Newspaper Page Text
In the Back? ,
Then probably tho kidneys, j
In tho Ghost?
. Then probably the lungs. * 4
In tho Joints ?
Then probably rheumatism.
No matter where it is, nor what
kind; you need have it no longer.
It may be an hour, a day, or a
year old; it must yield to
Dp. Auers
ImmtdUt*!? oft^rapplyird it Vo*
fpfl it* soothing, warming, miength
cning power. drawn
It quiet* congestion; cut
It is a new plaster.
A new combination of new
remedie*. Made after now
method*. Entirely nnliks any
other plaster.
The Triumph of Modern Medical
The Perfected Product of year* of
Patient Toil.
Placed over the chest it is a
powerful aid to Ayer’s Cherry Pec¬
toral in the treatment of all throat
and lung affection*.
Placed over the stomach, it atop*
nausea and vomiting; over the
bowels, it controls cramps und colic.
Placed over the small of the back,
it removes all congestion from the
kidneys and greatly etreugtliuu*
weak nee*.
For sale by all Druggist*.
J. C. Ayer Co., Ixnvull, Mas*.
Tire Richard* place of m:i acres on
Little river and Lick creek, nil joining
Edge place, in handy Crosi District, for
sale- Apply t"
Hoiiacf. tl Caul Holden.
For Rent.
The old Haro mack cotton gin
house, suitable for shops, roa
chinory, storage, etc. Crawford Apply to
Mis J. D, Ham mack, -1
villo, Ga.
Three Papers a Week
i Thi* paper and the Atlanta
Tw-lce-a-Weeh Jour
> ual for <
$ 1 . 50 .
Here you get the news of the
world anil all your local news while
tt 1 * fresh, paying very little more
than one paper cost*. Either paper
Is well worth ft. 00 , but by special
arrangement we are enabled to put
In both of them, giving throe papers
a week for tilts low price. You can
not equal tills anywhere else, am!
this combination ts the best pro
mlum for those who want a state
paper and o home paper. Take
these and you will keep up with the
Besideii gonpral news, the Twice
a-Week Journal has much «kHcu 1
tural matter and other articles <>f
spoil at Interest to farmers. It lias
regular contributions by Bam Jones,
Ur?. \V. 11 Felton. John Temple
Graves, Hon. C. H, Jordan und
* oth« 4 r dinttntfutshed writers.
Cut' at this otttee and \eavp vnur
•ubsorti '*-"r bou. papers. You
£? C.'£2S£&?
• • * *
a i r * .
*5 ivottr own : ’ tv» c l
ttcriber. On y SJ CMiU a >v*ai.
a ; tKAuiiftt) c rd pia.e* ; \ 'r
shiont; drv-s-ti
he (o-uAVt Of, tt
> A^caU wan a led
§ Stylish, Economical Reliable, Simple, Abscdutelv l’{M**. .
ilate. and 2*
ivrlcct'FiUiog l k ajxr RiUems. ,
qi i* s—i» i nu n r i»« — > it; . c
No-Se««n-Ailowance Patterns.!
*C 1^ A,, Ijf to and IA ctv each—nt Si
for theta ' S *>id *1
k »n nth
o t by matt lrom I
J 138-1*6 West 14th St.. K.« Vert ^
sf-iau*''' " • ■ .<•
WSl To PATENT Good idi;
may be secured by
r our aid. Address,
Batfimorv. I
Subscriptions to The Patent Record *i.« per awr..
' 2'3'c'rs'l
. All tLSt Gissl. „ U»e
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes
tn time. SkCd by druiqrists.
01 C z if) C 2 CL H 0 Z
AnaJitot' huPpatrofts prints.his paper of the tc
give the news
day and for the money there is in
it. He is presumed to know of
what he writes, and he generally
does. When ho writes as he does
the Leader Courier, Osceola
Mills, Pa. without fee or hope
of reward, that ‘‘Chamberlin’s
Cough Remedy acts magically,
and we have found none better
in our household. If you have
a cough try it.” it may be accept¬
ed as an honest expression sale wor¬ by
thy of credence. For
_ u .
t'Wl Dl'llg otOl'O.
- -Hope every body has enjoy¬
ed the holidays and will start out
with 1 'OllOWed good fooling UOXt
D«\\ tit Little I.ttsly Ut.-ets puiil; , ,, the
bi o0 d clean the liver, invigorate tho
little \m\& nr. lot conuttpation - #
system, ruinous
1Ull j fiver troubles. Dr. R. J. Reid.
