Newspaper Page Text
Eon. Hobart Brooks, editor and owner
of the Washington** Capital,” 1593 Penn
sylvania Avenue, N. YV., Washington,
1). C., in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman
Dear Sir—It is with great pleasure
that I can testify as to the merits of Pe
fiu-nn. After suffering over a year with
Catarrh 1 began taking P*-ru-n&. I
took one bottle, and so great was the
effect that I rapidly recovered and am
Row enjoying good health. To all who
0&ffer from debility of any kind T recom
mend Pe-ru-na as a most valuable tonic.
Hobart Brooks.
Prof. J. F. Turner, Edgefield, Tenn.
Prof. J. P. Turner, Principal H. B.
High school, Edgefield, Tenn., in a
recent letter says: “I suffered for nine
y«ars with catarrh, and after trying sev
eral remedies I gave up, and concluded
tified tjj&t there was no cure for me. I no
so many testimonials from prom
taent men relative to Pe-ru-na that I
concluded to try one bottle, little ex
pecting to believe any that help. all I catarrh had grown rather
cures were
nothing but frauds, but your remedy
Pe-ru-na is the greatest panacea to-day
Dr. -Maw-ay's Discovery
Is an unfailing remedy for th
cure of consumpiF el, - i-’>,<U
and all tin- at, lung ud chest dis
eases. It is a scientific compound
and alleviates and cures as if by
manic. Purely vegetable. Try it
and be convinced that it is a sover
eign remedy. Per bottle oOcts.
Manufacture by
Atlanta, Ga.
For Sale at OWL DItUG STOKE.
■ / For FREE
Z'CM'Cfl Schclarsfaip
Under $ 3,000 Cash Deposit.
Railroad Fore Paid.
Open all year to Both Sex$s. Very Cheap Board.
Georgia-Alafoama Business College,
Macon, Georgia.
5Ton Scales $ 60 Freight Paid
*^%|ones°f Binghamton, MY
for those suffering with catarrh. Ido
not hesitate to recommend it. Before I
had used one bottle I noticed a great
change in myself, and four bottles cured
me entirely. I would not be without
Pe-ru-na for any consideration. *»
The reason so many people get chron
ic catarrh is, the disease gets firmly es
tablished before it is recognized. Thov
fool themselves by calling it some other
name than its proper one—catarrh.
When people get acute catarrh they
call it a cold. If they have acute nasal
catarrh it is called coryza. Endemic
Catarrh they call influenza, and epi
demic catarrh they name la grippe.
When the catarrh reaches the throat
it is called tonsilltis, or laryngitis.
Catarrh of the bronchial tubes is called
bronchitis; catarrh of the lungs con
sumption. Any internal remedy that
will cure catarrh in,on,; location will
euro it'in any other location. This i*
why Pe-ru-na has become so justly fam
ous in the cure of catarrhal diseases. It
cures catarrh wherever located. Its
cures remain. Pe-ru-na uoes not pal
liate; it cures.
Mr. W. B. Steffy, Glouster, O., writes:
“I was afflicted with hereditary catarrh,
and grew worse
as I grew older,
until my whole
system seemed af
fected. After try
ing many doctors
and different posi
tive (?) cures, I
had almost given
up hope, when I
was induced to
try-Pe-ru-na. Af- Mr. W. 11. Steffy,
ter trying one Glouster, 0.
bottle I felt a gen
eral strengthening of my system and
after a few months’ use of Pe-ru-na
I was cured. That was two years ago.
I use Pe-ru-na every spring, so as to get
my system in good shape for the sum
mer.” n
For a free book address Dr. Hartman,
Columbus, Ohio.
Georgia o
The following named Agents are ore
. pared do furnish full and reliable in
formation regarding all schedules
and rates to all points North, South,
j East and Wcst.
I Information given regarding All
Routes Loth ns to Passenger and
jC ommun icate with either of the
Agents named and you will receive
prompt reply.
T. P. A. G. P. A.
Frank \V. COFFIN, S. F & I*. A.,
Augusta, Ga.
C. F.& P.A. S. F.&P. A.
Atlanta, Ga.
C. A„ S. A.
Macon, Ga.
(,'. D. COX, G. A.. Athens, Ga.
