Newspaper Page Text
S. S. S. Is the Only There are dozens of remedies recommended for
Scrofula, some of them no doubt being able to
Remedy Equal to this afford temporary relief, but S. S. S. is absolutely
the only remedy which completely deep-seated cures it.
Scrofula is one of the most obstinate,
Obstinate Disease. blood diseases, and is beyond the reach of
many so-called purifiers and tonics because some
thing more than a mere tonic is required. S. 8 . 8 .
is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it
goes down to the seat of the disease, thus permanently eliminating every
trace of the taint.
The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely leads
should impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im
portnnee of wasting no time upon treatment which can
no: possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong
treatment has been relied upon, complicated doctors insist glandular that
swellings have resulted, for which the
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary. I
Mr. H. E. Thompson, of Milledgeville, Ga., writes: ‘‘A •b
fy '
bad case of Scrofula lanced broke out caused on the glands suffering. of my neck, I ,TO :
which had to be and me much
was treated for a long while, but the physicians bad were when un¬ I m
able to cure me, and my condition was as as \ I j
began their treatment. Many recommended blood remedies were S., used, WT iyjt~
but without effect. Some one S. S. and v/fi /L
I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles.
Continuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently,
and have never had a sign of the disease to return.” Swift’s Specific—
—is the only remedy whicli can promptly reach and cure obstinate, deep-seated
blood diseases. By relying upon it, and not experimenting with the various
so-called tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured,
instead of enduring years of suffering whicli gradually but surely undermines
the constitution. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to
cure Scrofula, Eczema. Cancer. Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils,
Tetter. Pimples. Sores Ulcers, etc. Insist upon S S S.; nothing can take its place the
Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific, Company. Atlanta, Georgia.
A-, :
i i
Can Do So "Witlx
M. O’Dowd s Sons & Co.
a, "V"ery Close ilXarte.
Liberal advances made on Cotton to be
held, at a Reasonable Rate of Interest.
^—Cotton Factors,
Augusta, 1 , « O-eorgiet.
When You Need
Lumber, Laths, Lime,
Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Cement, Plaster Paris, Plastering
Hair, Sewer Pipe for your well or ditches, Jars for your Lard, Jugs for your
Syrup, etc.,
Bolts, Hinges, and Screws for Your Boors or Blinds,
Nails, Locks, Coat or Hat Hooks, She f Brackcis or anything else you may
nee I in a COMPLETE HOUSE, Confer with toe.
Washington Manufacturing Co M
They will give you right prices every time you cail on them. |
fc -TO.TU 7 vT~Rl]\d:iBIECIbc''‘“ i
NovemberandDecember i
Is i lie time to plant Fruit Trees, !
Now is the time to order them. !
Winchester, Tenn.
They what and wha ;
Is the Nurs ery to order from. grow you want you get j
you buy at HONEST PRICES. 1
For further information and Wholesale Price Hist, address,
J. VV. SHADOW, Manager. Winchester. Tenn. :
A i\)\ /TV \ / W \ A - A / \ / / \ / V n f P \ A Pm
i \) \ At f \ /~V7\ r\)W f\/ ^ T \s jeJXJx -O-A'.
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7A / \ / W V \ 7TO7 r\J s \ / v / > \ / \ 7 !
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Y\ / v / \ / T<■ \ / / \ 1 KEEP JZ-.-JZZ7ZSZ
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y~\ A / \ \ \ m~~P JZ'-CSL
Y\ / \ / \ / / H mZ
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* Patented July ai, 1896. [TRADE MARK.] Patented July 6, 1897.
50 PER CENT* SAVING* Requires no top or bottom rail and only 'X as
many posts astheold style netting and makes I
a better fence. A full line of Field and Hog Fencing, Steel Picket L awn Fence,
Gates, Posts, Rail, etc. Write for full particulars.