A mutt usually finds it a hard job to get
tl soft one.
j Everyi'odvs’ fuvovito Remedy for cuts
| ami Burns. A tree Sample for tho asking.
i <-> »• >■"” «— I.i. *»>««"». a«n—
Med: Co. N O.
I _
# 25ers
Pure Home Matters of Interest
to Our Readers. )
IVhat Our People Are Doing, Saying
and Thinking About Told
in Btief Notea.
—One more year and the 20
century begins.
The best, juicy apples and
oranges in town, cheap at Ve&zey
& Oglotree’s.
—Don’t make that resolution
unless you are going to stick to
Pure fancy candy, sure to
please, and lowest price at
Veazey A Oglotree’s.
—Dr. II. F. White will reside
at the II. T. Hum mack lot dur¬
ing 1900.
Mrs. <>■ S. Rhodes has been
spending this week at the home
of her father, Mr. .). W. Meiere
in Oglethorpe county.
—Some think the country is
in better fix now than it was last
year this time.
If you want to got fat and
feel good, quit, drinking coffee
and get, some Postum Cereal at
the Owl Drug Store. 15 c.
Mr. J, H. May will reside at
Mr. J. W. Farmer’s home place
here another year.
Beautifully decorated gift
and mustache cups and saucers,
cream pitchers and fancy plates
very cheapat Veazey & Ogle
—The demand last week for
an extra edition of tho Advo
Democrat was great.
—Any one wishing a substan¬
tial, high grade bicycle editor at a
give-away price, see tho
this paper at once. Cost $97. -
yours for $18.00 cash. Used
—If you have not treated your
matt right this year, get
to do better another year.
A layer of old newspapers makes mat¬
ting much more duraole.
Educate Your Bowel* With Cascaret*.
Candy Cathartic, cure couetipatlon refund forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists money.
Heart failure covers amultitudc of med¬
ical ignorance.
IIow Are Tonr Kidney* *
Dr Hobbs' Hparaetis Pill* core all kidney 111*. Sam¬
ple free. Add. Sterling Kemedy Co., Chicago or N. Y.
Mrs. It. Churchill, Berlin Vt., says
“O baby wa* covered with running sores.
DcWitt's Wjtcl. Hazel Salve cured her.”
A specific for idles and skin diseases. Be
ware of worthless counterfeits. Dr. It. J.
—Rev. W. S. Robison was the
guest of Judge Mitchell [recently.
Ho will malfe his home here
another year.
Mr, J, Sheer, Seda'.ia, Mo., saved his
child’s life by One Minute Cough Cure.
Doctors had given her tip to die with
croup. It’s an infallible cure for cough’s
colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and
throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once.
Dr. R. J. Reid.
—Iu laying your plans, far¬
mers do not let the past fair
price for cotton ruin your plans
for a sufficiency of food stuff in
“I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and
grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. That cured me.” It digests what
you eat. Cures indigestion,* sour stomach,
heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Dr.
R. J. Reid.
Meal made of corncobs, ground, is used
to adulterate many food products.
To Curo Constipation Forever.
Take Casearels Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C. fall to curo, druggists refund money.
—Married at the home of Mr.
J. W. Parmer, in this place
Thursday last, Prof. S. N. Chap¬
man to Miss Cattle Farmer, post
mistress, at this place. It was
a surprise to many people. We
wish them much happiness.
Miss Annie E. Gunnin;, Tyre, Mich.,
says, “I suffered a loug time from dyspep¬
sia: lost flesh and became very weak.
: Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured
j me ” It digests what you eat and cures all
i forms of stomach trouble. It never fails
to give immediate relief in the worst case?.
Dr. R. J. lteid,
The establishment of Woman’s Work in
j Indian Territory has been accomplished
j after years of laboring and waiting.
I Societies seetn anxious to learn methods
1 ot work. Mrs. VV. H. Kuykendall reports
one meeting at which one hundred women
were present, including several full-blooded
; Indians )
I Bears the The Kind YOU Hav? Always Bougnt !
Big nature
German baker* are not allowed to han
bread with bare hands.
If your boy gets burned when he shoots
Ins Christinas cracker, use the ‘‘old
Dr THo-nors Antiseptic. It is
dean and pleasant, cooling and toothing
to the burn, relieves suffering and beds
almi'st like magic. Only Me. a bottle, l»y
all hustling druggists.
A cup of very hot milk "a; bed time will
prevent sleeplessness.
