Newspaper Page Text
km, vVILMJ. la., ngv. 4. i*sh.
Ilui H of MuOscriptton.
copy. >'‘"v - $1.60
,eo >v, six. month*. - To
i i ■ 'll.' ,. ( copy* copy. three months. • - 4a 5
.ingle • •
Advertising Untcs
echos : I mo : 2 tuo 1 3 if 1 1 '.!.* 1 IIIO
. .
j lit'nn i f•' 16 c l oo I f]
1: I :t iso! ; L i . ijn pi on
1 A 001 nn
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- 7 is» I : i 27 2500 50
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s pj m I ;
Col. go 00 i i ! 100 IK)
K. V. St E. 11. R.
From Monday, Nov. 1, until Rat-
l'h.'b. flov. 0, trains on the B. V. &
"i'l ritn as follows:
Leave Buena Vista - - 5 a. m.
a Futnam.....5:30 G “
« Ellaville - - -0:30 “
»* LaCrosse Andersonville - - - 7
\ rrive Andersonville 8:45
P M.
Arrive Buena Vista - 10:45 “
One fare only tor round trip
(Hiring the week.
This is a special train for the Fair
P^lv-ino other train on these days—
after ‘ which the regular schedule
will he resumed. J. M. Lowe,
Pres’t and Act’g Sup’t.
Meeting every second Sunday 11a in
iiid 7’ i> in; Sunday School every Sun¬
morning at il a m Dr. C. H. Smith
il a v meeting every Thursday
Hunt. Braver J-’i’-
night. Lowe,pastor.
Meeting everv fourth Sunday 11 a m
Zl K .'r r T'?L(Stt
n w?l) S S^a^.SupL SlUUla> '* 1,111
Sunerior Court convene* 4tli Monday
in March and September. Allen rort,
lodge, C. B. Hudson, Sol. Gen._
KK’Si A; »• Cbw.
Tax CoIjLKUtor—W t . C. Kelley,
Trbabuhkb— c<. R. Tonde© «r,
t^mM'JM.-to/K^-Robt F Dixon, A M Caskey, Fatten,
C L Peacock, P
\Y C t'lev.iorn. clerk of board.
County Board ol Education.
(’. A. Taylor, President, Dr. C. IL
sniitb, County School Commissioner and |
seeretarv of the board. A. C. Mltrav, l
\ T. Murphy and It. M. Rainy members
of board.
City Officers.
C I, Battle* Mayor,
Debt Burton, 11 A Strange, Murphy,
,t. N. Cheney R M
\V l» Murray. COUNCILMEN
XV ii McCrory, Recorder,
j m Throntoii, Tretvs. Marshal.
Claud Dixon
ss2nd DistG M. H II Singletary, J 1>
ami T If Wilkinson, Not Public and ex-
.ifficio J P court 4th Saturday in each
month. ex-officio
Wist R<‘ Meadows,not.public J P court 1st Satur¬
.1 p and T J Hixon,
day in each month.
(UOtli li st G M, M W Snider Not. Pub
*ud ex-of ioio J P, and S Murray, I 1
c, .urt Jntl Saturday in each month.
7X5th I) 1 st G M, C M Rainey Not. Pub.
and ex-officio J P and S T Harper J I’
vMiirV 3rd Saturday in each month.
Ellaville, Ga.
Colections a specialty. Charges
OFFICE—In Court House.
ATTOIilsriEY A-T law.
Ellaville, Ga.
Will prat ice In the counties Chattahoo- of Schley,
Sumpter, Macon, Marion and
-u>e. Special attention given to collec-
b ui of claims. Office in court House.
ATTORNEY at law.
Real [stale and Banking Agent i
[’"’Dusted I’mnipt attention given to all business ool-
'ions him. No charges unless
) are made. Special attention
r 1 '"» to soiling renting, and leasing real
("'ate, and collecting rents.
Mas. W. II. ALLEN Proprietress.
,,n <i Sample Rooms on first Floor
for Uotninereiitl Tourists
■ B< Uh cunnectcd xvitli every
ill, \ .' Jegant Path Dooms supplied
11 " *tvr— u arm or cold. Ae-
e Flr8t rln iM
- * S
I’atronagi* Respectfully Solleted.
»* • H. Allen, Agent.