UNION FENCE CO., DaKalb, Ill. i
Tell* How He Escaped the lollee Fo*
Ten Yearn —Study ot LUhi* and
Shadows Made Him a Cratk. House¬
William E. Travis, the ijoonmiou
burglar, won now laurels thei ther day
at police headquarters in Nev York by
tho charming frankness with which he
tol(1 all abont hjs geutlemnuif manner
of midnight __.,_____, u e j 1 .< Ino ‘ .
only . tranK- ,
years. ‘‘The thing at’out is
ness, though,” said Captain AeClusky,
i au <*iiiitg at the joke on hirnsdf, ‘‘was
that, after telling me all the ietails oi
his operations in an open and engaging
manner, I find that he hasn’t old uie a
thing I didn’t know before.” ,
The police already are looking respect upon
the uncommon burglar with tie
a master in his art arouses.l CaptaiD
McOlusky believes he is the*m»rtest
criminal over brought uuder lj§ quarters notice,
and tho other officers at ho;
share in this belief. Travi ‘was un¬
moved at hearing new evil aloe had
been found recently, but in lis quiet
way told McClusky exactly ' hat that
evidence was. When there wa "mention
of new plunder, ho said the ’uff was
plated. And so it was. Then 3 became
confidential and told MeC 1 fcky all
about himself for ten yean how he
kept an honest wife and ijfhlly in
Brooklyn, who thought he keptf|mother a eom
mercial traveler; how ho
and sisters on the east side town,
and how proud his mother that he
was gottiug along so well t|| a clerk;
how neither family knew of tfo other,
and how all tho time he was! burglar
who never associated with thives.
Tho talk of Travis, like of Oy
There is more Catarrh!|! this
section of the country lan all
other diseases put together, and
until the last few years wis sup¬
posed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctor* lo¬
uounced it a local disea^f ud
prescribed local remedies End
by constantly failing to cuj lith
local treatment pronounce* in¬
curable. Science has
catarrh to be a const JB
disease, and therefore in ica
constitutional treatment ’ll 1 all's
Catarrh Cure, m ami fact 1 ed by
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O..
is the only constitutional < re on
the market. It is taken i 'Hial¬
ly in doses from 10 drop,* to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on
the blood and mucous faces
of the system. They o.,f; one
hundred dollars for any ^se it
fails to cure. Send for xulars
and testimonials. Addi UL
F. J. CHEtfun * ■>.
druggist * 75c. o
! Sold by ■
Hall’s family pills art lest
rano, sounds better musical, in the but da^ pjj,
voice is low and j li8 f aoa
is sinister. criticism He and is knowledge well educated^ of trained
and knows a diamond from pn% t) iu
dark or solid jewelry and he tab| e « urv j co
from plated tbo moment p ufs j,
hand captain, on it. and He this has is taken the a way fan.^ tQ tllfl
his confideW, j )W took
the detective into a j eW
days ago: burgjdl^,
“I made a study of hdv^ as an
I art, captain, ” he said. ‘‘I btJt)n a<
it for ten years, and tins »«: th)1 fll8(
J time a detectivo s hand has L e( , n j ai( j
on my shoulder. I never asKOcir !lJ( j with
common burglars or thieves, an( j
ways thought, planned and worked
and my alone. plans. sure, As with a This result no work one I was was to i # ienoe ere ya with coo! to
study of lights .
mo. 1 made a Kba( j.
own, and always would enter i t roo , a j u
such a way that a light, no m?, tter bow
dim, was never behind me to * ev ,, a i my
prcsenco. The light I kept j u 8nob a
way that it would always bj, bey0Ll j
tho other fellow.
‘‘Those two well oiled bai r trigger
revolvers I always carried, ueeff but no j
intend to use. No burglar hoiiL
turbance if be studies the eu .
trances and exits and the chaL ac ^ r
the inmates, and no burglar e[. c , r rfca j] y
needs a revolver. For instancy jf j aiD
iu a room and theoccupi.'.it and the lig ecy,j T . j , l0rrj .
ing in between rue have
the best of him, and, besides,; |’ am ex _
pecting to see lnm. Ho isn’t expecting
to see nif). When I say ‘Htop.i au ,j j 10
hears my revolver click, he if ho
is a sensible man. Then I just' gd' m ’y way
by an exit chosen for 8uc h au
emergency. By keeping the j u
view and the most convenient 0 f
nearby I work ajj '
escapo can 0V( r a
house and easily get away, Ij^ppen 1^,, nia ^ er
wiiere the occupants may to
stumble on mo.
