Newspaper Page Text
lien CoM
Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you have that annoying
tickling In your throat? Would
you fee! relieved if you could
raise something? Does your
Cough annoy you at night, and
do you raise more mucus in
the Then morning?
you should always keep
on hand a bottle of
Ayer’s fj
If you have a weak
throat you cannot be too
careful. You cannot begin
treatment too early. Each
cold makes you more liable
to another, and the last
one is always harder to
cure than the one before it.
»r. Apr’s cif r ri wctorai piaster
protects me lungs from colds.
Help at Hand.
If you have and detire any complaint the be»t
medical advice you can poa
aibly obtain, write the doctor
freely. Vou will receive a
prompt reply.
Addraae, DR. J. C. AYBR,
.% Lowell, Maaa.
Our Honor Roll.
The following kind patron* have paid
tbclr subscription* since our last Issue
A J. Melton "fto to dale
G. E. Bird, SI to April 1 lDoO
J. L. Rhode* 60c. to June. 1 1900
—1. C. Levy’s Son &Co. have
something valuable offered our
readers this week. See their
W l .Vimpmiui—Juner
J 1 g I <2hapman and Miss
i \ wore married at
bride’s father in
in Wednesday of
hi R. E. L. Harris
IS. is one of our
most i , upright young
farmers at as won for his
life com pauion oue of Taliaferro’s
rare jewels. She is the daughter
of our worthy friend. Mr.
Seaborn J. Jones. Sr.
The couple were married iu
the afternoon at Mr. Jones’ and
reparied to the homo of M r. W.
T. Chapman of this place, father
of the groom, where a reception
was held, We wish them a long
aud happy life. They will make
their homo at Delos’ new resid
ence near town.
There is more Catarrh iu this
section of the country tii • .ill
Gther diseases put together, and
until the last few years was sup¬
posed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pro
nounoed it a local disease, and
prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly failing to cure with
local treatment pronounced it in¬
curable. Science has proven
catarrh to be a con.-titut'.*>>. d
disease, and therefore require*
constitutional treatment.
Catarrh Cure, manufacture u by
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O .
is the only constitutional euro on
the market. It is taken internal¬
ly in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it
fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials. Address.
F. J. Cheney <t Co.
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggist 75c.
Hall’s family pills are the best
Escaped from Taliaferro county jlU
Wednesday night Dec. 13 1899, Will
Edwards, colored age about 23, very black
feeighib about 5 ft. 10 in., weight about
186 .
be paid for bis capture and deliTerv a*
Crawfordville. Ga.
Sheriff Taliaferro Co.
Pure Home Matter* of Interest
to Our Headers.
What Oar People Are Doing, Saying
and Thinking About Told
In Brief .Note*.
—Two houses for rent. See
notices in this paper.
—We will not get out a rogu
paper Christmas week.
—The ideal weather we are
having is truly remarkable.
—Mrs. H. M. Holden has re¬
turned from a visit to Atlanta.
See the best of good things
the Alliance Store has for Xmas.
— Mr. G. Sam Rhodes, of San¬
dy Cross, is reported quite sick.
10c per lb. is a special price
the Alliance Store hason raisins.
—Mr. Will Jones and his bride,
of Bermuda, were in Crawford
ville Tuesday.
—Messrs. J. A. Kendrick and
W. P. Dozier were in town Tues¬
day on business.
—We are glad to hear that
Mercer Bruce has a tine school
in Lincoln county.
—Sevoral nice rewards offered
in this paper. Read the notices
and get the rewards.
—Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Melton
will occupy the residence at the
post office after Christmas.
—Mrs. J. S. Chapman return¬
ed Wednesday from a visit to
her daughter in South Carolina.
—Rev. G. W. Duval, of Social
Circle, visited Mr. W. A.
Legwun's family here this week.
—W. P. Hubert has been on a
trip to Atlanta this week and
E. C. Gunn has had charge of
the depot.
—Mr. W. T. Morris has our
thanks for some nice turnips,
the largest weighing 5 pounds
and one ounce
You can find some of the
best, yet lowest in price, Christ¬
mas presents at Veazoy & Ogle
—We extend a hearty welcome
to several new correspondents
this week. Get your neighbors
to subscribe for this_gaper '
—Miss Nina F^inonson of
Washington and Miss Curtis, of
Thomson, have been on a visit
to relatives hero this weok.
—Mrs. Mamie Tull McClallan
was billed lora lecture here on
night of the 14th, for the benefit
of five Presbyterian church.