1 w \-tr Street, Near Ptuufonger De|)ot,
■'.'LEV l irmV U JONES <>N ’ QKOBGIA. k
I'O. Props.
lt!< **«y- -Single
£#”.11111 has bought a horse
Mrs. J. T. Lowe was quite sick
last Saturday attd Sunday.
Mrs. U. C. Meadows is improving
from a short sick spell.
Uni. J. H. Lumpkin, nf Riiena
Vista, was in Kllaville last Monday
on legal business.
Col. Newt. Mott made a flying
trip to Buena Vista last week.
We predict that this dry weather
will continue for some time.
Hogs have been dying with chol¬
era near .Shiloh church.
^Doti’t forget the paper. We need
Chew the “Life Boat” tobacco for
sale by Dixon A Williamson.
The parents of Col. C. R. McC rory
are occupying Charlie’s new res¬
Mr. J. M. Thornton is improving
some. lie lias been suffering from
it wound received in the war.
Rev. I*. 8. Twitty preached two
good sermens last Sunday and
Sunday night in this place.
Dr. W. D. Sears and wife are vis¬
iting relatives of the latter near
Abbeville, Alabama.
Miss Blanche Cockrell returned
home last week from a visit to rel¬
atives in Broil wood.
finite a number from Ellaville
have attended the Macon fair this
week. The editor is up there now.
Naomi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Noel Goodson, aged about lti years,
died Tuesday night, and was buried
yesterday at Hopewell church.
The general meeting at Shiloh
last Friday, Saturday and Sunday
was xvell attended, especially on
The election Tuesday was xery
quiet and the vote light, only 117
votes being cast in the county. Of
these, 107 were at Liis place and ten
over at “NubWn Hill.” All for C.
F. Crisp for congress.
Freslj flsh at Z. T. Anglin’s.
Tiie fourth quarterly conference
of the Ellaville circuit xvas lield
with the Ellaville church last Sat-
urday and Sunday, Rev. R. S. Txvit-
ty, 1*. E., presiding. The usual hlts-
iness was transacted. We are re-
quested to state .'oat the finances
are a little in arrears.
A Clic;ip Trip to tlie Fair.
Saturday will witness the closing
of the Georgia State Fair at Macon.
Every year it draws thousands
all over the state, and the tilings to
be seen amply repay all visitors,
and especially those who go by tlie
Buena Vista & Ellaville railroad,
because it lias put the price of tick¬
ets so low that the railroad fstre is a
very small item; and as the trains
now run you can go and return in
one day. This year the fair is one
of the biggest ever held in Georgia.
The round trip tickets from Ella¬
ville are only $2.30, and they are
good to November 6; don’t miss it.
I xvili at public outcry, Saturday,
Nov. 13, 1883, rent for the year 188.
the farm known as the Goodson
homestead, containing 20234 acres
more or less; about 30 acres in
woods, the balance in condition for
cultivation. Ginhouse and screxv
and two settlements on the place.
Tnis is one of the most desirable
farms in the county, 4 miles from
Ellaville on the Buena Vista road,
and has a flag station on the B. Y r . A
E. railroad. Terms: Rent note pay¬
able Get. 1,1887, \\ ith approved se¬
curity for the prompt payment and
for taking proper care of the prem¬
ises. 0. H. SMITH,
• Adtn’r Alex’r Goodson.
One fare only lor the round trip
to the Macon fair.
If you want to buy a first class
Piano or Organ go to Hill «k Schnei¬
der, Americus Ga.
Go to Z. T. Anglin’s for good,
cheap tinware; wash pans front 5c
up—f very thing else uheai*.
hotel. It w firat clasa and cheap. »
If you want something delicious
in the way of confectioneries call
Oil .X Weaver.
