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f E UJ > o > o O < H V Q rn 2 o O 70 <
A United States Senators Letter.
Hon S. D. McEnery, United States Senator from Louisiana, says the
following In regord to Pe-ru-na:
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen—Pe-ru-na is an excellent tonic, I have used it sufficiently
to say that I believe it to be all that you claim for it.
Very Respectfully, S. D. McEnery.
i *
Three Car Loads Daily.
To meet the demands for Pe-ru-na as a
catarrh remedy during the fall and win¬
ter three car-loads per day is required.
Few people comprehend what an im¬
mense amount of Pe-ru-na this is. It is
eighteen hundred dozen bottles of Pe
ru-na, each bottle containing twenty
ounces. This amounts to twenty-one
thousand six hundred bottles, or four
hundred and thirty-two thousand
ounces, or three million four hundred
and fifty-six thousand doses.
Three car-loads of bottles of Pe-ru-na
placed end to end in a single row would
extend over four and a half miles; ar¬
ranged in a column one foot square they
Would make a column nearly two thou¬
sand feet high, four times as high as the
highest cathedral tower iu Europe, and
nearly twice as high as the famous Eiffel
tower. Remember, this amount of Pe
rn-na is shipped daily to meet the enor¬
mous demand for this wonderful catarrh
The facilities of the Pe-ru-na Medicine
Company are taxed to their utmost to
keep up this remarkable output, week
after week, and month after month.
This ever-increasing stream of Pe-ru-na
finds its way into thousands of homes in
every state in the Union.
Pe-ru-na is as ef¬
ficacious to cure the
winter catarrh of
New England as the
summer catarrh of
Texas. Pe-ru-na is
an absolute panacea
for the climatic dis
easesof summer and
winter. It is the
safe-guard of the
Mrs. O. T. Me- home amid the bliz¬
Hargue,Bozeman, zards of Montana,
Mont., says: Pe- and tho ever-pres¬
ru-na cured me of never-failing
a supposed catarrh poly¬ and ent,
pus, throat trouble. remedy for the ills
th at beset thehouse
hold in the sweltering heat of Florida.
Mrs. Maggie Turner, Holly Springs,
Miss., writes: “About fifteen years ago
I was taken with catarrh of the head. I
tried several dcotors and all the patent
medicines I could hear recommended
for catarrh. I spent several hundred
dollars and found no relief. I was grad¬
ually growing worse and was given up
to die. Last September Pe-ru-na was
recommended to me by a friend and I
began to take it. I had no faith in any¬
thing any more, as I was not able to sit
up, and was a mere skeleton. After I
had taken one bottle of Pe-ru-na I began
to improve. I am now taking tho ninth
X '
Dr. Murray’s Discovery
Is an unfailing remedy for th e
cure of consumption, coughs colds
and all throat, lung and chest dis
eases. It is a scientific compound
and alleviates and cures as it by
magic. Purely vegetable. Try it
and be convinced that it is a sover¬
eign remedy. Per bottle oOcts.
Manufacturee by
Atlanta. Ga.
For Sale at OlVl DRUG STOKE.
For F8BB
Under *3.000 Cash Deposit.
Railroad Fare Paid.
Open all rear to *Mti Sexaa Very Cheap Hoard.
Georgia-Alabama Business College, 0eorgia.
5 Ton Scales $60 Freight Paid
*‘ l!; %loNES‘fBlHCHAMTON,Ny
Don.t fail to see Johnson’s
“Annex” in Washington.
bottle and believe myself to be perm*.
nently cured. I have discharged all my
years old I feel as well as I did at 16.”
Contractor Roberts in a recent le tteL
to Dr. Hartman as to the merits of
Yomremedy Pe-ru-na has
boys entirely of catarrhal
now I have three
of the healthiest ,
boys in the state m
your good medicine. effect of | i i
S My wife Ve-rn-na had a i f
C e
also cured. Alto- \ \
gether for my
whole family wo
taXrbm,! 50 ? -M
am a contractor and mil
am known all over Ntn
I have had stomacli trS
bcen greatly relieved ■
Fe-ru-na. We think ifl
medicine on earth.” ■
Mrs. Elizabeth Grau, M
says: “For two years Ifl
the nose very bad. Soml wF'
bad that I could not sla I
doctored with two phye f ahev
did not help me. I read about pnwru-na
in tho paper and got a bottlfv of it. I
then wrote to Dr. Hartman amd he said
I should continue to take i it. I took
it until I was entirely well. ^ Whosoever
follows Dr. Hartman’s advice will get
Are the nostrils stopped pp? Is first
one and then the other nostril stopped
up ? Is there a discharge from tho nose ?
