Newspaper Page Text
I CTS. 0- SO’S*. phis
25 * ill time. Sold bv drtiL'i/ists. I 1 ! {
fASPBil, U A.,
Subset) •re fo.' Til !•; PftORItKBd
Carl Rhyne spent a day' or so
in 1 eel lessee litis veek.
Mi'. and Mrs. !>. H. Simmons
visited' friends at Sonoravilh last
Mrs. .1. il. Little has been visii
ing her son i Atlanta the
Cura Cold in Head.
Kermott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine, easy
to take and quick to cure cold in head and sore
J. 11. Allen, of Talking Rock,
was among the throng of visitors
here at court.—Eltijay Times.
L. P. Tatum and Misses Lula
and Creola Tatum, of Rober, spent
last Friday in Jasper.
J-H. Rhyne attended the Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows’ annual
session in Macon last week.
The One Day Cold Cure.
For colds and sore throat use ICermott’s Choco
lates Laxative Quinine. Easily taken as candy
and quickly cure.
Miss Blanche Simmons is visit
ing the M isses Vaughan at Sono
T. W. Thompson, a prominent
lumber man of, Atlanta, spent
Sunday here.
R. 0. Hopkins, Deputy Collector
of Internal Revenue, went to Blue
Ridge on Wednesday.
Hon. F. C. Tate was shaking
hands with bis many friends here
this week.
—Ellijaf Times.
Miss Inez King is teaching a
music class at Tale. Miss Inez is
an excellent teacher and has a
large class.
Butt Brothers store at Blue
Ridge was destroyed by fire Mon
day morning, May 20th. The Josi
was covered by $2,000 insurance.
Try the lieiv remedy f< r
ness, Cham! erlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets, Every box giurjii.
teed. Price, 25 cents. For sale bv
Tate Simmons «â€“ Co.
Next Saturday, June the 1st,
the general examination for teach
ers license will be held in every
county in Georgia. There will be
something near 4,000 stand this
Several of our subscribers have
called in and paid their subscrip
tion during the past few weeks,
and w : e have also enrolled several j
new names, both of which have
our thanks for remembering us.
For a stiff neck there is nothing
better than a free application of
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It quick
ly relieves the stiffness and soreness
effecting a complete cure . For sale
bp Tate Simmon – Co.
A . good deal ot mleiest is being „
manifested in the prayer meetings
held at the M. E. church every!
Wednesday evening. Several 1
young people attend—yet there j
are a great many in Jasper who do 1
not. The prayer meeting at the i
Baptist church should lie re-or- ;
community—^specially ganized and every body the in the |
1 young | <
men—should , ,, attend , these , divine; .
services. j
Mr. Lewis, of New York,’one of j
the represenatives of the Equitable I
Life Assurance Society of 1 he j
United States, spent several days
of last week in Jasper. He ex
pressed himself as being pleased j
with our town and people. He j .
admired our wide streets, our
paved side-walks, our excellent :
court house, our well-built busi
ness blocks, and our shade trees, j
He observed that a new school
house wuqld be a great improve
ment, and that th ; time will soon i
come when a banking establish- J
ment will be a necessity.
Eil flood is now lineman on the
A. K. * X. Hy.
Old newspapers for snie at
tflice, 20 cents a hundred.
A number >1 Ellijay jieop.e
spent Saturday at Tate viewing
the Marble works.
Educate Sot.. 5,'iiit Cu. caret*.
Pe,!i5c. Camly If Oatlmi 'I r, mao comuiputlou forever.
C. C. 0, fail, (trueftiatKrotund money.
Several from here took advan
tage of the low rates anti went to
: Atlanta Thursday.
Cols- E. C. late, S. A. Darnell
\V T. Day att uuled court at
Bine Ridge this week.
The Marietta Chautauqua will
t '!>H i 1 Jine the 80th and close
” U h'’ otll.
Stops the Cough
anJ works oft the CoR.
