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Roxa Tyler, Vice President of the
TJlinoia Woman’s Alliance, speaks tired in
high praise of Pe-rn-na to restore
Serves and woak body. In a letter writ¬
ten to Dr. Hartman from 910 East 00th
Street, Chicago, IU., she says the fol¬
"During the past year I gradually
lost flesh and strength untU I was un¬
able to perform my work properly. I
tried different remedies, and finally Pe
tu-na was suggested to me. It gave me
flew life and restored my strength. I
cannot speak too highly of it."
Mrs. Arthur L. Hamilton, wife of
Colonel Hamilton, of the Seventh Regi¬
ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and
whose residence is
at 280 Goods!® St.,
l Columbus, Ohio,
■ writes the follow
Lx i T it about'
Dr. Hart man 's
J scientific remedy
for catarrh: “I
5 can bear testimony
^ jit as to the merits of
- your remedy, Pe
g|f ru-na. I have
been taking the
Mrs.Ool. Hamilton. sam0 for some
time, and am enjoying better health
than I have for some years. I attribute
tee change to Pe-ru-na, and recommend
Pe-ru-na to every woman, believing it
to be especially beneficial to them."
Catarrh of the lungs is, ordinarily,
k£own as consumption; also called
tuberculosis, in these cases the catarrh
usually found its way into the lungs
Igr the gradual extension of the disease
(jrfici the Consumption throat through the bronchial
tubes. is the natural
termination of all cases of neglected
chronic catarrh. Every one who is
afflicted with chronic catarrh Is liable
to be attacked with consumption at any
Dr. Murray’s Discovery
Is an unfailing remedy for th e
cure of consumpition, coughs cold s
and all throat, lung and chest dis¬
eases. It is a scientific compound
and alleviates and cures as it by
magic. Purely vegetable. Try it
and be convinced that it is a sover¬
eign remedy. P6r bottle 50cts.
Manufacturee by
Atlanta, Ga.
Under $3,000 Cash Deposit.
Railroad Fare Paid.
Open all year to Beth Sexas. Very Cheap Board.
Georgia-Alabama Business College,
Uacon, Oeorgia.
5Ton Scales $ 60 Freight Paid
Don,t fail to see Johnson’s
‘‘Annex’’ in Washington.
In the first stages of the disease
Pe-ru-na is a sure cure; in the later
stages of the disease Pe-ru-na can be
relied upon to produce great benefit, and
in a large per cent, of cases produce a
permanent cure. All those afflicted with
this dread disease should begin at once
treatment with Pe-ru-na.
Mrs. H. A. Tyner, Four Oaks., N. C.,
says: “In January 1893, my daughter
was taken sick with pain in her eheet
and right shoulder
blade. A cough soon
developed, which
neither of our resl
dent physicians v
seemed able to re¬ V
move. She had
every symptom of
consumption — sup¬
pression of menses, Mrs. U Keene.
night sweats and
* V _
A A folio f ng thn, no-, rf our neigh¬
bors thought she could live but a few
months. In May, Mr. O. R. Adams, of
this place, who had taken Pe-ru-na, told
me if anything would help her Pe-ru-na
would. Her improvement was very
rapid during the third bottle. I feel
that Pe-ru-na saved her life. My daugh¬
ter’s name is Mrs. L. Keene.”
A slight cough, which, without a ves¬
tige of. doubt, would soon disappear
with the use of Pe-ru-na, becomes
chronic bronchitis, which requires a
persistent use of Pe-ru-na for some time.
I see a great many cases of consumption
each year duo directly to a neglect of
coughs, colds, etc., which, if Pe-ru-na
had been kept in the house and used ac¬
cording to directions, would have been
Send to the Pe-ru-na Medicine Com¬
pany, Columbus, O., for Dr. Hartman’s
latest free book on chronic catarrh, la
grippe, consumption, coughs, colds, etc.
The following named Agents are pre¬
pared lo furnish full end reliable in¬
formation regarding all schedules
and rates to all points North, South,
East and.West.