Frol. p„„f LariDcmietutr, ( < nr i Schneider whose wnosc name mum;
is a household word in all music
loving families, is now noxt nssoebitod associate u
xvitli D. B. Hill itt tlie organ and
piano business. write M rite to t,, him him for lor
information. ol4*
Visitors to Macon during , . ,
state * 4 fair, ii-tiich xx men onona open „,,vt • week ’
xvili save nionex 11fa ^"' 1
stopping •$ the Bouthxhotel
j ccommot t t ’ ‘
every resect ann cnarges y
rett8 ° nable -
Read ad v’t of “farm to rent.”
j° u rniu, devoted to literature.
cheapest and best story paper
the United States. Runs from
to six serials regularly, short
and xxar _ _______ memories, „ with ... ,
other special features not found in
other papers. An . Intensely , , , , .
eating story entitled, “The
ist’s . Daughter; .. .. the .. . ....
ers of Chicago,'"has just commenced,
Every „ , family should take liter-
ary and story paper. The Chicago
LEDGER at 41,50 a year is actually
a better paper than any of the $3
literary weeklies. Specimens free.
Address, The Chicago Ledger,
273 Franklin street, Chicago, ills.
Go to Z. T. Anglin for cheap gro¬
ceries, such as sugar, coffee, rice,
meat, flour, lard, meal, syrup, tin
ware, at your own price. Wine
cheap. He will supply the market
with fresh flsh every Friday even¬
ing; also a good supply of rutabaga
turnips. He 1ms also a cheap line
of furniture, Singer’s improved sew¬
ing machines, oils and needles, and
can satisfy in prices. He wants
your turkeys, chickens, eggs, butter,
Hides, tallow, beeswax, etc., paying
iu money or trade. *
Daxx sou .llauiitaelui-iuK Co.
The Dawson Variety Manufact¬
uring Company, Dawson, Ga., are
manufacturers of sash, doors anti
blinds, door and xvindoxv frames,
mouldings, brackets, stair work,
sawed and turned balusters, wood
mantels, pulpits and church seats
iu hard or.soft wood. Full supply
of dressed lumber kept instock
Brass and Iron Foundry and Ma¬
chine Shops.
The above campauy will make
figures to suit purchasers, and will
give satisfaction We are person¬
ally acquainted with them and
know them to be p.fleet gent'emeii,
andthey xvili make it the nw st
of all needing their goods to give
them their orders. Write them and
get prices. They can till orders on
short notice.
Money to Loan on Good Terms.
If you xvant money at the cheap¬
est rates yet offered and have im¬
proved lauds to offer as security,
call on or address at Americus, Ga.,
Mathews & Burkhalter, loan agents.
Takeyour county ptiper.
We have just received a lot of
good shoes and hats which xve will
sell at prices to suit the times.
Williams a \v i.avek.
A barrel of Bologna sausage aim
a fresh supply of flie Boss lunch
biscuit just received.
Williams & weaver.
line ItiaeK txii) m \1
-Miss ... Jallle , • Driver ■ lms , oD .
of very good bluekherrv wine. For
medicinal purposes we think it mi-
excelled. We have tried it and can
saleiy .. , recotinnett it. .. Any . one want- ,
ingtobuyean find a sample at this
All persons indebted to tlie es¬
tate of J. N. Souter deceased, will
please come forward and settle, and
those having claims against the es¬
tate will render them in as the law
requires. W. 1>. Murray, Adtn’r.
October 9. 1880. ♦
All persons indebted to the B. V.
& E. K. IL, either by subscription
or notes, in Schley county,will take
notice that the same lms been
turned over to me by tlie attorney
of the road for collection. Suit will
be brought if not settled immediate-
iy- C. R. McCrory.
October 13, 1883.
Machinery, Engine and Gin Oils
Best Grade’s. B. A. Strange.
Special Mention.
We call the attention of all our
subscribers to our Americus adver¬
tisements. When you visit Ameri¬
cus favor them with a call. If you
nt-ed anything in their respective
lines, give them a trial and do your
paper the kindness to tell them
where you saw the advertisement.
The unprecedented sale of
Boschee’s German Syrup, within a
few years, has astonished the world.
It is without doubt the safest anti
sneedy and effectual cure of
Col(ls JUi ,j tiie severest
idling troubles. It acts on an en-
tireiv different principle from the
Rivvn ,,v
cians, as it does net dry up a cough
!in< ) I' avc " ,L dt. , r . east stt.l in in the
system, ’ but on the contrary re-
moves the cau < oi me ttotiDit,
heals tiie parts 1 affected and leaves
them in . a purt iy health^ condition. „
\ bottle keiit in the house for use
when the diseases .. tuakt their ap-
oearance, will save doctor’s
and a long spell of serious illness,
A trial will convince you of
facts. It is positively sold by all
druggists and general dealers in
the land. Price. 75 cents, large
\ sheriff sales.