Laxative Brouio-Quiiniie Tablets
oiire :t cold in one day. No cure*
No Pat'. 1’riee 2> cents.
There were several from here at
tended the Singing Convention at
Marble Hill Sunday
WANTED—Every body to
know. that T. W. Beshers will
make you any size picture frames,
he has all the latest style mould
ings etc. Go and see him he will
give you a bargain.
Mrs. George Hood, of Talking
Rock, visited lelatives here Sun
Miss Amanda Evai.s, who has
been in Atlanta for some time,
has returned to Jasper.
Those who are needing old
newspapers can get them at this
office at 20 cenes per hundred.
When you take Grove’s Tasteless
Chill Tonic because the formula is
plainly printed on every bottle show
ing tuat n, is simply Iron and Quinine
in a tasteless form. No Cure, No
Pay. 50c.
Miss Kate Watkins and Edward
Patterson, of near Jasper, ivere
united in marriage at the Jones
Hotel last Sunday morning, Rev.
Wm. Jones officiating.
Take Laxative Brom Qunine Tab
lets. All druggist refund U.c inon
etif il Oil. ut our.. E. !V. Urove’s
‘ l S naU,re “ “I <! " d ' U “'
Rev. G. A. Bartlett by special
invitation preached at the Baptist
church in East Macon hist Sun
day and so did not fill his regular
appointment here.
EOlt SALE—New style picture
frames, moulding etc., at T. W.
Beshers the photographer, All
the latest designs. Call and see
We have an interesting com
munication from Coal Creek
Tennessee, which we will publish
next week as time and space pre
vents us from publishing this
The Singing Convention, which
was held at Marble Hill last Sat
ui'tlav , and , ,, Sunday, , was well ,, at- x
tended. Five classes , entered , , the .
co, dest for the Lannet the judges
decided in favor of tlie Jas P er
class for the best singing and
Harmony second best and so
awarded the latter with a dozen
nice song books. Waldo Stearnes
won the prize for the best solo
mitler ed. The Convention will
meet m Jasper T the 4th Saturday
and Sunday in next September.
At the Richards House, Thurs
Jav evening last, much enjoyment
was given to « number of persons,
|, v J i( > exquisite piano recitals of
Y]j ss L G- Kuhtman of Soulh
Carolina, and Ihe singing of Mr.
Lewis, .1 eu 01 ‘ lIK ^ 10
Richards sisters. Miss Kuhtman
is the owner of a thousand acres
of land in this county, and her
immediate business here was to
sign a five year lease to a Mr.
Rhodes, of Ohio, who is going to
make extensive prospecting on
the |H-operty for minerals.
We art! having soute wry y^ool
j weather again.
Oscar Lewis is visiting
Several of the young at
tended Children's Dav services at
We-ley Chapel Sunday.
Mrs. A. J. Reynolds visited l'ela
j tives at Pine Log last week.
The infant child of B. W. and
pi ora McHugh died Saturday and
was buried Sunday evening at the
Erwin cemeteiy
\V. B. Jones was called to Will*
ker county Wednesday to .-ee his
i sister, Mrs. Nannie Talley, who
was very sick hut he only reach 'd
there in time to see her buried.
Rev. Banister, of Gum Springs,
was in town Saturday.
Paul Dyer, of Kingston, is the
guest of Brvan Erwin.
Charley Thompson and wify, of
Hinton, visited relatives here last
C. \V. Holmes and son, Roy, of
McDaniel, was in town Wed nee
A large number of Fainnount
people atttended the burial f
Earl Bradford at Pine L >g Thtirs
day. Earl’s death was a great
shock and caused much sorrow to
his many friends here. He was a
young man about 10 years old.
He got his pistol to shoot some
chickens and while examining it
to see that it was loaded, it fired,
the ball passing through his head
causing death almost instantly.
He was a student in the college
here this year, stood high in his
classes and made many friends
while here. We extend sympathy
to the bereaved. Cabmen.
Bewareof a Cough.