Information given regarding A 11
Routes both as to Passenger and
oinmun icate with either of the
Agents named and you will receive
prompt reply.
T. P. A. G. P. A.
Frank XV. COFFIN, S. F & P. A.,
Augugta, Ga.
C. F. & P. A. S. F. & P. A.
Atlanta, Ga.
C. A„ 8 . A.
Macon, Ga.
C. D. COX. G. A.. Athens, Ga.
Also Agents at Washington, Marlisou, MI1
ledgeville, Union Point and Covington.
R E Morgan, C A, Chattane'ga, Tenn.
Tim II Moore, C A, Nashville,Tenn.
TV TV Lumpkin, T F A, Columbia, Si C.
TV I Cormier, C A, Charlestion, S. C.
When you goto Washing¬
ton visit Johnson’s “Annex”.
Don’t miss a treat. Go to
Johnson’s “Annex”
What the People of That Thriv¬
ing Town
fhc News and Gossip of all that Sec¬
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Bagby.
Sharon people were killing more hogs
last week.
We thought Crawfordvillo iail was a
safe deposit.
Call at L. S. Jackson’s for trunks,
gripsacks, etc.
People are on the move now and will be
for a couple of weeks.
A dandy line of confectionaries at L. S,
Jackson’s new brick store.
Dr, Henry White was in Sharou last
week shaking hands with the boys.
Mr. Tassy Perkins is attending iu John
O’Keeffes store during the holidays.
Mr. Charley rhaxton was in our town
last week enroute to Wilkes county.
Preaching at Raytown Baptist Church
next Satuaday aud Sunday by pastor.
Mrs. G. W. Brown has recovered from
her recent spell, we are glad to state.
Mr. Crist Shelton and daugeter, of War¬
ren, were in Sharon last Friday trading.
With (his letter we bid you adieu for
the year 1899 wishing all a merry Christ¬
Madamss A. B. Jarrell aud A. 1’. Gil¬
bert made a visit to Crawfordyille last
Miss Olie Brown has returned home
from and extended visit to relatives in
Mr. X. J. Bracy butchered five extra
fine hogs. He laises liis own meat and
oread every year.
Call at L. 8. Jackson’s for all the Christ¬
mas tricks aud solid goods you may want
at Rock Bottom prices.
Preaching next Sunday and Saturday
before at Sharon methodist church liy the
new pastor, Mr.Timmerman.
Mr. Boykin Wright is at his old stand
in the J. A. Kendrick store. Mr. Wright
is a nice business young man.
L. S. Jackson is now on the top round
of his ladder of Christmas goods. Go
' dm before the big rush.
\v hh some . •*
nice mess of fresh meat while it is so
plentiful. Our hog died last year.
It is hard for a man to have a tax
execution issued against him when ho can
see the money in sight to pay his tax.
As tin ware has advanced it would pay
our people to call on us and have their
old tin repaired. (J. L. Bagby, tinner,
If yon don’t love whiskey why do you
drink it. We are ceriain it does not force
itself on anybody. People will lie about
Meeting of the Chapter of Masonic
Lodge in Sharon last Wednesday evening
iu which officers vero elected for the
following year.
Dr. M. If. Thomas was visitng his
daughter, Mrs. A. B. Jarrell aud family
last week; the Doctor look pretty thin and
is in his 75th year.
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers purify the
blood, clean the liver, invigorate tho
sysiern. Famous little pills for constipation
and liver troubles. Dr. R. J Reid.
Mr. W. L. Kendrick informs us that the
shipment of cotton from Sharon depot
will be between four and 5 hundred bales
less this year than last.
Everybody^’ favorito Remedy for culs
and Burns. A free >Sampl« for the asking.
Send us your name and address, Sherrouse
Med; Co 1 . N. 0. La.
Mr. Albert Barnett has retired from the
firm of Kendrick & Barnett and will
work for the Kendrick hpuse. Mr.
Barnett is a business man.
If your boy-gets burned when he shoots
his Ghriitirias cracker, use the “old
reliable,” Dr Tichenor’s /Antiseptic, It is
clean and pleasant, cooling and soothing
to the burn, relieves suffering and be ds
almost like magic. Ouly 50c. a bottle, by
ail hustling druggists.