mu Mumm. m»
GEORGIA, . .. .Sculev County.
| i.uh'o town°if Kllaxliir^ii^nm^
Georgia, the first between Tuesday the in legal Di-t-cmber, hours of sale.
on the following lands lsso,
in wit; Lot of land
r'" tsftin thedoth district of said county
bounded on the north bv the lund* of J.
v. Womack, on the w< si by the muds e
? v * f'notb, on the south by tho landau
Mrs 1 U I. Beckwith, and on the east li-
the lands of Mrs Sue Jones; levied on n
U l! 1 lover . 1 l 1, ' <) l to ),, satisfy ty of Mary a mortgage giov r ti and fa in a ta- ■
vor of the bank of Amorims v>. Mary
(i } <,VL ' r «"d A J Glover. Property p"inf-
in possession notified in terms ot law.
Also, sold at the hundred same time and place, will
be one ami ninety acres of
lot of land No. 170, fffty acres in tho north
east vomer of lot land No. 175 and thirty
acres in the north we it corner of lot No
174, all in the third district,and bounded
on the north b v thu lands of Janies
Acre, ou tho west by tho lands of Mr
Jones, on the south by liio the lands of Mrs
Nweurongen and on east by the lands
< f Mr Bryant; levied on as tlie property
of 11 1, Allison to satisfy a mortgage d
la ill favor of E E Graves vs. II L Alli¬
son that issutd from Hell ley superior
court. Tenant in possession notified in
terms of law.
Also, sold at the saino time and place, will
be the south half of lot of land No.
1U3 in the third district of said county,
bounded on the north by the lands of
L ilill,on the west by the lands of Joseph
sou ter, on the south by the lands of J W
ofChappo lvllcrcace, and on the levied east oh by the lands
sold thu Murray; of L and Sou to be
as property J ter to
satisfy a li l'a iu favor of Seal. Lawson
At Kessler vs. J L Souter, that issuer,
from possession Schley notined superior in court. of Tenant law. in
Also, t.t the same time and place, will
be sold lot of land No. 133 in the third dis¬
trict of said county, hounded ou the no;. i,
by the Taylor county line, on the wes.
by lands of J li McElmurray, on tin
south by lands of Smith Turner, and oi
ied the east and by the lands of C A Davis; lex
on to be sold as the property *
.1 11 McElmurray in favor Harold to satisfy Johnson a mortg.ig
ti la of A Co. t ~
J Schley 11 McElmurray, that issued trots
session superior notified court. Tenant of law. in pos
in terms
Also, at same time and place, will hi
sold two sorrel colored match tuuUs,
mares, one named “Jane” five years oid,
ot tier one, colored three years old, medium not named,
i me sorrel mare, size, li
years old, named “Fannie;” levied on
and to be sold as the property of C A
Davis to People's satisfy a mortgage ti fa in favor
of the National bank vs. C A
Davis, Schley J M and J D Lanson. that issued I
trom superior court.
Als Pl 8ai "i L 1:,lul Iduec, ua
tie sold .1000 pounds ol seed cotton lnon
or less; levied on as tho property of it a
Goodson perior und to besokl to satisfy \\‘ti two su (
court ti tas. m tax or of Dav,-
-on vs. R A Goodson, that issu«d from
Schley li superior la court; and one Johnson superb,
court in favor of Harold o.
Co. vs. K A Goodson, thal issued fron
the superior court of Sumter count v i
favor of Harold Johnson and Co. vs. R.
A Goodson.
Also, at the same time and place, wii
be sold bushels of corn mere or less,
JoO pounds pounds of fodder in more or less, ;!7oo
seed cotton the uouse, .GO
pounds of seed cotton more or loss,
busiiels of potatoes more or iess, 7lto
pounds seed less, cotton busiiels in the dusting house
more or (id cotton seed more
or le.s..; levied on anil to be sold as . Uo
property m Henry Johnson to .satisfy a
usiressWarruiit in favor of.) G Murra,
administrator on tho estate of J ii ,\1<-
iidiiinrrav, returnable deceased, vs. Henry'Johnson,
to Schley superior court.
