Schley County enterprise. (Ellaville, Ga.) 1886-1???, November 04, 1886, Image 2
TIU; ENTERPRISE. KLI.AVILl.fc. "A . N *V. i :**>. A- J. II \»r, Kdit-or m l Prof tor. I HERE^^ ^ a. c, ****** M. B- i foil siirun t The frien 'Vii'is’.i \ • tun j n ; < Us a*»r m etislid.te ... clw HtHIst muty »; tbv »ppr twn in Jsnunrv r. m FoH .-HKKTKK. , r^Tdau*h«r\u" r ^a-'- <!r ' ."riff ea - ts-Uiev r-ourty a. t)»c«i*uiiip L. e.» -< t n, n. January next. A . OlLKS. Oars. andOther*’ a- Cre<lit.*l The general assembly of Georgia met yesterday._ General Oordoo will L<- inaa^M- rated ws governor of Ot-orgia next Tuesday. One can see w ith half an eye Tftat Atlanta is very dry. Like a man who stops to thii k. And v. i-ii-- I • "lid iio\ a drir k. It i- -tati-d that Mary Anders r. contributed 13.'*for the the Charleston -uff -rer-. She is an actreHs. Grover Clevela *»d coot rile uted tJd. He i* a pre-ident. Odonel Iiigcr-oJl want-“a* little law as possible,only enough topun- Ish the wicked.” Strict church |*-o- pie w ill suggest that the infidel colonel may rest astund of that much, at lea-t. We hope none of our little “reform" exchanges will in-;nuate Iliat Frank ^iddallV “o ap” influ- e»«e<i the-tratigely fitrorabie legis- lation of the last session In *d the North Georgia railroad. La-t Thursday was t Fog day in New York. The gr*-at -tatue of liberty F'nlighteniiig the World was unveiled with fitting ceremo- ni»— th*t ni'i-t have -utiefled Bar- th ddi and tlie otiier Freuch vi*itor*. A nti.iion .... of , pe-.p. , , t. . is . «~.!inated. . . wttne-sedjm i r. e _ The great Knights of Labor c«n- veution at Rieiirvond, on ad] M ■ iug, adopted a resolution appealing for the condemned anarchists oi • ea«o who nmrdered a number of policemen in a most cowardly man- n-r. “A fellow feeling make- u- n'.B4rwJMr____ The supreme court of th* United Htates has held that eongres* alone ha- the ,owerto regulate interstate traffic, and hence for the remedy any abuses in “through business* the people mud bc.k to congrc- and not the state.. The railroad commission of (ieorgia may from this that it is not omnipotent. _Telegraph. Time l/n.uii l>t. Ume-t, and tmurtifti.-ent insti- tution on earth, and if w«- c<»u'd back th riy of our-qiis^.i.-red year- pr«‘p.»r!uot!s to "inarr v 'r abmit al time a- , f,«.us. fitgety jiian roiiiniti j^ rfe- tiy com- fortune with a red hot knitting ueesile* in in hi- in ear *ar. We’d i wi-tixine 5 i.ipon * 1 • long a.gtn otir preparations longer.—K)( just J that and no Warren, in Ma.-„n Evening New-. “While the ' imp hold- < nt to burn Ttec vilest sin.icr may r turn.” Too Hasty. Governor McDnrii* I i- .1 clever old gentleman, and i- g*e«l to hi- friends. The Marietta and Georgta railway has U-en completed to the North Caroljua line ami, hi accordance with resolution , of , the . a . last , legislature, . , the , governor has ordered the cancellation of #»:i,noi in bonds of said road held by the state. The resolution i- clearly un¬ constitutional, and it is thought the present legislature w ill declare it so. Indeed, an injunction restrain¬ ing the state treasurer from can¬ celling the bond* wus pending at the time of the governor’s order. In this matter, it would seem, has little regard for the w islie* of fhe people, or the courts. The state has practically built jthe roml, and now the governor makes