Is there dropping from the back part of
the nose into tho throat ? Is your sense
of smell affected ? Do you have pain in
the nose? Does your nose smart? Do
you sneeze often? Are you troubled
with nose bleed? Do you blow your
nose frequently ? Is the discharge from
your nose thick or thin ? Is your breath
offensive ? Do you snore while lying on
your side ?
If so, you have chronic nasal catarrh
and should attend to tho matter at once.
A short course of Pe-ru-na will cure you
now, but if you put it off it will take
longer. Besides the disease is liable to
spread to the throat and lungs.
r p r ee books on catarrh sent by Ths
Pe-ru-na Drug M’f’g Co., Columbus, O.
The following named Agents are pre¬
pared 1o furnish full and reliable in¬
formation regarding all schedules
and rates to all points North, South,
East and West.
Information given regarding A 11
Routes both as to Passenger and
ommun icate with either of the
Agents named and you will receive
prompt reply.
T. P. A. G. P. A.
Frank W. CWFFIK, S. F & P. A.,
Augusta, Ga.
C. F. & F. A. S. F. & P. A.
Atlanta, Ga.
C. A„ S. A.
Macon, Ga.
C. D. COX, G. A., Athens, Ga.
Also agents at W ashington, Madison, Mll
ledgeville, Union Point and Covington.
R E Morgan, C A, Chattane^ga, Tenn.
Tim H Moore, C A, Nashville, Tenn.
W W Lnmpkln, T F A, Columbia, S C.
W I Cormier, C A, Charleston, S. C.
When you go to Washing¬
ton visit Johnson’s
Don’t miss a treat.
Johnson’s “Annex”
What the People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
rhr News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Bngby.
Pietty hard freezes we had last week.
Tin churns made to order by C. L. Bag
We hear some talk of a change in coun¬
cil another year.
Mr. Toll Heater, of the creek, was in to
see us last week.
Prof. Story, of Williams Creek, was in
our town recently.
Judge Pittman is the happiest man we
know of in this country.
Sharon high school closes to-day the
15th for the present term.
Go to L. S. Jackson’s for nice capes and
caps at j owest cash prices.
™ .>■>. »<«»«
his mothers now near * air 1 lay.
at Jennings noxt Saturday
p y Pastor Guilleboau,
1,L ' 01 ’ k> ,H '° havi "« a « ood 0,d
enti ”£ *!««■ ribs, sausage, &«>.
II, T. Bo.Ck worth has made some
^vments on his home residence,
■Charley ^ Griffith was visiting his
Mrs- George Griffith, recently,
pn was full of people last Friday
Hurd [. ay but little money on hand.
W. Brown has been on an ex
H [lulling *> G »“ reCent and ^
weather.has come we
fcood many has been packed up.
g rp Moore has been suffering
>“'■ “"- 1 * 1 * '<» “ m « u ™
Jessie Taylor was visiting iu Craw
last week and attending to busi
1 , rs ‘ G. W. Browu has been quite sick
0> '. some solr days past but is bettor at this
willing. willing
old Old Mr. 1 Seago, of liavtown, has been
sufferli suffering a great deal with his afflicted
«ye Toctidly.
Mr. W. O. Stewart has returned from
Southeast Georgia; he expects to remain
here next year.
L. S. Jacksou’s stock of Christina goods
is complete. Don’t forget to call on him
when iu Sharon,
Mr. Jessie McKinny visited his brother
Jim Mclviuny at Laugsley, S. C., last Sat¬
urday and Sunday.
L. S. Jackson’s is headquarters for
Christmas goods or anything you may
need iu fancy goods.