Also, at the same time and place, will
oe sold 7o0u pounds of seed cotton more
or less; one Collins <fc Wynn end spring
ouggy and harnessnnd whip; igeO pounds
ol loader more or oou busiiels cotton
seed more or less; levied on and to be
sold as the property ot J G Collins to sal-
.sly two distress warrants—one in favor
ot J iU Gray vs. J u Counts, ana o,,r m
.vor of strange u. Harvey vs. J G t oi-
..os, ruturnaoie to Selney superior
Also, at tho same time and place, will
oc , w( ,lil one gray horse mule ten ve;u's
old, one black horse 12 years old, one bay
mure tun years old and colt, 200 busiiels
of corn more or less, levn-d 1500 pounds and of too
her more or less; on to be
sold as the property of A F Wiggins to
satisfy a superior court fi fa that issued
»mn Schley superior court in favor of
Goekwood A MeCenloek lor use of R T
mrd A Co. vs. A F.
Also, at the same time and place, will
be sold tlie west half of lot of land No.
173 south half of lot of land No. 171, whole
of lots Nos. 17ti, 17s, 17l)and lllti,(there be¬
ing reserved one acre where tue family
burial ground now is and tlie right oi
way to said grave yard y all in the doth
district of said county; levied ou and to
oe sold as the property Ailiims of Amos F Wig¬
gins and John fc> to satisfy a
mortgage ti fa, in that issued from Sehlex
and superior John court R Respass, l'uvor administrators of Mattie Hart
Isaac Hart, deceased, vs. Amos F Wig¬
gins and John B Alluuis. Tenant in
possession no titled iu terms of the law.
J. f. woods, sheriff.
Schley Superior Court, lssti. soptoin be
Johnson A Smith i Appeal from Justice
vs - Court in ilfil district
Allen Brothers. ) G M Sept term, loon.
Scire facias to revive a dormant judg¬
ment and to serve parties.
Frinclpal Interest from 27tli day of April *50.o
1871 and costs . ........... 2.05.
The above stated case having been
called in its order and it appearing t<
the court that 11 11 Allc i, one of the de
fendants in said case, is not a resident ol
Ins slate; anil U. further aj pearing tlm
said 11 11 Allen lias not been served, it is
ordered and adjudged by Hie court thin
il H Allen do show causi by thenext
,erm of this court why tlie judgment in
the above stated case should not be re¬
vived. It is further ordered that service
of this order be perfected on said .i t.
Alien before the next term oftiiiseom
air .iy publication months of t in he the same Schley once a Count! month
Enterprise, a Ellaville publi- gazette, published
in the eity nf legal and said county, said
in xx hieh tlie adxertisements of
county are published.
McCrory, FoitT, plaintiffs’attorney. J. S.C. S. \V.
W. II.
I hereby from certify that the above is a true
extract the minutes of said court.
.1. N. Chunky. Ckrk N. C.
Schley Superior term, Court, 1S86. September
Joluvfou & Smith 1 f Appeal from Justice
Scire facias ami motion to revive a tlor-
'»8ut Judgment and Horve parties *
April 21,1871, $57.46
jntorcrcst from aucl
costs 2.05
H Allen,one of the defendants in above
suited appearing suit, is a that non resident, II audit fur-
t j, er fl Allen has not
been served, it is ordered H II Allen and adjudged
by ^ the court that do show
UBO by the next term of this eonrt why
judgment in atmve stated case should
notTierevived. Itisfiirtherordcretl that
HPrV j ce 0 f this order be perfected on said
H H Allen bsfore the next term of this
court by publication of the .ante bnce a
ln0 „ti, for four months in the Schley
County Enterprise, a public gazette, pub-
whnh Ihe'icgal 1 advertiKl'mVi'.ts’
county are
w H . McCrory, plaintiffs’ attorney,
I hereby certify Chc.^'ffit^c‘ that the aboxe is kl a
i ....... ................ ..... . .......
j .**......; , Allen Brothers. I txt&a&sr. u m Sept, term, im.
