The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 15, 1899, Image 3
A SMALL SP8T MAY BE GANGER. CO rn rn 00 rn The greatest care should be given to any little disposition sore, pimple or scratch which show s no to heal under ordin T 00 v, ,, . STS cx. m sxz m C3 ■n people die from Cancer be So many know just what the disease simply MERE PIMPLES. cause they do not is; they naturally turn themselves over to the doctors, and are forced to submit to a cruel and dangerous operation—the only treatment which the doctors know for Cancer. The disease Drmnptly returns, however, and is even more violent and destructive than be no Cancer is a deadly poison in the blood, and an operation, plaster, or of I 1 -external treatment can have no effect whatever upon it. The cure must . eradicated. come from within—the last vestige of poison must be . Mr. Wm. Walpole, of Walshtown, S. D„ says: “A Vittle blotch about the size of a pea came under my left /U W eye. gradually growing larger, from which shooting pains fei at intervals ran in all directions. I became pronounced greatly alarmed Cancer, mid consulted a good doctor, who it V3 V* ' X:.J and advised that it be cut out, but of this I could effected not con- by sent to. I read in my local paper a cure 1 ^ S R. S.. and decided to try it. It acted like a charm, the , -$''W H first irritated, and then discharging //.;"■< , Cancer becoming at '0 t < V-:- verv frc<*lv. This gradually small grew scab less which and then discon- drop* * #. • tinned altogether, leaving healthy a little soon where | . >\\ Y. . , . ',,,.,1 off and now-onlv a scar held remains full sway." V’' ifi what threatened to destroy mv life once M \ Positively the only cure for Cancer is Swift’s Specific— tsk* a te¬ . S. FOR TIHIE BLOOD beeit is the onlv remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of _ permanently. A surgical operation the ' force it out of the system the blood , s i -mcK the l,],.od—the real seat of the disease—because can •"* (i ■ray insist upon S. 8. S.; nothing can take Rheumatism, its place. Contagious S s. s ur--s ah. i any case of - Scrofula. Eczema, jjj.„ .; p, i .... bS.vrs Sores, or any other form of blood disease. Valuable Li... on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Fp«eillc Company, Atlanta. Georgia. annersWishingtc Hold Can 3Do So Witii M. O’Dowd s Sons & Co. COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GA., JYt a "V©ry Close Eate. Liberal advances made on Cotton to be held, at a Reasonable Rate of Interest. STEWART PHINxZY. JAMES TOBIN. PHINIZY & CO. V4S Cotton Factors, -A-xxgiasta, I I I s Greorgisi. When You Need Lumber, Laths, Lime, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering Hair, Sewer Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your Syrup, etc., Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Doors or Blinds, Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks, She!f Brackeis or anything else you may nec i in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with trie. Washington Manufacturing Co •9 WASHINGTON, GEORGIA. They will give you right prices every time you call on th-ni. NovemberandDeeember Is tlie time to plant Fruit Trees. Now is the tune to order them. CEDAR HILL NURSERY CO., Winchester, Tenn. the Nursery to order from. They grow what you want and you get wha you buy at HONEST PRICES. For further information and Wholesale Price List, address, J. W. SHADOW, Manager, Winchester. Tenn. M. M. S. POULTRY FENCE A A A A7 \/\/\/X 7 \ A / \ A A A A A / U a: > AAA A / \ / WA m v v A / \ \ / A \ A Y 7V7 \ A \ A7XT M.M.S A A / \ / \ / 7 \ / .r\ / \ v / w \ 7\./ rr \ 7 V r< r' : / \ ' 7 /styslek xv \ / \ ■ /i\ / \ / \ A7 \/\/\J r * / ’ v t x / \ / \ a\~ - /■ /"V T\ / \ /\2 / y y x / \ / \ /\/'\ r-. / \ /\A yv /; / \/\ \7v 7~ \ A A/. \ J2 U \ r\ / \ / 7 \ r \ 7 • / > \_ A Av ~ / | [3 1 / •. / " / /V ■ 7a T\ / / /~\| - l v / v / / y> y\ 7\ / \ /Al l vyv / \ • / \ > A / \ /" / \ v\ Vv \ / \ / VT a rr? ■ / - / A ^ / > : - " y / s - '~a c s v~ ; \ X — / v / \ / n \T7 N / / \ / Mg 1 m v \ \s / / \ \ \-/ / / • x ~v / • \ 7 \ / / 7----- _ ______ ____ .. y v /~\ / . 