Add water and sugar to Dr. Tichenor's
Ant s j Uc ami subtract the colic from
vour Baby. Very pleasant, perfectly
css and absolutely reliable. Costs50c.
If a mau has no pjts the chances are he
nil s few friends.
J. B. Clark, I’«>oria,Ill., says, “Surgeons
ant oe me for piles, hut 1
t*Ul w Do Witt’s Witch Hazel
S.iK \ ' It is iulailthb' i r piles and skin
Beware of counterfeits. Dr. R.
J. lit id.
Mouticello isahout to erect a cotton fac¬
tory to cost SloO.ooO. S J.oOO has been
ShlK t*i hi d.
It takes L t a minute to overcome
Kt I i the tliras' and to stop acough
by tbe use of One Minute Cough Cure,
This remedy quickly cure* all forms o*
throat and lung troubles. Harmless and
pWsnt to take. It prevents consumption
A fktnotuspecific for grippe and it*
effects. Dr. R. J. Reid.
I have just completed my new nom which now gives,
an additional 4 ,500 square feet floor sjace to my already large
store. 1
$7,500.00 STOCK.
I am now tilling this Annex within entirely new stock
of up-to-date furniture, as large variet} as can be found in any
city South.
Washington, % Georgia.
The Hit Dog Always Hollers i
We sell the drugs, Stock is nev% clean and com¬
our prices before buying. 9 6 0 •is 0 0
| A long of Peace.
Peace Iff the sunlight and peace In the
Peace where In meadows the wild doves
Peace 01 rie fields that were red with the
ala] fjf
Peace Jod’s country forever!
Peace ere the great ships have roared
wit their guns—
Where he battle smoke darkened all
stai i and all suns;
Peace infthe hearts of the patriot ones—
Peace n God's country forever!
P( ■Shore no lightnings from heaven
Wi B | he loved flag of freedom’s for
f« unfurled;
Wh; H: te red stripes of glory shall gar
IK'.i. the world—
S n God's country forever!
—{ nton In Atlanta Constitution.
f JOtjr Is Blood Deep.
CleantoTood means a clean skin. No
beauty w„hout it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar¬
tic clean j our blood and keep it clean, by
stirring ,p the lazy liver and driving all im¬
purities rom the body. Begin to-day to
and banish that pmples, sickly bilious boils, complexion blotches, blackheads, by taking
Cascaret;,—beauty for ten cents. All drug¬
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
4 Enforce the Dog Law.
Now that we have a dog law
let us that the grand juries,
all the j jj|§ [t in s, enforcing and the people it. will
* oml r» vo i n o li f y ft 7 -
er d» ean more wool and mut¬
ton,! s pigs and poultry.
Thi' Pcraps of food fed daily
to the i n Georgia would
raise housands of hogs, and
chickoi ,s without number.
Ql ve the sheep and the shote
and the c hi°k a chance to multi
ply an( i*eplenish the state, and
tht» goo, d d °S s an opportunity to
sweU-lV^ treasury, by enforcing
the do ft ax.—Macon Telegraph.
Twenty-fi ve Years’ Constant I'se without a
The indication of croup is
;s.s, and iu a child sub
* g|t disease sign it of the may be
taken V. ra sure ap
proach uf an attack. Following
this h arseness is a peculiar
rough ■ough. If Chamberlin’s
vemedy ... given as soon
Cough is
a- the jGil‘-l becomes hoarse,
ever a h* the croupy cough ap¬
pear-, will prevent the attack.
j t j s -d iu many thousands
homes In this bioad land and
never ( sappoillts the
mother d- We have yet to learn
of ;t siu instance in which it
ha- no) ’Duration k CoVed can effectual. Show such
Other record—twenty-five p years’
a con
stant us- ! without a failure.
sale by p wl , _ Dru 2 store -
John Home * Mnieom.
rpu., airs which have been going Oh
for nearly 8 ye» r iu hm historic house
of John ^ e8ie Y. iu London, the found
er of Met 110 * 5 * 8111 ' are nearin 8 comple
tion Tile home i* to be formally open
ed as a Methodist center and museum
for Weale/ relics. —New York JournaL
i?jt m foll the people
•Tft * > * To Get * *
i » Good Things for Xmas ,
V\L " e Lave 11 f them In everv line
t and the |P eo P , It ‘ are pleased , ‘j with -i
Ixtth OUll A’all u * ce g<^>ds *nd the low
[supply for xvliat you want,
n- new w :i, ill j * * YOU.