To tho well filled
Store of ... .
* General Merchant, *
Joe Perk ns come to school in li is
wagon last week and bought all his
books in u is and had them ground
up into me. 1 He is tired of school.
Add wat* and sugar to Dr. Tichenor’s
Antiseptic *ttd subtract the colic from
your liab Very pleasant, perfectly
harmless at absolutely reliable. Costs 50c.
L. S. Jat .son has the most suporb stock
of goods hi lever can led and f.t prices to
suit the tli rs aud lie wants the people to
call and se> tlmat his new brick store.
It does 1 >k like when a sensible man
sees what l fool a man is drinking and set
how a ug! , he behaves that ha would noe
get so ugi 4 n - There is nothing more
disgusting Jthftn au Intoxicated person.
J. H. Ci i'k’ l’eoria,Ill., says, “Surgeons
wanted- to operate on mo lor piles, but I
cured then with DcWitt’s Witch llazcl
Salve.” 11 juliillible for pile* ami skin
diseases Icware of counterfeits. I)r. IL
J. Reid,
We me up with Bro. John Overton
last week Ho Is getting along in age but
it don’ti: Nerfere with his jollification.
lie is ail Jie same ou that .line as years
ago. \
It lake p*-ut a minute to overcome
tickiing i i the throa 1 and to slop a cough
by the u °f Ono Minute Cough Cure.
This reu ily quickly cures all forms of
throat an 1 lung troubles. Harmless and
pleasin' lake. It prevents consumptio n
A famou k specific for grippe and its after
effects. I !,r . R. J. lleid.
News paper men, v j believe as n
geunerr A1 thing, adVocati prohibttion in
words. Wujdou’t know lw they are in
practice fbut wc expect it their press
associat. 'fas they liaye a big time.
Mrs. L Churchill, Berlin, Vt., says
“0 bat J war covered with running sores.
DeVVitt Witch Hazel 'Salve cured her.”
A spec li for piles and akin diseases. Be
ware olq f worthless counterfeits. Dr. It. J.
Reid, i
We 1 |t»ra 'I kicked a big cow and In the our old .garden lady swore last
week. up
vc-.g nee but the old cow is alive yet
and sli had better stay away from our
habits tiou.
Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved his
child’,. lite by One Minute Cough Cure.
Doc ,.s had given her up to die with
cr< . Ii’s an infallible cure for cough’s
c grippe, ’pneumonia, bronchitis and
<*/ ad lung troubles. Relieves at once.
ji, debt, when
t» on easy terms and that is the
reaeorn go many people are sued. A
credit or aint going to sue you if you will
show that you are trying to pay him if he
has a iy principle about him.
“I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried dociors, visited mineral springs, and
grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, That cured me.” It digests what
you e at. Cures indigestion, sour stomach,
heart 1 uirn and ail forms of dyspepsia. Dr.
R. J. Reid.
Til l tax books are chosed anil how
many are behind? A good many we ex
pect, Tax money is the last thing that a
great many people think of. It is a very
simple Idea that it Is unjust for them to
pay it, for it takes money to run anything
but ojir taxes are to high. We have too
many salaried officers to pay; there is too
many to dip into the tax payers pocket.
Mijis Annie E. Gunnin;, Tyre, Midi.,
says,' ‘I suffered a long time from dyspep¬
sia; ijisl flesh and became very weak.
Koddi Dyspepsia Cure completely cured
me ” 'It digests what you eat and cures all
formsoi stomach trouble. It never fails
to giie immediate relief in the worst cases?.
Dr. I.. J. Reid,
Crist Carroll is just from a three months
stay ;n the glory land, lie don’t like
thereandsays it U a good farming coun¬
try bit it costs a heap to farm there and a
man ins to have money to make money
there The most of tho lands are in the
loan tompanies end aro sub-rented and
thoseare big tales you hear about our
people that went uown there and made
such I big crops. They can’t pay their
debts and should next year be a wet om¬
it wii be awfni bad on some of the people.
