Newspaper Page Text
Cured Permanently by the American Catarrh Rem
Q_ f Pe-ru-na.
L <r
fr 1 J|Nr M
Si. S
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W mm jSI wMn
mmm ill A
MR. AND MRS. J. 0. MO.
Mr. John O. Atkinson, Independence,
Mo., in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman,
says: “ My wife had been suffering from
a complication of diseases for 25 years.
“Her case had Via filed the skill of some
of the most noted physicians. One of
her worst troubles was chronic constipa¬
tion of several years’ standing. She also
suffered with general debility and
paroxysms—sometimes as often as six or
eight times a day. At this time she was
passing through that most critical period
in the life of woman—change of life.
“In June, 1895,1 wrote to you about
her case. You advised a course of Pe
ru-na and Man-a-lin, which we at once
commenced, and have to say it has com¬
pletely cured her. She firmly believes
that she would have been dead only for
these wonderful remedies.
“About the same time I wrote you
about my own case of catarrh, which
was of 25 years’ standing, and at times I
was almost past going. I commenced
nsing Pe-ru-na according t,o your in¬
structions, and continued its use for
about a year, and it has completely
cured me.
“I have to say that your remedies do
all yotx claim for them, and even move.
Catarrh cannot exist where Pe-ru-na is
taken according to directions. Man-a
lin is a most wonderful medicine for
chronic constipation.”
Mr. A. F. Stern, Marino City, Mich.,
writes:“I was troubled withcatarrli for
throe years, and
_.tyied almost
every catarrh
•V medicine I
heard of. I went
■ down to Dela
/ ware, O., to at¬
Uk tend college,
where I got one
of your Alma¬
nacs, and saw
Mr. A. F. Stern, another remedy
for catarrh. I was almost discouraged
with trying all kinds of medicine,
but my room-mate told me that your
medicine was all right, and so I
tried it. After taking seven bottles
according to directions, I was cured and
felt like a new man. I recommend it to
all who are suffering with this dreadful
disease. It is tho best medicine for
Catarrh. I owe my health to you.”
Mrs. J. A. Bashor, Knoxville, Tenn.,
writes : “ My health was completely bro¬
ken down and bad been for almost a
year. I could not rest day or night, but
suffered constantly untold misery.
Tried remedy after remedy, but found
DO relief until Pe-m-na was recoin-
§£{f::V: i’A : 7 eSV;?ViYA
^ 5 (your own selection) to every stiV '
scriber. Only 50 centa a year.
'magm J I
A fashions pem ; ; beautiful dressmaking colored econoniies plates; ; IrVsst / j>cy ^ Jp
work ; household hints ; fiction, etc. Sub- 5
scribe to-day, wanted. or, send 5c. Lend for for latest copy. ;
Lady agents terms.
Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Absolutely Up-to
date, Economical and
Perfect-Fitting Paper Patterns.
MS CALL * 5]
Patterns BAZAR- , 0!
fNo-Seam-Allowance Patterns.)
Only \o and 15 ct*. each—none nearly higher city
Ask for them. Sold in every
and town, or by mail from
! 138-146 THE West McCALL 14th St., New CO., York. | 5
i 5T
299 *7th 5t.. Augusta. Ua.,
filVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects (/
PTOP * r *'““** *** WAf
BANTS them.
Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
rlitc. rnrr Ur nr pusorr UnAnaEl, citocifieweu^ rtiis if you rt<&
mended to me by a friend. I have taken
one and a half bottles and am today
well and hearty. I shall always praise
Pe-ru-na, for I feel it saved my life.”
Mr. J. W. Draper, Gainsboro, Tenn.,
writes: “ For many years I bad been a
continual sufferer
from that dreadful
disease, chroni
catarrh. I gavel
up hopes of ever •9V.
being relieved. I V
tried every remedy
my friends recom¬
mended, but all in k J
vain. Finally I took
my bed. My friends
had all given mo up Mr. J. \V. Draper,
to die, believing mo to bo in the Iasi
stages of consumption. Having a bottle
of Pe-ru-na in the room, I began to take
it, and in a few days felt so well that 1
got up. I continued it, improving all
the time, until I am now almost a sound
man. Can do as hard a day’s work as
almost any man. This happened four
years ago.”
