Pickens County progress. (Jasper, Ga.) 1899-current, June 23, 2022, Image 13

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Talking Rock
New playground equipment installed at Roper Park
Field lights, track replacement up next for SPLOST projects
By Angela Reinhardt
Staff Writer
New playground equip
ment has been installed at
Roper Park as part of a
larger park overhaul being
funded through the Special
Purpose Local Option
Sales Tax (SPLOST).
The equipment is re
placing old equipment that
was dry rotting in some
areas, according to Pickens
Parks & Recreation Direc
tor Brian Jones, and didn’t
match other newer equip
ment at the playground.
“The equipment is in
place now, we’re just wait
ing on mulch to come and
it’ll be ready to go,” he
Jones said the equip
ment and installation price
tag was just over $24,500,
but that Southeast Outdoor
Solutions offered a gener
ous discount of $12,044.
Cost to the county ended
up at $12,516.
“The company has al
ways been good to us,”
Jones said.
Other larger portions of
the SPLOST funded park
renovations coming down
the pike are new LED
lighting on the ball fields
and replacing the
walking/running track.
Lighting will come first.
“We don’t want to get
the track replaced then
have to rip parts of it back
up to get the lighting in,”
Jones said.
The county has already
accepted a winning bidder
for the lighting project,
North Cobb Electrical for
approximately $1 million.
Jones and others with the
county were set to meet
with the company on Tues
day, June 21 to discuss the
project timeline.
Swim team heads to
district championship
Photo/Angela Reinhardt
LET’S PLAY — Playground equipment is ready for use in the Roper Park playground,
at the intersection of Camp and Refuge roads. The project is still awaiting mulch.
Local youth football players
endure heat for summer camp
Several members of Pickens County Youth Football participated in All-In Football
Camp, a Christian based football camp that develops players on and off the field. Boys
from three different youth teams endured the heat with other players from different coun
Our boys came home with awards during skills evaluations, nominations for highest
awards during camp and even accepted the highest awards. The boys were also offered a
chance to play for Dawson County, but that offer was quickly denied.
The Pickens County Swim Team will travel to
Calhoun this Saturday to compete at the GRPA
District 5 B/C Championships.
Other teams that will be there are Gilmer, Cal
houn, Ringgold and Fort Oglethorpe.
The Pickens team has been practicing at the
county pool this season four days most weeks.
Members have already competed at other meets
this season in Cherokee, Cartersville and the Geor
gia Games.
Above, Ryan Henderson dives in for the Pickens
What Is Lake Turnover?
Deep water lakes all over
the South ‘turnover’ after
Summer arrives and it is es
sential for a healthy environ-
1ST - 6TH
caj^rt gbude
ment in lakes that experience
The mix of the warm and
cool layers of water ensures
that oxygen is replenished
regularly, and the fishing
does not decline.
It just makes it more dif
ficult. You must be an expe
rienced angler. If a lake
turnover does not occur in a
stratified lake, this could
lead to dead zones - where
oxygen is at an extremely
low level. This happens in
ponds of various sizes as the
flow of water through the
lake is hardly noticeable.
In ponds, all the fish are
shallow in the vegetation be
cause there is no oxygen in
the deepest spots because of
the lack of water flow and
Some fishermen abandon
their favorite hobby tem
porarily when lake turnover
See Turnover on Page 3B
Racing Across America
2022 NASCAR Cup Season
and NextGen Review
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By Alex Korowotny
Racing Sports
This week is a rare off-
week and the 2022 NASCAR
Cup season is about halfway
over, so this weekend, we are
going to review how the
overall quality of the races
have been and how good the
NextGen car is.
In terms of the races so
far, it’s been very solid Most
of the races this season have
been entertaining, ranging
from decently entertaining to
super entertaining.
The best races have been
at Auto Club, Charlotte, Las
Vegas, and COTA, and you’ll
notice that most of them have
been at intermediate tracks.
That’s one thing that makes
the season stand out more is
because back in the Gen 6
era, intermediate races would
for the most part be unevent
ful and be the most boring
kind of track on the
NASCAR circuit.
This season, it is in fact
the complete opposite be
cause now the intermediate
races have mostly been great
and have been the most enter
taining kind of track this sea
Its not just Charlotte, Las
Vegas, and Auto Club that
have been great, other inter
mediate races like Kansas,
Atlanta, Darlington were re
ally entertaining and enjoy
able as well (except Texas
which was pretty bad, but
See Racing on Page 3B
With their fourth
NBA Championship in
eight years, the Golden
State Warriors join elite
company as a basketball
dynasty. In fact, this team
probably would have
five titles by now if not
for Draymond Green’s
dubious game 5 suspen
sion during the 2016 Fi
Does this accomplish
ment (four titles) put
Steph Curry among the
great players in history?
That topic garners
much debate, but Curry
is indeed among the
players who transformed
basketball. His shooting
ability from long range
coupled with his modest
stature of six feet, two
inches make him un
likely any players from
the past.
The other prolific
three point shooters like
Ray Allen (6’5”), Reggie
Miller (6’7”), Paul Pierce
(6’7”), or Larry Bird
(6’9”) possessed more
high and therefore
looked unmistakably like
basketball players. Per
haps, Pete Maravich’s
(6’5”) game would rival
those other great shoot
ers. Injury shortened his
career, he never won a
title and “the Pistol”
played before the three-
point field goal.
If you saw Curry in a
restaurant or airport,
would you identify him
as a professional athlete
let alone the most accom
plished three point
shooter in NBA history?
He totally transformed
the game to include more
outside offense.
The list of men who
truly transformed basket
ball is not as long as you
might think in my opin
ion and Curry belongs
The number of gener
ational big men contains
legendary names like
Shaquille O’Neal,
Patrick Ewing, Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar, Moses
Malone, Tim Duncan,
and Dirk Nowitzki.
However, Wilt Chamber-
lain set the standard for
before most of the others
were bom. With the com
bination of 31,419 points
and 23,924 rebounds, he
was the original inside
Michael Jordan is un
paralleled for his grace,
determination, leaping
ability and the slam
dunk. Had he not stopped
and started so many
times in his career, most
of the NBA records
would belong to him, es
pecially the points
crown. We may never
see anything like “Air
Jordan” again. A fellow
named Julius Erving was
the first high flying dunk
master though and others
followed but not like Jor
LeBron James gets
closer to the scoring lead
with every bucket and
needs only a tad over
1,300 more points to sur
pass Kareem. His freak
ish physical size of
height, strength, speed,
and vision make him a
Continued on Page 3B