L-S. Jackson’s Store is plumb full of
Christmas goods of every discretion.
Don’t fail to call on him.
Mr. X. J. Braeey’s mother died at her
home in South Carolina recently. Mr.
Bracy attended the burial.
Mr. Till Moore says there were several
hogs killed in his neighborhood that
weighed over four hundred.
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers purify the
biood, clean tho liiter, invigorate the
system. Famous little pills for constipation
and liver troubles. Dr. R. J. Reid.
Father O’Brien was over last week
from Washington looking after the
convent insterest at this place.
J. B. Clark, Peoria,111., says, “Surgeons
wanted to operate oe. me for piles, but I
cured them with DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve.” It is infallible for piles and skin
diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Dr. R.
J. Reid,
The Hickory nut and ccrn crop is a
failure this year in this section, but the
pergimmon crop is very good. Persimmon
trees have nearly all been killed out which
should not have been done.
It takes but a minute to overcome
tickiing in the throat and to stop a cough
by the use of One Minute Cough Cure.
This remedy quickly cures all forms o” f
throat audjung troubles, Harmless and
pleasnt to take. It prevents consumption
A famous specific for grippe and its after
effects. Dr. R. J. Reid.
To the well filled
Store of ... .
* General Merchant, *
Uncle Joh Rid well was with us last
week as ii^ Is you please.
Bird hunt are numerous in our town
these days st lig thoir game.
Every ociftfevori to Remedy for cuts
and Burns.g vee Sample for the asking.
Send us you I me and address. Sherrouse
Med; Co. 2Si §f. ifendrick La.
Mr. T. F.i was on the sick
list last wej Jvnd is Confined to his room
at this warlti
Col. Crieti I.rrol was in the land of the
living last j k. Crist has a gofer faim
down the e§ Rry,
Add watJ ,nd sugar to Dr. Tiehenor’s
Antiseptic*® L subtract tho colic from
your Babyl I’ery fsolutely pleasant, perfectly
harmless nri reliable. Costs 60c.
Messrs. ul Gary and Jule Fouclie
have reporH ret,,!* Tom the Glory laud.
They uod time
Our me I,ants who fail to advertise
their Chrtj Mis goods will loose the trade
and can bl [it nobody but themselves.
Mrs. RWhurchill, Berlin, Vt., says
‘‘0 baby i'|f covered with running sores.
DeWitt’s ' ch’Hazel 'Salve cured her,”
A specific • ties and skin diseases. Be
ware of w; loss counterfeits. Dr. 11. J.
Mrs. MjL McKinney was visiting
her parent, (Mr. and Mrs. Seaborn Jones
of BoruiuiiSfhtBt Saturday and Sunday.
We lear»hat the people are considera¬
bly behind art] paying their taxes. Moucy
matters tight with the most of the
people. J
Mr, J, Steer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his
child’s life ’jy One Minute Cough Cure.
Doctors baj given her Up to die with
croup. e-rijA, ly* an in),liable’cure for cough’s
colds, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat am mg troubles, Relieves at once.
Dr. It. Jol|Pt’Kceffe J. I|d. his lands
Mr- sufurbs is having
in the of Sharon cleaned up.
Sharon and -unrounding will soon be
minus of woodlatd.
If your7/oy gets burned when he shoots
his Chri.Jnas ciacker, use the “old
reliable,” an'^pleasant, |>r.Ticlvmor’s cooling ,'Antieeptic. and soothing It is
to the buJn, relieves Buffering and heals
almost lii nugic. Duly 60c. a bottle, by
all hjfstli druggists.
UncT well says he likes down
^ hfs visit P | ,mV Hfe thicks be will
repeat next spring and wants ye
scribe to go with him.
“I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and
grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. That cured me.” It digests what
you eat. Cures indigestion, sour stomach,
heartburn aDd all forms of dyspepsia. Dr.
R. J. Reid.
Pay up your subscription to this paper.
The Editor wants a good Christmas dinner
and he has served you faithfully. Now
make him happy one time more by paying
up your duos.
Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich.,
says, “I suffered a long time from dyspep¬
sia; lost flesh and became very weak.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured
me ” It digests what you eat and cures ail
forms of stomach trouble. It never fails
to give immediate relief in tho worst cases.