a present of it to a few north- capitalists—fit . .. -e,Untie, .. ern repr. -, jt aptwars *' from the ease* with which .. they have gobbled .... ... tin- road.o , . up the nughty horde who twenty-odd «p, w.te -tnurehiitp through ‘wasting Georgia” burning, piliixgiiig and our fair land It is better, however, to have the road as it is than that it should not He built at all. It will be a n.cnns of rapidly * developing f a -plendid * section .. of th* .. state . that . hui'long . needed a road; and these northern capitalists can’t carry it away, a- thev can not possibly " atuff it into a ’ rpe , ag. ir War tlrniori**. The Chicago Ledger de- res inter¬ esting and readable accounts of ad¬ ventures during the lat*- w;»r by the! I | old soldier*. The Ledger will be | -ent to contributors for such time as their articles may he worth. The wit end humor of th»* ermtroversy are especially 0 ire-d, - nil readers prefer laughter T, I .«r.r. Address, T ' r i i . r. •.?: j .iiklin *.-treet, . 'I he I'ublw Vlteel Judg. Harrell give* hmoc : logical* “-houl; tii- educating cti*«nfrt*»>i <«f which is that it i* a ; at the txt«en*e of tli*- many, and !! 5 iSe “hem-K*- H -Kx'dL* ; ' V - - v - • • •*, - and in many indant-es receive no benefit whatever from them, hut r( . j., iucate woiilih-.-* ■egroes and equally \v ■ •rthle*- shite* who pay littl* or do taxes, wad to whom the short annual see- ***'•** public ncle-oh. are of mi practical benefit. Their increase of knowledge, if any, only their di-like for the hoiH-s’ ia is -r for which alone they are by nature fitted, and make- th-m lazy and worthless or renders them capable bet-omittp *uc< --fill criminals, The whole i“ a WOMANHOOD. <OI HII I 14 1 TN* 4 I*I>ltlss |, r ., nr( . ,,,, i liatill* ( lull. I have -elected for my theme ight a subject rno-t u-Hutiful to behold—noble woman¬ hood. The mention of this i- enough to kindle in the heart man—yea,uncouth rnan—the hum- jug flame of love and admiration, If, in pondering thought, you upm the i.rink of reflection and look int<. the finest aarden <>f ty for thf»M* thing- which in«pire *he mind witii ideas <f eloquence :i,w * '(ddiinitv, you can hut br-hold tic* conpflritiiB of noble womanhrssl. It is she i * 1 whose gentle, loving ..mis was nursed into greatne-- th*- towering w hich governs this nation. She with the TKNDKK SIM TTtA OF fjOVE „. (lVe in the , <x>m of kflow!wlpe the wreath of nobility which i- made bright by the twinkling star of hoj*- placed in the crown of glory. By her gentle Bad meek dispmi- lion she erects the com pass that tasrk* the course direct to the goal great achievements; bv her happy influence she creates th. power which propels the ful wneel of indolence and turns it with rapidity into the manipulating J ' r 1,1 ^ x l’ a 1 * 1 ,,n we prominent . the influence of woman, ^at thegmlden rajs of the morning suu are to the t *' ,lder bu ' J * lu the beginning of ‘I'nng-bfe, t,.-auty, loveliness and '* * " M!1 '- ll > ' , '' 1, " h ' ,rh *P oa 4t * **°*»“ ^ .atlen -ln|r- bound , for different l> lints. stand* lovely woman dressed in the garb of P,UI1V tl,e AND ——.. <.f rius 1,ear ‘ nK tr os-es sharing the sorrow of the -ulTenng, bringing comfort to the distresse.l, ^ ‘ *"' ,ae circ,e “ w,th tiie Niverei^n Arnit x ft. *r ‘t! natare, by the potent energy of a singl. sinel.