Also agents at Washington, Madison, MJ1
let^eNille, Inion Point and Covington.
It K Morgan, C A, Chattane< ga, Tenn.
Tim If Moore, C A, Nashville,Tenn.
W W Lumpkin, T Y A, Columbia, S C.
W I Cormier, C A. Cliarlestion, S. C.
When you goto Washing
ton visit Johnson’s“Annex”.
What the People of That Thriv
ing- Town
rtu News and Gossip of all that Sec
tion of Much Interest, Reported
By C. L. Rugby.
A cold Christmas week.
Very pretty snow Sunday.
Charlie Smith is at Hotel .Tacl;son.
Several new clerks in Sharon last week.
Sharon’s jug trade was good list week.
Several turkey dinners in Sharon last
week. i
Prof. Jarrell’s school opened Tuesday
We have had some peddlers with us the
past week.
Mr. Lint. Lewis, of Washington, wag
here last week.
Walter Pitman opened up his store
Christmas waek.
Mr. Foiix Wright and family have left
us for the far West.
Mr. K. N. Gilbert lias been quite sick
but is reported better.
Mr. A. I). Moore had a bad lisiugon
on bis hand last week.
Mr. Jesse Elliott spent the holidays with
his uncle L. S. Jackson.
Mr. E. E. Darileu and family have de
cided not to move to Atlanta.
Mr. Walter Davidson, of Augusta lias
been on a visit to home folks.
The horse trading business inis been re
vived in th|s section recently.
We married two couples recently.
Hard times but people will marry
Mr. Robert Davidson, from Savannah,
was visiting his parents lust week.
Preaching at Sharon Presbyterian
church next Saturday and Sunday.
Sharon needs either a new Methodist
church or a new academy building.
Mr. J. A. Kendrick was :;i his best
in the way of fun during Christmas.
| The Sharon Masonic frateraiiy*.hae'-
oyster supper e uingt rrwims wri-,.
We learn that Kendrick & Bro. will
run a business at tile J. A. Kendrick stand.
We understand that a negro got his
head bunged up in Crawfordvillc last
Messrs. Price Mathews and Kinney, of
North Warren, were in our section last
Mr, Henry Ivey, of Warren, wus here
last week visiting his daughter, Mrs. Tom
There was some nice Sunday school ex
ercises at William’s creek Wednesday in
Now is the time to subscribe for your
county paper and begin with the first of
the year 1900.
We had very little excitement in our
town last week. Only one man was put
in the lock up.
Our merchants report good trade
last week. We guess if will be skinning
times from now on.
We hear there will be someuew council
members the present year. Some of the
old ones won’t serve.
The modern and most effective cure for
constipation and ail liver troubles—the tin
mens little pills known as DeWitt’s Little
Early Risers. Dr. J. Reid.
We understand there will be a new firm
j in Sharon this year, but we are not at
• liberty to give names yet. - -
Christmas has come ar.d gone, but Dr.
! Tichenor’s Antiseptic has come to stay. It
j istbe People’s favorite Medicine. A clean,
1 * ,le osaut th,t hea,s WoUB,U aud
Henry Flynt has been trying to make
up money to send Tom Fate to Indian
Territory but Tom won’t go.
Size doesn’t indicate quality- Beware of
counterfeit and worthless salve offered for
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. DeWitt’.-, is
the only original. An infallable core f r
pih-s and all skin disease. Dr. R. J Reid,
Mr. L. S. Jackson did a fine business
last week. lie let the people know what
he had through his county paper.
Begin the New Year right, buy a bett c
of Dr. Tichcnor’a Antiseptic, to use in case
of an accident. Most wonderful h.-aiing
Compound known to Medical Science.
Only 50 cts. at all drug stores.
Sharon young people had a good time
I : shooting fire crackers and big guns.
Rabbit hunting was a big sport with every
i body in the country.
Prepare for Accidents and Diseases of
the New Year. Buy a bottle of Dr
Tichenur's Antiseptic. Heals Cuts and
Barns quicker and with less suffering than
anything. Cures Colic too, in man or '
beast. » “*•■" w- *«*
arshal, Mr, Well>orn Stone was
tie cut in tjie discharge of his
luring the holidays, attending to
•la business himself.