A cough is not a disease but a
symptom. Consumption and broil*
chitis, which are the most danger
gerous and fatal diseases, have for]
their first indication persistant '
cough, ami if properly treated as |
soon as this cough appeals are easily |
cured. Chamberlain's Cough Kerne- (
dy has proven wonderfully successful j
uu I gained i’s wide leputation and
sale by its success in cm
ing ,, »hieb cause coughing
Kit ..not IfeiwDuhl it will .ml eo.t
cent. For sale by Tate Sin,. t
vou a
in /ns <fc C<>.
Kansas farmers are advertising
for harvest Hands at $2 a day.
Tin* wheat crop in that state is
expected to yiffid $60,000,000.
Tho, Ono Day Cold Cure.
For cold in tlie licad and sore throat use Ker
mott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine, the “One
Day Cold Cure.”
John Howell is visiting his
grandfather in Forsyth county
this week.
Misses Susie and Janie Rich
ards, Mary Leaning and May
Prather \vere recent visitors to
the Progress office. Visitors are all
ways welcome.
Mr. Rhodes, the millionaire
mineral prospector, from Ohio,
and , his , . . . spent
mining engineer,
ftn hour in town Tuesday after
noon, on their way to Mineral
L. L. Johnson, a Tobacco Saleg
man, from Winston, N. C., spent
Tuesday afternoon and night in
our town. While writing his
orders at the Richards House that
evening he told many interesting
stories, which were much enjoyed
b} r a crowd of attentive listeners.
Mr. W. PL Sewell, of Marietta,
mat i e },i 8 fjrst trip to our county
Inst Tuesday. He wanted to buy
a hundred carloads of lumber and
surprised he couldn’t
buy any seeing that we had so
much timber. He thinks ________ there _______
is a good opening here for a
mill-man. Perhaps our Business
Men’s League might take up the
matter of developing the timber
resources of our county. Jasper,
und, indeed, Pcikens county,
would be much benefited if a
little more enterprise, was develop
ed among our people.
Tin) farmers wem gl ul to sew
lb-* rain t lut c.inm last week, and
«r« iimv having plenty of
worn to on.
Wheat is looking lino in this
Gacar G recti has taken m a
boarder at his home- -it is a girl.
Mrs. J. K. Green. nf'Uvo, has
been upending several days with
relatives at this place.
W. F’ Slagle made a business
trip to Curtersvillb last week.
1). B Tolbert and family visited
relutives at Hinton last Sund y.
Senator Greer spent last Friday
night with the family of \Y, F.
Louis Thompson lost a line
rnilcli cow Iasi week.
M. M. Simmons, of Jasper. w : s
in our town last Saturday.
Mrs. W. A. Hamrick has been
spending several days with her
fatin'!'. Col. Day, at Jasper,
We wove glad to see such a large
attendance at Sunday school 1 st
Sunday evening.
John Faucett and wife visited
tilt family of S. 0. Stewart last
Sat urday night.
Tom Pharr and familv visited
home folks last Sunday.
We are sorry to state the illness
of Daniel Siunmerour.
IX H. Puckett made a business
trip to Pine Log last Saturday.
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured.
“At one time I suffered from a
severe sprain of the ankle,” says
Geo E. Cary, editor of the Guide
Washington, Va. “After using sev
e>al well recommended medicireg
without success, I tried Chamber
lairi’s Pain Balm, and am pleased lo
say that relief came as soon as I l>e
gan its use and a eonilete cure speed
i^foUowed. This remedy has also
been used m my famib for frost
bitten feet with best results. I cheer
fully recommend its use to all who
may need a first class liniment. Sold
bv Tate Simmons – Co.
