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Washington Little Theater is
so glad to be partnering with The
Fitzpatrick Hotel and Maddy’s
Pub again for this special
Spring package again this year!
Come stay any weekend night
between April 5 and 21 and you
get 1 night stay, $50 voucher for
food at Maddy’s AND two tickets
to see the hilarious performance
of Steel Magnolias all for just
$200 per couple! You must book
Tr©m < T&£
' : 7njy ftfiotiej;
‘District rso
I returned to the Gold Dome
on Monday, March 18, 2024,
to begin the eleventh week of
the 2024 Legislative Session.
Last week, we convened in
the House Chamber for three
legislative days and continued
to give passage to a number of
Senate bills. There are now only
two legislative days remaining in
the session until we reach Sine
Die on Thursday, March 28,
2024. These finals legislative
days are among the busiest
days of the entire session as we
finalize our legislative business
for the year before the Sine Die
The House took legislative
action to combat the growing
fentanyl crisis in our state. My
colleagues and I unanimously
passed this important, life
saving measure, Senate Bill
465, would create the crime
of aggravated involuntary
manslaughter when someone
intentionally manufactures or
sells a controlled substance
that contains fentanyl and
fentanyl is determined as the
sole cause or a contributing
factor in a victim’s death. SB
465 is known as “Austin’s Law,”
named after a young man who
died tragically after unknowingly
taking a substance laced with
fentanyl. His parents joined us
in the House Chamber while we
honored his life with the passage
of the bill. Later in the day, our
counterparts in the Senate
voted to give this legislation final
passage, sending this important
bill to Governor Kemp’s desk to
this special deal through The
Fitzpatrick Hotel at 404-820-
0973 or 706-678-5900.
Washington’s Spring Tour
of Homes event is April 6 and
opening night of Steel Magnolias
is that evening?
Music & Maker’s Festival is
on April 20, on the square in
Washington, Georgia.
What better way to spend a
spring Saturday!
be signed into law.
The House has focused
its efforts on improving and
expanding mental health
services across our state in
recent years, and last week, we
continued those efforts by giving
final passage to Senate Bill
480. This legislation would
provide student loan repayment
assistance to mental health and
substance use providers who
offer services to underserved
youth or practice in geographic
areas of the state that lack
adequate services.
My colleagues and I also took
action to continue our efforts
to support victims of domestic
violence and human trafficking.
Senate Bill 324 would create
a victim-centered address
confidentiality program within
the Office of the Secretary of
State. This program would
allow certified participants to
utilize an address confidentiality
card instead of disclosing
their personal address to
governmental entities in order
to prevent their confidential
address from being published.
This bipartisan measure is a
crucial step toward providing
more protection and support
to these victims in our state,
allowing them the opportunity to
safely rebuild their lives without
Finally, the House passed
Senate Bill 464 to improve
literacy rates among our
students and provide financial
relief to educators to purchase
classroom supplies. SB 464
would help to ensure that we
are supporting our students and
improving literacy outcomes for
Georgia’s young learners.
Furthermore, this bill would
also lessen the financial burden
that many teachers face when
supplying their classrooms with
necessary learning materials
and supplies.
With Sine Die now days away,
the pace under the Gold Dome
continues to intensify as we
near the finish line of the 2024
Legislative Session. The House
returned to session on Tuesday,
March 26, 2024, for Legislative
Day 39. With the session
ending soon, I encourage you to
contact me to discuss legislative
matters that are significant to
you and your family.
Georgia Department of
Transportation and We Are
Teachers Launch Free K-12 Car
and Road Safety Program
The Georgia Department of
Transportation (Georgia DOT)
in partnership with We Are
Teachers, a leading national
educational media organization,
is proud to announce the launch
of a comprehensive, free K-12
Car and Road Safety Program.
This pioneering initiative program
aims to educate Georgia’s
youth about the importance of
road safety, whether they are
passengers in a car, riding a bike,
or walking.
The five-year program,
provided free of charge by
Georgia DOT, offers smart, ready-
to-use classroom resources
designed to instill vital road safety
skills in students from a young
age. These resources include
road safety activity books for
grades 3-5, classroom posters,
detailed lesson plans for all
grades, interactive activities, a
virtual field trip across Georgia,
an engaging driving game, and
informative Kahoot quizzes.
“We believe in the power
of education to save lives,”
said Russell R. McMurry, P.E.,
Commissioner at the Georgia
Department of Transportation.
“By equipping our young people
with the knowledge and skills they
need to stay safe on the road, we
are investing in their futures and
the safety of our communities.”