“Now, of those 15 purses you Lavs
in there with your co)lect| ’^ese 0;i 0 f
them contained money, came
from not a dozen disturbed. different It hol^ i^ an( j j
was of regret to that wasj l| a ay8 a
source me cou j ( j no j
take paintings, but I had resoj vef j noveI
As a cure for rhe; umat j sm
Chamberlin’s wide reputation Pain Baln^ j s g ;t jn
of Richmond, k D B.
Johnson r]( j }j as
been troubled with thati riilment
since 1802. * ‘I In speaking found l o. it he
says: never nythmg
that would relieve until I
used Chamberlin’s Balm.
It acts like magic with me. My
foot was swolen and ptljning me
very much, but one goo j appiica*
tion of Pain Balm relieved me
sale by Owl Drug *
to be tempted. I love art and under¬
stand paintings, and iu the last ten
years could have had as iny own a few
of tho finest masterpieces ever put on
Tho burglary he committed in Hart¬
ford occurred early tho other morning.
He robbed the home of Miss Bumner.
On the lawn, directly in front of ths
house, he sat down to sort his plunder.
He did not make a mistake in a single
piece of his extraordinary collection,
but took away all the solid gold and
silver, then thoughtfully piled up the
rest on the porch to show the neighbori
how much plated ware tho Sumner
household U 6 ed. Persons who had been
robbed ‘‘all along the line, ” as
Clusky said, came in from tho suburbs
to look over the captured goods. Of an
array of goods worth $3,000, few were
identified.—Now York Press.
“One Minnie Cougli Cure is the best
remedy 1 ever used fur coughs ;ir.d colds
It is unequalled lor whooping cough.
Children all like it,’’ writes II. N. Williams
GentrvviUe, Inti. Never fails. It. is the
only harmless remedy ‘.hat give; immcdiiit
results. Cures coughs, colds, hoa'-senesse
croup, pneumonia, branehile and all
throat and lung troubles. Its early use
prevents consumption. Dr. 11. .1. Ueiii.
Polar Ilird In Kentucky.
Captain W. L. Thomas of the ferry¬
boat at Augusta, Ky., captured a strange
bird in the river at an early hour the
other morning. It is a fulmar and in¬
habits the polar seas. It has a hooked
black bill, enow white breast and is the
first of the kind ever found in this sec¬
tion of the country.—Cincinnati En¬
Harvard Girls Labeled at a Recep¬
Was it some girl from Omaha or else¬
where far away who induced tho Kad
cliffe girls to wear their visiting curds'
at the freshman reception the other
night? It does not seem quite like a
Cambridge idea thus to label studouts,
but it is a good idea.—Boston Tran¬
My son has been troubled for
years with chronic diarrhoea.
Sometime ago I persuaded him
to take some of Chamberlin’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. After u#ing two Dot
ties of the 25 cents size he was
cured. I give this testimonial,
hoping some one similarly afflict¬
ed may read it and bebenetitted.
—Thomas C. Bower, Glencoe,
O. For sale by Owl Drugstore.
Usually there is more rattle than any¬
thing else in a rattling speech.
TO THE DEA F. A rich lady, cured of
her Deafness and Noises in the Head by
T).. NU liol ■<>«.’,■> Artificial Ear Drums
gave^ld.OOO to this Institute, so that deaf
people unable to procure the Ear Drums
may have them five. Address No. 1393
The Institute, ThO Eighth Avenue. New
Bees raised In Texas are shipped to all
parts of the world.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
It rests with jnn whether you
remoToH thcMiesire for tobacco,
m»kCB you B tron£^krfY|ft 1 AlftAnoiii' 1
In health, e^ired. Huy
■II w n druggist, who
vouch fur uh. Take it with
boi.f) win, patiently, iier.sistently One
d UHually eurcH; .'{ fmxcs, $2 GO,
IHlftranlri to cure nr we refund money
BUrllaf kruedy Co., Chicago, Bonlrool, Now fork.