An exchange says: 4 4 An editor
s tated m his paper recently that
. h , | )WJ „ kiMwl by one of tile
most beautiful married women in
town, and promised to tell her
name in the first issue of his pa
per in the next month. In the
two weeks following his circuhi
tion doubled, but when he named
his wife he had to leave town.”
poisons the blood, irritates
the nerve-cells and causes
aches and pains in the tem
ples, eyes, brain and spinal
cord. Headache, neural
gin, impaired appetite, indi
gestion, exhaustion sleeplessness, nerv
o us ana aes
pondency all point f the
weakened nerves time are
crying aloud tor renewed
strength and health.
"For disturl/cl sleep, heait pains, pal
pitation, lieatladie, nervousness and de
pression continued of catarrlul spirits l/rouvlit trouble, o.i i»i. by .M.lus long 1
Nervine is without an equi: 1 .”
1 ;kv. L. F. John, Westerville, O.
Ds. Mites
soothes the nervous irrita
tion, builds stimulates digestion and
and up health
strength. Begin to-day.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Ur. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
In answering advertisements
make-mention of seeing them in
How Ace Your iLluueyi 1
piefree. T)r. Hebbtt*£par:ijn.s D* Villa 'iira.-ili Kidney Ills, Sam- N. Y
A 00or
Oscar Pettett is very sick with
Johnston’s Sarsaparilla
A (.rand Old I.ady Given Her experience.
Mrs. Tliankful Orllla Hunt lives tn the beautiful village of Brighton,
Llvlugstou Co., Mich, This venerable nud highly respected lady was born In
the year 1812, the year of the great war, in Ilebron, Washington Co., New
York. She came to Michigan in 1840, the year of “Tippecanoe and Tyler
too." All her faculties are excellently preserved, and possessing a very re
tentive memory, her mind Is full of Interesting reminiscences of her early
life, of the early days of the State of Michigan and the Interesting und re
markable people she has met, und the stirring events of which she was a wit
ness. But nothing in her varied and manifold recollections are more mar
velous and worthy of attention than are her experiences In the use of
JOHNSTON’S SARSAPARILLA. Mrs. llurd inherited a tendency and pre
disposition to scrofula, that terribly destructive blood taint which has cursed
and is cursing the lives or thousands and marking thousands more as vic
tims of the death angel. Transmitted from generation to generation, It is
found In neary every family m one form or another. It may make its ap
pearance in dreadful running sores, In unsightly swellings In the neck or
goitre, or iu eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane, it
may be known as catarrh In the head, or developing In the lungs It may be,
and often is, the prime cause of consumption.
Speaking of her case, Mrs. Hurd says: “I was troubled for many years
with a bad skin disease. My arms nnq limbs would break out In a mass of
sores, discharging yellow matter. My neck began to swell and became very
unsightly h> appearance. My body was covered with scrofulous eruptions..
My eyes were also greatly Inflamed and weakened, anil they pained me very
much. My blood was In a very bad condition anil my head aclied severely
at frequent intervals, and I had no appetite. I had sores also in my ears. I
was in a miserable condition, I had tried every remedy that had been recom
mended, and doctor after doctor had failed. One of the best physicians in
the state told me I must die of scrofulous consumption, ns Internal abcesses
were beginning to form. I at length was told of Ur. Johnston, of Detroit, and
his famous Sarsaparilla. 1 tried a bottle, more as an experiment than any
thing else, as I had no faith in it, and greatly to my agreeable surprise, I
began to grow better. You can be sure I kept on taking it. I took a great
many bottles. But I steadily Improved until I became entirely well. All the
sores healed up, all the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health,
and I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady
of 83 years is not a young woman, but I hare had remarkably good health
since then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON’S SARSAPARILLA Is the
greatest blood purifier and the best medicine In the wide world, both for
scrofula and as a spring medicine.” This remarkably Interesting old lady did
not lok to be more than sixty, and she repented several times, “I believe my
life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA.”
TATE SIMMONS A Go., .Jasptw, Ga. SAM A S. L. TATE, Tate, Ga.
Talking Rock, Oa. Marble Hill, Ga.