> Caro Constipation Forever,
<’• - - rets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
fall to cure, druggists refund money.
you; need any tin work done
m> <> dors with W. R. McGibboiiy
1 us, Crawfordvillc, C. L. liag
u, or Barnett.
Vpjjjoton, Justice of the Peace,
N. J., says, ‘‘DoWitt’s Little
■» are the best pills made for
> ’U. Wi use no others,” Quickly
cf ait(l b:nvel trouble.Dr,Ik,).livid
anl mt there was one whiskey
..... county that sold twelve
pilars worth of whiskey in
%, .l pile of money.
I T ® nc Minute Cough
(’ll! •' '"’ILp. It cured me
oi 1m § grippe.” Thou
„au : «*$**>'tbo )>.-• v*’ f' piumjM, prompt
actio: “T 1 .fifing remedy. It cures
e mgi k 1 i«ii 'up, i bronchitis, pnetuno.
id; 1 . ; iud throat and lung troubles,
1ts eni prevents consumption. It is
the or a unless remedy that gil-es ims
media 1 .’suits. Ilr. It. J. Reid.
We ’0 all of our people will start out
this y With renewed energy and that
God sg their every undertaking
ami g , 1 a rJjundant crop year.
i ,ew Dennis, .Salem, I ml., says, “Koilol
byspi- i Cu. c di>l me more good than any
thin, . tuple-.* It digests what you eat
and h-Mp but cure dyspepsia and
,-i on, ics. Dr. It. J. Reid.
Son. p> pie • say they sell goods on
n credit t; comodatimi. This is a mls
take t he / sell for the money there is In It.
Sometin .- 'they credit a man fora small
amount e get rid of him.
A silv L ilf dollar will pay for a bottle
ot Dr. -henoi’s Antiseptic If, after fair
trial yon woi £ satisfied with your invest-,
incut, tig ,i ropritfors will refund your
half A clean liquid, pleasant odor,
and as a ff i-esing for Wounds, Burns,
Nail Pu Dufies,.Barbeil Wiro i'Cuts, etc,.,
it siinpl' bits' no equal, For sale by j
druggif' St'klers. V {
••TOrsier nan ici < mt tjOffi: o j
f 'oafav’c di.-n th . purple j
.wicss.. Doing public busini'E
loosely ;uUt;<re a good deal of trouble
someth ws.
F. it Tiiirkinld, Health Inspector of
Chicng. says, “Koilol Dyspepsia Cure can
not be r hommended too highly. It cured
me , J .- /ere d ,spepsia.” It. digests what
you oaf, nil cures indigestion, heartburn
and ail urns of-dyspepsia. Dr.11. J. Reid.
Sey, n I caught us Christmas gift but we
had v, 1 , Utile to respond with; we receiv
cd son , piev ll' which was highly appre
oiateil i and we hope the good Lord j
Will lu- }i the donors mid they may have
ll hap; ' New year.
La o-'-vii fja., Jan. 15, ,98. —All
repOr i. vi' c.ird from Dr. Tichenor’s
Ann a; are y lavoraole. ’i'iie jicople
seem tt f II pleased with it and I have
treed ,„ vault’ with v.ry gratifying
n ult Ohas. J. Tritium,,
Traveling Salesman.
Wt Is n told by some people who
went tin, country that the people
dovi) i: re re anxious to get the peo
ple 1 • ,m up core to move there. They
wan 1 1.1 J, to learn how to fin !)• Well we
know , nic people that left, ere never
m J' : joythin on land of their ,wn and
we i . m low they would learn any
oni or I land howto fm. Some
%*>• 1 ' firinei left her-though.
L- Tr.i . Agent Southern H. ll.,
L 1 it re c ,,‘T cann - i my looucli
in l > f Cue Minute Coo- . j,, R,
m ... ikell'kear oo'ii. ’ I’ho on
iy | ! ' jr i ut’dv that gives immediate
ret ah ,tires coughs, colds, bron*
fs croup,
oh f''rl all throat and lung troubles. Dr
n. Ihin ffcaii
,eri ‘ ■; that some of the down coun
tr |, tid we never reported nothing
fro: jt , >ry land only what was told to
u i by people from down there,
'oil pill trashy then for most
( w-ry “ i -F —,/ • .. t, ' I * have seen iaa,n from dawn 'I /VVJI
there] has told us something, and we ain’t 1
rcp< 1 nothing for truth but what has
beet olo to us and we haven’t reported
half n has been told to us.
