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THE ADVOCATE DEMOCRAT, Crawfordville, GA, Friday, March 29, 2024
Graveside Services Held For
Daphne Kersey
Daphne Shelnutt Kersey of
Union Point, GA, age 46, passed
away Sunday, March 24, 2024
at St. Mary’s Good Samaritan
Hospital in Greensboro. Born
in Greensboro, GA on January
11, 1978 she was a lifelong
resident of Greene County
and the daughter of Naomi
Moncrief Shelnutt of White
Plains, GA and the late Dock
Hammond Shelnutt, Jr. In 1996
she graduated from Nathanael
Greene Academy. Daphne was
the Administrative Assistant
for Rayle Electric Membership
Corporation. She was a member
of Siloam Baptist Church.
In addition to her mother,
Naomi Shelnutt of White Plains,
Good Friday
Good Friday is a day in
which we can reflect upon the
goodness of God. We invite you
to take part in our Good Friday
service as we remember God’s
love for us and take part in all
that he has to offer us through
His sacrifice and invitation to the
communion table.
Good Friday Service begins
promptly at 7:00pm on Friday,
March 29, 2024.
Shiloh Baptist Church in
Christ, 11303 GA-80, Norwood,
G A 30821
Senior Pastor, Pastor Peter
White, Jr. promptly at 7:00pm
Easter Choir
The Community Easter Choir
will present a concert titled
“Closer To The Cross” on Good
Friday, March 29 at 6:00 p.m. at
Raytown Baptist Church. The
program features uplifting music
sung by the Community Choir
directed by Kim Sales.
This program is a wonderful
way to celebrate The
Resurrection in the 174 year old
sanctuary. Refreshments will be
served following the program.
The entire community is invited
to attend and share in fellowship
and celebrate The Resurrection
of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Raytown Baptist Church
is located two miles east of
Sharon at 4641 Raytown Road
in Taliaferro County.
Baptist Good
Friday Service
The Springfield Baptist
Church, located at 1320
Springfield Road, Crawfordville,
GA. Rev. James E. Wright,
Sr. Pastor, invites everyone to
fellowship with us in our Good
Friday Service on Friday, March
29, 2024 at 7 PM.
Our Guest Minister will be
Rev. Roben Cole, Pastor of the
Welcome Grove Baptist Church
in Fairburn, GA.
Please join us, we look
forward to the fellowship.
James E. Wright, Sr., Pastor
Dea. Edward J Sigman, Jr.
Chairman of Deacons Board
GA, she is survived by a sister,
Dannah Strozier and her
husband Steven of Madison,
GA; a brother, Dock Shelnutt
III and his wife Sherrer of White
Plains, GA; six nieces and
nephews, Caleb Strozier and
his wife Adriana, Kyle Strozier,
Tylor Strozier, Taylor Strozier,
D. J. Shelnutt and his wife
Haley and Dalton Shelnutt and
his wife Tanna; great nieces,
Ryleigh Kate Shelnutt, Ella Grae
Shelnutt and Gio Uribe. She
loved cats and leaves behind
her pet, Chance.
Graveside Services will be
held on Thursday, March 28,
2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the White
Plains Baptist Church Cemetery,
1020 Main Street East, White
Plains, GA 30678 with Rev. Lem
Clark officiating. The family will
receive friends at the graveside
from 10:00 a.m. until time for
the service. The family requests
that any memorials be made to
Nathanael Greene Academy, P.
O. Box 109, Siloam, GA 30665.
McCommons Funeral Home,
109 W. Broad St., Greensboro,
GA, (706) 453-2626, is in charge
of arrangements. Visit us at
com to sign the online guest
The Springfield Baptist
Church is located at 1320
Springfield Road, Crawfordville,
GA. Rev James E. Wright, Sr.
is pastor.
The Springfield Baptist
Church invites everyone to
fellowship with them in their
Church Anniversary Service on
May 26, 2024, at 2:00 O’clock
Their guest minister will be
Dr. Reginal Hunter, Pastor of the
New Springhill Baptist Church,
in Philomath, GA. Please join
them. They look forward to the
Choir from New Springhill
Baptist Church will render the
Dinner will be served.