- worn, u'oefl sp.Ke *i*.ke ill tlii- la wori world .1 into into existence, he found tliat, while tin* world . , tu> lovely , . with . , the , creature-he t n atures ne had had mad.-to maue 10 inii.init inh ibit it 11 , yet there was one thing BKWt! needed to form it* completion; and when he ha.i taken from Adam the rib nf which he formed for him a mat?, and thus made lovely woman Adeemed his work complete and r , Me<1 from the , ahor . of , ht . W( ., k . Roll back the billowy tide of tune, unfold , ,, the ,, pages of r .. ru-torv , and behold what marked power has been borne by the influence of woman. She ha* CO.NDK.WNfc" THK WORLD * N s * x , but she has given birth to a Savior who died on the cross that might be saved. Uh, woman, pure mid lovely woman, thou art a jewel in the eyes of man; to you we owe a debt of gratitude that will ever remain unpaid. ILu] it not been foryour con trolling influence A mer- ica, tonight, would he an izeil continent, mid the men who till the fertile fields of this lovely country . and , enjoy tin- comforts r of , mi . ht <lther . wise . have . lived like beast* , . which , • , ||Urnm . .... . ^ .-magnificent . .„ uwts power; ,t ... gtve* consolation to the care worn and w( .. irv . / ^ u ^ , hl ‘T . ^‘ ,, . . " U ,ll ' !l u " '^ 1 1,1 r *' ’ ' ,l " " ‘ ' “ vuice h wakens the germ uf haiiiu- ^ iu IIlltny it .. l(1 ht . art wlliv |, f wJ|t>n stilliulatw i by \ her lovelv ‘ a- MH ,jt,w,, «‘ le ' *'*«I**-*» ‘"to » charming , . tree of plenty and bears in aiiund- ance the sweetest fruits of con tin- ii„i ----- Mr. J. T. Howe, three miles .south west west of ot Ainencu., \ inericns offer* offer- a .. fin. hne larm fun,, containing r,nacres for sale. It has u good gin and sen \v % i- conve nient to churches iuid sciimd-, in a tine cnmnlumly, iiml IwU.I.y, II. ate, off, r- some tine stock tor sal*‘. For further particular- nddn -» J. T. Ilovte, Auiericus, 4»a. * Texa* MfnnK*. The circulation of Texa-trifling* i lmineuse edition TO,<.*n ir** <Ji- into farnilie.- by Mbacriplioa. It i« in every rt^pfrt the best bu- rou, ‘ in th ^ “" ri,| ll not a one-man paper. t It is ' ^ ■ - ... 1 ^ y Ilium. »wrct llows. Written for i..« Enter; j Be it ever ao humble, there'* piste like home. Was anything more true or more pathetic ever written? Our heart* echo it all the time—home, sweet itonie. It i-the keynote of our -on;; from infancy to old see; our first impressions are gained iu the home; our pride is centered there, and it is there we rest; *»ur heart- are there, ami ev* erythiag that is good in us i* called ■ ut there. When we are well we I seek to i»eautify and enjoy our home, and when we are ill weal- way-torn t*> it f r n-t and refr*--ii- Wh.„.m.».8«r. n| prr, »V„ seized with an unut.erable longing to rettrn j, eV er is. mm. snos sd.f breast this love fur h>me; audit i- well, f.. r it make- u- better; and ,, v ATt , . ra i^,^j nearer to Him. i think there is nothing worse than to see a person indifiereut t 4 » liotne, MI1 j ^,,, 1 ,,^ ^.dder than to ace a (M-r-.n without :» liotne. Without a home! Oh, the d.solatent ss, tFle ,,, 1 -ry. ,h. utter dte.rM.r-. .4 h.v- j n( , home; can any of us imag- j D e it,and have any of us known it? Kextto having no hontefs tin-It ad- an unsettled, wandering life. A Isjliemian life i- all very well for time, but as we grow older it wearies as,aa4 w* become satiated ami long for home and for re*t. We k r ct tired always l^eii.g on dre.