The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 15, 1899, Image 2
rDBSXSUUU EVKKY FRIDAY MORNUKJ -BY CLEH O. MOORE. fifflclal Organ of Taliaferro Co. CUASVFORDVILLE, DEC. 15, 1899. NOTICE—All legal advertising must be paid in advance or satisfactory arrange merits made at beginning for the pay¬ ment of same. ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT. Goverment reports the present cotton crop at 8,900,000 bales. The Georgia legislature is scheduled to close up shop Sat¬ urday. Great Britiau has lost 4, <86 brave soldiers by her war in South Africa. What has Uncle Sam lost in the Philippines? The Willingham bill was defeated last week in the senate by a yote of 20 to 14. This was about the claim a week before the vote was taken, It was useless to waste time in debating the matter. Friends of the bill claim that the tight has just started. Tho body of Mrs. Eugunia Pottle was found m the river near Macon last week, where it had been for two weeks. Two negros named Fuller and Redd have been put in jail charged with the crime. Fuller is believed to be guilty of murder¬ ing the old lady. The deceased was the wife of Judge E. II. Pottle, who presided over our Superior court. Tho nowspapers of a town are its looking glasses. It is bore you see yourselves as others see you. You smile on them and aud they smile back at you; you frown on them and you uro re¬ paid in kindness. They are the reflex of the town. If the town is doing business, the newspaper will show it id its. advertising Columns, If tho merchants are spiritless, shiftless follows, whoso stores are jumbles of junk and jam, the newspaper will show it by the lack of space they take. If you want the world to know that you have a live town, you can only let it be known through its newspaper.—Ex. m cam C3J8S Mae Them Did you ever try to dodge the raia-drops? Did not succeed very well, did you ? It’s just or- useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can’t do it. They are about us on every hand and we are con¬ stantly taking them into our bung ?. t hen why don’t we nil have this disease ? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot¬ hold in a strong throat and lungs. It’s when these arc weak that the germs master. Tf e body must be well supplied with fat. The danger comes \s hen the blood is poor and the body is thin. If your cough does not jicld, and your throat and lungs fee! raw and sore, you should not delay another day. Take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phos¬ phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as well. The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight Increases. The whole body be¬ comes weii fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. - It’s this nourishing, sustain¬ ing and strengthening power of SCOTT’S EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting diseases. 50c. and fi.oa* #1! druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE. Qmkuu. New York. What is needed in Georgia is a lessening of expenditures rather than an increase in the proceeds of taxation. The expenditures on account of pensions and the schools ought to be greatly reduced; and there are many needless offices which ought to be abolished. Unfortunately, Federal extravagance has crept into State methods, and there is a reckless waste in almost every direction.—Sparta Ishmaelite. 4 i Quick lunch” is one of the commonest of city signs. The sign doesn’t say “ahealthylunch of good food—the character of the food apparently is not con¬ sidered, It’s just a quick lunch, —eat and get away. Is it any wonder that the stomach breaks down? Food is thrown at it, sloppy, indigestible and innutriti¬ ons food, very often, and the stomach has to do the best it can. Normally there should be no need for medical assistance for the stomach. But the average method of life is abnormal and while this continues there will always be a demand for Dr. Pierce’s Goldon Medical Discov¬ ery. It is the one medicine which can bo relied on to cure diseases of thO stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It is not a cure-all. It is a medicine designed for the stomach, and to cure through the stomach remote diseases which have their cause in the derangement of the stomach and digestive and nutritive system. It cures when all else fails. The famous Mr. Harvey has written another book called ‘‘coin on Money, Trusts and Iuperialism.” The first pages indicate it to be worth a great deal to those who want to know facts about.this important nation¬ al question. An editor prints his paper to give his patrons the news of the day and for the money there is in it. He is presumed to know of what he writes, and he generally does. When he writes as ho does in the Leader Courier, Osceola Mills, Pa. without fee or hope of reward, that '‘Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy acts magically, and we have found none better iu our household. Jf .you have a cough try it,” it, may be accept¬ ed as au honest expression wor¬ thy of credence. For sale by Owl Drug Store. Tho Georgia house of repre¬ sentatives endorse Senator Clay’s bill before Congress to elect the U. S. Senators by a diroct vote of the people. This is a good law. No man should serve a people who is not chosen by the people. My son 1ms been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of Chamberlin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using two bot¬ tles of the 25 cents size he