' w
! *
I E A i i ©
The Coming of Baby
brings joy or pain. It’s for the
mother to decide. With good health
| and a strong womanly organism, woman’s
motherhood but adds to a
! attractiveness.
Wine of Cardui
takesaway all terrors by strengthening mother for
the vital organs. It fits a
baby’s coming. By revitalizing the
nerve centres it has brought thousands chubby, of
crowing youngsters who feared to they
weak women were
barren. It purifies, heals, regulates
and strengthens, and is good fo r all
I women at all times. No druggist
would be without it. $i oo
directions, Foradvice address, in cases giving requiring symptoms, special
“The Ladies’ Advisory Medicine Department,”
The Chattanooga Co., Chat¬
tanooga, Tenn. - *
j j »ay»:-“Wheo MRS. LOCISA 1 first HALE,of took Win© .1 t-ffenon,G*., ot Cftrdui
w< had born married three years, but could
not hav© any children. Nina months later
1 1 I had a fine gitl baby/*
9oo1)r#s •%>
a >: . miam |imn* L HiiiiciitminH illl tFUOtffiUUtuut- umntiij!|j|i|
un .ffliini
I j
-= —~
mu iimiiiif Tnr ■ ■'iiyy i !11,nin1111. 1 [■ In iiiiimii. Mi ..'ll ) ' > V • : ).
JJVcgetablePrepnrationfor As¬
similating S lomacks IheloodandRegula- and Bowe Is of I
ling t he
Imams ( hiipukn
nessandltesl.Contains Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- neither
Opmm,Morphine nor Mineral.
Hot Narcotic.
f We of Old VrSAI-tVELPITCWi
PusnjJan Stxtl “
JKoAflUSJtt jOX.Stnna *
j4nijt Sctd *
Jifprrmmt Jh GuionottSada. , *
ffitmSeeA (lan!u*t Sum- -
nhiyyrr** fuxnr.
A perfect Remedy for Constipa¬
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, .Feveri
Worms .Convulsions sh
ncss arvdLoss or SLEE 2 F*.
facsimile Signature cf
•Tf mm !•
EXACT COPT of wrapper.
STOVES "ET 200,000 mvenr SATISFACTION. one givinq
They are made of Sonthem Iron by Southern Workmen,
who are sustained by the products of Southern Farmers.
They last longer and make more homes happy than any
other Stove on earth. Fire backs guaranteed for 15 years.
If your Dealer does not handle them, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE.
V4 ►V.
it rzr
a t: fdt H > -fi
Phillips & Buttorff Mfg. Co.
Mantels and Grates, Hollowwars, Tinware, 5.1 c.
China, Crockery and Glassware, Cutlery,
Everything necftBSfli y and Dining convenient Room, C3 / CP"Y'C 'E Z O
for tho Kitchen,
Laundry and Dairy. A GPECfAL
k Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical,
Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand¬
somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated.
All about Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over
74 illustrations; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents.
All about Krowinfc Small Fruits—read and learn bow ;
contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of all leading
varieties and too other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents.
All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Hook in existence ;
tells everything ; withJ3 colored life-likereproductions
of all the principal breeds; with 103 older illustrations.
Price, 50 Cents.
All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great
sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ofeach
breed, with 133 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents.
Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, §0 Feeding, Butch¬
ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over beautiful half¬
tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents.
The BIGGLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you ne ver
saw anything like them—so practical, so sensible. They
ea are South. having an enormous sale—East, West, North and
Chicken, Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or
for or the grows BIGGLE Small BOOKS. Fruits, ought The to send right *
h quit-after-you-have-said-it, the world—the biggest Farm and Household paper in
paper oflts sue in the United State*
of America—having over a million and a-half regular reader*.
fo^^ddS’? d A' r JOURNAL cwi^fe i gr^? o, ‘*° d -a
Sample of FAKM and circular describing BIOGLB BOOKS free.
vii.KH *TrrifSOj». Address, V. jontiuL
chss. f. jaanins.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tlae
of J
V F You Have
Always Bought.