrh, which is noth
ug but. an inflamed condition of
■'<* mucous surface.
“ IS
oy cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure.
■ ' for^ " ' “ ‘ \ ^ fre ^, 0 LUO >
PUU «. tb.
Brightest Items from Near toy
To the Crwtit of the Excollont Count?
Journal* from Whlrh TFe Get
the Creamy News.
CI.lPl’l H.
Mr. Juo. S. Johnson has been
a regular subscriber to the ,Clip¬
per for 50 years.
The marriage of Mr. Odom,
of Augusta, to Mrs. Virginia
While, of this place, is announc¬
ed for Nov. 28.
We learn that Rev. Mr. Harris
of Crawfordville, has declined
the call of the Baptist church
here, and accepted a call from
Port Valley.
Mr. E. W. Evans, of Greens¬
boro, and Miss Ida Fillingim. the of
Siloam, were married on 15th
of Nov.
The first State fair was held
at Sparta. Ga., and Hon. Tlios.
Stocks, of Greene county, was
president of the fair association.
O’Neal it Caldwell have sold
out their shop and stock of goods
at Siloam to Mr. Prank Rhodes,
who will take charge of the bus¬
iness in a short while.
Mr. Jess West, whose leg was
in jured several months ago, caus¬
ing blood poison that for a long
while endangered his life, is fast
recovering his health, and was
in Greeutboro last Sunday.
A great deal of grain has been
sowed out in “the open. ♦ »
On Wednesday afternoon, Miss
Nora Lee Gotield was married to
Mr. Chas. H. Sloan, of Macon.
Cards are out for the marriage
of Miss Bessie Harper to Mr.
James Harvy Archer, on the
iJHth inst.
The Ishmaelite is informed
that the Quincy Granite company
has put on an extra force ol
hands, and that worlrhas become
quite active at the quarry.
Negroes are said to be moving
from portions of Greene and
Putnam counties in large num¬
bers. The same condition exists
in a portion of Hancock.
Dr. Paul Lucas, of Craw
fordville, is here assisting Dr.
Lucas this week.—Times.
Col. I. C. Shumate, of Dalton,
and Miss Susie ME. Smith, were
married at Washington last
When you goto Washing
ton visit Johnson’s“Annex”.
Mr. E. Golucke, of Craw¬
fordville, returned Thursday.
He was a witness here this
Don’t miss a treat. Goto
Johnson’s “Annex”
Albert Jones, the Taliferro
negro who was sentened to 12
months in chaingang, will soon
be pardoned, as Gov. Candler
writes Col. Maltbie that his
case is now before the Pardon
A friend in need is a friend
indeed . Tlmt „ exMtty Remedy wh is. »t
Chamberlin’s Cough
It is the mother’s help when she
is suddenly awakened in the
night by the ominous husky
T^’ kT* bre a thiu ^
of her babe. It is the safe a f re
sort of the youth or adult when
he has “caught cold” and there
is coughing and irritation of the
mucous membrane of the throat,
vllief U R.
Brown, ’ Sharon.
Col. Horace M. Holden, of
Crawfordville, is here to defend
doesnT forget to
button hole the boys fora talk
alxiut the judgeship.
■'^'■l»n him as one of .ho
brightest young men in Georgia
and in every way qualified for
the position.—Georgia Reporter.
Mr. O. S. Barnett had the tnis
fortune to lose a barn by tire at
his place down near Little liver
one day last wenk.-Chmnicle
Don,t fail to see Johnson s
“Annex” in Washington.
A negro named Dent was
caught by Mr. G. F. Tuttle,
while breaking in *he rear cellar
widdow of the store of Hammack,
Lucas A Co.
Fear, the Kind Y.a Hate Aisgp EoagK
Ex - Treasurer
State of Main Cm
§5 P
I r ': Sj 5s?
fiw MmsfcA
Three years ago I was all run
down, weak, exhausted; had
indigestion, constipation, and
my system was debilitated in
general. Physicians did not help Dr.
me and I began talcing
Miles' Nervine. Now, I am
as well as ever. cha,. a. white,
£x-Treas. State of Maine , Gardiner, Me. 77
first it told bottle by all benefits druggists on guarantee, back.
or money free.
Book on heart and nerves sent
Dr. Mile* Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Cotton Market Letter.
Nov 15> 1809 .
Following are the prices railing here:—
Augusta Good Middy clarification, 7 1-2
f ng
Middling, 1-4
Low Middling, 7
Good Ordinary (1 1-2
Yours faithfully,
The Crawfordville mariut. is about 11-8
all round lower than the Augusta mar
r<) THE DEAF. -A rich lady, Huail cured of
tier Dent ness and Noises tn Ute by
Dr, Nicholson’s Artificial Ear Drums
nav 810.0(H) to this Institute, *o that deaf
peopled able to procure the Ear Drums
may have them free. Address No. 15JDSJ
The Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue. New
SulCNiiicn Wanted.
Good wages to sell our Nun-cry Stock
Apply for terms. W« will have for Sprint;
and Full, 1 HDD and 11K)0. an immense
stock of Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum,
Apricot, Cherry, Grape, shade etc. and ornamental
Also small fruits,
trees, rimes, etc. We make a specialty of
wholesaling to large planters direct at liRt. low
prices. Write ns for wholesale price
Winchester, Tenn.
Our Honor Hull.
The following kind patrons have paid
their subscriptions since our last issue
E. T. Nunn, 25c to Dec. 8 ,90
J. W. Tucker 81 to Feb. 25 1000
Mrs. J. C. Hnidemau. 81 to Aug. 1,1900
A New Shop.
I have moved into my new shop oh
B road street where I welcome all my
white friends to my handsome quarters.
J will ylslt your homes and do hair cuttinr
uul xhompooing for the ladies ami child*
rc.n; also sharpen razors. I have added
a shoe-shining deparment. Give me a call.
Crawfordville, Ga.
Those who propose to
hold their Cotton should
not let it damage on the
damp ground, hut protect
it from the weather and
insure against fire. In
thb hands of a reliable
factor it will be safe and
he will be in a position
to sell at a moment’s
notice. We are advanc¬
ing almost the full value
of Cotton stored with us.
? rMi J To PATENT food Idots
lyULliJ » Zf&SSSL
the Mi, rv
IabKrvtivat w The r»wnt Bvcort nWjxr