Noire facia* and motion to revive n dor-
'“ anl ‘°
Interest Principal from Sept. I A, IsTO, and ♦
dor, The and above it apiniaring cusp being called the in that its or II
t» court
il Allen, on* ol tho defendant* lit the
tliove stated case. Is a non resident, and
t (arther appearing tluit 11 II Alien has
lot been served, it is ordered and ud-
,edged by the court that H II Allen
show cause by the next term of this
court suit should why the not judgment be revived. in above Il is further stated
ordered that service of this order be per-
I'eoted on said 11 ll Allen before the next
term of this court month by ’for publication four months o. the In
same once a
I lie Schley Count v Enterprise, a public
Gil., gazette in which published’in legal thccity advertisements of Elluvillo,
of said county tire published. Fort,J son W
Ai.i.KN c.
W. II. McCrory, plaintiffs’attorney.
1 hereby certify that the above is a true
extract from the minutes of said court.
J. N. Cheney, Clerk S C.
Schley Superior term, Court, 1NS0. .September
Johnson £ Smith i Appeal from Justice
vs. - Court of the Mil dis't
Allen Brothers. ) G M Sept.term, isst;.
Si ire facias and motion to revive a dor¬
mant judgment ami serve parties.
Interest Principal from May 10,1S71 and *57.00 2.06
The above ease being called in Its order
and it appearing to the court that H H
Allen, one of the dofondnntsiu the nboye
stated ease, is a non resident, and it fur¬
ther been appearing served, it that is ordered II II and Allen adjudged has not
by the court that II H alien do show
cause thu judgment by the next in the term above of this stated court why
should not be revived. It is further or¬
dered that service of fids order be per¬
fected on said If II Allen before the next
term of this court bv publication ot the
same once a mouth for four mouths in
the Schley County Enterprise, a public
gazette Ga., in which published the in legal the city advertisements of Ellaville,
of said county are published.
A i.i.KN Fort, J S C S W C.
W. IL McCrory, plaintiffs'attorney.
I hereby certify that the above is a true
extract from the’ minutes of said court.
J. N. Cheney,
Get. 1,1 '(SO. Clerk S'. C.
iH*d*J*jl.if 17*m 171
Will be sold before
door iit the town of Ellaville, be-
the legal V... hours of sale,on
,, ,he . Hrst , rn.. 1 in : December next,
35 acres of land in the north west
corner of lot number 140 in the 29th
district of Schley county, known ns
the late residence of Mrs. Mary
Mauk, late of said county, deceased.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors. Terms cash. Nov. 2,1880.
.1. N. CHENEY, Adtn’r.
Notice ol' Leave to sell land.
of tlie jiublieation for four weeks from
thi- notice, for leave to sell the lands be-
torbeneiitof aa&.’ut heirs and ereditbrs
tlie of
said deceased. U. H. SMITH,
.Xdiuinistrntor ot Alexander Goodson.
October 4, iSsti,
Application , ... ... for , Letters .... ol .... Dismiss. ...
GEORGIA—Sciii.f.y i oi'ntv.
To ail whom it may concern: Whereas,
John F. Daniel having filed his petition
for letters of dismission of the estate of
■ W. A. Daniel, deceased. These are there-
fore to cite and admonish all and singu-
far, the kindred and creditors, before to tile
their objections in my office on or
the first Monday in January noxt, the
regular term of said court of Ordinary.
to be hold on the first Monday In Jan-
tiary, he granted why said said applicant-as application should prayed not
'' ltness my hand and ollieial signature
tliisthe 2Sth day of^ Simteruber, lsgo.
4- -4* bO/IEU, Ortlinar).
Application—Letters of Administration.
To all Whom It may Concern:
JVhcrcas, J . S. Womack lias applied to
me for letters of administration on the
esstateof (V. il. Womack late of said
county, deceased.
This is therefore,tocitc all andsingu ur
kindred be und creditors, of said deceased,
to and appear at nix'office on or before
the December term of court to beheld
on the first Monday in December next
and show cause, if any they have
whv letters should not be granted J. S.
Witness my hand and official Higna-
lure, this Get.’ 14, 'sfl. T. J. Dozicn,
GEORGI A—Schley order County. from the Court
ol Agreeable Ordinary, to granted an at the Oct term, ’SO,
of said court, will be sold before the
court house door in the town of Ella¬
ville, in said county, between the legal
December, lours of sale, 1SSU, on the the following lirst Tuesday real estate in
to wit: 101 acres of land of lot 2o5 111 -ird
district of said comity, sold as tlie prop-
i ty of James Chambers, deceased, for
lie benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased. IL C. HAUUOLDSON, Administrate
GEORGIA—Schley County. J. J.