7 / ; -- >' -------- / / r - / ___/ / ,7 7 ' “r-, / / ’/’ A / \ / \ /. v / \ s \ s \ 4-\ dCS z/ 2 v v v / v A y x s \ V \ / \ x* X v o x v> v / \ ry x \ / \ / / y Z — \ y n / x s / V Z / / Patented July ai, 1896- [TRADE MARK.] Patented July 6, 1S97. FA nrn rtryT Qll/iyn Requires no top or bottom rail and only \i as OU rtn util I* uRflnU. many Hog posts Fencing, as the old Steel style Picket netting Lawn and Fence. makes a better fence. A full line of Field and Gates, Posts, Rail, etc. Write for full particulars. UNION FENCE CO., DeKaib, 111. Brightest Items from Near by Counties* TOLD IN SMALL NOTES. To the Credit of the Excellent County Journals from WM*® Wafiat the Creamy Nu w*. WILKES. Th* hog OOP ol Wilkes ounty is tho largest and best the count has had in a number of years.—Reporter, ° w d „ C! V 51 u ar rard drop ped in , our office yesterday o extend us an invitation to his chittei mg party.— Reporter ‘ The biggist porker of . t , e season that ,, , has been packed away is fe one of which Mr. A. S. Richardson, of iiplett, tipped the beam at 550 founds. Good for , Doneo-al Donegal district’—Reporter. district, utpf Question AnswS.’d. Yes, August Floi «n sti]J)ras vilized the largest world. sale of any medicin Your mothers’aud lirundfcoi hers’ never thought of using anythinaelso for Indi¬ gestion or Billiousuess. ■•odors were scarce, and they seldom ltf;rd of Appen¬ dicitis, Nervous ProstratioL” 1 ' Heart fail¬ ure, etc. They used Au"{ fst Flower to clean out the system and p fermenta¬ tion of undigested food, r< tive ti\e ac tion of the iiver, stimula the nervous and organic action of the slstem.and that is all they took when feelirf; dull and had only with headaches few doses ami of othej Gf Xo’a aches. August You need a sAc Flower, in liquid i m, t<v* you sat¬ isfied there is notimu: sei :, . ti matter witii you. Sample boitle Store. HANCOCI St l e T ho small-pox matter seijius to he quiet¬ ing down at Devereaux. No new cases and opinions differ as to what the disease la. ■ R. II, Lewis has bought the house and lot owned by Mrs. Bettie .Jordan, the Ish malito learns,. The consideration was$3- 500. It is one of the most desirable places in town. [ Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Life of the late Dr. A. S. Brown, died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Lindsay Baker, ©n Mon¬ day night after a short but severe illness. She was 75 years of age. TEXAS WON DEB. Hall’s Great DisOSvery. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Discovery euros all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emission, weak ijwi lame hack heumatism and all jifiaHS rities 1 of the kidneys and bladder vr ’tAn men and women. Regulates bladder (roubles in children. If not sold by you'’ druggist, will lie sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months treatment, and will cure any casa above/mentioned. All orders promptly ffiltd- Send for Texas testimonials. E. Loins, AV, HALL. Mo,, Sole manufacturer, St. for¬ merly Waco Texas Sold atOfl Drugstore, Crawfordville. Ga, READ THIS. Outhbert, Ga., April 3nd, 1898. This is to certify that I -va« affected with grayel and that I took (50 drops of Hall’s Great Discovery anJ it completely cured me. It is worth per bottle to any one needing it. J. T ■ BI EVENS. GREENE. HEHALD-JODluiAL. Mrs. Ariehe Peek died <(" Nov. 30th. A marriage license h is )been issued to Mr. H J. Moore and MIss/BeatrlceMarch man. 1 At the Plains last jffeek Dr. I. D. Moore killed four hogs which netted a total of 1,34(3 pounds; dhc largest one weighed 441 pounds. Mr. Chapman is moving into the O’Neal place this week. Mr. ChkPnvin’a family will ho a great addition ti our town, and we give them a cordial welcome. Miss Emma Irby Recevk a well known young lady of this place, (who, relatives with her in grandmother, was visit ] g Atlanta, was married in t at place Juno 5th last, to Mr. Henry Sn ith.of that city. —The marriage was kcj> secret until last week when Mr. Smith et fo claim li birde. OGLETHOUPE. echo. Many reports of secor d crop fruit are being mader. 