— pa- nule ami the excitement wears on u*. \W grow world worn and hard- cned »lien we have no home; what *. e Ini?tlt have tseen we never are; we j, .,.j aa u t .-m t i-tie<J Hie, and ^ r , tW old, je-rhaps die, in a place t is no borne. tj. W. Payne, _ FREE TRADE T ,„. redncthio of internal reve- j nue <,nd the taking <>ff of revenue 2^*^".....’'V" .tamp* from Proprieturv Medi- ted the emsumersas weU aa reHev- jug the hurdea of home manuiact- urerM . Especially is this the case , iUl Green’s August Flower and Bosclwe’s German riyrup, as the rwlmtiou of thirty-six cents dozen, has been adde<i to increase the size of the Uittles containing these remedies, thereby g ring jjfth more medicine in the To cent 9 j z ,. The August F'lower fur Dys- ...i i i ver Coniulaint f./cougl’, and Syrup and L un g troubles, have perhaps, the jargest -ales of any medicines in the Wlir , (1 Th ^ advantage of in- creased ‘ire of the buttles will t*e appreciated -y th- sick j .jmj afflicted, in every and villaze in civilised countries But* pj e twxttlers fot 10 cent- remain the . aM " ^ 1Z i7 * • Several interesting letters are crowded out this .. we <ek* . but , will ... ap- i** lir * n our next. Correspondents will please lx' patient, * J. I 4 0 II r n llTYIMinT \lt\l r. it*.i.ii-i. • u *»*' . DRUGOIM 8 . It STREET, ! LAM A Aiiiericus. <ia. Keep a Large and well selected -tockof Fresh DRUGS. Best g<KKl- K j ven at LOWEST price*. Give us „ * fy : f) Sa9 K c? sv F" r ill v# v “ SUCCESS. Oro.TI V 1* WEALTH. A l Hd* r • «».i t o * * »r <* «•?..-*n ar for w>iMmrf 1 » » - . jrrrihifj^ J TUC P VTP Nit. PPRICC 1MOL ■— IC/ DernOrest’S ^ ] Uustmlcd -- ren Qga^ine - • a v J 30TH PJBLICATfONo, P(JGI IfATIOfti- 0(VF ONE Ypar YEAR, djo >3.00 AD fTUDCC (THRtt DOLLARS). nni I t do\ VXEMOREST'S __ _ ~ _ m- THE B£S| fir \Tn^- OAn.'^i a ‘ r ,, nt .,„ r , lt .^.. } ir „ H d • uo, ./ r/.e Modriaiaya. > * coai*-, order "rcair.- i *:!.Tii..n. (c v p«n, miii-u-trarcd ; th.t : - • ff III* M - i.:.. s::. ant, ifc.eribn- msk, - i-.firn- i-r’-tn*.. r. r i >• 1 “aUm£", , •• h « TWO Oe. u. ... m ■■ ir: t*- thrivo,,. 1 . , r Lamiiy reriiidk-t.^. i; o*n ffiusjrs i*a®i<. iit- • j ' ‘ *o« WiTr! k»M»> Tii 3 Enterprise ai S3.00 Pur Year : eu '* _ : . . t r who are in arrewr* will call and «ettle. Very few, up to date, have settled. There itre a few who owe oa *•*** * dv «*rti«n e . ('all and We need JLlHJ money. • I Tw V A •Xduotu ■-~*;>ud pus-poft tno tv , -Iflo.} put! jslng ‘v.i.»vm"J mu ‘smpj«i{ uvaiuiX *ft»**!j \ *-] -j,, Sujtpru -Jr.j s;u-fj puw waipi'l 'aujqjoLj *-i*]{Swoqj.- ‘-fs »o*j a-*! J..JUIW |'UR H«J JDoA^ti.s-vq.und -iq A tuoiu 9.\rs no/f ojoq w puy ||i.a BOA* j<j slHA «I • P.l \<KI TIE ABKANSAW TRAVELER. Tbf most r*-f ’ i*s t a:, i ;i. p jnitar of all v ■ ■ • - • 8, Pages 48 Commits Of the i-hoKt -t Ongtiatl and Si Acted matter evert' week. pkicE. S _J 2 A YKAH. I*OST-PAIL». TO ANY A OliKK-s. . W PK< .A!. ' • F F E H. te A”V" Ibavklh; »ill r'ui.lje -1 with th.- Estebfbisk f<«r »g.T5 tliu- affording an to «wur. both paper* tittle inure than tbe pri.c of one. Thi* Tb izrz%. will l*o mailed »p|iin-ati..n. wklbb on r- v. fnro -l - 1 ' „. r „ ,. rthkA . , >A , a- Tu...... 1 A tl ....»• 1 H, ‘ - * * ' * . an 1 “Thk Ti I:n ok THK Ti ^ nk. tVidch. ti r • ti.