We Are Teachers, known
for its extensive reach and
influence among educators
nationwide, collaborated closely
with an advisory group of 8-10
Georgia educators to develop
these materials. This process,
which included comprehensive
research and interviews, ensured
the resources are not only high-
quality but also align with the
Georgia Department of Education
(GaDOE) standards.
“Our goal was to create
engaging, practical resources
that teachers want to use and
students enjoy,” said Hannah
Hudson, editorial director of We
Are Teachers. “With the insight
from local educators, we’ve
developed a program that truly
speaks to the needs of Georgia’s
teachers and students.”
This initiative marks a
significant step forward in road
safety education, focusing
on younger students to build
a foundation of road safety
awareness from an early age.
The program underscores the
importance of teaching children
about road safety, recognizing
their potential to influence others
and contribute to a culture of
safety in their communities.
The Car and Road Safety
Program is now available to all
K-12 schools across Georgia.
Educators are encouraged to
incorporate these resources into
their curriculum to help foster a
safer future for Georgia’s youth.
For more information on
the program and to access the
resources, visit GARoadSafety.
THE ADVOCATE DEMOCRAT, Crawfordville, GA, Friday, March 29, 2024
Taliaferro County School
End of the Year School Events
on YO UR\
Young Beginners
Birth — 5-Year-Old
Parent Session
Parent of Birth to 5-Year-Old children will have to opportunity to
participate in a learning session. This session will consist of a
presentation on reading to students.
For Birth to 5 Parents Only!
5:00 PMi
Building Capacity of
Pa rents Information
Culture Night
Parent Input
Parents and community members can join TCS as we celebrate
cultures of countries around the world.
Parents and guardians are invited to attend an informational
session to learn about the transition from grade levels.
Parents will be given the opportunity to give input on parent
engagement and other feedback from the 2023-2024 school
year. All Parents/Community Members Si Staff are Welcome.
April 1 - April
April 15-19
Milestones Boot
Students at TCS will have 2 weeks to participate in the 2024
Milestones Boot Camp. This final push will help student to
focus on strategies to pass GMAS.
This is a Student/Staff Event Only Event.
April 20
TCS Prom
May 1
10:00 AM
6:00 PMI
Title 1 Stakeholders
Input Meeting &
Yearly Evaluation
All parents are invited to provide input and share in the
decisions making/ revision process for the developments of the
Title 1 Combined Parent Policy Plan, School Parent Compact,
Budget, and Family Engagement documents for 2024 -2025
school year.
May 9
9:00 AM
1:00 PMi
Honors Day
Join TCS as we honor students for honor roll, AB Honor Roll,
Attendance and with special awards.
May 9
5:00 PM
Young Beginners
Birth to 5-Year-Old
Parent Session
Literacy Training event for Parents events for parents.
Birth to 5 Parents Only!
May 10
9:30 AM
Join TCS Kindergarten teachers as TCS Kindergarten Class of
2024 transition to first grade In a commencement exercise.
May 14
8 th Grade Promotion
TCS Middle School Faculty/Staff invites you to attend the
promotion ceremony for the 8 th Grade Class of 2024.
All community members are invited to attend.
May 17
7:00 PM
High School
Taliaferro County School faculty and staff cordially invite you to
attend the commencement exercises honoring the TCS Senior
Class of 2024. All Community Member are invited to attend.
Thang 3
5:4S chieu
Ngu'ai mai bat dau
Sinh - 5 tuoi
Phien hop phu huynh
Phg huynh cua tre so sinh den 5 tuoi se coco hpi tham gia vao
mot buoi hoc. Bubi hoc nay se bao gom mot bai thuyet trinh ve
viec doc cho hoc sinh,
Chi darih cho sinh 5 bo va me!
Tha ng 3
5:00 PM
Nang cao nang lye
cho boot thong tin
cua phy huynh
Bern van hoa
Dau vao cua phy
Thong bn chuyen tloi
Parents and community members can join TCS as we celebrate
cultures of countries around the world.
Parents and guardians are invited to attend an informational
session to learn about the transition from grade levels.
Parents will be given the opportunity to give input on parent
engagement and other feedback from the 2023-2024 school
year. All Parents/Community Members & Staff are Welcome.
1 Thang Tu 1
- 5 Thang
Tu 1
thang Tu
Nhat bao
Cac cot moc khcri
dong Camp
Hqc sinh t^i TCS se co 2 tuan de tham gia Milestones Boot Camp
2024. Cu hich cuoi cung nay se giup Hqc sinh t|p trung vao cac
chien lu'pfc de vi/crt qua GMAS.