Mrs. Rachel A. Magaw, 07 West Jef¬
ferson street, Springfield, O., writes:
“Your Pe-ru-na is
^ worth its weight in
iii gold. I feel like a
a new woman. I can’t
praise it enough. I
F®5e spent a great deal
1 j j, j! of tors,ibut money nothing on doc
I ever good did until me I sent any
W to you and tried
ZJs your Pe-ru-na. I
now feel well of
Mrs. Rachel A. Magaw. the catarrh, but
I shall never bo without Pe-ru-na, and
shall tell all I see to try it, for I know it
to be a sure cure for catarrh. I can’t
praise it enough for what it has done for
Catarrh is an American disease. Fully
one-half of the people are afflicted more
or less with it in some form. Previous
to the discovery of Pe-ru-na, catarrh was
considered well-nigh incurable. Since
the introduction of Pe-ru-na to the medi¬
cal profession thousands of cases are
cured annually.
By aid of Dr. Hartman’s free books
and free correspondence a multitude of
hopeless people are permanently cured
of this most loathsome and stubborn
disease every year. Anyone afflicted
With catarrh should write Dr. Hartman,
Columbus, O. Ask for free books or free
advice, whichever you most need.
The following named Agents are pre
ji.ikiI in finni- .i full anil ' n
formation regarding nil
and rates to all points North, South,
East and West.
Information irfven regardirirr A 11
Houtcs both ns to Passenger ° and
Coin in un i cate with cither of the
Agents named and you will receive
prompt reply.
t.p. A. g. p.a.
Frank w. coffin', s. fa p. a.,
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. A P. A. S. F. & F. A.
Atlanta. Ga.
C. A„ S. A.
Macon, G».
C. D. COX, G. A. Athens, Ga.
Algo agents at Washington, Matliftoa, Mil
; ledgeville, l nion Point and Covington.
JTI K Morgan, C A, Chattane-ga, Tenn.
Tim H Moore, € A, Nashville,T«nn.
W W Lumpkin* T F A, Columbia, 8 C.
XV I Cormier, C A, Charlestlon, S, C#
r IT l nnu I Two month's treatment ot
tA 1 AKKll I & Be-,t and* simpSt
. „„ | -...... I rera edT discotered.
YL ikH I Ecokle t and sample for 2 cents.
’’ | Atlanta pbepa*ation co._
1 ■ 113N'.P«TO* ST., Atlanta, Ga.
What the People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
Fhc Hews and Gossip of all that See
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Rugby.
Nice rains we had Friday and Sunday
Air. Charley lloth has his It. It. section
in apple pin order.
Messrs Ed. and Paul Carey visited
Washington last week.
Mr. Paul Fouclio has commenced busi¬
ness in Washington, Ga.
We learn Mr. Lewis Moore will inoye to
Waynesboro another year.
Mr. Elisha Moore was in to see Ills old
churns in Sharon last week.
Sweet Potatoes are selling at a good
price now. I'lie crop was short.
Mr. J. II. Battle, of Warrenton, was to
see his sisters at Jackson hotel last week,
Atv. It. II. lacksou is making some im¬
provements at the’eonvent the past week.
Our Masonic brothers had a meeting
last week and elected ollieers for the en¬
suing year.
Several Sharon people attended the
burial of Mrs, Arthur Moore Thursday
of last week.
Sam Kay, Omer Acrec and others of
the horse trading fraternity were in our
town iast week,
Mr. Felix Wright and family will leave
this week for Indian Torretory to make,
their future home.
Mr. Taylor, of Augusta, was visiting
his sisters Madams It. II. Jackson and A.
D. Moore last week.
Mr. Walter Pittman of our town has
made an assignment. Col. W. N. Malt
bie is the receiver, so we learn.
Preaching next, Saturday and Sunday
at Raytown Methodist church also at
Willi-mis creek Baptist church.
Our ginuries arc kept employed some
vet, gining up the (remumants and there
are plenty of iheni in the country.
_ Every body that we hear speak of the
prohibition bill are well pleased with it,
«..•»«.*, a U*~ limy ufe sausm-i.
Mr. Sibert, of Augusta, and E. 15.
Moore of Waynsboro, attended the
burial of Mrs. Arthur Moore last week.
Thanksgiving day was observed in Sha¬
ron. The schools and business houses
all closed; religious services at the churches.
Mr. A. D. Moore had his work shop
roof painted recently but the recent rains
came before it dried and it washed off.
They had two or three women in the
Ed wards-Pounds robbery ease as witnesses
for the defense but they were no good for
Sharon High School will close the fall
term on the 15th. Prof Jarrell says he
lias had a preliy fair school during the
present term.