- ..risrin..'st-.' (tht • •. r- - vi Tr o -r. - i-i by ■ olonei “Sandy" Tat. kte-r. will (** . t .- •1 to any ad-lr-ss o.i rweipt of Slots; po-tsge stain,— taken. Tiiese pictures \<i. 1 res : RLAI* A BFXH A>|, I’ubli-iiers The liiusi i a ie<l Grapine \ews. Ha* secured the services of John McGovern, who resigns the edit- or-hip of the (.'urrent to take the editorial control of the great picto- rial weekly. J hn McGovern i- a man identified with the intellectu- al development <>f t lie west. The Graphic New- now guarantees the !*»ple of the *r*>*t a first-class liter ary lining to the handsome picture paper which has woo so many corn- inendations of iate. Its new edit*»r «',X fine"'uee’es.-J" k^’hi^-Y.r^' lu'couuwtion "f'the with this important step, Mr. Bragg the pr.mrietor of th*- Graphic NV>i s, , f h; . ( . xc , |^ !lt Wee kly. Anemi- :e-nt artist is to take full ci.arg <>f the art department A tile of ^. ril ^ r ^ , er , 1119 „ ff , r ev ,. r n ,ade by any y‘ new-pap»-r u' j. |jj^ f| i ui n j^ lOfa tiflflJ 1 .greatest Newspaper on this ... every yearly-ub-eriU r to it-week- L v edition pric- per year , it- Hisl«n of I b<* United Stales, B., u „d in leatherette tree calf, and containing; twenty-two engravingk ^his dainty D<M»k <»f dJ) l M P**t* <* imlispen^We to every one a* a work of quick 1 and convenient „ '' HEAD _ C_A-3E?.-fci-b tTLJLiTr. Yhis history is upon an entirely novel and original pb»n, which j t inditepemsable to every other per- his- son, no matter liow many torie- he may have. It is arranged chronologically by vears, from 14f»2 to 1885. Every vr* %r rrHU,lir \"7z u ‘\ ,,f •; date, ritcse a r- not confined, a-in other works, to political matters, human hut embrace every branch of action. It de-crit*es under its profier date all important patent.-; all dis¬ coveries in science and the useful art*; fires, floods, hail-torn s, torna¬ does, cyclones, epidemic-; accidents and disasters on sea and land; labor trouble*, strikes and lookouts, and hundreds of other matters mentioned by historians. Besides being a hi-tory in the ordinary sense, it is a condensed newspaper tile for four hundred years. This work i- e*lite<l, arranged and published hv THK XVoKI.ii. No <»" e""iu'n, with ha. ... r two, before hen given any one. or even three dollar publieat on. The Bistort Do vou want it*.’ -uli- will l*‘ sent free bv express, at scriber’s risk ami expense, to every person who for \v anl > only one dollar fora year’.-subscription to The ... \A I e e . K1V . TTr Wor! , , U. The great agricultural and home 1,1 ,h c ' •••ustraieu,> and m^ll^eou* n.:, er thata,,- pearsin tlie r*uiina\ tuition of i in, Woiu.d, the journalistic attained the marvel, which lias now' unpree- circulation of over copies each i—ue. If nrefern «l f the History will be 'em by mail at the subsiTilKT’s risk, " 1,0,1 u ‘» v •nt- extra is forward.* <«' prepay p.