- •
Popular VEAZEY Santa Claus & Depot OQLpTREE’S for all Kinds of Goods.
(TheCwl Driur Store’s 0 .1
Best Goods at Lowest Prices, c] }JlWF0RDVILLE GA.
Xmas Carol.
a song of sixpence, i
Of dimes and dollar-, too.
in your cash-box
All the long day through.
the till is opened,
There your gladdened eye*
the maxim proven:
“Pays to advertise.”
—Fred II. Chifford.
We are pleased to be able to add the
valuable experience of Mrs. W. E. H„
•f Milledgeville, as a further answer to
the inquiry as to how to rid the henhouse
and chickens of mites. Mrs. H.’s letter
also contains other valuable suggestions.
She says:
“Seeing in the weekly paper here in
one of your recent reports an inquiry
for cure of inites and lice on chickens I
send the following, which I know to be
sure, as my chickens have been free
from inites for over five years: Two
teaspoonsful of sulphur to a pint of
corn meal mixed well together to every
seven fowls; given twice a week to get
rid of mites; given once every 10 or 12
day's to prevent. Mites will never get
on roosts made of sassafras poles, and
they can be used several years. Onions
cut fine and baked in dough prepared for
biscuit and fed to fowls once or twice a
week when cholera is around is a sure
preventive. Little chickens just a few
days old can be ted with both prepara¬
tions. Three drops of sweet oil on the
heads of ducks will kill the lice.”
Mas. W. E. H.
What Is the best way to save pea vines
for hay? P. C., Lee County.
The vines should be cut just as the pea
is developing in the pod, when you can
*■*» * '"“y ae^-eloped pod.
Mow or cut down the vines early in the
morning, as soon as the dew is off.
Leave vine, on the ground until »«t
morning, when you scatter the cocks
and leave as before. Throw two cocks
together in the afternoon, and go on m
this way until the vines are dry enough
for the bam. Do not handle the vines
in the heat of the day, when very dry,
nr or thA the Imvm leaves will will fall tali off on. The Anev vines nes
should, if not prevented by ram, be left
in the field for four or five days. Place
them loosely in the barn, and never pack
them away. In this way you can se¬
cure very fine hay.
Can you give me a remedy, or, rather,
preventive, that will keep weevils out
of corn? J- L. H., Adel, da.
In answering your question on this
subject we reply to several other in¬
quiries relating to the same matter.
Experiments with bi-sulpliide of carbon
prove it a most valuable remedy. As
practical onco i« the Left t tu ot, Wt)
give what Mr. John W. Rice, of Su
wanee county, Florida, says on the sub¬
“Last winter, after I had housed my
corn, I obtained of Evans Brothers, of
Live Oak, a few pounds of bi-sulphide of
carbon. I took a long tube and worked
it into the corn to bottom of barn on one
side, and poured in one pound tube and of the
stuff, stopped upper end of let
it remain two weeks. I then made the
same operation on the other side of the
barn. The weevils were pretty thick in
the corn, but they soon disappeared, and
I have them no more. My barn is freer
from weevils in August than it has been
in March before. I must say it is a de¬
cided success. I would not be without
it, though it cost me $5 a pound. I have
a supply for the present crop, and shall
put each bottle in a box slatted on top to
prevent the breaking of the bottle, place
the box on the floor of the barn and
throw the corn on it—the bottle un¬
stopped, of course. I shall use one bot¬
tle to one hundred bushels of com. Mi¬
stook have eaten both corn and shucks
treated with carbon and it had no inju¬
rious effects. The stuff is worth millions
to the south, where the corn weevil is so
destructive and annoying.”
What is the best way to train pear
trees? L. F. T., Thomaston.
It is best to train your trees so that
they will branch at a distance of only a
j few feet from the ground. This method
I has these advantages: The fruit can he
| easier gathered and the trees easier
I trained; the fruit does not injure so
falling: the branches being
j sturdy, will not be strained by overbear
tag or over weight of fruit; the soil will
i be kept shaded and moist, and the trunk
i protected from the scorching sun.
C ;l ti you give me a method to de
stroy stumps? U.. Hancock County,
U. D.
Bore with a two-inch augur to the
heart or center. Fill the hole with sul
phuric acid or with crude petroleum.
first place the acid destroys in a
few mont fi s . f u the latter, when the
j stump becomes saturated with the oil it
! is fired and will bum to the roots. Where
oil is used two or more holes will hasten
j the time for burning. Place an iron
| weight on the stump when fired, and it
; will render the result more certain. The
I iron retains heat, and by its weight re~
I moves charred portions of the stump.