Mr. TV. Y. Edwards carried off a drove
of (W8 from , iere for Augusta last week
Some body must bn making monoy
driving cattle.
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers purify the
blood clean the liver, invigorate the
system. Famous little pills for constipation
and liver troubles. Dr. R. J. Reid.
To see the whiskey that is shipped
daily to the dry towns and counties it does
not look much like prohibition is of much
force in them in practice.
J. L. C.aik, I xoria.I.I., says,„i.ons
wanted to operate on me for piles, but I
cured them with fie Witt’s Witch Hazel
Salve. It is iui.iilibli for fiih - an 1,1
diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Dr. Ii.
Sharon people will please take notice of
L. S. Jac sons ai vt.Hiu (a on
hi» like Ini'k ston,. t ispumr u ,
U ,akes hut a to
tickling in the throat and to stop a cough
by the u-e of 4 Ot,c Minut, Cougi sine.
This remedy quickly cures all forms o»
throat and. lung troubles. Harmless and
to take. It prevents consumption
A famo,l!i 3 P cclfic for ? r, PP e an " ' u Alter
effec)g Dr. r . j .Reid.
L'Tfli'DV juj\ I DATW DVJjJ 1 IMVIThm 111 111 £llJ
Jj I
To tho well filled
Store of ....
w ” fondM! General Merchant Mercuanc -> *
oHAHCJN, eUADnM prAnriA utUnuln.
Mr. j I ruins spent ono day in town
last wet | • BroJoelsa pretty good tal.
ker but k Has got his bauds full when ho
tackles (’ Loii Gilbert.
Lvei rfji i.V'i’ favonio ‘Remedy for cuts
and B ^ || A tree Sample for the. asking.
Send ftp ^itir n one and address. Sherrotiso
Met!;* i. O La.
mM . Bracy is fixing up for cold
weat L has large crowd cutting
eort’JS Brncy will get there, lie
new >ta to work winter or summer.
jsi and sugar to Dr. Tiohenor’s
hut. land subtract the colic from
your . K Very pleasant, perfectly
harmless jid absolutely reliable. Costs 50c.
Stork l lining at lardge is giving some
trouble\! -option, We think people
who lifi'' :S( . k should take care of them
and not jjtiieni BChurchdl, worry their neighbors.
Mrs. b.ibvft' 1 Berlin, Vt., says
“0 covered with running sores.
DeWitlV Wtch,Hazel ’Salve cured her.”
A specific pi- piles and skin diseases. Be¬
ware of w SthlesB counterfeits. l)r. R. J.
It is str.»ge some people will como to
town to |y milch cows. Two men from
tho eouni come to town last week to
buy o0ws.1l The cattle buyers must have
cleaned tl, Icountry up.
Mr. J. il ir Seihtiia, Mo., saved his
child's LiV'fy On Minute Cough Cure.
Doctors li 1 given her up to die with
croup, Ii e an infallible cure for cough’s
colds, gii> !>*. pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat aud lung '.roubles. Relieves at mice,
Dr, li. J. od.
Mrs, On l k sold a verrv fine milch cow
to the cattil buyers last week, Some of
our peoph f~ill want that cow hero in less
than si \ ttj oths and they will have to pay
too for om like her.
If your be/ gets burned when lie shoots
his Cbristipas cracker, use the “old
reliable/’ fih.Ticheflor’s 'Antiseptic. It is
clean and ^ieasaul, relieves cooling suffering and and roothing hols
to tins burn,
almost like magic. Only 50c. a bottle, l>y
all hustling druggists.
Mr. Ii. il .Jjucksou was quite sick last
week from eating too much fresh hog
meat. It ii pretty scarce, don’t eat to
much at a <|ae, divide it and it will last
anti i <‘p the sick off.
“I, ' ,k ' n,!
tTlki V nw “»* J ■ V ’ U R‘ M* 1
* ,! K odol 11 \ pepsia
Cure, h hatjc L.i me.” it digests • hat
yon eat. Chi if indigestion, sour stomach,
heartburn am’ '|dl forms of dyspepsia. Dr.
it. J. Reid. I
Ye Scribe has been suffering agooddoul
recently with his old chest trouble hut
we hope it mil not prove serious. Devil
Tom Kundri k said if they let us have
Jamaica rut i that old Mathuslali would
be a baby tit us in age.