-tage. Clubs will find the express cheaper and singe nub- -cribers tlie mail. Tins is beyond Houlitthe greatest offer ever made bv anv publication in this or hov other* ' coillitrv U #«“The i>r* I f miiltll 1,1 alone . of mere value than the is H T We\V:int^*>O.OOOmoresuhs,Tlb- u,lt l""- . .. Aitn Wu.ici.v WoKl.D. and . is the o.nk premium that has seleeteUl from ansong over a to secure f,.r th Weekly '"ZlTlw. tc-rills r<. agent- All -uh- -bould be nddr* <1 b XYORl-I *, N n, Y-u.k.X.Y, Wueu von so to Americas, you will save money by buvin /S * Dry Goods and Cloth at the . namraoth 1 Mores '* ol our in? 4 TIIOKXTOX WHEATLEY. Hi- stock I -1 he large-t, Hie styles are the latest, Hi*prices are lowest, , His terms an* cash. Remember the place, W heatley’s Mammoth Stores. WHEATLEY’S CORA EH, Ainericns Ga. THORNTON WHEATLEY, Sole Proprietor. s23-3ni. A M E li I C ► \ N F A K M I H FREE TO ALL OCR iSlBSCRTRERS! All our subscribers who will pay their subscription accounts to this paper in full t j date, and one year in advance, will be presented with one year's subscription to the “ . ■Z.'ZZJIZri \ -i xtecn-pag- A ri-oltural Mafrai ! ae. pubiished by K. A. Ifackett, at Fort Wayne, Indiana and which in rapidly rank a-one of th Aar.'ultaral pabli-ation* of the country. It 1 h devoted i-xclUNively to thelnterestB of the Vtrnw s :i/k llri^ler., Oardener. and their houwhold, anil every specie.* of industry connected with that great no' i • I: f (M-ipl. of th" world, the Farmers. The sutseri) non price i* One liollur pc Year. Farmers cannot weliM. ah r:a without it. It pnts new ideas into their minds. It teacher them how to farm wit profit to themselves. It ntjutt the home happy, the young folk* cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest. !! 1 111. The Ellaville DHL' G STORE is place to get Hi kl MEDDTNES, SO" i A, CRKAM TARTAR aXD FAMILY MEDICINE; PATENT MEDICINES, . FERFl'.MERY. TOILET ARTMES, STATIONERY”, LAMP GOODS or any other article u-uallv kept in a drug -tore. Dr. C. H. Smith, E lav'iiie, (ia. _____ o-o\'‘ ‘ r ‘^ avo 1 •''' ar " 1 - . ij’.adr to ifec? ' -i ordinary .-is -bi.-y ■■uniy, e^jS^uLa leave of seil m ur 1 weJka ucU u- ihe ir to njnu^ to • -tate »f Jamo cham ,.,te uf said <‘'ont\ dt-cta- il for th, ! :;t >,t the qein an .-raditora ot sam deceased. S< pi. Adm'r., of James ri.ambers. Ft*.,used. • iEORfil.l—s hlkv corny. o«t. ito.»N he r -ver*i • mariAn i.-rcTi'ini he ISn.-k creek Camp Urouxl. fifty-two acres more >>r less off of lot No. l» in 3rd distri-r of sehlcy ommiv . '*$ f ,h«- hi.- t- mi cr ditor* of the o*tat. \V. It. A . Ingram deceased. J- N. (’hknky, Adm'r, dehoni*nor.. BUtNA VISTA HOUSE, BUENA VISTA, GEORGIA. J. H. I»wc. proprietor. Table supplied with the best the atbmt*. A,is,iniiu*!atioii* ?,«*i lirsi <• atw * n ^'ery respect. Rates reasonnl-ie. ——-------- . .. ------- v**)i ill ltnn"< niUs.nd presents s lmv.h :,.«v. n.* cents jostige, and I.V mail you "ill pret free a pack; po In itK! St Son w" money. All about the aki.uuo in ives- cm- work that with each box. Agt nts waab-d ever yn i,cre. of either stx,, all tunGf. “ ' i Vi*.'LL oG;: aF>s,,"utclv l r l “ •' r, ‘ r all wo-k( rs delay. h.Hallet«v Portland Maine. janM ly SOITHWRS ul Li’ T l F I, R lt.\ \ Flirtlilurc H(,U>r. AwrirM.Gl. Gr.oJwiv St.o-u Tox.i-h. »inform i, - schlev Fountv friend- th*; he i* ehandise readv to Supply the... i,, General Met FIKMTIRE 4 spburtV. a mcc suit of Furniture r eonstanth in sto*-k f and •. ! mi.- s of mr^’mU “i.i'xiiVx'V‘I .mi h,: Tk wailo „ hN friend*, will g them s r e,-ial Itarcain*. GEORGE STAPLETON The Furniture Man. Amori ns. On., Sept. Ji, lsv; 3ni. tiri'Ki: I 'or tlie Charter of Bunk in the Town of Cliaviiir. v ti i« hereby jiven that &\ plioatiun rill r « D.a li* to th» n it r»e?»Gra! - bly f..r a charter to do a general: ank- mnty ;f Schley. State of Georgia, a» r-quired hy an . ; of the Urneral As- f «nd - „te. «>■ ,V. r, i—;. J P ngeiu H n fik iMIRHFhT LT«« LlsliSliLis i W-CTTEE3-Diphtheria. Wosrsetieuu.I'Ha«n»-. Hve Croap. oo-sB.vyh . i SnTBrooehl«».