How does humus , benefit _ , land .
s . B. N., Brooks.
1 Land is bene fitted by humus princi
pally by its mechanical effects. It stiff
sand ? land l0 °f ns Cla -T S °* 1: “
gives power to the soil to absorb 1 ana re¬
tain moisture and its solvent powers
renders available mineral substances in
When the vegetable tto _ .
the soil. ma r 13
from liguminoos plants. » considerable
contribution of nitrogen is directly made.
Carbonic .. , at .d , is ; tht v ..HnHivil pnncii>ei element el.m
| evolved from humus.
Ex - Treasurer
State of Maine*
H y-. fcv
■t i mm Wmm " !
4£*r i r nrec < years ag o I tv as all run
down. weak, exhausted; had
indigestion, constipation, and
my system was debilitated in
general. Physicians did not help
me and i began taking Dr.
Miles' Nervine. New, I am
as well as ever. Chas. A. White, 99
Ex-Truas. Stato of h'ain* , Gardiner, Me.
is sold bottle by all benefits druggists on guarantee, back.
first or money free.
Book on heart and nerves sent
Or. Miles Medical Company, Elkhart, Ind.
Executor’s Sales.
Ij By ;«\VoV^i"ctUr”i,l“S
o door in said
before the court house
county, on the first Tuesday in •Jan , 1900
gS" i ‘bKlSfr*‘f JTJlh?' tl..toot? the -Es
0W ing property, belonging to
tatorfJw. 'Seining G. M acres Tal
more or less, in 172nd List., Ge°n?iw,bound- ,
laferro Couuty, state of
land^of^. s!'Perkins, West by’lands
of Mrs. S. Overton. today , ,
Said sale to continue from nay
untl , conlpleted- Purcfiaser to pay for
p apers and revenue stamps,
H- P.
Dec. 6th. 1899.
^ IT APPEARING Upon application
of Jno. K. Holden that he and others are
creditors of estate of Olevia Rhodes,
deceased, that said estate represented, is unrepresent¬
ed and not likely to he a U
persons concerned are required to show
cause before me on first Monday in
January next why Cliailes II. Golucke,
Clerk of Superior (tourt of said county,
or some other suitable person should not
he appointed ndmi ntb tnkt o t ujHWrr sanf
estate. December G ; 1899.
Geo. H. Mitchell, Ohdinahy.
go all whom it may concern:
IV T. Nash, administrator of Mrs. E.
T. (’alter, deceased, lias in due loan
applied to the undersigned for leave of to
sell the lands belonging to the estate
said deceased, and said application will
be heard on the first Monday in January
next. This, 4th day “f Dec. 1899.
Geo. H. Mitchell, Ordinary.
Stolen from my stable ntj “Public
Square,” Greeue county. Tuesday night,
Dec. 12, 1899, one BAY HOUSE, black
mane and tail, foretop been cut but has
grown out about 2 inches, both hind feet
white nearly to bock joint, right fore-foot
and part of ankle white, gray hairs on
back where sore healed, star in face, white
spot on nose, medium size, narrow breast,
trots in harness, and fox trots under saddle*
Finder will be liberally rewarded.
Union Point, Ga,
Escaped from Taliaferro county jail
Wednesday night Dec. 13 1899, Will
Ed *ruds, colored age about 23, yery black,
heighth about 5 ft. 10 in., weight about
be paid for his capture and delivery at
Ciawfordvil.'e. Ga.
Sheriff Taliaferro Co.
Salesmen b anted.
Good wages to sell our Nursery Stock
Apply for terms. We will have for Sprins
anil Fall, 1899 and 1900. an immense
stcck of Apple. Pear, Peach. Plum,
Apricot, Cherry, Grape, etc. ornamental
Also small fruits, shade and
trees, roses, etc. We make a specialty of
wholesaling to large planters direct at low
prices. Write us for wholesale price list.
Winchester, Term.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recoiE
structing the exhausted digestive or¬
gans It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. it No other efficiency. preparatipj| It in,
ca n approach in
stantly relieves and permanently Heartburn cures -
; Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Stomach. Nausea
Flatulence. Sour
1 SickHeadache.Gastralgia.Cramps.anc
all other results of imperfect Co*. digestion Chicago.
Prepared by E. C DeWIU A