—A coon, a sure enough
raccoon, created some amusement
ou our streets Sunday. It was a
pet and belonged to a colored
boy from the country.
That long looked for fresh
South Georgia Ribbon Cane Syr
up has arrived at Veazey it Ogle
tree s and is so good that it will
alinost make a fellow swallow
, his . tongue. , „
—Mr. . Let ford, representative
of II. E. Bucklen&Co.. Chicago,
was here Tuesday. This firm
manufactures some of the most
reliable proprietary medicines
on the market.
—There are many fires re¬
ported these days. It is well to
be insured in good companies
like the Phenix and the Western.
Clem Moore will write you up at
the lowest rate.
If you won’t to bake a pound
cake the Alliance store has the
—Miss Ella Norton returned
from Augusta Sunday afternoon
accompanied by her parents, indeed
Her many friends were
ghui to see her so much improv¬
ed as to be able to return.
—Those new job type that the
Advo-Democrat is printing simply some
nice stationery with are
beautiful. Keep up with
aud let us do you up some up-to
30 boxos of best 3 crown
raisins at Alliauuce . Store for ItC
P©*" lb.
—Messrs. J. B. Simmons
G. H. Moore gave as a pleasant
call this week. ' We fixed
up some nice land posters. It
is well for everybody to post
their land. We will fix you up
Veazey & Ogletree have
some handsome Christmas pres
ents in the shape of fancy cups,
sauoers. UlUgS. etc., all cheap,
— Our readers will notice some
kind words in our columns in
reference to Dr Tichenor s anti
sceptic. We can sav that we
have seen it tried and know it to
be a good remedy for which it is
I have just completed my new room which now gives
an additional 4,5<X) square feet floor space to my already large
$7,500.00 STOCK.
I am now filling this Annex with an {entirely new stock
of up-to-date urniture, as large variety as ban be found in any
city South.
Washington, Georgia. 7
1 The Hit Dog Always; Hollers. I
We sell the drugs, Stock is elf in and 3?
new, com- x
prices before buying. * X
our « * * $ « # x
5 Neot Door to The Alliance Store. v
Stock Sold.
There were several head of
horses and mules sold here
Saturday at public sale. They
were the property of Mr. Alfred
Boazley. Mr. J. M. Wood of
Washington came over and
bought two or three of them.
They Sell Cheap.
It is strange that people regard
things so useless when not in
actual service. They will sell
produce in the fall at less than
half what they pay for it in the
spring. It is said that some are
selling good plow-hoes and
cooking ovens for old iron and
will likely buy new ones next
spring on time.
An Oyster Suaper.
The Daughters of the Confed¬
eracy will have an oyster supper
at the court house Friday night,
Doc. 22. An enjoyable time is
anticipated and a large crowd
hoped for. A small charge of
25c will be made and proceeds
will go towards putting a railing
around the Confederate monu¬
Almost Serious.
There came near being a seri¬
ous fire at, the court house here
Saturday last. A lire was made
in the stove of the court room
and collector Wright . , was busy
receipting for taxes when
Judge Geo. Mitchell found that,
the liooring up stairs was on fire,
It had caught from the stove
pj, )0 where it did not fully cou
nect ...... with the chimney , . above, ,
Mr. Mitchell had not discov- ,
ered , it when , , lie did ,., m Taliaferro .. ,
would probably have been minus
a courthouse,
For the Shropshire Medal.
We are gratified to learn that
our young friend Glenn Legwen
has been chosen to represent the
Phi Kappa Society of the State
University in the contest for the
Clyde Shropshire Medal which
is to come off on the 19th of J&u
uary. This is quite a success
scored by our young Townsman
—the more so that he is only a
freshman—while those with
whom i ie had to contend for the
place and those with whom he is
associated are Seniors. We hope
he may win the Medal. He as
cribes his success chiefly to the
skilled training he received at
Stephens High School.
Even an Old Rat Kn
That sb4 can always find
N* At GoodljhingstoEat Yearly Sl Octree's
<4 *
Anythmijr . ,, . need . .
you may in
candies, crackers, nuts, raisins,
fruit-cake supplies, flavorings,
fancy and heavy etc." groceries,
goods, shoey, Everything
Villi Be Closed.
The A 11 ance Store will be
closed Monday Dec. 25th.
Plea'*-: a notice of this and
/<■> want the week before.
W C. Chapman.
l»e vfelliHg For Rent.
The H. T. Hammaqk house
and lot now occupied ^>y Jno. H.