Does i Pay to Buy Cheap.
' heap remedy for coughs and colds is
\ . nt. I" in nod you want something that
dnng,. ■ e cure the more luvere and
f ou i'> suit! of throat and lungtrouh-
1 l“ W m hall you do? Go to a warm
mot regular „............. climate? Yes, lfpos- cither!
i o jossildo for you,
k> QNI.Y remedy tl. ■ • b— been ■
intri 1 i \dl civilized countru v. ■ i,;
' in -i.veihJliroat, and li, ,t«-s
‘IJi lb German Syrup,”
heal ■ ml stimulate*, the tissm v
the erm disease, but allays Inflamation, |
c<w expectoration, gives a goody
j I nbfc 4 txjV.Ui, i, • ,: and Kcconinicmi RecommcmV” cures the si patient. Try ‘
1 fe. ' .1 d .JSfU legist in the \ orld. many Sample yeays
-i r
AY, JANUARY 5.1900.
And What Their Neighbors Aru
411 the News of the County as Tifld by
Our Wide- wake Pencil
Christmas was very quiet in this com
Miss Annie Harris has returned to her
school duties.
Mr, George King has moved his family
to this vicinity-.
Sir. and Mrs. John M. Munion aud Miss
Lillie Beazley spent, several days In Wash
ington last week.
Mrs. Xetioiuia Illxon and daughter.
Miss Mamie, spent the Christmas holidays
in G roenesboro.
Mrs. Lucy Lyle aud Mrs. O. M.Saggns,
of near Kandy Cross, and Marshall Bag
gus, of Crawfordvillc, came up Thursday
to attend the burial of Mis. Emma Han
Mrs. Emma Hancock died at her homo
near hero last Wednesday, December, 37.
Her death has cast a shadow over Uni en
tire community, for she was loved and
respected by all. She lead a most exem
plary Christian life, showing at all times
her trust in the Savior. Although she
was a great sufferer for nearly two years,
yet she never complained. She leavos a
husband, nine children and a large
number of relatives and friends .who
mourn her untimely death. She, was
burled in the cemetery ut Bethany church
Thursday, the funeral services lining
conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. L. Wliif
field. We deeply sympathize with the
bereav.od family.
.1 Night of Terror.
“Awful anxiety wus fait for the widow
' brav" General Burnham of Mach las.
when the doctors said shod- il l n
tilUmnrnlhg*' Writes Mr...- P, i . ,,n
cola, v'io attend 'd iier that fearful ..ig
but, sin: bogged for Dr. King' ., i
Discovery, saying It hail more Ilian
saved her life, anil bail cured her of
After three small doses
slept easily nil night, and. itts further
completely cured her,” This marvel
medicine Is guaranteed to cure all
Chest uud Lung diseases. Only
$1.00. Trial bottles free at Dr, l{.
Held’ Drug store.
BY I. N. C.
We wish you ‘ill it happy new year.
Mrs. Web Fanning lias been quite sick,
but is well again,
Mr. John Caldwell of l’earidge is visit
liis son’s family at Helena.
Mr, Sammjo Caldwell has been quite
sick but Is some better at this writing.
Dr. Unyle, of Anon, lias been visiting
bis brother, Mr, It. T. Raylo at Ilelona.
Mr. J. 11. Gibson and wife spent, Tues
day last with Mr. I). It. Short.and family.
I’rof. VV r . I). PIttard and family lias
moved near Delhi where he will lake
charge of a siicool.
Little Robert, son of Mr. K. L. Boat
wright, has been quite sick but is some
better at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. G urge Short and family
spent Tuesday last with the former’s sis
ter Mrs. Small Armor.
Mr. Ed Strozier and family gnioved to
Greene county on the Oconee river. Jle
will run a grist mill for Gillen Bros. We
wish him success.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M, Boatwright, and son,
Guy, spent a part of last week with the
latter’s parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Cullln Cald
well at Bairdstown.