Theri is no work there he says only in
some (arms and the turpentine factory and
you cin’t get no better wages there than
heretnd money just as hard to cet. In
otherwords he says he had rather risk
chances in Taliaferro.
Does it Hay to Buy Cheap.
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is
all riiiit, but you want something that
(Tan will rdieve and cure the mere severe and
g<ro us results of throat and lung troub
les. What shall you do? Go to a warm
er aid more regular climate? Yes, If pos
sibledf not po*ibl6 L’ r you, then in cither
case akethe ON LY remedy that has been
introduced in all civilized countries with
succfss in severe throat and luug troubles,
“Bosjhee’s German Syrup.” It not only
heahand stimulates the tissues to destroy
the camS arm disease, but allays inflamutfon,
easy expectoration, the gives patient. a good Try
nigh’s rest, and cures
OSFboltle. Recommended many years
bv- al dniggist in the world. Sample
bottl* at Owl Drugstore.
V *•'
And What Their Neighbors Am
ill tlio News of the County as Told by
Our Wide- 'wake Pencil
BY I. N. C.
MlssSallie Fanning has been quite sick
but is some better.
Mrs. D. A. Caldwell spent Wednesday
with her sister, Mrs. B. M. Short.
Mrs. J. H. Gibson spent Thursday last
with her sister Mrs. Mary Boatwright.
Little Miss Katie Richardson is visiting
her aunt, Mis. Sam Lumpkin In Atlanta.
Mrs. Sarah Arnrer spent Saturday night
and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.
Glaze at Tyrone.
The ‘‘biggest little tiling” and one of
the most useful you can offer a friend as a
Christmas present is a bottle of Dr, Tiolie
nor’s Antisoptic, A clean, pleasant remedy
for cuts, burns, burises, nail punctures,
sore throat, inflamed eyes, stings of insects,
“poison oak,’’ etc. Used internally, it
gives quick relief in cases of colic and
derangement of stomach or bowels. Free
from opiates and positively harmless.
At the home of the bride’s parents Mr.
Tom Wall and Miss Uosa Walftr woie
married Wednesday, December20th. Wn
wish them a long and happy life.
At the liotne of the bi Ido’s mother Mrs.
Alex.. Wall and Miss Eliza. Callaway
wore married Wednesday, Deeembor20th.
Wo wish them much joy aud huppiueSs.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Anulo
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st„ Philadel¬
phia, Pa., when she found that Dr, king’s
New Discovery for Cousuuiptsou hacking had
completely cured her of a cough
that for many years had made life a
burden, All other remedies aud doctors
could give her no help, but, she says of
this Royal Cure—“it soon removed the
pain iu my chest and I can now sleep
soundly, something I can scarnely remem¬ its
ber doing before. I fell like sounding
praises throughout the Universe.” So
will every one who tries Dr. King’s New
Discovery for uny trouble of the Throat.
Chester Lungs. Price 50c. and #1.00.
Trial bottles free at Dr. It. f. Reid’s
Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed.
Mr. William McAvoy left for Texas
last, Monday.
Mrs. J. E Russel is with hsr mother at
this writing.
Miss Minnie Leo Alford Is visiting
relatives in Tyrone.
A great deal of moving and changing
of homes this winter.
Xmas will not be much with many this
yesr. Times too hard.
Miss Nannie Ware has suspended her
school until after Christmas.
Mr. JI. A. Gilbert and GrlfHu brothers
have dissolved copartnership.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel gave the young
people a sociable last Friday night,
Mr. John Callaway and Miss Birdie
McA voy were married at the bride’s home
on Dec. loth.
Mr. Linton Barnett will be ordained for
a preacher at Phillips mill the81st of De¬
cember,—5th Sunday. Me has been call¬
ed to u church in Wilkinson county.
We tliink tin- legislature is hard up for
a job wlie It took up the dog law; we
reckon the next thing will be a taxation
on our children. People can’t afford lo
pay taxes on dogs. Dogs are worthless
property these times.