Miss Acii, c E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich.,
says, -‘I stiff •red a long time from dyspep-*
s':q lost flei sh and became very weak,
Koilol Dysp epsia Cure completely cured
me ” It dige Us what you eat and cures ail
founts of stoi each trouble. It never fails
to give immediate relief in the worst cases.
Dr. R. J. Reid,
Will Edwards and Anderson Pounds
(col) were arraigned befo re .1 ustiees Taylor
and Perkins on the charge of an attempt
at high wax 1 ! robbery on the person of
George Bran fly, colored. They were sent
to jail in delimit of bond.
The “biggest little thing” and one of
the most usi ful you can offer a friend as a
Christmas present is a bottle of Dr, Tiche
nor’s Antise| itic, A clean, pleasant remedy
for cuts, bin ns, burLes, nail punctures,
80r(J tinoat, 3 ijuflamed eyes .stings ol^Jnsectx,
^ ^ Ugcd internaMyi U
. quick . , i relief .. ol .. colic and ,
gives in cases
derangement of stomach or bowels. Free
from opjatei a ud positively harmless.
Mrs. Arthur J Moore died at her home
at Illllmail Gaon the 29 th of Novem
tier anti was buried oil the 30th at Sharon,
Moort was sick about six weeks.
She leaves at young baby and other little
children. We sympathize with the fam
,i yand re | at j V es.
Col II. M. Holden Is spokeng wall of
by every we meet as thel „an for the
Judge ghip (o{ thig di8tr i ct . While we
hear no onc . partlcoularly against Judge
j{,. e se, but think the Judge has had It
long enough and besides has had many
n „ nr . ® ~i TOn him from this district '
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap.
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is
all right, but you want somethin# that
will relieve and cure the more severe and
dangerous results of throat and luagtroub
What shall you do? Go to a warm
er and more regular climate? Yes, If pos
sible; if not possible foryou, thenffn either
fZ^V’2, L J,wTZSS SS
success in wverc tliroat and lung troubles,
“Bose bee’s Get naan Syrup.” It not only
heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy
lauw-s'easv “js’s. ^xnectoration Ogives a g-K-d
ONE bottle. Itecommended many years
by all druggist in the world. Sample
bottles at Owl Drug Store.
And What Their Neighbors Aru
ill the Sews of the County as Told by
Our Wide-' wake 1‘encli
Xma* will soon be here.
Edgewood school has 111 pupils enroll
Small crowd at Sunday school Sunday
Mr. F. M. Humphrey Is on the sick list
this week.
Mr. J. II. Moore was in our commuity
Wednesday last.
Sorry to report Mrs. Susan Jones still
in very feeble health.
Mr. S. S. Ellington has been in Sharon
trading horses this week.
Messrs. W. F. Bishop and R. F. Brant¬
ley went up to Union Point Thanksgiving.
Prof. Will Sanford and Mr. T. F. Cain
were in our community bird hunting Sat¬
urday last.
Mr, James Humphrey’s family moved
up near Buckhoad in Morgan Co. last
week. We wish them much success.
Killing hogs seems to ho the order of
the day. Several have been killed in this
neighborhood weighing near 40n ibs each.
Mr. D. F. King and daughter, Miss Bes¬
sie, of Robinson vicinity visited Mr. R. F.
Brantley’s family Saturday night and
Millions Given Away.
It is cersainly gratifying to tho public
to know of one concern in tlio land who
are not afraid to be generous to the needy
and suffeiing. Tho proprietors of Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, have glven away over
ten million trial bottles of this great med¬
icine; and have the satisfaction of know ing
It has absolutely cured thousands of hope*
): e cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse
ness kikI all diseases of the 'Throat, Chest
Limps are surely cured by It.
‘ R. J Held-, druggist, ami
,iii Dr.
trial bottle free. Regular size 59 *
,m-y bottle guaranteed .or price i ■ I n .«•
I5Y I. N. C.
There Is a good deal of grain sowed
around hoic.
Mr. Joel Si Ivy is wearing a broad smile
— it ia a girl.
Mr. Clint Griffith is theliappy father of
a fine hoy baby.
There inis been a good deal of moving
i:i and around Imre.
Mrs. Dave Pittard.of Woodstock, spent
last week willi lie.i son’s family.
Mrs. S. A. Caldwell has been quite sick
with chills, but is some better at this writ¬
Mrs. R. T. RayJe and son Roy have
been visiting her mother Mrs Brown, in
Mrs. Mat Turner has opened her school
in Helena with about twenty or twenty
five scholars.