Mr. C-K. Strozier, for many years a
conslstant, member of Sardis Baptist
church, departed this life on Dec. 37th,
1899. The funeral was conducted by
Rev. 1!. M. Oailu’/ay ids paslor and the
l,0<ly was buriwJ at Hard!* cemetery
VVlien the mists have cleared away,
Then lot our sorrow cease to flow;
God has recalled his own;
But lot, our hearts In every woe,
Still say, “thy will he done.”
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald,
Cut or Bruise. Bueklcu’s Arniea Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Lleors, Boils, Felons, Corua,
all Skin Eruptlomt. Best Pile cure ou
earth. Only 35 cts. a box, Cureguaran
tend. Sold by Dr. it, J. Reid Druggist,
|! ** thoogbt the war in South A
v ) ,lii SOOJI ljtj at an end
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
Alum feafcinj; pewdm are fi -ccaics*
lieolih .
menacers to of (ho prcaei. L >.
Ron qiuxoTK.
A. prosperous New Year to all.
Mr. Will Wright, of Augusta,
Xmas day at home,
-Mr. R. T. lirooke, of Atlanta, .spent a
few days at homo ,a«f wei'k,
Mrs. Rosella Moore aim n are visiting
the family of Mr. O. D Moon
Mr-. Fred Moore, of Atlanta, : ut
Xmas with homo folks at ihi- place.
Mr. Porter Flynt of Alabama spent last
week with his mother at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Edwards spout part,
of tlie holidays with the latter,» parent;
Missy Ruby Hojllday loft as t week for
Augusta whore she will visit Ml .-a Siiili ■
.Miss Louise Riiy spout part of Xut . s
week with her brother Dr. A, Th Ray ipf
this place.
Mr. Walter Mooro left for Ajfltnta. , W.J
wv,ok to taken position in Halim
Drug Ktfro.
Mrs. Mary Jane Flynt entertained w
musical both Tuesday and Thursdtre c n
ings last, week.
Raytown was duller llilafXrmis tlum vVa
haya eve iv It (ffl- .. fi —sticjel
fun •Mmv;''ti*t, ll e:
T- >* J 'ire" W-Jl ■ Wtt, w.
iv i ivn (pc, .11,,‘. *
on VV . „ stiiiy evening ot last w . i.l :,i
they were delightfully entertained with ; v
Mow Are Four Ktdm-yi if
fir. IIot)b»'H|(nrn«ii.s Plllscih.inll kidney ill ;. Ham*
pic free. Add 'Htorlliiii .- lli)niedyCo.,l'tiieairoor N. V,
The Misses Stone’s entartniued a House
Party Xmas week, tlmir invited guest.!
were Miss Hill, of Cud lev, Mi- Kendrick
and Mrs. Patton, of Sharon, MK. Mabel
Lewis aud Mr. Frank Newsome of
Washington, and MI Gialmm, of Rey
SORE Lisas
Bore lungs, puinin Uiecbciitund pain
ful breathing, the foro-riinnuifi of
cured pneumonia, are quickly reliable relieved nrul
by the old I)r. John W.
Bull’s Cough Syrup. It, breaks up a,
cold i n one night. Try it at once.
Dr. Balls
Will quickly heal Sore Lungs.
Doses art* small ami pleasant to take. Doctor*
recommend it. i'ricc 25 cts. At all druggist*.
U A tapd Worm eighteen fee. ;
least cam<• on Hceno alter n , rig in
CASCAif K-'l’S This I an; l : g >.h 1 h icd n ...y
bad health for to p*r w three youn - -n /
taking Oa.ft d. rets, ( he only catbai' worthy of
notice by Bcindbi^ poodle
Geo. w Bowleb, Iialrd, Mis*.
Good, Pleawant, Palatable. Potent, 'I’aste Good. Ho
Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 260, Wc.
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 313
Ufl HU* TH I U*Dmu DAO gists Hold and ClLfKK guaranteed Tobacco by u.!l Habit. dritg
299 7th 3t., Augusta, Ua.,
I,,VES FREE EYE TESTS for all defects Y
1 grintU the proper glasses and WAf
I KANTS them.
1 Lenses cut into your frame while you wait.
Bears the Kind You Haw Always Boujtt
fiigaatare /jY •'
NO- 42.