James E. Wright, Sr., Pastor
Dea. Edward J. Sigman, Jr.,
Chairman of Deacons Board
March 30
Matt Stephenson
Joshua Weaver
Jack Harper
Leroy Avara
Whitney Carani Cornman
March 31
Tony Corns
Sean Hawkins
April 1
Janet Ballard
Virginia Harris
April 2
Christopher Stewart
Jennifer Corry
April 3
TavariusTurner, Jr
Margaret Trowell
April 4
Leola Weaver
April 5
Gloria Derrico
Joan Clayton
Rachel Yearwood
Jonathan Fain
Susan Stewart Stowe
March 30
M/M Kevin Pike
April 4
M/M Joey Noggle
• Monthly Accounting Services
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Donna Jones Adams
103 N. East Street
Greensboro, GA
Matthew 28:6
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.
Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
God Bless each and every one of you for
this glorious Easter season.
The Advocate Democrat staff
Sandy Cross
Sandy Cross Baptist Church
will be holding Homecoming
Services on April 7, 2024.
Services begin at 11 o’clock a.m.
Lunch will be served following
the service.
Sandy Cross Baptist Church
3028 Sandy Cross Rd
Crawfordville, GA 30631
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller
enjoyed a wonderful visit with
their children and grandchildren
last week.
Lillian, Savannah, and
William are the children of
Andrew and Becca Miller of St.
Louis, Missouri.
During their time in
Crawfordville, the children had
a great time with Jan, Randy,
and Daniel Stewart at their farm
in Jennings. They played with
horses, goats, Yorkies, cats, and
chickens, petted a big bull, rode
the tractor, and ‘drove’ a classic
1976 Corvette. They gathered
eggs of all colors from Aunt
Rita’s chickens in Crawfordville,
held one-day old baby goats at
Mr. Ricky’s Ranch in Margaret’s
Grove, and ‘drove’ Opa’s tractor
before going back to life in the
Everyone enjoyed supper at
Nick’s and breakfast at Diana’s!
The food was delicious, and the
service was fantastic!
Dell and Allan can hardly wait
for their next visit!
Community Calendar
Every Friday, 8AM, men’s and women’s breakfast
Every second Wednesday 7PM,
GOP meeting at Senior Center, refreshments
Every second Saturday, 8AM,
American Legion Breakfast for veterans (note change)
American Legion Building
Every third Thursday, 11:30AM, Lunch and Learn at Nick’s
Every third Sunday, 5:30PM,
Children’s Bible Study, CBC Fellowship Hall
Every Wednesday, 5:30PM, Children in Action,
CBC Fellowship Hall
Every first Wednesday, 10AM,
Board of Commissioners meeting, next to Diana’s
March 29, 6PM, Community Choir Easter Presentation,
Raytown Baptist Church. Everyone is invited. Refreshments
and fellowship will follow.
March 29, Good Friday
March 31, Easter Sunday
April 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21-“Steel Magnolias” at
Washington Little Theater, get your tickets now.
This is promised to be a hilarious play
Those to keep on your prayer list: Chip Stewart, Lorie Kris Griffith,
David, Saralyn Fulcher, Jim Lewis, Jackie, Susan Yearwood, Mark,
Hal Ogletree, Kathy.
The Rutherford/Eubanks Families enjoyed a Low Country Boil at
the home of Daniel Rutherford. They also hid eggs for the kiddos to
Morgana and Luna Peterman were in Athens Saturday for lunch
and shopping.
Elaine Nunn, Kirby and Lori Beggs visited family in Maryland
recently. Elaine’s brother and sister-in-law, Sidney and Nancy
Wheeler, have lived in the area for over forth years.
Betsy Orr hosted her Bible Study group from Atlanta at Heritage
Preserve last Friday. Spring is a perfect time to visit. Trees are
in bloom and it’s so peaceful and quiet-unless there’s a gaggle of
women from Atlanta! The ladies enjoyed a light lunch, a tour of the
grounds and the new Pine Lodge and surrounding units that are
now available to rent.
Gwen and Jeff Marked were on a gun trip recently. They started in
LaGrange, Georgia, at the Biblical History Center. They then went
to Montgomery, Alabama, where they experienced more history,
fantastic food and shopping. Mobile was their next stop where they
did more shopping and visiting with relatives from Wisconsin. Then
to Louisiana for more fun and adventure-and a Cajun Low Country
Boil that Jeff sweated over! More fun to come!
The Goddard Brothers had lunch at Stalvey’s in Covington, to
celebrate Terry’s birthday. Nelson, Mike, Terry, Danny and Alan