To all whom it may ’applied concern:
Wall has in due form to the un-
lersigned for permanent letters of ad¬
iateofsald ministration on the estate of N. Wall, I
county, deceased, and will
puss upon said DeociiiLor. application lssi. on Given the lirst
Monday my*hand in and official signature. This tin¬
Oct. 26, 18W6. T. J. Doztklt, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Schley County. K.
To all whom it may concern: C.
Bullard, executor of the estate ofJ.N.
Hudson, lute of said county deceased,
has in due leave form applied sell the to lauds the belong¬ under¬
signed ing for the estate to of t Ira* said deceased,
to heard
and said Monday application will he on the
lirst in December next. This
Oct. 25, 1886. T. J. PoztEit,
iM. Ordinary.
tax notick.
Tho following are my rounds for the j
purpose of collecting’ the state and
■ounty taxes for IfHti.
l’utton’s Hill, Get. 11, Nox-. 2 and 23.
La Crosse, Oct. 12. Nov. 3 and 24.
Lickskillett, Oct. 13, Nov. 4 and 25.
Stewart’s Mill, November22.
Murray’s X Roads ” 16.
Childer’s Gin 17.
Dozier’s Mill 18.
Hart’s Mill ii 19.
Ellaville, every Saturday until my I
books close. W. C.KKLLK\,
Tax Collector Schley County,
Subscribe for the Enterprise,
“The Youth’s . Companion” . js . one
the oldest nnd best
papers published for children, and
people find themselves
interested in its contents. Pub-
ijshetl at Boston, Massachusetts.
Price 11.75 per annum. X
ks , * om< ’ Shoes, Umbrellas. Hats and Repairing sltorl notice. done on
whops a sp ec mit} . ,
. .
The droits liest shoes stock to thocilv. of child* I | Stylish specialty. lists I ‘ .shoesmade French eull'skln*. to order. Always ..... Rest on oak hard. sole* un-.l
u "------—*
Itcpalrlng Guaranteed, Kits Guaranteed. All goods Guaranteed.
Tho subscriber bits just opened nt the “OLD <1 HAN R E it It Y ('< iRON EH.’’ a
Carpet wtoxe.
Something new iu Aliiericus, where can be seen the largest ns well as the hand¬
somest stock of
That have ever boon exhibited l selected in southwest liein eartdull.v Georgia, consisting tnysell in I’hiladelphia of .almost ever,
st vie and uualllv. And as l luwost ash
’ and New York from the mumilactiirors, and at the very <
prices, and as I propose to sell them.
I can afford to sell them us low us they can be bought In the
L A R G E8 T M A R K E T S
the state, and will gladly duplicate any bills that may be purchased in th>.*e
Mrk t*ts. friends and the public call and what
I most rosncetl'ully invito iny t<> see a
stock I xvili show them.
s23-lm Americus, Ga.
1807. 1880 *
t IAS. FRICKER & B110.,
Forks and Spoons, Rocket Knives anti Scissors, Golds Reus and Renews,
, »)ncra Glasses Spectacles to^uit everv one who need glasses no
........ ";■» •*»«>•««»«. ^ •
and attachments,
Accordions, Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Tambourines, Harps, Violin Bow .
Strings and Trimmings, and a thousand ami one other things that W<-
cannot enumerate hero. Wo repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry In
workman-like manner. All work guaranteed. Goods xve sell engraved
free. Our stock is very large and bought close ami wt* cannot be undersold.
If you contemplate the purchase of a Riano or Organ xx rite for our illus-
rtuted catalogue and get our prices before j ou buy. We. solicit corre¬
spondence. We cordially invite every one when in tlie city to call and
look through our large stock. Remember the place, Barlow Block next
tloor to drug store of Dr. K. J. Eldridge. Amekiuus, Ga. oc29-ly.
I Si V t J ■ 1 I ! i
ZESlla.-Trille, O-oorg'ia..
With full line in stock and ready to compete with uil
“Country Merchants,”
Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Cheese, Mackerel and Lard
Sufficient to supply the general trade, anti a full line
=—* ■r
The 111,5 OlT UI1 > V' P^DGF fd P CI Published 10 ill the 11115 COUIltV COimiy,