was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping some one similarly afflict¬ ed may read it and be benofitted. —Thomas C. Bower. Glencoe, O. For sale by Owl Drugstore, A thousand Kentuckians met and burned a negro to a stake Wednesday for assaulting and cutting the throat of Mrs. Lash brook. The mob was composed of both white and black. A Child Burned. A 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Winn, of White Plains, was probably burned Saturday last. While her mother was absent from the room the little oue, in attempting to lift a chair, her balance and fell backward iuto the fire. Her dress became ignited at once. Thoroughly frightened, the child rushed screaming from the room, her whole form enveloped in flames. In her terror she ran first to the front porch, then turned and ran back through the hallway to the back porch, where she was met by her mother, who had beeu at¬ tracted by the screams. With the assistance of a gentleman who was passing, the flames were extinguished. Iu her efforts to put out the fire Mrs. Winn’s hands were badly burned. O BABNETTHEW by a. Several fine hogs were anmir rows end in this section last wee' We hear some offering rents per hundred to pick scattering 11* jn. Two darkies, last 8undayl-id a chick¬ en apiece trying to sell thej^f t Barnett. Send your missionaries to t itt. Hog squealing time now. If you want to hear «j hing that happened in the war ask uij Jot Baker and he will tell you. We will put Uncle Jo McKinney against any body in the nd district except Uucle Jim Edge on ling yarns, Mr. John Colley, reft! ‘in bank rupty, was in our section* ently. Some of Barnett people at ed Preach ing at William Creek last Si >th. This Is one of the oldest churches iJ^H; state of the Baptist demonination. We need a good big stori Barnett. II. M. Holden is there a’ r “there to stay” for the Judge ship. Mr. Lint Williams wad iij wfordviil* last week on business. j It seems that our couatyEj ;op!e who moved to the glory land caiK |tay away from the old home. Some <C lem make three and four trips a yeur; B e is some thing in;re that they have ft I hankering after. When eyer a man falls ol with his fellow man and can’t explail | imeelf he should go and tell him he t fool and he could pot help it. We see Mr. fteublu DozierMs running the store at Barn<;”-"~-g ilness will change hands occasionally. Mr. James Howell is suffdj ig with a very bad sore on his leg. Mr. Lint. Williams will n| remain in Barnett another year so weMearn. We hope Bro. Lint will reeonslij and stay in the burg. We have been Informed t|at Mi.F.P. Johnson has sold his place atlJarnett to a party from South Carolina. Mr. Jessie Taylor has set him out a nice young orchard. People around Barnett are tutting cord wood and building teuenaentjouses. T$fr They have nothing else to do. grain is all sowed down. / Some of the people hnwhnt l got oyer thanksgiving day yet. ,t wa| a thanks¬ giving drunk with aone. Itev. John West (cdored) will have hts art gallery which he i> buikllnirconipleted Jobnjf,i by March the 4th 190;. a hustler when it come* to building. %, Jenny Paschal has ftnishql her resi¬ dence near Barnett. It. ias beta building two year* and two or three dafs was plen¬ ty. of lime to have pul it up * We gee some colored jjwi building in two or three4*l%w4|fpS can get anyone to lnruish thim 'lumber. Meters. Will Dozior and jo* O’Brien were visiting in Sharon last week. Quite a heavy rain fell here Monday night. z * ? fm e? V. 5 S ’”-. r The Coming of Baby brings joy decide. or pain. With It’s good for health the mother to and a strong womanly organism, motherhood but adds to a woman’s attractiveness. McELREETS Wine of CnrsBui takes away all terrors by strengthening the vital organs. It fits a mother for baby’s coming. it has By revitalizing chubby, the nerve centres brought crowing youngsters to thousands of weak women who feared they were barren. It purifies, and heals, is regulates and strengthens, good for all women at all times. No druggist would be without it. $i oo Fornd vicein cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, ‘‘The Ladies’ Advisory Medficine Department,” Co., The Chattanooga Chat¬ tanooga, Tenn. MRS. IOriSA H A I. took E. of J effmon, On., hen I firrt Wine of Cardui married _ ______ we hid been three rears, but could n>>t have any children. Mine months later 1 had a fine fir! baby.** The Crawfordville Drug Store is in the New brick building next door to the Bank, where you will find everything new and clean. We are selling very low for Cash. Come one, come all, and be con¬ vinced. We will treat Only you right. Grove's Tasteless Tonic 40c. a Bottle! Ausrusta’s Biggist Fire. Augusta had a $1,000,000 fire last Sunday morning, burning all the Western portion of the block contaning J. B. White’s and the Arlington Hotel. The fire start¬ ed about 2:40, a. m., in the wholesale department White's store. It spread rapidly and the local firemen did all they could to keep the flames under control but building after building went down under the flames, until it crossed Jackson street and burned Schneider's corner and damaged other stores on that side of Jackson street. It has not been a great while since the eastern half of the Arlington block was burned. A fortune teller, Mrs. Ward, predicted then that the portion burned Sunday would be burned before Christmas. Her goods were burned. Several horses in an Ellis street stable were burned. No lives lost. Macon sent fire engines but the Augusta force got the fire under control before theaid reached them. People are about as near ready for Christmas as they ever were; they are through with farm work and have about spent all their cash. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BAC Kidney Trouble Makes You* Mlse Almost everybody who reads the papers is sure to know of the w<| H-f'i cures made ; i Kilmer's Swarr I the great kidns ! t and bladder re] » u cal It triumph is the grej ofl . teenth centul after! covered res! if scientific Dr. Kilmer, f ’ ‘ nent kidney der spr. ialist, wonderfully si. -ressl -' lame back, kidney. L.. ice- uric acid bits and Bright's Disease which is the form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not ommended for everything but if you ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be Just the remedy you need. U has been in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among *' e helpless too poor to pur¬ chase relief and 1 proved so successful in every case that Fecial arrangement has been made by vA all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and address _ MMBlLftZ send your to •jeuiUHM Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing¬ ilsfl [Mnia Be isTcKj hamton, N. Y. The fifty and _ regular cent all Homo good of druggists. s—amp-iioot. dollar sizes are sold by A Sew Shop. I have moved into my new shop on Broad street where I welcome all my white friends to my handsome quarters. I will yisit your homes ana do hair cutting ami shompooing for the ladies and child¬ ren; also sharpen razors. I have added a shoe-shining deparment. Give me a call. JOHN W. WILLIAMS, Barber, Crawfordville. Ga u ADKINS * HOUSE.” Sl^SSArS’id, An-AXT V.Ga . Three mihutes’ walk from Union Depot. We have a accommodations- nice, complete house aud home-like A. J ADKINS, PRO. COMPLETE Ootton,f!aw,Grlst, Oil and Fertilize* ^ MILL OUTFITS. Giu, t'nne MtU .nd SHlngle Outfit*. Bulldtnjr, Kncta: and r. llrldpe Furnace Railroad Castings. Railroad. Mill, Machinist." and Factor- 'Upplles lietttnp, Packing. Injector*. Pipe Flttlnj*. Saw*. Files, OUars. Etc. Cant etf'y (lay: \cork ISO handt. LOMBARD IRON WORKSJSUPPLY CO. - AUGUSTA, GA. Y ■ N » REPAIRS SAWS. RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &o., FOB ANY MAKE OF GIN. [NG1NES. BOILERS AND PRESSES And R.palra f»r tame. Shafting, Pull.ys. Belting, Injector., Pipe*. Valree and Fitting. LOMBARD IRON IIS A SUPPLY CO, ADOCITA, GA. Pretty Children “ We have three children. Before the pictures of our children, you could see at a glance that the last one JfSlSgScmS. '•£. jjy w if e thinks Mother’s Friend Is the greatest and grandest remedy In the world for expect- &-y. ant mothers.”— Written by a Ken¬ n tucky Attorney-at -Law. i: II prevents nine-tenths of the suffering Incident to child¬ birth. The coming mother's disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal, because this relax lng, penetrating liniment relieves the usual distress. A good-natured mother Is pretty sure to have a good-natured child. The patient is kept in a strong, healthy condition, which the child also Inherits. Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II assists in her rapid recovery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de¬ livery. Sold by druggists for $ 1 a bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, CIA. Send for our free illustrated book written expressly for expectant mothers. GOODS! i Clothing Opportunities! ered to our Friends and Patrons; we feel we can do you than ever before, because, we bought our stock i in the market, and bought the goods at bottom pi ices. t Affected Onr Prices One Cent. Kce you of this fact, come in and see our «uperb stock of ^ Rg, HATS AND FURNISHINGS, a Special De Er the Children wheie we offer good values. Spend your R Augusta and be offered a cordial WELCOME from us. . LEVY’S SON & CO., I Sroad street, Tailor-Fit Clothiers, Augusta, Ga. ^ iTal! STYLES AND Clothing PRICES RIGHT. l ; i 1 C i The weather will demand them. We have ! soon thousands of CHOICE Suits for selection, rang¬ ing in prices from I § $5.oo to $25.oo \ i ! i j Every Suit we show you is from i the best manufacturers- Fab¬ ric and style the Latest Only. i Prices, however, are the most i eloquent argument* and a visit \ will convince. i ? § i . { I Our New Parlors 1EV for Cnildren Ladies and J. Willie Y J l i Are Now 844 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. * i I READY. s V CHAS. F, BAKER. JERRY T. SMITH. BAKER&SMITH, COTTON FACTORS. Warehouse on Reynolds, * Augusta, Ga. Campbell and Jones Sts. Cotton stored and insured at moderate rates. Advances made on same in proportion o vlue, CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. JNO. F. HOLDEN, Free. J. A. KENDRICK, Vice-Pre*. M. F. GRIFFITH, Cuhln, HORACE A CARL HOLDEN, Attorney*. BANK OF CRAWFORDVILLE, Office Hours } CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. { Established 8 to 4 O’clock. 1898. CAPITAL STOCK, $ 25 , 000 . A i General * Banking % Business | Transacted. DIRECTORS: JNO. F. HOLDEN, W. C. CHAPMAN, W. R. REID, J. A. KENDRICK, C. I. OGLETREE. W. W. BIRD, GEO. N. WRIGHT. Cash Advanced On Cotton. Those who propose to hold their Cotton should not let it damage on the damp ground, but protect it from the weather and insure against fire. In thb hands of a reliable factor it will be safe and he will be in a position to sell at a moment’s notice. We are advanc¬ ing almost the full value of Cotton stored with us. DAVISON &. FARGO, AUCUSTA, CA.