We were in Crawfordyille last Friday
the second time this year. Old Craw¬
fordyille is on a boom. Some people
rundown Crawfordvillcand old Taliaferro
county but she has some as good people
as anv county we ever liy ad in.
Some new cases of the disease called
smallpox are reported.
While out hunting, yesterday, Baker
Fleming was ‘•hot in the face by Rich
June' -theshooting being accidental,
Hev. (has. Slack, of White Plains,
preached in Mi Zion Presbyterian church.
last first Sunday, loan attentive and
appreciative congregation, free Sample, .. .
Among the many so-called cough cures
that lood the market, there is none that
1 , )r . Mu , s ])iscovery . Scien
manufactured . from lus , . long-tested , ,
private formula, from roots barks and
herbs, it removes all diseased conditions
antl c M jf b consumption,
con K h *. «old.s bronchitis and all affections .
of the throat. Chest and lungs It never
fails to cure to stay cured. Per bottle oOc
Free sample can be obtained from Murray
Med Co. Atlanta or the Owl Drug Store.
NO- 40.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
mcnaccrs to health of the present day*
Ollier Sharon Locals.
Mr. George Downing of 53, Ga. R. R.,
is sixty years old and ha c been in the
employ of the Ga. R. II. ever since Jjo
was seventeen years i>Fd- He is not able to
get about much now bo* the road gives
the station at Mi to *bim and ho lias it
attended to.
“One Minute Cough Cure is tho best
remedy I ever used for coughs jar.d e )'ds
It is unequalled fur whooping cough.
Children all like it,” writes H. \ T . Williams
Gentry villa, Ind, Never fails. II m Hie
mily harmless remedy that gives immediate
results. Cures coughs, colds, h -a'si-ness,
croup. pneumonia, bfauchilo and all
throat and lung trouble'. Its eariy use
prevents consumption. !>r. It. J. fluid.
A great many people take a minister of
the gospel to be their guide as how to dvo |
In this" life. This is not altogether right.
The preacher uhould he an example for
there flocks nut a great many times they
err themselves. Every bfadyt o think has
got to they loth? ilou’t their own will skill! .religiously
aud if they a \ loft when
they leave '
Tlittl Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you, used
Dr. King’s New Life Pills. ThounmiWof
sufferer* have proved their matchless
merit for sick and Nervous lleaiincli- i,
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Kasv to lake.
Try if them. Only 25 cents. Money back
not cured, bold by Dr. Ii, J. Reid
Don’t, waste your time in rogp-Miiig the
time -you have wasted.
For Rent.
Thu «..'*! ^WnnjHclv, '
housn, suitable for sho Apply ( >~, i
chinery, storage, otr. to
Mrs. J. D. Hatntnack, thawiurd
ville, (la.
Beara tho Hib Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature /J.
of CAM*
Usually them Is more rattle th m any¬
thing else In a rattling speech.
Colds aro easily taken and ofbni do*
velop into bronchitis or eoiiHuni ption. with
You should cure a cold prompt ly
Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough is Hyrup. effi¬
This celebrated remedy most
cient, ana will euro a cola atoip'o.
Promptly cures Stubborn Colds.
Dofteft are small and pleasant to takr. J><n rs
recommend it. 1 'ricc ^5 ct At alj druijR! >U.
pc|mia “For In six its year* I ua» a could victim ol'dya
worst form J cut no; ini ^
but milk toast, and at timesniy so.mark v-> ula
not retain and digest even tiiut. Lu ii
began taking (,’ASGAIUJTS and sine t • n I
have steadily Improved, life.” until i am as well < I
ever was In my
UAvii) H. MCHPBV. Newark. O.
nt. Palatable. Potent. Taste Got no
YerfcioACii. Weaken, or Gripe !(•< 2 JO
a.* iitw..,, r„.p»v,,, v- voru ’ll
||Q*TQ*BAC '” ,d u'cvurT' fed by all drug
* jbzcco I1ju/l
/ m- Iks m*
bt.. Augustn. U
K \ N I S th«
r-OCC »nt.L DC Ur PLI on/injt ASCC
I d