«CCstssrb. We -ratitia, Eheatastisio. Cbo.ersMcr".-*. S.tudisr Dyseatanr,OfcrmS st tie Icy, . ZeSa^..! t>!srrp..*s, Klkne y Tro nb.uu. a . ■ ap: Oo- a^^w. D r. *. B. »Co..Bo,-au v ^. & PflAKE ^ a. * XKW. BICH li CLOOD. | Tiieee pi: 2 w#rc a T-cr. 5 rfn• - •. Ko ottoer* i ke t v ^~t in the wOTid. V .1 j .. itive.y oure or relieve s i rfi«a::er of Aisc««e. The inlortniUon aroona each ixjj. k3 worth ten tin.-s the rort o? a box 01 t: :• F;OU* S 'Cj: them ez<i y: ’w ti . always ye I'aMto'drC. One JOH’^TOOKfit PHi a coot. L...► -atea 9uSSSn. S -ver\-- - - .y ^. ... fo ra»e. Is gtazpe. Dr. 1. 8. OO.. *2 C H _: ?redan’s Ooaditao** ^ Q SSS^'i Voider .5 ab»olnte ,■* t Ti-trRtKL -re s-nd hi^hiy OlfOUC ey £ ,* K bzf* m chic': :t. 3 f It ,pr»isd cure* r -•*'Erta & pound of .-life8 Ilfl If fe .s cts.-isiai Of tc-Efi. : otfc«p hxscL It U I.- wi-nh - j " -■* .-rea etly t-Y t ea ft ft wnth wi aedxolne a*c.0',3f ti food tt — ^ ---- _ — 1 % . hqr ftxprtr.«i prspaua. ~ lil.MlX BROTHERS, DEAKRLsIN Dry Goods, Groceries, Prom'sions, Clothing, Boots 1 05 cSJi Crockery, Hardware and Furniture, s2(i-lv. Ellaville, 6a. n in n i AmericYis, G-su. THE MOST COMPLETE FURNITURE HOUSE IN SOUTHWEST G-S. 1 DEFY COMPETITION. kind of turns , lUfl 'i . su en I liave a complete stock of every -e»eri*,uoi, as fine parlor sets, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads of every b uuu = ““>» and price* to correspond. I cannot be excelled in quality tn prices anywhere. There is nothing about your in . of . furniture . and flatter n>J‘ : that I cannot furnish. 1 have all sort* se “ that I <. M n suit you, if you will give me a Trial. Call and exanniw ll1 ^ l0 those Who have or are about to get married and will «' flU f uru ish their houses, 1 insist that you give me trial. A nice line of Silver Plated and Crockery ware; also a nice line of clocks and lamp goods at prices that defy competition. D. B. HILL. A ME DICES. GA December 24th, 1 R 86 . BRICK WORK AND PLASTING, 1 have bad an experience of six _ve»r* Work gun ranted, »nd on res»<’nal,le terms. Address. .1. A. Lvnolkv, Kllaville, tieorgl*. ^ AT ISM *- ■4 s k co.. th^ A • v. ri. ”.K'- 1* ■ m • - > .fp- * -t : i c. a ? »- • -rr ■ y-P' tm-o, rii" *• . f f ( -- l - tc i ? . 1 ■ ' 1 *u *" • r ■; - > t tv • •> V- tt» *. .~r- z&j *. n -* ■ : V J I k * * L* *. • , . 4 ;i*q*a • r • ■ i ry ; ,**!?;< tf f Ae;;}^ * li-ftfarr. 5 .:; r. A -• i nmYihc* a;-<t inf*r- * . f% - reuftt ’«**• S-i«Cimrtl C nr f»f t %n > .• * j ’ V*.T rf; •in fr AWb' U.-u^aimr. hi L N \” ; TO - * X'lMUCMS o-ac<. _i ;,e. v'..'..U T wine;; sss»s n°*' n fS .riling book ont. succeed a,•mnplv. None fall- Portland al n> HAI.i.ETT RlXoK CO. ■ is oithecostof ftclTcriblnjr. iiinls '* wants to sjwn 5 vKG. »r. v -i formation l»o imn*lnvi requires. Txl.ilefor * **•* tfcDiisan^ ' v vcrt;> u 4. a sv-hemp is in«i*c •*•'*» ' tiu’i't l.* c vuiT r* G iir* ni**nt. n** ^ t,y if.* so by t c&.u, net fti-ft'l W rr * rf< f : rtspomienct: I4J l eliuon* * ;ivs‘ ,,, t ««!*• Sent, nost-paW, to anv KOW F-LL * < Al Write to (it,, ADVF.RTlStV* V el K f NfcWSPAPEK 1 t (tdSpiruce -l. Vriu'.uig iiousv'S-i- .