A Very Kemarakblr Itemed}.
u It is with a good deal of pleasure
and sati-f.iciion that, l recommend
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Druggist
A. W. Sd'vtelie, of Hartford, Conn.
“A lady customer, seeing l lie rem
edy exposed for sale on mv show
case, said to uu: 4 really believe
that m (divine saved rny tile tins pu-t.
summer while at- the shore,’ and she
become so entlm.-iaslie ovei its mer
its that I at once made up my mind
to recommend il in the future. Re
cently a gentleman enne into tn\
store no overcome with colic pains
that he sank at once to the floor, 1
give hint a dose of this remedy
which helped him. ! repeat’d tlie
dose and in fifteen mimi cs he left
my store smilingly inf' lining me
that he fell is well ns ever.”' Sold
Tate Simmons – Co.
Farming is the of It of the day.
Pe >ple are sorry to see Ibis cool
weal her.
Several of our young folks at
I he singing conventiion at
Marble Hill Sunday.
We expected a wet Id ing last
Sunday but was disappointed.
Bid Moody and wife visited Eli
Cook last, Sundii \.
Sam Cook started to the singing
convention and got. way (low
here to see his sweetheart.
The Deputy Sheriff Wheeler is
paying his respects to one of our
ladies. '
Frank Cagle made a trip to
Cartersville hist week.
We have a nice Sunday school
at Bethany.
Ephi'nm Presley laughed when
that other freshet came, because
it made his hind some better. He
liked to have cried when this last
one came because it took it all
Emery and Will Tatum visited
their sister, Mrs. Pn sly, last Sat -
urday night.
John Carney paid bis grand
father a visit Sunday.
Eli Cook lost n fine cow last
Frank Cook visited the widow
Carney last week on business.
Local notices published at five
cents per line in the Progress j
you have anything for sale
a local, *■*
The next general exaniini.tioii
of applicants for license to teach
will be held on Saturday June 1st,
1901- The usual certificate of
moral character will be required. .
Jasper, Ga. May 1 tth 1901.
John W. Henley, C. S. 0.
Special Train to
Thursday May 30th,
A. K. – N. Rv.
See the LOW RATE– and tram
sc 1ml uleft,
From Rates Train Lvs.
Talking Rock $1.00 8:07 a hi.
Jasper 1.00 8:24 l 4
Tale 1.00 8:87 “
Nelson 1.00 *8:45 i 4
Ball Gr< und •76 8:64 “
Knit lishurg •76 9:09 “
Above rates are to Marietta,
Rates to Atlanta for the Round
trip will be 60 vents higher.
Don’t, fail to take in this LOW
RATE EXERCl’RSION, the first
of the season.
No disturbances on the train
will be permitted. Officers of the
LAW will be on the train to pre
serve order. For further infor
mat ion apply to any A. K. – N ! .
ll Y- Agent..
The Best Prescvlptan for Malaria
( hills mid fever is a bottle of Glove’s
t astki . .I,ss (.’mu, Tonic. It is
*impi\ iron and quinine in a t.isleless
form. No <qire -no pay. Price 50 c.
Our long looked for season has
come at last and we think the
fanners will soon have plenty of
work to do,
Notwithstanding the inclemency
of the weather, meeting at this
place was well attended.
We were favorably impressed by
the presence of our pastors’ sub
si it lice, Brother L. T. Padgett,
who prerched exceUeris sermons
on Saturday. A. J. Jordan de
livered an able sermon Sunday.
The communion services were also
humbly performed. Among the
large congregation were numerous
visitors from a distance. We hope
they will come again.
Men and women to appoint agents
and represent us, some to travel,
others for local work. $12 weekly
salary and expenses. Old establish
ed house, pleasant permanent posi
tions, rapid advancement and increase
of wages. Write at once. Address
* Ai.OKii, Dept. K. New
Haven, t ,’onn.
Some people who are averse to
Imnmviiig trouble manage to keep
a stock on hand.
-auo.- x. '*sr/i
ui r
hk:: mm
I At –ll d/ug stores. 25 Doses 25c.