Stephens > ( . f rent for year
1900. Apply to Mis. L. F.
Stephens, Crawfordville, Ga.
Good Things to JEat.
Seedless kai sins, per lb. 12£c
Best 3 crown London
Layer Raisins, per lb. 10c
Currents, per package, 10c
Mince meat, per lb. 10c
Prunes, ( < “ 10c
Macaroni. « « “ 10c
Brazilnuts, i ^ “ 10c
Walnuts, < < “ 10c
Nice Faucy candy “ “ 10c
Extra ni i fancy candy" 15c
Extra tv Apples, Doz 15c
Florida y ranges, " 25c
You will need every article in
the above list for your fruitcake
and fot Xmas confectioneries
and the place to get them is at
the Alliance Store.
Four Children Crenated.
One night last week on a
plautal ion near Greeuesboro four
negro children were burned to
ashes. As the often told story
goes: The mother locked them
in her h< use and went to a
neighborhood quilting and when
she returned the house was in
ashes and {lie bodies of her four
children were found a charred
mass of fletih.
Twanty-flve Ye’, Constant ITa« without a
The first Indication of croup is
hoarseness»aud in a child sub¬
ject to tha disease it may be
taken as a sure sign of the ap¬
proach of aji attack. Following
this hoarseness is a peculiar
rough cough. If Chamberlin's
Cough childloecomes Renn-dy is given as soon
as the hoarse, or
even after tUe croupy cough ap¬
pears, it will prevent the attack.
It is used ill many thousands of
homes in this bioad land and
never mothers. lisappoints W the anxious
e have yet to learn
of a single instance in which it
has not proved effectual. No
other preparation can show such
a record—twenty-five years'con
stant use without a failure. For
sale by Owl Drug Store
Old RellC3.
Millard Henry showed us an
old wax document seal a few
days ago that was 123 years old.
It was one of the kind that used
to be attached to deeds for real
estate, and was the property of
Mrs. Ogletree, mother of Messrs.
E. H., Authur, W. D., J. R., S.,
T. and Asbury Ogletree all of
this county. Millard also has a
piece of Spanish money that is
117 years old.
Will dose Christmas Day.
Wethe under signed Merchants
agree to close our places of
business Christmas day Dec 25th
Gunn & Hadaway
Andrews, Gee & Co,
S. J. Jones,
M. Williams,
H. J. Peek & Bro,
Mrs. S. A. Portwood,
S. E. Gunn (Except at night),
C. I. Ogletree,
R. J. Reid,
H. F. White,
C. Bergstrom,
Owl Drug Store,
Mrs. L. F.
As a cure for rheumatism
Chamberlin’s Pain Balm is gain¬
ing a wide reputation. D. B.
Johnson of Richmond, Ind., has
been troubled with that ailment
since 1862. In speaking of it he
says: ‘I never found anything
that would relieve me until I
used Chamberlin’s Pain Balm.
It acts like magic with me. My
foot was swolen and paining me
very much, but one good applica¬
tion of Pain Balm relieved me.
For sale by Owl Drug Store.
Went to Richmond.
Mr. W. Y. Edwards returned
Tuesday from Richmond, Va.,
where he had been selling a car
load of cattle. This is the sec¬
ond load he has shipped to Rich¬
Will says he found a town
over in North Carolina, on the
Atlantic Coast Line, that has
300 inhabitants and not a single
negro lives inside of the town
limits. This is a remarkable
town to be situated in the South.
Wholesale Jail Delivery.
Eight prisoners broke jail
Wednesday night and left here
for parts unknown. They were
all colored as follows: Henry
Collins, for assault and battery;
Ed. Pines and Paul Gunn, for
gambling; Jas. Daniel, for keep¬
ing a gamblipg house; Herschel
Mitchell, for hog stealing; Will
Edwards and Anderson Pounds
for highway robbery; Ed. Law¬
rence, Fred Crutchfield for steal¬
ing a box of tobacco from Mr.
J. B. Simmons’ wagou. The lat¬
ter two came back yesterday and
said they did not intend to leaye
and tried to get the other boys to
not be so rude as to break out.
The escapes got out of the
cages by the main lock of that
department being left unfasten¬
ed. They then tore up the wood
steps that lead into the Sheriff's
office and used the blocks of
wood to prize open the heavy
iron door that separates the offi¬
ce from the jail, first using an
iron fire-poker to spring open
the door. By this means they
sprung the bottom of the great
door sufficient for one of the
party to get into the office where
he found the key and unlocked
the door.