Dr. R. J. Reid,
Sharon although a very quiet little
town but will have a little rousee some¬
times. Some say whiskey is the
of it. Whiskey don’t do the
by itself. The dovil is in a great
people and they take on the dram to
it up and then lay all on tho dram.
Tho “biggest little thiDg” and one
the most useful you can offer a friend as
Christmas present is a bottle of Dr,
nor’s Antiseptic, A clean, pleasant
for cuts, burns, burises, nail punctures,
sore throat, inflamed eyes, stings of
“poison oak/’ etc. Used internally,
gives quick relief in cases of colic
derangement of stomach or bowels.
from opiates and positively harmless.
One of our prominent prohibitionists
says it is unconstitutional to prohibit the
sale of whiskey In Georgia. Even if it
was constitutional and a law was passed to
that effect, it would not be prohibited.
Big towns would have it and the monied
men of this state would have It. It would
be In all the small towns and blind tigers
would be on every corner.
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap.
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is
all right, but you want something that
will relieve and cure the more severe and
dangerous results of throat and lung troub¬
les. What shall you do? Go to a warm
er and more regular climate? Yes, If pos¬
sible; if not possible for you, thenTn either
case take the ONLY remedy that has been
introduced in all civilized countries with
success in severe throat and lung troubles,
“Boschee’s German Syrup.” I t not destroy only
heals and stimulates the tissues to
the germ disease, but allays inflamation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night’s rest, and cures the pattern. Try
ONE bottle. Recommended many Sample years
by all druggist in the world.
bottle, atowl Drugstore.
And What Their Neighbors An*
til the Mews of the County as Told by
Onr Wide- Inake Pencil
by I..
Monday was a ycry disagreeable day.
Mrs. Kate Meadows was ycry sick last
week but is better at this writing.
Mrs. Wallace is still very feeble though
some better than when we last wrote.
Mr. Walter Nash Informed us that he
expects to run a poultry farm another
year; he has one hundren lions to begin
Mr. Claud Beazley Is building a new
stove-room to his house so listen for some¬
thing else soon for be will be obliged to
haye a cook.
Mr. Joe Echols had alittle child to choke
to death last Thursday morning with
croup. It was buried Friday at 10 o’clock
at Carters Grove. We sympathize with
the bereaved.
A Life and Death Fight.
Mr W A. Ilines, of Manchester, la.,
writing of his almost miraculout escape
from death, says: “Exposure after measles
induced serious lung trouble, which ended
iu Consumption. 1 lmd frequent hemorrh¬
ages and coughed ni||ht and day. All my
doctors said I must soon die. Then I be¬
gan to use Dr, King’s Now Discovery for
Consumption, which completely cured mo.
I would not bo without it if it cost $5 00
a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my
recommendation and ali say it never fails
to cure Throat, Cheat Jnd Lung troubles.”
Regular size 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles
free at R. J. Reid’s Drug Store.
Mr. Slgnian and sister, of Sparta, were
the guest of Miss Janto Carey Sunday.
Mrs. E, T. Johnson and Bro. J. P.
Johnson visited Norwood, Saturday and
Sunday last,
l‘wonder wukt She attraction f»
Robinson. As one of our Deacons goes up
that way right often.
The school is In a flourishing condition
has twenty five (25) scholars cnroll
ed, and expect more after Xmas.
Mrs. It. B. Rhodes and sons, of Jeffcr
son Co., have been visiting relatives
around here, but have leturned home.
Weil as it lias been quito a while since
you have heard from us, “Jemima decided
to say a few words, to let you know that
were still llveing.
Bro. J. C. Bell filled his regular appoint¬
ment Sunday, at the school-house. His
text was on keeping the Sabbath holy.
lie gave the boys and girls a good deal to
think about.
Mr. Guy Parker and family left lust
Wednesday for Jefferson, gone to the
‘Glory Land. Don’t mind, they will
want to come back to old Taliaferro, he¬
fore next Xmas.
Wo regret to say, that wo aro going to
lose so many of our neighbors, next year.
