Newspaper Page Text
(Oflc'.U mt>n tn»n nd ronntj-.)
Knt«r#u at Tout Oflico at Jasper, <ia.,
••Second Class Mail Matter.
•UBSCRIPTION: one year #1.00
(4 six nio. .60
a t hree mo. .25
Published Every Friday Morning.
Editor - and - Publisher.
{tfi F. Pewit, Editorial Contributor.
Jaipur, Ga., January 12, 1DOO.
If yon receive a copy of this pa
par and aie not a subseiiber tome
Cecil Rhodes would lik< fco liars
Wii.ston Churchill's mbps for
getting away- Insight of Boer
•harpahooteis that balloon ]>Inn
of escape has its drawbacks.
Five boys their ages ranging
from 11 to 17 years, were arrested
in Chicago the other day, charged
with constituting an organized
band of burgulars.
friend of yours lias told us to send
yoa one thinking you might like it.
inscribe now and get on with the
may others that are daily coming ip.
Millton Stewart-, near New
Conn imagines ho
V Few Words Of Greeting
1 is with “om« degree of tim
jjiiuity, and yet. with great
pleasure I greet yum in this,.my
f >t issue of tlye PnooKKSS as
P« Editor. Knowing that the
j’.' it 1. ’-press is the most potent
a .cut l.l this age of the world,for
<, <»d or evil, known, We feel
t ie ifo v, the weight of the resp
<.nc’b. {, 'ty that rests upon one
occupying such a poaision.
In this, properly called the
; ge of reading, when both young
and o’d eagerly read every thing
in the form of literature, tho
hi ;d and quality being determined
by the fast of the reader. One
lins well Hit id, ’’show the kind of
hooks a man reads and 1 will tell
you Ids true character.” The
Editor cannot therefore, he too
c ireful about the kind of matter
tlia^ goes into his columns.
And having done his best some
mistake w ill he made. Then as we
come to your homes every week
w* do not bresume to do so clear
of error, but will promise you to
do the veiy best we can, the lights
before ua, to },ive you the latest,
best and most elevating new#
within our Pilch.
One of our exchange* takes the
floor to remark that next y*ar
expect to read something 1 ik«* the
followiiig i:i tf- daily pap^-s:
“About ten o’clock this morning
a horcelesH wagon loaded w ith
cowless milk collided with a brain
less rider on a chainless wheel,
The luckless wheelman was b–ffcly
injured and being homeless, he was
taken in a horseless cab co the
home for friendless, t where
death was painless in an hour or
“A young man caine into our store
yesterday suffering from a severe
attack of cramp colic,” w rites 15. F.
Hess, miller and general mqvffintj, “He
Dickey’s Mountain, Pa.
tried , various , home remedies . without
’elief. As I had used Chamberlin’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item
cdy I gave him a dose and it soon
brought him out alright. 1 never
saw a fellow so leioiced.” ", S •* .i> by J
I ate ... Simmons – . Co.
- ----------------------------------
Kev. Dr. Kidd was a Sootcl* min
Ister oi some prominence, and very
eccentric, and and who K>M his
own way of doing things. One of
Ins parishioners says: , 1 was* , hu»y
shop, when, . the ., midst ., , of ,
m mv m
work, , . stepped , , ic doctor. ,
mv m
L i > >id you oxyieor -
Pittsburg Family Stuck to Christian
Science While the Children
Pittsburg, Pa,, Jan-S.—Diphthe
,.j R a , u j Christian Science have had
flitter . , battle .. . “mv „ Brignton .. .
r in a
’’iinilj foi the pa«t two weeks,
diphtheria lias won so far. J wo
children are dead, while a third
child and the father are danger
ously ill with the same disease,
Frank Martaon and his wife have
been believers in Christian Science
for three years, and so confident in
the doctrine aie they that they
have seen their two little ones die
0 f malignant diphtheria and ware
to see their remaining child
perish 1 rather than take lier ease
‘"out of the hands of _ the Loid.
Not until forced to do so by the
j, cal authorities would the
j, aren p s permit a physician ’ in the
house, . and , then the ,, father ,
refused to give the medicine pre
Bcrihedf ancl th „ health officials
W(Jf8 coinp „ii r . t i to take the family
in . charge. ,
When ths first child, Nancy,
died, Marteon colled on an und«r
taker to bury her. When asked for
fV, o certificate of death, he said
c 4 S>
Greatest bargains ever
put on tbe market in
part of the state.
w'.'-wa fii HS:XSffi31 BBBMSn