This done the windows to the
office were raised and the
prisioners were at liberty.
They all went out in the
but Anderson Pounds and
said he was going off on the
train, beating his way. The es¬
cape was made about 9 o’clock
Wednesday night.
Later. Anderson Pounds
has been captured at Sharon and
Will Edwards was there the
uight he escaped.
For Rent.
The old Hammack cotton gin
house, suitable for shops, maj
chinery. storage, etc. Apply to
Mrs. J. D. Hammack, Crawford
ville Ga.
—Mrs. Martha A. Smith
grand son, Allie Brundage, ol
Carrs are on a visit to the family
ofthe former ’ s dau ghter, Mrs.
j w Tucker *t this place.
it Cured
Her Boy.
\ i
M When my son George was
14, he was stricken with a ter¬
rible nervous affliction. Phy¬
sicians him. He nor medicines helped
lost his speech, use of
limbs and could hardly swal¬
low food. Before he had fin¬
ished a bottle of Dr. Miles'
Nervine he could talk and eat
well, and 5 bottles cured him.
Mr*. Julia O’Connor, Willis, Tex. 99
is sold by all druggists on guarantee,
first bottle benefits or .money back.
Book on heart and nerves sent free.
Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Executor’s Sales.
G EORGIA, By of ordinary virtue WARREN of of an said order county, COUNTY. from will the
court be
sold before the court house door in said
county, on the first Tuesdav in Jan , 1900
between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the fol¬
lowing property, Whitehead. belonging to the Es¬
tate of Jas.
One tract land containing 443^ acres
more or less, in 172nd Dist., G. M., Tal¬
iaferro Couuty, state of J. Georgia, T. Wright, bound* East
ed North by lands of West
by land*of S. S. Perkins, by lands
of Mrs. S. Overton.
Said completed. sale to continue Purchaser from day to today for
until pay
papers and revenue stamps.
H. P. Sh* wmake, Executor,
A. V. Whiteh»*d, Executrix
Dec. 6th. 1899.
of Jno. K- Holden that he and others are
creditors of estate dt Olevia Rhodes,
deceased, that said estate is unrepresent¬
ed and not coBeerne'd likely to be represented, ail
persons are required first Monday to show
cause before me on in
January next why Charles H. Golucke,
Clerk of Superior Court of said county,
or some other suitable person should not
be appointed administrator upon said
estate. December 6 ; 1899.
Geo. H. Mitchell,, Ordinaky.
^ To all whom it may concern:
VV. T. Nash, admin'strator of Mrs. E.
T. Garter, deceased, has in due form
applied to the undersigned for leave of to
sell the lands belonging to the estate
said deceased, and said application will
be heard on the first Monday in January
next. This, 4tli day < f Dec. 1899.
Geo. H. Mitchell, Ordinary.
The Richards place of 543 acres on
Little river and Lick Cros3 creek, District, adjoining
Edge place, in Sandy for
sale. Apply to.
Horace & Carl Holden-.
All parties in are hereby warned not to fish,
hunt, mylands or any lying way trespass the upon District, any«f
of in 603 G.
M., Taliaferro County.
$5.00 REWARD!
Oue large liver marked, long tail, dou¬
ble nose Pointer dog, that answers *o
the name of ‘’Miles,” lost near Barnett,
Wednesday, Nov. 29. A reward of $5.00
will be paid for information leading to
his recovery. Apply at Advocate-Dem¬
ocrat office, CraWfordville.
In the District Court of the Uni¬
ted States for the North
Eastern Division of the
Southern District
of Georgia.
Notice of Application for
In the matter of | In Bankruptcy.
Geo- W. Brown,
To the Creditors of the above named
You are hereby notified that the above
named bankrupt has filed his application
for a discharge from all of the debts prov¬
able in bankruptcy against said Geo. W.
Baown. The said application will be
heard by the Hon. Emory Speer, Judge of
the United States District Court, for said
District and Division, at the United 8tates
Court House, in Augusta, Ga., on the 21
day of Dec. 1S99, at ten o’clock A. M.
All creditors of said bankrupt are noti¬
fied to appear at the time and place stated,
and show cause, if any they can, why the
prayer contained in the said petition should
be granted.
Dated at Augusta, Ga., this 11 dav of
Dec. 1899.
H. H. KING, Clerk.
I Si..) r - I
Best Cough Syrup. Turtet&ood. Vm
KZ in ttmn. Bold br drunrists.