Mr. and Mrs. Dumps Wall and daughter
spent Sunday with the formers parents in
Oglethorpe county.
Mrs. Mattie Boatwright and children
spent Thursday with her sister-in-law
Mrs. S. A. Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short, of Newtown,
will make Macon their homo for another
year. We wish them well.
Miss Clide Fanning spent Saturday
night and Sunday with Miss Carrie Lou
Walls of Oglethorpe county.
“One Minute Cough Cure is the best
remedy I ever used for coughs and colds,
it is unequalled for whooping cough.
Children all like it,” writes 1I/N. Williams
Gentryville, IikI . Never faiis. Jt is the
0Illy barrnle8i rc medy ‘.hat gives immediate
results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness
croup, pneumonia, branch'd* and
throat and lung troubles. Its early use
prevents consumption. Dr. R. J. Reid.
Mr . Guilin Caldwell and son John from
j} a j r d»town have been visiting his daugh
V er Mrs. Kaddie Boatwright
Please don’t ask Charlie Caldwell ,, ,, „ how ,
much cream he puts in his coffee for he
misf htJell vou it was syrup instead o f
' *
Vnlnnlile ' f Free Snmnle
Among the many so-called cough . cures
that lood the market, there is none that
e ,. U€a ] g ]) r . Murray’s Discovery. Scien
...........’"•* >—"»
private formula, from roots, barks and
herbs, it removes all diseased conditions
and cures, as if by magic, consumption,
wniglis, colds bronchitis and all affections
»o T . i.». r
fails to cure to stay cured. Per bolUe »0c.
Free sample can be obtained from Murray
Med Co. Atlanta or the Owl Drug Store.
NO. 38.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
M r . W. R. Mu idea lias returned home
from a visit to Winder.
Mr. Alex. Sagging of Marge rot’s Grove,
visited Koblnson Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and tliclr
children arc visiting relatives in Norwood.
Mesdames A. G. Benzley and R. E. L.
Harris, of Crawfordville, eainu up to
Robinson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Aderliold and their iiltle
son, Felix, visited the former’s sister Hero
Saturday ana Sunday.
Mrs. Xenomia Hixou and daughter,
Miss Mamie, have returned from an
extended visit to Indiana.
Mrs. Callahan and family went up to
Winder iast, week. We wish them much
success in their now home.
Our Sabbath School was not well
attended last Sunday. We hope the
attendance will be much better in the
Red Hot From the Gun
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman,
of Newark, Midi., In the Civil War. It
caused horrible Ulcers Unit no treatment
helped for 2o years Then Bueklen’a
Arnica ehtlvc cured him. Cures Cuts,
Bruises, Burns, Boiis, Felons, Corn-, flu
Eruptions. Best Pile cure on cniili. >e.
a box. Cure guaranteed, buhl by Dr. R.
J. Reid Druffirix!
r^s i, /1 is
Robinson School fol me mouth
November. We are glad to net, the.
continued Improvement of the pupils.
Ethel Ellington 9!) 5-0
Lida Akin 99 3-1
Loyd Reynolds 99 1-2
Cecil Hancock 99 1-2
Eugene Akin 99 1 -3
Mary Ellington 99 1 I
Alex King 99 2-5
licssie King 99
Leonard Rhodes 99
Dewitt Hancock 93 (i-7
Lawrence Miirdcn 97 5-7
Fannie I lancok 97 2 3
Lillie Beazley 97 1-4
Dupont Hancock 97,'
Lula Ellington 98 1-3
• Bertha Mtirdeu 9(5 1-2
Amirt Akin 95 3-4
Sal lie Akin 95
Grippe and influenza invariably leave
tho system with a bad cough. For
such Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough Syrup
is highly recommended. This won¬
derful remedy gives relief at once,
conquers t he worst cough overnight
and soon effects a thorough cure.
Cures Grippe and Influenza. ’
Doneti are Kinall ana pleasant to take. Doctors
recoin me rid it. Price 25 cts. At ail druggists.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests . , What , . eat. .
It artificially digits the food anu aids
stfuctirjgtlm exhauited'' dig "stive'or
gans. It is the latestdiscovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It iQ
stantly relieves Indigestion, and permanently Heartburn, cures
Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Sour Stomach Nausea,
Sick Headache,Gastralgia, Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion#
Prepared by E. C DeWItt * Co.. Chicago,
Ana Repair* «>r **me. Sh*ftin g. Pullers,