-Day la Sir kien Chi danh cho Sinh vien / Mhan vien.
Thang Tu 1
TCS Prom
Thang 5 1
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
Tieu de 1: Cudc hop
dau vao cua cac ben
lien quan Si
Oanh gia hang nam
Cuoc khao sat
Tat ca phu huynh diroc mcri dong gop y kien va chia setrong
qua trinh ra quyet dinh / sua doi cho sy phat trien cua Ke hoacb
Chinh sach Phu huynh Ket hop Tieu de 1, Hiep Libre Phu huynh
Tru/rng hoc, Ngansach va Tai lieu Gan ket Gia dinh cho nam hoc
2024 -2025.
May 9
9:00 AM
MS/HS 1:00
Honors Day
Join TCS as we honor students for honor roll, AB Honor Roll,
Attendance and with special awards.
May 9
5:00 PM
Young Beginners
Birth to 5-Year-Old
Parent Session
Literacy Tra ining event for Parents events for parents.
Birth to 5 Parents Only!
May 10
9:30 AM
Join TCS Kindergarten teachers as TCS Kindergarten Class of
2024 transition to first grade in a commencement exercise.
May 14
8 th Grade Promotion
TCS Middle School Faculty/Staff invites you to attendthe
promotion ceremony for the S' 1 ’ Grade Class of 2024,
All community members are invited to attend.
May 17
7:00 PM
High School
Taliaferro County School faculty and staff cordially invite you to
attend the commencement exercises honoring the TCS Senior
Class of 2024. All Community Member are invited to attend.
Jovenes principiantes
Nacimiento - 5 anos
Sesibn para padres
Los padres de los nihos nacidos a los ninos de 5 anos tendran la
oportunidad de participaren una sesion de aprendizaje. Esta
sesibn consistira en una presentacion sobre la lectura a los
estudiantes. |Solo para el nacimiento de 5 padres!
5:00 PM
Sesion informativa
sobre el desarrollo de
la capacidad de los
Noche de la Cultura
Aporte de los padres
Information sobre la
Los padres y los miembros de la comunidad pueden unirse a
TCS mientras celebramos las cultures de paises detodo el
Se invita a los padres y tutores a asistfr a una sesibn informativa
para aprender sobre la transicion de los niveles de grado.
Los padres tendran la oportunidad de dar su opinion sobre la
participacion de los padres yotros comentarios del anoescolar
2023-2024, Todos los padres/mieimbros de la comunidad y el
personal son bienvenidos.
1 de abril -
5 de abril
15 de abril
- 19
Dia rio
Campamento de
entrenam lento de
Losestudiantes de TCS tendran 2 semanas para participar en el
Milestones Boot Camp 2024. Este empujon final ayudara a los
estudiantes a enfocarse en las estrategias para aprobar GMAS.
Este es un evento solo para estudiantes / personal.
Abril 20
TCS Ferry
1 de mayo
10:00 AM
6:00 PM
Titulo 1 Reunion de
aportes de las partes
interesadas y
Evaluation Anual
Se invita a todos los padres a dar su opinion y participar en el
proceso de toma de decisiones/revision para el desarrollo del
Plan Combinadode Politieas para Padres del Titulo 1, el Pacto de
Padres de la Escuela, el Presupuesto y los document os de
Participacion Familiar para el a no escolar 2024-2025.
9 de mayo
Primaria 9:00
MS/HS 1:00
Dia de Honores
Onase a TCS mientras honramos a los estudiantes por el euadro
de honor, el euadro de honor AB, la asistencia y con premios
9 de mayo
Jovenes principiantes
Desde el nacimiento
hasta los 5 anos de
Sesion para padres
Evento de Alfabetizacion para Padres, eventos para padres.
iNacimiento de 5 padres solamente!
10 de mayo
9:30 a,m.
Graduation de
Onase a los maestros de TCS Kindergarten mientras la Clase de
Kindergarten de TCS de 2024 hace la transicion al primer grado
en un ejercicio de graduacion.
14 de mayo
Ceremonia de
Promotion de 82
El profesorado/personal de la Escuela Intermedia TCS lo invita a
asistir a la ceremonia de promocion de la Clase de 83 Grado de
Todos los miembros de la comunidad estan invitados a asistir.
17 de mayo
Graduation de la
escuela secundaria
La facultad y el personal de la Escuela del Condado de Taliaferro
lo invitan cordialmente a asistir a los ejercicios de graduacion en
honor a la Clase Senior de TCS de 2024. Todos los miembros de
la comunidad estan invitados a asistir.