1 The smallpox scare be died out in tho glade district. Mr. J. McU. Bryan } of Woodstock, shows a raddisb 20 incl ies 1 n circumfcr ence, 27| inches long and weighs 9 3-4 pounds. eaejuraging One of the most signs of better times the Echo 1 as yet noticed was a wagon load of’fresh pork brought to town by a farmer am 1 offered for sale Tuesday. of The this, place, engagement and Mr. of M ,v.S~ Iss Spartanburg, S. C., is af nounced and the date of their wedding L? the 16th inst. Yesterday evening * t 8 o’clock, Mrs. Mary Johnson, one o; our best known and most beloved ladies of this place, calm ly breathed her last a| the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. Chedel, Yn Church street, She was quite an aged ^ady OAST Hm BeasM Bean tha m Yn Minis Sigaatan •f WARREN. CUPPBU. A double wedding occurred at the residence of Mr. Mrs. J. M. Snider’s in Warreu county last Sunday, when Mr. Lee Allen of Jefferson county was married to Miss Nannie Snider and a Mr. Cone, of Jewels, was married to Miss Nelie Snider. Dr. J. C. Aubrey, of Hancock Co., has located at Camak to practice his profes. sion. The new road law was defeated last week by 193 majority, and only a small vote was polled. Messrs. W- T. Wood aud A. M. Norris, of Beall Springsjvicinity, exhibited hero Tuesday two white partridges which they killed near their homes the day previous. Both of the biros were of this years hatch¬ ing aud perfectly white except a small dark on the top ot their heads. Other Sharon Locals. Wo know now about the prohibition as the senate has made the decision. What next. W« will have to get up something else for a lobby horse for the next Legislature to kill time on. Messrs. Bud Harper, Joo Griffith, Will Gunn. Tolly Taylor, Jacob Rocker and others from Southeast Ga. were up last week on a visit to their old homes. They report yory good times down the country but money scarce. We see the railroad section hands were cutting cord wood on the right of wav last week. They are up with their work oti the road liod and from what we see the Ga. R. R. is in bettor order for travel than we have ever seen it. We met with Mr. W. A. Le.gwen last week in Crawford ville. Hois still suffer¬ ing from his old hurts. Mr. Legwcn is one of our best dairymen and he says a tin churn is the best. Call on C, L. Bag by the tinner ,Sharon, Ga. Some people will ruu the bliud tiger in the stock law as well as the whiskey. We have heard of some turning their stock outat night and going and taking them up next morning. That is about as mean a tiick as a man could be guilty of. One week from next Monday and Christmas comes. This is a big time with a heap of people but we expect it will hu a dul'i time with a heap of us poor devils, this vear, but wo will have to be of good cheer and wisli for a butter one to come. ‘•One Minnie Coiign Cure is I he best remedy 1 ever Used for ccugbs and colds. It is uuequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it,” writes II. N. Williams Gentry ville, Iml. Never laiis. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, branehile and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Dr. It. J. Reid. Messrs. J. VV r . Fallen and W. L. K end¬ rick killed tlie brag hoga of Sharon lust week. They weighed 935 lbs. each. There were several killed that weighed over 350. Sharon lias plenty of fresh meat now for a while but tliore is still more to kill iater on. Be . , u.c surgeons. Ad doctors H,dl Ueillck Hamilton, ol West Jeffei-i»i, O . after suffering If months from Hcctal Fistula, he would di< unless a cosii , operation was performed: hut he cured him-cif with five boxes ol lluck eu’s A 1 nie < ,Sa!\e, tlie surest File cure on an d 1 he host Salve in the World. v:> <•(- ' - a Sold by Dr. R J. Heul D 1 , RAYTOWN DASHES. DON QUIXOTE. Miss Essie and Lillie Stono spent part of the week in Sharon with Miss Annie Belle Kendrick. Mr. George Wright and Miss Lillie Bar¬ nett have been on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Moore entertained their friends this*week with a musical. Miss Damarus Moore has returned home from a long visit in Wilkes county. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Barnett visited Washington first Sunday. Monday and Tuesday were hogkilting days here, from the looks of the (logs and the darkeys. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Moore spent Sat¬ urday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. 1). Moore. Tim young people of this place took in the party at Mr. It. N. Gilbert’s Friday night. Mr. F. F. Wright returned from South¬ west Georgia last week. Mr. C. H. Stone has treated himself to a new wheel. Mis. A. T. Ray lias recovered from her racent illness Saturday ’was court day here. Large crowd attended; Judge Taylor presided. This is W. B. Barnett’s week onthe Ga’ road. The hoys all smile when Will comes —Insure your property with Clem. G. Moore. Ho has the strongest companies, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of it in a common earthenware pitcher wrapped with wet flannel, TO THE DEAF.