Mr. D. A. Saggus will move up in
Greene, after Christmas. Also Mr. John.
Brantley will move oyer In the. Johnson
Our school will have a Christmas
entertainment, on Friday evening Deo
22th begning at 7, O’clock, Wc’ru
anticipating a good time, and a large
crowd. It’s for the benefit of the school.
Come one, come all, and help the good
cause. Admission ten cents, children
under ten years of age five cents. There
will also he a Christmas tree. All who
wish can bring presents—the more ths
merrier the crowd and prettier the tree.
The Appetite of a Goat
I* envied by all poor dyspeptics who»e
Stomach and Liver are out of order. All
auch should know that Dr. King’s New
Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and
Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, habit
sound digestion and a regular bodily
that insures perfect health and great
energy. Only 25 cents at any Drug Store.
For Sale by Dr. It. J. Raid.
Unbleached canton flannel make* the
beat dish cloths.
Valuable Free Sample.
Among the many go-called cough cures
that lood the market, there ia none that
cqueals Dr. Murray’s Discovery. Scien¬
tifically manufactured from bis long-tested
private formula, from roots, barks and
herbs, it removes all diseased conditions
and cures, as if by magic, consumption,
coughs, colds bronchitis and all affections
of the throat, chest and lungs. It never
fails to cure to stay cured. Per bottle 50c.
Free sample can he obtained from Murray
Med Co. Atlanta or the Owl Drug Store.
NO- 3,9.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
From Grave’s Mountain.
The farmers of this section of Lincoln
county have sown more grain this fall than
In many years.
These people live at home. They make
their own corn, oats, wheat, peas, potatoes
and syrup at home. All of our farmers
should do this.
Mr. Bu. Bird of Sandy Cross was in
this county a few days ago.
Mr. Thoinns Cannon moved to this
oounty this week.
On Sunday Dec.8ril, at Liiicolnton, Mr.
Frank Bufford and Miss Sallie Snelson
were united In holy matrimony.
On Nov. 27, Mr. Alex Crook and -Miss
Ethel Martin were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony.
Grave’s Mountain is one of the wonders
of the world. I visited it a short timeago.
I have not time jnstnow to tell you what
I saw; but will try to do so, soon.
The school hero Is moving on nicely,
There aro up to the present tlnrfi 112 pu¬
pils ou roll. “M.”
Glorious News.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargilo, of Wash¬
ita, I. T. lie writes: “Four bottles bj ol
Elsetric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer
scrofula, which had caused her great suf.
ferlng for years. Terrible sores would
break out ou her head and face, and the
Irnst doctors could give no help; but her
cure Is complete and her health is excel
lent.” This shows what thousands Imre
proved,—that Electric Bitters is the Ixtsl
blood purifier known. It’s tho supreme
remedy bolls for and eczema, tetter, salt rheum,
yhf nj. running sores. j, It stimu¬
lates liver, Sidneys land bowel ».\\
poisons, helps digestion builds up ilfs
strength. Only 50 cents. Hold by Dr,
R, J. Reid Druggist Guaranteed.
It soonis that some of the veterans were
rather,badly punched, during thoSavannah
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
A married man would haye more
money If his pockets were ns hard to find
us those of his wife.
Bronchitis generally cured begins it becomes a
common cold; and if thousands not die Ironi
bronchitis dangerous annually. Dr. John W.
Bull’s Cough Syrup, tho host remedy
Dr.BulTs for this dise ase, c ures it in a few days.
Will promptly cure Bronchitis.
Host s arc small and pleasant to take. Doctor*
recommend it. Brice 25 ct». At all druggist*.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
Itartificially digests the food and aid*
Nature in strengthening and recon¬
structing the exhausted discovered digestive digest- or¬
gans. It Is the latest
ant and tonic. No other preparation It in¬
can approach it In efficiency.
stantly relieves and permanently Heartburn, cure3
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Flatulence, Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and
Sick imperfect digestion.
all other results of
Prepared by E. C. DeWltt A Co., Chicago.
209 7 th St., Augusta, Ga.,
GIVES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects c£
light, grinds the proper glasses and WAf.
RANTS them. while wait.
Lenses cut into your frame you