—A rich lady, Head cured of her Deafness and Noises in the by Dr. Nicholson’S Artificial Ear Drums gave?I0.o00 to this Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 1898 The Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue. New York. [ffpMinnii'iHiiiiiiiiiiinitiHititMiiiiiilUHiinmiiiHiimwmiiMiuiuMMTi 900 Drops iini|'iifn*i , iin^iniiiiiv , riiiMtintiiMiiiiiniii<* | 'u iiiiiilL--ri—.izmii: T III iiiiiri” ’ jjp Hum - .♦ . - * tiUtnuHiiuuiumni ______ miiHitiimnitiii IT11 1 1 ■ I [IIIIII llmnuiiuu AVeg e table Prep araliou for As - similating iheToodfltulllegula- andBcwcls of ting thcStamachs INI AN IS /C HtLBftKN Promotes Rest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful¬ neither ness atid Mineral. Opium.MorphmO Narcotic. nor Not > Vca^c ofOldJk-SUMl'ELmClim Pumpfitn Smi~ Mx Stnna » HoJi.tUSJU - AnistS—d Ji-ppermint * - Jh CmoanattSoda> * Ifvrm Steti - o flarifud Sugar . :'i h'inJ»n/r**n rumr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa¬ tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. is Worms .Convuls ions. Fever h ncss andLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature rf J BBS NEW ‘YORK.__ 1 i exact coproF wrapper. am I NEW ENTERPRISE ! i, STOVES iM DAILY O USB VCR 209,000 3ATIQFAOT/ON nVBHY O NB OI\/ifJQ . They are made of Southern Iron by Southern Workmen, who are onatained by tha products of Southern Farmers. They last longer nnd make more honlca happy than any other Stove on earth. Fire backa guaranteed for 15 years. If your Dealer docs not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. .y< , . j !'■ Ai iiTn [7, HI m m - . i \ ' j pii»‘ r d f j J 1J I V J Phillips & Buttorff Mfg. Co. NASHVILLE, TENN. MANUFACTURERS OF COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Mantel* and Grates, Hollow-ware, Tinware, Etc. DCALEI19 IN j, China, Crockery and Glassware, C ; cry. WOODEN AND WILLOWWARE. Everything necessary and convenient I ti ■ for tho Kitchen, Dining Room, * ^ 1 3 ... Laundry and Dairy. A GPrraiA ’. iowi***■ ■ d i i N inmmi M m i* B1GGLE BOOKS r? A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand¬ somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. *» By JACOB BIQQLB No. l-BIOOLE HORSE BOOK All about Horae*—a Common-Senae TreatUe, Cents. with over 74 illustration* ; a standard work. Price, 30 No. 2—BIQOLE BERRY BOOK All about (trowing Small Fruits—read and learn how ; contains 43 colored life-like reproduction* of all leading varieties and too other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3—BIQOLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best poultry Book in existence ; tells of everyth the principal inn ; with,3 breeds; colored with 103 life-like otherJfluatrationa. reproductions all Price, 50 Cent*. No. 4—BIQOLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Busineaa • having a nr eat sale- contains 8 colored life-like reproductions of each breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 6—BIQQLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding, Butch- 1 ery, Diseases, etc. Contains oyer 80 beautiful half¬ tones and other engravings. Price, jo Cents. iThe BIQQLB BOOKS are unique,original,useful—yon practical, sensible. never They saw anything like them—so so North arc baring an enormous sale—East, West, ana South- Every one who keeps a Horae, Cow. send Hog right or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to •way fcr the BldQLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. Xt fa ,, years old; it lathe great boiled-down, bit-the-uail-on-the-head,— in quit-sfter-you-bare-sald-tt, world—the biggest Farm of its and siac Household in the United paper Staten the paper readers. of America—haring over a million aad a-half regular Any ONB of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL ^YEAR3^(rcmaindcrj)f^ 1899^1^0, ^got, 190a and 1903) will be aeat by mail vumei ATkiwaoir. Address, V. JOWIAL casa. r. ;i.*un. rnusiuiu CASTOMA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the Signature 1 ,r t The ■ I You Have Bought. CASTOMA THE GCNTAUW COMPANY. NEWYQWK CITY-